734 Analysis of temporal patterns of communication signals Gerald S Pollack Temporal pattern is a crucial feature of communication signals, and neurons in the brains of many animals respond selectively to behaviorally relevant temporal features of sensory stimuli. Many aspects of neural function contribute to this selectivity, including membrane biophysics, channel properties, synaptic physiology and network structure. Addresses Department of Biology, McGill University, 1205 Avenue Docteur Penfield, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1B1, Canada; e-mail: gerald.pollack@mcgill.ca Figure 1 (a) (b) 10 mV 500 ms Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2001, 11:734–738 0959-4388/01/$ — see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Abbreviations CF constant frequency EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential FM frequency-modulated GABA γ-amino butyric acid IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential MSO medial superior olive Current Opinion in Neurobiology Electrical filtering shapes synaptic potentials and contributes to filtering. The recording shown in (a) is from a low-pass neuron. The synaptic response is smooth and sinusoidal in shape, mirroring the amplitude-envelope of the stimulus (bottom trace). In the neuron in (b), synaptic potentials are brief and vary in frequency with stimulus envelope. The neuron in (a) has spiny dendrites; the neuron in (b) lacks spines. Reproduced with permission from [13]. Introduction Rhythm is a crucial feature of communication signals [1]. Bird songs, frog calls, cricket chirps, and speech are all characterized by sequences of sounds with particular attack and decay times, durations, repetition rates, and so on. That these temporal features can encode a signal’s content has been demonstrated in a number of animals [2–7]. Analysis of temporal pattern is thus an important aspect of the neural processing of communication signals. Many features of neurons, such as membrane time constants, durations of synaptic potentials, kinetics of ion currents, and synaptic plasticity, operate over the same tens-to-hundreds of millisecond time scales that characterize communication signals, and thus are good candidates for mechanisms underlying the analysis of rhythm. A large body of work has shown how these sorts of properties, incorporated into appropriately wired networks, control the generation of rhythmic activity [8], and it seems reasonable to expect that the same basic mechanisms underlie rhythm detection. In this review, I examine a few examples that illustrate how these neuronal properties are exploited to analyze the temporal patterns of communication signals. Passive electrical properties The rate at which membrane potential can change in response to synaptic current is limited by biophysical and morphological parameters, such as membrane resistance and capacitance, and the dimensions and topology of the dendritic branches through which current flows. The influence of these factors on responses to temporally patterned input has long been appreciated [9]. The role of electrical filtering in the analysis of communication signals has been explored in the fish Eigenmannia. Eigenmannia produce alternating electric fields and monitor their surroundings by analyzing electrical distortions induced by external objects. This sensory capability is disrupted by the superimposition of a second field (e.g. from a neighboring fish). This elicits a ‘jamming avoidance response’, in which a fish adjusts the frequency of its electrical discharge, so as to increase the frequency difference between itself and its neighbor, and thus minimize interference. A crucial sensory cue driving this behavior is the amplitude modulation (beating) that occurs when signals that differ in frequency are added [10]. The fish, and many neurons in the torus semicircularis of its midbrain, respond best to beat frequencies in the range 3–8 Hz, even though the afferents to the torus respond strongly to much higher frequencies as well [11]. Low-pass filtering in the torus results, in part, from electrical filtering of synaptic currents. This is apparent in the waveforms of synaptic potentials. In neurons that prefer low beat rates, synaptic potentials are smooth and mirror the amplitude envelope of the stimulus (except that they decrease in size as beat rate increases). This is as expected if input from the afferents to this nucleus were low-pass filtered and summed. By contrast, neurons that are either nonselective or prefer higher beat rates exhibit barrages of fast excitatory potentials that vary in frequency according to stimulus amplitude, as expected for inputs that undergo little or no low-pass filtering [12] (Figure 1). The difference in electrical filtering characteristics of low-pass versus all-pass or high-pass neurons has been Analysis of temporal patterns of communication signals Pollack 735 Figure 2 (d) 15 (a) Sum Delay Stimulus Excitation 200 pulse/s constant amplitude Inhibition Spikes / bin Sensitivity to amplitude modulation in bat brains. Summary of how excitation and inhibition interact to shape firing patterns to constant tones, as in the CF-FM bat Pteronotus. The traces shown in green represent excitatory synaptic input, those in blue are inhibitory, and the red trace represents their sum (i.e. the variations in membrane potential that might be expected). The stimulus trace, shown in black, represents the amplitude envelope of the sound stimulus. (a) Net excitation occurs only briefly at the onset of a constant-amplitude stimulus, because of the longer latency of inhibitory input. Some neurons respond at tone offset; in these cases, inhibition arrives earliest, and excitation is unopposed only at the end of the stimulus (not shown). (b) The response of an ‘on’ neuron to an amplitudemodulated tone. The delay between excitation and inhibition is such that, at the modulation rate shown here, the two are out of phase. In (c), the modulation rate is increased, but the delay remains the same. Now, excitation produced by each cycle of modulation (except the first) overlaps with inhibition produced by the preceding cycle, resulting in failure to respond. From experiments described in [29]. The traces in (d) illustrate selectivity for amplitudemodulated trains of echoes in the FM bat, Myotis. The neuron responds only at the onset of an unmodulated train of brief stimuli repeated at 200 Hz (top), but responds more robustly when the stimulus train is amplitude-modulated, in this case at 30 Hz (bottom). In this example, the response to the modulated pulse train is about twice that to the unmodulated train. In other neurons, the difference may be as much as fivefold. Reproduced with permission from [31]. 0 15 (b) 200 pulse/s modulated (30 Hz) 0 0.5 s (c) confirmed by measuring voltage responses to injected sinusoidal current [14]. The filter characteristics have an intriguing morphological correlate: the dendrites of most low-pass neurons are decorated with dendritic spines, whereas the dendrites of all-pass and high-pass neurons lack spines [12]. The causal relationship between spines and filtering, however, remains unclear. Current Opinion in Neurobiology two stimuli, as a result of the time-dependent interactions between a facilitating α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA)-like excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), a depressing γ-amino butyric acid (GABA)A-like inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), and a slow GABAB-like IPSP. Networks built of many such neurons can detect more complicated patterns, such as sequences of dissimilar intervals. Synaptic plasticity Synaptic potentials may increase (facilitate) or decrease (depress) when activated repeatedly, and short-term depression and facilitation are obvious candidate mechanisms for the analysis of temporal pattern. In Eigenmannia, synaptic inputs to neurons in the torus semicircularis show frequency-dependent depression [15,16••], which can strongly attenuate input at high modulation rates. For many of these neurons, the combination of synaptic depression and electrical filtering adequately accounts for their overall selectivity to rate of amplitude modulation. Short-term plasticity also contributes to temporal filtering in a recently investigated simple model circuit [17•]. Here, a two-neuron circuit is selective for the interval between Active membrane conductances Some torus neurons of Eigenmannia exhibit voltage-dependent conductances, distinct from those responsible for the action potential, which amplify synaptic inputs in a temporal-pattern-dependent manner. In other words, the conductances in low-pass neurons selectively amplify low-frequency input, and those in high-pass neurons amplify high-frequency input [14]. Thus, the identities and/or kinetics of the underlying channels (which have not yet been characterized) appear to be matched to the filter requirements of the neurons. Neurons in the inferior colliculus of mammals (the mammalian homolog of the torus semicircularis) exhibit a 736 Neurobiology of behaviour number of forms of temporal-pattern filtering including selectivity for sound duration [18,19,20••] and rate of amplitude modulation [21,22]. Recordings from these neurons reveal phenemona such as post-inhibitory rebound and oscillations [23,24•,25••], which suggest that active conductances may play a role in temporal selectivity here as well. In the rat, neurons in the inferior colliculus express a variety of K+ currents that shape the temporal dynamics of responses to current injections [25••], and it seems likely that these participate in selectivity to patterned sensory input as well. Network mechanisms Echolocation in bats Temporal-pattern-selective networks have been studied extensively in the brains of echolocating bats, which hunt flying insect prey by emitting high-frequency sounds and analyzing the returning echoes. Neurons in the bat brain are selective for a number of temporal features (see [26] for a recent review). I focus here on their selectivity to amplitude modulation. Periodic modulations in echo amplitude result from variations in the effective size of the echo source as a flying insect flaps its wings. Modulations aid in prey identification [3], and also provide what amounts to a flashing acoustical target that might be more easily tracked in an environment cluttered with other reflective surfaces (e.g. vegetation) [27]. Frequency modulations occur as well, due to the Doppler effect [27], but these are not considered here. Pteronotus parnelii is a so-called CF-FM bat, because its echolocation cry consists of a long (up to tens of milliseconds) component with constant frequency (CF; amplitude is also relatively constant), followed by a briefer frequencymodulated (FM) portion. Neurons at several stations in the brain, including the medial superior olive (MSO, a brainstem nucleus) respond well to amplitude-modulated CF mimics, but only transiently to unmodulated tones. An elegant mechanism — proposed long ago in a theoretical paper [28] — appears to underlie this selectivity [29]. The neurons receive both excitatory and inhibitory inputs, but with different latencies. Transient responses to constant-amplitude stimuli are the result of the interplay between excitation and inhibition (Figure 2a); blocking the latter converts these to sustained responses [29]. Responses to amplitude-modulated stimuli depend on the phase relationship between excitation and inhibition. This, in turn, depends on both the latency difference between excitation and inhibition, and the rate of modulation. At preferred modulation rates (which are in the same range of the wingbeat frequencies of insect prey, < 250 Hz), excitation and inhibition are in antiphase (Figure 2b), and the neuron is able to respond to each cycle of amplitude modulation. An increase in modulation rate brings the inhibition induced by one stimulus cycle in phase with excitation produced by a neighboring cycle, and responses are suppressed. The model is supported by the observation that when inhibition is blocked, the upper limit of modulation rates to which neurons respond increases, approaching the rates encoded by the afferents to the MSO, ∼800 Hz [29]. Another bat species, Myotis lucifugus, is an FM bat; its echolocation sounds are brief frequency sweeps that decrease in duration (to < 2 ms) and increase in repetition rate (to 200 Hz) as the bat approaches its prey. Many neurons in the the auditory pathway of Myotis respond only at the onset of a series of constant-amplitude tones delivered at high rates (mimicking the final stages of prey capture), but respond throughout an amplitude-modulated series (Figure 1d). In this case, the modulation occurs not within a single sound (each of which is briefer than the period of an insect’s wingbeat) but across the series. Selectivity for modulated pulse trains is apparent in the inferior colliculus [21] and is further enhanced as processing proceeds from the colliculus to the thalamus and cortex [30]. The underlying mechanism is not yet known in this case, although modeling demonstrates that excitatory–inhibitory interactions could account for responses observed in the thalamus [31]. The key factor in the Myotis model is not the phase relationship between excitation and inhibition, but the decay rate of synaptic responses. Neurons receive both excitatory and delayed inhibitory inputs (as suggested by anatomical data). At the onset of a series of constant-amplitude stimuli, a transient response occurs because of the delay in inhibition. However, the rapid rate of stimulation prevents both excitatory and inhibitory conductances from inactivating between stimuli; instead, they build up to nearly constant levels that are maintained throughout the stimulus series, canceling each other out. When the same stimulus train is modulated in amplitude, conductances return towards baseline during the low-amplitude portion of each modulation cycle, and the neuron is thus able to respond to the increase in amplitude at the next cycle. In both of the examples just discussed, temporal selectivity depends on the interactions between excitatory and inhibitory inputs. This appears to be a widespread mechanism. Other instances include neurons selective for particular sound durations [18,23], and for the sequence of notes within birdsong [32]. Song recognition in frogs and insects Amplitude modulation is also an important feature of frog calls, where it underlies selection of mates [2]. Neurons in the frog’s torus semicircularis are selective for amplitudemodulation rate [33] and here, too, excitation followed by delayed inhibition has been proposed as a possible mechanism [34•]. An additional requirement of many of these neurons, beyond a ‘correct’ rate of modulation, is that a sufficient number of modulation cycles occur at that rate, demonstrating that integration occurs over longer time periods [35]. An upper limit on amplitude-modulation rate is set by the need for a minimum recovery period between successive stimuli [34•], as in the Myotis model described above. Like frogs, insects use song temporal patterns to identify mates [4,5]. Insects offer the advantage that many neurons can be uniquely identified and assigned clear behavioral functions, facilitating the study of the neural basis of Analysis of temporal patterns of communication signals Pollack behavior (see [36] for a recent review). Little is yet known, however, about the cellular mechanisms of temporal pattern selectivity in insects, in part because, until recently, these mechanisms were believed to be mainly, if not exclusively, within the purview of small, difficult to study neurons in the brain, rather than large neurons in lower ganglia [37]. Nonetheless, recent work shows that two of the largest, most accessible auditory neurons known in insects are sensitive to stimulus temporal pattern [38–40], opening the door to more detailed cellular studies. The T neuron of the katydid Tettigonia viridissima responds selectively to the paired-pulse pattern of its conspecific song, rejecting a series of regularly occurring pulses that resembles the song of a sympatric species [38]. In the katydid Neoconocephalus ensiger, temporal selectivity of the T neuron depends on whether the signal spectrum resembles that of conspecific song or of bat cries. The neuron responds reliably to 15 kHz tones mimicking song, only up to pulse repetition rates of about 10 Hz, but responses can continue up to 100 Hz for ultrasound stimuli, which mimic bat cries [39]. This difference in temporal selectivity matches the differing temporal structures of the conspecific song and bat cries; in song, sound-pulse rates are in the range 5–15 Hz [39], but, as described above, bats may produce as many as 200 sound pulses per second. A similar situation occurs in the omega neuron of the cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. This neuron is dually tuned in the frequency domain, with enhanced sensitivity to both cricketlike (4.5 kHz) and bat-like (ultrasonic) frequencies. As in Neoconocephalus, the sound-pulse rate in cricket songs (∼8–30 Hz) is lower than that in bat cries. Several measures of temporal selectivity, derived using the technique of reverse correlation [41], show that the omega neuron responds better to high modulation rates when the sound frequency is bat-like, than when the frequency is cricket-like [40]. Several candidate mechanisms for temporal-pattern filtering have been revealed in intracellular recordings from the omega neuron, including excitation followed by delayed inhibition [42,43], differences in the time courses of postsynaptic potentials evoked by the two frequencies [44], and frequency-specific differences in the afferent circuitry leading to the omega neuron [45,46]. Whether any of these play a role in pattern selectivity remains to be determined by further studies. Conclusions Neurons and nervous systems are intrinsically dynamic entities, and it is not surprising that many of their timedependent properties are enlisted in the sensory analysis of temporal patterns. These include cell-level factors such as membrane biophysics and channel kinetics, as well as network-level factors such as the wiring diagrams of neural circuits. Although it is sometimes convenient to consider these as separate levels of neural function, it is clear that they work in a cooperative manner, and that a comprehensive view of temporal filtering must take both into account (c.f. [47]). Bridging the gap between cellular and network approaches is being facilitated by two relatively recent technical advances. 737 First, in vivo whole-cell patch clamping has made it possible to study the currents and synaptic potentials underlying neural responses that, previously, could only be observed as spike trains (e.g. [14–16••,23,25••]). Second, quantitative modeling based on realistic neurons and circuits (e.g. [17•,31]), which demands both cellular and network-level data, provides both tools and concepts that are required to bring these two levels of organization together. References and recommended reading Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as: • of special interest •• of outstanding interest 1. Ellington EK, Mills I: It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing. New York: Mills Music; 1932. 2. Gerhardt HC: Female mate choice in treefrogs: static and dynamic acoustic criteria. Anim Behav 1991, 42:615-635. 3. Goldman LJ, Henson OW: Prey recognition and selection by the constant frequency bat, Pteronotus parnelii. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 1997, 2:411-419. 4. Pollack GS: Neural processing of acoustic signals. In Comparative Hearing: Insects. Edited by Hoy RR, Popper AN, Fay RR. New York: Springer; 1998:139-196. 5. Pollack GS: Who what where? 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Earlier work [14] showed that decreasing EPSP amplitude at high rates of stimulation forms part of this mechanism. In this paper, direct electrical stimulation of afferents to the torus is used to demonstrate that frequency-dependent synaptic depression occurs at the input synapses to torus neurons. An intriguing finding is that, despite the depression induced by high stimulus rates, many neurons exhibit facilitated responses to inputs mimicking lower rates. Thus, depression does not simply disable the neurons; rather, it contributes to selective rejection of high modulation rates. 738 Neurobiology of behaviour 17. Buonomano DV: Decoding temporal information: a model based • on short-term synaptic plasticity. J Neurosci 2000, 20:1129-1141. This paper explores the filtering properties of simple model circuits incorporating only three types of synaptic potentials. A wide range of temporal selectivity emerges, depending on the relative strengths of these inputs. 18. 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