For more information about AGEN, please visit our website at www


“There is probably no single more important issue for the economic future of the Prairie… than the advancement of its Aboriginal human resources.”


Michael Mendelson and Ken Battle, Caledon Institute of Social Policy, June 16, 1999)

Aboriginal Government Employees Network

AGEN membership is open to all Aboriginal people employed with the Government of

Saskatchewan a n d Crown Corporations . All Aboriginal employees are automatically eligible members, however you need to fill out the attached AGEN registration form and submit it to the AGEN office in order to ensure AGEN’s membership information is accurate and correct.

AGEN History:

AGEN is a unique organization formed in 1992 dedicated to promoting a supportive environment for Aboriginal employees within the workplace and raising awareness around Aboriginal issues.

We assist in the process of building positive relationships and partnerships with the provincial government’s department, Crown corporations and unions. AGEN serves as a vehicle for dialogue around the barriers of Aboriginal employment within the departments and Crown corporations. It also acts as a support mechanism for Aboriginal people.

Our Vision: To participate in a representative workforce, achieved through the bridging of cultures and the sharing of a common journey.

Our Mission: To bring together our collective workplace experiences for the purposes of influencing change and to create and enhance employment opportunities for Aboriginal People.

Our Objectives:

• Work in partnership with executive government and crown corporations.

• A public relations vehicle to advocate on behalf of Aboriginal employment

• A forum for the discussions of issues such as workplace barriers

• A network to liaise with government and Aboriginal organizations regarding employment issues

Please complete attached membership form and return to the

AGEN office

For more information about AGEN, please visit our website at


Personal Information:

Name _____________________________________________________________

Work Address ______________________________________________________

Work Phone Number ________________________________________________

Work Fax Number __________________________________________________

Email Address ______________________________________________________

Employment Information :

Note: The following information is used for statistical purposes only and will be held strictly confidential

Department/Crown __________________________________________________

Start Date with Government/Crown ____________________________________

Current Job Title ____________________________________________________

Current Employment Status:

In-scope _____ Out-of-scope _____ If In-scope, which Union _________

Permanent _____ Part-time ______ Term _______ Other _____________

(if Other, please indicate what type)

AGEN Membership Status :

First Nation _______ Metis _______ Inuit _______

Friends of AGEN _______

(any non-Aboriginal person who supports the vision/mission of AGEN)

Please return membership form by fax, e-mail, or mail to:

Aboriginal Government Employees Network

7th Floor-1855 Victoria Avenue

Regina SK S4P 3V7

Phone # (306) 787-9080

Fax# (306) 798-0004

E-Mail agen
