Delta Air Lines Baggage Waiver Process and Application

Delta Air Lines
Baggage Waiver Process and Application
Delta Air Lines Baggage Waiver program waives the baggage fees and assists qualifying
charitable organizations traveling on international humanitarian missions. This information is
provided to help groups seeking consideration of this type of waiver.
Delta receives a large number of baggage waiver requests annually, and while they are all great
causes, unfortunately we cannot approve them all. Please do not assume your waiver will be
approved, but wait to hear from us after submitting the necessary information in the application.
Baggage waiver requests must be submitted 14 business days prior to departure date in order
to be considered. In order to qualify for a baggage waiver exception your reservation must be
paid in full and ticketed.
Please note that the following eligibility requirements must be met in order to make application
for a baggage waiver:
• Decisions on honoring baggage waivers take into account many factors – including but
not limited to passenger and cargo loads, weight and balance of the aircraft, embargoes
in effect at the destination, expected demand, etc. – and are made 14 business days
prior to departure. We regret we cannot accept baggage waiver requests inside 14
business days prior to departure date.
• Charitable organizations requesting waiver must have a current 501(c) 3 status. In
order to be considered, organizations must attach a copy of their most current 4168c
affirmation letter or Form 990 from the IRS or other current IRS documentation.
• Delta’s baggage waiver program applies to Delta-operated flights only. Partner
airlines do not recognize Delta’s baggage waivers. If your travel is on a partner airline,
you will need to contact that airline for your baggage waiver request.
• Groups must book travel first, before requesting a baggage waiver. Please provide the
Delta record locator (Confirmation Number) for each person traveling at the time of
the request.
• Baggage waivers for up to 15 passengers will be considered. We cannot approve
waivers requesting more than 15 passengers on the PNR due to the volume of requests
we receive.
• Baggage waivers are only approved for one-way outbound, international travel.
Return baggage waivers are not granted.
Before requesting baggage waivers, check on to see if there are
embargoes on baggage to the international destination.
Passengers must travel with their extra baggage. If passengers will not be on the
flight, the organization must contact Delta’s cargo department.
Marching bands, film crews with equipment, and groups traveling with bicycles
are not eligible for baggage waivers.
Baggage waivers are not issued to travel agents. Clients must make the request
Organizations may qualify for only one baggage waiver annually.
If all eligible criteria outlined have been met, submit the necessary information for application of
baggage waiver via e-mail to: Remember, we cannot
consider requests within two weeks of departure.
Delta’s Community Affairs will review the request and reply. If additional information is required
to adequately review the request, an e-mail will be sent requesting necessary information.
Delta Air Lines
Baggage Waiver Application
Please submit application via e-mail to
Organization Name:
Contact Name (Only One Group Leader for an organization please):
Contact E-mail:
Contact Telephone:
Organization Website:
Organization 501c3 Number:
(Please attach copy of most current 4168c affirmation letter or Form 990 from the IRS or other
current IRS documentation)
Describe the purpose/mission of this trip:
Delta Record Locator:
Date of Departure:
Number of Passengers Requesting Baggage Waivers (NO MORE THAN 15):
List Passengers names as they appear on the PNR:
We appreciate your patience while we review your request, and we will get back to you with our
response as soon as possible. If the waiver is granted, a community affairs representative will
work directly with the group leader on details related to the waiver. If the waiver is declined, you
will be notified. Baggage waivers are never guaranteed until after approval. Until passengers
receive a letter of confirmation from us, passengers should be prepared to pay all baggage
taxes and fees.
Thank you!
Delta Air Lines Community Affairs
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