Please fill in all blanks completely and sign the agreement before returning it. Please note that it may take up to 2 weeks for the application to be fully processed, and during the interim any new orders will have to be invoiced either via C.O.D. or credit card unless otherwise specified by prior authorization. Thank you for submitting this credit application. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES DATE: Business Name: Business Address: City / State: Date Business Started: Phone # Fax # Soc Sec # Resale # Zip: Partners BANK REFERENCES Bank Name Address: City/State/Zip: Account # Phone # Fax # CREDIT REFERENCES Company: Address: City/State/Zip: Account # Phone # Fax # Company: Address: City/State/Zip: Account # Phone # Fax # Company: Address: City/State/Zip: Account # Phone # Fax # Broker/Salesperson Credit Terms: Accepted _______ Denied _____ Authorized By: Corp Indiv. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Territory Code Approved Credit Limit: Date: Customer verifies that the above information is true and correct and hereby grants permission for any person to furnish Nordic Naturals, Incorporated information, which, may periodically be requested. In addition, customer authorizes Nordic Naturals, Incorporated to make any and all inquiries necessary to process the Credit Application, including pulling credit reports on all responsible parties. Customer agrees to honor all terms and conditions of the most current price list, and assumes all responsibility for attainment of said information. Customer agrees to pay for all deliveries under and pursuant to its accounts, whether ordered by the customer or by any person representing himself/herself/itself to be an agent, employee or representative of the customer. Credit terms are at the discretion of the creditor who may terminate, alter or deny credit terms without notice. All sales on credit are net 30 days from date of invoice, unless otherwise specified on invoice. All past due accounts accrue interest at 2% per month on the declining unpaid balance, or at the legal interest rate, whichever is less. The accrual of payments of interest does not authorize the customer to defer payment of any indebtedness beyond credit terms stated herein. In the event of delinquency of any account, customer agrees to pay all collection costs, attorney’s fees, and court costs in collection of said account, regardless of whether judicial action is undertaken. In the event a check is returned for any reason there will be a $20.00 service fee incurred. Signature Title Date 94 Hangar Way • Watsonville • CA • 95076 • Phone: 800-662-2544 • Fax: 831-724-6600