Winter/Spring 2016 Semester HOW TO JOIN A GROUP Browse this booklet. Groups listed in this booklet were still open as of publication date. Explore in the Compass lobby January 31. Register online at (or we can help you in the Compass lobby). INDEX Women’s Groups Hispanic Women’s Groups Men’s Groups Couples Groups Coed/Mixed Groups Specialized Groups p. 2 p. 5 p. 6 p. 8 p. 9 p. 10 NORTHSTARCHURCH.ORG/GROUP Get connected into a Group at NorthStar and watch your faith grow! Revised 02/10/16 Page 2 WOMEN’S GROUPS—Sunday Tuesday KNOWING GOD BY NAME: A Personal Encounter by Mary A. Kassian Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 02/07 Time: 10:45am Leader: Ryketia Strong Location: NorthStar Campus This study focuses on 35 Hebrew names of God that describe His character, His relationships, and His purpose. As you learn the significance of each ancient word, you'll be awestruck by the Lord's magnificence and your heart compelled to worship and praise Him. SERMON-BASED GROUP Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 04/17 Time: 10:45am Leader: Ryketia Strong Location: NorthStar Campus Subsequent study: This is a subsequent study, meaning that it starts right after the one above it ends, and at the same day, time, and place. You can register for just one of them or both if you like. This group will be based on the Sunday morning sermons at NorthStar. You will received study notes over email where you will dig deeper into the topic discussed and discover new insights together. FIGHT BACK WITH JOY: Celebrate More, Regret Less, Stare Down Your Greatest Fears by Margaret Feinberg Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 02/07 Time: 4:00pm Leader: Ashley Culley Location: Falcon Crest Sub Sooner or later, we find ourselves on the battlefield of life and struggle to know how to respond. But God says, "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's" (2 Chronicles 20:15). In this six week study, learn to embrace a life that is richer and fuller as you fight with joy, defiant joy. THE ARMOR OF GOD by Priscilla Shirer Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 03/27 Time: 6:30pm Leader: Michelle Kisiel Location: Brafferton subd.; Mars Hill Rd. area Childcare: Contact leader for childcare options Subsequent study All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you—unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny. He fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion in the Armor of God. HOSEA: Unfailing Love Changes Everything by Jennifer Rothschild Day: Every TUESDAY beg. 02/02 Time: 9:30am Leader: Jackie Cagle Location: Wellington Place Sub.; Mars Hill Rd. area Hosea, an old-testament prophet, preached his own life message using his marriage as the sermon illustration. The study of Hosea looks deeply at that message. This study will show us the kind of love we dream about. Be amazed by the love of Hosea for his wayward spouse—and more amazed by the unfailing love of God for His wayward people, and for all people. Hosea showers us with hope—hints and portents pointing to the coming of the promised Messiah. LIVING BEYOND YOURSELF: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit by Beth Moore Day: Every TUESDAY beg. 02/02 Time: 9:30am Leader: Jackie Tester Location: NorthStar campus You can know the freedom of a life filled with the fruit of the Spirit. This 10-week study will challenge you to pursue the only route to develop the fruit–by maintaining an intimate relationship with the Spirit of God. As you walk with God, He will develop in you the fruit of the Spirit. REGISTER: NORTHSTARCHURCH.ORG/GROUP Page 3 WOMEN’S GROUPS—Wednesday CHILDREN OF THE DAY: 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Beth Moore Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 02/03 Time: 9:30am Leader: Patti Streib Location: Treymoore subd.; Acworth Due West/Paul Samuel area This nine-week study takes you verse-by-verse through 1 and 2 Thessalonians. You'll learn how to let go of past mistakes and discover your circumstances are not coincidental—God's timing is impeccable! Whether you're facing family crises, medical diagnoses, relationship troubles, doubts, or fears, you'll come away encouraged that even though it may not feel that way, you are exactly where Christ wants you to be! LET HOPE IN (Bible Studies for Life series) by Pete Wilson Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 04/13 Time: 9:30am Leader: Anna Gould Location: Brookstone subd.; County Line Rd. area Subsequent study We've all blown it. In fact, stack up enough mistakes, shame, and regret, and any of us could be forever hindered by our past. But there is a sure hope for us—regardless of our history. In this sixweek study, discover what Psalms, the Gospel of John, and Acts say about finding hope and how it can transform you every day. THE ARMOR OF GOD by Priscilla Shirer Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 02/03 Time: 9:30am Leader: Patricia Campbell Location: Pinetree Country Club All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you—unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny. He fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion in the Armor of God. SACRED SECRETS: A Living Proof Live Experience by Beth Moore Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 04/13 Time: 9:30am Leader: Patricia Campbell Location: Pinetree Country Club Subsequent study: This is a subsequent study, meaning that it starts right after the one above it ends, and at the same day, time, and place. You can register for just one of them or both if you like. “Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart” (Psalm 51:6 ESV). The world is obsessed with telling secrets for the sake of sensationalism. But not all hidden things are poisonous and dark. Join this six-week study and find out what happens when we let God teach us "wisdom in the secret heart." Page 4 WOMEN’S GROUPS—Wednesday NEHEMIAH: A Heart That Can Break by Kelly Minter Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 02/03 Time: 7:00pm Leader: Alli Grebe Location: Camden Pointe subd.; Mars Hill area Nehemiah's heart was so broken for those in need that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to help them. This seven-week study challenges women to let God break their hearts for a hurting, lost world and move them in compassion to lead people to Jesus. Are you ready to let God break your heart for a hurting, lost world and move you in compassion to be the hands and feet of Jesus? IT’S GOOD TO BE QUEEN: Becoming as Bold, Gracious, and Wise as the Queen of Sheba by Liz Curtis Higgs Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 03/30 Time: 7:00pm Leader: Alli Grebe Location: Camden Pointe subd.; Mars Hill area Subsequent study: This is a subsequent study, meaning that it starts right after the one above it ends, and at the same day, time, and place. You can register for just one of them or both if you like. In the Old Testament, the Queen of Sheba travels to Jerusalem to test the mind and heart of a king. Her quest for wisdom will surprise you, challenge you, inspire you, change you. This wealthy royal from antiquity will show you how to live boldly, seek after truth, ask the right questions, encourage others, receive graciously, and honor the Lord above all. There is timeless wisdom in this story for those who desire to please the King of kings. SERMON-BASED GROUP Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 04/13 Time: 7:00pm Leader: Deb Jackson Location: Brookstone subd.; County Line Rd. area Subsequent study This group will be based on the Sunday morning sermons at NorthStar. You will received study notes over email where you will dig deeper into the topic discussed and discover new insights together. PHILIPPIANS: To Live Is Christ by Nancy McGuirk Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 02/03 Time: 7:00pm Leader: Tina Surls Location: Brookstone subd.; Mars Hill Rd. area Most Christians know life is supposed to go on, joyfully, in spite of difficult circumstances. But most lack a proven role model to follow. The life of Paul offers such a role model. In this eight-week study, we’ll look at Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. It is a treasure chest of spiritual insights about how to rejoice in the Lord regardless of circumstances and how to live as a citizen of heaven in a world weighed down by daily difficulties. Joy is possible. SERMON-BASED GROUP Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 04/13 Time: 7:00pm Leader: Tina Surls Location: Brookstone subd.; Mars Hill Rd. area Subsequent study: This is a subsequent study, meaning that it starts right after the one above it ends, and at the same day, time, and place. You can register for just one of them or both if you like. This group will be based on the Sunday morning sermons at NorthStar. You will received study notes over email where you will dig deeper into the topic discussed and discover new insights together. REGISTER: NORTHSTARCHURCH.ORG/GROUP HISPANIC WOMEN’S GROUPS TRES MESES EN LA ESCUELA DEL ESPIRITU by Justo L. Gonzalez Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 02/03 Time: 6:30pm Leader: Aura Flores Location: Lullwater subd. at Legacy Park Este es un estudio de los Hechos de los apóstoles. El estudio utiliza el método ver-juzgar-actuar para que los lectores estén más cerca del contexto e informa y desafía la vida cotidiana de los cristianos, contiene 13 estudios bíblicos, uno por cada semana durante un periodo de tres meses. Y entre cada semana seis estudios personales diarios . EZEQUIEL Y DANIEL: Conozca Su Biblia by Samuel Pagan Day: Every THURSDAY beg. 02/04 Time: 9:30am Leader: Annette Prem Location: Old 41/Hwy. 92 area Ezequiel y Daniel es un libro de la seria de libros escritos por el Dr. Justo L Gonzalez "Conozca Su Biblia." Es un excelente libro que explica en forma profunda, pero a la vez fácil de intender. Explicando versículo a versículo los detalles de Daniel y Ezequiel. Daniel, un hombre de vision y Ezequiel, un profeta extraordinario. Es un fascinante libro ligado a la historia de los reyes de Israel y el cautiverio Babilonio. Page 5 Page 6 MEN’S GROUPS—Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday SIMPLIFY: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul by Bill Hybels Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 02/07 Time: 8:00am Leader: Eddie Bishop Location: NorthStar campus Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Overscheduled. Sound familiar? Today’s velocity of life can consume and control us . . . until our breakneck pace begins to feel normal and expected. That’s where the danger lies: When we spend our lives doing things that keep us busy but don’t really matter, we sacrifice the things that do. What if your life could be different? What if you could be certain you were living the life God called you to live―and building a legacy for those you love? If you crave a simpler life anchored by the priorities that matter most, roll up your sleeves: Simplified living requires more than just cleaning out your closets or reorganizing your desk drawer. It requires uncluttering your soul. By eradicating the stuff that leaves your spirit drained, you can stop doing what doesn’t matter―and start doing what does. ABRAHAM: One Nomad's Amazing Journey of Faith by Charles R. Swindoll Day: Every MONDAY beg. 02/08 Time: 7:00am-8:00am Leader: Randy Elster Location: NorthStar campus When we rewind history back to Abraham’s era, we encounter people who concocted false superstitions to explain the unexplainable. Powerful kings claimed to be gods, building massive pyramids to achieve immortality. Out of this mass of misunderstandings, one man emerged. The man we know today as Abraham not only claimed that one true Creator existed but also staked his entire life on this belief. Why, thousands of years later, are we still discussing the faith of this desert nomad? One of America’s most popular Bible teachers, pastor Chuck Swindoll, answers that question and many more in this compelling and insightful biography that will inspire your own faith. THE COMEBACK: It’s Not Too Late and You’re Never Too Far by Louie Giglio Day: Every TUESDAY beg. 02/02 Time: 7:00am Leader: C.A. Phillips Location: NorthStar campus God is in the business of giving fresh starts to people. He gives hope to the hopeless. Direction to the directionless. Help to those who need help. God is always good, all the time, and His plans will always prevail, even when our plans don’t. He already knows what the solutions are. No matter what kind of disappointment or grief or pain or trouble or heartache we encounter, God always offers a new beginning, a change of heart, and a powerful spiritual turnaround. God offers the way forward, and his pathways are always good. The Comeback proves God can use our mess and still make a masterpiece—and that our current circumstances will not get the final say in our lives. THE RESOLUTION FOR MEN by Stephen and Alex Kendrick Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 02/03 Time: 7:00am Leaders: James Albright and Scott Mahr Location: NorthStar campus The Resolution for Men is the inspiring book born out of the film Courageous, which presents a powerful story of strong male leadership. It’s an emotionally charged wake-up call to fathers whose influence upon their children and society is immeasurable. The Resolution for Men follows to challenge men of all ages to become as bold and intentional about embracing their responsibilities as leaders of their homes, marriages, and children. THE MAN GOD USES by Henry and Tom Blackaby Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 02/03 Time: 7:00am Leader: Tim Collins Location: NorthStar campus Recent years have seen a marked spiritual awakening among Christian men. The Man God Uses by Henry and Tom Blackaby is a guidebook for Christian men who seek to follow God's will in their homes, offices, churches, and communities. In the book's preface, Henry Blackaby (author of the bestselling Experiencing God) observes that "Men's hearts are feeling a tremendous surge of God's activity today. It is as if God has announced: 'The world has had my people long enough! I am calling them back to me. I will mold them and shape them for my purposes in my world!'" The Man God Uses outlines a seven-week course of scriptural study, including prayer suggestions and questions to be answered in a daily journal. Equally useful for men studying alone or in small groups, The Man God Uses will help many readers attune themselves to God's presence in their daily lives and discern God's will for their futures. REGISTER: NORTHSTARCHURCH.ORG/GROUP Page 7 MEN’S GROUPS—Wednesday Thursday Friday FIGHT: Winning the Battles That Matter Most by Craig Groeschel Day: Every WEDNESDAY beg. 02/03 Time: 7:00pm Leader: Greg Maloney Location: NorthStar campus Author and pastor Craig Groeschel helps you uncover who you really are—a man created in the image of God with a warrior’s heart—and how to fight the good fight for what’s right. You will find the strength to fight the battles you know you need to fight—the ones that determine the state of your heart, the quality of your marriage, and the spiritual health of your family. CLASSIC CHRISTIANITY: Life's Too Short to Miss the Real Thing by Bob George Day: Every THURSDAY beg. 02/04 Time: 7:00am Leader: Daniel Hoover Location: NorthStar campus Like so many Christians, Bob George started out in love with Jesus, only to end up feeling disappointed and empty. Drawing on his struggles and his teaching and counseling experience, Bob cuts to the heart of believers' common questions… Doesn't God expect me to clean up my act before I approach Him? I know God loves me―but does He accept me? I'm saved and forgiven… do I just wait for heaven now? 10 DUMB THINGS SMART CHRISTIANS BELIEVE: Are Urban Legends and Sunday School Myths Damaging Your Faith? by Larry Osborne Day: Every FRIDAY beg. 02/05 Time: 7:30am Leaders: Andy Simpson and Ken Reda Location: Chick-fil-A, Cobb Pkwy., Acworth People don’t set out to build their faith upon myths and spiritual urban legends. But somehow such falsehoods keep showing up in the way that many Christians think about life and God. These goofy ideas and beliefs are assumed by millions to be rock-solid truth . . . until life proves they’re not. The sad result is often a spiritual disaster—confusion, feelings of betrayal, a distrust of Scripture, loss of faith, anger toward both the church and God. Page 8 COUPLES GROUPS STAND STRONG: 1 Peter (New Community series) by Bill Hybels with Kevin & Sherry Harney Day: Every other SUNDAY beg. 01/31 Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm Leaders: Trevor & Jennifer Brooks Location: Arranmore subd.; Arranmore/Pine Mountain area; Kennesaw Mountain district We have all experienced the heart-pounding feeling of losing our stability in the storms of life. We want to stand strong as followers of Christ, but the world presses against us with staggering force. Where can we find an unshakable foundation for life? In the book of 1 Peter you will find a rock-solid basis for living in a precarious and uncertain world. God offers you hope, love, purpose, service, submission, and victory. You can stand strong against the flood as you anchor yourself to the bedrock of Jesus Christ. WHEN WORK & FAMILY COLLIDE: Keeping Your Job from Cheating Your Family by Andy Stanley Day: Every other SUNDAY beg. 01/31 Time: 5:30pm Leaders: David & Staci Josef Location: Centennial Lakes subd.; Hwy 92/I-75 area; Cherokee district Is your occupation also your preoccupation? Let’s face it. With all the demands of the workplace and all the details of a family it’s only a matter of time before one bumps into the other. And many of us end up cheating our families when the commitments of both collide. In this practical book, Andy Stanley will help you... establish priorities and boundaries to protect what you value most; learn the difference between saying your family is your priority and actually making them your priority; discover tested strategies for easing tensions at home and at work. THE GRAVE ROBBER: How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible by Mark Batterson Day: Every other WEDNESDAY beg. 02/03 Time: 6:30pm Leaders: Ryan & Amy Gibbs Location: Wyngate subd.; Towne Lake Parkway/Wyngate area; Woodstock Do we believe that God still does miracles? Do we expect him to move in miraculous ways in our dayin and day-out lives? Maybe we'd like to see miracles, but it's hard to see past our problems. Mark Batterson, the bestselling author of The Circle Maker, reveals the incredible power of the seven miraculous signs of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Batterson shows how they were not simply something Jesus did in the past, but something he wants to do now, in the present. He shares true stories of people today who are experiencing miracles in their lives. And he brings to light countless miracles, big and small, that we take for granted every day that point us toward the One who healed the sick, calmed the storm, and yes, even raised the dead. EXPERIENCING GOD AT HOME by Tom & Richard Blackaby Day: Every other THURSDAY beg. 02/04 Time: 7:00pm Leaders: Paul & Adriana Welborn Location: Ascot Glen subd.; Wooten Lake/Wade Green area; North Cobb district Childcare: TBD Experiencing God at Home takes a fresh path back into the rich roots of Henry Blackaby’s worldrenowned Experiencing God writings to connect what happens in our homes to what happens in our churches. Indeed, healthy families lead to healthy churches, and the Blackabys illustrate that through real-life stories of families that have found ways to experience God in marriage, in choosing life’s direction, in rescuing broken relationships, in forgiveness, and in the salvation of loved ones. REGISTER: NORTHSTARCHURCH.ORG/GROUP Page 9 COED/MIXED GROUPS ABRAHAM: One Nomad’s Amazing Journey of Faith by Charles R. Swindoll Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 02/07 Time: 9:30am-10:45am Leaders: Randy & Cheryl Elster Location: NorthStar campus Childcare: Offered via Sunday morning children’s ministry When we rewind history back to Abraham’s era, we encounter people who concocted false superstitions to explain the unexplainable. Powerful kings claimed to be gods, building massive pyramids to achieve immortality. Out of this mass of misunderstandings, one man emerged. The man we know today as Abraham not only claimed that one true Creator existed but also staked his entire life on this belief. Why, thousands of years later, are we still discussing the faith of this desert nomad? One of America’s most popular Bible teachers, pastor Chuck Swindoll, answers that question and many more in this compelling and insightful biography that will inspire your own faith. THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman Day: Every other SUNDAY beg. 01/31 Time: 6:30pm Leaders: Rick & Gisele Butker Location: Clark Creek Colony subd.; Hwy 92/I-75 area; Woodland district Marriage should be based on love, right? But does it seem as though you and your spouse are speaking two different languages? This study guides couples in identifying, understanding, and speaking their spouse’s primary love language. By learning the five love languages, you and your spouse will discover your unique love languages and learn practical steps in truly loving each other. Page 10 SPECIALIZED GROUPS DIVORCECARE Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 02/07 Time: 10:45am-12:00noon Leaders: Alison Broughton and Phil Meade Location: NorthStar campus Childcare: Offered via Sunday morning children’s ministry Most people will tell you that separation and divorce are the most painful and stressful experiences they’ve ever faced. It’s a confusing time when you feel isolated and have lots of questions about issues you’ve never faced before. DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. NORTHSTAR FINANCIAL MINISTRIES I WAS BROKE. NOW I’M NOT. by Joseph Sangl Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 02/07 Time: 11:00am Leaders: Mike Lindeman and Ryan Williams Location: NorthStar campus Childcare: Offered via Sunday morning children’s ministry This eight-week study walks you step by step through the process of creating a budget that you can live on, while paying off debt and honoring God. You CAN win with money. We pray that you will take the FIRST step and join us. ADULT SINGLES 30+ WHEN THE GAME IS OVER, IT ALL GOES BACK IN THE BOX by John Ortberg Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 01/31 Time: 6:00pm Leaders: Alison Broughton and Phil Meade Location: Cottage Oaks subd.; Hwy 92/I-75 area; North Cobb district For: Single adults age 30 and up Using popular games as a metaphor for our temporal lives, When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box neatly sorts out what’s fleeting and what’s permanent in God’s kingdom. Being Master of the Board is not the point; being rich toward God is. Winning the game of life on Earth is a temporary victory; loving God and other people with all our hearts is an eternal one. PARENT TRIBE Day: Every SUNDAY beg. 01/31 Time: 6:00pm Leaders: Chris Boggess, Robby Lewis, and Trish Levy Location: NorthStar campus Parents of middle and high school students will study similar sections of scripture that their students are currently studying, but with adult application. This will be a great way to develop relationships with other parents where you will receive mutual encouragement and support. Our middle school and high school staff will also keep you in the loop on all the happenings in the NorthStar Church Youth (NSCY) ministry. COLLEGE GROUP Day: Every TUESDAY beg. 01/19 Time: 8:00pm Location: Mellow Mushroom, Chastain Rd. NSC college students take over the patio of Mellow Mushroom on Chastain Road in Kennesaw every Tuesday night at 8:00pm. We eat plenty of pizza, hang out, have some fun, and study the Bible. This is the place to invite all your friends! 2016 READING CHALLENGE: The Year of Courage Day: The last WEDNESDAY of each month Time: 7:00-8:30pm Leader: Randy Elster Location: NorthStar campus In this unique group, you will be challenged to read a book a month, think about them from a biblical perspective, and come together once a month to discuss the book and how it relates to our faith. The books will not all be Christian books, but will include Christian and secular, fiction and nonfiction, and include many genres: history, biography, business, leadership, self-help, and more. This group is a challenge both to read more and to read more thoughtfully, taking every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5). If you’re a reader, or want to read more, this might be the group for you. Our 2016 theme will be courage, and each book will relate to that theme. This is a year -long group, but feel free to drop out and back in when needed month by month. ART GROUP Day: Every THURSDAY beg. 02/04 Time: 6:00pm Leaders: Chris Boggess and occasional guest speakers Location: NorthStar campus This is a group for anyone interested in visual arts (drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, etc.). Each week there will be a short instructional session and then free time to work on projects. This is a place to meet other creative people, create art, and get input from others. REGISTER: NORTHSTARCHURCH.ORG/GROUP Page 11 JOINING A GROUP To browse a listing of groups, or to join, follow these steps: Go to the NorthStar Network at (or you can get there from Login to your profile/Sign Up—you only need a valid email address and valid phone number IF YOU ARE NEW TO THE NORTHSTAR NETWORK: Update your profile settings (top right of page) Update Privacy Settings and Communication preferences (in your profile) Click GROUPS tab at left of page Type name of Group in search box, or click “Discover a New Group” to filter your search Click on Group name to view more detailed information If you are ready to join the group, click JOIN GROUP in top right of page QUESTIONS ABOUT THE NORTHSTAR NETWORK? Contact Chris Gardner at NORTHSTARCHURCH.ORG/GROUP Contacts Eddie Bishop Director of Men’s Groups and Community Pastor 770-405-2557 Bridget Turner Director of Women’s Groups 770-405-2648 Randy Elster Director of Couples & Misc. Groups and Connections Pastor 770-405-2564