Homac ® Overhead Connectors Multi-Tap Eye Bolt Connectors Aluminum Overhead Transformer Eye Bolt Multi-Tap Set-Screw Connectors Designed with factory-mounted 90° angle copper studs for installation in pole-type transformers with secondary eye bolt connections. • Maintains constant bolting pressure on conductors • Also provides maximum conductor-contact pressure • Use with aluminum and copper conductors • Meets or exceeds ANSI C119.4 specifications ABP 6500 Length Cat. No. ABP 240 ABP 340 ABP 440 ABP 540 ABP 640 ABP 740 ABP 840 ABP 2350 ABP 3350 ABP 4350 ABP 5350 ABP 6350 ABP 7350 ABP 8350 No. of Outlets Length (in.) 2 2-5/8 3 3-3/8 4 4-5/32 5 4-5/16 6 5-3/4 7 6-1/2 8 7-9/32 2 3-3/16 3 4-1/8 4 5 5 5-15/16 6 6-13/16 7 7-3/4 8 8-5/8 Stud Size Cable Range 1/2 x 4 Cat. No. ABP 2500 ABP 3500 ABP 4500 ABP 5500 ABP 6500 ABP 7500 ABP 8500 ABP 2750 ABP 3750 ABP 4750 ABP 5750 ABP 6750 ABP 7750 ABP 8750 #6–250 5/8 x 4 #6–350 No. of Outlets Length (in.) 2 3-5/8 3 4-5/8 4 5-5/8 5 6-5/8 6 7-5/8 7 8-5/8 8 9-5/8 2 4-1/4 3 5-5/8 4 6-15/16 5 8-9/32 6 9-5/8 7 10-61/64 8 12-5/16 Stud Size Cable Range #2–500 3/4 x 4-1/2 1/0–750 For special pin lengths and insulating boots, please consult your Thomas & Betts representative. Specialty Aluminum Overhead Transformer Eye Bolt Multi-Tap Set-Screw Connector For installing pin sizes slightly different than the norm. Cat. No. ABP 3168 No. of Outlets Length (in.) Stud Size Cable Range 4 4-1/4 1/2 #6–250 ABP 3168 w w w. tnb.c a B31 Homac ® Overhead Connectors Multi-Tap Eye Bolt Connectors TM Aluminum Flood-Seal Overhead Transformer Eye Bolt Multi-Tap Set-Screw Connectors Insulated for pole-type transformers in high-moisture environments • • • • • • RABP 4350 Cat. No. Maintains constant bolting pressure on conductors Also provides maximum conductor-contact pressure Install in pole-type transformers with secondary eyebolt connections Ensures a fully insulated, watertight connection Use with aluminum and copper conductors Meets or exceeds ANSI C119.4 specifications Conductor Range Outlets Exposed Pin Size #12–350 4 5 6 1/2 x 2 RABP 4350 RABP 5350 RABP 6350 For oxide-inhibitor option, add “-C” suffix to the catalogue number. B32 w w w. tnb.c a Homac ® Overhead Connectors Transformer Eyebolts Tin-Plated Overhead Transformer Eye Bolt Adapters Gain bolting pads for terminal assembly CEA 6 75 • Provides high-conductivity and resists corrosion • Accepts copper or aluminum one-hole terminals and two-hole NEMA-drilled terminals CEA 4 50 CEA 2 50 Cat. No. Fig. No. CEA 2 50 CEA 4 50 CEA 4 75 CEA 6 50 CEA 6 75 CEA 6 100 Pin Diameter 1 2-5/8 2-1/4 2-3/4 2-1/4 1/2 2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1 3 Exposed Pin Size 2-3/4 Fig. 1 All bolt holes are 9⁄16 in. spaced on 1-3⁄4 in. centers. For special pin lengths, please consult your Thomas & Betts representative. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Transformer Bushing Pads Pads sit flush and interlock with the bushing • Terminals can be bolted to either side of the pad • Built for heavy-duty jobs and resists corrosion TPH 4 N 3⁄4 in. Pad Sits Flush and Interlocks with Bushing 9⁄16 in. Dia. (Typ. 4) 5⁄8 in. TPH 2 N TPH 4 N 5⁄8 in. 3 min. 1-3⁄4 in. 3 min. 1-3⁄4 in. 5⁄8 in. 3⁄8 in. 5⁄8 in. Cat. No. TPH 2 N TPH 4 N 1-3⁄4 in. 3-1⁄8 in. Mounting Holes 2 4 For other available configurations, please consult your Thomas & Betts representative. w w w. tnb.c a B33