ORYON TECHNOLOGY www.oryontech.in AUTOMATIC ROOM TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER This is a smart room temperature control system. It controls your room temperature using a fan and a room heater. Atmega16 micro-controller is the heart of this system. 16x2 LCD display used to display information about your room temperature. You can adjust your room temperature between 15 degree to 55 degree celcius. There are 4 temperature sensor used to sense room temperature accurately. If temperature is lower than defined temperature then system switched ON room heater. If temperature is higher than defined temperature then system switched ON fan. If temperature is equals to set temperature than room heater and fan both OFF. ADVANTAGE: It manages automatically temperature of the room. Less expensive then air-conditioned. It reduces electric power consumption. Easily install at any place. DISADVANTAGE: It require additional electrical power for working It consumes more space than the traditional fan regulator. APPLICATIONS: It can used in offices, class rooms, kitchens, living rooms, bed rooms etc. It manages temperature in tunnels and mines. Automatic room temperature controller.. ORYON TECHNOLOGY Automatic room temperature controller.. www.oryontech.in ORYON TECHNOLOGY Automatic room temperature controller.. www.oryontech.in ORYON TECHNOLOGY Automatic room temperature controller.. www.oryontech.in ORYON TECHNOLOGY www.oryontech.in CIRCUIT DESCIPTION: A 12-0-12/0.5 AMP TRANSFORMER use for converting 230V ac into 12V ac. We used two diodes (D1, D2) for converting 12V AC into 12V pulsating DC then we use capacitor C1 (1000uF) for filtering DC power supply. 7805 regulator convert 12V DC to 5V DC for microcontroller and LCD because both works on 5V DC supply.C2 filter the 5V supply after regulation. Pin 1 of all LM 35 is connected to 5V DC, Pin 3 of all LM 35 is connected with GROUND and P2 of all LM 35 is connected with Pin 40,39,38,37 of microcontroller. UP switch and DOWN switch connected with Pin1 and 2 of microcontroller.R13 and R14 connected with both UP, DOWN switch and with the circuit ground. LCD1 is a 16x2 LCD which connected with Pin 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 of MCU.R1 connected with Pin3 of LCD and ground.LCD Pin 2 connect with +5 volt and Pin 1 Connect with ground. Pin 22 of MCU use for control ROOM HEATER and Pin 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 of MCU use for control of FAN REGULATOR. Pin 32 and 30 connect with +5 volt. Resistor R2, R4, R6, R8, R10 and R12 connect with base of transistor Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6 for controlling current on the base of transistors. LED D1, D4, D6, D8, D10, D12 indicates status of relays which ON/OFF. Resistors R1,R3,R5,R7,R9,R11 use for controlling current of LED’s which shows status of RELAYs. Diodes D1, D3, D5, D7, D9, D11 use as the free-wheeling diodes. Relay 1 use for control ROOM HEATER and RELAY 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 use for controlling speed of FAN, they connected with fan regulator resistor for increasing and decreasing AC current for FAN. Automatic room temperature controller.. ORYON TECHNOLOGY www.oryontech.in WORKING: We use four temperature sensors (LM 35) for measuring room temperature. Microcontroller read analog data from these sensors through their ADC pins then converts into digital data. Microcontroller calculates Average temperature or room temperature by using this formula. Average temperature = (T1 + T2 + T3 + T4) / 4 Room temperature = average temperature T1, T2, T3, T4 are the temperature sensed by all four temperature sensors. Room temperature is equal to average temperature and shows in LCD’s first line as “Room Temp”. Switch UP and DOWN is use for set reference temperature of the room that we want. The reference temperature shows in LCD’s second line as “Set temp”. Microcontroller continuously compare room temperature and set temperature. If room temperature is smaller than set temperature then microcontroller automatically ON the room heater. If room temperature is greater than the set temperature then microcontroller automatically ON the FAN and regulate the FAN speed according to the difference between set temperature and room temperature. If room temperature is equals to the set temperature then both FAN and ROOM HEATER become OFF. Automatic room temperature controller.. ORYON TECHNOLOGY www.oryontech.in COMPONENTS USED: S.NO COMPONENTS QUANTITIES 1. LM 35 4 2. ATMEGA16 1 3. 16X2 LCD 1 4. PUSH SWITCH 2 5. DIODES(1N4007) 8 6. ON/OFF SWITCH 1 7. CAPACITOR 1000uF 1 8. CAPACITOR 1Uf 1 9. REGULATOR(LM7805) 1 10. TRANSISTORS(BC548) 6 11. RELAYS(12V) 6 12. LED’S 6 13. RESISTORS(10K) 2 14. RESISTORS(1K) 7 15. RESISTORS(4.7K) 6 16. FAN REGULATOR RESISTOR COIL 1 17. TEANSFORMER(12-0-12) 1 18. GENERAL BOARD,WIRES,BULBS POWER CHORD ETC. Automatic room temperature controller.. ORYON TECHNOLOGY www.oryontech.in We are manufacturing electronics , mechanical and robotics projects for diploma, B.tech, M.tech and Phd students. We are also make electronic , mechanical and robotics kits and devices as per user requirement. Contact – 9457815918,9457656002,oryon.tech@gmail.com,www.oryontech.in Automatic room temperature controller..