Interaction: Charged Particles Michael Ljungberg Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 1 Introduction Heavy charged particles (mass > e-) • p, -particles heavy ions (Z>2) Light charged particles e+, e• Easy to accelerate to high energy and velocities close to speed-of-light • Dominated type of interaction for charged particles is the electromagnetic (Coloumb interaction). Energy degraded and direction changed for a light particle (electron). Atoms along the track will be ionized and excitated. Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 2 1. Inelastic collision with atomic electron Dominating interaction type • Ionizations and excitation due to loss of kinetic energy. • This type results in the largest energy losses Ionpair atom + liberated e- => track of ionizations and excitations in the material. Randomly distributed. Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 3 Ionizations Ionizations Ionization cluster -particle Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 4 2. Inelastic collisions with a nucleus. Close to the nucleus => deflection by the strong Coloumb field. Bremsstraalung losses by photon radiation Electron Nucleus X-ray 0 < hv < Ee Important for electrons. Less important for heavy particles Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 5 3. Elastic collisions with a nucleus Deflection without radiation loss and nucleus excitation Loss of kinetic energy by incoming particle is small (keeping the system momentum constant) Elastic scattering Mostly electrons e- Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 6 4. Elastic collisions with atomic e Charged particle interact with an energy loss less than the lowest excitation potential by the atom (interaction with the whole atom) Important for Ee < 100 eV For electrons - all four types of interaction processes can occur but for heavy charged particles the most important are the inelastic collision with atomic e- (1) Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 7 Maximum Energy transfer (inelastic collision with atomic e-) Consider an impact between an -particle with the mass M and energy E and a electron with the mass m. M,, E´ , v´ M,, E , v m Before After Maximal energy transfer Qo will be 2mv2, where v is -particle velocity Qo 2mv 2 4 me E M Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 8 Maximal energy transfer (inelastic collision by atomic e-) For a 5 MeV -particle Qo equals 2.5 keV This means that the -particle loose its energy in small proportions that is undergoes many collisions before coming to rest. Well-defined range with a small statistical deviation between different -particles of the same energy For an electron a collision between two particles of the same mass yields that the whole kinetic energy can be transferred. Large energy depositions is more likely. Less well-defined range. Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 9 Total Linear Stopping Power Total Linear Stopping Power dE S dx tot dE is the energy that a particle on the average loose when it passes a range dx in a material. Characterize the materials ability to slow-down and stop the particle. dE includes all types of energy losses. Often separated into • Collision loss • Radiative loss dE dE dx tot dx col dE dx rad Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 10 Collision Stopping Power Classical theory leads to z2 dE Z 2 dx v col The energy loss is • proportional to square of particle charge (z2)… • inverse proportional to the square of the velocity of the particle (1/v2)… • proportional to the atomic number of the material (Z) Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 11 Bethe-Blochs quantum mechanical expression NA Z z 2e4 1 dE A 4 02 m0 v 2 dx Col NA = Z= A= z= m0 = v= I= Qmax = C= = = C Q ln max ln 1 2 2 I Z 2 Avogadros number atomic number for the attenuator mol weight for the attenuator Charge of the incoming particle Rest mass for the electron Velocity of the incoming particle The average ionization potential Maximal transferred energy at a single collision Shell correction Polarization effect Incoming particle relative velocity (=v/c) Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 12 Components in Bethe-Bloch formula Average ionization potential • The energy on the average that is transferred to a bounded electron. Experimental averaged value determined to I ~13.5 eV The stopping-power is proportional to the log of I and therefore varies slowly with I. Shell correction • All electrons are not part of the interaction • Electrons contribute less to the stopping-power if the velocity of the incoming particle is in the same order as the velocity of the electrons in the shells • The parts in the equation that depend on has a small impact if v<c Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 13 Components in Bethe-Bloch formula The density effect • Stopping power theory based on the independence of atoms. • Correction needed for dense materials. • For atoms close to each others the electrical field between the particle and the shell electron will be affected by the field from the other atoms. i. The field reduction ii. reduce the particles energy loss * + * - * + * - * + * - * + * - * + * - * + * * + * * + * * + * * + * • The density effect increase with energy of the particle. The correction /z reduce the stopping-power of the particle Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 14 Components in Bethe-Bloch formula Log(S/) Relativistic effects z2 1/v2 ln(1-2) Log Ekin 1. 2. 3. 4. A low energies S decreases (the effective charge decrease) The decrease above the Bragg-peak is due to 1/v2 dependence The decrease continues - plays a role. S increase at high relativistic energies due to the term ln(1- 2) * Shell correction important for high-Z materials * Due to the S is reduced at high energies. Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 15 Bragg curve for alpha particles Ionizations per unit of length (Mev/cm) Range (cm) Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 16 Energy Straggling Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 17 Collision Stopping-Power vs. velocity Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 18 Stopping-Power vs. energy Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 19 The components of the Bethe-Bloch formula Two important differences between electrons and heavy charged particles • e- can delived the whole energy at a collision (Qmax) • Ee > few 100 keV result in relativistic effects. Mass-Stopping Power S/ about the same for all materials At low energies 1 dE 2 dx col v Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 20 Restricted Stopping-Power dE/dx include all energy losses along the path dx. A measure of the energy absorbed locally along the track is the restricted stopping-power is a energy threshold dE dx Also denoted LET (Linear Energy Transfer), L Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 21 Restricted Linear Collision Stopping Power Restricted Linear Collision Stopping Power • Defined as the energy transfer per unit length that is caused by collision at where energy losses is less than eV dE dx col , This means that: • -particles with higher energy than ∆ is counted as new particles. • Secondary e- have so high energy and large range so that the cannot be regarded as locally absorbed. Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 22 RCSDA – range definition 1 Eo dE dE dx 0 Definition of RCSDA CSDA = Continuous Slowing-Down Approximation Rcsda Range representing the path length for a particle a an energy loss of Eo if the energy loss per unit of length is the same as the energy loss defined by the stopping-power value. Differences in the ranges caused by statistical changes (straggling) is low for and protons) Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 23 Range its relationsrelationer S: Track length is the length of the real path of the particle S R: Range of the particle in the media R 1 Rmax 0.5 Rm Sm Ro So Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 24 Path lengths R = average projected path length • Thickness of an absorber that absorb 50% of perpendicular incoming particles. S = averaged path length • Average path length for the particles. R and S about the same for heavy charged particles but for light particles (electrons) a difference of up to 2 can be seen. Ro = extrapolated projected path length • represents the thickness determined by an extrapolation of the range curve. So= extrapolated path length • Represents the path length determined by extrapolation of the S curve in a similar way. Michael Ljungberg/Medical Radiation Physics/Clinical Sciences Lund/Lund University/Sweden 25