Ques st for GMO Free Poland Paweł Po ołanecki C li i GMO Coalition O Free F Poland P l d Food and Democracy Confference Lucern April 2009 .1 Social base for gmo resis stance in Poland 60% of Poles believe that eating GM MO foods can be harmful for your h two in three Poles wouldn wouldn'tt buy GM MO foods even if they were significa r than traditional products. one in two would support pp a ban on the cultivation of GM p plants even if o mean higher food prices. 66 % belives that none of the strictt legal rules will be observed, scient tech industry will do what they wan nt ( source : PBS DGA for f Gazeta Wyborcza, b 2008- 1.2 Political background forr „GMO free Poland” ll the 16 Regional Selfgovernment Assemblies A adopted positon to obta f GMO free .( 5 Feb. 2006 ) Territory y of Poland became a gmo free zone amework Position of the Governme ent of Poland regarding g g GMO ; 3 Apr p The Government of Poland seeks th hat Poland acquired the status of ”G untry”, therefore, pronounces : against i t a deliberate d lib t release l off GMO O into i t the th environment i t for f experime i es on the territory of the Republic of o Poland. against the introduction of GMO ap pproved on the base of Dir 2001/18 ts or in products into the market. against the introduction of genetica ally modified plants into the market sibility of cultivation.” During the authorization procedure e for introduction of new genetically Violence of Polish SEED AC CT he Seed Regulation Act of 27 April 2006 Art. 57 7 point 3, ascertains literally that “Seed material y modified crops p is prohibited p for turnover on th he territoryy of Poland.” he term “turnover”, which was intentionally cons sidered by the legislative bodies to cover “importi ng and handling” and also “operating with or usin ng and applying “ - has been publicly reduced by ustry’ lobbyists to the meaning of “ placing on th ustry he market “ ( as defined in reg no 1829/2003) ently this has created a gap in the strict prohibition legal regulation. Erroneous interpretation , p dual farmers the “ legal” conditions to deal with and a cultivate transgenic crops “for their own use Meanwhile Monsanto, Monsanto which controls the Polish A Association of Maize Producers Producers, together with num scientists, has been promoting among the corn farmers a campaign to smuggle Mon 810 seed s the only panaceum for the ‘corn borer’ which, surprisingly, s expanded widely in recent years. he farmers are exactly instructed how to explain n their “own own use. use ” Violence of Polish GMO Ac ct. Despite p recent efforts to introduce a new Polish GMO G Law initiative,, which has since been rejecte j Commission, (Case T-69/08) the so called “old” GMO regulation adopted in 22nd June 2001 st valid. This act comprises rigorous procedures forr internal notification and penal consequences in nauthorised application of GMOs, especially in an n open field. s entitled to operate with GMO on Polish territoryy without prior and appropriate acceptance of th n Chapter 7 , numerous civil and penal code resp ponsibilities are prerequisite, prerequisite including imprisonm s for unauthorized use of GMO materials. urthermore, following the requirements of that law, the Ministry of Environment keeps a “Public of GMOs” GMOs , in which all of the written applicationss placed by potential GMO operators are specifie n 2007 and 2008 no permissions for any GMO materials m for commercial cultivation were issued. Article 39 No one shall be subjected to scien entific experimentation, including m experimentation, witho out his voluntary consent. iton : GMO in it i food f d and d feed f d are potentia t tially ll h hazardous. d This Thi is i a world ld wide id expe ow science is not able to proove the absolute safety of GMOs. s well as other European citizens are un nconsciously exposed both to food and f dangerous Bt transgens spread in the en nvironment. With the lack of proper labe on sites information, we are subjects of a hidden experiment. Article 74 lic authorities shall pursue policies ensuring e the ecological security of c and future e generations. ition : Illegal , unregistered plantations of o Bt MON 810 create biological contam natural biosafety systems and case unre eversible damages to the environment. Arti ticle 64 eryone shall have the right to owner ership, other property rights and the of succcession. sition : The property rights of convention nal and organic producers are not protec IIntroduct t d tion i off th the feed ban ha as now been extended until the end of 2012 2, which effecttively has killled h l d thi this legisla ation. opposed approval of new biotech produccts in the EU, and has announced that nd should be a “GM-Free” country. y The g government banned the sale and tration of biotech seeds in mid-2006 and d passed legislation that was to bit import, production, and use of anima al feed derived from biotech crops by ustt 12, 12 2008. 2008 Lobbying L bb i h hard d ffor th the b ban on o biotechnology-derived bi t h l d i d animal i l were organic farmers and environmenta al groups. However, on July 27, 2008, wo weeks before a ban would have gone into effect effect, Poland’s Poland s president ed a law pushing back the introduction off a ban to 2013. The GM feed ban defeated by y a coalition of Polish and U.S. trade associations,, le he American Soybean Association, Polish importers, feed nufacturers,, meat p producers,, and d diplomatic p representations p uding the Governments of the United States, Argentina, and ada. American Soybean Association, supported by FAS Warsaw, yed a key role in defeating the ba an. Avoiding this ban prevented uption of U.S. Soybean exports to the EU generally and exports . feed to Poland, worth $100 million. educational activities of ASA and FAS Warsaw W helped Polish industry get the unition they needed to beat the feed ban n and has left in place a coalition of cont .."The "Th ffeed d bban wouuld ld have h jeopardized j di d ughly $6 $6.4 4 billion in n Polish pork or poul production not inclu production, uding losses for feed compoun nders.„... nders 4.1 Scientific studies increasing gly expose the fact that GMO harmful to human, human animal and environmental health. health It has a been unequivocably established d that it is simply not possible h have 'co-existence' ' i t 'b between t GM M and d GM-Free GM F crops and d plan l 4.2 GMO are hazardous no dou ubts, no disscusions. EU law s t clearly. y That is whyy is so resttricted. 4.3 We need that those legal re egimes are fully implemented Poland - with provision to forbid GMO in food, feed and cultiv f we decide to do so so. 4.4 4 4 In this critical c itical situation sit ation we e demand immediate ban for fo cultivation of MON 810 before the t seeding season stars. Thank you for your attention © Paweł P Połanecki Warsaw, Lu ucern 2009 r.