PROBLEM 2.10 A square yellow-brass bar must not stretch more than 2.5 mrn when it is subjected to a tensile load. Knolvin,s that E = I05 CPa and that the allowable tensile strength is 1 80 MPa, determine (a) the maximum allowable length of tlre bar, (&) tlte required dimensions of the cross section if the tensile load is 40 kN. SOLUTION O= 180xl06Pa P=40x103N E_ l05xl0qPa 3 = 2.5x10-3rn PL oL (a) a=-=AE I.: , _ 86 - (105x10eX2.5x10-3) = 1.45833 m o 180x106 nr { a=14.91mm { I = 1.458 P A A P 40x103 o 2 reproduced, or distributed " .,ortffllYY (O mm2 2012 'Ihe Mc(irarv-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual rnay be displayed. in any form or hy any nreans, without the prior rvritten perrnission ol the publisher, or used beyond the limited 10 teachers and educators permitted by rvilhout pcrntission. = 222.22 o = JA = Jzzzzz PROPRIETARY II'IATERIAL. distribution - 1'l'l '11 v McGrarv-Hill lbr tlreir individual course preparation. A student using this manual is using it PROBLEM 2.19 [ Botlr portions of the rod ABC are made of an aluminuln for lvhiclr = 70 CPa. Knor,ving that the rnagnitude of P is 4 kN, determine (a) the value of Q so that tl-re deflection at is zero. {b) the corresponding deflection of rg. I 2()nrn cliiulcler noN Ar, = An = f rtlu =[{o.ozo)'= 314.l6x t0-6m] tdi,, = l1o.oooy' = 2.Bli4xl0-3m2 rorce in rnenrber l,B is P tension. llongatiol1: 6rr=PLr,,- (4-x103X0.4) - 8.4r, (70xt0qx3l4.t6xl0 n.1 rorce in tnember BC is Q - =r2.156xI0-6m P c,ompression. ihortenins: =!*=,?-r]!o=.f, . _, =2.5263xr0-n1p*r,y t:AR( (70xl0qx:.8274x10r1 6,,, r)( :or zero deflection t$ A, 6ur, 6uo = 2.5263x10-e (Q- P)=72.756x.1A-6 QQ=28.:x103 +4x103 = 6nr' - 6R =72.756x10-6 m P =28.Bx103N =32.8x103N g=32.8 kN 4a = 0.0728 rnrn J ETARY ll.4TERlAL. O 2012 The Nlc(iraw-Hill (iompanies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Vlanual nray be displayecl, d. or distributecl in an1'lbrm or by any means, witltout the prior r.r,ritten pernrission ol'the pr.rblisher. or used beyoncl the lirrrited m to teachers and eclucators permitted by lvlc(irarv-Hill tirr their individual course preparation. A student using tlris uranual is using it rrmission. tls\ t'{ ii il I 'inl iil ii il ,sI PROBLEM 2.25 Each of the links ,48 and cD is made of aruminum (E = r0.9 x r06psi) and has a cross-sectionar area of 0.2 in.2. Knorving tt-,ut ttr*y ,upport the rigid member BC, detennine the cleflection of poiniE. rnoN dl BC: *)r,ur, =o : - (32)t7,t, + (22)(r xl03; = 6 F"tn = 68"1'5 lb I *l:4 =0:687.5-lxl0r * F.n =g Fco =312'5 lb trr '_= .1ll L tB (687.s) (l 8) E_1 (r0.9x106)(0.2) trI t i) Lt.l) -=E_1 (3 l2.s) (l 8) (r0.9x106)(0.2) = 5.6766x10 3 in = d;, = 2.5803 x I0-3 in = 4 atiorr diaglarn: Sloped ' TA'- - 6, _ 3.0963xr0 - Ln, 32 6n =96.i59x10 l 6rad 5r. = 5c.+ Lur.0 = 2.5803x 10-3 +(22)(96.759x10-6) = 4.7090x10-3 in 5t: = 4.7lxl0-3 in J 'ARY nI'ITERIAL' o )1y12 Thc tr'lc(irarv-llill Companies, lnc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be clisplayed. or distributed in an'v lbrm or by an1' means, without the prior r'r'ritten permissi.n or'rhe publisher, or used beyoncl the limited lo teachers and educators perrlitted bv Mc(}rarv-Ilill tbr their individual course preparation. nission. A student usi,g this manual is r-rsing it PROBLEM 2.26 The length of the *-in.-diameter steel wire cDhasbeen adjusted so with no load applied, a gap of in. exists between the end B of the beam ACB and f a r contact point E. Knowing that E=29x106 determine where a 50Jb block shourd be placed on the beam in cause contact between B and E. SOLUTION Rigid beam,4CB rotates through angle 0 to close gap. t =t'-'!= 20 3. 125 x l o-3 rad' Point C moves downward. 6c = 40 = 4(3.125x10-') = 12.5x10*3 in. 6r.1, = 6c =12.5xl 0-r in. 4u =4d, d g^,. =L(1\' 4G2) =6.so2sx1o-3 inz FrnLc, \'u- 84,, (2gx106 xrc\ gsozs xr o4 D<,u __ E4o6ro= _Q9 _ --.-__ Lt:n 1 1r z.s x r o{ ; 12.5 = 200.18 lb Freebody ACB: fiztt o = g, 4Fcn - $o)(20 -x) = 20 AYI-; -x= (4)(Zo-o'1 8) 50 x = 3.9856 in. Q =16.0144 x < 3.99 in. PRoPRIETARY IIATERIAL' o 2012 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reproduced' or distributed reserved. No parr of this Manual nray be di in any form or by any means, without the prior rvritten permission of the publisher, or used beyond the distribution to teachers and educators permitted by McGrarv-Hill for their individual course preparation. A student using this manual is without permission.