THE SCHOOL BELL March 12,2014 Williston, 878-2762 (both schools) St George School Board Kelly Sayre 482-2044 Kelly Bowen 657-3935 ict Will is Williston Central School s tr chool D S n toAllen Brook School i Williston School Board Kevin Mara879-8122 Deb Baker Moody 879-0429 Josh Diamond 878-1989 Giovanna Boggero578-4621 Kevin Brochu 879-2983 WSDSchoolboard Vermont ABS Office: 871-6200; WCS Office: 871-6100 Caring teachers engaging students in meaningful learning UPCOMING A Message from the Administration by John Terko 3/12 School Board Meeting (moved to 3/19) Absent/Tardy Letters 3/13 Concert, grades 7 & 8 On occasion, I have had parents call concerning the letter they received about the number of absences their child has and what does it all mean. I thought this was a good time to share what the process is and what it means. 7 pm, WCS Auditorium 3/14 4 Winds Training t da 8:30–10:30, WCS Dining Rm. 3/18 3/19 3/21 3/24 ge an h ec The State enacted a law a couple of years ago about mandatory attendance, as absences from school can be disruptive to the educational process. This bill was Science Fair, WCS e directed more towards the high school age student as a deterrent to skipping g an 7:30 am–3:30 pm ch school. We don’t see that much at the K-8 level but it does occur from time to e t School Board Meeting da time. This new law encompasses all grades K-12. 5–7 pm When a student hits five days absent, our attendance program prompts us to genVariety Show erate a letter to send to parents to bring this to their attention. These letters occur 7–9 pm. WCS Auditorium in increments of five days. We do understand that children get sick and that is included in the total number of days. Parenting Presentation 6–9 pm, WCS Auditorium When a student hits the 15 day mark, we ask families to come in for a meeting 3/28 Jump for Heart 8:45 –11:15, ABS 3/29 Voyager Recycle Sale 8 am – 5 pm, WCS Cafeteria 4/1–4/3 Kindergarten Registration ABS Music Room (by appointment) 4/2 Intergen Reading Program 11:35 am–1:15 pm, DAML Library Fall Kindergarten Registration Registration for Williston and St. George children who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2014 has started! Click here to begin the process, or call 871-6200 to let us help you! to discuss the issue and make an attendance plan. After 20 cumulative absences during any school year, the issue may be referred to the State’s Attorney’s Office. It is rare that we ever get to that point but those are the steps that we are required by law to follow. When a student is expected to be out for five or more days, we ask parents to fill out a Planned Absence Form. These forms are available in the school offices and on the website under school information. After being completed by the parent or guardian, the principal and teachers sign it and ensure a learning plan is in place. Parents should contact the teacher for any work that can be done while on this leave. In addition to letters regarding absences, we send tardy letters home if your child is late for school more than five times. School starts at 7:55 am at Allen Brook and 8:10 at Williston Central School. The start of the day is important and students that are always late are missing many opportunities. We urge you to make every effort possible to have your child arrive on time to school. We may ask families to come in to discuss excessive tardiness. I hope this has helped explain why you may get these letters and as always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. Creating the future one student at a time Variety Show Friday, March 21 In the WCS Auditorium 7 PM Tickets: $6 March 24th Parent workshop with Stan Davis Strengthening our children: Research about promoting resiliency Stan Davis co-leads the Youth Voice Research Project, which has collected information from more than 13,000 young people in the U.S. about what works and what doesn’t work in making schools a safe and accepting place for all students. He has worked with young people and families for more than 40 years as a therapist and school counselor, is the author of two books on the subject, and his work has been featured in newspapers and on radio and TV, including a segment of the television newsmagazine “20/20” with John Stossel. Stan’s talk will address ways that parents can raise strong youth who are resilient and more likely have the courage to stand up for themselves and their peers. For more information on Stan Davis and his work, please visit his website: Trimester 2 Ends March 7 Report Card Schedule: K-2 report cards will go home on 3/14 3-4 report cards will go home on 3/14 5-8 report cards will go home on 3/18 Jump Rope For Heart Friday March 28 Williston School District’s annual Jump Rope for Heart will take place at Allen Brook School the morning of Friday, March 28 from 8:45-11:15. Jump Rope for Heart is a Fundraiser for the American Heart Association. Participating WCS students will be bused to ABS in the morning and brought back to WCS after the event is over. Children in grades 1-8 can particpate in the event. Signed permission slips should be handed in to a physical education teacher. Registration deadline is Friday, March 21 or when we reach the maximum capacity of 375 students (whichever comes first). Fundraising envelopes will be given out after permission slips are handed in. Fundraising envelopes must be turned in by March 24. Look in the pledge envelopes for information about on-line fundraising opportunities. Classroom teachers with concerns about a student’s status for participation in the Jump Rope for Heart may hold the student from participating. Jump Rope For Heart - gr. 1-8 I give ______________________ (student name) permission to participate in the 2013 Jump Rope for Heart event held on March 28 at ABS. ________________________________________ (parent/guardian signature) _________________________________________ (teacher signature) I am interested in helping the morning of the 28th. (8:4511:15) __________________________________ name __________________________________ phone Turn completed form in to physical education teacher Williston Schools Annual Fund Update $23,500 Raised and Counting We are two thirds of the way towards our goal of covering the cost of day field trips and activities for every house! Every child in the Williston School District has already benefited in some way from the money provided by you. Thank you for helping to give all students in Williston enriching opportunities. Please click here to make a tax deductible contribution on-line or by check. 14th Annual Big Basket Raffle Preparations for the 14th annual Big Basket Raffle and Silent Auction are underway! This is one of FAP’s biggest community fundraisers of the year, with proceeds benefiting WCS/ABS students and families through FAP sponsored programs. Items donated by our Williston School District families and local businesses will be made into beautiful themed baskets that will be raffled off or put into a silent auction at this adult only community event on Saturday, April 12th, 6:00 – 8:30 PM at WCS – concurrent with a WCS Fun Night for the kids. Donations Classroom theme assignments and donation ideas will be going home this week. Collection baskets will be in the classrooms from 3/10 to 4/4. Feel free to donate an item for a theme other than your classrooms. Donations are voluntary, and every donated item, large or small, is greatly appreciated. Price is not a factor, and all donations are anonymous. If you have more than one child in a house, it is perfectly acceptable to donate one item per family. All classroom themes are listed on the FAP web page here. We are also seeking donations from local businesses for gift basket items, gift certificates, and silent auction prizes. If you have a connection with a local business you think would be interested in supporting this school fundraiser, please contact Lisa Wong 878-1150 or Baskets If you won a basket last year and it is collecting dust please consider dropping it off at one of the school offices for re-use in this year’s event. Planning Committee If you have any questions or ideas for the Big Basket Raffle please contact Liz Neeld at Kindergarten Pre-Registration Pre-Registration for Fall 2014 has started for Williston and St. George children who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2014. Pre-registration is the first step to collect basic information to assist in the planning for registration. Click here to access the form, or you may go to the school’s website (, or call 871-6200 to enter your family’s information. A World Of Difference The Williston Central School leadership group called A World Of Difference (AWOD) went to a leadership conference at UVM Thursday March 6th. At this conference some AWOD students facilitated discussions and led activities. Featured here are the AWOD students who could make it. This was taken at lunch - everyone was taking a well deserved break after a job well done. Abigail Rosenthal, Tommy Zych, Prince Yodishembo, Alyse Fife, Olivia Mead, Casey Ammon, Jimmy Jiang, Eliza Fehrs, Makenzie Detch, Ian Parent, Nate Cuttita, Bella Rieley and Justin Bissonette Spare Clothing Needed at School Please be sure to send in spare clothing that can be kept at school for children who frequently need a change of clothes. Sometimes kids get wet or muddy on the playground, spill milk on themselves, or have other accidents. The school nurses do not keep clothing on hand to lend to students, so every family must supply their own. WILLISTON BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS ge Regular Meeting an h c March 19, 2014 ate d 5:30 p.m. – CVU High School Room 142 (Brown bag dinners available in Library Classroom) 6:45 p.m– ALL Boards Executive Session Rm 134 7:00 p.m.– CSSU Board – in CVU Library AGENDA 1.0 Call to Order 5:30PM 2.0 Board Reorganization and Committee Appointments 3.0 Adjustments to the Agenda 7.0 Discussion Matters 7.1 7.2 (This portion of the agenda is related to items the board anticipates it will take action on at this meeting. Please refer to the back of the agenda for the types of action the board takes at its meeting.) 8.1 Adopt Regional Calendar 2014-15 (pg. 6) 8.2 (The purpose of this agenda item is to allow the Board to vote on business items without discussion prior to voting as provided under Robert’s Rules of Order.) 4.0 Audience and Communications 9.2 6.0 Reports to the Board 6:00-6:10PM (The purpose of this agenda item is to provide board and administration representatives an opportunity to report out on the current activities of various school programs, board committees, etc. There may not always be a report from each group if there have not been any changes since the last time this was on the agenda.) 6.1 Principals’ Report (pg. 4-5) Affirm Code of Conduct (pg. 7) 9.0 Consent Agenda (pg. 8-11) 6:35-6:40PM 9.1 5.0 Presentations 4.1 None Town Meeting Debrief Communications: Board’s Corners 8.0 Action Matters 6:20-6:35PM (The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Board and Administration an opportunity to make changes to the agenda.) (The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the general public an opportunity to address the board on matters not on the agenda. Neither the Board or Administration will be able to discuss the matter beyond determining what the next steps are, if any, for providing an opportunity for discussion at a future meeting or to refer the matter to the appropriate individual/ group to address it.) 6:10-6:20PM (The purpose of this agenda item is to provide Board members with an opportunity to discuss various issues. Any action to be taken, if any, would occur at a future meeting.) Approve Minutes 9.1.1 Regular Meeting 2/19/14 9.1.2 Special Meeting 2/21/14 Approve Director’s Orders 10.0 Directors Comments (The purpose of this agenda item is to provide Board members with an opportunity to make announcements and/or request items for future agendas. These are NOT discussion items.) 11.0 Confirm Next Meeting Dates WSD Board: April 9 Regular Meeting 7pm @ CVU Room 142 CSSU Board: April 9 Regular Meeting 5pm @ CVU Room 160 CSSU Board Chairs Meeting March 18 8am @ CVU Conf Room 12.0 Executive Session 6:45-7:00 PM 12.1 Negotiations 13.0 Adjournment 7:00PM Allen Brook School Parking Cars arriving at ABS should heed the following traffic patterns: • There is one-way traffic along the front of the school. This lane is called the drive-through. Cars enter it by turning left at the end of the parking lot (before the bus loop) or by turning left at the end of one of the parking lanes. • Do not turn right onto the drive through. • Parking along the drive-through is only allowed on the curb side. Humane Society Towel/Blanket Drive My name is Jack Tenda. For my 8th Grade Challenge I am volunteering at the Humane Society. They are in need of new or used towels or blankets. The bedding is changed and washed daily and it is helpful that they have replacements for the animals when the other bedding is too worn. If you can, please make a donation. There will be a TOWEL AND BLANKET DRIVE box in the WCS front office. ABS March PBIS Celebration! The CVU Theatre Program presents an evening of Allen Brook School Student Directed One-Acts Olympic Spirit Color Week Fri. & Sat. March 14 & 15 at 7:30 & Sun. March 16 at 2:00 March 17-21, 2014 TICKETS on sale at CVU one week prior to the show during lunch periods. $5 for Students, Children, Faculty & Staff $7 for General Admission Announcing our March PBIS Celebration! Week StudentsAllen andBrook Staff:Olympic ShowSpirit YourColor Allen Brook Spirit by March 17-21, 2014 Wearing These COLORS on These Days! Students and Staff: Show Your Allen Brook Spirit by Wearing These COLORS on These Days! Monday March 17 Tuesday March 18 Wednesday March 19 Thursday March 20 Friday March 21 GREEN BLACK YELLOW BLUE RED We have decided to NOT do an Olympic celebration as we just don’t have the time to put it all together. Instead…...we will do a Color Spirit week using the Olympic colors. Please send this home to all of your parents, we will place in the bell as well. I think this will be easier for everyone. Ski Level Changes Last Name First Name ALBAN BLEVINS COUSINO FREEMAN GAUDETTE HAINES JONES LEHMAN LEONARD SHEA CLAIRMONT EVANS GAGNE HAWKINS KAJENSKI KENNEY KILBON KILBON LUDWAR MAST MENARD MOORE RUWET WILSON ERDMAN MICHALAK RIELEY New Level LILY Ski 5 ALEC Ski 5 JASMINE Ski 5 COOPER Ski 5 ALEX Ski 5 JAMES Ski 5 BRAEDON Ski 5 CHARLIE Ski 5 PARKER Ski 5 QUINLAN Ski 5 KYLE Ski 6 MADELEINE Ski 6 AMANDA Ski 6 AVERY Ski 6 KATRINA Ski 6 MIA Ski 6 KAIYA Ski 6 MYLEIGH Ski 6 JACOB Ski 6 ALLISON Ski 6 NICOLAS Ski 6 GRAYSON Ski 6 JACK Ski 6 JACKSON Ski 6 RILEY Ski 7 SPINNER Ski 7 MIRA Ski 7 SCIENCE HAPPENINGS Reported by the Enrichment Program Sterling House Holds Rube Goldbery Engineering Competition On Wednesday, February 19th, Sterling House students presented the Rube Goldberg creations they had made in the previous three weeks. The guidelines for their project included creating a machine designed such that a single action starts the machine (for example, pressing a button, letting go of a marble, cutting a string, removing a barrier, etc.) and no other additional human actions are required once the machine has started. Each machine had a minimum of ten connected steps/stages, included one object that was raised at least 35 cm by the machine, and had at least three of the six simple machines (lever, screw, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge). To earn credit, students’ machines were required to do WORK (move something up or forward). Machine presentations had to have a minimum running time of ten seconds, and a maximum run time of five minutes. Additionally, machines had to have a theme. After lots of time spent designing, building, and recreating models, students spent an exciting day showcasing their creations. With a little luck, some occasional assistance, and the ability to restart a machine once if the first attempt failed, most students were able to demonstrate that their machine could perform a simple task in a complicated way. Did you know… Sometimes designing a silly, round-about way to do something can enable one to better understand the inner details of the more practical, direct solution. Whenever a machine is made too complicated to do a simple job, it is called a “Rube Goldberg”. Rube Goldberg’s award-winning cartoons satirized machines and gadgets. These cartoons combined simple machines and common household items to create complex and wacky contraptions that accomplished mundane and trivial tasks. His inventions became so widely known that Webster’s Dictionary added “Rube Goldberg” to its listing, defining it as “accomplishing by complex, roundabout means what seemingly could be done simply.” For more information, see Curriculum Corner Featured this month… What’s Happening in Grades 55-8 Science… March Concert Information The 7th & 8th Grade March Concert is on Thursday, March 13th at 7pm. Call time is 5:45pm. Dress is all black. Long sleeves and long pants are best. Dress Rehearsal is on Tuesday, March 11th from 12:50-2:50. Please wear or bring your black for the dress rehearsal. How to sign up for Mrs. T-H’s Chorus 3/4 messages: To receive messages via text, text @chorus34 to (802) 779-9577. You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, ‘unsubscribe@chorus34 *Standard text message rates apply. Or to receive messages via email, send an email to To unsubscribe, reply with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line. New message To: (802) 779-9577 Enter this number Online Ticketing: Online ticketing will allow you to select your own seats and pay by credit or debit card. There is a $.50 per ticket fee for this service. To purchase tickets online please click “Purchase Tickets” on our website at the following link: You will receive an email with your seats, which will serve as your tickets. We will have record of the seats you purchased. Form Ticketing: If you would like to save the $.50 per ticket fee, please fill in the form below, and send it to: Williston Central School Drama Club 195 Central School Drive Williston, Vermont 05495 You will receive an email with your seat numbers, which will serve as your tickets. This will arrive as soon as it is processed. Please email Julie Longchamp with any questions at We hope this online experience is one you enjoy. Name___________________________________ Email___________________________ Phone #_________________________________ Message: @chorus34’. Beauty and the Beast Tickets The Williston Central School Drama Club is excited to present “Beauty and the Beast” as our spring musical this year. Community members can purchase tickets two ways this year; online or by sending in the form below. Text this message Performance Friday, May 9th @ 7 p.m. WHAT IS REMIND101 AND WHY IS IT SAFE? Remind101 is a one-way text messaging and email system. With Remind101, all personal information remains completely confidential. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you ever see theirs. Visit to learn more. # of Tickets Cost Per Ticket $8.00 Saturday, My 10th @ 1 p.m. $5.00 Saturday, May 10th @ 7 $8.00 Total Cost Total We will select the best available seats for each performance. Please note any special requests below and we will do our best to accommodate. WSD Health Offices WCS 871-6171, 871-6170 Lisa LePrevost, RN, Sue Leister, RN, Carol Albertelli, RN; ABS 871-6248 Sylvia Love, RN KEEP SMILING VERMONT DENTAL HEALTH SURVEY PARTICIPATION for K STUDENTS is MARCH 12TH 3RD GRADE STUDENTS is MARCH 13TH Our school is one of 22 that have been chosen to participate in Vermont’s 2014 Keep Smiling Vermont Dental Health Survey. The purpose of the survey is to gather information on the dental health status of children in our state. Children in kindergarten and third grade are offered free dental screenings as part of this survey. If you choose to let your child participate, a dental hygienist will perform a one-minute dental screening using a mouth mirror; the hygienist will wear disposable gloves and use a new, disposable mirror for each child. Results of your child’s screening will be kept confidential, and your child will not be named in any report. As a token of appreciation, your child will receive a dental goody bag. We will also send home a letter to let you know the results. This screening does not take the place of regular dental check-ups by your dentist. Even if you have a dentist, we encourage you to participate in the survey. By screening all the children in kindergarten and third grade, we will have a better understanding of the dental health status of children in VT. If you do not wish for your child to have this quick dental screening, please contact the Health Office at your child’s school by 3/10/2014. Forms and a “Frequently Asked Questions” letter will be sent home to each student as well. A healthy mouth is an important part of overall health and a child’s ability to learn. By letting your child take part in this dental screening, you will help contribute information that will benefit all of Vermont’s children. If you have any questions, please call Robin Miller at 802863-7272 or email You may also contact Lisa LePrevost, RN at WCS or Sylvia Love, RN at ABS. The school with the highest participation will receive toothbrushes for all students!! It is Not Too Late to Get Your Flu Vaccine!! Report from the Health Department: H1N1 is the most prevalent circulating flu virus in Vermont. Activity level is widespread. H1N1 is more likely to affect children so we continue to urge families to get vaccinated. The current vaccine is a trivalent vaccine and includes the strain for H1N1. Several school nurses have reported children out sick with H1N1 flu and sadly they were not vaccinated. Although flu activity usually peaks in January and February, the season can last for several more months. While vaccination is the best way to prevent the flu among individuals six months of age and older, “taking such practical measures as washing hands, covering coughs and sneezes and staying home when sick can also help to decrease the spread and minimize the effects of flu.” Please contact your physician or local pharmacy regarding information for the flu vaccine. Flu Guide for Parents Dental Cleaning Your child can receive a dental cleaning, exam, and fluoride rinse at school for $18.00. This will be done by a dental hygienist from Dr. Jace Molinari’s office. She will also offer nutrition and dental care advice The cleaning will take place at school during school hours. Please complete the form and return it to the health office as soon as possible. Scholarships available; please contact your Health Office. Dates: WCS: March 14 and March 21 Return the form below to the Health Office Dental Cleaning ___________________________ ______________ Student Name House ___________ ______________________ grade Teacher Has permission to participate in the dental cleaning program at Williston School District. ___________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____ $18.00 enclosed (checks payable to Lisa Bianchi student attends: Allen Brook ___ WCS ___ ___ Scholarship needed John and Marie’s House 1234 Main Street Give Part 2 WCS after school program a FREE TRIAL! Bring a friend! Make new friends! New clubs and activities everyday! Warm and welcoming staff Safe and engaging environment Natasha Lekach CONTACT 343.9344 CURRENT FAMILIES Refer a friend and get one week FREE! Saturday May 17, 2014 10:00 AM - Community Park Spring is just around the corner so it’s time to start running! Great tune-up race for Vermont City Marathon!! On-line Registration and Volunteer Sign-ups go live March 30th New 5K walker category Pre-register by Friday May 9th get automatically entered into our Grand Prize Raffle Big Raffle with Cool Prizes Discounted pricing for pre-race online registration Great music and entertainment More fun details to follow… For more information please contact Sue Scheer at 238-2474 or Event Sponsors Great Sponsorship opportunities available Community Bulletin Board Dorothy Alling Memorial Library Events *All events are free* 878-4918 Children ages 8 and younger must be accompanied by an adult while at the library. Teen Tech Week: March 9-15. DIY@ Your Library · Drop-in Craft: Make a duct tape iPhone or iPod case · Online Games: Fri., March 14, 4-5 pm. Bring your own device or use the library computers · Raffle: Students Gr. 7-12 enter to win prizes during Teen Tech Week Teen Tech Week Game Day: Friday, March 14, 4-5 pm. Online games, snacks and prizes. Bring your own device our use one of the library computers. Grades 7-12. Reading is an Investment: Send in reading log by March 15! Read 3 books from the VT State Treasurer’s Office’s reading list, enter to receive a $250 college savings plan account. Materials available at the library. www.MoneyEd. Reading with Frosty & Friends Therapy Dogs: Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30 pm. Bring a book and read to a dog! All ages. Call 878-4918 to pre-register for 10 minute sessions. Read to Van Gogh the Cat: Mon., March 17, 3:30-4:30 pm. Call 878-4918 to pre-register for 10 minute reading sessions. Art & Technology Games: Tues., March 18, 3-4 pm. WCS Computer Lab. Cmputer art games, digital designs. Presented by MC Baker & Renee Provost. Gr. K & up. Meet and pick up at WCS front lobby. Children ages 8 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Pre-register at 878-4918 Science Story Time: It’s Easy Being Green! Tues., March 18, 11 am. Learn about what makes plants and animals green. Presented by Kristen Littlefield, Science Educator. Ages 3-5. Count Me In! Exploring Math With Your Preschooler: Wed. March 19 or Mon. April 7, 5:15-7 pm. (5:15-5:45 optional pizza dinner, 5:45-7 pm workshop). hands-on activities foster a love of learning and mathematics. Open to any parent or caregiver and their preschool age child. Giveaways for all participants. Pre-register at 878-4918. Princess Night! A night of fun for young, aspiring princesses! Saturday, March 15, 4:30 - 7:30 pm Williston Federated Church (Fellowship Hall) By donation. (Suggested: $10/girl or $17/family) The Williston Senior Girl Scout Troop will entertain your girls with great “princess” crafts, feed them dinner, and feature a “princess” movie. RSVPs requested. Call 777-5298 or Williston Kids Day set for March 22 at WCS Williston Kids Day is a community event designed for families to enjoy a variety of fun children’s activities including arts & crafts, performance and theater games with Lyric Theatre, soccer with Vermont Voltage, basketball contests, photo booth, bouncy castles from Top Hat Entertainment, face painting, story time and reading with Gina the Standard Poodle, free pizza and other giveaways… and much more! It is also an opportunity for parents and grandparents to get helpful information from area businesses and organizations – all in one place! All ages are welcome. This indoor event will be held at Williston Central School on Saturday, March 22 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Admission is free, with a suggested $1 donation per person to benefit the Williston Community Food Shelf. The event is hosted by the Williston Observer and New England Federal Credit Union. For more information, visit and click on the Williston Kids Day button, or call Marianne Apfelbaum at 872-9000 x18. Girls On The Run (GOTR) Registration Girls On The Run© is a national non-profit program that encourages girls in 3rd to 5th grade to develop self-respect, confidence and a healthy lifestyle through a fun, interactive curriculum and fitness training activities. This year we have three Williston groups: · Group A – Mon. & Wed., 5:30 – 7:00 · Group B – Tues. & Tues., 5:30 – 7:00 (up to 15 girls) · Group C – Tues. & Fri., 3:00-4:30 (up to 15 girls) All groups will begin the week of 3/24 and meet twice per week at WCS for 10 weeks ending with our 5k Sat., June 7th. Please click on this link to complete the registration and payment process: index/Participant_Registration_Northern You will need the following to complete the registration: Name, address, phone, etc. for participant and parent, Emergency contact information, Health concerns (allergies, medications, etc.), · Medical insurance information, Payment (the program cost is $80; scholarships are available– scholarship application is linked within the online registration). For questions, contact Alyssa Chase at or 802-316-7294. We offer this space for announcements by local non-profit community groups. Information posted will be of benefit to Williston children and families. Inclusion of events is on a space-available basis; announcements run for limited periods of time for this reason. Publication of events in this section does not imply school sponsorship or endorsement of them.