DAVID L. DI MAIìIA, ED.D. SUMMARY: Experienced international education professional with advanced knowledge of strategies for internationalization, international enrollment management and intercultural learning. Demonstrated ability to engage diverse constituents and manage change within complex systems. FORMAL EDUCATION Doctor of Education, Educational Policy and Administration, Oct.2012 The Universily of Minnesota o r . Major: Higher Education (lnternational and Intercultural Education Cohort) Dissertation: Faclors affecling studenl affairs adminislrators' views of campus services international studenls at fve public universities in Ohio for Advisors: R. Michael Paige & Deanne Magnusson Graduate Study, Higher Education Administration (36 credits; all but thesis), 2006-2008 St. Cloud State University Master of Education, English, May 2006 The Universily of Norlh Carolina at Greensboro Bachelor of Arts (cum laude), International Studies; English, Dec. 2003 The Universily of North Carolina at Greensboro Tunnistus (certificate), Baltic Studies, May 2003 Tartu Ülikool (fhe University of Tartul, Republic of Estonia SUMMARY OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2009 - present Kent State University Director, International Programs and Services (2013-present) Associate Director, Office of Global Education (201 I -201 3) Di rector, Internati onal Recru itment, Admissions and Advisi 2006-2009 n g (2009 -20 I l) St. Cloud State University Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Services (2008-2009) Interim Director, International Student and Scholar Services (2007-2008) Instructor, First Year and Transition Program (2007-2008) Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Services (2006-2007) International Admissions Counselor (2006) 2004-2006 The University of Norlh Carolina at Greensboro Graduate Assistant, International Student and Scholar Services (2004-2006) International Fel low (2004-200 5) EXPERIENCE IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION 2009-present KENT STATE UNIVERSITY - Kent, OH A top public research university serving more lhan 42,000 students including 2,500 international students; operating eight campuses, among lhe largest regional syslems in the country, in northeast Ohio, recipient of the 2014 NASPA Best Practices in International Higher Education Awardþr Global Page I of 15 DAVID L. DI MARIA, ED.D. Partnerships; 69 centers and institutes including the world-renowned Liquid Crystal Institute; academic centers in New York, NY, Florence, Italy and Geneva, Switzerland; representative ffices in Beijing, China, Chengdu, China, and New Delhi, India; an airport and college of podiatric medicine; the largest intensive English programs in Ohio; the most comprehensive lranslation studies program in the US. Director, International Programs and Services Office of Global Education, Kent State University February 20l3-present Responsibilities Responsible for international recruitment, admissions, services, education abroad programs and immigration compliance across the eight-campus system of Kent State University; Oversee recruitment and admissions of international undergraduate, graduate and ESL students; serve as emergency contact in an on-call capacity for students, faculty and staffengaged in international activities; perform ongoing assessment and evaluation of international programs and services; develop administrative policies affecting students, scholars and their dependents; serve as Principal Designated School Official and Responsible Officer for SEVIS; serve as the primary liaison between Kent State and various government agencies (e.g., Departments of Homeland Security & State); establish and maintain relationships with officials from foreign governments, agencies and foundations to achieve collaborative partnerships that result in achieving strategic goals; evaluate and analyze markets to determine effective recruitment strategies using statistical data and budgetary considerations; develop and execute strategies for recruiting students to participate in education abroad programs; Identif, and analyze trends in education abroad in relation to articulated or anticipated needs; monitor developments in education abroad locations as pertain to safety and security; effectively collaborate with academic units on curricular integration of education abroad. Supervise twenty-seven full+ime staff and three graduate assistants in the areas of Education Abroad (800 participants/year), InternationalRecruitment and Admissions (6,000 applications/year), International Student and Scholar Services (2,500 students & 100 scholars/year), Kent State Florence (300 students/year), and the Reception Desk; assist the Associate Provost to provide functional direction to fourteen staff based at representative offices (Brazil, China and India); Fulfill responsibilities of human resource management including equal employment opportunity, affirmative action and employee development. Collaborate with the Associate Provost, Provost and other senior administrators on strategic planning; act on behalf of the Associate Provost during his/her absence; work closely with the Associate Provost to manage an annualoperating budget of $2.8 million; design and facilitate intercultural training programs for students, faculty, staff and administrators; serve as primary data steward for the Office of Global Education. Key Accomplishments Administrative o o Overhauled university's use of Banner forms and tables pertaining to international data to enable better tracking and reporting Assisted Associate Provost with plan for office restructuring and implementation of a new financial model International Recruitment and Admissions o Increased international student enrollment by 10.35% (2,260 to 2,494) o Achieved record diversification ofinternational student body to include representation from 102 countries Page 2 of 15 DAVID L. DI MAIìIA, F]D.D. International Student and Scholar Services o Completed redesignation petition for the University's exchange visitor program o Collaborated with other units to develop a visiting scholar lecture series focused on issues o of diversity Led initiative to realign university processes in support of international sponsored programs Education Abroad o o o o Worked with faculty to integrate education abroad into the undergraduate curriculum Oversaw design and implementation of StudioAbroad software Collaborated with staff in KSU Florence to design the first annual Summer Institute Advised faculty on development of an international storytelling course in Estonia and served as primary liaison between faculty and parlners at Tallinn Technical University Intercultural Education and Training Collaborated with the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to create an interculturalcommunication workshop for faculty and staff focused on building intercultural awareness, knowledge and skills Administered the Intercultural Development Inventory to approximately 200 faculty and staff members over the course of one year o o Associate Director Office of Global Education, Kent State University October 201 1-February 2013 Responsibilities Oversaw international recruitment, admissions, services and compliance across the eight-campus system of Kent State University; supervised thirteen full-time staff and two graduate assistants in the areas of International Marketing, International Recruitment and Admission, International Student and Scholar Services and the Reception Desk; provided functional direction to staff in Kent State offices in China and India via weekly Skype calls; interviewed, selected and trained new staff in Kent State's Beijing Office; served as chief liaison between Kent State University and Embassy officials; identified, investigated and established strategic partnerships with foreign institutions, governments and other entities; managed screening, hiring, training and assessment of recruitment agents' Key Accomplishments Education Abroad o Negotiated Kent State's entry into the International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP) study abroad consortium o Established new exchange agreements with top institutions in Australia and Russia that strategically aligned with academic priorities International Student and Scholar Services o Competed SEVIS recertification and annual reports o Established Sponsored Student Services section of the Office of Global Education o Oversaw transfer of immigration records and refinement of international admissions procedures associated with Kent State's acquisition of the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine o Served as Principal Designated School Official and Responsible Officer for KSU's eightcampus system International Recruitment and Admissions o Increased international student enrollment by 21.44% (1,861 to2,260) o Established strategic partnership with the Omani Cultural Division, which increased Page 3 of 15 DAVID L. DI MARIA, ED.D. Omani enrollment from? to 53 over a period of eighteen months Visited embassies in Washington, D.C. to explore new markets and opportunities Collaborated with other administrative offices to apply lean methods to international credit transfer process, which reduced average processing time from 60 to l5 days Promoted to Director, International Programs and Services as part of ffice restructuring o o ' Director, International Recruitment, Admissions and Advising Office of Global Education, Kent State University July 2009-October 2011 Responsibilities Responsible for international recruitment, admissions, services and compliance across the eightcampus system of Kent State University; supervised nine full+ime staff and two graduate assistants in the areas of International Recruitment and Admissions, International Student and Scholar Services, and the Reception Desk; oversaw processing of more than 6,000 international undergraduate and graduate student applications and 2,000 immigration documents annually; created and facilitated intercultural training programs for campus and community groups; managed orientation, programming and recruitment budgets; participated in intemational recruitment trips and collaborated with KSU representatives abroad. Key Accomplishments Administrative o Led implementation of fsaATLAS, test score tapeloads (i.e., TOEFL and IELTS) and related system enhancements International Recruitment and Admissions Increased international enrollment by 72.31% (1,080 to 1,861) Increased enrollment by Fulbright, MUSKIE and other sponsored students o o o Built and managed sophisticated international recruitment network consisting of independent counselors, institutional partners and government offi cials V/orked with the Office of Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness to recode the algorithm used by administrative systems to track international students International Student and Scholar Services o Established an IRS approved Volunteer Income Tax Assistance site to provide nonresident alien tax services to international students, scholars and their dependents o Created an International Student and Scholar Integration Committee o Collaborated with Residence Services to establish an internationally-themed residence hall o Increased international student satisfaction, as independently measured by the i- o o ' graduate group, by 13% Served as Principal Designated School Official and Responsible Officer for the KSU's eight-campus system Promoted to Associate Director of the Office of Global Education as part of ST. CLOUD STATE UNMRSITY - St. Ctoud, MN ffice restructuring 2006-2009 The second largest public universily in Minnesota; flagship institution of the 32-member Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System; a regional comprehensive university serving approximatety 17,000 students including 1,200 international students; employees represented by 11 cotlective bargaining units/unions; operating a Center for British Studies in Alnwick, England. Page 4 of 15 DAVID L. DI N,IAIIIA, IXD.D. Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Services Center for International Studies, St. Cloud State University July 2008 - July 2009 Responsibilities Advised internationalcommunity of more than 1,200 individuals on J-l and F-l immigration regulations, academic, cultural and personal issues; coordinated Peer Advisor Program, weekly cultural events, immigration workshops and non-resident alien tax seminars; collaborated with others across campus to plan activities for International Education Week, Passport to the World, and the International Spring Festival; supervised 30+ student and community volunteers each semester during orientation week; established working relationships with local CBP, ICE, USCIS and SSA officers; used technology such as listservs, Survey Monkey, and social media to improve communication, program assessment and cornmunity outreach; served as primary advisor to J-l exchange students; supervised graduate assistant, student workers and interns. Interim Director, International Student and Scholar Services Center for International Studies, St. Cloud State University July 2007-July 2008 Responsibilities Served as Primary Desigrrated School Official and Responsible Offìcer for SEVIS; oversaw sixmonth audit of student records in preparation for SEVIS redesignation; completed SEVIS redesignation applications and annual reports for the U.S. Department of State; conducted self-study of International Student & Scholar Services; coordinated activities for International Student Orientation week; supervised two full-time professional staff, two part-time professional staff and two graduate assistants; managed operating budget, foundation accounts and an academic and cultural sharing scholarship program for international students. Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Services Center for International Studies, St. Cloud State University May 2006 - June 2007 Responsibilities Advised internationalcommunity of more than I,100 individuals on J-l and F-l immigration regulations, academic, cultural and personal issues; coordinated immigration workshops; collaborated with others across campus to plan activities for International Education Week, Passport to the World, and the International Spring Festival; established working relationships with local CBP, ICE, USCIS and SSA officers; used technology such as listservs, Survey Monkey, and social media to improve communication, program assessment and community outreach; standardized immigration forms and procedures. International Admissions Counselor [207o overload assignment] Center for International Studies, St. Cloud State University August 2006 - December 2006 Responsibilities Processed applications for exchange, sponsored and study abroad students; assisted incoming students with course selection and pre-registration; trained permanent international admissions counselor to work with J-l exchange program. Page 5 of l5 DAVID L. DI MARIA, ED.D. THE UNIVERISTY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT GREENSBORO - Greensboro, NC 2004-2006 A top public research university; one of three original institutions of the I6-campus University of North Carolina System; serving more than 17,000 students including 600 international students; administers The Universíty of North Carolina Exchange Program, a system-wide international exchange program. Graduate Assistant for International Student and Scholar Services The International Programs Center, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Jan2004-Jan 2006 Responsibilities Coordinated annual International Festivals (annual attendance of3,000+); organized and led local and regional trips for groups of international students ranging in size from 5 to 1 14 individuals and ranging in location from Myrtle Beach, SC to New York City, NY; assisted with study abroad predeparture and re-entry workshops; helped with international student orientation; planned on-campus international programming activities; presented and defended budget requests at Student Government Finance Committee hearings; coordinated weekly cultural presentations; created database of community groups and applicable resources available to international students; established partnerships with student organizations and community groups to support international programs. International Fellow The Office of Housing and Residence Life, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Aug 2004-May 2005 Responsibilities Served as a graduate adviser within the International Residence Hall; promoted cross-cultural sharing between domestic and international students; coordinated events and programs for residents; provided counseling on cultural adjustment; advised housing staff on critical issues pertaining to the international student community. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Ä.djunct Instructor (August 2007-December 2008) Division of General Studies, St, Cloud State University . ' Taught College 150: College Transitions Internationalized standard curriculum to include intercultural training and cross-cultural exchange Student Teacher (January 2006-May 2006) Grimsley High School, Greensboro, NC . Modified curriculum to include interculturaltraining . Conducted research on internationalization ofsecondary education . Taught journalism, world literature and IB English . Added global section to the student newspaper Teacher of English as a Foreign Language (Summer 2004 &. Summer 2005) School and Socio-Cultural Complex of Kotkozero, Russian Federation Tutor of English as a Second Language (August 2003 - December 2003) American Councils for International Education, Greensboro, NC Page 6 of 15 DAVID L. DI N,IARIA, ED.D. I Teacher ofEnglish as a Second Language (August 2002-lanuary 2003) Jewish Family Services, Greensboro, NC CONSULTING AND PROGRAM EVALUATION EXPERIENCE Consulting Consultant, International Enrollment Management (August 201 3) The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC Application Reader, Thomas Jefferson Scholarship Program - Tunisia (May 2013) Inlernational Research and Exchanges Board, Ilashington, D.C. Industry Specialist, Custom Research Brief (January 2013) Education Advisory Board, lMashinglon, D.C. Program Evaluation Remote Reviewer (April 2013) American International Recrutiment Council, Belhesda, MD External Reviewer (November 2012) American Inlernational Recrutiment Council, Bethesda, MD RELATED EXPERIENCE Graduate Internship in Student Affairs (May-August2007) Division of Student Life and Development, St. Cloud State Universily Assistant to International Scholars (August 2003-May 2004) Dept. of German, Russian and Japanese, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Foreign Correspondent (March 2003-June 2004) of Wroctaw, Poland Semestr Magazine, The University Assistant Tutor Coordinator (August 2001-January 2003) Special Support Services QNO program), The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Fixed-term After School Tutoring Supervisor (October 2000-December 2000) Greater Hartford Arts Council Tutor Coordinator (September 1999-May 2001) Educational Main Slreet, The Universily of Hartford Sales Associate (June 1997-December 2001) Sears, Roebuck andCo. PROFESS IONAL AFFILIATIONS Current Memberships . ACPA: College Student Educators International (ACPA) Page 7 of 15 DAVID L. DI MARIA, ED.D. . . . . . . . . . . American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) Diversity Abroad Network Forum on Education Abroad International Association of Student Affairs and Services Kent Academic Support and Advising Association (KASADA) NAFSA: Association of International Educators (NAFSA) National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Kent State Pan-African Faculty and Staff Association Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research-UsA (SIETAR) Offices Held International and National ' Annual Conference Committee 2015 Coordinator for International Enrollment Management, NAFSA, 20 14-present ' . ' ' . . . . Regional Liaison Outreach Coordinator, International Enrollment Management Knowledge Community, NAFSA, 20 13 -201 4 Member, Annual Conference Review Team, NAFSA, 2013 Trainer Corps Application Reviewer, Training Coordination Subcommittee, NASFA, 2013 Core Education Program V/orkshop Dean, Basics of Effective U.S. International Admissions, NAFSA, 2012-present Chair, Task Force on Non-traditional Programs, NAFSA, 2011-2012 External Reviewer, AIRC, 2011-present Member, Trainer Corps, NAFSA,20lO-present Member, Oral History Task Force, SIETAR, 2009-2010 Regionaland Local ' Treasurer, Phi Beta Delta International Education Honor Society, 2010-2012 . Member, Professional Development Committee, KASADA,2010-2011 ' Vy'ebmaster / Executive Board Member, Minnesota International Educators, 2007-2009 ' Meet & Confer Representative / Executive Board Member, Minnesota State Universities Association of Administrative and Service Faculty, 2007-2008 ' Co-Chair of the Evaluations Committee, Local Arrangements Team, NAFSA, 2006-2007 ' Graduate Student Representative to the North Carolina International Leadership Conference Planning Committee, North Carolina Association of International Educators, 2005 SERVICE Community Service Rotary Club of Kent . Director of International Service, Rotary Club of Kent,2010-2014 . Member, Rotary Club of Kent,2009-present Rotary Club of St. Cloud Granite ' ' . Chair,International Service Committee, Rotary Club of St. Cloud Granite,2007-2009 Member, Rotary Grants Committee, Rotary Club of St. Cloud Granife,2007-2008 Member, Rotary Club of St. Cloud Granite,2006-2009 Avila Institute of Gerontolog,v . Volunteer, Germantown, NY, Summer 2004 Page 8 of 15 DAVID L. DI MAIRIA, F]D.D. . . Volunteer, Germantown, NY, Summer 2002 Volunteer, Dalkey, Ireland, Summer 1998 University Service Kent State University .' . . . . . . '. . Representative for Academic Affairs, University Diversity Action Council, 2013-present Ex-fficio, Global Faculty, 2013-present Member, Campus Health Advisory Committee, 201 1-present Member, Student Multicultural Center Advisory Board, 2011-2012 Member, Provost's Study Abroad Task Force, 2010-2011 Advisor, International Peers Association, 2010-2013 Advisor, Association ofGlobal Communities, 2009-2010 Member, Data Standards and Governance Committee,2009-present Ex-officio, International Student and Scholar Integration Committee, 201O-present Member, Banner Student Users Group, 2009-present Member, CARE Team (student crisis intervention team), 2009-present St. Cloud State Universit]¡ Member, Student Life and Development Fall Kickoff Committee,2009 Reviewer, Excellence in Leadership Awards Scoring Committee,2009 . . . ' ' . . . . . . ' Advisor,l(ny6 flpøner, 2008-2009 Member, Member, Member, Member, Student Organizations Policy and Procedures Review Committee, 2008-2009 International Priorities Subcommittee, Academic Action Planning Committee,2008 Strategic Planning Committee, 2007-2009 New Student Orientation Task Force, 2007 Advisor, Cricket Association, 2007-2009 Advisor, International Students Association, 2007-2009 Member, International Student Services Committee, 2006-2009 Member, Study Abroad Scholarship Committee, 2006-2007 Member, Academic and Cultural Sharing Scholarship Appeals Comrnittee, 2006-2008 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro . Member, International Students Association, 2002-2006 . Executive Board Member, International Students Association, 2004-2005 . Selected Participant, Project Collegetown,2004 . Member, Russian Language Society, 2003-2006 . Founding President, Russian Language Society, 2002 . University Marshal, Commencement Committee,2002-2003 . Peer Advisor and Liaison, International Programs Center, 2002-2005 HONORS, AWARDS AND GRANTS Honor Societies . Phi Beta Delta,lnternational Education Honor Society,2009 . Sigma Tau Delta,lnternational English Honor Society, 2004 Monetary Awards and Grants Received ' . . Professional Development Grant ($300), Kent Academic Support and Advising Special Initiative Award, St. Cloud State University ($2,000),2009 Professional Improvement Grant, St. Cloud State University (S 1,000) ,2009 Page 9 of 15 Association,20ll DAVID L. DI MARIA, ED.D. . . . . . . International Service Grant, St. Cloud Granite *orurr-",ub (S100),2008 Community Service Grant, St. Cloud Granite Rotary Club ($500),2008 Special Initiative Award, St. Cloud State University ($5,000),2008 Community Service Grant, St. Cloud Granite Rotary Club ($300), 2007 Special Initiative Award, St. Cloud State University ($5,000),2007 Community Service Grant, St. Cloud Granite Rotary Club ($500), 2006 Non-Monetary Awards Received . . . . . . . . Paul Harris Fellowship, Rotary International,2012 George E. Hertrich Advocacy Award, NAFSA Region VI, 201I Baden-Württemberg Seminar on International Education, Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research, and Arts, Germany, November 2008 Student Organization Adviser of the Year Award, St. Cloud State University, 2008 First Place Award for Short Story, coraddi,2002 First Place Award for Poetry, coraddi,2001 Joseph Doyle Award for Critical Essay, English Department, The University of Hartford,200l Phyllis B. Abrahams Award for Poetry, English Department, The University of Hartford,200l PRESENTATIONS Refereed International and National Di Maria, D. & Sahasrabudhe, U. (May 2014) A Systems Approach to Maximizing Efficiency in International Enrollment Managemenl, Accepted for Presentation at the Annual Conference NAFSA: Association of International Educators, San Diego, CA of Di Maria, D. (May 2014) Factors AfecÍing Views of Campus Services þr International Sludents, Accepted for Presentation at the Annual Conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, San Diego, CA Hill, C. & Di Maria, D. (February 2014) The Integration of the Global into the Local: Responding to International Mobility in Education, Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of International Education Administrators, Washington, D.C. Di Maria, D. & Kwai, C.K. (February 2014) Developing an International Student Retention Strategy: Theory to Practice, Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of International Education Administrators, Washington, D.C. Di Maria, D. & Summers, K. (December 2013) A Systems Approach to International Enrollment Managemenl, Presented at the Annual Conference of the American International Recruitment Council, Miami, FL Di Maria, D. & Bushey, D. (December 2013) All Hands on Deck: Preparing Your Inslitution to Better Serve International Students (three-hour preconference workshop), Presented at the Annual Conference of the American International Recruitment Council, Miami, FL Baty, P., Bangia, L., Di Maria,D.& Jacka, L., (May 2012) Underslanding Student Behavior: How and Why International Students Choose to Study Overseas, Presented at the Annual Conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Houston, TX Page 10 of15 DAVID L. III N,ÍAIìIA, ED.D. Regional and Local Crawley, J' & Di Maria, D. (November 2013) Developing a Strategíc International Enrollment Management Plan, Presented at the Bi-regional Conference of NAFSA Regions V & VI, Indianapolis, IN Di Maria, D. (November 2013) Attitudes of Student Afairs Staf Toward Serving International Students, Presented at the Bi-regional Conference of NAFSA Regions V & VI, Indianapolis, IN Di Maria, D. (October 2013) Teaching International Students, Presented at the Annual University Teaching Council Celebration of College Teaching Conference, Kent, OH Di Maria, D. & Pfahl, M. (November 2010) Advocacy and Compliance: Finding an Alty in University Counsel, Presented at the Annual Conference of NAFSA Region VI, Indianapolis, IN Di Maria, D., Leciejewski, K. & Kokandy, D. (November 2010) Electronic GPA Calculator; Fast and Accurale GPAs, Presented at the Annual Conference of NAFSA Region VI, Indianapolis, IN Di Maria, D. & Pfahl, M. (May 2010) Advocacy and Compliance: The Best of Both Worlds, Presented at the Annual NAFSA Ohio Drive-ln Meeting, Columbus, OH I;i Maria, D. & Burrell, A. (May 2010) Gauging Interest in the Formation of the Ohio Association of Internalional Educators, Presented at the Annual NAFSA Ohio Drive-ln Meeting, Columbus, OH Di Maria, D. & Hoffman, M. (February 2009), Cross-Cultural Leadershþ, Presented at the Annual Cloud State University Leadership Development Institute, St. Cloud, MN St. Di Maria, D. (October 2008) Campus and Community Programming without a Budget, Presented at the Annual Conference of NAFSA Region IV, Fargo, ND Di Maria, D' & Thomas, M. (October 2008) Professional Development Resources 101, Presented at the Annual Conference of NAFSA Region IV, Fargo, ND Di Maria, D. (November 2007), Friendship Patterns of Students Abroad, Presented at the Annual Conference of NAFSA Region IV, Kansas City, MO Di Maria, D. (April 2006),lhhy Do We Do the Things that We Do?: The Theory Behind International Programs, Presented at the Annual Conference of the North Carolina Association of International Educators, Ashville, NC Di Maria, D. (March 2005), The Philosophy of International Programming,Presented at the Annual North Carolina International Leadership Conference, Greensboro, NC Invited International and National Di Maria, D. (May 2014) Simulation as Intentionality: Preparing Students, Faculty and Staffþr Intercultural Encounters al Home and Abroad,lnvited for Presentation at the AnnualNAFSA German Participants' Morning, Deutscher Akademischer Ausausch Dienst (German Academic Exchange Service), San Diego, CA Page l1 of15 DAVID L. DI MARIA, ED.D. Di Maria, D. (May 2014) Identifying and Implementing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM System,lnvited for Presentation at the Annual Conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, San Diego, CA Wood, P. & Di Maria, D. (February 2014) AIEA/AIRC llorkshop: International Student Recruitment Senior International Officers (four-hour preconference workshop), Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of International Education Administrators, Washington, D.C. for Di Maria, D. &.Frazier, M. (June 2013), Successful International Student Recruitment: llith and Without Agents,A webinar created and delivered for NAFSA: Association of International Educators Di Maria, D. (March 2013) Intercultural Competence at llork: The Impact of Study Abroad on Career Opportunities and Leadership Developmenl, Universidade Sagrado Coracao, Bauru, Brazil Di Maria, D. (March 2013) Competência intercuhural na.þrmação profissional: o impacto de um intercâmbio internacional nas oportunidades de carreira e desenvolvimento de liderança, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil DiMaria, D. (May 2012),Open Dialogue on Non-taditional Programs,NAFSA Annual Conference, Houston, TX Di Maria, D., Whitish-Temple, A. & Louton, M. (May 2012), Basics of Effective U.S. International Admissions (eight-hour preconference workshop), NAFSA Annual Conference, Houston, TX Jang, J., Di Maria, D., Hansen, C. & Thorpe, T. (May 2011), Developing Research Skills to Strengthen International Education Management Strategies (eight-hour preconference workshop), Presented at the annual conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Vancouver, Canada Di Maria, D. (June 2011), F-l Immigration Basics,lDP Education North America Users Conference, Chicago,lL Di Maria, D. (February 201 1), Basics of F-l Visas and Immigration Regulations, A webinar supported by IDP Education Di Maria, D. (June 2004), Studying in the U.S.A.: l4lhat to Expect, Presented at pre-departure orientation for Estonian students, Embassy of the United States of America, Tallinn, Estonia Resional and Local Di Maria, D. & Anderson, J. (November 2013) Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication (eighthour preconference workshop), Presented at the Bi-regional Conference of NAFSA Regions V VI, Indianapolis, IN & Lorenz, R. & Di Maria, D. (March 2012) Internationalizalion at Home, Presented at the Global Education Summit, Kent, OH Di Maria, D'International Hospitaliry, Rotary Club of Kent, Kent, OH, 201I Di Maria, D. (March 2010) International Student Recruitment, Presented at the Global Education Summit, Kent, OH Page 12 of15 DAVID L. DI MARIA, ED.D. Di Maria, D., Portorti, D. &Metzcar, M. (October 201l), F-t Regulations - Second,step (eight-hour preconference workshop), NAFSA Region VI Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, October 2010 Di Maria, D.,The Needþr Inlernational Education and Foreign Language Study,A presentation for members of the St. Cloud Granite Rotary Club, St. Cloud, MN, 2008 Di Maria, D., An Inlroduction to International Educatiorz, A presentation for members of the St. Cloud Granite Rotary Club, St. Cloud, MN,2007 PUBLICATIONS Di Maria, D. (ln Press). Successful relationships with recruiting agents: Essential considerations. NAFSA: Association of International Educators Di Maria, D. (ln Press). Preparing Residence Hall Staff to Better Serve International Students. Tatking ,SlicÈ. Association of College and University Housing Officers - International, Di Maria, D. & Pfahl, M. (ln Press). Mitigating organizational risk. In Alrecht, T. (Ed.) Crisrs Management in a Cross-Cultural Setting, NAFSA: Association of International Educators Di Maria, D. & Anderson, J. (2013). Bibliography of intercultural communication resources. In NAFSA: Association of International Educators Fundamenlals of Intercultural Communication Participanl Ilorkbook Di Maria, D. (2012). A review of Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of Internationalizing Higher Education: Discovering Opportunities to Meet the Challenges, AUDEM; The International Journal of Higher Education and Detnocracy (3) I Di Maria, D. (2012). Faclors affecting views of campus services for international students among student affairs administrators at Íìve public universities in Ohio (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Di Maria, D. (Ed.). (2012). Current regulatory challenges presented by international student participalion in non-lraditional programs and recommendations þr change. NAFSA: Association of International Educators, White Paper of the NAFSA Task Force on Nontraditional Programs Longtin, A. & DiMaria, D. (2011). Finland. In Whipple, S. (Ed.) Online guide to educational systems around the world, NAFSA: Association of International Educator. Retrieved from http://www.nafsa.org/_/Fi lel J ges/finland.pdf Di Maria, D. (2010). Theory applications: Intensity factors. In Mendelson, V. & Steiner, J. (Eds.) Theory connections: Inlercultural communication & training, NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Retrieved from https://www.naßa.org/_/Fi lel /theory_connections_appl ications_intensity.pdf Di Maria, D. (2009). Plagiarism from a cross-cultural perspective , Al-Jamiat. Retrieved from http://www.al-jamiat.com/college-lifestyle/plagiarism-crosscultural-perspective/ Page 13 of 15 DAVID L. DI MARIA, ED.D. Di Maria, D. (2006). Internationalization of the high school Englßh classroom and curriculum (Unpublished directed master's research capstone project). The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC. MAJOR MEDIA COVERAGE Luo, Y. (20t4, March 0s) *t+trlslr,EtÉ&tlfãHffiWF'4 XÌÈtrFnäffin. China News Service' Retrieved from http://www.chinanews.com/lxsl/2014103-05 I 591 1 960.shtml Fischer, K. (2014, March 03) Helping foreign students thrive on U.S. campuses, The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes somD\l4103/03/worldlamericas/helping-foreign-studentsthrive-on-us-campuses.html ?hpw&neÈeducation e f-0 Custer, S. (2014, February 2l) AIEA event challenges concept of internationalisation. The PIE News. Retrieved from http://thepienews.com/news/aiea-conference-challenges-conceptinternational isation/ Fischer, K. (2014, February 19) Campuses focus more on meeting needs of international students. Zåe Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from http://chronicle.com larticlelCampuses-Focus- More-on-Me etin{ I4 4825 I Bowman, K. (2012, March/April) Local connections. International Educator. Retrieved from http ://www. n afsa.or { JF ilel-/i e-novdec I 2 I ocal. pdf Dessoff, A. (2009,November/December) Recruiting's brave new world. International Educator. Retrieved from http://www.naßa.org/-/File/,/ie-novdec I 2 local'pdf PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS, QUALIFICATIONS AND LICENSES Certificate in Training and Development, Expected June 2014 Center þr Corporate and Professional Developmenl, Kent Stale University Certificate in Lean Tools and Kaizen, May 2014 Center for Corporate and Professional Development, Kent State University Certificate in Project Management, November 2013 Center þr Corporate and Professional Development, Kent State University Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventoty,20l3-present Intercultural Development Inventory, LLC Trained Facilitator of the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory,20l3 Hammer Consulting, LLC Qualifïed Neutral under Rule 114 of the Minnesota General Rules of Practice, 2008'2009 Minnes ota Supr eme C ourt GLBT Safe Space Certification, 2008 St. Cloud State University Page 14 of 15 DAVID I,. DI MARIA, ED.D. North Carolina 3'M" class Teaching License,2006-2009 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction SOFTWARE PROFICIENCY . , . , . . Assessment and Evaluation: Google Analytics, SPSS; Mail Chimp; Survey Monkey Customer Relations: Hobsons EMT; Salesforce General: Acrobat Professional; Lightroom 4.1; Microsoft Office; Social Media Applications Managerial:Kronos; ViDesign; Clarizen; MS Project; MS Visio Student Records: AppXtender; Banner;Cognos; ßaAtlas; ISRS; Oracle; Salesforce; SEVIS; StudioAbroad lleb Design: MS Sharepoint; Common Spot;Adobe Contribute LANGUACES '. English: Native Russian:Conversational INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL EXPERIENCE , Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland,ltaly, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Oman, Qatar, Poland, Russia, SaudiArabia, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Holy See, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom Page 15 of15