Construction Contract Standards & Pricing

1. Applicable Standards
All workmanship, materials, and components throughout shall, where applicable and unless
otherwise stated in the Contract, comply with the updated standard specifications, including
items of works, materials, construction methods and test methods for construction of Roads
and Bridges used by the Ministry of Public works & Housing, Directorate of Planning &
Development in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
2. Standard Not Specified
If no Standard is indicated, then the relevant American or British Standard, if any, shall apply.
1. Introduction:
These Pricing Preambles set out the basis on which the Bills of quantities have been
prepared. Not with standing the provisions of these pricing preambles, the Contractor is
reminded that the Tender Drawings and the Specifications form part of the Tender
Documents and as such mutually refer to the intent of the Tender Documents.
Where a discrepancy occurs, it will be deemed that the Contractor has allowed for
the intent of the Tender Documents unless this is clarified specifically at the time of Tender.
2. Bills of Quantities:
The Bills of Quantities define the items that are measurable and the units of
measurement represent the entire work to be carried out in accordance with the Drawings
and the Specifications. The measurement items in the Bills of Quantities are to be accepted
as the full interpretation of the requirement of the Drawings and Specifications.
“Descriptions" are given in outline only, the Contractor is to refer to the Specifications and
Drawings and make himself familiar with the requirements.
No additional measured items will be allowed to interpret further the information so
given. Other requirements which are not measurable in terms of quantity of labor and
materials (e.g.. specialist supervision, shop drawings, bar bending schedules, as built
drawings, samples, tests, mock-ups, maintenance, materials, guarantees and the like) and
are not given as specific items in the Bills, are to be included in the prices of the measured
items. The method of measurement for the Contract is thus established by the measured
items and units of the measurement in the Bills of Quantities. No other measurement
method shall be used to measure the executed works.
The same method of measurement and no other will be used in re-measuring the
executed work.
3. Pricing:
The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the meaning of every item in the Bills of
Quantities and the rates and prices inserted by him shall cover all Works required by the
Contract Documents. All costs in connection with the proper and successful construction,
completion and maintenance of the Works including, but not limited to, completion of all
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temporary works, furnishing all materials, equipment, supply and appurtenance, providing all
construction Plants, equipment, tools, sampling, testing, profits, overheads, charges,
provision of guarantees, performing all necessary labor and supervision and other cost of
whatsoever nature necessary to fully complete the Works, shall be included in the unit and
lump sum prices called for in the bills of Quantities.
All Works not specifically set fourth as a pay item in the Bills of Quantities shall be
considered as subsidiary obligation of the Contractor and all costs in connection therewith
shall be included in the Priced Tender. Prices shall be deemed to include for all straight
ranking and circular cutting and consequent waste. All prices shall include all fees, levies and
taxes excluding the Value Added Tax (VAT).
4. Quantities:
All estimated quantities stipulated in the Bills of Quantities or other Tender
Documents are approximate and are to be used only;
a) As a basis for estimating the probable cost of the Work and
b) For the purpose of comparing the bids submitted for the Work.
The actual amount of work done under each unit price items may differ from the
estimated quantities. The basis of payment for work will be the actual quantities. The
Contractor agrees that he will make no claim for damages, anticipated profits or otherwise
on account of any difference between the amounts of work actually performed and the
estimated amount.
5. Items in Bills of Quantities
Such items are the subject of re-measurement of completion in accordance with the
General Conditions of Contract. Quantities given in the Bills are based upon measurement
from the Contract Drawings and Specifications.
6. Measurement
Metric measurements and weights have been used throughout the Bills of
Quantities. Work is measured net as fixed in position and each measurement is taken to the
nearest centimeter. Fractions of a centimeter less than half are disregarded and all other
fractions are regarded as whole centimeters. This principle shall not apply to dimensions
stated in item descriptions. Where minimum deductions of voids are dealt with they refer
only to openings or voids which are wholly within the boundaries of measured areas.
Openings or voids that are at the boundaries of measured areas are always the subject of
deduction irrespective of size.
7. Descriptions
The order of stating dimensions in descriptions is generally in the sequence of
Length, Width and Height. Unless otherwise stated in the Bills of Quantities or herein, all
measured items are deemed to include supply and fix in place complete, thus all measured
items shall include all incidentals to complete the work in a proper manner such as but not
limited to the following:
(a) Labor.
(b) Materials, including all costs in connection herewith (e.g. conveyance, delivery,
unloading, storing, and handling, lowering into position and the like).
(c) Customs and import duties as applicable, insurance, levies and the like.
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All shop treatment of materials (e.g. Preservation of timbers, galvanizing,
priming, chrome plating, stove enameling, anodizing and the like, pipe
wrapping, coatings, etc.).
Fitting and fixing materials in position includes all necessary fixing devices and
Commissioning & use of plant.
Disposal of waste of material.
Square, raking or curved cutting.
Work in volumes, areas and length of any size, no separate items being
measured for isolated work or work in small quantities, short length, narrow
widths, etc.
Establishment charges, on-costs, overhead charges profits and taxes excluding
the Value Added Tax
Junction between straight, raking and curved work is in all cases included with the
work in which they occur.
Certain items are referenced directly to detail drawings to eliminate detailed
description. All such reference include all work to execute the detail.
Where Specification clauses and /or detail drawing numbers are referred to in a description
such information is provided for convenience only and the Contractor is to note that all
other relevant Specification requirements and relevant drawings and details are to be taken
into account.
8. Abbreviations.
The following abbreviations are used throughout the Bills of Quantities.
Bills of Quantities
L.M. or mr.
Linear meter
M.S or m2.
Square meter
M.C or m3
Cubic Meter
Lump Sum
9. Definitions
The terms “include", “is included“, “including“, and similar, are used herein to
indicate that the items and are not specifically mentioned in the descriptions but the costs of
which are to be included in the measured items.
Such references are not comprehensive and are for convenience only and the
Contractor is to note that all relevant requirements of the Specifications and Drawings are to
be taken into account in the measured items.
The word “Site” used in the Bills of Quantities means the whole of the areas within
the Contract limit lies for this Contract as shown on the Contract Drawings. With reference to
the clearance of debris, rubbish, trash, excavated material and the like the definition is
extended to include the whole of the site.
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The word “ditto” used in the Bills of Quantities means the repetition of all or part of
the preceding item as applicable to complete the sense of the item.
The word “ extra “ used in the Bills of Quantities means the additional cost of the
item of work in question over and above the cost of work already measured.
The word "Provisional" used in the Bills of Quantities means the owner has the right
to cancel or implement the included works, and the Contractor agrees that he will make no
claim for damages, anticipated profits or others as a result.
10. Protection.
All rates in the Bills of Quantities shall include for protection as required and
deemed necessary.
11. Shop Drawings / co-ordinate drawings.
All rates shall include where required for producing shop drawings & co-ordinate
drawings and supporting calculations as requested by the Engineer.
12. As Built Drawings.
All rates shall include for producing one transparency and four (4) copies of all asbuilt drawings and supporting calculations to the approval of the Engineer.
13. Cutting and Patching.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting, patching and making good for all
trades for all work and his prices will be deemed to include for all such cutting and patching
and making good.
1. Setting out of the buildings, yards, car parks, guardroom, retaining walls &
boundaries are to be done by licensed authorized surveyor at the contractor’s
expense and responsibility.
2. Rates and Prices shall be clearly spelled out alphabetically and numerically.
3. No item is to be measured twice under separate headings.
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Jericho Agro Industrial Park
Bill No. 1 Excavation, Earth Works and Embankment Work
The Contractor shall when pricing the rates of this
bill, take into consideration including and allow for
the cost or expenses of all requirements stipulated in
the preambles, drawings, and technical
specifications. The words engineer below means
owner's/Employer's engineer. The rate include the
Cut in any kind of soil, concrete, asphalt or stone walls to
reduce level for site leveling and to reach the desired level
according to drawings and site instructions .The price
should include the removal of excavated materials from
the site to an approved dump location and adjustment
Supply and install granular sub-grade course 40 cm thick
after compaction (2 layers 20cm thick each) second class
for landscaping area, including preparing sub-grade,
mixing, spreading, compacting 100% and finishing.
Including all test required. All according to specifications,
drawings and direction of the site engineer
Ditto but for basecourse first class thick 20cm
Supply and install granular sub-grade course 40 cm thick
after compaction (2 layers 20cm thick each) second class
for roads, including preparing sub-grade, mixing,
spreading and laying cement 10kg / m2 above natural
ground during compaction, compacting 100% and
finishing. Including all test required. All according to
specifications, drawings and direction of the site engineer
Ditto but for basecourse first class thick 20cm
Supply and install soil for embankment between different
levels to prevent erosion. The price should include laying
a layer of natural ground from site, a second layer of
40cm selected approved fill with compaction each 20cm
and a third layer of 30cm agricultural soil as a finish layer.
The price should include hiring a survey engineer to
be present on site during the project time
Total of Bill No. 1
Earth Works - page 1 / 6
Price/ Unit
Total USD
Jericho Agro Industrial Park
Bill No. 2 Steel Works
Supply and install steel ready made fence angles180cm
high fixed 40cm in plain concrete foundation size
(40X40X40 cm ) every 3m length along the boundary
wall of the site, price shall include the cost of
excavation, and disposal of the deprease, subgrade
layer of 80X80X40 cm fine aggregate (16mm one size)
under the foundation, the plain concrete foundation and
welding 3 steel bars Ø 10 35cm length in different
direction embedded in the concrete foundation. All as
shown on drawings and instructed by the site engineer
Supply and install ready made 2.2mm thick galvanized
diagonal streched steel mesh 150cm high for the site
boundary fence, the price should include supplying and
installing of 3mm thick galvanized steel wires to be
stretched on the steel angles each 20 cm high and two
stretched diagonally between each and every support.
All as shown on drawings and instructed by the site
Steel Works
A. The submittal of shop drawings for the
satisfaction of the Engineer prior to fabricating the
B. The fabrication and installation of full scale
model for part of metal works for inspection and
approval of the Engineer before commencement of
Total of Bill No.2
Steel Works - Page 2 / 6
Price / Unit
Total USD
Jericho Agro Industrial Park
Bill No. 3 Soil test
3 soil test
1. Bore Holes
Before the Start of work and in the phase of preparing
the shop drawings, the contractor shall carry out and on
his own expense 10 bore holes 20m depth according to
the following terms:
1.1. Locations of boreholes to be determined in
cooperation with the consultant to avoid duplication with
previous performed test.
1.2. Drilling of boreholes: Boreholes shall be drilled in a
way that the surface and subsurface characteristics can
be assessed. Properties of the subsurface soil or rocks
can be determined through the drilling of boreholes.
1.3. Sampling from Boreholes: Samples shall be taken
at different depths all over the drilling depth. Disturbed
and undisturbed samples shall be taken. For further
investigation, the following undisturbed samples could
be obtained depending on encountered soil or rock.
1.3.1. The core samples will be taken from the rock
layers, using double tube core barrel (3 inches), these
samples will be taken according to (ASTM D 2113-83)
“Diamond core drilling for site investigation”
1.3.2. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) will be
performed to obtain split spoon samples, in order to
assess the consistency and relative density of the soil.
This test will be carried out at interval of 1.5 to 2.0 m, or
when a different layer in encountered during the drilling.
This test will be performed according to (ASTM D 158684), “Standard Test Method Penetration Test and SplitBarrel Sampling of Soils”.
1.3.3. Shelby tube samples will be taken from the
cohesive soil, if encountered. This method of sampling
will be carried out according to (ASTM D 1587),
“Standard Practice for Thin-walled Tube Geotechnical
Sampling of Soils”.
A. soil drill for bedrock, soil and gravel deposits at
20 m depth including standard penetration test at
every 1.5 m intervals in each borehole
Total of Bill No. 3
Bore Holes - Page 3 /6
Price / Unit
Total USD
Jericho Agro Industrial Park
Bill No. 4 Storm Water Channel
The Contractor shall when pricing the rates of this bill,
take into consideration including and allow for the cost
or expenses of all requirements stipulated in the
preambles, drawings, and technical specifications. The
words engineer below means owner's engineer. The
rate include the following:
Cut in any kind of soil, concrete, asphalt or stone walls to
reduce level below site leveling for storm water channel
and to reach the desired level according to drawings and
site instructions .The price should include the removal of
excavated materials from the site to an approved dump
location and adjustment store.
Supply and lay aggregate (16mm one size) first class
depth 50 cm below water channel. The price should
include preparing the natural ground and compacting it
before laying the aggregate. All according to specifications,
drawings and direction of the site engineer
Supply & install blinding Concrete B200 of 28 days cube
crushing strength 200kg/cm2. Price shall include cleaning,
vibration, shuttering and making good of ground surface
before casting the concrete. Price shall include all nails,
forms and equipments needed.
The price should include hiring a survey engineer to be
present on site during the project time
B300 - 300 Kg / CM2]
Supply & install concrete B300 of 28 days cube
crushing strength 300kg/cm2. Price shall include the
1. Cleaning and making good of surfaces before casting of
2. Steel reinforcement workmanship as per drawings.
3. Form-work of any type or shape .
4. Any materials such as nails, wires , 6mm steel for
shuttering or any other material or workmanship needed
for a best completion of the works .
5. Installation of water stop 20 cm high, 1cm thick. For
expansion joints each 12m length.
6. All steel reinforcement of any diameter and shape of
high yield stress steel.
Concrete water channel of any shape, depth and size
4.4.1 (every 12m length) including water channel foundations
and walls.
Total of Bill No. 5
Storm water channel - Page 4 / 6
Price /
Total USD
Jericho Agro Industrial Park
Bill No. 5 Provisional items
The Contractor shall when pricing the rates of this bill, take
into consideration including and allow for the cost or
expenses of all requirements stipulated in the preambles,
drawings, and technical specifications. The words engineer
below means owner's engineer. The rate include the
The price should include hiring a survey engineer to be
present on site during the project time
The Contractor shall, when pricing the rates of this bill,
take into consideration including and allow for the costs or
expenses of all requirements stipulated in the preambles,
Rehabilitation of the existing building on site to be used as
offices for the PIEFZA and all visitors during the entire period of
the project. The contractor should estimate the cost of
rehabilitation of the building including door, windows, painting,
electricity, sanitary, tiles, aluminuim and steel works, insulation,
airconditioning... to be functioned as any normal office building
The following notes should be considered when pricing for the
conduit pipes around the PV site:
1- The price shall include all required digging or excavation
backfilling,coring and cement covering as specified.
2- The price shall include all connections to exsisting drainage
pipes and manholes if needed.includded cutting in tile & asphalt
,retiling,repair the asphalts
3- The contractor must consider keeping the system running
where needed during the whole construction period.
Supply and install UPVC 10" pipes HOLUIOT Taken to the rain
water around the road of the pv site including digging for
pipes,gutting,opening in street,supply with all necessary fittings
5.2.1 such as elbow,tee,Y,….etc,for sewage disposal and vent pipe,
the price allso include for digging,supports,hanggers,and laying
at least 8cm concreate arround the pipes,approve manufacture
for pipes and fittings: ( red blassim)
Supply and install steel ready made fence angles 240cm high
fixed 40cm in plain concrete foundation size (40X40X40 cm )
every 3m length along the boundary wall of the PV site, price
shall include the cost of excavation, and disposal of the
deprease, subgrade layer of 80X80X40 cm fine aggregate
(16mm one size) under the foundation, the plain concrete
foundation and welding 3 steel bars Ø 10 35cm length in
different direction embedded in the concrete foundation. All as
shown on drawings and instructed by the site engineer
Supply and install ready made 2.2mm thick galvanized diagonal
streched steel mesh 200cm high for the PV site boundary, the
price should include supplying and installing of 3mm thick
5.3.1 galvanized steel wires to be stretched on the steel angles each
20 cm high and two stretched diagonally between each and
every support. All as shown on drawings and instructed by the
site engineer
Total of Bill No. 4
Provisional items - Page 5 / 6
Price / Unit
Total USD
Jericho Agro Industrial Park
Summary of Civil Works
Bill No.
Excavation & Earth Works
Steel Works
Soil Test
Storm Water Channel
Provisional items
Total (Excluding Value Added Tax - VAT)
The Sum of (in words)
Contractor Name:
Authorized signatory:
Signature & Stamp :
Summary- Civil - Page 6 / 6
Total ( USD )