Series 6000 and 6500 Adjustable Linear Slot Diffusers

Series 6000 and 6500
Adjustable Linear Slot Diffusers
Ordering Information
In inches
or Degree
of Miter
Series and
Slot Width
Series 6000
6050 = 1/2”
6075 = 3/4”
6100 = 1”
Series 6500
6550 = 1/2”
6575 = 3/4”
6510 = 1”
Of Slots
Inlet Size
5” - 14”
BP Plenum
BP = Uninsulated
BPI = Internally Insulated
(Available for Diffusers
with 1 to 4 Slots)
End Caps
2EC = End Cap
Each End
1EC = End Cap
One End
NEC = No End Caps
TB - T-bar Lay-in
SM - Surface Mount
CS - Concealed Spline
OWB = Off-white with
Black Pattern Controller
SAB = Satin Anodized with
Black Pattern Controller
1 1/8”—10, 11, 12, 13
3/4”—20, 22, 23, 24
Pattern Controller/Damper
Series 6000 Only
PCD = With Pattern Controller & Damper (Std.)
PC = With Pattern Controller Only
D = With Damper Only
Series 6000 & 6500
0/ = No Controller/Damper (typ. for Returns)
15/32”—30, 32, 33, 34
(Available for Series
6000 Only)
1. Required: Series 6000 Linear Slot
Diffusers, 3/4” slot width and 1 1/8” border for ceiling surface installation with
concealed mounting. Size: 13’6” x 2-slot.
Finish: Off-white with black pattern controller. Specify: 6075 Type 12-SM 162” x
2 -2EC - PCD - OWB
2. Required: Series 6500 Linear Slot
Diffusers, 1/2” slot width and 3/4” border
for T-bar lay-in mounting with factoryattached insulated plenum – 8” inlet.
Size: 4’ x 3-slot. Finish: Off-white with
black pattern controller.
Specify: 6550 Type 20-TB 48” X 3 - 2EC
- OWB - BPI 8”
3. Required: Series 6000 Linear Slot
Diffusers – 1” slot width and 15/32” border with integral splines for concealedspline ceiling installation. Size: 8’ X
4-slot. No dampers. Finish: Satin anodized with black pattern controller.
Specify: 6100 Type 33-CS 96” X 4- 2EC
- PC - SAB
4. Required: Series 6500 slot diffusers,
3/4” slot width and 1 1/8” border for ceiling surface installation with concealed
mounting. Size: 20’ X 2-slot. Three 4’
active sections with pattern controller,
damper, and insulated plenums with 8”
inlets. Four 2’ inactive sections with no
dampers, pattern controllers, or plenums. Finish: Satin anodized with black
pattern controller.
Specify: Two 6575, Type 12-SM 24” by
2-IEC-O-SAB; two 6575, Type 12-SM
24” by 2-NEC-O-SAB3; and one 6075
Type 12-SM 48” by 2-NEC-SAB-BPI-8”
Product Specification Highlights
Series 6000/6500
Min. Length
Max. 1 Piece Length
Min. Neck Length
Max. Neck Length
1 1/4”
1. Size Limitations
Continuous runs may be specified in virtually any length over 12 inches, but individual units are limited to a 72-inch
maximum length.
2. Product Measurement
Whether single-length diffusers or continuous runs, surface mount (SM) Series
6000 and 6500 units are to be specified
according to the standard nominal (neck)
dimensions. In the case of T-bar (TB) layin or concealed-spline (CS) ceiling applications, the ceiling module size is to be
specified. Continuous run specifications
other than straight lengths should include
a drawing indicating configuration of
units, mitered corners, end caps, etc.
3. Standard Product Features
In the absence of complete product
specifications, it will be assumed that the
diffuser application is for surface mounting and the given length is the nominal
(neck) dimensions. Two end caps (one
on each end), pattern controller, damper,
and OWB finish are also included as
standards unless specified otherwise.
4. Mitered Corner Sections
Corner sections are available only in horizontal miters. Specify the degree of
elbow in accordance with the inside
(included) angle of the neck (see page
22 for details).
5. Type BP Plenum
Sections of continuous diffuser runs with
dampers and plenums must be fabricated to the same nominal lengths as
the plenum lengths to prevent interference of the damper blade with the plenum end cap. Submit a drawing detailing
locations of plenums on active sections,
similar to example 4.
6. Continuous Run Component Lengths
Unless otherwise specified, the factory
reserves the right to determine the
length of individual diffuser sections
making up a continuous run installation.
Suggested Specifications
Contractor shall furnish and install
METALAIRE Series 6000 or Series
6500 Linear Slot Diffuser where shown
on plans. Diffusers and frames shall be
constructed of extruded aluminum and
shall be off-white or satin aluminum
anodized finish. The air pattern controller shall provide constant static pressure and constant outlet area at all
conditions of pattern adjustment. The
air pattern controller shall be adjustable
for 180° air pattern. Finish shall be flat
black on pattern controller. Each air slot
shall be equipped with an individually
adjustable volume damper. Controller
and volume dampers shall be accessible for adjustment through the slot
openings. Contractor shall furnish and
install METALAIRE Type BP Boot Plenum (uninsulated or insulated) where
required. The BP Boot Plenum shall
have a casing of 24 gauge galvanized
steel constructed in a manner to provide a rigid, airtight assembly.
© 2000 Metal Industries, Inc. Clearwater, FL
All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.