The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes Project Maine Government Documents 1978 Alternative Power Transmission Corridors. Map Volume. United States. Department of Energy Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment Commons, Forest Management Commons, Geography Commons, History Commons, Power and Energy Commons, and the Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration Commons Repository Citation United States. Department of Energy, "Alternative Power Transmission Corridors. Map Volume." (1978). Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes Project. Paper 64. This Map is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes Project by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. E N V IR O N M E N T A L IM P A C T A L TE R N A TIV E D I C K E Y -L I N C O L N T R A N S M IS S IO N S TA TEM EN T POW ER TR A N S M IS S IO N CORRIDORS SCHOOL LAKES P R O JE C T S T U D IE S U. S. D epartm en t of E nergy Federal B u ild in g B angor, M aine 0 4 4 0 1 F e b ru a ry 1978 A P P E N D IX Map Volume B LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF MAINE State of Maine Collection R aym ond H . F og l er L ibrary ORONO 5)0©Os§57/[LB[n)©@ ' HoDo! Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance ot □ Consolidated Inc. C a m b rid g e . M a s sa c h u se tts - «... C o m itta F re d e ric k Ass o c ia te s West Chester Pennsylvania August 1976 Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1 :25 0 .00 0 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S.G S source maps LAND USEUrban Centers Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior w ith the assistance ot August 1976 Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1 :2 5 0 .0 0 0 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is Consolidated Inc. Cam bridge. Massachusetts Com itta Frederick Associates Wesi Chester Pennsylvania relative to the U.S.G S source maps LAND USEEx. Urban Development t e i s r 2 56 64 16 1 1.2 ® O © C s ® ^ / L 0 [fD © ® O [jD TTl?©[n)®[Jffiifi©®QcQ)Di) = B f f l 1F i r ® J ® © f t (> 4 miles ^1 2 square miles T r a n s m is s io n C o rr id o r A s s e s s m e n t A u gu st 1976 256 United States Department of the Interior with the assistance ol C o n s o lid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts ......Cormtta Frederick Associates Wsst Chestsr. Pennsyhanui I Source data for base map taken from U S Geological I Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series I Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is 1 relative to the U.SGS. source maps ' 64 | 1 113 1r LA N D U S E To w n Centers LL 1 Map Number Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of August 1976 Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is Consolidated Inc. Cam bridge. Massachusetts •Com itta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania 256 Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1 :2 5 0 .0 0 0 scale series relative to the U S G .S source maps 64 16 I t LAND USEOpen/Agricultural Land 1.4 Q ) m U L R a ]in j© i Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts Com itta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania square miles August 1976 Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1 :25 0 .00 0 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S.G.S source maps 256 64 ------- i 16 i .1 t LAND USEAerodromes 1.5 § S 7/ I U B a @ ® f l o D la O b M o () IP ir@ j© © fi 4 miles ^12 115 square miles T r a n s m is s io n C o r r id o r A s s e s s m e n t United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of ^ ^ Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - ..... — » Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester.Penosytvama a * * .,* * Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S G S source maps TO P O G R A P H Y: SLO PE- 256 1 r — 16 Slopes up to 15% I 1 Map Number 2,1 ®0©O31^/yBfl©®[][n) Tl?®(fDflJuD0i^®ftl“.S X in [Pir®j]®©ti Transm ission Corridor Assessm ent () 4 miles ^ 1 2 square miles A u g u s t 1 976 United S tates D epartm en t of the Interior with the assistance of C o n s o lid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts Com itta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania I I I I Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:2 5 0 .0 00 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S G 5 source maps 256 kl kI 1 h TO P O G R A P H Y : SLO P ESlopes Greater T h a n 15% — i| I 2 .2 Map Number ®0©k®^/yi]i)©®ntn) Transmission Corridor Assessment □ U o v ii/ D United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of 0 C o n s o lid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - - >• - - Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsyiva A u gu st 1976 Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1 :250.000 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S G S source maps t R E C R E A T IO N LA N D USEState Parks & State I Forests I 3.2 ® B © G 3 § ^ / U [n )© ® Q [n ) 1P F(6 > S © © tt with the assistance of C o n s o lid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - -.«• Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania ^ mites 8 12 square miles Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior 0 A u gu st 1976 I I I I Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S G S source maps 256 64~] I161 16 A i R E C R E A T IO N LANC ) USEMunicipal Lands 1Map Number 3.3 miles ^ © C s @ ^ / y [ f D © ® D f f i i r t r ® l i a l l j M ) ^ ® S © [ r D ° l | s | . 0^ = [P i r ® J l © © f t with the assistance of C on s o lid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts ....... Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania ^ ^ ^ n , 16 square miles Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior 0 A u gu st 1976 I Source data for base map taken from U S Geological I Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series. 1 Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is I relative to the ULSGS source maps 256 64I E _ 1 t R E C R E A T IO N LAND USEI n te n s iv e R e c r e a t io n A re a s 1 Map Number 1 3 .5 ®0©Css^/yiJD©®DDii Tnr@[ni®iAffiD®®B(§)BQ= la D o io tP(r®j!@©ft Transm ission Corridor Assessm ent United States D epartm en t of the Interior with the assistance of □ C o n s o lid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - . — Comi t t a Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania A u g u s t 1976 Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:25 0 .0 00 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S G 5 source maps t R E C R E A T IO N L A N D USEW ild, Scenic, and Designated Recreational Rivers 3.6 po©C3§^/.yra©®ta Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of August 1976 Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1 :25 0 .00 0 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is C o f l S O li d d t e d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts Com itta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania relative to the U.SG.S source maps t RECREATION LAND USEDesignated Scenic Roads 3.8 () Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of □ C o n solid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - ~ Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania 4 miles ^1 2 square miles A u g u s t 1976 Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series 1 Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S G S source maps 256 I 64 1 I I jl6 M1 1I T R A N S P O R T A T IO N All Other Roads; No Recorded A .D .T . Map Number 4.2 P©Cs®^/ym©®Dini Tflr®[fD©(mD0@©B®in)° i J n iL Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of I Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts •Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester, f tPir®J©©fi August 1976 Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the US.G.S source maps 0 4 8 12 16 t TR A N S P O R T A T IO N Existing Access Density H ig h 4.3 (5)0©[!s®S7/yiA)©®DDD Tftr®ljfl®Bute®f®il □ U o v=yG Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior >assistance of i l I Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts * »— Comitta Frederick Associates west Chester. Pennsylvania Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U&G& source maps t TR A N S P O R T A T IO N Existing A ccess D ensity M edium 4.4 ■ M n n j? @ In )@ liu D O @ © | °li?^? ? 16 □ U D v b i/ a uare miles Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of I Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - - Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsyiva Source data for base map takan from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U.S.G S source maps t T R A N S P O R T A T IO N Existing Access Density Low 4.5 j//[L0[n]©®Q[rfl fl@D51° H-Dol Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of C o n s o lid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - . - .«•» — Comitta Frederick Associates west Chester. Peimsytvar [P ir ® | © © f t square miles A u gu st 1976 Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1 :2 5 0 0 0 0 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U & G S source maps 256 t LA N D O W N E R S H IP Large Institutional/SemiPublic Lands [ M a p Number 5.3 ©0©Cs§S7/yinl©®[l[n] TfiF@[fD®Offl0@©B®pi] ° [ l i d Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior ■assistance of B Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - •» — » Comitta Frederick Associates v st Chester. Pennsylvania August 1976 Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U SG.S source maps t L A N D O W N E R S H IP Large Private Holdings ^ — Map Number 5.4 P © | © ^ / y i a ^ TIt®[nl©IM0©©fl®(nl“ iJ=®d 1PlT®j]@©ft Transmission Corridor Assessment I United States Department of the Interior I1 Eili! A u gu st 1976 with the assistance of C o n s o lid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - . . . » ■ — Comitta Frederick Associates west Chester. PertnsyNana Source data tor base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:251X000 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is 1 relative to the U S G S source maps t LA N D O W N E R S H IP Parcel Density/Town Low 5.7 P 0© [ /n Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of B C o n s o lid a t e d In c . Cambridge. Massachusetts - «>-«- -•> Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania A u g u s t 1 9 76 Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U SG S source maps O R IE N T A T IO N W . - N .W . 6.1 0 IfS sy/i Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of B I Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - ~ — Comitta Frederick Associates w m Chester. Permsyhantt Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250000 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S G S source maps 4 8__ 12 16 t O R IE N TA TIO N N. - N.E. 6.2 miles °\ M Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior wtththe assistanc• of C o n s o lid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - ■■ ..m m — •Cormtta Frederick Associates west Chester. Pennsytvanui i? ? Jl* square miles A u gu st 1976 Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U & G & source maps SUR FACE H YD R O - A 'P LOGY- 2s T ] I 64 [*: .1 1 I Ponds. Reservoirs. | M a p N u m t« Large Rivers I 7.1 Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of □ C o n solid a te d Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - , • Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsyiva SUR FACE H YDR OA u gu st 1976 LO G YSource data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U.S.G.S source maps Rivers and Streams □ U o v ii/ a Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of □ I Consolidated Inc. c Cambridge. Massachusetts . . - Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania August 1976 Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1'•250.000 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U SG.S source maps t SURFACE HYDRO LOGYSensitive W ater Basins ‘T p r r a Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of Bi 1 Consolidated Inc. C a n M g i . Masiechusein — Cam illa Frederick ta s o c a lti west O n a F u m i M m a w square miles August 1976 Source data lor base map taken Irani U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U S G S source naps 258 64 is t ARCH AEOLO GYA rch a e o lo g ic Sensitivity Zones 8.2 mMee 0\ti \5 ? 16 Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the Consolidated Inc. Cmtnd|i. MmitHmlH ... ------Comtta Fradanck HiianOi August 1976 I Soiace deta lor has* mop Ufcan fromUS GeologKal I Topograptec Map* 250000 scala series 1 Horizontal andvortical control depicted horaoi a 1 relative to the USGS source map* Survey Muilmc* of Omni ta m iim H IS T O R IC - •pare wie> 1 I I 290 641 16 State Register Historic t 1 Sites | Map Number 1 9 .2 S )0 © k ® ^ / y tn )© ® D [n ) T r tf @ m © [/ u B 0 ® ® 0 © m ° Io []o i> o Tra n sm is sio n C o rrid o r A s se s sm e n t U n ite d S ta te s D e p a rtm e n t of th e Interior 0 IP [ T ® j ] ® © f t August 1976 Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is Consolidated Inc. Cantondge. Massachusetts - — — - — * C o m itt a Frederick Associates West Chester Pennsylvania miles 8 12 square m iles relative to the U S G S source maps — 256 16 A T i Source data for base m ap taken from U .S Geological S urvey Topographic Maps. 1 :2 5 0 .0 0 0 scale series with the assistance of r 4 ^ r \ I* H IS T O R IC P o te n tia l S ta te a n d N a t io n a l H is t o r ic S ite s Map Number 9 .3 Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior ■Hh M M | M Mo*| ^ M nth lh thea assistance 0 ,I C o n s o lid a te d Inc. C o t K m M a u c i w M K . . — O m n i F n 4 m t lu o im n m m c m Nm m August 1976 Source date lor baee map taken Irom U S Surrey TopOflraplec Maps 1:250000 scale m Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein relative lo the US G S source maps t P H Y S IO G R A P H Y Narrow Valley Floors 10.4 Transmission Corridor Assessment U nited States Department of the Interior eSh t*e MMlanct oi L j c o m o W l t l d Inc. M u ICS ,1l i f e ------— — C — Iti r»a— lu o c s k s fee» Ommr N w M n^n August 1976 I 1 1 1 I o n U S U > ■ » — » M — > 1 US s m i S l u m m m - ' asaooo u n m > IM H M w M a M IS C M In M > M M 10 Wa US6S MMCO IMS* t U N IQ U E R E S O U R C E S National Natural Landmarks 12.3 4 Transmission Corridor Assessment United ■ssmemaStates feeme* Department of the Interior E‘JrM.nhl.i.< h. —• —Y **--- ----- ----C— UHOm lunr *i ... August 1976 I linn n ---------r——*— ■**"•—i—I Sm loinHr Kan1290000khi wxm 1iteiiwa<mwtui a*(Mtama I afeMOMIlUSMnaoi 6 O • t E X IS T IN G U T I L I T I E S A N D R I G H T O F W A YS * Existing Ele ctric Trans* mission Lines; S u b ­ stations, G eneration Facilities 13.1 ®0©Cs@^/yira©®OifD Tnr@DD®cm]B®®Q@[n) | □ U o v ii/ D Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of j — BJ fl Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - • » Cormtta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania August 1976 Source data for base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U.&GS source maps t E X IS T IN G U T I L I T I E S A N D R IG H T O F W A Y S Existing O il Linos |MapNumbw 1 3 .2 3©Csi^/yoa©®DiJfl Trt,®(n]©[fifDO©©0®[ni°i=Do4> 1F>[T®j]®©ti Transmission Corridor Assessment August 1976 United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of ^^ Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - — Comitta Frederick Associates west Chester Pennsylvania 1 1 I I Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U& G S source maps t WILDLIFERestoration Areas (some Endangered & Threatened) Transm ission Corridor Assessm ent United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of B Consolidated Inc. Cam bndgt. Massachusetls . .■- - - Comitta Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania August 1976 Source data for base map taken from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:2 5 0 .0 00 scale series. Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is relative to the U .S G S source maps W IL D L IF E W aterfow l A re a s Tf®[n)©(MiBg©0®[ni ° IaD=§n 0 Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department Of the Interior wrtMhe assistance ol Llj C onsolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts -------— — Conntta Frederick Associates west Chester PennsytvarM ^ 4 ™eT* 12 16 square miles 256 1 US Source data lor base map taken from Geological 1 Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series 1 Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is '«»ative to the USGS source maps | S I: FISHA ✓ TV Warm Water Fish Habitats I FISH1 Wfssk53L C o ld Water Fish Habitats Map Number 15.1 B©fe@27/ym©®Q[n) Tn)'®[nl©OuflO©©0® [n]°iaDoio 1PG“®ll@©ft Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts ■ ■ i — CowiHIl Frederick Associates west Chester. Pennsylvania 0 ^^ 4 miles 8 12 16 square miles August 1976 I I Source date for base map takan from U S Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1:250.000 scale series 1 Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is 1 relative to the U S G S . source maps 250 I H I 64 1 h VEGETATIONSpruce-Fir Association 1 Map Number 1 16.3 Transmission Corridor Assessment Unwed States Department of the tKertor VEGETATIONN o rth e rn H a rd w o o d s Association 16.4 E)O©fe©^/L0[ni®®K 'utr,@DfQ®imafl®®Q@mi ° I„[L1L [ Transmission Corridor Assessment United States Department of the Interior with the assistance of [ [ U Consolidated Inc. Cambridge. Massachusetts - Comi t t a Frederick Associates West Chester. Pennsylvania August 1976 I I Source data tor base map taken from U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps. 1 250.000 scale series. I Horizontal and vertical control depicted herein is 1 relative to the U S G S source maps t V E G E T A T IO N Low lands H ardw oods Association 16.5 _ TK 1425 D5 U55 App. B pt.4 _ 93976 Draft environmental impact statement...