Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths 2: 6 Nov – Dec (2013) 349 - 352. Contents lists available at ASIAN JOURNAL OF CURRENT ENGINEERING AND MATHS Journal homepage: TRANSIENT THERMAL STRESSES DUE TO INSTANTANEOUS INTERNAL HEAT GENERATION IN A THIN ANNULAR DISC C. M. Bhongade1*. M. H. Durge2 2 1Department of Mathematics, Shri. Shivaji College, Rajura, Maharashtra, India Department of Mathematics, Anand Niketan College, Warora, Maharashtra, India ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Corresponding Author C. M. Bhongade Department of Mathematics, Shri. Shivaji College, Rajura, Maharashtra, India The present paper deals with the determination of temperature change, displacement and thermal stresses in a thin annular disc defined by with internal heat generation. Heat dissipates by convection from inner circular surface ( and outer circular surface ( . Also, initially the annular disc is at arbitrary temperature Here we modify Kulkarni et al. (2008) for homogeneous heat convection along radial direction. The governing heat conduction equation has been solved by the method of integral transform technique. The results are obtained in a series form in terms of Bessel’s functions. The results for temperature change, displacement and stresses have been computed numerically and illustrated graphically. ©2013, AJCEM, All Right Reserved. Key Words: Transient thermal stresses, instantaneous internal heat generation, annular disc. INTRODUCTION During the second half of the twentieth century, nonisothermal problems of the theory of elasticity became increasingly important. This is due to their wide application in diverse fields. The high velocities of modern aircraft give rise to aerodynamic heating, which produces intense thermal stresses that reduce the strength of the aircraft structure. The steady state thermal stresses in circular disk subjected to an axisymmetric temperature distribution on the upper face with zero temperature on the lower face and the circular edge has been considered by Nowacki (1957). Gogulwar and Deshmukh (2005) determined thermal stresses in a thin circular disc with heat sources. Roy Choudhary (1972) discussed the quasistatic thermal stresses in a thin circular disk subjected to transient temperature along the circumference of a circle over the upper face with lower face at zero temperature and fixed circular edge thermally insulated. Recently Bhongade and Durge (2013) considered thick annular disc and discuss thermal stresses due to arbitrary heat is applied on the upper surface and heat dissipates by convection from the lower boundary surface into the surrounding at the zero temperature and the circular edges are thermally insulated. The present paper deals with the determination of displacement and thermal stresses in a thin annular disc defined by with internal heat generation. Heat dissipates by convection from inner circular surface ( and outer circular surface ( . Also initially the annular disc is at arbitrary temperature Here we modify Kulkarni et al. (2008) for homogeneous heat convection along radial direction. The governing heat conduction equation has been solved by the method of integral transform technique. The results are obtained in a series form in terms of Bessel’s functions. The results for temperature change, displacement and stresses have been computed numerically and illustrated graphically. A mathematical model has been constructed of a thin annular disc with the help of numerical illustration by considering copper (pure) annular disc. No one previously studied such type of problem. This is new contribution to the field. The direct problem is very important in view of its relevance to various industrial mechanics subjected to heating such as the main shaft of lathe, turbines and the role of rolling mill, base of furnace of boiler of a thermal power plant, gas power plant and the measurement of aerodynamic heating. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM Consider a thin annular disc occupying space D defined by Initially the annular disc is at arbitrary temperature Heat dissipates by convection from the inner circular surface ( and outer circular surface ( . For time heat is generated within the annular disc at the rate Under these prescribed conditions, the displacement and thermal stresses in a thin annular disc due to internal heat generation are required to be determined. Following Roy Choudhuri (1972), we assume that a annular disc of small thickness h is in a plane state of stress. In fact, “the smaller the thickness of the annular disc compared to its diameter, the nearer to a plane state of stress is the actual state”. The displacement equations of thermoelasticity have the form (1) (2) where - displacement component e - dilatation T – temperature 349 Bhongade thermal stresses due to instantaneous internal heat generation in a thin annular disc and and are respectively, the Poisson’s ratio and the linear coefficient of thermal expansion of the thin annular disc material. Introducing On applying the finite Hankel transform defined in the Eq. (16) and its inverse transform defined in Eq. (17), one obtains the expression for temperature as we have (3) where is the Lame constant and symbol. In the axially-symmetric case (4) is the Kronecker (21) DISPLACEMENT POTENTIAL AND THERMAL STRESSES Using Eq. (22) in Eq. (5), one obtains and the differential equation governing the displacement potential function is given as (22) Solving Eq. (23), one obtains (5) at The stress function at and (8) (6) (7) are given by (9) In the plane state of stress within the annular disc (10) The temperature of the annular disc satisfies the heat conduction equation, (23) Using Eq. (24) in Eqs. (8) and (9), one obtains expression for thermal stresses as (11) with the boundary conditions, (12) (24) (13) and the initial condition at (14) where k is the thermal conductivity of the material of the disc, is the thermal diffusivity of the material of the disc, q(r, t) is internal heat generation and and are the relative heat transfer coefficients on the inner and outer surface of the thin annular disc. Equations (1) to (14) constitute the mathematical formulation of the problem. SOLUTION OF THE HEAT CONDUCTION EQUATION To obtain the expression for temperature T(r, t), we introduce the finite Hankel transform over the variable r and its inverse transform defined in Ozisik (1968) are (15) (16) where (17) and , (18) The normality constant (19) and , , …… are the positive transcendental equation (2) where r is the radius measured in meter, is well known diract delta function of argument r. The internal heat source is an instantaneous line heat source of strength situated at the centre of the thin annular disc along the radial direction and releases its heat instantaneously at the time of the (20) where and (25) SPECIAL CASE AND NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS Setting (1) is Bessel function of the first kind of order n is Bessel function of the second kind of order n. and Material Properties The numerical calculation has been carried out for a copper (pure) annular disc with the material properties defined as, Thermal diffusivity 350 Bhongade thermal stresses due to instantaneous internal heat generation in a thin annular disc Specific heat Thermal conductivity Shear modulus Youngs modulus Poisson ratio Coefficient of linear thermal expansion Lame constant Roots of Transcendental Equation The are the roots of transcendental equation . The numerical calculation and the graph has been carried out with the help of mathematical software Matlab. DISCUSSION In this paper a thin annular disc is considered and determined the expressions for temperature, displacement and stresses due to internal heat generation within it. As a special case mathematical model is constructed for considering copper (pure) thin annular with the material properties specified above. From figure 1, it is observed that temperature increases for , and along radial direction. Temperature decreases for and . Overall behavior of temperature along radial direction is decreasing from the inner circular surface to outer circular surface of a thin annular disc. From figure 2, it is observed that the displacement function decreases for , and along radial direction. It increases for and along radial direction. Overall behavior of displacement function along radial direction is decreasing from the inner circular surface to outer circular surface of a thin annular disc. From figure 3, it is observed that the radial stress decreases from for , and along radial direction. It increases for and along radial direction. Overall behavior of radial stress is tensile towards outer circular surface along radial direction. From figure 4, it is observed that the angular stress function for , and along radial direction. It increases for and along radial direction. Overall behavior of angular stress function is compressive towards outer circular surface along radial direction. Figure 1 Temperature function Figure 2 Displacement function Figure 3 Radial stress function . Figure 4 Angular stress function . CONCLUSION We can conclude that due to instantaneous internal heat generation, temperature and displacement decreases from the inner circular surface to a outer circular surface along radial direction of thin annular disc, whereas the radial stress is tensile in nature and the angular stress function is compressive in nature along radial direction of thin annular disc. The results obtained here are useful in engineering problems particularly in the determination of state of stress in a thin annular disc, base of furnace of boiler of a thermal power plant, gas power plant and the measurement of aerodynamic heating. REFERENCES 1. Bhongade C. M. and Durge M. H. (2013) Some study of thermoelastic steady state behavior of thick annular disc with internal heat generation. IOSR Journal of Mathematics7, 47-52. 2. Gogulwar V. S. and Deshmukh K.C. (2005) Thermal stresses in a thin circular disc with heat sources. J. Ind. Acad. Math27, 129-141. 3. Kulkarni V. S., Deshmukh K.C. and Warbhe S. 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