A 3mW, 250 MSamples/sec, 4-bit Current-Mode FLASH - SoC

A 3mW, 250 MSamples/sec, 4-bit Current-Mode FLASH Analog-to-Digital
J. Bonan, H. Aboushady and M.M. Louërat
University of Paris VI, LIP6-ASIM Laboratory,
4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France.
In this paper, we present a 4-bit FLASH A/D converter.
The converter is based on a current mode comparator.
In order to increase its sensitivity, the latch following the
comparator is in an unstable state during the evaluation
phase. The circuit is designed in a 0.18 µm CMOS process, with a supply voltage of 1.8V. Simulation results
show that, with a power consumption of 3mW, the sampling frequency reaches 500 MHz.
Current comparators have been widely used in RAM
memories [1][2][3]. Recently, current-mode comparators
have been used to implement analog to digital converters [4] [5]. In this paper, we propose an architecture for
FLASH A/D converters based on a current-mode comparator.
A general architecture of the proposed current-mode
FLASH A/D converter is presented in section 2. In section 3, we describe the operation of the current mode
comparator and the transistor sizing optimization for minimum response time. In section 4, we show how the SR
latch circuit is used to amplify the comparator output before latching the comparison result. Simulation results are
given in section 5 and the conclusion in section 6.
Figure 1. Current-Mode FLASH A/D Architecture.
Current-Mode FLASH Architecture
Figure 1 shows the general architecture of an N -bit
current-mode FLASH A/D converter. It is composed of
2N − 1 current-mode comparators. The 2N − 2 reference
currents of the converter are realized using NMOS current
mirrors for negative reference currents and PMOS current
mirrors for positive reference currents. The different values of the reference currents are obtained by varying the
Wp /Wn ratios of the current mirrors. Note that the reference current for the level 2N −1 is nul.
The input signal is copied and distributed to all the
comparators using identical current mirrors. Care must be
taken in the design of these current mirrors. In fact, harmonic distortion resulting from the non-linearity of these
current mirrors has to be below the quantization noise
level of the FLASH A/D converter.
The Current-Mode Comparator
Basic Operation
Figure 2 shows the current-mode comparator circuit.
This circuit is similar to the comparator presented in [2].
It is constituted of 2 current mirrors and a CMOS latch.
The input currents to be compared, Iin+ and Iin− , are
delivered to the CMOS latch through the cascode current
mirrors (M5,M55,M55c) and (M6,M66,M66c). The current sources of this circuit are realized using the transistors
(M55p,M55cp) and (M66p,M66cp). These transistors are
biased in the saturation region in order to deliver a biasing
current I0 . The transistors (M55,M55c) and (M66,M66c)
are biased in such a way to remain in the saturation region
even for a large modulation index [6]. The modulation index m is defined as the ratio of the input current Iin over
the biasing current I0 :
m = Iin /I0
iIN +
iIN −
x 10
Gain−Bandwidth Product
Figure 2. The current-mode comparator.
The CMOS latch, shown in Fig.2, is constituted of 2 crosscoupled CMOS inverters (Mn1,Mp3) and (Mn2,Mp4).
This latch creates a positive feedback that amplifies the
difference between the input currents injected by the transistors (M5,M6). This amplification process occurs in 2
phases: a RESET phase and an EVALUATION phase.
During the RESET phase, the clock signal CKCOM P is
low and the transistor (Mp9) equalizes the currents in the
output branches and stabilizes the output at the metastable
voltage, Vm , which occurs when Vout+ = Vout− . The
CMOS latch is then in a metastable state. During the evaluation phase, the clock signal CKCOM P is high and the
difference between the currents flowing in M5 and M6
is amplified by the positive feedback of the CMOS latch.
The nodes Vout+ and Vout− are the output voltages of the
CMOS latch resulting from the amplification of the difference between in the input currents.
3.2. Comparator Optimization
The response time of the comparator determines the
maximum sampling frequency of the A/D converter. Optimizing the response time of the comparator and its CMOS
latch is crucial for the design of a high speed FLASH A/D
converters. In the metastability study of a flip-flop [7],
it is shown that the response time of positive feedback
CMOS latch composed of 2 cross-coupled inverters is directly proportional to the time constant τ defined as:
τ = C/gm
Figure 3. The Gain Bandwith product (GBW) of the
CMOS latch (Mn1,Mn2,Mp3,Mp4) in function of the
ratio Wp /Wn (Ln = Lp = Lmin = 0.18µm). Transistors M5 and M6 are biased for I0 = 20µA.
Using AC analysis, it has been shown, in [8], that the
response time of a CMOS latch is directly proportional
to the inverters gain bandwith product (GBW). By maximizing the GBW around the metastable voltage, Vm , the
response-time is optimized. In figure 3, we show the
GBW of the CMOS latch (Mn1, Mn2, Mp3, Mp4) in
function of the ratio Wp /Wn . This curve was obtained
using AC simulations of the CMOS latch while transistors M5 and M6 are biased for I0 = 20µA. The length
of both NMOS and PMOS transistors were fixed to minimum value (Ln = Lp = Lmin = 0.18µm). Figure 3
shows that maximum GBW is obtained for a Wp /Wn ratio approximately equal to 0.5.
The SR latch
The comparator output is latched by an SR latch. When
the sampling frequency, fs , is at 500M Hz, the difference
between Vout+ and Vout− is not high enough so that the
SR latch takes the decision to store a logic ’1’ or a ’0’.
where gm is the transconductance of the inverter and C,
the capacitance seen at the output. In order to reduce the
response time of the CMOS latch, the transconductance of
the inverter should be maximized. This is usually done by
increasing the W/L ratio of the transistors. Increasing the
ratio W/L also increases the capacitance C. It is then clear
that a compromise has to be found in order to obtain the
optimal C/gm ratio.
Figure 4. The positive feedback circuit amplifying the
difference between Vout+ and Vout− to digital ’1’ and
’0’ levels.
100 150
Fréquence d entrée (MHz)
Figure 6. Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio (SNDR)
in function of the input frequency.
Figure 5. The signals of circuit described by figure 4.
In order to overcome this problem, and to increase the sensitivity of the latch, the circuit shown in Fig.4 is used. The
output signals from the comparator Vout+ and Vout− go
through 2 NAND gates with the clock signal CKLAT CH .
During the RESET phase, as soon as CKLAT CH is high,
the output signals of the NAND gates, X and X, fall to
’0’. The latch, which is composed of 2 cross-coupled
NAND gates, is then in an unstable state since both its
ouputs Y and Y become simultaneously equal to ’1’. During the EVALUATION phase, as soon as the clock signal
CKLAT CH falls to ’0’, the outputs Y and Y toggle to a
stable state depending on the delay between the 2 inputs
X and X [9]. Note that mismatch errors between the 2
NAND gates, having X and X as inputs and Y and Y as
ouputs, will have an important impact on the precision of
the comparator.
The final digital results DAT A and DAT A are obtained using 2 additional cross-coupled NAND gates. The
detailed operation of this circuit is illustrated in figure 5.
Simulation Results
A 4-bit FLASH A/D converter has been designed using the architecture described in section 2 and the current
comparator described in section 3. With a biasing current
of I0 = 20µA, the maximum input signal swing was fixed
to Iin = Iref = ±15µA.
The A/D converter was simulated with a sampling frequency of 500 MHz. In order to measure the Signal-toNoise and Distortion Ratio (SNDR) of the converter, several simulations have been performed with different input
signal frequency varying from a few MHz to 250 MHz.
These input signals were applied using maximum input
signal amplitude. A 1024 points FFT is then applied to the
output signal to calculated the Signal-to-Noise and Distortion Ratio. The results of these simulations are illustrated
in figure 6. The power consumption of the analog circuit
is 3mW .
In this paper, we have proposed to use a current-mode
comparator to realize FLASH analog-to-digital converter.
A design method based on the gain bandwidth product
of the CMOS latch is used to optimize the sizing of the
comparator transistors. Forcing the SR latch following the
comparator to an unstable state during the EVALUATION
phase significantly increases the sensitivity and the maximum sampling frequency of the A/D converter. Using
these techniques, a 4-bit FLASH A/D converter sampling
at 500 MHz has been designed and simulated in a 0.18µm
CMOS process. Compared to other implementations, the
power consumption of the proposed circuit is interesting.
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