Impacts of Technology on the Environment


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Impacts of Technology on the Environment

Resources for Decision Making

This   resource   packet   employs   a   life   cycle   approach   to   build   the   technology   assessment   skills   of   9 ‐ 12 th

  grade   technology   students.


The   activities   of   this   packet   address   a   single   question:    What   are   the   environmental,   social,   and   health   impacts   of   replacing   incandescent   lamps   with   compact   fluorescent   lamps   (CFL)?


Prepared by…

Mary Annette Rose

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Although   the   information   in   this   document   has   been   funded   wholly   or   in   part   by   the   United   States   Environmental   Protection   Agency   under   assistance   agreement   #NE00E48901 ‐ 0   to   BALL   STATE   UNIVERSITY   it   may   not   necessarily   reflect   the   views   of   the   Agency   and   no   official   endorsement   should   be   inferred.



April 2009

Mary   Annette   Rose,   Director,   EnviroTech  

Department   of   Technology   

Ball   State   University  

Applied   Technology   Building  

Muncie,   Indiana   47306  

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At   the   heart   of   our   modern   technological   society   lies   an   unacknowledged   paradox.

  Although   the   United   States   is   increasingly   defined   by   and   dependent   on   technology   and   is   adopting   new   technologies   at   a   breathtaking   pace,   its   citizens   are   not   equipped   to   make   well ‐ considered   decisions   or   to   think   critically   about   technology.


National   Academy   of   Engineering   &  

National   Research   Council   (2002,   p.


The   consequences   of   our   technological   choices—   products,   processes,   and   systems—are   coming   into   focus.

  The   historical   record   demonstrates   that   technological   decisions   have   both   desirable   and   unpredictable   impacts   upon   human   health   and   the   vitality   of   the   environment.


More   recent   scientific   evidence   examining   carbon   and   mercury   cycles   indicates   that   the   consequences   of   our   energy   and   power   technologies   are   global   in   scale.


Standards for Technological Literacy (ITEA, 2000)

5. Students will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment.

13. Students will develop the abilities to assess the impact of products and systems.


National Science Education Standards

(NRC, 1996)

As a result of the activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop:

• decision-making skills.

• understandings of population growth, environmental quality, natural and human induced hazards, and science and technology in local, national and global challenges.

As   dedicated   teachers,   we   strive   to   help   students   develop   the   analytical   and   decision ‐ making   skills   they   will   need   to   make   wiser,   environmentally–sound   choices   regarding   the   design,   adoption,   use,   and   disposal   of   these   technologies.

  The   Standards   for   Technological   Literacy  

(2000,   Standard   5   &   13),   the   National   Science   Education  

Standards education building interconnectedness and  

  their students’




(NAAEE, instructional addressing  


  the these  




2004) understanding

  of assessment resource





  for echo   a



  environmental responsibility technology and   about decision packet standards.




‐ and provides



  the the making one






  for   environment skills.







Similar   to   using   processes   associated   with   engineering   design   or   problem   solving,   the   model   described   herein   employs   life   cycle   assessment   as   a   framework   for   teaching   and   learning.


Taken   as   a   whole,   the   student ‐ centered   resources   in   this   packet   guide   students   through   a   life   cycle   assessment   process.

  Alternatively,   these   individual   activities   may   serve   as   examples   that   can   then   be   applied   to   other   environmental   issues   and   technological   choices.


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All   resources   in   this   packet   relate   to   a   single   decision   characterized   by   three   essential   questions:   

Should   we   replace   incandescent   lamps   with   compact   fluorescent   lamps   (CFL)?


What   are   environmental,   social,   and   human   health   impacts   of   this   decision?


What   strategies   might   individuals   and   communities   use   to   reduce   the   negative   impacts   of   this   decision   on   the   environment   and   human   health?


In   addition   to   building   students’   assessment   and   decision   making   skills,   the   learning   experiences   described   here   help   students   meet   a   variety   of   learning   goals   (Table   1).


This   document   is   arranged   into   three   sections.

  This   introductory   section   provides   background  


Table   1.

  Learning   Goals   

After   completion   of   this   unit,   students   should   be   able   to:  


Describe   the   purpose,   principles,   and   methods   of   life   cycle   assessment.



Explain   the   advantages   of   replacing   incandescent   lamps   with   CFLs   in   terms   of   their   relative   energy   efficiency,   waste   heat   generation,   and   expected   life ‐ time.



Explain   disadvantages   of   adopting   CFLs   in   terms   of   the   disposal   and   recycling   practices   for   toxic   materials   and   the   release   of   mercury   into   the   environment.



Describe   physical,   chemical,   and   biological   processes   involved   with   the   transmission   and   dispersion   of   mercury   through   the   environment,   e.g.,   mercury   deposition.



Describe   qualities   of   healthy   ecosystems   and   recognize   technological   threats   to   the   integrity   of   these   systems.



Describe   impacts   of   mercury   upon   the   environment,   especially   the   bioaccumulation   of   mercury   within   fish.



Explain   common   routes   of   mercury   exposure,   especially   inhalation   and   fish   consumption,   and   the   risks   to   human   health.



Explain   appropriate   procedures   for   cleaning   up   broken  

CFLs   and   disposing   of   spent   CFLs.



Apply   methods   for   assessing   the   impact   of   technology   upon   the   environment,   the   economy,   and   human   health.



Synthesize   and   evaluate   contradictory   information.



Propose   alternative   decisions   or   policies   and   predict   potential   impacts   of   those   decisions.



Plan   an   experiment,   systematically   collect,   analyze,   and   interpret   data   to   inform   personal   decision ‐ making   and   community   action.



Develop   predispositions   to   responsibly   reduce   environmental   impacts   related   to   technological   choices.



  information   for   the   teacher.

  The   second   section   includes   activity   sheets   that   may   be   photocopied   and   distributed   to   students.


Worked   examples   are   provided   in   section   three.


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Life Cycle Assessment

Life   cycle   assessment   (LCA)   is   a   tool   for   identifying   and   analyzing   the   impacts—   influences,   costs,   or   benefits—of   technology   upon   the   environment.

  Policy   makers   use   the   information   generated   by   an   LCA   to   compare   the   tradeoffs   of   alternative   products,   processes,   and   services   and   to   better   inform   their   policy,   adoption,   and   management   decisions.

  Business   and   industry   leaders   use   this   information   to   improve   the   environmental   performance   of   their   products   and   operations,   e.g.,   pollution   prevention   and   recyclability,   and   inform   strategic   decisions.


Systems and Sustainability

LCA   is   built   upon   principles   of   systems   thinking,   sustainability,   and   life   cycle   thinking .

   A   s ystem   is   a   group   of   interdependent   components   which   act   together   in   a   unified   way.

   All   technological   systems   are   embedded   within   larger   social,   economic,   and   environmental   systems   which   interact   through   the   exchange   of   materials,   energy,   and   information.

  These   inputs   and   outputs   indicate   points   of   impact   and   dependence   between   systems.


For   a   system   to   be   sustainable   (i.e.,   continue   to   function),   the   inputs   consumed   by   one   system   must   not   exceed   the   stored   or   regenerative   capacity   of   the   environment   from   which   those   inputs   originate.

  Thus,   a   paper   mill   which   demands   trees   as   a   source   of   pulp   must   not   exceed   the   supply   of   an   existing   forest   or   the   growth   rate   of   that   forest.

  In   addition,   the   outputs   of   a   system—the   products,   wastes,   and   emissions—must   be   benign   or   degradable   by   the   environmental   system,   or   those   undesirable   elements   must   be   managed   and   stored   to   protect   the   health   of   the   environment.

   Life   cycle   thinking   is   a   powerful   decision ‐ making   tool   when   striving   for   sustainability.


Life   cycle   thinking   is   looking   upstream   and   downstream   at   the   phases   of   a   products   life   cycle.


This   “cradle ‐ to ‐ grave”   perspective   emphasizes   that   a   product   has   environmental,   social,   and   human   health   impacts   at   each   stage   of   its   life   cycle,   including   the   extraction   of   raw   materials,     design   and   production,   packaging   and   distribution,   use   and   maintenance,   and   disposal.

   This   comprehensive   view   compels   the   decision ‐ maker   to   consider   a   full   range   of   impact   indicators   associated   with   the   inputs   and   outputs   of   each   system,   especially   energy   consumption,   water   requirements,   solid   wastes,   atmospheric   emissions,   human   health   effects,   and   other   cumulative   impacts   to   the   biosphere.



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Figure 1. Life cycle of products.  



























Source:   United   Nations   Environment   Programme   (2007).

  Life   cycle   management:   

A   business   guide   to   sustainability   [Image].



   Retrieved   January   8,   2009,   from  

Conducting a Life Cycle Assessment

The   International   Standards   Organization   (ISO)   has   outlined   standards   of   Life   Cycle  

Assessment   (LCA)   in   its   ISO   14040   Standard.

  This   involves   four   phases,   including:   

(1)   Goal   and   Scope   Definition  

(2)   Inventory   Analysis  

(3)   Impact   Assessment   

(4)   Interpretation.


As   explained   by   the   Scientific   Applications   International   Corporation   (2006)   and   summarized   in   Table   2,   each   phase   consists   of   several   tasks.

  As   with   most   research   assessment   activities,   the   initial   phase   of   LCA   begins   by   clarifying   the   goals   of   the   assessment,   bounding   the   study,   describing   the   technology   in   terms   of   its   life   cycle,   selecting   analytical   methods,   and   planning.


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Table 2. Process of life cycle assessment.

Phases   Essential   Questions  

1   Goal and  



  What   are   the   goals   and   boundaries   of   the   study?


What   environmental   impacts   and   indicators   will   be   considered?


What   methods   and   reporting   requirements   will   be   used?


What   are   the   assumptions   and   limitations   of   the   study?


2   Inventory   Analysis   What   are   the   major   processes   of   each   phase   of   the   life   cycle?


What   are   the   major   inputs   (water,   energy,   materials)   and   outputs   (e.g.,   air   emissions,   waste)   of   each   process?


3   Impact  


What   sources   of   information   and   methods   will   be   used   to   quantify   the   inputs   and   outputs?


Which   impact   categories   are   relevant?

Does   the   input/output   factor   act   as   a   stressor   to   this   impact   category?


Key   Steps  


  Define   the   goal(s)   and   essential   questions   of   the   study.



  Describe   the   product,   process,   or   service   in   terms   of   its   life   cycle.



  Select   the   phases   of   the   life   cycle   that   will   be   examined.



  Identify   and   define   the   environmental   effects   and   indicators   (and   units   of   measurement)   that   will   be   examined   in   the   study.



  Identify   the   data   gathering,   analytical   and   reporting   methods?



  List   any   assumptions   limitations   of   the   study.


For   each   life   cycle   phase…  


Identify   and   describe   the   major   processes.



Develop   a   flow   diagram   for   the   processes   being   evaluated.



For   each   process,   identify   and   quantify   the   inputs  

(water,   energy,   materials)   and   outputs   (e.g.,   air   emissions   and   solid   waste).



Record   data   in   a   data   collection   spreadsheet.


What   is   the   potential   impact   of   this   stressor?


How   does   this   impact   compare   to   others?


  Select   and   define   impact   categories,   e.g.,   potential   mercury   toxicity   in   fish.



  Classify   LCI   results   into   impact   categories.



  Model   the   potential   impacts.




  Standardize   potential   impacts   to   allow   comparison.



  Group   and   weight   the   potential   impacts.


4   Interpretation   Based   on   the   evidence the   significant   issues?


  and   analyses,   what   are

Is   the   analysis   complete,   sensitive,   and   consistent?


Relative   to   the   goal   and   scope   of   the   assessment   and   evidence,   what   conclusions   and   recommendations   are   reasonable?





Identify   significant   issues.



Evaluate   the   completeness,   sensitivity,   and   consistency   of   the   data.



Draw   conclusions   and   recommendations.


Adapted   from   Scientific   Applications   International   Corporation.

  (2006,   May).

  Life   cycle   assessment:   Principles   and   practice .


  Environmental   Protection   Agency   (Contract   EPA/600/R ‐ 06/060).

  Retrieved   January   8,   2009,   from


During   Phase   2,   each   of   the   major   processes   of   the   system   is   examined,   inventoried,   quantified,   and   depicted   in   a   system   flow   diagram   (Figure   2).

   The   challenge   of   this   phase   is   to   select   reliable   data   sources   or   methods   which   yield   the   desired   type   and   accuracy   of   data   for   each   of   the   inputs   (materials   and   energy)   and   outputs   (e.g.,   air   emissions,   solid   waste,   water,   effluents,   products   and   by ‐ products).

   Common   data   sources   include   actual   performance   measurements,   manufacturer   specifications,   government   reports,   or   industry ‐ averaged   reports.

  The   data   for   the   life   cycle   inventory   (LCI)   are   compiled   into   an   electronic   spreadsheet   or   database   for   further   analysis   and   presentation   of   results.

  The   example   provided   in   Figure   3   shows   a   flow   diagram   of   mercury   used   in   fluorescent   lamps   (Cain,   Disch,  

Twarski,   Reindl,   and   Case,   2007).


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Figure 2. Generic system flow diagram for a single process.

In   Phase   3,   the   goal   is   to   evaluate   the   linkages   between   the   technology   under   study   and   its   potential   impact   upon   the   environment   and   human   health.

  Major   activities   of   this   phase   include   selecting   impact   categories   (e.g.,   mercury   toxicity   of   fish,   global   warming,   or   human   health)   and   then   classifying   the   LCI   results   into   these   categories.

   To   allow   comparison   of   results,   the   indicators   within   categories   are   then   characterized   in   common   terms.

  For   example,   all   emissions   contributing   to   global   warming   might   be   represented   in   CO



  Then,   finally   each   of   the   impact   categories   is   assigned   a   rank   based   on   their   perceived   importance.



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Figure 3. Flow diagram of mercury used in fluorescent lamps in the United States in 2005.

Source: Cain, A., Disch, S., Twarski, C., Reindl, J.& Case, C.R. (2007). Substance flow analysis of mercury intentionally used in products in the United States.

Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11

(3). Retrieved December 7,

2007, from



In   the   final   phase   of   LCA,   the   assessor   reviews   the   goals   and   results   of   the   assessment   and   identifies   the   significant   issues.

  Because   estimates   and   assumptions   must   be   made   during  

Phase   2   and   3   of   the   LCA,   another   important   task   is   to   recheck   and   evaluate   the   data   before   drawing   conclusions,   making   recommendations,   and   formally   reporting   the   study   to   others.



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Section 2. Student Handouts

Life Cycle Thinking

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When   you   use   a   product,   you   are   participating   in   one   phase   of   a   product’s   life.

  Before   the   product   makes   it   to   you,   raw   materials   are   taken   (extracted)   from   the   environment   and   manufactured   into   a   product.

  Then,   the   finished   product   is   transported   to   a   distributor   where   you   make   a   decision   about   whether   to   purchase   it.

  Many   products,   such   as   a   light   bulb,   also   consume   energy   as   you   use   them.

  After   the   product   is   spent   and   no   longer   useful,   you   dispose   of   it   or   recycle   it.

  This   circle   is   called   a   product   life   cycle .

  A   life   cycle   shows   that   every   product   is   connected   to   the   environment.


Do   you   think   about   how   your   decisions   to   purchase   and   use   a   product   creates   a   demand   for   plants,   animals,   minerals,   and   energy?

  Do   you   consider   how   the   technologies   used   to   extract,   produce,   transport,   and   dispose   of   products   might   affect   (impact)   the   environment   and   your   health?


Source:   United   Nations   Environment   Programme   (2007).

  Life   cycle   management:   A   business   guide   to   sustainability   [Image].





Retrieved   January   8,   2009,   from  

In   this   lesson,   we   will   use   life   cycle   assessment  

(LCA)   to   help   us   identify   and   assess   how   our   choices   impact   the   environment.

  To   do   so,   we   will   explore   one   common   decision…   

Source:   United   Nations   Environment   Programme. (2007).

  Life   cycle   management:   A   business   guide   to   sustainability [Image]. p.







you and your family purchase and install compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) in your house or apartment?

  How   might   this   decision   impact   the   health   of   humans   and   the   environment?


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Life Cycle Assessment



Name ___________________________  

Teams   of   business   and   industry   leaders   use   Life   Cycle   Assessment   (LCA)   to   help   them   make   decisions.


The   LCA   process   helps   the   team   identify   the   environmental   and   social   impacts   of   a   product.

   An   impact   is   a   change   or   consequence   that   results   after   a   choice   has   been   made.

  Let’s   use   the   four   phases   of   the   LCA   process   to   help   us   make   a   decision…   

PHASE #1 Goal and Scope

One   of   the   first   tasks   of   a   LCA   is   to   define   your   goals   and   bound   your   assessment.

  Bounding   means   setting   limits,   such   as   setting   limits   on   time,   place,   sources   of   information,   and   impact   areas.

  The   impact   areas   of   interest   could   include   impacts   to   the   biosphere   (humans,   animals,   and   plants),   or   the   hydrosphere   (water),   cryosphere   (ice),   atmosphere   (air),   or   lithosphere   (land).


Directions :   Discuss   the   goals   and   boundaries   of   your   LCA   with   your   teacher   and   team   mates.

  Then,   record   these   goals   and   boundaries   below:  

● ● Goal & Scope ● ●  


Goal :    

Time   Limits :    




Setting   of   the   Study :  

Sources   of   Information :     

Impact   Areas :  

● ● ●  

PHASE #2A Inventory Analysis

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Name _______________________________  

In   this   phase   of   the   LCA,   the   team   takes   an   inventory   of   the   major   systems   used   during   a   products’   life   cycle.

   A   system   is   a   set   of   tools   and   processes   (e.g.,   mining   and   manufacturing)   which   work   together   in   a   unified   way.

  A   system   requires   materials   and   energy   to   function;   these   elements   are   called   inputs .

  Processes   transform   these   inputs   into   desirable   products   and   undesirable   outputs  

(e.g.,   wastes   and   emissions ).

  A   complete   inventory   would   identify   and   quantify   the   inputs,   processes,   and   outputs   for   the   entire   life   cycle   of   a   product.



Directions :    The   list   below   identifies   some   of   the   major   inputs,   processes,   and   outputs   of   the   life   cycle   of   a   CFL.

   After   conducting   a   Web   search   and   reviewing   the   information   provided   by   the   instructor,   categorize   these   processes,   materials,   energy   sources,   into   the   Inventory   of   CFL’s.


Remember   to   keep   track   of   your   sources   of   information   by   recording   them   below.


  Major   inputs,   processes,   and   outputs   in   the   life   cycle   of   a   CFL . 

Materials   Processes  












Carbon   dioxide   

Printed   circuit   board  


Underground   mining   

Crushing   spent   CFL  

Installing   new   CFL  

Collecting   spent   CFL   


Shipping   (cargo   ship)   



Burying   in   a   landfill  

Shaping   glass   tubes   

Cleaning   up   broken   CFLs   


Refining   ore  










Natural   gas  

Energy   Form  













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● ● Inventory of CFL’s ● ●  









Extracting   &   Refining








Packaging   &   Distribution


Use   &   Maintenance



PHASE #2B Inventory Analysis

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Name _______________________

The   purpose   of   your   Life   Cycle   Assessment   is   to   help   you   make   a   decision   about   whether   to   adopt   compact   fluorescent   lamps.

  Your   Life   Cycle   Inventory   (LCI)   would   not   be   complete   without   counting   the   number,   type,   and   power   ratings   of   lamps   you   have   in   your   home   or   apartment.

  The   unit   of   power   for   a   bulb   is   the   Watt   (W).

  Common   power   ratings   for   CFLs   are   23   W   and   14   W.

   This   data   would   help   describe   the   “Use   and   Maintenance”   section   of   the   LCI.

  For   the   Disposal   section,   you   will   also   need   information   about   how   you   and   your   parents   dispose   of   spent   bulbs.


   Directions :    Working   with   team   mates,   develop   an   inventory   sheet   that   could   be   used   to   record   the   number   and   types   of   light   bulbs   in   your   home   or   apartment.

  On   this   sheet,   you   might   provide   a   column   to   record   the   type,   quantity,   power   rating   of   lamps   and   initial   cost   of   lamps.

  After   your   team   finalizes   the   inventory   sheet,   take   the   sheet   home   and   conduct   an   inventory   of   working   bulbs   in   your   home   or   apartment.


● ● Inventory of Bulbs in a House ● ●  

Address: Name:









Type   of   Bulb  

(CFL,   Fluorescent,  










Power   Rating  


Number   of   Bulbs   Initial   Cost  

TOTAL   Number   of   Bulbs


How does your family dispose of spent CFL and fluorescent lamps?

What does your family do if a CFL or fluorescent lamp breaks?


PHASE #2C Inventory Analysis

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Name _______________________

A   necessary   part   of   a   life   cycle   inventory   (LCI)   is   to   quantify   the   energy   used   during   each   part   of   the   life   cycle.

   For   the   “Use   and   Maintenance”   part   of   the   life   cycle,   we   can   use   your   home   inventory   to   estimate   the   quantity   of   energy   consumed.

  Before   we   begin,   you   should   know   that:   

• a   25 ‐ Watt   CFL   creates   about   the   same   light   intensity   as   a   100 ‐ Watt   incandescent   lamp;  

1000   Watts   used   in   a   single   hour   is   called   a   kiloWatthour   (kWh);   

Most   of   the   electricity   generated   in   the   U.S.

  is   generated   through   coal   combustion;  

One   Pound   of   coal   can   produce   about   1.2

  kiloWatthours   (kWh)   of   electricity.


Directions : Using the worksheet below, estimate the coal required to light your house for a year. 

Let’s assume that (1) all the bulbs in your house are either 25‐W CFLs or 100‐W incandescent  lamps and (2) they operate for the same number of hours per day. Begin by estimating the  number of hours your lights stay on a single day. Then, record the total number of bulbs in your  house or apartment. Using the formulas below, calculate the electrical power, cost, and quantity  of coal that is burned to generate electricity.  

● ● Inventory Analysis: Energy Consumption ● ●  



Type   of   Bulb  


A   B   C  




25 W   

Time   Bulbs  


(Hours   per   year)  



Bulbs   in  






Used   per  



E   F  


Cost   of  

Electricity   per   year  




Burned   per   year  



Incandescent   100 W       



Formulas for Calculating Energy Consumption: 

B = Hours per year = Hours per day x 365 days per year 

D = Electrical Power used per year (kWh) = (A x B x C) ÷1000 

E = Cost of electricity to light bulbs per year = Cost per kWh x D 

F = Coal (lb) burned to light bulbs for one year = D ÷ 1.2 







PHASE #2D Inventory Analysis

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Name _______________________

When   reporting   the   results   of   an   Inventory   Analysis,   assessors   make   a   flow   diagram   which   graphically   shows   where   inputs   and   outputs   flow   in   and   out   of   processes.


Directions :    Working   with   a   team,   prepare   a   flow   diagram   for   one   part   of   the   life   cycle   of   a   CFL,   i.e.,   extracting   raw   materials,   producing,   transporting,   using   and   maintaining   or   disposing.

  As   shown   in   the   model   below,   show   the   inputs,   processes,   and   outputs   associated   with   this   part   the   life   cycle.


When   you   are   finished,   connect   your   flow   diagram   to   other   teams   in   the   class   to   form   a   complete   flow   diagram   of   the   life   cycle   of   a   CFL.


● ● Inventory Analysis: Flow Diagram ● ●  

Part of the CFL life cycle:

List information sources here .

● ● ●  



PHASE #2E Inventory Analysis

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 18 

Name ________________________

A   life   cycle   inventory   (LCI)   of   the   inputs   and   outputs   of   a   product   also   includes   information   about   the   quantity   or   volume   of   energy,   materials,   wastes,   and   emissions.

   These   quantities   may   be   performance   measurements,   manufacturer   standards,   or   government   or   industry ‐ averaged   reports.

  The   challenge   is   to   select   the   most   reliable   data   sources   and   methods   that   will   yield   the   best   estimate   of   the   inputs/outputs   of   a   system.

  This   data   is   eventually   compiled   into   a   spreadsheet   or   database   and   represented   in   a   flow   diagram.


Directions :    Working   with   your   team,   examine   the   flow   diagram   of   the   mercury   releases   from   fluorescent   lamps   (Figure   4).

  After   discussing   the   following   questions   with   your   team,   record   your   responses   below.


● ● Inventory Analysis: Quantifying ● ●  

Question Response


What   unit   is   used   to   quantify   mercury   releases?


What   do   the   rectangles   represent?



What   symbol   represents   the   desired   flow   path   of   mercury?



In   2005,   how   much   mercury   is   being   released   by fluorescent   lamps   in   the   U.S.?



What   does   MSW   mean?



What   single   process   releases   the   most   mercury   into   the   land?

  How   much?




Based   on   this   flow   diagram,   what   group   of   workers   may   be   exposed   to   the   most   mercury   releases   in   the  




How   much   mercury   is   reclaimed   from   fluorescent   lamps   through   recycling   efforts?

  Of   the   total   mercury   releases   occurring,   what   percentage   does   this   represent?



Why   is   the   “production”   stage   responsible   for   such   as   small   percentage   of   mercury   releases   in   the   U.S.?



Figure 4. Flow diagram of the mercury releases from fluorescent lamps in the United States in 2005.

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 19 


Source: Cain, A., Disch, S., Twarski, C., Reindl, J.& Case, C.R. (2007). Substance flow analysis of mercury intentionally used in products in the United States.

Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11

(3). Retrieved Janury 30, 2009, from

PHASE #3A Impact Assessment

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 20 

Name _______________________

The   goal   of   Impact   Assessment   is   to   evaluate   whether   the   materials   and   energy   identified   in   the   Life  

Cycle   Inventory   might   impact   the   environment   and   human   health.

  The   flow   diagram   provided   in  

Figure   3   indicates   that   mercury   emissions   are   a   common   output   of   all   stages   of   the   life   cycle   of   a   CFL.


The   commonness   of   mercury   suggests   an   impact.

   What   are   the   characteristics   of   mercury?

  What   happens   to   it   when   it   is   released   into   the   environment?


As shown in Figure 4, mercury moves and changes form on the earth through biological,  geological and chemical processes. For example, mercury in the air eventually returns to the  earth in a process known as  mercury deposition .  Bacteria in the soil and water transform  mercury into methylmercury. The mercury releases occurring during the life cycle of a CFL  contribute to this mercury cycle.   

Figure 4. Mercury cycle.

Source:  University of Wisconsin‐Extension. Mercury in Schools Education Team. (2002). Mercury cycle [Image]. 

Mercury   in   schools   and   the   community:   A   national   issue.

  University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents.  p. 46. 

Retrieved March 29, 2008, from


Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 21 

Directions :     Conduct   an   impact   assessment   of   mercury   by   following   these   steps:   


In   Figure   4,   draw   a   CFL   to   indicate   its   contribution   to   the   mercury   cycle.



Predict   what   or   who   might   be   impacted   (harmed)   by   mercury   emissions   to   the   air,   land,   or   water.


Record   your   predictions   in   the   Impact   Category   below.



Interview   a   physician,   nurse,   toxicologist,   industrial   hygienist,   or   ecologist   to   discover   how   mercury   might   impact   the   environment   and   human   health.

  Or,   review   the   following   sources   of   information:  

ToxFAQs™   for   Mercury ,   Agency   for   Toxic   Substances   &   Disease   Registry  

Scientific   Facts   on   Mercury ,   GreenFacts   Digest  


During   your   search   for   information,   look   for   clues   about   food   chains,   bioaccumulation,   and   toxicity.



  As   you   discover   potential   impacts,   record   them   next   to   the   appropriate   Impact   Category.



To   complete   the   Impact   Assessment   related   to   mercury   releases,   rank   order   the   potential   impacts   from   the   most   important   (1)   to   the   least.


● ● Impact Assessment: Mercury Releases ● ●  


Impact Category Potential Impacts

Rank by


(1 = most important)







List information sources here .

● ● ●  




PHASE #3B Impact Assessment

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 22 

Name _______________________

The   purpose   of   this   Life   Cycle   Assessment   is   to   help   you   make   a   decision   about   whether   to   replace   incandescent   bulbs   with   CFLs.

  To   assess   the   impact   of   this   decision,   we   should   compare   a   life   cycle   assessment   of   these   two   types   of   bulbs   in   terms   of   mercury   releases   related   to   the   electrical   energy   they   consume   and   the   mercury   in   the   bulb   that   could   be   released   during   disposal.


To   begin,   let’s   note   some   important   facts.

  About   50%   of   the   electricity   generated   in   the   U.S.

  is   from   the   combustion   of   coal.

   Coal   combustion   releases   mercury   into   the   atmosphere.

  The   U.S.


Department   of   Energy   reports   that   the   mercury   emissions   from   coal ‐ fired   electricity   generation   averages   to   0.012

  milligrams   per   kiloWatthour   (0.012



Directions :   Calculate   and   compare   the   mercury   emissions   related   to   powering   a   CFL   and   an   incandescent   bulb.

  Assume   that   these   bulbs   will   be   used   for   8000   hours   per   year   and   use   the   formulas   located   below.


● ● Impact Assessment: CFL vs. Incandescent ● ●  


Type   of   Bulb  



  A   B  





Hours   of  

Use   per   year  


25 W  8000   


Power   used   per   year  


D   E   F  






Mercury   in  








Incandescent   100 W  8000         



Formulas for Calculating the Mercury Release Potential of Use and Disposal: 

C = Electrical Power used per year (kWh) = (A x B) ÷ 1000 W/kWh 

D = Average mercury emissions from coal‐fired electricity generation = 0.12 mg/kWh  

E = Average mercury in a bulb: CFL = 4.0 mg; Incandescent = 0.00 

F = Mercury release potential from use and disposal of bulbs (mg) = (C x D) + E   

● ● ●  


PHASE #3C Impact Assessment

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 23 

Name _______________________

To   assess   the   impact   of   replacing   incandescent   bulbs   with   CFLs,   we   should   also   compare   how   of   these   two   types   of   bulbs   are   disposed   of   when   they   are   no   longer   useful.

   Because   CFLs   contain   mercury,   a   toxic   substance,   they   are   classified   as   Household   Hazardous   Waste   (HHW).

  Just   as   you   would   dispose   of   batteries,   paints,   and   pesticides,   HHW   should   be   taken   to   a   hazardous   waste   collection   site.

  In   contrast,   incandescent   bulbs   are   placed   in   the   household   trash   and   buried   in   a   landfill.


In   Figure   5,   we   see   that   most   materials   in   CFLs   and   other   fluorescent   bulbs   are   recyclable,   including   the   mercury.

  The   mercury   is   separated   from   the   metals   and   glass   through   a   heating   and   distillation   process   known   as   retorting.


So,   if   consumers   responsibly   take   their   spent   CFLs   to   a   HHW   collection   site,   they   will   reduce   mercury   releases   to   the   environment.

   Where   is   your   closest   HHW   collection   site?

  When   do   they   collect  


  What   percent   of   households   in   your   neighborhood   recycle   CFL   and   fluorescent   bulbs?


Learn   More:     Working   with   a   team,   develop   a   survey   that   will   allow   you   to   estimate   how   likely   it   is   that   spent   CFLs   and   fluorescent   bulbs   will   be   recycled.

  Then,   administer   the   survey   to   people   in   your   neighborhood   and   compile   the   results.


Figure 5. Fluorescent lamp recycling.

Source:   EcoLights.


  Fluorescent   Lamp   Recycling.


January   16,   2009,   from


PHASE #4 Interpretation

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 24 

Name _______________________

In   the   final   phase   of   a   Life   Cycle   Assessment,   it   is   time   to   review   your   goals,   combine   all   the   information,   draw   conclusions,   make   recommendations   and   report   your   results   to   others.


Directions :    Discuss   the   information   you   have   gathered   with   your   team   mates.

  What   conclusions   can   you   reach   about   the   impacts   of   CFLs   on   the   environment   and   human   health?

  What   recommendations   would   you   make   to   your   family,   neighbors,   and   government   leaders?

   In   the   space   below,   record   your   conclusions   and   recommendations.

  Then,   share   this   information   with   others.


● ● Interpretation ● ●  


Goal :   








May   family   should   ….


People   in   my   community   should…  

Government   leaders   should…  



● ● ●  


Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 25 

SECTION 3: Worked Examples


Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 26 

Life Cycle Assessment




PHASE #1 Goal and Scope

Directions :   Discuss   the   goals   and   boundaries   of   your   LCA   with   your   teacher   and   team   mates.

  Then,   record   these   goals   and   boundaries   below:  

● ● Goal & Scope ● ●  

Goal :    To   discover   the   potential   impacts   of   compact   fluorescents   upon   the   environment   and   human   health.


Time   Limits :    Three   –   six   class   periods  

Setting   of   the   Study :   Your   county,   town   and   neighborhood  

Sources   of   Information :    Measurements   of   lamps   in   the   house   or   apartment,   manufacturer   specifications,   government   agencies,   such   as   the   U.S.

  Environmental   Protection   Agency,   U.S.

  Geological   Service,   and   the   Agency  

Agency   for   Toxic   Substances   and   Disease   Registry.


Impact   Areas :   Mercury   and   energy   impacts   upon   wildlife   and   human   health

● ● ●  

PHASE #2A Inventory Analysis

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 27 


● ● Inventory of CFL’s ● ●  







Energy:   Petroleum,   natural   gas,   &   coal  


Materials:   sand,   bauxite,   cinnabar  

Extracting   &   Refining

Underground   mining   or   ores   

Refining   cinnabar   by   milling,   heating,   condensing,   and   filtering  


Silica   &   aluminum    

Elemental   mercury   


Carbon   dioxide  

Mercury   emissions  


Energy:   Coal   (electricity),   natural   gas  

Materials:   glass,   elemental   mercury,   phosphorous,   aluminum   


Manufacturing   CFLs   by   bending,   coating   glass   tubes   with   phosphorous,   adding   mercury,   and   sealing   the   base,   electronic   ballast,   and   tube.



• Compact   fluorescents  

• Heat  

Carbon   dioxide  

Mercury   emissions  

Energy:   Coal   (electricity)    &   petroleum  

Materials:   CFLs,   paper,   and   plastics  

Packaging   &   Distribution

Packaging   and   transporting   CFLs   to   distributors


Compact   fluorescents  


• Carbon   dioxide  

• Mercury   emissions  


Energy:   Coal   (electricity)  

Materials:   CFLs  

Use   &   Maintenance

Consumers   purchase,   install,   maintain,   and   dispose   of   CFLS  


Spent   &   broken   CFLs  


Carbon   dioxide   

Mercury   emissions  


Energy:   Petroleum,   natural   gas,   &   coal  


Materials:   Spent   &   broken   CFLs   


Collecting,   recycling   and   burying  


CFLs   in   a   landfill  

Mercury   is   reclaimed   from   a   CFL   by   breaking   and   retorting


Elemental   Mercury   



Mercury   emissions  

Carbon   Dioxide  


PHASE #2B Inventory Analysis

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 28 





● ● Inventory of Bulbs in a House ● ●  

Type   of   Bulb  


(CFL,   Fluorescent,  



Fluorescent tubes 




Incandescent (3‐way) 

Power   Rating  


14 W

20 W

20 W

40 W

60 W

100 W

50/100/150 W

TOTAL   Number   of   Bulbs


Number   of   Bulbs  









Initial   Cost  









How does your family dispose of spent CFL and fluorescent lamps?

What does your family do if a CFL or fluorescent lamp breaks?


Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 29 

PHASE #2C Inventory Analysis

● ● Inventory Analysis: Energy Consumption ● ●  




Type   of   Bulb  






25 W 


Time   Bulbs  


(Hours   per   year)  




Bulbs   in  




D   E  


Used   per  



Cost per  



  of year

2354 kWh  $235.43 





Incandescent   100 W  2190  43  9417 kWh  $ 941.70 

Difference 7063 kWh  $705.28 


Formulas for Calculating Energy Consumption: 

B = Hours per year = Hours per day x 365 days per year 

D = Electrical Power used per year (kWh) = (A x B x C) ÷ 1000 

E = Cost of electricity to light bulbs per year = Cost per kWh x D 

F = Coal (lb) burned to light bulbs for one year = D ÷ 1.2 




Burned   per   year  


196 lb 

784 lb 

588 lb 

PHASE #2D Inventory Analysis

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 30 





Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 31 


Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 32 





PHASE #2E Inventory Analysis

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 33 


● ● Inventory Analysis: Quantifying ● ●  



What   unit   is   used   to   quantify   mercury   releases?


What   do   the   rectangles   represent?



What   symbol   represents   the   flow   path   of   mercury?



In   2005,   how   much   mercury   is   being   released   by   fluorescent   lamps   in   the   U.S.?



What   does   MSW   mean?



What   single   process   releases   the   most   mercury   into   the   land?

  How   much?



Response   kilograms   (kg)


7177   kg

Municipal   Solid   Waste

Landfilling   (6124   kg);  

Disposal   of   CFLs   in   landfills  


Based   on   this   flow   diagram,   what   group   of   workers   may   be   exposed   to   the   most   mercury   releases   in   the   U.S.?


Trash   collectors   and   landfill   workers  


How   much   mercury   is   reclaimed   from   fluorescent   lamps   through   recycling   efforts?

  Of   the   total   mercury   releases   occurring,   what   percentage   does   this   represent?



Why   is   the   “production”   stage   responsible   for   such   as   small   percentage   of   mercury   releases   in   the   U.S.?


1906   kg;   About   25%

Mercury   ore   is   not   mined   or   refined   in   the   U.S. The   major   producers   include   Spain,   Kyrgyzstan   and   Algeria.


Bulb   manufacturers   are   located   primarily   in   China.


Resources :   

Cain,   A.,   Disch,   S.,   Twarski,   C.,   Reindl,   J.&   Case,   C.R.


  Substance   flow   analysis   of   mercury   intentionally   used   in   products   in   the   United   States.

  Journal   of   Industrial   Ecology,   11 (3).

  Retrieved   December   7,   2007,   from



  Environmental   Protection   Agency,   Office   of   Air   Quality   Planning   &   Standards,   &   Office   of   Research   and   Development.



  Mercury   Study   Report   to   Congress.

  Volume   I ‐ VIII .

  (EPA ‐ 452/R ‐ 97 ‐ 003).


  Environmental   Protection   Agency.


Retrieved   February   27,   2007,   from


● ● ●  

PHASE #3A Impact Assessment

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 34 


● ● Impact Assessment: Mercury Releases ● ●  


Impact Category





Potential Impacts

Mercury,   especially   methylmercury,   bioaccumulates   (builds   up   in   an   organism)   and   biomagnifies   (builds   up   in   the   food   chain).

  Predatory   fish   and   marine   mammals   which   live   a   long   time   have   significant   levels   of   methylmercury   in   their   tissue.



Methylmercury   is   a   poison   that   attacks   the   central   nervous   system.

  Fish   may   behave   abnormally   and   their   reproduction   may   be   affected.


People   may   be   exposed   to   mercury   by   breathing   mercury   vapor   from   broken   lamps   or   by   eating   contaminated   fish.


Exposure   to   mercury   can   cause   damage   to   the   kidney,   liver   and   central   nervous   system.

   Fetuses   and   young   children   are   especially   vulnerable   to   mercury   poisoning.

  Mercury   can   impair   cognitive   development.


Mammals,   such   as   killer   whales,   mink   and   otter,   ,   live   on   a   diet   of   fish.

  Depending   upon   the   dose,   exposure   to   methylmercury   can   cause   death,   organ   damage,   impaired   immune   response,   and   reproductive   impairments.


Rank by


(1 = most important)



Birds     Birds,   such   as   loons   and   eagles,   live   on   a   diet   of   fish.


Depending   upon   the   dose,   exposure   to   methylmercury   can   cause   death,   organ   damage,   impaired   immune   response,   and   reproductive   impairments.


List information sources here .


Agency   for   Toxic   Substances   and   Disease   Registry.


  ToxFAQs   for   Mercury.

  Center   for   Disease  


   Retrieved   January   30,   2009,   from


GreenFacts   Digests.


  Scientific   facts   on   mercury.

  Retrieved   January   16,   2009,   from ‐ 1.htm


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, & Office of Research and 

Development. (1997).  Mercury   Study   Report   to   Congress.

  Volume   I ­ VIII . (EPA‐452/R‐97‐003). U.S. 

Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved February 27, 2007, from


● ● ●  

PHASE #3B Impact Assessment

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 35 

Name _______________________

The   purpose   of   this   Life   Cycle   Assessment   is   to   help   you   make   a   decision   about   whether   to   replace   incandescent   bulbs   with   CFLs.

  To   assess   the   impact   of   this   decision,   we   should   compare   a   life   cycle   assessment   of   these   two   types   of   bulbs   in   terms   of   mercury   releases   related   to   the   electrical   energy   they   consume   and   the   mercury   in   the   bulb   that   could   be   released   during   disposal.


To   begin,   let’s   note   some   important   facts.

  About   50%   of   the   electricity   generated   in   the   U.S.

  is   from   the   combustion   of   coal.

   Coal   combustion   releases   mercury   into   the   atmosphere.

  The   U.S.


Department   of   Energy   reports   that   the   mercury   emissions   from   coal ‐ fired   electricity   generation   averages   to   0.012

  milligrams   per   kiloWatthour   (0.012



Directions :   Calculate   and   compare   the   mercury   emissions   related   to   powering   a   CFL   and   an   incandescent   bulb.

  Assume   that   these   bulbs   will   be   used   for   8000   hours   per   year   and   use   the   formulas   located   below.


● ● Impact Assessment: CFL vs. Incandescent ● ●  



Type   of   Bulb  







25   W  


Hours   of  

Use   per   year  




Power   used   per   year  


200   kWh  

D   E  







Mercury   in   Bulb  











Incandescent   100   W   8000   800   kWh   0.012

  mg/kWh   0.0


Difference 4.0



Formulas   for   Calculating   the   Mercury   Release   Potential   of   Use   and   Disposal:  

C   =   Electrical   Power   used   per   year   (kWh)   =   (A   x   B)   ÷   1000   W/kWh  

D   =   Average   mercury   emissions   from   coal ‐ fired   electricity   generation   =   0.012


E    =   Average   mercury   in   a   bulb:   CFL   =   4.0

  mg;   Incandescent   =   0.00


F   =   Mercury   release   potential   from   use   and   disposal   of   bulbs   (mg)   =   (C   x   D)   +   E    

● ● ●





PHASE #3C Impact Assessment

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 36 


Learn   More:     Working   with   a   team,   develop   a   survey   that   will   allow   you   to   estimate   how   likely   it   is   that   spent   CFLs   and   fluorescent   bulbs   will   be   recycled.

  Then,   administer   the   survey   to   people   in   your   neighborhood   and   compile   the   results.


● ● Impact Assessment: Survey ● ●  

  ______   1.

  How   do   you   currently   dispose   of   toxic   or   hazardous   materials   from   your   place   of   residence?



Place   it   in   household   trash  


Incinerate   (burn)   it  


Take   it   to   a   hazardous   waste   collection   site  


Other   _____________  


  ______   2.

  Which   of   the   following   best   describes   how   you   family   disposes   of   compact   fluorescent   and   fluorescent   lamps?



Place   it   in   household   trash  


Incinerate   (burn)   it   


Take   it   to   a   hazardous   waste   collection   site  


Other   _________________________  




   Approximately   how   many   of   each   type   of   lamp   do   you   have   installed   in   your   residence?


     _________     Fluorescent  



     _________     Compact   Fluorescent  


  Examine   the   following   list   of   considerations   when   purchasing   lamps   for   your   home.

  Then,   beginning   with   the   most   important   (#1),   rank   order   the   top   three   (#1,   2,   3)   by   their   order   of   importance   to   you.


____   Price  

____   Long   life  

____   Energy   efficiency  

____   Non ‐ toxic  

____   Color   and   shape  

____   Other   ______________________  

  ______   5.

  Which   of   the   following   is   the   largest   source   of   mercury   emissions   in   Indiana?



Compact   fluorescent   lamps  


Mercury   thermometers  


Coal ‐ fired   electric   generating   plants  


Mercury   thermostats  

Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 37 


● ● Interpretation ● ●  

Goal :   To   discover   the   potential   impacts   of   compact   fluorescents   upon   the   environment   and   human   health  


• All   phases   of   the   life   cycle   of   a   CFL   release   mercury   into   the   environment.


Mercury   in   the   environment   enters   the   food   chain   of   animals   and   bio ‐ accumulates.

  It   can   negatively   impact   the   vitality,   reproduction,   and   development   of   animals.


People   are   exposed   to   mercury   when   they   break   CFLs   and   eat   fish.

  Mercury   can   impact   the   cognitive   development   of   children   and   the   fetus.


• Mercury   releases   in   the   “Use”   and   “Disposition”   phases   of   a   CFL   are   actually   less   than   the   “Use”   phase   of   an   incandescent   lamp   because   incandescent   are   less   energy   efficient.


CFLs   should   be   taken   to   a   HHW   collection   center   so   they   can   be   recycled.

  This   reduces   mercury   emissions.



• My   family   should:    o Replace   or   Not   replace   incandescent   with   compact   fluorescents   because…  

People   in   my   community   should   take   their   CFLs   and   fluorescent   tubes   to   the   local   HHW   collection   site.


• Government   leaders   should:   o Follow   California’s   example   and   pass   policies   which   prohibit   the   disposal   of   CFLs   in   municipal   trash   and   the   burial   in   landfills.

   o Require   easily   accessible   collection   opportunities   in   neighborhoods.




● ● ●  


Impacts of Technology on the Environment  | Page 38 



Agency   for   Toxic   Substances   and   Disease   Registry.


  ToxFAQs   for   Mercury.

  Center   for   Disease   Control.


Retrieved   January   30,   2009,   from


Boroush,   M.A.,   Chen,   K.

  &   Christakis,   A.N.


  Technology   Assessment:   Creative   futures.

  System   Science   and  

Engineering,   Andrew   P.

  Sage   (ed.).

  North   Holland,   NY.


GreenFacts   Digests.


  Scientific   facts   on   mercury.

  Retrieved   January   16,   2009,   from ‐ 1.htm


ITEA ‐‐ International   Technology   Education   Association,   Technology   for   All   Americans   Project.

  (2000 ).

  Standards   for   technological   literacy:   Content   for   the   study   of   technology .

  Reston,   Virginia:   Author.


National   Research   Council.


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