Federal de Santa Catarina Brasil Requisitos para intercambio STUDENT’S APPLICATION APPLICATION LINK LANGUAGE • Original Academic Transcript and a translation into Portuguese or English (it can be translated by the student) • Certificate of registration • Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese at the intermediate level • Learning Agreement (printed on the online registration system, with the appropriate signatures http://sinter.ufsc.br/ingresso-de-estrangeiros/procedimentos-paraintercambio-de-graduacao-na-ufsc/?lang=es Portuguese LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS Portuguese level required: The student must have at least an intermediate level of Portuguese language in order to attend courses in undergraduate courses, since the disciplines at UFSC are taught in Portuguese. Tests of proficiency in Portuguese will be accepted or a certificate of studies of the Portuguese language. LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS LINK CLASSES START COST OF LIFE PER SEMESTER Not specified COURSES Not specified Not specified Not specified http://sinter.ufsc.br/ingresso-de-estrangeiros/acesso-ao-curriculo-doscursos/ COURSES LINK http://sinter.ufsc.br/ingresso-de-estrangeiros/acesso-ao-curriculo-doscursos/ STUDENT’S http://sinter.ufsc.br/files/2009/11/guia_intercambio_sinter_Ingl%C3%AAsGUIDE LINK FINAL_web.pdf INTERNATIONAL http://sinter.ufsc.br/ingresso-de-estrangeiros/ PAGE LINK