How to install Best Practice

How do I ‘EVOLVE’ to Best Practice Software?
This FAQ is intended to answer common questions about installing Best
Practice Software on a new system when using the disc marked ‘New
installations’. (Evolution or above).
Prerequisites to install this evolution of Best Practice
This disc is intended for NEW installations of Best Practice and deploys SQL Express 2008 R2 as
its default database engine. SQL Express 2008 R2 is a Microsoft product and requires certain
prerequisites to be present in order to be deployed. Other version of SQL express can be selected
during the installation process if preferred.
To speed up the installation process, Best Practice Software STRONGLY recommends that your
system has one of these operating system versions and all system prerequisites present prior to
starting the installation. Please contact your IT technician for advice on this process.
Operating Systems
Windows XP Professional SP3
(32bit and 64bit)
Windows Server 2008 SP2
or higher 32bit and 64bit
Windows Server 2003 SP 2 or
higher (32bit and 64bit)
Windows Vista Business &
Ultimate SP2 or higher
(32bit and 64bit)
Windows 7 Professional &
Ultimate SP1
(32bit and 64bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
(32 and 64bit)
System Prerequisites
Windows installer version - 4.5.6001.22159
Windows Powershell 1.1 – 6.0.5430.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 AND
Microsoft .NET Framework 4
If the System Prerequisites are not present, the Best Practice installer will attempt to install them.
Please note that your system may reboot several times during this installation. If
running this installation on a Server, please ensure that there are NO users accessing
the system and there are no applications running.
NOTE: On some systems, it might not be possible for the Best Practice installer to restart
automatically after installing certain system prerequisites. If this occurs, browse to the DVD drive
again and execute the ‘Setup.exe’ program to resume the installation process.
Your operating system MUST be on C: drive for the SQL instance to install.
Previous Server Installations
ƒ If you have previously installed an evaluation version of Best Practice on this
machine it is recommended that you uninstall and reinstall Best Practice. Please
refer to the FAQ - ‘BP_FAQ-Uninstall.pdf’ for details on how to uninstall Best Practice
before proceeding.
ƒ If you are currently using Best Practice in the practice and this server / workstation
currently has Best Practice installed on it, you can use this disc to upgrade your
program files to the latest version (refer to ‘BP_FAQ-Installing Program Update’ for
details in the upgrade process). NOTE: this process will NOT upgrade your SQL
Server version. If you wish to do this, you will have to backup your data, uninstall
Best Practice on your server and reinstall using this New Installation disc. (refer to
the FAQ ‘BP_FAQ-Moving BP to a new server’.
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New Workstation installations
If you currently use Best Practice, you can use this disc to install a new installation on a
workstation. As the SQL version and Best Practice version need to be compatible, you
should first check which evolution of Best Practice and SQL you are using on the server
and install these same versions on the workstation.
Evolution Version
Log into Best Practice on the server and select ‘Help’ > ‘About’. The evolution version
number is listed at the top of the screen. The server version must be the same as or
higher than the workstation version being installed.
SQL Version
Log into Best Practice on the server and select ‘Help’ > ‘About’ > ‘System info’. Scroll
to the bottom of the list to ‘SQL Server version’:o 10.50.1600.1
RTM Express Edition is SQL 2008 R2 Express
o 10.0.1600.22
RTM Express Edition is SQL 2008 Express
o 9.00.3042
SP2 Express Edition is SQL 2005 Express
o 8.0.760
SP3 Desktop Engine is MSDE
NOTE: If your server database uses MSDE and you need to install BP on a workstation,
you will need to upgrade MSDE to a newer SQL database on the server.
This ‘New Installation’ disc cannot be used in this scenario as MSDE is no longer
provided by Best Practice, nor is it a supported SQL database by Microsoft.
Refer to the FAQ – ‘BP_FAQ-Upgrading from MSDE to SQL Express 2008 R2’ for
information on upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft SQL Server Express.
There are 2 methods of installation provided: - Express and Wizard.
Express installation – this is the recommended installation method to use which utilises the
Best Practice default settings. Your data will be installed to the C:\ drive of your server. You will
have the option to select between a Server or Client installation and between 32bit or 64bit
operating systems.
Wizard installation – this method is intended for the advanced user. It allows you to select
your database location, program file location, 32bit or 64bit operating systems, as well as a
number of upgrade options.
Make sure that you are logged into the computer
with 'Administrator Rights'.
Note: For Vista, Windows 2008 Server and
Windows 7 installations please turn ‘UAC’ off before
starting the installation. (If you are unsure how to do
this, please consult your IT support person or refer to
the notes at the end of this document).
Insert the DVD (it should auto run) – if not, select
Start > Run and type X:\setup (where X=DVD
drive letter)
The ‘Prerequisites’ screen will appear. Ensure
that you have installed the prerequisites outlined on
this screen and above in this document.
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Two (2) installation options are presented.
Express Installations
- use this option if you want to use the recommended
defaults for data location, etc. Refer to the section
below for complete instructions on how to perform the
Express Installation.
Wizard Installations
- use this option if you are an advanced user and want
to be able to select the location of your databases, etc.
Refer to the section below for complete instructions on
how to perform the Wizard Installation.
Select the option required and click the ‘Install’ button.
The Best Practice installer will now check that all the
required prerequisites are present.
Note: If the computer does not have all the required prerequisites already installed, the
Best Practice installation will attempt to install them. This may require several reboots of the
computer. After each reboot the Best Practice installation screen should continue, however on
some system configurations this may not occur. If the Best Practice installation screen does
not display after the reboot, browse to the DVD and run the file ’Setup.exe’ to reinitiate the
If the installation requires a reboot, after the reboot the screen to
the right may appear. If the screen does appear, click on the “This
program installed correctly” option to continue the installation
Below are some of the installation screens that you could see if you do not have the required
prerequisites already installed:-
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Express Installation
Once all prerequisites are met, the screen below will appear. SQL Express
Operating System
Installation type
Select the version of SQL
Express you wish to install. SQL
Express 2008 R2 is the
recommended option.
Select whether you have a
32bit (x86) or 64bit (x64)
operating system.
For Servers or standalone
computers select ‘Server’.
For workstations select
‘Client’. (This option should
be used if you will be
connecting to an existing Best
Practice Server Installation)
WARNING: Workstation
- check the SQL version installed
on the server first and ensure
that you install the same SQL
and Best Practice version.
See the Important Note
above on 'New Workstation
installations' to see how to
identify the SQL version
If you are not sure, select
WARNING: this option defaults to
‘Server’ so it is important to
change this if you are performing
a ‘Client’ (workstation)
Medicare Online Module
Select this option if you are wishing to install Medicare Online Claiming on this server /
workstation. This will install the extra components required.
(Please refer to the FAQ ‘BPM_FAQ-Setting up Medicare Australia Online.pdf’ for instructions on how to
configure Best Practice to use Online Claiming)
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Express Installation
Licence agreement
Read the 'License agreement’ and/or select the 'Print' button to print off a copy.
Once you have read this agreement and wish to proceed, select the ‘I Agree’ option.
Once you have selected and checked all the required options, select the ‘Next’ button to continue.
The installation will now continue. A number of screens
will be displayed as each component is installed.
Once the installation is complete, the screen to the left will
be displayed.
Please check this screen to ensure that the installation has
been successful.
If unsuccessful, please contact support at Best Practice for
advice on how correct this.
NOTE: If you have installed a client you can select the
server to connect to (or type in the server name/IP
address) on this screen.
Best Practice Software is now ready to be used.
Please follow the following steps to begin:Double click on the ‘Best Practice Samples’ icon.
You will now have
two icons on your
If this is the Server installation it should connect immediately and give
you a Login prompt.
If this is a Client installation, and you did
not enter the server name on the “Finish”
screen, the dialog box to the right will
appear. If you know the server name or
the IP address of your Server type this in
here and press OK. If you do not know
the Server name click the ‘Search’ button. The system will browse the
network for any SQL servers and display their names in the dialog box.
Server Installations only
Browse to the folder C:\Program Files\Best Practice Software\BPS
and run the file ‘Attach Databases.exe’. The ‘Attach
Databases’ dialog box will appear. Click the ‘Run’ button. When
complete a screen will appear indicating that each databases has been detached
and reattached.
Please refer to the ‘Other Relevant documents’ below for details on how to configure your
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Wizard Installation
If you have selected a Wizard Installation, once all prerequisites are met, the screen below will
The Wizard installer will now display the screen on the
New Install Options
Select this option if you wish to install a new version of
Best Practice.
Upgrade Options
Select ‘Best Practice Upgrade’ if you are upgrading an
existing version of Best Practice..
Select ‘Best Practice SQL Express to SQL 200X Full
Edition upgrade’ is you are currently using SQL Express
on your server and wish to upgrade to a Standard or
higher version. (SQL Media required)
Select the 'New Install' option and click the ‘Next’ button
to continue.
SQL Express
Operating System
Installation type
Select the version of SQL Express
you wish to install. SQL Express
2008 R2 is the recommended
Select whether you
have a 32bit (x86) or
64bit (x64) operating
For Servers or standalone
computers select ‘Server’.
Workstation Installations
- check the SQL version installed on
the server first and ensure that you
install the same SQL and Best
Practice version.
If you are not sure,
select x86.
For workstations select
‘Client’. (This option should
be used if you will be
connecting to an existing
Best Practice Server
See the Important Note above on
'New Workstation installations'
to see how to identify the SQL
WARNING: this option defaults
to ‘Server’ so it is important to
change this if you are
performing a ‘Client’
(workstation) installation.
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Wizard Installation
Medicare Online Module
Select this option if you are wishing to install Medicare Online Claiming on this server /
workstation. This will install the extra components required. DO NOT SELECT THIS OPTION IF
(Please refer to the FAQ ‘BPM_FAQ-Setting up Medicare Australia Online.pdf’ for instructions on how to
configure Best Practice to use Online Claiming)
Licence agreement
Read the 'License agreement’ and/or select the 'Print' button to print off a copy.
Once you have read this agreement and wish to proceed, select the ‘I Agree’ option.
Once you have selected and checked all the required options, select the ‘Next’ button to continue.
SQL Data Folder
By default Best Practice databases are stored in the folder :C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.BPSINSTANCE\MSSQL\DATA
You can change this location during the installation process
when you select the Wizard installation. Click the browse
button to select the folder that you wish create the
Application Folder
By default Best Practice program files are stored in the
folder :- C:\Program Files\Best Practice Software\BPS
You can change this location during the installation process
to another location. Click the browse button to select the
folder that you wish use. Select the ‘Next’ button to
The installation will now continue. A number of screens will
be displayed as each component is installed.
Once the installation is complete, the screen to the left will
be displayed.
Please check this screen to ensure that the installation has
been successful.
If unsuccessful, please contact support at Best Practice for
advice on how correct this.
NOTE: If you have installed a client you can select the
server to connect to (or type in a server name/IP address)
on this screen.
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Wizard Installation
Best Practice Software is now ready to be used.
Please follow the following steps to begin:You will now have
two icons on your
Double click on the ‘Best Practice Samples’ icon.
If this is the Server installation it should connect immediately and give
you a Login prompt.
If this is a Client installation, and you
did not enter the server name on the
“Finish” screen, the dialog box to the
right will appear. If you know the
server name or the IP address of your
Server type this in here and press OK.
If you do not know the Server name click the ‘Search’ button. The
system will browse the network for any SQL servers and display their
names in the dialog box.
Server Installations only
Browse to the folder C:\Program Files\Best Practice
Software\BPS and run the file ‘Attach Databases.exe’. The
‘Attach Databases’ dialog box will appear. Click the ‘Run’
button. When complete a screen will appear indicating that each database
has been detached and reattached.
Please refer to the ‘Other Relevant documents’ below for details on how to configure your
How to turn off UAC
UAC (User Access control) is a feature of Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and Windows 7 that
restricts programs accessing your system.
To enable the Best Practice installer to operate successfully, UAC should be turned off on your
Vista and Server 2008
Open the Control Panel. Click on
‘Control Panel Home’.
Click on “User Accounts” and Click
“User Accounts” again.
Click the link for "Turn User Account
Control (UAC) on or off"
Disable the option “Use User Account
Control (UAC) to help protect your
You will now need to reboot your computer before the changes take effect.
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Wizard Installation
Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2
Open the Control Panel.
Click on ‘User Accounts' and
click User Accounts again.
Select 'Change User Account
Control Settings.' Slide the bar
down to 'Never notify' and click
You will now need to reboot
your computer before the
changes take effect.
Please refer to ‘BP_FAQ-Samples.pdf’ for information on using the Best Practice Samples database.
Please refer to ‘BP_FAQ-Installation of Best Practice with MD conversion.pdf’ for information on
performing a MD Conversion.
Please refer to ‘BP_FAQ-Installation of Best Practice with MedTech32 conversion.pdf’ for information
on performing a Medtech32 Conversion.
Please refer to ‘BP_FAQ-Setting up Clinical G2W.pdf’ for information on setting up the Best Practice
Please refer to ‘BPM_FAQ-Setting up Management G2W.pdf’ for information on setting up the Best
Practice Management.
Tip: There are a wide range of F.A.Q. documents accessible by browsing to the \FAQ folder on the
Best Practice installation DVD.
For more information consult the Best Practice Help Library or contact us via our
07 4155 8800
07 4153 2093
Last Reviewed:
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