MVM GROUP | ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 1 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. STRUCTURE OF THE MVM GROUP4 1.1. 2. MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF THE MVM GROUP 7 2.1. Key Technical and Economic Indicators of the MVM Group 8 2.2. Key Financial Data of Subsidiaries 9 3. STRATEGY14 4. AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP 4.1. Trade and Supply Chain Management (SCM) 17 4.1.1. MVM Partner Ltd. 17 4.1.2. MVM-ADWEST Marketing GmbH 20 4.1.3. Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. 20 4.1.4. POWERFORUM Ltd. 4.2. Power and Heat Generation and Technical Services 21 4.2.1. Generation 21 MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. 22 MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. 24 Vértes Power Plant Ltd. 25 MVM MIFŰ Ltd. 26 MVM North Buda Power Plant Ltd. 26 MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. 27 MVM GTER Gas Turbine Power Plant Ltd. 27 MVM Hungarowind Ltd. 28 Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. 28 Technical Services 28 MVM OVIT National Power Line Company Ltd. 28 MVM ERBE Power Engineering and Consulting Ltd. 29 ATOMIX Trading and Service Ltd. 29 ENERGO-MERKUR Electricity Trading and Service Ltd. 29 Telecommunications and IT Services 29 MVM NET Telecommunications Provider Ltd. 29 MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. 30 Structure of the Group, Activities of the Companies 5 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 21 2 4.2.3. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 4.2.2. 4.3. Transmission, System Operation, Natural Gas Storage and Energy Exchange Operation 30 4.3.1. MAVIR Ltd. 30 4.3.2. Central Smart Grid Operator Ltd. 33 4.3.3. Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd. 33 4.3.4. Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. 34 4.3.5. HUPX Hungarian Power Exchange Company Ltd. 35 CEEGEX Central Eastern European Gas Exchange Ltd. 35 4.4. Holding Management, MVM Ltd. 36 4.4.1. General Services 36 Administrative Services 36 Maintenance of Facilities 36 37 5.1 Practice of Environmental Management 38 5.2 Consumptions and Emissions Affecting the Environment 38 5.3 Environmental Costs and Expenditures 41 6. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 43 6.1. High Priority Communications Programmes of the MVM Group in 2013 43 6.2. Corporate Social Responsibility 45 7. HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY 48 8. MAIN FIGURES OF THE COMPANIES BELONGING TO THE GROUP50 3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS 5. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 STRUCTURE OF THE MVM GROUP 4 1 1.1 Structure of the Group, Activities of the Companies The member companies of the MVM Group shown in the sociated company (one), associated companies (four) and following figure (showing control-based categorisation) other interests (seven). qualify as subsidiaries included in full consolidation, ex- On 31 December 2013, the MVM Group consisted of a to- cept for the companies included in the ‘Investments’ cate- tal of 61 companies, including, with regard to ownership gory. Rating of the companies included in the ‘Investments’ rights, one parent company, 41 subsidiaries, one joint ma- category from a consolidation point of view: nagement company, eight associated companies and ten »» Joint management company: EKS Service Ltd. other interests. »» Companies treated as associated companies: South Significant changes in the size, structure or ownership Stream Ltd., Dunamenti Power Plant Ltd., Mátra Power conditions of the organisation during the reporting period Plant Ltd., Mátra Power Generation Co. Ltd., Kárpát were as follows: At the end of 2013, the fully consolidated Energo Ltd., MPVI Mobile Ltd. and ER-EF Power Plant group included 38 companies. During the year, the number Ltd. of companies included in full consolidation increased by Other interests: ELMŰ plc, ÉMÁSZ plc and TIGÁZ Ltd. the companies Central Smart Grid Operator Ltd., Hunga- »» rian Gas Storage Ltd., Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. and PO- panies regarded as consolidated from an accounting point WERFORUM Ltd. of view also includes other subsidiaries treated as an as- 1 | STRUCTURE OF THE MVM GROUP In addition to those listed in the figure, the group of com- 5 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 61 l of a t o at 3. i se d r 20 1 p r m e mb p co e ce ro u D G 1 MVM as at 3 Th e s ie pa n co m business unit MVM Partner d.o.o. MVM Partner Energija d.o.o. MVM ERBE Ltd. ATOMIX Ltd. ENERGO-MERKUR Ltd. Vértes Power Plant Ltd. MVM MIFŰ Ltd. MVM Trade Poland Sp.z.o.o. MVM-ADWEST Marketing GmbH Powerforum Ltd. MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. MVM GTER Ltd. MVM Hungarowind Ltd. Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. HUPX Ltd. HUPX Derivative Ltd. CEEGEX Ltd. MAVIR Ltd. Central Smart Grid Operator Ltd. Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd. Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. ENERGY EXCHANGE OPERATION TRANSMISSION, SYSTEM OPERATION, NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND ENERGY EXCHANGE OPERATION TRANSMISSION, NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND SYSTEM OPERATION MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 * Company included in full consolidation in proportion to the capital share of the parent company (by the quota method) ** Key companies from among interests other than companies included in full consolidation. *** Companies removed from full consolidation due to involuntary/voluntary liquidation or the termination of activities Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. MVM Partner Bucharest srl MVM Partner Serbia d.o.o. MVM North Buda Power Plant Ltd. MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. MVM Partner Ltd. MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. MVM NET Ltd. MVM OVIT Ltd. MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. TRADE AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL SERVICES TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND IT SERVICES TRADE AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT POWER AND HEAT GENERATION POWER AND HEAT GENERATION AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ÉMÁSZ Plc. ELMÛ Plc. Mátra Power Plant Ltd. Dunamenti Power Plant Ltd. TIGÁZ Ltd. MPVI Mobile Ltd. South Stream Hungary Ltd. EKS-Service Ltd. Niker d.o.o. MVM Hotel Panoráma Ltd. MVM Hotel Vértes Ltd. ER-EF Power Plant Cooperation Development Ltd. *** Kárpát Energo Ltd. *** Mátra Power Generation Co. Ltd. *** MVM Ltd. Római Office Building Ltd. MVM KONTÓ Ltd. MVM Villkesz Ltd. HOLDING MANAGEMENT HOLDING MANAGEMENT FACILITY MAINTENANCE GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (MEMBERS OF THE RECOGNISED CORPORATE GROUP HIGHLIGHTED) 6 sub-business unit CATEGORISATION OF THE MEMBER COMPANIES OF THE MVM GROUP BY BUSINESS UNIT High priority investments ** 1 | STRUCTURE OF THE MVM GROUP 2 MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF THE MVM GROUP 2.1 KEY TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF THE MVM GROUP 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed capacity of power plants MWe 2,903 2,903 - Electricity generated (gross) GWh 17,262 16,520 -4.3 Electricity sold GWh 28,621 27,362 -4.4 Electricity purchased GWh 11,622 11,095 -4.5 Heat sold TJ 3,110 2,982 -4.1 Net sales HUFm 767,754 922,021 +20.1 EBITDA HUFm 152,414 106,358 -30.2 Profit/(loss) after tax HUFm 73,605 32,259 -56.2 Total assets HUFm 1,008,414 1,424,630 +41.3 Equity HUFm 620,726 704,404 +13.5 Net financial liability (outstanding bank loans - liquid assets) HUFm 8,826 202,790 +2,197.6 Fixed Assets Ratio % 64.1 62.3 -2.8 Rate of Return on Assets (ROA) % 7.3 2.3 -69.0 Rate of Return on Equity (ROE) % 11.9 4.6 -61.4 Rate of Return on Sales (ROS) % 9.6 3.5 -63.5 Net debt / Equity - 0.01 0.29 +1,924.7 Net debt / EBITDA - 0.06 1.91 +3,192.5 EBITDA / Interest paid - 35.94 14.75 -59.0 Operating cash flow HUFm 105,290 -149,509 -242.0 Assets in course of construction HUFm 55,728 58,518 +5.0 persons 7,739 7,942 +2.6 8 Unit 2 | MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF THE MVM GROUP Key indicator MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Average headcount 2.2 KEY FINANCIAL DATA OF SUBSIDIARIES Net sales Operating expenses 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 HUFm HUFm % HUFm HUFm % 13,545 9,630 -28.9 27,333 22,693 -17.0 184,243 185,528 +0.7 149,815 149,407 -0.3 0 2 +14,761.7 274 1,280 +366.4 18,111 12,651 -30.1 28,506 28,119 -1.4 MVM MIFŰ Ltd. 9,604 6,830 -28.9 9,513 7,274 -23.5 MVM North Buda Cogeneration Power Plant Ltd. 10,267 9,613 -6.4 10,341 10,052 -2.8 3,711 3,500 - 2,555 2,323 -9.1 10,604 11,627 +9.6 10,234 11,317 +10.6 1,640 1,654 +0.9 811 687 -15.2 5 11 +145.1 84 281 +234.4 MVM OVIT Ltd. 47,008 53,142 +13.0 47,545 52,075 +9.5 MVM ERBE Ltd. 4,662 4,754 +2.0 4,934 5,000 +1.3 ATOMIX Ltd. 4,964 5,236 +5.5 5,024 5,270 +4.9 245 433 +76.9 246 426 +73.1 10,970 13,608 +24.1 10,903 13,083 +20.0 2 | MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF THE MVM GROUP 7,912 8,282 +4.7 7,712 7,998 +3.7 9 0 171,625 - 0 186,210 - 416,059 609,407 +46.5 411,746 626,369 +52.1 3,497 6,764 +93.5 3,344 6,746 +101.7 MVM Partner d.o.o. 994 3,269 +228.8 963 3,254 +238.0 MVM Partner Energija d.o.o. 994 282 -71.6 993 284 -71.4 3,248 0 -100.0 2,974 15 -99.5 0 810 - 7 808 +11,605.4 11,031 2,060 -81.3 11,204 2,176 -80.6 89 25 -71.5 65 14 -78.3 133,800 135,426 +1.2 121,676 124,541 +2.4 Central Smart Metering Ltd. 0 0 - 0 1 - Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd. 10 6 -43.2 182 263 +44.5 Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. 0 6,912 - 0 5,049 - 710 836 +17.7 731 878 +20.1 15 0 -100.0 15 2 -85.7 3 39 +1,289.6 109 188 +72.0 1,443 1,686 +16.8 1,406 1,637 +16.4 2,009 2,093 +4.2 1,214 1,519 +25.0 808 737 -8.8 770 729 -5.3 MVM Hotel Vértes Ltd. 175 173 -1.2 319 379 +19.0 MVM Hotel Panoráma Ltd. 193 209 +8.2 272 287 +5.5 Niker d.o.o. 136 139 +2.5 109 109 -0.2 MVM Ltd. MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. Vértes Power Plant Ltd. MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. MVM GTER Ltd. MVM Hungarowind Ltd. Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. ENERGO-MERKUR Ltd. MVM NET Ltd. MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. MVM Partner Ltd. MVM Partner Serbia d.o.o. Beograd MVM Partner Bucharest MVM Trade Poland Sp. z.o.o. MVM-ADWEST Marketing GmbH POWERFORUM Ltd. MAVIR Ltd. HUPX Ltd. HUPX Derivative Ltd. CEEGEX Ltd. MVM KONTÓ Ltd. Római Office Building Ltd. MVM Villkesz Ltd. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 2012 Member companies included in the full consolidation of the MVM Group EBITDA Member companies included in the full consolidation of the MVM Group MVM Ltd. MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 HUFm HUFm % HUFm HUFm % -6,265 -6,352 -1.4 1,717 1,728 +0.7 64,299 60,514 -5.9 24,114 20,398 -15.4 -127 -263 -106.5 2 21 +881.0 11,003 -3,324 -130.2 4,248 4,341 +2.2 718 -56.3 1,031 908 -11.9 1,353 794 -41.3 782 783 +0.2 MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. 2,287 2,333 +2.0 1,110 1,128 +1.6 438 363 -17.1 20 9 -53.0 1,248 1,421 +13.9 353 353 +0.1 -79 -206 -159.9 0 0 +0.0 MVM OVIT Ltd. 1,513 2,282 +50.9 626 608 -2.8 MVM ERBE Ltd. 221 33 -85.0 62 45 -27.4 ATOMIX Ltd. 56 87 +55.4 41 55 +33.7 2 8 +238.7 2 1 -44.9 MVM NET Ltd. 3,222 3,643 +13.1 3,154 3,093 -2.0 MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. 2,489 2,177 -12.5 2,077 1,744 -16.1 0 -11,157 - 0 24 - 16,667 2,067 -87.6 111 80 -27.4 152 19 -87.8 0 0 - 31 15 -53.9 0 0 - 1 -2 -216.1 0 0 - 275 -15 -105.3 0 0 - -7 2 +134.2 0 0 - -162 -115 +29.3 5 1 -77.7 39 15 -61.7 16 4 -74.8 33,679 32,433 -3.7 20,073 20,070 -0.0 0 -1 - 0 0 - -74 -96 -29.9 4 3 -34.6 Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. 0 3,754 - 0 1,672 - HUPX Ltd. 17 -9 -155.0 17 21 +29.0 HUPX Derivative Ltd. 0 -2 -1,227.4 0 0 - -104 -131 -26.7 3 17 +510.0 54 90 +66.0 9 9 +1.5 1,521 1,071 -29.6 417 419 +0.4 81 91 +13.0 25 26 +1.4 MVM Hotel Vértes Ltd. -81 -179 -119.4 22 22 +0.4 MVM Hotel Panoráma Ltd. -51 -41 +20.5 24 24 +2.7 Niker d.o.o. 29 33 +14.8 2 3 +28.3 MVM GTER Ltd. MVM Hungarowind Ltd. Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. ENERGO-MERKUR Ltd. Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. MVM Partner Ltd. MVM Partner Serbia d.o.o. Beograd MVM Partner d.o.o. MVM Partner Energija d.o.o. MVM Partner Bucharest MVM Trade Poland Sp. z.o.o. MVM-ADWEST Marketing GmbH POWERFORUM Ltd. MAVIR Ltd. Central Smart Metering Ltd. Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd. CEEGEX Ltd. MVM KONTÓ Ltd. Római Office Building Ltd. MVM Villkesz Ltd. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1,641 10 MVM MIFŰ Ltd. MVM North Buda Cogeneration Power Plant Ltd. 2 | MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF THE MVM GROUP Vértes Power Plant Ltd. Depreciation Profit/(-)loss after tax Shareholders' equity 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 HUFm HUFm % HUFm HUFm % MVM Ltd. 53,698 43,336 -19.3 439,708 543,871 +23.7 MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. 28,284 22,860 -19.2 129,610 129,605 -0.0 82 -52 -162.9 9,082 9,031 -0.6 4,926 -2,629 -153.4 3,339 710 -78.7 78 -530 -782.2 7,346 6,816 -7.2 -63 -452 -612.4 2,470 2,018 -18.3 1,360 82 -94.0 2,960 3,042 +2.8 MVM GTER Ltd. 315 190 -39.8 298 298 -0.0 MVM Hungarowind Ltd. 587 879 +49.6 3,125 3,125 - -111 -229 -106.7 -331 -560 -69.2 MVM OVIT Ltd. 740 1,382 +86.7 7,308 7,308 +0.0 MVM ERBE Ltd. 190 15 -92.0 981 981 - 15 29 +90.6 180 200 +11.0 1 4 +467.4 77 81 +5.1 42 528 +1,159.0 25,186 25,253 +0.3 338 221 -34.5 5,392 5,392 - 0 -8,866 - 0 30,491 - 12,667 524 -95.9 22,099 22,099 +0.0 145 -17 -111.5 150 121 -19.2 32 13 -57.2 40 48 +20.4 1 -2 -215.7 9 7 -17.4 230 -12 -105.4 238 228 -4.3 -7 4 +164.0 4 8 +121.6 -185 -120 +35.2 1,172 1,075 -8.3 30 11 -63.4 244 244 - 11,685 8,195 -29.9 287,405 293,959 +2.3 Central Smart Metering Ltd. 0 -1 - 0 99 - Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd. 51 4 -92.4 3,381 3,365 -0.5 Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. 0 525 - 0 79,522 - HUPX Ltd. 7 -16 -340.5 665 650 -2.4 HUPX Derivative Ltd. 0 -2 -1,742.8 16 15 -9.4 -101 -146 -44.5 179 112 -37.4 63 88 +39.1 300 300 - 564 209 -63.0 8,533 8,742 +2.4 MVM Villkesz Ltd. -30 15 +152.3 55 70 +28.3 MVM Hotel Vértes Ltd. -181 -229 -26.4 108 -121 -211.5 MVM Hotel Panoráma Ltd. -91 -87 +4.6 166 79 -52.5 15 10 -36.3 -1,132 -1,137 -0.4 MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. Vértes Power Plant Ltd. MVM MIFŰ Ltd. MVM North Buda Cogeneration Power Plant Ltd. MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. ATOMIX Ltd. ENERGO-MERKUR Ltd. MVM NET Ltd. MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. MVM Partner Ltd. MVM Partner Serbia d.o.o. Beograd MVM Partner d.o.o. MVM Partner Energija d.o.o. MVM Partner Bucharest MVM Trade Poland Sp. z.o.o. MVM-ADWEST Marketing GmbH POWERFORUM Ltd. MAVIR Ltd. CEEGEX Ltd. MVM KONTÓ Ltd. Római Office Building Ltd. Niker d.o.o. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 11 2013 2 | MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF THE MVM GROUP 2012 Member companies included in the full consolidation of the MVM Group Total assets Technical performance of projects 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 HUFm HUFm % HUFm HUFm % 604,226 918,518 +52.0 2304 1,460 -36.6 211,469 207,818 -1.7 17173 17,608 +2.5 11,236 9,806 -12.7 2112 2,156 +2.1 Vértes Power Plant Ltd. 32,055 22,318 -30.4 952 463 -51.3 MVM Ltd. MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. 14,308 -15.4 27 7 -73.2 14,497 14,167 -2.3 2 15 +504.0 MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. 20,553 19,937 -3.0 268 76 -71.7 2,858 3,043 +6.5 11 8 -32.3 7,821 7,807 -0.2 0 4 - 729 561 -23.0 0 0 - MVM OVIT Ltd. 22,497 28,109 +24.9 618 1,171 +89.4 MVM ERBE Ltd. 2,638 2,698 +2.3 16 18 +13.0 ATOMIX Ltd. 952 1,113 +16.9 75 78 +3.6 ENERGO-MERKUR Ltd. 129 185 +43.0 1 0 -86.6 30,656 32,339 +5.5 28,188 2,767 -90.2 10,001 15,015 +50.1 4,218 5,275 +25.1 0 228,999 - 0 130 - 99,659 86,175 -13.5 115 78 -32.6 MVM Partner Serbia d.o.o. Beograd 940 1,942 +106.6 0 0 - MVM Partner d.o.o. 168 968 +477.9 0 0 - MVM Partner Energija d.o.o. 126 9 -92.5 0 0 - 498 229 -53.9 0 0 - 5 143 +2,983.1 0 0 - 2,477 2,055 -17.1 0 0 - 282 260 -7.6 0 0 - 455,486 433,760 -4.8 17,210 14,818 -13.9 0 100 - 0 0 - 9,601 18,398 +91.6 5,534 10,905 +97.1 0 199,800 - 0 1,609 - 820 815 -0.6 38 23 -38.1 18 15 -14.0 0 0 - CEEGEX Ltd. 224 164 -26.5 44 55 +24.9 MVM KONTÓ Ltd. 673 881 +30.8 6 3 -53.1 18,907 18,349 -3.0 56 35 -37.3 1,079 1,056 -2.1 1 23 +1,819.1 785 714 -9.0 0 31 +10,046.9 611 606 -0.9 19 16 -14.2 296 324 +9.4 0 6 +4,413.8 MVM GTER Ltd. MVM Hungarowind Ltd. Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. MVM NET Ltd. MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. MVM Partner Ltd. MVM Partner Bucharest MVM Trade Poland Sp. z.o.o. MVM-ADWEST Marketing GmbH POWERFORUM Ltd. MAVIR Ltd. Central Smart Metering Ltd. Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd. Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. HUPX Ltd. HUPX Derivative Ltd. Római Office Building Ltd. MVM Villkesz Ltd. MVM Hotel Vértes Ltd. MVM Hotel Panoráma Ltd. Niker d.o.o. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 16,909 12 MVM MIFŰ Ltd. MVM North Buda Cogeneration Power Plant Ltd. 2 | MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF THE MVM GROUP 2012 Member companies included in the full consolidation of the MVM Group Average headcount persons persons % 215 240 +11.3 2,488 2,488 -0.0 7 59 +683.0 1,011 958 -5.2 43 43 -1.7 MVM North Buda Cogeneration Power Plant Ltd. 7 7 -4.8 MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. 3 3 -5.2 108 114 +5.4 MVM Hungarowind Ltd. 0 0 - Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. 0 0 - MVM OVIT Ltd. 1,592 1,596 +0.3 MVM ERBE Ltd. 231 223 -3.6 764 763 -0.1 7 6 -5.1 61 100 +63.3 146 178 +21.5 0 65 - 132 202 +53.2 0 0 - MVM Partner d.o.o. 1 1 - MVM Partner Energija d.o.o. 1 1 -25.0 MVM Partner Bucharest 1 1 - MVM Trade Poland Sp. z.o.o. 0 0 - MVM-ADWEST Marketing GmbH 7 1 -86.2 POWERFORUM Ltd. 0 1 - 575 576 +0.2 Central Smart Metering Ltd. 0 0 - Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd. 7 10 +49.3 Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. 0 184 - 24 25 +5.2 HUPX Derivative Ltd. 1 0 -100.0 CEEGEX Ltd. 3 8 +155.0 MVM KONTÓ Ltd. 114 124 +8.7 Római Office Building Ltd. 10 10 +4.2 MVM Villkesz Ltd. 71 70 -0.9 MVM Hotel Vértes Ltd. 35 34 -4.0 MVM Hotel Panoráma Ltd. 33 33 -1.0 5 5 -2.4 MVM Ltd. MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. Vértes Power Plant Ltd. MVM MIFŰ Ltd. MVM GTER Ltd. ATOMIX Ltd. ENERGO-MERKUR Ltd. MVM NET Ltd. MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. MVM Partner Ltd. MVM Partner Serbia d.o.o. Beograd MAVIR Ltd. HUPX Ltd. Niker d.o.o. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 13 2013 2 | MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF THE MVM GROUP 2012 Member companies included in the full consolidation of the MVM Group 3 GY E AT R ST 3. STRATEGY construction of installed facilities and route sections has gic and operative corporate management model towards been ongoing according to schedule since July 2013. The strong, integrated management; for important precondi- technical delivery of the project will take place in 2014, and tions of value-creating growth are the establishment of the target date for the start of commercial operation is 1 group-level integration and the increase of the efficiency January 2015. of operations and of the organisation that supports the On 17 February 2012, the Shareholders’ Meeting of MVM operations. Ltd. approved the participation of the company in the Sou- To this end, MVM Ltd. aimed to improve the management th Stream Natural Gas Pipeline Project. After the decision systems of the MVM Group, including primarily the intro- of the Shareholders’ Meeting, MVM prepared the buy-out duction of an integrated corporate management system of the 50 per cent stake held by Hungarian Development standardised at the group level and based on international Bank Ltd. in South Stream Hungary Ltd. at face value. The standards. transaction was closed on 31 October 2012, simultaneously The concept of the future integrated management system with the signing of the Shareholders’ Agreement negotia- was determined in 2011. To implement it, six implementati- ted between MVM and Gazprom during 2012. Participati- on projects and Transformation Programme Management on in the project and the construction of the gas pipeline (TRAFO) ensuring their coordinated direction, the verifica- section in Hungary support the achievement of the goal tion of their operation in accordance with the established set in the Medium-term Strategy of MVM Ltd., whereby the management concept and efficient change management National Energy Group should become a key player also in were established. Under the project, the Board of Directors the gas market. of MVM Ltd. approved the Group-level Organisational and MVM Ltd. entered the AGRI Project in 2011, which is aimed Operational Rules of the MVM Group as well as the group- at examining the possibilities of transporting natural gas level rules and related business processes regulating the from Azerbaijan to the states of Central and Southeastern group-level operation of the individual functions (econo- Europe. Taking maximum advantage of the possibilities of- mic, human resources, quality management, safety and fered by the framework of Eastern Partnership, the project security, communication, internal control and environmen- implemented in regional cooperation conforms to one of tal protection) in December 2012. All approved group-level the strategic objectives of Hungary, the development of rules could enter into force after the approval by the Court new natural gas sources and transport routes to improve of Registration of the amendment of the domination ag- our energy security. The preparation of a feasibility study reements concluded by MVM Ltd. as the dominant member began in the second half of 2012 through the involvement with the controlled companies which belong to the Recog- of an external consultant and is expected to be completed nised Corporate Group. The elaboration of other group-le- in the first half of 2014. vel rules (primarily for the electricity and heat generation, Meeting the Shareholder’s requirements and achieving the trading, legal and business development functions) and goals set in the National Energy Strategy, the MVM Group their validation at the level of member companies also be- acquired stakes in Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. and Hungari- gan in 2012, and their approval was completed in 2013. an Gas Storage Ltd. on 30 September 2013, and began to The main advantage of the new integrated management integrate the companies into the Group. system, which meets modern corporate management requirements and has been introduced continuously since January 2013, is that it was reorganised on the basis of a standardised operational process, using a uniform methodology for the whole Group. As part of it, the SAP 6.0 system was introduced. In keeping with the Strategy of the MVM Group adopted in April 2011 and currently being renewed, the methods and directions which are to be used at the MVM Group to harmonise market demand and supply have been identified. Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd., a project company to carry out the construction between Vecsés and Balassagyarmat of a Natural Gas Interconnection Pipeline between Hungary and Slovakia aimed at increasing the security of domestic energy supply and reducing unilateral dependence, was MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 tegic goals, it is necessary to move from a mixed strate- 15 established through legal succession in January 2012. The 3 | STRATEGY MVM Ltd. has recognised that in order to achieve its stra- 4 F O S E I T I V I T P C A OU F O GR S A VM E AR E M TH 4.1 TRADE AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) domestic and international markets. Hungary; at the same time, it also holds a considerable in- MVM Partner Ltd. continued its regional expansion on its terest in the retail and direct consumer sales markets, and own behalf started in 2012, thus currently it has balance is also present in the electricity trade of the Eastern and groups in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Central European Region through its foreign subsidiaries. France, Bulgaria and Slovenia. Simultaneously, it started The Group plays an increasing role in the natural gas sto- the voluntary liquidation of subsidiaries (in Slovenia and rage and trade markets. Poland) that had lost their functions due to changes in the At the end of 2013, the Trade and Supply Chain Manage- local regulatory environments. In addition, it holds mem- ment Division of the MVM Group comprised the member berships in the German, French, Slovenian, Slovakian and companies listed below and their subsidiaries: Czech energy exchanges and has commercial access to »» MVM Partner Energy Trading Ltd. (hereinafter: ‘MVM the British energy exchange, where it also began trading Partner Ltd.’), in emission quotas in 2013. - MVM Partner Serbia d.o.o. Beograd (hereinafter: In 2013, the main sources of supply of MVM Partner Ltd. ‘MVM Partner Serbia d.o.o.’) were domestic power plants, purchases from other trading - MVM Partner d.o.o. companies and import supplies. It sold electricity to the - MVM Partner Energija, druzba za energijo d.o.o. greatest extent to meet the electricity demand of universal (hereinafter: ‘MVM Partner Energija d.o.o.’) service providers, to end users in Hungary and to traders - MVM Partner Bucharest S.r.l. holding a trading licence in Hungary and, to a smaller ex- - MVM Trade Poland Sp. z.o.o. tent, to foreign partners. »» Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. In addition to asset-backed trade, MVM Partner Ltd. began »» MVM-ADWEST Marketing und Handelsgesellschaft its own-account (proprietary) trading activity. The regional GmbH (hereinafter: ‘MVM-ADWEST Marketing GmbH’) presence of MVM Partner Ltd. became stronger in 2013. Powerforum Ltd. * The number of markets in the region on which it can trade »» increased to 12, and the number of cross-border transmis4.1.1 MVM PARTNER LTD. 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP The MVM Group is the dominant electricity wholesaler in sion lines available for trading increased to 24. 17 MVM Partner Ltd. is the electricity trading subsidiary of the MVM Group in the competitive market. In addition to 2012 ** 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Total electricity purchased 16,596 26,979 +62.6 Of which: from domestic power plants 11,684 20,308 +73.8 172 325 +88.5 81 86 +6.4 3,425 1,623 -52.6 from import 965 4,175 +332.6 from the organised electricity market 269 462 +71.5 16,596 26,979 +62.6 5,310 9,050 +70.5 3,322 3,751 +12.9 -46 45 +198.6 to electricity traders 6,872 10,142 +47.6 balancing power sold 74 153 +106.8 1,065 3,836 +260.3 Principal electricity trade figures of MVM Partner Ltd. (GWh) from the Transmission System Operator under the mandatory power purchase scheme balancing power purchased from electricity traders Total electricity sold Of which: to universal service providers to other users system-level services sold export sales * Powerforum Ltd. is owned 50% by MVM Partner Ltd. and 50% by Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. ** MVM Trade Ltd. merged into MVM Partner Ltd. on 1 July 2012. As a result, the 2012 figures include profits of the merged company for half a year, while its effect appears for the whole year in 2013. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 domestic retail sales, its wholesale activity also extends to viding companies (public utilities, banking services, etc.), as its electricity sales in 2013. Procurements from domestic well as, to a significant extent, small and medium-sized en- power generators amounted to the majority of procure- terprises. In the interest of further development, the com- ments, 75.3%. The proportion of purchases from traders pany also began, as of 1 September 2008, to focus on small was 6.0%, while that of procurements from imports was and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) the annual electricity 15.5%. Procurements from the power exchange and pur- consumption of which does not exceed 1 GWh. In this seg- chases from MAVIR Ltd. amounted to 3.2% of the total pro- ment, the company offers contractual schemes with a flexible curement volume. term for the individual products and fixed prices, based on The majority of electricity purchases from power generators, familiarisation with consumer habits and customised to the 71.1%, comprised purchases from the Paks Nuclear Power given company. The most important principles of the admin- Plant. The proportion of energy generated from coal and pur- istration model are expedition and simplicity. MVM Partner chased amounted to 18.0%, that of energy generated from Ltd. assumes as many tasks as possible from its customers natural gas and purchased was 8.8%; that of energy generat- in changing their trader or consulting the network licence ed from oil and purchased was 0.2%, while the energy gener- holders. ated from renewable sources and purchased was 1.7%, which Regional markets play an active role in the management of was generated completely from biomass. The proportion of the electricity portfolio in Hungary, and widen the basis of energy generated from other energy sources was 0.2%. proprietary activities. The company is an active participant 33.5 % of all electricity sales were sales to companies hold- in annual, monthly and daily cross-border capacity auctions ing a universal service licence. In terms of sales to electric- in order to be able to make good use of as many trading op- ity users, when the market was opened on 1 January 2003, portunities as possible. the primary goal of the company was to supply electricity to In terms of natural gas trading activities, the two main nat- the very large industrial consumers. The customers of the ural gas sales activities of the company are consumer sales, company include prominent representatives of the domestic during which it sells natural gas directly to domestic energy industry from various industries (manufacture of machines, consumers, and wholesale activities, during which it sells nat- electronics industry, glass-making, cement industry, etc.), ural gas to companies holding trading licences in the domes- food chains with a number of company sites and service-pro- tic market. 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP MVM Partner Ltd. purchased 27.0 TWh of electricity for 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 18 1,173 1,502 +28.0 24 162 +574.9 102 97 -4.9 0 4 - from import 1,047 1,238 +18.3 Total natural gas sold 1,173 1,502 +28.0 Of which: to traders 1,085 1,123 +3.5 88 263 +198.8 balancing gas sold 0 5 - MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 export 0 111 - Principal natural gas trade figures of MVM Partner Ltd. (m3 million) Total natural gas purchased Of which: from traders from storage facilities balancing gas purchased to users 1,502 million m 3 natural gas sold by MVM Partner Ltd. in 2013. The Natural Gas Trading Business Unit of MVM Partner Ltd. realised 82.2% of its sales in wholesale trade (1,234 million m3) to traders. Retail activity amounted to 17.5% of the portfolio (263 million m3), and 0.3% (5 million m3) was sold as balance and optional gas. Due to changed market conditions (the significant role attained by MVM Partner Ltd. on the market, launching a large-scale natural gas sales activity), it was necessary to introduce new means of communication and a new attitude in 2013 compared to the previously applied marketing communications activity of MVM Partner Ltd. activity of MVM Partner Ltd. in 2013 were as follows: »» direct and indirect sales support »» making the activities, products and services of the Group known »» strengthening trust in the Group »» developing favourable opinions and an overall image s it P an ar t ni ne ve r L rs t ar d. c y in ele 20 bra 13 te d . M th V 10 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 M 19 between the consumers MVM Partner Ltd. celebrated the 10th anniversary of its establishment in 2013; accordingly, it launched an intensive communications campaign, which was aimed at increasing awareness of the company, increasing the loyalty of existing partners, arousing the attention of potential customers to the services of MVM Partner Ltd. and generating interest. In 2013, the main business goals of the company were to strengthen its substantial and dynamically growing presence in the competitive market, to acquire and retain consumers, to strengthen consumer loyalty, and to maintain an offensive market behaviour (in addition to an ethical business conduct) in order to acquire a further market share. MVM Partner Ltd. laid emphasis, also in 2013, on the development of existing products, the expansion of its portfolio of products for the various consumer segments, and 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP The fundamental goals of the marketing communications the devising and introduction of new services, taking into consideration real consumer demand supported by market research; this activity may represent a competitive advantage primarily in the acquisition of micro, small and medium-sized end consumer clientele. The MVM Partner PartnerCard was introduced in the autumn of 2013. The PartnerCard is a reward given by the company to companies »» the annual electricity consumption of which does not exceed 1 GWh »» that have an electricity trade agreement concluded with MVM Partner Ltd. not only for the reference year, but also for the subsequent period »» that pay their electricity invoices on time, by the deadline MVM Partner Ltd. also organised customer meetings directly supporting sales in 2013. It is especially important for MVM Partner Ltd., both as a member company of one of the largest company groups operating in a holding structure in the country and as a stand-alone company trading in the competitive electricity market, to take part, bearing in mind its business goals and commensurate with its weight in the market, in the solution of social problems, embracing causes and foundations, and to support events and organisations of special importance, which positively influence the image of the company among the public. Its CSR activities were planned and performed in 2013 in accordance with these principles. Similarly to previous years, the purpose of the activities was to ensure that MVM Partner contribute to the creation of values the standard of which matches the market position of the company and the norms adopted and represented by it. It deemed it warranted to sponsor primarily highly prestigious projects and organisations, which reach the general public, increase its goodwill, positively affect the image of the company and the Group and serve its business goals. 4.1.2 MVM-ADWEST MARKETING GMBH the Group under an agency arrangement was transferred The activities of the company have been gradually trans- in 2013. MVM-ADWEST Marketing GmbH filed for liquidati- ferred to MVM Partner Ltd. starting in 2012. As a result, the on at the end of 2013. German and Austrian electricity and cross-border capa- Due to the foregoing, the annual trade turnover of the city trading rights were transferred in all timeframes (day company decreased to 0.2 TWh in 2013. The following table ahead, intraday and futures) both in OTC and exchange shows the breakdown of traded volumes by market: trading in October 2012. Trading in emission quotas within Principal trade figures of MVMADWEST GmbH (GWh) 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Sale Purchase Sale Purchase Sale 93 436 0 0 -100.0 -100.0 0 28 6 41 - +48.9 Germany 335 248 14 109 -95.9 -56.0 Slovakia 286 2 0 0 -99.8 -80.5 59 60 175 45 +194.8 -25.2 773 773 195 195 -74.7 -74.7 Cross-border trade Austria Czech Republic Total 4.1.3 HUNGARIAN GAS TRADE LTD. MVM Hungarian Electricity Ltd. purchased 100% of the shares in Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. (previously E.ON Gas Trade Ltd.) on 30 September 2013. Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. is the largest gas trader in Hungary. The company is the most important partner of Hungarian gas distribution companies in the reliable provision of natural gas supply to residential gas consumers. In addition, it plays a significant role in the end consumer market, too. Principal natural gas trade figures of Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. (m3 million) 2013* Natural gas purchased in connection with sales 1,817 1,147 417 from producers 198 balancing gas purchased 54 Total natural gas sold 1,817 Of which: to traders 1385 to users 239 balancing gas sold 23 for export 170 * The values in the table include only Q4 2013 data, because the company has been a member of the MVM Group since then. The development of the domestic and world economic environment had a significant effect on the course of business and financial performance of Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. The Hungarian forint became stronger against the US dollar by 0.3% on average in 2013, which had a favourable effect on the development of the import purchase prices of the company calculated in Hungarian forints, but had an adverse effect on net sales. In 2013, the average price level of petroleum indirectly determining the price of natural gas showed a decrease. This also had a favourable effect on the development of purchase prices, while decreased sales revenues. In Hungary, the increase in natural gas consumption stopped in 2006, first followed by stagnation, then gradual and, in the past years, a significant decline. The reasons for it are the low level of economic output, the increase of the share of alternative fuels against natural gas, increasing energy awareness and a decline in the competitiveness of electricity generated from natural gas. The quantity sold by the company in the domestic market in 2013 decreased year-on-year, while export sales exceeded the base year level. The decline in domestic sales was caused to a greater extent by a shrinkage of the market and to a lesser extent by a loss of markets to competitors. The Management of the company made decisions to adapt to a quickly changing market environment in the future; its main objectives are to continuously renegotiate the terms of the sales and purchase contracts comprising the trading portfolio, to increase efficiency and to cut costs. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 from storage facilities 20 Of which: from traders 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP Purchase 4.1.4 POWERFORUM LTD. the activity of registered users on the platform of POWER- The main function of POWERFORUM Ltd. is to facilitate the FORUM Ltd. within the framework provided by the elec- further expansion of the domestic electricity market, with tricity and natural gas market environments in the areas special regard to its transparency and liquidity. All of its of both the electricity and natural gas sections during the sales revenue was generated within the Group in 2013. 2014 business year, thereby also increasing its efficiency. The Management aims at providing enhanced support for 4.2 POWER AND HEAT GENERATION AND TECHNICAL SERVICES The power and heat generation portfolio of the MVM Group comprised the following companies in 2013: MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. »» MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. »» MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. »» MVM GTER Ltd. »» Vértes Power Plant Ltd. »» MVM Hungarowind Ltd. »» MVM MIFŰ Ltd. »» Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. »» MVM North Buda Power Plant Ltd. 4.2.1 POWER AND HEAT GENERATION The installed capacity and power and heat generation quantity data of the Generation Business Unit of the MVM Group are shown in the following tables: Installed capacity, broken down by primary energy source Item Unit 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed electrical capacity MWe 2,903 2,903 - MWe 240 240 - MWe 640 640 - nuclear MWe 2,000 2,000 - wind MWe 23 23 - Installed heat capacity MWth 6,536 6,536 - MWth 88 88 - natural gas and distillate oil/fuel oil MWth 508 508 - nuclear MWth 5,940 5,940 - Quantity of energy generated in a breakdown by primary energy source Item Unit 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Electricity generated GWh 17,262 16,520 -4.3 coal/biomass GWh 995 813 -18.3 natural gas and distillate oil/fuel oil GWh 422 289 -31.6 nuclear GWh 15,793 15,370 -2.7 wind GWh 51 49 -4.6 Net electrical output GWh 16,214 15,532 -4.2 coal/biomass GWh 833 674 -19.0 natural gas and distillate oil/fuel oil GWh 415 281 -32.2 nuclear GWh 14,916 14,527 -2.6 wind GWh 51 49 -4.0 TJ 3,728 3,013 -19.2 TJ 353 347 -1.8 2,637 2,512 -4.8 Heat generated coal/biomass natural gas and distillate oil/fuel oil TJ nuclear TJ 738 719 -2.5 Net heat output TJ 3,117 2,990 -4.1 TJ 336 340 +1.1 natural gas and distillate oil/fuel oil TJ 2,620 2,495 -4.8 nuclear TJ 161 155 -4.1 coal/biomass MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 coal 21 coal/biomass natural gas and distillate oil/fuel oil 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP »» MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. Electricity generation and sales MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. is a key electricity The nuclear power plant closed 2013 with the fifth highest generation company in Hungary. The nuclear power plant electricity output of its history so far. It contributed 15,370 pollutes the environment the least in comparison with ot- GWh to the domestic electricity output of 27,164 GWh last her electric power plants and does not emit any carbon year. The outstanding output is mainly due to the nearly dioxide. Thus, the Paks Nuclear Power Plant is essential 88% capacity utilisation rate of the facility, whereby the for the country from energy, environmental and economic share of the power plant in electricity generation in Hun- points of view alike. gary increased over 50%. The electricity generation and sales quantity data of MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. are summarised in the following table: Unit 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed electrical capacity MWe 2,000 2,000 - GWh 15,793 15,370 -2.7 GWh 14,916 14,527 -2.6 GWh 14,818 14,439 -2.6 Electricity generated Electrical output Total domestic electricity sales Heat sales city output under a Power Purchase Agreement concluded MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. sells the majority of with MVM Partner Ltd. The company does not have a direct the heat generated to Duna Center Therm LLC, and the re- relationship with consumers. Quality-related information mainder is purchased by MVM OVIT Ltd. and MVM Villkesz can be found in the balance group agreement provided to Ltd. from the nuclear power plant. the trader and in the Power Purchase Agreement. Quan- The heat generation and sales quantity data are summari- tity-related information is set forth in the Annual Trade sed in the following table: 22 MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. sells its total electri- 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. Agreement. 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 MWth 5,940 5,940 - Heat generated TJ 161 155 -4.1 Heat output TJ 161 155 -4.1 Heat sold TJ 161 155 -4.1 Installed heat capacity Investments and development activities 2013 were determined, firstly, by tasks aimed at maintai- The strategy of MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. is ai- ning the technical standard in connection with the design med at generating as much electricity as possible, safely, lifetime of the units and, secondly, to a greater extent, by economically and with an environmental impact as low as the pro rata implementation of projects relating to lifetime possible. The composition and scope of capital projects in extension (LE). MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Unit MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. Lifetime extension (LE) ments set by the authorities and to facilitate the more ef- The implementation of the tasks of the Lifetime Extension ficient and reliable generation of electricity. The research Implementation Programme (LE IP) continued in 2013. In and development tasks were aimed at the following main 2013, a high priority task was, in addition to the implemen- technical areas: tation of the tasks stated as a condition of continuance in »» reactor physics, reactor engineering, thermohydraulics the LE permit for Unit 1, to submit an LE permit application »» ageing and lifetime management, testing of structural for Unit 2 to the authority by no later than 31 December 2013. The underlying documentation of the permit app- materials »» lication was compiled, checked and reviewed by an inde- development of analytical tools to assess accidents and breakdowns development of chemical technologies Energy Authority (HAEA) two months prior to the prescri- »» development of special test and measuring equipment. bed deadline. The company also carried out its research and develop- MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant plans to switch to a ment activities this year, too, by involving only university 15-month operating cycle. It wishes to ensure an increa- departments, research institutes and specialist compani- se in availability and a decrease in maintenance costs by es that have a considerable theoretical and experimental introducing a new fuel cycle and applying new technolo- background. gical solutions, a new system of technical norms and new The research and development commissioned to be perfor- organisational solutions. As a result, the system of condi- med by MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. are indirectly tions taken as a basis for the long-term safe operation of or directly related to sustainable development. In keeping the units will also change. This will have a direct effect on with the company’s strategic goals, in order to achieve obtaining a permit for lifetime extension, since it will be- economical operation with increased output, to carry out come necessary to review and extend some of the analyses lifetime extension, to increase the economic efficiency of and ratings based on the current operating conditions and fuel use and to achieve environmental protection goals, providing grounds for lifetime extension. Taking all these the company managed to mobilise the domestic research into account, the task specifications for the underlying do- institutes and to have development projects that can be cumentation of the LE permit application for Unit 3 was made use of in the long run carried out, which provide gro- completed. At present, the relevant contract preparation unds for the achievement of the goals. By ensuring energy activity is under way. generation by the Paks Nuclear Power Plant in the long Activities of MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. in term, providing grounds for energy generation and increa- 2013 in the area of research and development sing installed capacity and availability, the above develop- The research and development activities carried out in ment activities directly contribute to the reduction of car- 2013 were motivated by the objectives to increase the sa- bon dioxide emissions in Hungary. fety of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, to meet the require- The implem entation o f t h e ta s ks Implement of the Life ation Prog time Exten ramme (LE sion IP) continu ed in 2013 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 radiation protection »» 23 »» documentation were submitted to the Hungarian Atomic 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP pendent expert. The permit application and its underlying MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Develop- tion and secondary and higher education in order to provi- ment Ltd. de the specialists required for the preparation, constructi- Pursuant to Section 7(2) of Act CXVI of 1996 on Atomic Energy, on, commissioning and operation phases of the new units. Parliament granted its consent in principle required for the Its internal review and comment process is under way; once commencement of activities for the preparation of the estab- it is completed, it will be handed over to the Ministry of Na- lishment of new nuclear power plant units at the site of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant on 30 May 2009. MVM Ltd. established the tional Development. »» The first phase of the detailed assessment associated with the feasibility of the condenser cooling water system of the objectives of the Lévai Project were set in Government Resolu- planned new nuclear power plant units was closed, which tion No. 1194/2012 (VI.18.) Korm. on the Determination of Furt- takes into account the conditions inherent to the site and her Tasks Relating to the New Nuclear Power Plant Unit(s) to Be its connection with the operational systems of the existing Established at the Site of MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. units. The development of the detailed assessment (Phase Due to the importance of the project in the Energy Strategy, 2) associated with the selected technical solution began MVM Ltd. decided in May 2012 to establish MVM Paks II Nuclear with the specialist support of MVM Paks Nuclear Power Power Plant Development Ltd. The company was registered by Plant Ltd. the Court of Registration on 10 August 2012. »» Devising a task aimed at the establishment of a Site Orga- The company is responsible for compiling the technical speci- nisation Database began; it comprises making a list of the fication required for the establishment of the new units, car- infrastructure components available at the future site and rying out tests required for the various permits and licences, their quality condition, as well as the assessment and cost obtaining such permits and licences (the most important ones estimation of the investment required by the utility and inf- are the environmental permit and the site licence), preparing rastructure capacities that will presumably become neces- domestic companies for participation in the project and keeping sary. public support at a high level by continuously providing information to the public. A future task of the company is to prepare Licensing tasks: a general contractor’s agreement for establishment as well as »» The implementation of the Environmental Assessment Programme was completed. The preparation of an Environ- technical specification. mental Impact Statement began. Due to the extremely dry Pursuant to amendments of legislation that entered into force weather conditions in 2012, it was necessary to carry out at the end of 2012, MVM Paks II Ltd. is obliged to proceed du- supplementary biomonitoring studies and meteorological therefore, it has to apply the provisions of Act CVIII of 2011 on measurements in 2013. »» The site assessment programme was updated in accordan- Public Procurements. The amendment of the legal rule appli- ce with the new Nuclear Safety Code, and the Geological cable to the general contractor’s tender entered into force on Survey Programme was reviewed and commented on by in- 1 August 2013. dependent experts. The modified assessment programme In order to provide a working place for its staff in the short term, is expected to be submitted for approval by the authorities the fit-out and refurbishment of offices in its office building located in Gagarin utca were completed at the beginning of 2013. in 2014. »» A public procurement procedure was launched at the end of Evaluating several possible solutions, the company prepared a November for a 3D seismic assessment programme, which proposal for providing a place for MVM Paks II Ltd. to operate in forms part of the Geological Survey Programme, by the the long term. publication of an invitation to participate. Simultaneously, The first draft regarding the examination of the legal frame- an approval programme for the 3D seismic assessment and work relating to state subsidies and competition law conditions a hydrogeological monitoring programme were completed, as well as for the long-term sale of the electricity generated by the preparation of which for approval was started. the new units was completed. Economic and preliminary legal assessments relating to the possible introduction of the Cont- Communications tasks: ract for Difference (CfD) scheme in Hungary were carried out. »» In order to increase awareness about the company and its recognition, it initiated media appearances, participa- Technical analytical tasks: ted in exhibitions and dispatched a public information lor- »» A second assessment of potential domestic suppliers were ry. The company used nationwide public opinion polls for completed in order to update the data and to identify the back-testing recognition and the efficiency of the means of potential group of contractors as accurately as possible. communication. It organised an information campaign for A second version of the National Training Strategy was contractors in order to involve domestic contractors in the completed, which specifies the tasks of vocational educa- establishment of the project. »» MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ring its procurements as a public service party inviting tenders, 24 fuel, operation and maintenance contracts on the basis of the 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP Lévai Project on 1 July 2009 to carry out all related tasks. The Vértes Power Plant Ltd. Mining The activities of Vértes Power Plant Ltd. include brown Established under the Eocene Programme, the Márkus- coal mining and the generation and trading of electricity hegy Mine is an underground facility with a depth of about and heat, which it carries out at its Márkushegy Mine and 300 to 550 m, which produces Eocene brown coal. As the the Oroszlány Power Plant. Based on the number of its only operational deep coal mine in Hungary today, the employees, it is one of the companies in the region provi- mine provides fuel supply to the Oroszlány Power Plant by ding the most jobs. producing steam coal. The output data of the Márkushegy Mine are summarised in the following table: Márkushegy Mine 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 kt* 763 977 +28.0 TJ 8,101 9,929 +22.6 kJ/kg 10,615 10,162 -4.3 * kilotonne 2008) to also fire renewable energy sources, in addition to 240 MWe is owned by Vértes Power Plant Ltd. and oper- firing coal dust, in a what is called fluidised bed installed ates under a generation licence. The company operates it at the bottom of the boiler for up to 45% to 50% of the on sub-bituminous coal produced at the Márkushegy Mine. thermal input. The Oroszlány Power Plant began generating electricity The Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Au- in 1961 with four 50 MW units entering service one after thority issued an operating licence for the Oroszlány Pow- the other, then district heating and hot water supply to er Plant until 2020, with regard to the useful life of its the town of Oroszlány started in the winter of 1978. After main equipment. its overhaul carried out in the 1980s, the Oroszlány Power Vértes Power Plant Ltd. sells electricity only in Hungary Plant with four operational units became a highly reliable and typically to electricity traders. Its area of operation electric and heat generating plant with 240 MW of electri- is the competitive market; the company does not trade cal and 84 MW of thermal capacity. on the power exchange (HUPX). The most important busi- A lifetime extension retrofit programme took place at the ness partners of Vértes Power Plant Ltd. are the member power plant between 2002 and 2005, under which a flue companies of the MVM Group. Vértes Power Plant Ltd. did gas desulphurisation plant operating with the wet lime- not have any sales quota under the mandatory power pur- stone - gypsum technology was constructed at the Orosz- chase scheme in 2013. It sold the small amount of electric- lány Power Plant. It became possible in the boilers at Oro- ity generated from biomass in the competitive market. The electricity generation and sales quantity data of Vértes Power Plant Ltd. are summarised in the following table: Vértes Power Plant Ltd. Unit 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed electrical capacity MWe 240 240 - Electricity generated GWh 995 813 -18.3 Net electrical output GWh 833 674 -19.0 Electricity generated and sold GWh 798 599 -25.0 GWh 77 0 -100.0 Balancing power and power regulation items sold GWh 95 92 -3.5 Total domestic electricity sales GWh 894 691 -22.7 of which: sale of electricity subject to mandatory purchase MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 szlány (in Boiler No. 1 from 2006 and in Boiler No. 2 from The Oroszlány Power Plant with an installed capacity of 25 Electricity generation and sales 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP Coal production Unit Heat supply and Oroszlány Service Ltd. for supplying the space heating and Heat supply is provided under long-term framework agree- domestic hot water demands of the town of Oroszlány and the ments for district heating sales existing between the company locality of Bokod with the quantities shown in the following table: Vértes Power Plant Ltd. Unit 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed heat capacity MWth 88 88 - Heat generated TJ 353 347 -1.8 Net heat output TJ 336 340 +1.1 Heat output sold TJ 328 331 +0.9 MVM MIFŰ Ltd. ring its heat output with Miskolc Heat Supply LLC (herei- The Tatár utca Gas Engine Heating Power Plant, the Hold nafter: ‘MIHŐ LLC’), which is responsible for providing heat utca Combined Cycle Heating Turbine Power Plant and the supply to the city of Miskolc. The electricity cogenerated Tatár utca Heating Plant operated by MVM MIFŰ Ltd. joint- with heat is sold to MVM Partner Ltd. ly provide the total heat supply to the heating districts of The company purchases the fuel required for the operati- Central Miskolc and Avas. The Bulgárföld and Diósgyőr Gas on of the power plant units from MVM Partner Ltd. and, at Engine Heating Power Plants meet the heat demands of the Bulgárföld and Diósgyőr sites, from MIHŐ LLC in the the given districts only in part. 2013/2014 gas year. The company entered into a long-term contract for delive- The heat and electricity generation and sales quantity data of the company are summarised in the following table: 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed electrical capacity MWe 64 64 - Installed electrical capacity GWh 178 107 -40.0 Net electrical output GWh 173 104 -40.2 Electricity generated and sold GWh 176 104 -40.8 MWth 408 408 - TJ 1,217 1,004 -17.6 Net heat output TJ 1,211 1,000 -17.4 Heat output sold TJ 1,211 1,000 -17.4 Installed heat capacity Heat generated MVM North Buda Power Plant Ltd. The power plant is engaged in combined heat and electrici- The company is responsible for providing the conditions re- ty generation. It sells the heat to FŐTÁV Ltd. under a long- quired for the operation of a power plant with an electrical term heat supply agreement. The heat generated meets the capacity of 49.98 MWe and a thermal capacity of 100 MWth, heat demand of the North Buda Heating District. The elec- overseeing the operations and for carrying out sales. trical output was sold through the system of HUPX Ltd. The heat and electricity generation and sales quantity data of the company are summarised in the following table: MVM North Buda Power Plant Ltd. Unit 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed electrical capacity MWe 50 50 - Total electrical output GWh 217 167 -23.2 Electricity generated and sold GWh 222 164 -26.1 MWth 100 100 - Heat generated TJ 1,420 1,508 +6.2 Heat output sold TJ 1,409 1,495 +6.1 Installed heat capacity MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Unit 26 MVM MIFŰ Ltd. 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. a way that the noise generated by the operating power MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. began its commercial operation in plant is even lower than the existing ambient baseline April 2011 with the aim of ensuring that the power plant noise level. In order to minimise environmetal impact , the implemented as a brownfield project at the Ajka site power plant uses the existing power plant infrastructure of substantially improve the controllability of the domestic Bakony Power Plant Ltd. (substation, heating and cooling energy system by meeting peak demand. systems, demineralised water system, etc.) during its The main equipment of the power plant units is a TRENT operation. The operating and routine maintenance tasks 60 WLE DF dual fired gas turbine manufactured by Rolls- are carried out by the specialists of MVM GTER Ltd. Royce, with a BRUSH generator connected to it. Gas supply The power plant sells its availability and electricity to the power plant is provided by a newly built target generation services to MVM Partner Ltd. In 2013, the sales natural gas pipeline owned by the company itself from services provided in the market of system-level services the Ajka 2 gas reception station. With regard to the built amounted to about 300 operating hours. The electricity generation data of the company are set forth in the following table: MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. Unit 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed electrical capacity MWe 116 116 - Total electrical output GWh 13 8 -41.4 MVM GTER Gas Turbine Power Plant Ltd. the Gas Turbine Business Unit is responsible for carrying Of the activities of MVM GTER Gas Turbine Power Plant out upkeep and maintenance works and participating in Ltd., in addition to its core activities (the operation of the implementation of development tasks specified and power plant equipment and the sale of reserve capacities), financed by its owner. The electricity generation data of the company are set forth in the following table: 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed electrical capacity MWe 410 410 - Total electrical output GWh 14 7 -46.4 The noise level generated by the operating power plant units of MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. is even lower than the existing ambient baseline noise level. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Unit 27 MVM GTER Ltd. 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP environment, noise control has been established in such MVM GTER Ltd. has been selling the capacity of the power plant units provided by its owner under a lease contract MVM Hungarowind Ltd. operates eight wind turbines with to the System Operator MAVIR Ltd. under a capacity res- a total installed capacity of 23 MW, located in the vicin- ervation and power purchase agreement in the market of ity of Sopronkövesd and Nagylózs in Győr-Moson-Sopron emergency back-up supply since 1 January 2003 and in the County. Holding a sales licence, it sells electricity under a market of one-minute back-up power plant capacities since Mandatory Power Purchase Tariff scheme. 1 January 2010. The well-definable activities of the company are electric- The electricity generated during the operation of the gas ity generation through the exploitation of wind energy and turbine power plants is purchased, depending on the pur- its sale. The profitability of the core activity is improved pose of power plant start-ups, by MAVIR Ltd. when the by the maintenance of the reliable operation of the wind start-up is carried out by the System Operator or by MVM farm, the provision of the essential operating conditions Partner Ltd. in the case of status control test operation. and the timely performance of necessary maintenance. In MVM GTER Ltd. operates the equipment of MVM North 2013, the wind farm owned by MVM Hungarowind Ltd. con- Buda Power Plant Ltd. and maintains its technical condi- tributed to the expression of the commitment of the Group tion (by performing maintenance and repair activities) to sustainable development and environmental protection under a long-term operating agreement. Similarly, the by generating 48,984 MWh of electricity. MVM Hungarowind Ltd. tenance works of the gas turbine power plant owned by MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. The electricity generation data of the company are set forth in the following table: MVM Hungarowind Ltd. Unit 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Installed electrical capacity MWe 23 23 - Total electrical output GWh 51 49 -4.6 Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. companies, large industrial consumers and foreign customThe area of operation of MVM OVIT Ltd. covers the whole er Plant Ltd. on 31 December 2013. territory of the country, it has sites in a number of regions of Hungary, and employs nearly 1,600 persons. The company 4.2.2 TECHNICAL SERVICES performs its traditional tasks and wide-ranging qualified un- The technical services portfolio of the MVM Group com- dertakings essentially in a market-oriented system. Its strate- prised the following companies in 2013: gic activities are as follows: »» »» MVM OVIT National Power Line Ltd. (hereinafter: ‘MVM OVIT Ltd.’), »» »» »» design, establishment, expansion and overhaul of transmission lines and substations MVM ERBE Power Engineering and Consulting Ltd. »» construction of overhead wires for railway electrification (hereinafter: ‘MVM ERBE Ltd.’), »» maintenance, project management and establishment of ATOMIX Trading and Service Ltd. (hereinafter: ‘ATO- power plants MIX Ltd.’), »» manufacture of industrial steel constructions ENERGO-MERKUR Electricity Trading and Service Ltd. »» operation of the power supply system of industrial facili- (hereinafter: ‘ENERGO-MERKUR Ltd.’) ties »» MVM OVIT National Power Line Company Ltd. transport of special, oversized and overweight goods by road, rail and water As a member of the MVM Group, MVM OVIT Ltd. is the es- »» special service activities tablishment, installation and operating company with the »» manufacture of low-voltage auxiliary equipment widest sphere of activities in the energy industry in Hun- »» operation, installation and refurbishment of telecommu- gary. It has been performing the establishment, mainte- nications networks nance and development of high voltage transmission lines The customers and customer groups served by MVM OVIT and transformer stations for six decades. The activities of Ltd. are the companies of the MVM Group (especially MVM this company with great traditions are essentially associat- Ltd., MAVIR Ltd. and MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd.) ed with the Hungarian transmission network and domestic and other companies outside the Group (power plants, rail- power plants, but, in addition, it regularly undertakes es- way companies and power distribution companies). The Steel tablishment, maintenance, refurbishment and development Structure Manufacturing and Overweight Transport Business tasks for domestic power distribution companies, railway Units also have a significant Western European clientele. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ers as well. of Vértes Power Plant Ltd., which merged into Vértes Pow- 28 Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. is a currently inactive company 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP company also carries out the operation and routine main- MVM ERBE Power Engineering and Consulting Ltd. E NERGO-MERKUR Electricity Trading and Service Ltd. MVM ERBE Ltd. assumed a key role in the majority of the Energo-Merkur Ltd. is engaged primarily in the wholesale most important energy projects in Hungary during the pe- and retail trade of electrical fittings and cables. It is a sub- riod of more than 60 years that has elapsed since its est- sidiary of MVM OVIT Ltd. ablishment. Its main area of activities: 4.2.3 Its main activities cover power plant projects, large nuc- The telecommunications and IT services portfolio of the lear and conventional power plants, small renewable MVM Group comprised the following companies in 2013: energy-based power plants (wind, biomass, biogas, landfill »» implementation. The preparation and management of the projects and development of transmission networks by its engineering office play a prominent role in its work. In its network projects, it also carries out the design and submission for approval of high, medium and low voltage cable and overhead cable networks as well as medium and low voltage transformer stations. In the approval processes of energy development projects required by the increasingly stringent environmental protection regulations, MVM ERBE Ltd. provides expert consulting and a wide range of environmental protection mental protection obligations of companies. MVM ERBE Ltd. serves the measurement needs of companies performing the operation and maintenance of energy facilities, and provide comprehensive energy (heat engineering and efficiency) and environmental (emissions and noise) measurements for its customers. It has appropriate (hereinafter: ‘MVMI Ltd.’) »» MVM NET Telecommunications Provider Ltd. As a result of the changes in law associated with the introduction of the ITO model, the ownership of the telecommunications network of MVM Ltd. was transferred to a newly established subsidiary, MVM NET Ltd., in 2012, by bringing the assets into this company. The company has a key role in providing a telecommunications network serving system operation for MAVIR Ltd. As a member of the MVM Group, it is also responsible for assuming a strategic role in the telecommunications industry, which means serving the infocommunications systems of the Government and customers in the telecommunications market to a high standard. The operational model of MVM NET Ltd. is based on the following three groups of customers: »» ensuring the use of the telecommunications network of system interest used by MAVIR Ltd. for technology purposes »» ensuring the use of the National Trunk Telecommunications Network (NTTN) for government purposes »» providing telecommunications services for business pur poses to customers in the telecommunications market measuring instruments, target software and its own re- In 2013, the company successfully prepared the establishment sources to carry out measurements, modelling and pollu- of its national wireless data connection service based on the tant transport calculations. CDMA 450 technology, which is considered a main pillar for the The company performs most of its activities in Hungary. long-term strategy, and had the opportunity to participate in the implementation of the distance-based toll payment system ATOMIX Trading and Service Ltd. introduced by the Government as of 1 July 2013. As a company ATOMIX Ltd. is a subsidiary owned 100% by MVM Paks at the beginning of its life cycle, MVM NET Ltd. wishes to pay Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. Its services are essentially used special attention to assessing risks and prospects in 2014. The by its Owner. Its main activities are: property and security preparation of a related list of risks and risk management plan is guard protection services, firefighting and environmental under way. In order to avoid and reduce risks, the company wis- cleanup activities, passenger and goods transport activi- hes to take risk management steps set forth in the above plan. ties, operation of sports and recreation facilities, restaurant catering, operation of a canteen kitchen, provision of cleaning and laundry services, educational and education organisational activities and temporary placement of employees. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 The Accredited Measurement Technology Laboratory of MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. 29 services primarily for the implementation of the environ- »» 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP the establishment of heating plants and oversight of their MVM NET Telecommunications Provider Ltd. (hereinafter: ‘MVM NET Ltd.’), gas, solar energy, geothermal energy and waste combustion), combined energy generation and the preparation of Telecommunications and IT Services MVMI Information Technologies Service Cent- Its most important services are: re Ltd. »» customer service »» IT ‘utility’ type services (e.g. e-mail, Internet, printing, MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. is responsible for providing IT services to the member compa- desktop operation, etc.), nies of the MVM Group and external customers, including »» provision of IT applications (e.g. SAP) the operation and development of infrastructure and app- »» electronic document management lication systems as well as related customer service and »» software and hardware procurements service management activities. 4.3TRANSMISSION, SYSTEM OPERATION, NATURAL GAS STORAGE AND ENERGY EXCHANGE OPERATION the relevant statutory regulations, MAVIR Ltd.—as an organisa- Gas Storage and Energy Exchange Operation Divisions of the tion independent of the other participants in the electricity sys- MVM Group comprised the member companies listed below and tem—is responsible for ensuring the security of energy supply. their subsidiaries: The mission of MAVIR Ltd. as independent Transmission System »» MAVIR Ltd. »» Central Smart Grid Operator Ltd. Operator is to ensure the uninterrupted, secure and sustainable »» Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd. »» Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. »» HUPX Hungarian Power Exchange Company Ltd. (hereinafter: ‘HUPX Ltd.’), 2 - CEEGEX Central Eastern European Gas Exchange Ltd. (hereinafter: ‘CEEGEX Ltd.’), - HUPX Derivative Ltd. operation of the Hungarian electricity system, the economical and efficient operation and development of the transmission network and the availability of the required reserves; to regulate electricity transmission through the system; to operate the balance group of the mandatory power purchase scheme; to contribute to the establishment of the single European internal market; and to participate in the work of international organisations. MAVIR Ltd. As an electricity transmission system operation licence holder, MAVIR Ltd. transmits the electricity generated by domestic pow- common transmission line network, which is owned and operat- er plants or coming from import sources through the high-volt- ed by the Hungarian Transmission System Operator, MAVIR Ltd., age network elements in its ownership with the route lengths which is, at the same time, a member of the MVM Group. The shown in the table and figure below to the distribution licence Transmission System Operator operates independently of the holders, which directly supply consumers. It is prescribed by law other economic operators that use the transmission network, that market players should have access to the transmission net- and its independence is prescribed by law. In accordance with work on equal terms. The following table and figure show the transmission lines of MAVIR Ltd.: Length of transmission lines Item 750 kV single circuit 400 kV single circuit double circuit Unit 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 km 268 268 - km 268 268 - km 2,976 2,978 +0.1 km 1,588 1,590 +0.1 km 1,388 1,388 - km 1,393 1,393 -0.0 single circuit km 805 805 -0.0 double circuit km 589 589 - km 197 199 +1.1 single circuit km 83 85 +2.2 double circuit km 114 114 +0.3 total underground 220 kV km 17 17 - 220 kV 120kV 2 HUPX Ltd. is a subsidiary owned 100% by MAVIR Ltd. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 In Hungary, high voltage electricity is transmitted on a single 30 4.3.1 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP At the end of 2013, the Transmission, System Operation, Natural Map presentation of the transmission lines of MAVIR Ltd. unity in order that the performance of these tasks can be network and the international transmission lines, coordinates ensured in a coordinated way and the most efficiently even the maintenance plans of network licence holders, and decides which deenergisations may be allowed and which may not in in the long term, at optimum cost. »» During the development activities, the requirements that ensure the enforcement of the ‘n-1’ principle prescribed Furthermore, it provides for carrying out network maintenance for transmission systems must be determined by means of and refurbishments required for improving the operational network calculations. »» For providing support to the substations of the transmis- sets (transmission lines, substations and substation equipment), sion system in the other direction, the possibility of inter- and coordinating and implementing works conforming to the connections with international transmission lines must be laws, the Network Development Strategy and the Shareholder’s taken into account and, considering a domestic alternative, requirements. the more favourable solution must be applied. Development activities »» The required development activities are specified in the Net- possibility of installing supports for a second transmission work Development Plan of the Hungarian electricity system on the basis of calculations and modelling. This plan is submitted to the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority Due to the quality parameters expected by consumers, the network for larger cities must be examined. »» The availability of dependable reserve stocks required for the secure operation of the grid must be ensured. every year, and its implementation begins once it is approved. In order to efficiently achieve the above goals, the company car- By implementing what are prescribed in the Network Develop- ried out development works rated by the Hungarian Energy and ment Plan approved by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Public Utility Regulatory Authority as ones serving public pur- Regulatory Authority and other development activities, MAVIR poses, the overhaul of the aged primary and secondary technol- Ltd. ensures that the level of security of supply be maintained ogies, and, simultaneously, the extension of remote control, the or increased wherever possible. The necessary interventions on overhaul of the transmission lines, including the replacement of the network are determined and carried out by bearing in mind bundle spacers and insulators, and the refurbishment of pylon these goals, on the basis of the least cost principle. foundations also in 2013. During the refurbishments, following The development and refurbishment plan, which is updated the practice of previous years, the company performed general every year, was worked out with consideration to the above and overhauls instead of partial refurbishments. according to the following additional considerations: By the end of 2013, a new component was added to the transmission network; with the commissioning of the new Debrecen »» The new construction, refurbishment and maintenance Józsa 400/120 kV substation, the number of substations in- works required for maintaining or, wherever possible, in- creased to 30. creasing the level of security of supply form a complex MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 safety indicators, preserving and augmenting the network as- 31 order for supply to be secure and of high quality at all times. 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP MAVIR Ltd. monitors the condition of the domestic transmission Due to the development works, in accordance with the Network Dunamenti 120 kV substation part purchased by MAVIR Ltd. in Development Plans, about 572 km of new 400 kV transmis- 2010, which were started in March 2012, continued during the sion lines and six new transmission network substations were year in accordance with the schedule. The overhaul of the 120 kV established and several substations were expanded in Hungary process equipment was completed on 17 October 2013, and the between 1999 and 2013. Of these development projects, the last fire and property protection and construction (refurbishment of ones were as follows: a building, construction of roads for equipment transport) works »» Started in March 2012, the construction works of the new related to the overhaul were finished on 19 December. The over- greenfield Debrecen Józsa 400/120 kV substation and the haul of the substation is expected to be finished with the instal- connected Sajószöged–Debrecen Józsa 400 kV and Debre- lation work of an oil interceptor and the construction work of a cen Józsa-Debrecen 120 kV transmission lines were com- fire water pond in the first quarter of 2014. The central remote pleted by the end of 2013. The substation was successfully control of the substation began in December 2013. commissioned on 21 October. In order to maintain the operational safety and reliability of the Started in 2012, the preparatory works for the establish- transmission network and to considerably increase the service ment of the Dunaújváros (Perkáta) 400/120 kV substation life of the transmission lines, aged pylon foundations are refur- continued. After the building permit had become final and bished as a result of diagnostic tests. The construction works be- non-appealable and contracts had been concluded with the gan in accordance with the approved foundation refurbishment owners, the construction works of the new greenfield sub- technology. The refurbishment of foundations does not require station began by the delivery of the work site on 5 July. The deenergisation. Accordingly, the refurbishment works of the planned construction works of the substation were carried pylon foundations were completed in 2013 on the Szeged–Sán- out by the end of the year; the control building, two fire dorfalva III 120 kV transmission line, and were continued on the water ponds and a fence around the substation were com- Sajószöged–Szolnok 220 kV transmission line, and the refurbish- pleted. The construction works will be continued according ment of the pylon foundations of the Göd–National Boundary(– to schedule in 2014 and 2015 in order to achieve commis- Levice, Slovakia) 400 kV transmission line was also started. The sioning by the end of 2015. refurbishment of the foundations of pylons located in a flood- The preparatory works for the establishment of the Gödöllő plain on the Zapad, Slovakia–National Boundary–Albertirsa 750 (Kerepes) 400/120 kV substation to be implemented by kV transmission line and in a poor condition was completed. 2016 began back in 2012. As part of it, a Preliminary Feasi- After diagnostic tests on the Martonvásár–Litér 400 kV trans- bility Study (PFS) was completed using the company’s own mission line, the reinforcement of pylon foundations of poor sta- resources, then a Detailed Feasibility Study (DFS), where bility began at 42 pylon locations. the technical contents of the project were further specified As a result of the extraordinary weather conditions on 14 and and the location of the new substation was selected in the 15 March, the restoration works of toppled and damaged trans- outer areas of Kerepes, was carried out. In order to acquire mission line pylons and damaged cables, OPGW, insulators and the right to dispose of the real property concerned, con- fittings on the Mukacheve, Ukraine–Sajószöged 400 kV trans- tinuous consultations and negotiations were held during mission line and on the Mukacheve, Ukraine–National Bound- 2013, as a result of which the plot was retired from cultiva- ary–Tiszalök and the Kisvárda–Sajószöged 220 kV transmission tion and the right to use the real property was assessed. lines were carried out by July 2013. The detailed and approval designs for the establishment of As a result of the refurbishments, a European-level technology the substation were completed, and the permitting proce- ensures that the security of electricity supply be maintained at dures began. The construction works will be completed be- the European level at the present time not only in the new, but tween 2014 and 2016. The planned date for the completion also in the old—occasionally more than 50-year-old—facilities of of the project is the end of 2016. the transmission network in Hungary. »» »» On the basis of the approved Network Development Plan, the On the basis of derogation applications approved by the Euro- company establishes other facilities in addition to the foregoing, pean Commission at the end of 2012, partially free carbon diox- designs and constructs new substations, prepares transmission ide emissions quotas are granted to energy producers covered line development projects due in the coming years, and lays by the system once Phase 3 of the Emissions Trading System of great emphasis on the energy efficient operation of its substa- the European Union takes effect in 2013. However, the value of tions using new, innovative solutions. the quotas allocated free of charge has to be spent on the mod- With respect to the technical solutions applied during continu- ernisation of electricity generation. Two projects, the intelligent ous development activities, the company aims at uniformity: network pilot project (Central Smart Grid Operator Ltd.) and the The transmission lines have been constructed practically with interconnection pipeline between the natural gas systems of the same pylon type for 10 years, and it also uses standard solu- Hungary and Slovakia (Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd.), receive a tions for the substations. The overhaul of the individual network subsidy through a what is called ‘Support Mechanism’. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 velopment activities in the past years. The overhaul works of the 32 components has been carried on with great vigour besides de- relation to transmission lines and substations 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP Summary of development activities performed in 2013 in ject, which is aimed at the preparation of the introduction of pleted. In accordance with the consultations with the Regional smart metering and smart grids in Hungary. The primary ob- Mining Authority, the permitting procedure will be carried out in jective of the project is to perform metering and control tasks stages, for which a ‘Consolidated Building Permit Design for the associated with smart grids in a competition-neutral, cost-effi- Regional Mining Authority’ was prepared. OTF Ltd. submitted the cient and central way across several public utilities with regard permit documentation and thus the permitting procedure began to system users currently with settlement on a profile basis. on 24 April 2013. In the case of the route, the permits were is- Central Smart Grid Operator Ltd. was established in 2013 for the sued after the owners’ consents or the decisions of Government implementation of the pilot project, which operates under the Offices substituting for the latter had been obtained, while in the name of Central Smart Metering Ltd. from 2014. case of established facilities, after the sites had been purchased In addition to operational model, technical feasibility, financial or their expropriation procedures had been closed, by 31 July and financiability reviews, a concept plan preparing the com- 2013. This process was significantly accelerated by Government munications campaign plan of the Pilot Project was completed Decree No. 179/2013 (VI.7.) Korm. issued, according to which de- in 2013. In addition to devising the operation of the project com- cisions made in cases before the public administration authority pany, the company also participated in the preparation of the with regard to the Project might be implemented irrespective of Government Decree setting the conditions of the Central Smart an appeal. As a result, the permits of the Mining Authority (15) Grid Pilot Project and in the submission of the draft. The setting were issued by 31 July 2013. The company holds or continuously of the internal competence of the organisation implementing receives the majority of other permits issued by authorities oth- the pilot project began by the appointment of experts involved er than the Mining Authority (connection to the water main, road in the preparatory project of the parent company. construction, buildings and other structures). Using the results of the preparation of the Pilot Project, a con- OTF Ltd. entered into a contract with Solar Turbines Inc. for the cept plan for the implementation of the project was completed, delivery of two gas turbine-driven turbo compressor units. The which, in addition to detailing the project goals to be achieved test of the gas turbines and compressor units by the manufac- and presenting the services provided by the infrastructure to turer (San Diego, CA, USA) was successfully completed on a test be implemented during the Pilot Project, forms the baseline for bench in several steps in April and June 2013. After the success- the preparation of the detailed technical specifications. In addi- ful tests by the manufacturer, they were delivered to site and tion to the technical design process, the review and analysis of placed on their bases on 26 October 2013. public procurement processes began in order to minimise the The technological implementation (construction, mechanical risks associated with procurement processes required for the and electrical systems, and control and instrumentation) of the implementation of the Pilot Project. Balassagyarmat international metering station, the Romhány sectionalising station and the Rád sectionalising station as well 4.3.3 HUNGARIAN GAS TRANSIT LTD. as the construction of the operator’s building were completed. In 2011, on the basis of the decision of the Shareholder, MVM On the basis of the report by the General Contractor on com- OVIT Ltd. was designated to construct a natural gas intercon- pletion, the partial technical delivery and acceptance of the fa- nection pipeline between Hungary and Slovakia. After the Hun- cilities referred to above took place on 20 December 2013. The garian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority had grant- tasks stated in the schedule of defects and deficiencies will be ed the company a natural gas transmission licence and had set completed in 2014. the conditions of the natural gas transmission activity in its de- The grading, fence construction, internal road construction, cision, MVM OVIT Ltd. devised the project structure and began surface drainage and sewerage works of the Szada compressor the cooperation required for the preparation of the project with station were completed in part and will be finalised by a date co-service providers and potential financiers. The comprehen- preceding commissioning due to the ongoing constructions. sive legal examination of all circumstances showed the need for The technological foundations were completed, and the tanks, the establishment of a project company that, having demerged devices and equipment were installed at the site. SOLAR com- from the company, engaged in activities subject to a natural gas pressor units were installed in October. The installation of the licence. A Natural Gas Directorate was established within MVM majority of the process pipeline system was completed, and OVIT Ltd., which, after demerging from the company, has been strength pressure tests are carried out by pressure loop, on a operating under the name of Magyar Gas Transit Ltd. as of 1 continuous basis. The strength pressure test of the suction and January 2012. The company began carrying out the technical discharge headers of the compressors was carried out success- design, approval and financing tasks of a DN 800 gas pipeline fully on 17 October 2013. The construction works of the build- project between Hungary and Slovakia in 2012. In addition to ings were reported completed by the General Contractor, and continuous procurement, the preparation of construction was their partial technical delivery took place on 30 December 2013. started in order to meet the deadline for the activation of the The tasks stated in the schedule of defects and deficiencies will project in January 2015 as expected. be completed in 2014. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 uled, without hindrance. The building permit designs were com- 33 In 2013, the implementation of the project was ongoing as sched- 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP 4.3.2 CENTRAL SMART METERING LTD. MAVIR Ltd. began to devise a large-scale Smart Grid Pilot Pro- In the case of the Vecsés dispatch point, the construction works the on-site construction works began in July. During direction- were reported completed by the General Contractor, and its al drilling, the Dutch contractor encountered a rocky layer. The partial technical delivery took place on 30 December 2013. The existing borehole collapsed while being expanded, thus a deci- tasks stated in the schedule of defects and deficiencies will be sion was made to establish a new route. The new borehole was completed in 2014. completed in December 2013. The welded pipeline, which had A contract was signed between Eustream and Hungarian Gas undergone a strength pressure test and had been provided with Transit Ltd. on 24 June 2013 for the construction of the pipe- separate hard external insulation, was successfully pulled into line section crossing the River Ipoly on the Slovakian side, and the borehole on 21 December 2013. 4.3.4 HUNGARIAN GAS STORAGE LTD. is the largest storage provider in Central and Eastern Europe. Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. is engaged in underground gas sto- On 28 March 2013, MVM Ltd. signed a contract on the purchase rage. of the interests held by E.ON in the Hungarian gas industry. The Hungary have a total storage capacity of 4.43 billion m3, thus it change of ownership took place on 30 September 2013, the new Management began its work, and operation is continuous. Map presentation of the geographical distribution and capacities of the storage facilities of Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. UKRAJNA UKRAINE SZLOVÁKIA SLOVAKIA AUSZTRIA AUSTRIA Hajdúszoboszló 34 SZLOVÉNIA SLOVENIA ROMÁNIA ROMANIA Pusztaederics Zsana Kardoskút SZERBIA SERBIA 340 Mm3 266 Mm3 2.9 Mm3/day 2.5 Mm3/day Mobile gas capacity: Cushion gas capacity: Withdrawal capacity: Injection capacity: Mobile gas capacity: Cushion gas capacity: Withdrawal capacity: Injection capacity: 2,170 Mm3 1,435 Mm3 28 Mm3/day 17 Mm3/day Total capacity: 280 Mm3 260 Mm3 2.9 Mm3/day 2.15 Mm3/day Mobile gas capacity: Cushion gas capacity: Withdrawal capacity: Injection capacity: 1,640 Mm3 2,210 Mm3 19.8 Mm3/day 10.3 Mm3/day quired for conservation. The establishment of the facility’s own »» Withdrawal capacity: 53.6 Mm3/day fire water system at Hajdúszoboszló was made necessary by the »» Injection capacity: 31.95 Mm3/day fact that a fire water supply contract with MOL plc terminated »» Mobile gas capacity: 4,430 Mm3 on 1 December. The works were completed by the end of Novem- Main development activities in 2013: ber. The purpose of the project for the overhaul of the metering The purpose of the projects involving the replacement of the system of the entering pipes at the Hajdúszoboszló South Site is filters in the wells at Hajdúszoboszló is to make up for capacities to ensure the availability of metering in the long term, because lost during operation and to adjust the capacities of the wells to if ultrasound metering on the entering pipes fails, the control- demand for withdrawal in winter. A planning project preparing lability of the storage facility would greatly deteriorate and the the overhaul of the injection system of the compressor hall was metering of the output of the wells would become impaired. The aimed at preparation and the performance of ad hoc works re- work was completed at the South Site in 2013. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 HORVÁTORSZÁG CROATIA Mobile gas capacity: Cushion gas capacity: Withdrawal capacity: Injection capacity: 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP The four underground gas storage facilities in its ownership in 4.3.5 HUPX HUNGARIAN POWER EXCHANGE COMPANY LTD. HUPXDAM (Day-ahead) trading commenced on 20 July 2010. In the day-ahead auction market, standard hourly-based and block electricity contracts can be traded, the physical performs its tasks in possession of a licence for operating transmission of which is carried out in the Hungarian trans- in the organised electricity market, granted to it pursuant mission system. Price-based market interconnection was to Decision No. 136/2009 of the Hungarian Energy Office. launched in the Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian day-ahe- According to it, it aims at serving market players in a com- ad markets and the borders between them on 11 September petition neutral way, efficiently, safely, transparently and 2012 for the purpose of implicit capacity allocation. to a high standard; providing competitive exchange tra- The trading market of HUPX for physical futures products ding and settlement services; and providing reliable price was launched on 19 July 2011. In the physical futures market information to the widest possible range of the electricity HUPXPhF, standard three-front monthly, four-front quar- market, while maintaining its technical neutrality. terly and three-front annual baseload and peak electricity HUPX Ltd. ensures trading in the following electricity tran- contracts can be traded, which are physically delivered to sactions in the electronically organised electricity market: the Hungarian transmission system after their maturity. »» in closed auctions with respect to day-ahead products delivered to Hungary (DAM) and »» as part of continuous trading with respect to physical futures (PhF) products delivered to Hungary The electricity sales transacted by HUPX Ltd. are shown in the following table: 2012 2013 Change (%) 2013/2012 Sales of day ahead auction products 6,321,798 9,074,023 +43.5 Sales of physical futures products 6,291,749 7,134,410 +13.4 Sales transacted by HUPX Ltd. (MW/h) CEEGEX Central Eastern European Gas Ex- the domestic natural gas market. In addition to compliance with the legal rules, the establishment of the natural gas exchange also facilitates meeting European regulation requirements. Limited Company (CEEGEX Ltd.), in 2011 in order to estab- On CEEGEX, market players can have access to day-ahead, lish a new and efficient trading platform. monthly and quarterly physical futures products. The tran- The CEEGEX Central and Eastern European Gas Exchange sacted products are physically delivered to the Hungari- was launched in Hungary on 2 January 2013. The trading an Gas Balancing Point (HGBP). Delivery is guaranteed by platform was established on the pattern of advanced inter- Natural Gas Transport Ltd., while the settlement of the national markets, on the basis of the traders’ expectations transactions is provided for by KELER Central Contracting and in accordance with the already operational standards, Party Ltd. thereby also projecting directions for the development of lectr ey e k a p is . G ro u M gar y V M Hun n Th e i r le l es a who icity MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 HUPX Ltd. established its subsidiary owned 100% by it, CEEGEX Central and Eastern European Gas Exchange Private 35 change Ltd. 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP HUPX Ltd. is a subsidiary owned 100% by MAVIR Ltd., which 4.4 HOLDING MANAGEMENT, MVM LTD. panies of the MVM Group and for four other companies outside the Group. Its customers are usually companies based in Hungary. In the case of one customer, it provides comprehensive services to the Hungarian branch office of a foreign (Austrian)-based company. Maintenance of Facilities Within the MVM Group, MVM Villkesz Ltd. is engaged in facility management activities taken in the classical sense. Its other activities include the performance of technical service tasks associated with the operation of power plants (maintenance, installation, transport, forwarding, subcontract washing and dry-cleaning), motor vehicle fleet management, provision of security services for the Group and external market partners and the operation of a printing house. Római Office Building Ltd. operates, as its core activity, the office building in its ownership (the Central Office Building of the MVM Group), located at H-1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207-209., Hungary, which includes letting real estate to the member companies of the MVM Group, as well as maintaining, cleaning and providing security guard protection services for the let premises. MVM Hotel Panorama Ltd. is engaged in the provision of organised holidays and the operation of Hotel Panorama located in Balatongyörök. ganised holidays and the operation of Hotel Vértes ConfeNiker d.o.o. is a subsidiary registered in Croatia and engaged in the provision of organised holidays. It is responsib4.4.1.1 Administrative Services le for the operation of the tourist and food establishment The main function of MVM KONTÓ Ltd. is to provide finan- ‘Pansion ALBATROS’ located in Rovinj. cial, accounting and payroll accounting services to a high standard for the member companies of the MVM Group. »» Financial services: treasury, money transactions (bank, cashier’s desk), entry of supplier invoices in the books, invoicing, entry of customer invoices in the books »» Accounting services: general ledger bookkeeping, asset management, taxation, monthly, quarterly and annual closing and drafting of reports »» HR services: payroll accounting including the com putation of salaries, wages and social insurance provisions, keeping of staff records, keeping of cafeteria records, settlement of cafeteria invoices and HR controlling »» SAP user competence centre: support of SAP users, development and training MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 MVM Hotel Vértes Ltd. is engaged in the provision of orrence and Wellness Hotel located in Siófok. 4.4.1 GENERAL SERVICES 36 Development activities In 2013, the capital projects actually performed by MVM Ltd. were worth HUF 1,460 million. The majority of the development activities comprised power plant projects, which were necessary due to the wear and obsolescence of certain components of the back-up gas turbines. Other projects were associated with the normal operation of the company and smaller projects. MVM KONTÓ Ltd. provides its services to 28 member com- 4 | AREAS OF ACTIVITIES OF THE MVM GROUP Asset management As holding centre, MVM Ltd. performs essentially the strategic management and control of the business organisations in its ownership. This sphere of activities includes strategic planning and decision-making, the oversight of the members of the Group, as well as the centralised financial management and asset management activities of the Holding Company. The management-type tasks are not applicable to the activities that are subject to a licence (electricity generation, system operation, electricity trade and transmission, and activities related to nuclear safety). In the case of MAVIR Ltd., strategic management is performed by guaranteeing its operational independence and in accordance with the provisions of the what is called Compliance Code approved by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority. A substantial part of the revenues of the company comes from dividend earnings paid by its subsidiaries, associated companies and companies of other forms of participation. In addition, the company leases out the secondary back-up power plants in its ownership to its subsidiary, MVM GTER Ltd. Furthermore, it also draws revenues from letting its own real estates (office building and other properties). L TA EN M N RO VI MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 EN 37 5 N PR OT EC TI O 5.1 PRACTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT of the Group in detail. The Report is available for reading at both the Internet and intranet websites of MVM Ltd. A certified Environmental Management System conforming to the specifications of standard ISO 14001:2005 is operated by the following companies: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» VM Hungarian Electricity Ltd. M MVM ERBE Power Engineering and Consulting Ltd. MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. MVM OVIT Ltd. MVM VILLKESZ Ltd. MVM GTER Ltd. Vértes Power Plant Ltd. Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. MVMI Ltd. ATOMIX Ltd. 5.2 CONSUMPTIONS AND EMISSIONS AFFECTING THE ENVIRONMENT Proportion of primary energy sources used in the MVM Group in 2013 (%) 38 0.03 8.35 0.04 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Fossil energy sources Renewable energy sources 91.57 Nuclear energy sources Natural gas used for purposes other than power generation MVM Hungarowind Ltd. generated 48,984 MWh of electricity from a renewable energy source in 2013. Water use and water discharge by the Group in 2013 (‘000 m3) Quantity of cooling water used 2,931,663 Cooling water effluents 2,858,274 Quantity of process water used 1,551 Process wastewater/used water 770 Quantity of domestic water used 435 Domestic sewage 201 The water management practice of the Group complied with the relevant laws. 5 | ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION The MVM Group recognises the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development and their economic and social significance, therefore, it has also laid down these values in its Environmental Policy. The Group treats environmental considerations as a priority in all areas of its activities and expects their enforcement in its business relations, too. By achieving the goals set in the policy, the company efficiently contributes to the improvement of the state of the environment and the increase of its own economic success. Identifying itself with the fundamental principles of sustainability, the company has set as its goal to reduce the impacts on the environmental components and ecological systems, to cut pollutant emissions and to eliminate the previously occurred environmental damage, and to prevent further environmental damage from being caused at the members of the MVM Group. In accordance with the practice of previous years, the Sustainability Report of the MVM Group was prepared in 2013, too, which also presents the most important elements of the environmental protection performance and activities Quantities of auxiliary materials and fuels used in 2013 Materials for water-using operations SF6 gas fill and make-up quantities in 2013 (kg) t* 931 Oils t 4,607 Fuel for the motor vehicle fleet L 3,261,489 Other materials t 84,057 SF6 fill quantity 56,764.8 SF6 make-up quantity 565.9 The SF6 refill ratio is 1%, which is less than half of the permitted rate. * tonne Carbon dioxide emissions of generation companies in 2013 (kilotonnes) 133.00 0.23 4.35 7.60 Vértes Power Plant Ltd. 86.83 5 | ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MVM MIFŰ Ltd. MVM GTER Ltd. 1049.92 MVM North Buda Power Plant Ltd. MVM BVMT Co. Ltd. MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. The CO2 emissions of the MVM Group per useful energy output was 0.08 kg/kWh. 39 MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. generated 15,369.60 GWh of electricity with negligible carbon dioxide emissions. Sulphur dioxide 1,217 Nitrogen oxides 1,573 Particulates 2 Wastes produced by the MVM Group in 2013 (tonnes) 5,032 Non-hazardous wastes Hazardous wastes 9,609 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Air pollutant emissions of power plant sites in 2013 (tonnes) Emissions and effluents from MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. in 2013 Total emission [Bq] Actual emissions relative to the emission standards 1.19 x 109 1.93 x 10-4 2.86 x 1013 3.46 x 10-4 7.37 x 107 3.29 x 10-5 Tritium 4.05 x 1012 2.34 x 10-5 Radiocarbon 6.39 x 1011 1.81 x 10-4 Isotope groups Gaseous emissions Corrosion and fission products Radioactive noble gases Radioiodines 7.77 x 10-4 Total Liquid effluents Corrosion and fission products Alpha emitters 1.00 x 10-3 2.24 x 1013 7.73 x 10-4 1.87 x 106 1.93 x 10-6 1.77 x 10-3 Total The radiation impact of the operation of the nuclear power plant on the environment was negligible in 2013, too. 5 | ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Tritium 2.91 x 109 40 Soil and groundwater protection The planning of the recultivation of the slurry disposal of the Bánhida Power Plant and the Oroszlány Power Plant are currently under way. The Inspectorate prescribed the post-monitoring of the remediation of the Márkushegy Mine of Vértes Power Plant Ltd. until 31 December 2012. At the request of the company, taking into account the closing documentation, the competent authority declared the remediation completed in its decision in 2013. At the Inota gas turbine site owned by MVM Ltd., the performance of the required soil monitoring tasks are currently under way. Noise control In the areas of the Hévíz transformer substation adjacent to the town of Hévíz, the noise measurements taken by the Inspectorate established in 2011 that the standard was exceeded at night. In order to reduce the ambient noise load, a noise reduction project was implemented in two steps. Control measurements were taken in January 2014. On the basis of the measurement results, the noise reduction effect of the project can be measured and felt. According to plans, it will be fully completed by April 2014. Biodiversity In 2013, nest boxes were mounted on 16 high voltage pylons for sakers and kestrels. The replacement of worn-out trays and other devices by Standard aluminium nest boxes continued. In addition to sakers and kestrels, the presence of Eurasian hobbies could also be observed in 2013, which increased the diversity of birds of prey species hatching on pylons. The number of successful hatchings was 42 in the artificial nests mounted on pylons. Defective series of (Fire-fly and KS) bird diverters mounted for experimental purposes on transmission lines traversing the Moson Plain and other areas under the great bustard protection programme were replaced before. Of he second-generation diverters, 31 fell down again from the electrical conductor. MAVIR Ltd. is examining the reason for this and will make a recommendation to the manufacturer for the modification of the device. On the basis of preliminary tests, it is conceivable that the problem is to be found in the oxidising effect of the rotary plates due to the crown effect. If this is ascertained, diverters capable of resisting the crown effects will have to be developed. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 The MVM Group treats the environmental aspects as a priority in every field of it’s activities. 5.3 ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS AND EXPENDITURES Expenses related to the environmental protection measures and projects of the MVM Group in 2013 (HUF ‘000) Costs and expenditures 1,338,919.6 Assets in course of construction 1,327,972.9 Total 2,666,892.5 The MVM Group was obliged to pay HUF 200,000 in environmental fines in 2013. 41 sp as nw . lio p bil ou Gr .3 F1 VM HU he M ut bo s in t ,a t 13 jec 20 p ro al pit 5 | ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION In ca to ne ir nv on me n ta MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 en l CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 42 6 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 6. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The MVM Group is the largest nationally owned, successful acquisitions while maintaining creditworthiness, as well as integrated energy group in Hungary, which is also promi- cutting residential electricity and natural gas prices. nent in its wider region; according to its vision, it is the Entrusted with providing a secure energy supply and as the 20th in the Eastern and Central European Region. In a key player in the energy industry in Hungary, the MVM the long term, it acts in the interest of the security of ener- Group is responsible for supporting the economic efforts gy supply and sustainable future of Hungary, its economy of the then-current Government and implementing the pri- and the population, which is one reason why its high pri- orities set in the National Energy Strategy. The MVM Group ority projects are the preparation of the establishment of has met the business and communications challenges, and new nuclear power plant units, presence in the natural gas in addition to its responsible operation, also assumes a ma- industry with increasing emphasis (both in regional natu- jor role in the support of causes of concern for the whole ral gas transmission and storage as well as in trade and society, the achievement of the goals of society, as well direct supply to the population and business consumers), as the protection and development of our common values. further growth that can also be implemented by planned 6.1 HIGH PRIORITY COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES OF THE MVM GROUP IN 2013 During the past years, the awareness about, and the reputation portion of energy produced from renewable energy sources of, the MVM Group have also been enhanced in a measurable and to improve energy efficiency. However, in order for these way, as also demonstrated by professional recognitions, e.g. changes to occur, a novel mentality is needed first of all, the Business Superbrands Award and the HungarianBrands which begins with seemingly trifle things such as removing Award won for the third time by MVM Hungarian Electricity the chargers from the outlets after the recharging of mobile Ltd. telephones. The public most often hears about novel renew- 43 able energy sources, but have difficulties in conceiving them The most important milestones of the communications activi- 6 | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY third most important business association in Hungary and in practice. sustainability programmes and campaigns, and information As a continuation of its event establishing a tradition and and attitude-shaping programmes presenting energy sources unique initiative, the first to be held in a European capital in without greenhouse gas emissions: renewable and atomic en- 2011, MVM Ltd. organised the third muster and race of alter- ergy; the touring of the country by an Interactive Lorry bear- native powered vehicles in Hungary at the Pest abutment of ing the logo ‘Energy for Our Future’ and the MVM Energy Race; the Chain Bridge, Budapest on 21 September 2013. Green tech- as well as the assumption of a role by the Group in the gas nologies already available today, which vehicle manufacturers market, in particular, the introduction of the natural gas whole- can use even today for protecting the environment, were pa- sale and natural gas storage companies. raded at the 3rd MVM Energy Race, but prototypes, modified mass production vehicles, electrically-powered motorcycles, MVM turned 50 go-karts, and solar-, compressed air- and human-powered ve- MVM Hungarian Electricity Ltd. celebrated the 50th anniver- hicles, each operating without pollutant emissions, also toed sary of the establishment of its legal predecessor, Hungarian the line. An increasing number of institutions of higher educa- Electricity Trust, in autumn. The Group launched a series of tion enter teams in the continually renewed muster in various anniversary events on the occasion of the jubilee. Visitors to categories year after year: In 2013, the teams of as many as the Millenary Park in Budapest, Kölcsey Centre in Debrecen five universities with significant engineering traditions com- and the MVM Arena in Veszprém could become familiar with peted. Visitors to the 3rd MVM Energy Race could also become the outstanding events of the MVM Group and the Hungari- acquainted with a vehicle exciting in another way: An Interac- an electricity industry over the past five decades by means of tive Lorry bearing the logo ‘Energy for Our Future’, presenting energy-relates games and an interactive exhibition, and could the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, was awaiting have a good time at free concerts. them on the Danube embankment. 3rd MVM Energy Race Sustainable transport In its strategy called Energy 2020, the European Union aimed As one of the largest Groups in Hungary and as a market to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to increase the pro- player guaranteeing a secure energy supply, MVM Hungari- MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ties in 2013 were the 50th anniversary of the MVM Group, the an Electricity Ltd. must set a good example in spreading an Bird protection programme environmentally aware mentality committed to sustainable MAVIR Ltd. has been laying special emphasis on its bird pro- development. The medium-term goal of the MVM Group is tection activity along the high-voltage network for years. Na- to further reduce its carbon dioxide emissions; an emphatic ture conservation is an important consideration in develop- element of, and possibility for, this is putting environmentally ment decisions, too. As part of the Cultural Heritage Days, the friendly motor vehicles into service. The Group operates two company acquainted visitors to its Central Office Building and electric cars, one Citroën C-Zero and one Opel Ampera, for ex- its 400/220/120 kV Göd substation, especially important for perimental purposes. Its staff can travel in the vehicles with- the power supply to the capital, with its exemplary environ- out greenhouse gas emissions. The ‘electric cars’ also play an mental protection efforts at an interactive demonstration. The important role in the public information and attitude-shaping programme was promoted by the projection of films, a draw- campaign of MVM; they help show day after day as well as at ing contest, the preparation of artificial nests and a ‘meeting’ the most important festivals and mass events that the future with great bustards. The company managed to get information lies in emissions-free electricity and transport. aimed at raising awareness in society to nearly 5,000 inter- Interactive Lorry bearing the logo ‘Energy for Our Future’ spring of 2009 to the maintenance of the capacity of the Paks After MVM Hungarian Electricity Ltd. paid the purchase price Nuclear Power Plant and the preparation of the construction for the interests held by E.ON in the Hungarian natural gas of new nuclear power plant units, and the Lévai Project coordi- industry laid down in a contract on 30 September 2013, it in- nating the tasks had been established, MVM Ltd. and MVM Paks troduced the executives, most important details and plans of Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. launched a travelling exhibition in Oc- the companies now operating under the names of Hungarian tober 2009. The interactive exhibition set up in the articulated Gas Trade Ltd. and Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. at an exten- lorry gives a comprehensive picture of the use of nuclear energy sive press conference on 1 October. In addition to Csaba Baji, for peaceful purposes, nuclear power plants around the world Chairman and CEO of MVM Ltd., and Péter Horváth, CEO of and, in particular, the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, which has been MVM Ltd., the new executives of the natural gas companies safely operating for 30 years and gives more than 50 per cent of transferred to national ownership and the representative of the domestic electricity output, the details of the maintenance of the consulting company, which performed assets valuation nuclear power plant capacity, as well as its favourable impacts on during the transaction, also informed the participants of the the economy and environmental protection. press event, almost the whole Hungarian media. Due to the positive reception of the travelling exhibition set In accordance with its Medium-term Strategy, MVM decided to out on a tour around the country in 2010, MVM Paks Nuclear also enter areas that fit in well with its core activities, relying Power Plant Ltd. and MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant De- on its existing assets and expertise. In the past two years, the velopment Ltd. continued the information programme also MVM Group prepared for taking a significant role in the natural in 2013. In addition to towns in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Sz- gas market. Today, it is represented in all important segments abolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hajdú-Bihar, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok of the gas business line, from infrastructure to trade. The pur- and Békés Counties, the Interactive Lorry bearing the logo chase of the two new natural gas companies have made the ‘Energy for Our Future’ also showed up at the largest fes- MVM Group the largest nationally owned company, which is tivals visited by Hungarian young people (Fishing on Orfű, also a key player at the Central European level. EFOTT, VOLT and SZIN) and one of the most important family events in the country, the Kecskemét Air Show, and the 3rd MVM Energy Race. A total of more than 170,000 interested Du aw r i n re a re g t h h a p u t n es e p a ve a t i o s a a s t de mea also n o bou yea re mo sur be f, th t, a rs, co n s a b e n e n d t h gn tr e l e M t iti ate e w nh VM he on d ay an s. by , a ce Gro pr s a d i up of l s n es o si on al members of the public have visited the exhibition already. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Introduction of natural gas companies 44 After Parliament had granted its consent in principle in the 6 | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ested individuals last year. 6.2 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Engaging in responsible and well-thought-out business Therefore, MVM, as the co-founder of the Hungarian practices, the MVM Group, as the largest National Energy Junior Prima Award category in musical arts, also de- Group, is committed to taking a role, in accordance with livered its awards in 2013. The goal of the Group with its economic weight, in supporting the Hungarian nation, the award has been, for the sixth year in a row, to em- preserving national and European values, supporting and brace the most talented Hungarian young perform- sponsoring outstanding performance and assisting those ers in classical music, who can also show their talent in need. in the most outstanding concert series of Hungarian classical musical life, the MVM Concerts series, which also invites foreign artists who make their appearance uniform identity, as practices of the Group sustained by at the most pre-eminent concert halls in the world. the common values of the Management and the employ- The MVM Concerts brought word-famous performers ees, which integrate the principles of environmental pro- to stages in Hungary such as David Fray, Igor Levit, tection, the preservation and development of national and Grigory Sokolov or Yevgeny Kisin also in 2013. European values, the promotion of equal opportunities, coming generations and successful corporate operation. The talent sponsorship programme ‘Give Opportunity to Talents!’ established in 2011 also continued. Its main The MVM Group is not only a key player in the electric- mission was to present musical performances and mu- ity and natural gas markets, but—commensurate with its sical instruments for educational purposes, to arouse weight in society and operating as a responsible Group— children’s interest in learning classical music and to has been a priority sponsor for decades of the creation strengthen their love for music. of universal and national cultural values, initiatives and famous young and renowned Hungarian performers as sports that also play an important role in the promotion and world-class performances for years.The full house of healthy lifestyles. Similarly to most large companies in concerts of the LGT and Man Doki SoulMates bands the world, the MVM Group believes that economic devel- in February and the concerts of Zorán and Demjén, opment can also be assessed today in the development prominent singers for decades, and the Hooligans of culture, the social net, and the educational and profes- band which has been steadily popular also supported sional culture in Hungary, as well as at the level of develop- that the MVM Group recognised quality performances ment of healthy lifestyles and sports culture. commanding the interest of many. Without all of these factors, it is inconceivable to produce The Paks Nuclear Power Plant has been the main sustainable development and good economic results and sponsor of the leading Hungarian jazz and blues festi- to keep the highly qualified young generation for the Hun- val, Gastroblues, and the ‘Flower of Fire’ living history garian economy. dance ensemble of Paks for two decades. The company participated in the creation of the grandiose Havasi In the spirit of the foregoing, the MVM Group has been Symphonic performances as a priority sponsor and of consistently focusing its sponsorship policy on the follow- the big concert of the Csík Orchestra as a committed ing areas since 2011: sponsor of world music and Hungarian folk music. »» Support of universal and domestic cultural values, The MVM Group lays great emphasis on reaching those including musical and fine arts as priorities: The young people among the public who consciously make MVM Group considers it especially important to choices in their brand and economic decisions, who support those who enrich the country with their prefer, among other things, Ship A38 as their most knowledge and talent. With the globalisation of culture, favourite place of amusement, which won the title of our young artists may succeed anywhere in the world, ‘The Best Club in the World’ in the Lonely Planet’s vot- but MVM would also like to contribute to ensuring that ing in 2012 and ‘The Best Nightclub in the World’ in talents receive the greatest recognitions in Hungary. 2013.In addition to organising the jointly established A38-MVM Light Workshop and the A38-MVM Light Painting programme series, the company also participated in the 10th birthday campaign of Ship A38. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 In the area of light music, MVM has been sponsoring society, the development of science and education, as well 45 programmes aimed at the promotion of knowledge-based 6 | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Its corporate social responsibility activities appear as a The sponsorship of the Museum+ programme of the the priority main sponsor of the Audi ETO Women’s Museum of Fine Arts has been one of the most impor- Handball Club of Győr, whereby it is the most impor- tant cultural tasks of MVM for years. In 2013, the pri- tant sponsor of this branch of sport. MVM also pays ority sponsorship of the Caravaggio exhibition placed special attention to recognising the achievements of the recognition of fine arts by MVM in a new dimen- the disabled also in the area of sports sponsorship: sion. Our company is a sponsor of the event, gives out special prizes in disabled horse riding events at the National Gallop, and has been helping the work and the Palace of Arts, which meant the sponsorship of, preparation of the Special Olympic Team from the in addition to a Man Doki SoulMates concert, the per- outset. The Group helped the work of the Hungarian formances entitled ‘Women on the Horizon’ and “Old Hikers Association at the intersection of the areas of Music’. With this, it began cooperating with another sport and nature conservation. In 2013, MVM Partner key cultural institution and helped put on stage unpar- was also the main sponsor of the Ice Hockey World alleled musical performances. Championship Division I held in Budapest as well as the deservedly popular Tennis Classics sports event In addition to all this, MVM is also the main sponsor of and the WTCC competition held in Hungary, and also the Anna Ball, which has over a century of traditions continued its cooperation with the Hungarian Boxing and has become an integral part of Hungarian culture Association. The MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant’s own and social life. sports club, the ASE, has been producing some great results in basketball, kayak and canoe and judo for »» In the area of the promotion of knowledge-based years. society, the primary goal is to support education, science and, in particular, the coming generation: »» Charitable activities: also pays special attention to supporting education. of MVM to support the distressed, the defenceless and In addition to establishing the MVM Energy National the victims of natural disasters. It organised a Rally Award, the company is a priority sponsor of the Day also in 2013 for small children with disabilities, University of Debrecen, the University of Óbuda, the sick ones in need of prolonged hospitalisation and dis- Széchenyi István University, the University of Western advantaged ones, whereby the MVM Group spent its Hungary and the Budapest University of Technology funds intended for giving out gifts at the end of the and Economics. In addition, the company helps the year for charitable purposes. Thus, the MVM Group organisation of a number of university and other was one of the priority sponsors of the Down Foun- domestic and international professional programmes, dation and the Hungarian Association of the Interna- while it is also one of the most important patrons tional Children’s Safety Service and its charity events; of the Museum of the Hungarian Oil Gas Industry in addition, it has been sponsoring the All Children through MVM Partner. MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Should Eat Their Fill Foundation for years. It is already is the most important sponsor of several research a tradition that as part of the Rally Day, MVM Part- institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and ner sponsors the Hungarian Ecumenical Aid Organi- is also the main sponsor of the Foundation operating sation and four paediatric clinics treating the highest the Power Engineering Vocational Secondary School number of small patients in the capital: the Heim Pál and Dormitory in Paks. In addition, it helps the Children’s Hospital, the MRE Bethesda Children’s Hos- implementation of the professional and scientific pital and Paediatric Clinics Nos. 1 and 2 of Semmelweis programmes of the University of Pécs in a number of University. Valuable donations were also given to the areas. Daniló Sports Club, the Horse Therapy for the Disabled Association and the Óbuda Family Advisory and »» Sponsorship of competitive and recreational sports, Children Protection Centre. with events of national importance as a priority: MVM has been a key sponsor of sporting life for years »» Environmental protection and sustainable develop- in order to increase the commitment of society to a ment: sports- and health-aware lifestyle. MVM has been the The environmental protection responsibility assumed name-giving sponsor of the MVM Paks Football Club by the Hungarian power companies is especially im- for several years and the MKB-MVM Veszprém Men’s portant not only from the point of view of society, but Handball Club since the autumn of 2013 as well as also of the economy. In the 21st century, it is natural MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 As a key player in the industry, it is a moral obligation 46 As an innovative, knowledge-intensive Group, MVM 6 | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY In 2013, the company became a strategic partner of lished to achieve these goals, MVM provides assistance mony with its environment and environmental values, to Hungarians living outside Hungary’s borders and thereby also ensuring sustainable development. For the organisations uniting them. The relevant activities this very reason, our company organised the race of of our company well reflect its commitment to nation- alternative powered vehicles, the MVM Energy Race, al causes and its efforts to embrace Hungarians living in 2013 for the third time; its main objective was to outside Hungary’s borders, since helping the causes promote carbon dioxide emission-free transport and of all Hungarians can well fit in with the mission state- is considered unique of its kind in Europe. MVM has a ment of the Group. Our mission is to become a key prominent role in increasing the proportion of renew- Group also at the regional level. Therefore, in addition able energy sources, reducing the energy dependence to the foregoing, their sponsorship is also justified by of Hungary and improving energy efficiency. Under its the growth of the Group in the region, because the sponsorship programme, MVM have donated domes- name of MVM may become known in the region and in tically developed and manufactured environmentally the countries representing target markets for trade as friendly solar energy conversion devices working on one that can be associated with positive causes. The the principle of solar parabola to more than ten social, company has been sponsoring the implementation of health care and education institutions by now, e.g. to the Bálványos Summer Free University and Students’ the Integrated Social Institution of Komárom-Eszter- Camp in Romania, the organisation of the Csángó Ball gom County in 2013. and the Rákóczi Association for several years. It is also especially important for the MVM Paks Nuclear Power »» Sponsorship of the preservation of national values Plant to support those living in its immediate vicinity. in the region: Therefore, it established the Energy for Our Future Re- One of the key directions of the sponsorship is the gional Development Foundation in 2012, which aimed preservation of cultural values and the nurturing of to develop a total of 41 towns and villages located in our national heritage both in Hungary and in areas the Paks and Kalocsa sub-regions and in the northern beyond its borders. As part of the cooperation estab- part of the Szekszárd sub-region. 6 | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY for a large company to perform its operations in har- 47 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 7 HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY 48 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Among operational support processes, human resources management has a prominent role; accordingly, the HR function was promoted to the management level of Deputy CEO at MVM Ltd. to support the new Business Strategy of the MVM Group. The tasks relating to group-level HR coordination are carried out by the Department for Human Strategy and Methodology under the direction of the Deputy CEO for Human Resources. HR administration services are provided to the Group by MVM KONTÓ Ltd. in a uniform SAP HCM system, and a data warehouse and a position-based HR planning application are operated in connection with it. The group-level regulations applicable to uniform HR operation (decentralised time punching, recruitment and selection, remuneration of executives, performance evaluation, planning and implementation of trainings, HR planning 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year-end headcount persons 8,039 7,867 7,664 7,634 8,046 with an indefinite-term employment contract with a definite-term employment contract persons 7,581 7,447 7,335 7,354 7,633 persons 458 420 329 280 413 full-time persons 7,929 7,758 7,564 7,535 7,958 part-time persons 110 109 100 99 88 Number of leased/borrowed employees persons 18 4 9 153 16 Number of outsourced employees persons 3 7 0 0 0 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Staff size (persons) The breakdown of the employees of the MVM Group by age is shown by the following diagram: 3000 2 564 2 457 2500 1 802 2000 1500 960 1000 500 214 49 0 18-25 years 26-35 years 36-45 years 46-55 years 56-62 years >62 years Age group The MVM Group pays special attention to its employees’ training and in-service training, accident-free work, the development of social and welfare benefits, and actively supports its employees’ recreation and sports activities. The MVM Group aims at fair cooperation with the emp- 49 Unit 7 | HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY MVM Group and controlling, uniform employment contract and information brochure) were adopted to the individual companies within the Group. Group-level collective bargaining is in place through the operation of the Reconciliation and Consultative Forum. A wage and social agreement was concluded at the group level. The member companies of the MVM Group described in this report had 8,064 employees at the end of 2013, typically (over 94%) full-time employees with an indefiniteterm employment contract. The proportion of women was 24.5%. This represents an increase of more than 400 year-onyear (7,634 persons), representing a trend contrary to the continuous decrease in previous years, partly due to the acquisition of the interests held by E.ON in the gas industry. loyee advocacy organizations (trade unions) in order to maintain peace in labour relations and to ensure sustainable growth. 93.13% of the employees are covered by a collective agreement. 50 MAIN FIGURES OF THE COMPANIES BELONGING TO THE GROUP MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 8 Name Activities Head office Web strategic management, asset management H-1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207209., Hungary natural gas trade H-1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 7-8., Hungary electricity trade H-1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207209., Hungary MVM-ADWEST Marketing und Handels GmbH electricity trade Wienerbergstr. 7, A-1100 Vienna, Austria - MVM Trade Poland Sp. z.o.o. electricity trade ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 43/4, P-00-347 Warsaw, Poland - MVM Partner d.o.o. electricity trade J.F. Kennedy 6B, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia - MVM Partner Bucharest S.r.l. electricity trade Stirbei Voda Street No. 26-28, Union International Center II, 5th Floor, Office No. 20, District 1, Bucharest, Romania - MVM Partner Energija, druzba za energijo d.o.o. electricity trade Slovenska Cesta 56, SLO-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia MVM Partner Serbia d.o.o. Beograd electricity trade Nehrouva Str. No. 132/13, Belgrade, Serbia - operation of an electronic electricity trading and information interface H-1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207209., Hungary electricity generation from nuclear fuel and heat generation H-7031 Paks, P.O. Box: 71, topographical lot No.: 8803/10, Hungary electricity and heat generation, electricity trade, coal mining H-2841 Oroszlány, Outer Areas, topographical lot No. 0718/5, Hungary ownership of the Ajka gas turbine peaking power plant H-8400 Ajka, Factory Site, topographical lot No. 1961/1, Hungary - heat generation (heat supply to Miskolc) with electricity cogeneration H-3531 Miskolc, Tatár u. 29/b, Hungary - heat generation (heat supply to the North Buda Region) with electricity cogeneration H-1037 Budapest, Kunigunda útja 49., Hungary - electricity generation from renewable energy source H-1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207209., Hungary operation of hydrocarbon-fired quick-start back-up gas turbine power plants owned by MVM Ltd. H-2040 Budaörs, Kinizsi u. 26., Hungary preparation of the establishment of new nuclear power plant units at the Paks site H-7030 Paks, Gagarin utca 1., 3rd Floor No. 302/B, Hungary - electricity generation (currently suspended) H-2800 Tatabánya, Környei út 38., Hungary - MVM OVIT National Power Line Company Ltd. maintenance and establishment of the power lines of the transmission network; maintenance, operation and monitoring of the telecommunications network H-1158 Budapest, Körvasút sor 105., Hungary MVM ERBE Power Engineering and Consulting Ltd. power engineering services, design of power engineering facilities and project management H-1117 Budapest, Budafoki út. 95., Hungary 95. provision of mostly services associated with the operation of facilities on the premises of Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. H-7030 Paks, Gesztenyés u. 2., Hungary wholesale and retail trade of electrical fittings and cables H-1158 Budapest, Késmárk u. 14., Hungary provision of telecommunications services H-1134 Budapest, Róbert Károly Körút 59., Hungary provision of comprehensive information technology services to the companies of the Group H-7030 Paks, Dózsa Gy. utca 30-32., Hungary - COMPANIES INCLUDED IN FULL CONSOLIDATION Holding Centre MVM Hungarian Electricity Ltd. Hungarian Gas Trade Ltd. MVM Partner Energy Trading Ltd. Powerforum Ltd. Power and Heat Generation and Technical Services Power and Heat Generation MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. Vértes Power Plant Ltd. MVM MIFŰ Miskolc Central Heating Plant Ltd. MVM Hungarowind Wind Power Plant Operating Ltd. MVM GTER Gas Turbine Power Plant Ltd. MVM Paks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. Bánhida Power Plant Ltd. Technical Services ATOMIX Trading and Service Ltd. ENERGO-MERKUR Electricity Trading and Service Ltd. Telecommunications and IT Services MVM NET Telecommunications Provider Ltd. MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 MVM North Buda Cogeneration Power Plant Ltd. 51 MVM BVMT Bakony Power Generation Co. Ltd. 8 | MAIN FIGURES OF THE COMPANIES BELONGING TO THE GROUP Trade and Supply Chain Management Name Activities Head office Web direction of the operation of the electricity system, operation and development of the transmission network H-1031 Budapest, Anikó utca 4., Hungary construction of a natural gas interconnection pipeline between Hungary and Slovakia H-1031 Budapest, Záhony u. 7., Graphisoft Park, Building B, 2nd Floor preparation of the Smart Grid Pilot Project H-1031 Budapest, Anikó utca 4., Hungary - stockpiling and storage of natural gas H-1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 7-8., Hungary HUPX Hungarian Power Exchange Company Ltd. operation of an electricity exchange H-1031 Budapest, Záhony utca 7., Hungary CEEGEX Central Eastern European Gas Exchange Ltd. operation of a natural gas exchange H-1031 Budapest, Záhony utca 7., Hungary HUPX Derivative Ltd. operation of an electricity exchange (has not started its operation yet) H-1031 Budapest, Záhony utca 7., Hungary - provision of financial and accounting services to the companies of the Group H-7030 Paks, Gagarin u. 1., Hungary - electrical services tasks, operation, guarding and maintenance of facilities H-2040 Budaörs, Kinizsi u. 26., Hungary operation of the Central Office Building H-1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207209., Hungary - operation of a hotel in Siófok H-8600 Siófok, Battyhány u. 24., Hungary operation of a hotel in Balatongyörök H-8313 Balatongyörök, Petőfi S. u. 5., Hungary operation of the tourist and food establishment ‘Pansion ALBATROS’ (Rovinj, Croatia) Valbruna II. Jug, HR-52210-Rovinj, Croatia - corrosion protection of the components of power transmission lines H-1158 Budapest, Késmárk u. 24-28., Hungary hydrocarbon-based electricity generation H-2440 Százhalombatta, Erőmű u. 2., Hungary https://www.gdfsuez-energia. hu/tarsasagunkrol/gdf-suezmagyarorszagon/dunamentieromu essentially electricity generation and associated coal mining activities H-3271 Visonta, Erőmű utca 11., Hungary provision of organised holidays H-7815 Harkány, Zsigmondy sétány 1., Hungary financial consulting Bauernmarkt 2, A-1010 Vienna, Austria - human resources, social services H-7030 Paks, Dózsa Gy. u. 95., No. I/110, Hungary - construction of a liquefied gas transmission system at the Black Sea 141 Calea Plevnei, Block 1, Entrance A, Apt. 1, Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania provision of telecommunications services H-1138 Budapest, Dunavirág utca 2-6., Hungary construction of an international gas pipeline section in Hungary H-1065 Budapest, Nagymező utca 4648., 1st Floor, Hungary - Transmission, System Operation, Natural Gas Storage and Energy Exchange Operation Transmission, Gas Storage and System Operation MAVIR Hungarian Transmission System Operator Company Ltd. Central Smart Grid Operator Ltd. Hungarian Gas Storage Ltd. Energy Exchange Operation General Services Administrative Services MVM KONTÓ Finance and Accounting Service Centre Ltd. Facility Maintenance MVM Villkesz Ltd. Római Office Building Ltd. Hotel Vértes Trading and Service Ltd. MVM Hotel Panorama Ltd. 52 NIKER d.o.o. Trading Ltd. 8 | MAIN FIGURES OF THE COMPANIES BELONGING TO THE GROUP Hungarian Gas Transit Ltd.* Companies included in consolidation as associated companies EKS Service Ltd. ASSOCIATED COMPANIES: Dunamenti Power Plant Ltd. Mátra Power Plant Ltd. Zsigmondy Vilmos Harkány Spa and Balneological Hospital Not-for-profit Company MM Energy Corporate Finance Beratungs GmbH Southern Transdanubia Human Resources Notfor-profit Ltd. AGRI Lng MPVI Mobile Ltd. South Stream Hungary Ltd. MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013 JOINT MANAGEMENT COMPANY: Name Activities Head office Web SUBSIDIARIES INCLUDED IN CONSOLIDATION AS ASSOCIATED COMPANIES: establishment of the Visonta lignite-fired power plant H-3271 Visonta, Erőmű utca 11., Hungary - Kárpát Energo Trading and Service Ltd. (in liquidation) establishment of the Vásárosnamény Combined Cycle Power Plant H-1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207209., Hungary - maintenance and refurbishment of substation equipment in Ukraine H-1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207209., Hungary - no operative activity is performed at present H-1126 Budapest, Béla király út 30/c, Hungary - support and advocacy of biomass-fired power plants H-7630 Pécs, Edison u.1., Hungary editing and distribution of magazines and publications relating to the energy industry H-1081 Budapest, Köztársaság tér 7., 9th Floor, Hungary. 914. operation of a hotel in Hévíz H-8380 Hévíz, Attila u. 1., Hungary provision of district heating supply and hot water H-2840 Oroszlány, Bánki Donát u. 2., Hungary elaboration of specifications, guidelines and standards for welding technology and material testing; organisation of qualification examinations and obtaining of ratings and accreditations H-1148 Budapest, Fogarasi út 10-14., Hungary Nuclear Insurance Risk Association Third Floor, St. George's Court, Upper Church Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM 1 1EE North Hungarian Electricity Supply plc universal electricity supply H-3525 Miskolc, Dózsa Gy. u. 13., Hungary Budapest Electricity Works plc universal electricity supply H-1132 Budapest, Váci út 72-74., Hungary organisation of auctions for cross border capacity Gute Anger 15, D-85356 Freising, Germany natural gas trade H-4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Rákóczi u. 184., Hungary MVM Investment Ukraine Ltd. ER-EF Power Plant Cooperation Development Ltd. (in voluntary liquidation) OTHER INTERESTS Association of Biomass-fired Power Plants Energy Industry Publisher Not-for-profit Company HOTEL CARBONA SPA HOTEL Ltd. Oroszlány Service Ltd. Hungarian Association for Welding Technology and Material Testing Duncan M Donald Company Secretary NIRA LIMITED CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH TIGÁZ Trans-Tisza Region Gas Distribution Ltd. * a joint management member company included in full consolidation in proportion to the capital share of the parent company 8 | MAIN FIGURES OF THE COMPANIES BELONGING TO THE GROUP Mátra Power Generation Co. Ltd. 53 MVM GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2013