Physiology - Online Course Contents Module 1: Introduction to

Physiology - Online
Course Contents
Module 1: Introduction to Physiology Contents
Negative Feedback Control Systems
Positive Feedback Control Systems
Negative and Positive Feedback Control Systems
The Body's Structural Hierarchy
Module 2: Body Fluids
Body Fluid Compartments
A Quick Look at Plasma
Chemical Composition of the Body Fluids
Module 3: Human Cell Contents
Basic Cell Organelles
The Cell Membrane
Cell Membrane Structure
Membrane Proteins
Membrane Transport Mechanisms
o Diffusion
o Diffusion of Lipid-Soluble Substances
o Diffusion of Water-Soluble Substances
o Diffusion Factors
o Facilitated Diffusion
o Active Transport
o Osmosis
o Units of Osmosis
Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic
Concentration Gradients and Membrane Permeabilities
Membrane Potentials
o The Resting Membrane Potential
o Equilibrium Potential
Sodium/Potassium Pump
Functions of the Sodium/Potassium Pump
The Significance of the Resting Membrane Potential
Module 4: Nerve Cells
Structure of a Nerve Cell
Voltage-Gated Channels
o Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels
o Inactivation of Na+ Voltage-Gated Channel & the Absolute Refractory Period
o Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel
The Action Potential
o Refractory Periods
o Threshold for Starting an Action Potential
o Changes in Na+ and K+ Permeability/Conductance during an Action Potential
Action Potential Propagation
o Propagation of the Action Potential Down an Unmyelinated Nerve
o Unidirectional Nature of the Action Potential
o Propagation of the Action Potential Down a Myelinated Nerve: Saltatory Conduction
All-or-Nothing Principle of Action Potentials
Multiple Sclerosis
Synaptic Transmission
o The Structure of the Neuromuscular Junction
o Events at the Neuromuscular Junction
Module 5: Muscles Contents
A Whole Look at the Structure of Muscle
Structure of a Skeletal Muscle
Structure of a Muscle Cell
o Thin Myofilament
o Thick Myofilament
o Actin / Myosin Relationship
Muscle Contraction—Sliding Filament Theory
Excitation-Contraction Coupling and
Muscle Contraction
Relaxation of Muscle
Actin-Myosin and ATP Cycle
Rigor Mortis
Altering the Force of Contraction
o The Motor Unit
o Recruitment of Motor Units
o The Muscle Twitch
o Summation of Twitch Contractions
Module 6: Nervous System Contents
Basic Structure of the Brain
Functional Structure of the Brain
Neurons and Glial Cells
o Neurons
o Glial Cells
The Language of the Nervous System and Neural Coding
Ionic Basis of Postsynaptic Potentials—EPSPs and IPSPs
o Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials - EPSPs
o Spatial and Temporal Summation of Synaptic Potentials
o Spatial Summation
o Temporal Summation
o Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials—IPSPs
o EPSPs and IPSPs—Synaptic Integration
The Somatic-Motor System:
Basic Structures and Organization
o The Premotor Cortex
o The Supplementary Motor Cortex
o The Primary Motor Cortex
Corticospinal Tract
Muscle Receptors
Muscle Spindles
Alpha-Gamma Coactivation
The Reflex Arc
Stretch Reflex
The Limbic System and the Hypothalamus
Limbic System
The Hypothalamus
The Pituitary Gland
The Autonomic Nervous System
Pathways of the ANS
Neurotransmitters of the ANS
Functions of the ANS
Module 7: Sensory Systems Contents
Transduction of Environmental Information
Environmental Stimuli
Adequate Stimulus for the Receptor
Receptor (Generator) Potentials
Receptor Potentials and Neural Coding
The Somatosensory System
o Receptive Field
o Somatosensory Pathways from the Periphery to the Brain:
Spinothalamic (Anterolateral) Tract
Dorsal Column, Medial Lemniscal System
o Primary Somatosensory Cortex
o The Somatosensory Homunculus
The Visual System
o The Eye
o The Photoreceptors of the Eye—Rod Cells and Cone Cells
o Other Cells of the Retina
o Transduction of Light to Action Potentials
o How Light Is Transformed into Action Potentials
o Types of Eye Movements
The Auditory System
o Structure
o Structures of the Cochlea
o What Is Sound?
o Frequency and Intensity of Sound Waves
o Transfer and Amplification of Sound Vibrations
o Transduction of Sound to Action Potentials
o Basilar (Basement) Membrane
o Sound
The Vestibular System
o Structure of the Vestibular Apparatus
o Semicircular Canals
o Otolith Organ
o The Incredible Hair Cell
Module 8: Circulatory System I: The Heart Contents
Anatomy—The Heart
Anatomy—Circulation Through the Heart
Myocardial Cells
o Contractile Cells
o Nodal/Conducting Cells
Origins of Self-Excitability
o SA Node Action Potential
Myocardial Cells—Conducting System of the Heart
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
The Cardiac Cycle
o Contribution of Atrial Contraction to Ventricular Filling
o Cardiac Cycle—Period of Ejection
o Cardiac Cycle—Heart Sounds
Mechanical Performance of the Heart
o Cardiac Output
o The Control of Heart Rate
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Sympathetic Nervous System
o Stroke Volume
Control of Stroke Volume by the Autonomic Nervous
Control of Stroke Volume by Changing EDV and Preload
o Frank-Starling Law of the Heart
o Changing EDV
o Changing EDV by Exercising
Module 9: Circulatory System Part II: Blood Vessels
Anatomy—General Organization
Blood Volume Distribution
Blood Velocity and Cross-Sectional Area of Vessels
Pressure, Flow, and Resistance
o Resistance to Blood Flow
Control of Blood Flow in the Body
Changing Blood Flow in Response to Needs of an Organ
Blood Pressure and Resistance throughout the Systemic Circulation
Structure of Blood Vessels
Exchange of Substances across the Capillary
o The Capillary—Diffusion
o Filtration and Reabsorption (Starling Forces)
o Hydrostatic Pressures
o Osmotic Forces
o Net Filtration Pressure
o Starling Forces and the Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System
Control and Regulation of the Cardiovascular System
o Local Control Mechanisms (Autoregulation)
_ Myogenic Theory
_ Metabolic Theory
o Humoral Regulation
o Neural Control Mechanisms
Regulating Blood Pressure by the Baroreceptor Reflex
Module 10: Respiratory System Contents
o Blood Vessels and Blood Flow
o Histological Structure of an Alveolus
Pressures of the Lungs
o Intrapleural Pressure
o Alveolar and Atmospheric Pressure
o Transpulmonary Pressure
o Pneumothorax
o Boyle's Law
o Inspiration and Expiration
o Mechanisms of Inspiration
o Mechanisms of Expiration
Pulmonary Compliance
o Elastic Tissue Components
o Surface Tension
o Pulmonary Surfactant
o Pulmonary Surfactant and Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Lung Volumes
o Spirometer
o Lung Volumes and Lung Capacities
o Pulmonary Ventilation—Calculate
o Alveolar Ventilation—Calculate
o Alveolar Ventilation—Example
Partial Pressure of Gases
o Partial Pressures of Gases across the Alveoli—Diffusion
o Partial Pressures—O2 and CO2 throughout the Circulatory System
Oxygen Transport
o Dissolved in Plasma
o Hemoglobin
o Loading and Unloading of Oxygen from Hemoglobin
o Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve
Carbon Dioxide Transport
o Dissolved in Plasma
o Bicarbonate Ion
o The Chloride Shift
o Carbamino Compounds
o Loading and Unloading of Carbon Dioxide
Origin of Respiration
o Inhalation
o Exhalation
o Inhalation and Exhalation Combined
o Apneustic and Pneumotaxic Centers
o Voluntary Center
Regulation of Respiration Regulation of Respiration
o Negative Feedback
o Chemoreceptors
o Peripheral Chemoreceptors
o Central Chemoreceptors
Module 11: Renal System, Water & Electrolyte Balance Contents
Functions of the Kidneys
Anatomy of the Kidneys
o Blood Supply of the Kidneys
o The Nephron
o Blood Supply of the Nephron
The Renal Corpuscle
Processes along the Nephron
Glomerular Filtration (GFR)
o Starling Forces
o Glomerular Filtration Rate and Filtered Load
Tubular Transport Mechanisms—Introduction
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
o Reabsorption of Na+ and Glucose
o Diabetes Mellitus
o Reabsorption of Water
o Reabsorption of Filtrate Back into the Circulation
o Concentration of Filtrate
The Loop of Henle
o Concentration Gradient in the Medulla of the Kidneys
o Reabsorption of Na+ and Water in the Descending Limb
o Reabsorption of Na+ and Water in the Ascending Limb
Distal Convoluted Tubule
o Reabsorption of Na+ and Water
o Reabsorption of Na+
Collecting Duct—Reabsorption of Na+ and Water
Water Balance
o Introduction
o Regulation
o Osmoreceptors
o Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
o ADH's Effect on the Cells
Regulation of Sodium
o Introduction
o Aldosterone
o The Renin-Angiotensin System
Changes to the Filtrate
Water Balance
Hormones Involved with Water Balance
Module 12: The Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
Why is this Important?
The Hydrogen Atom and Hydrogen Ion
What are Acids and Bases?
The pH Scale
The Source of Acid in the Body
Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration
o Regulation of H+ Concentration—Buffers
o Regulation of H+ Concentration—Respiratory System
o Regulation of H+ Concentration—The Kidneys
Abnormal pH—Alkalosis and Acidosis
o Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis
o Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis
Module 13: Endocrine System Contents
Endocrine System—Function
o Basic Features
o Receptors
o Receptors for Hydrophobic Hormones
o Receptors for Hydrophilic Hormones
o The Second Messenger
o Tyrosine Kinase
o Ion Channels
o Control of Secretion
The Hypothalamus
o Structure and Function
o Hormones and Releasing Factors
The Pituitary Gland
o Structure
o Function
o Anterior Pituitary Hormones
o Posterior Pituitary Hormones
o Regulation by Negative Feedback
o Regulation by Negative Feedback (cont.)
The Thyroid Gland
o Structure
o Function
o Production of T3 and T4
o Secretion of T3 and T4
o Regulation of Secretion
o Effects of T3 and T4 on the Body
o Diseases
o Diseases—Goiter
o Calcitonin
The Parathyroid Glands and Parathyroid Hormone
The Adrenal Glands
o Structure
o Function
o Production of Hormones
o Cortisol
o Diseases
The Pancreas
Structure and Function
o Insulin
o Glucagon
o Somatostatin
o Importance of Blood Glucose Regulation
o Diabetes Mellitus
_ Type I Diabetes Mellitus
_ Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Module 14: Reproductive System Contents
The Reproductive System—Fetal Development of the Reproductive System
The Male Reproductive System
o Structure
o Function
o Spermatogenesis
o Control of Testicular Function
o Testosterone
The Female Reproductive System
o Structure
o Functions
o The Ovaries
o Oogenesis
o Ovulation
o Hormones of the Ovaries
o The Menstrual Cycle
Module 15: Digestive System Contents
The Digestive System
o Anatomy and Basic Function
o Basic Processes
The Mouth
The Stomach
o Structure
o Function
Function of Gastric Secretions
The Pancreas
o Structure
o Functions
The Small Intestine
o Structure
o Function
o Carbohydrate Digestion
_ Lactose Intolerance
o Carbohydrate Absorption
o Protein Digestion
o Protein Absorption
o Fat and Lipids
o Fat Digestion
_ Bile
_ Colipase
o Fat Absorption
o Absorption of Vitamins
o Absorption of Water
o Absorption of Ions
Large Intestine
o Structure
o Function
Digestive System
o Regulation
_ The Enteric Nervous System
_ The Autonomic Nervous System
_ Gastrointestinal Motility
_ Hormones of the Intestine
_ Gastric Hormones
_ Three Phases of Gastric Acid Secretion
The Cephalic Phase
The Gastric Phase
The Intestinal Phase
Module 16: Metabolism Contents
The Building Blocks
Energy Production
o A General Look
o The Metabolism of Glucose
_ Glycolysis
_ Lactic Acid
_ The Citric Acid Cycle
o The Metabolism of Fats and Amino Acids
o The Fed and Fasted State
o Regulation
_ Regulation by Insulin
_ Diabetes Mellitus
_ Glucagon
_ Other Hormones