AFFLICATTON TO TIIE ZONING tsOARB OF APPEALS ror O€i f 'biMeeting (Monttr,Ybar) Fee: $350.00 Today's Date BP# Application No. [b'1'J5 to meet with the building inspector PRIOR. to submitting an application. No application please calithe ZBA Secretary 914'238-4725 to schedule an appointment' will be accepted unless this iras been done. NorE: rt is now mandatory Appiication is hereby made for a variance with respect to the foliowing premises: i \i tco t= owneraaar"r, 33 CAPdr.,ltr) PIM i. OwnerName l1 Address of SIIBJECT ProPerlY Home Phone of APPlicant Ar$+ z. Section ]6- Blo"k---- Totat Lot Area (Sq. 3. Wb *ZZte Located inZone 9j-- Date of Purchase -lot--l-G=LO- ft.) [l 5i B Zb PZ.A on the 5 G.Ll4,L/2,1,2h\ 4. Tlpe of Variance: Bldg. S. Cov.- (Street) I Front- Rear- Side;l Use-- Fence- FAR- Dev.Cov.- Other Amt of Proposed Variance: , ( "lo _feet or percentage of required setback by Town Code? as required Ratio Area Fioor for of regulations schedule Does this application compiy with the VT.T,ruA-P26. siaeo@ (N;S,W,E) MAXIMUM PERMITTED IO, t{ 3 PRoPoSED q I+ { as required by Town code? Does this application comply u,ith Building coverage regulations YNA{A \Eg MAXIMUMPERMITTED S OSG.9 PROPOSED 48 AC" as required by Toum code? Does this applicatiou comply with Development coverage regulations vrNn*a-Yct- I,4AXIMLII4PERMITTED '?rt, )C6" BpRoPoSED lfa, qOCa 7. or percentage and location ofvariance) A briefexplanation for grounds ofapplication for variance (inciuding # offeet pLEASE INCLUpE mrB SpCfiCtr,{ OF TFIE TOWN CODE YOU AR.E SEEKING RELIEF FROM: g. Has any other application been made to the Zoning Board for this 9. Does this appiication require any other Board approvals? 10. The above statements are true to the best Signed by (Owner or Representative) Address and phone if Representative If properly(vN f-]O ? If yes, when and for what' so, please list below and dates 1'6li applied' ledge and belief of the undq! .kff 1trA.6 {EEB-TeEI t2 617 -ZA Appandir C Stete EnvlronmEntsl Quaiity Review SHOHT EF.TVIRONMENTAL ASSESSM ENT FORM For UHLTSTED ACTIOI{S Oniy PAH? !-PtsOJECT INFORhIATION [fO L bE compteted by Applisant or Proieci spcnso0 PR=CISE LOCAT1OH (Stlolt EddrB3 snd road hltEllEettons. promlnant lEniifiErkr- V3 UY I DMoaur*u'iErrarEuon PFIOJECT trtEP) cAe-egt-\ PuxcE C$N?reUA E. .D=SCRIBE atc. or PrwldE BBIFLY: larburLb FCI3t$ltD ( l.ic- Ee AeTe-e- Fr&e "t+ou AMOUT{T OF IJ.}*D AFFEgI'Etr nltuw B. WIII JAgLaaea PROPGEED ACIIIOI{ COL{PLY wlTH EOSTIHG ZOHI}IE OR OTH-trR EEISTIHG L&HD USE FESTRICTTONE? Evo EF" lf Fte, dessrlbE MeflY Ez€Cu E, r€-es 6rpat A€b €eT94t&-Vl&rAl.lcE WHAT IS FH=AEHT TAIID USE IN vIcI}TiTY OF PHG'ECT? Ena'naa .k:I*$, tE. Ecornrneretat EAsrlculture DDES ACTIoH IHVoLYE A PEB}#i' APPBOVAL OR FUHDIF{A NO'iO/ OA ULTIMATELY FBOM AHY OTHEE GOVERFTMEITTAL AGtrJIff IF=D=NEI >tAt !. uFl L#ut NSo E xo It )iaE, tlEt Bggntyl3l and garmluelpre'ala BU\LDrua iI. DO=s AHY ASP=CT Xvo t2. OF E ruo "rPAnnat Pce--nr.tT TT{EAGfl5}T i+AYE A CURREHTLY VAUD PERHTT OE APPECVA.L? It ye€, IBt Bgancry BEi$a snd PerrntuePF.w&l tT\oN P6A$n tT' AS A RESULT OF PHOPOSED ACNDN WILL EXISNHG PEBh/IITJAPPtsOVAL REUIR= }iODIFICATTOH? TO THE B=ST OF MY KF{OWLEDGE I CIETIFY THAT THE I}TFORMATIOH PROVID=D ABOVE IS 'EUE *rrT1_ - 2Cr lf tha aetion is in the Coastal Area, and you are e stata eg=ncy, eo*tpleta the Geasial Assessment Form befere preeeeding with thls essessffiErtt FART Ii-E}{YIRO'F{F*EHTAL ASSESSMENT Oc be cornptetsC Dy Apan}r-) }}=E AgiIO''J AXtrEED AilYTYFA I'i'iiR=Si.iCLD IN E NYtrtsF.. PART 617.4? ll ),eS. CDDrOlhate ttri reusB prc:ggg &nQ sse E lio I v". WILL AG?IOFI EECEIVE COCRDIHAT=D tsEVIEw AS FNoVID:D FoR UNLISTED A'T]oHS IN A NYCEA. FAHT 617.8? tnay De suDersEdad by anolh=r rnvolveE agsEcy. Dv"r i. lf hlq fhE FULL ts *'F. negatrve Oe:iaratrorl EHo DOULD AGTION R=SULT lN Al{Y ADVEP,SE EFF=CTS ASSOCIATED WiTH fH= FOLLOWIHa- {AnEsers rnay De hahowrrrErL ii iE?ibiEI C1. E:isliBg Bir qu8iity, suria=a or grDuno$ater Eualiiy ar quanlity, noise levelt, giislinE lraliic DatlernE. soli6 nasre ErceuetioB or dispasaL pctrntial ,or erEsion. drainagE or ttoodihg problemE? Elplain briEfiF I I I I I CZ ABthsliE" agri;ultuial atchBeologrcal. histori3. or other rialurEl or rultlrral .esourcesi cr ;ommunily or nslghb3rhoo6 trhBra*Er? E:ptlin brieUf: I I I C3- Vegatatlon ai fauna, fislr, Ehaltiish or Brirtiite sp3:lEs, sighitilant haEit&ts. or threatBne6 trr enoangEred sDcciEg? EEptah brilthl I C4' A comnunity's eristing PlatG or goals as orticially adoptBd, or a trhBhBc in use or lntensity o{ use of.!aod or othar ftEtural rEEourcrs? EEFtsir briEtif. cl. Growth, subaBqurnt d3velophBnt, or retared activiiies lihBty !c be in6uced by the rroFose6 atrtion? E:plain brielly. CE- Long iern, shon term, tumutalice, or orher etlecls nor ioantitrBd in C1-C5? Erplaia briElty. C7. olher lrnraEtE fitrtrtuding sh!,ngEs tn usa of EithEr quEniltr or D,p€ ol eherEr)? Erprain briEfly. D, wtLL THE PBOJECT l{AvE A}i lMFAgr oH rHE ENvIRoHIqEHTAL GHARACTEBISTIcS rHAT gALfsED L Dv* IS THERE. OR D v"t riie esraeusHtrEniEF;E? Erio TS THERE UKELY TO D ruo Bi COHTBOVER,SY REI}TED TO POTEHTIAL ADVEtsSE EHYIRONMENTAL IMFACTS? tf Yas. ezptain brtally PART !lt-DEfERhfill'tATlOH OF SIGH!FtCAruCE [o be compietect by Agency) IHSI'HUCTIOHS: Fcr each BdYerse effect identified above, delarminE whether it is substantiat, large, important or othersBlse significanl. Eitect should be asEeEsed in conngction sith lts (e) Eattlng g.e. urban or[ (b] probabltity of occurring; lc] duratiorq (d] =aeh (el BsryraPhic scopE; and (f} magnitude. lf necessary, add attachnrents or reteencE suPpoftiirB metet'iela Easure $rai ineversibiiity'; eNplanatiens ecBtain sufiieient detaii te shBw thai all reievant edversa impaets have been idantiiiBd ahd EdequBtely adCresssd lf question D of Part lt ures chechad y?s. the deie!'rninatlon and significance must evaluate the poteBtial imFBtrt trf thg propo5gd sstion sn the enviFonmenial cheractBrlstiss of the CEA D D Check this bor if you heve identified one or ffiore potsntiatly iarge or significant adverse impacts which ttAy occur. Than proceed direstiy to the FULL EAF andtqr prepare a positive dedaraticn. Check thts bcr if you have det=rmined, based on the information and anal)'sis above and any supporting documEntation, that the proposed action WILL FIOT result in any significant adverse enyironmantat'impacti AND provide on attachments as nscessary, the reasons suppariing this deterrninatiorl: l{anE of Leid ABrncy r.rtrt or I yFa Hdris ar E.sFonirble OilrrE in Lead A6mcy lrBMrure or 1 Rerponsibir@ DaE L rile ot Rsperrliilie Oif lcet Datc tt.t_(e ' {3_ TOWN OF NEW CASTLE 200 South Greeley Avenue Chrpprquq Ne$ York 14514 Tetephone tgl4} ?35471t COVERAGE CALCUT"ATIONS WORKSHEET [See next page for pertinent definitions and other related provisionsl Application Name or Identising Title: Tax Map Designation (Section/Block/I-ot) A. '3e-C4Caa-pu\h\ P(Ae€ -or Froposed kt No. %5 - ol ^ tra. {O ,FEPu.,q F.-\ BUILDING COYERAGE [Enter "0' below if category is not applicable! 1. 2. 3. Total lot area (sg. ft.1 = Maxirnum permitted building coverage (sq. ft.) = Amount of lot flrea covered by prlncipal bulldlng: - 4nUA .*existing (sq. ft.) * proposed -3 f7 llgi_a)-G Bloss,S (sq. tt.; = 4. Amount of lot area covered by sccessory building*: existing (sq. ft.) proposed (sq. ft.) = _ .-, 5. Amount of lot area coYeted by dedc: existing (sq. ft-) + * 44 rz =-*.,. proposed (sq. ft.; = 6. Amount of lot area eovered by porehes: .- GVO exirting (sq. fL) + - ?-??:- proposed (sq. ft,; = 7. Proposed bullding eoyerage: Lines 3 + 4 3qb + 5 + 6 (sq. ft.; = 7 ls less thnn or equnl to [Jne 2r your proposnl complies wlth the Townts regulntions; if Linr 7 ls greuler ihnn Llne 2, your proposal does aot eomply with the Town's regulations. If Line E. DFYEIIIPMET{T COVERAGE [Enter "0" betow if category is not applicable] l. Total lot area (sq- ft.; = Maximum permitted development eoverage (sq. tt.) = 3. Amount from Line 7 in Seciion A ahove (sq. ft.; = Amount sf lot, area covered by drlvway, pnrking ErEs$ ard wallrrrays: qSop existing {sq. ftJ + 4a-t^8, proposed (rq. ft.1 = 5. Amount af lot area covered by terruces: EA,v\tr proposed (sq. ft.; 'lrtpn, existing (sq" rr.f + .*. 6. : *&p b .. z_r 3 o_ Arnount of lot area covered by tennis eour$ platform ternis court, swimmlng pool rnd rehted mehonirnl equipment: existing Gq.ft") ,- proposed (sq. ft.1 = + 1. 8 zG ?t-r]"p ,s- L 4. r rq ----.-----t-# - Amount of lol areff covered by all other strueturss, not including preexisting stone walls: existing (sq. ft.) + :_ Froposed devclopment coverage Lines 3 proposed (sq. tt.; = + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 (sq. ft,1 = If Llne 8 ls less than or equnl to Llne 2, ycur proposal complies with the Town's regulatlons; if Line I ls grenter lhon Llne ?" Jaour proposul does not eomply wlih the Town's regulations. Itrilfefiro+I8.lpm 3/tJEO . fffi ffi TOWH OF NEW CASTLE 200sotilhGreeloyAvoluo,Cheppaqu&tlewYorktr0s14rPh.tag}a3s,4723rFaxt91.4}23+51??oe'mal}@ pors l. 4, [fu' \3 BUII.DING PERMTT NUMBER Property o\ryner: A)Printname: EE€NJA€-b q . UrCcue B,CP^nAN Address: TelsphoneNumuer, Address: faxNr.mber F g_co }..} t \\ $rN,F€ c Area ?> e&za U4ftf P r4f;E address, Zoning oflot: Zb>tlarrrs ll5B2-ft Architcct or Engineer a-*[ tvlaximum permitted floor area Exisring Aaic if Y,HxistmgGarage -_ sq.ft. i6bq .sq.ft- 7 &S rq.n Existing Detached Skucnre(si _ - sq.11 Structure(si_]=-_-sq.ff- floorareaoristing Total floor area proposed Complies $ E+l 1t +l 5E: !3 naxNumber sq.ft. (from chmts) applicable 0 hoposed petached '5 ?-- 3 I G& =-sq.n Existing Basesenl Total {Q rtrstfir,or 4 4 C-Z Existing SecondEfo.qr t/z P\'[6 Gg-t" te , rquare feet NewYorkS6hLiceuseNrmrber \ i\lf{* D e-s{ TelephoneNrmber: Existing _ otoio & LA Address: 4. Nnn Location and description of property: sheer 3. GL-foZ-- Wl PhoneNumb". 2. raxNumber ?? F{r &v.r&*{S DO\rF- Address: E-Mail 9tt 3 tG QB 2.fu rn.u *.n ;17;-', FIcor_pQ Zj__sq. ft ProposedSecond noor b551 Proposed First .....-l % proposed %Proposed Basement I E 4- + t ca.rree Vlb Proposed Attic if applicable O ffi pq.ft sq.n. sq.ft ,/-nt I{EII,n\ ffi /^-qaGS?\ york 200 south Greeley Avenue, chappaqua, New Zalctn g Bo ard of APPeals: Keaoeth Coopet, Chairmaa Gery Golub, Secretary Anthony Giardina Harvey Boneparth Ftrowatd Dubs, Alteraate Building Inspector: Bill Maskiell o ph. (914) zgH:72:3 o Fax (914) losl4 Date: q,. z3*5L77 r e-rnail: buiiding@town'hew-castle'nY-ur L5 Ib Town of New Castle ZornrgBoard of Appeals 200 S. Greeley Avenue Chappaqua, NY Attention: Couasel to the Boardl Lyaa E. Weinig Recording Secretary: Lori A-ndersoo EF roEW GASTLE TOTfrfF{ 10514 Lori Anderson Zorttng Board Secretary TO \I/HOM IT MAY CONCERN: z- Ura-ou€ hereby authorize from (company name) Zortng Board Application together with supporting documents for the ZorungBoard hearing on @q- 3o,)-c\3 will aiso represent (company name) at the the ZorutgBoard Hearing. (Property Owner) Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ru.*U fU-,,r*\r,,* (Property Owner) Attorney) ZCNENG BOARD OF APFEALS Applicant Acknowled gennent agrees to permit Torx'n By making this appiication, the undersigned Appiicant ilspections i:r con:rection officials and tbe:r designated representatives to conduct on-site has been subm:tted with the review of thiJapplication. Any site for which an application and applicant at any shall be subject to i:rspection upoo notice to propeity ownel by the Zoning Board of Appeals or its reasonable ime, inciudrng weekends and hoiidays, the applicant agrees to designated representatii,ei. By making of this application agailst any damage or uroelrrify uo6 nota bam-Iess the Town, its officers and empiol'ees property in iojury tbitrnaybe caused by or arise out of any entry onto the subject consh-uction or u'ithin three (3) con:rection with the pro".rriog of the application, dwing of work' 1,ears after the completion TheApplicantalsoagreestopal'aLlexpensesofpublicationandtbegivingof shall be responsible for public notice ii required *d fof,h", acknowiedges thai he/she sen'ices required for this ieimbursing the Town for the cost of professional ret'iew application. the expenses of It is further acknou4edged by the Applicant that all bills for consuitant review publication and the giving orpuutlc notice as well as professional is notified in igritrng by the services shall be orall"O t"o tUe Applicanq uniess the Tou'n drat such maiirngs sbould be Appiicant at tbetirae of initial submission of the application r"ot to a designated representative rnstead' Si gnature o f APPlicant: Signatuie of Property Ou'ner: Date: ?rro"{o f&*'*, *'o*e: 7 ' 2"' - (V r4//riF,p&arsr, rr/- // Cta & I$W"S/ 7,f ser"*d" **"tr t\$i t* \t\ rf t)* a- \ q ,: Elx E ET E F , l, F q 1 & .{ ,t,1 t* -1 'i I :::\ :::: ,',': I t * I ., $ : tI , ffi 'tl1r '. th ,'fu : ll." L: ',,, S,, ** '.:i: )">{S:ED . ------ ----1-+-'f--?- irirt ,*i t': : f''-r-** t ka..4 t*, :,tI: ,,, i t ",-B ,i,,. lt{/i:" /*ff} : '\: '\i , b, ,t h Q' $ '\\* 9I ls?.# '',' t ,fi,fi#w$A,W: tm#${ : t Y_..,i'--T..- r'*.f rirdlx c -!ddhj*, e. r rrrrtf I LcA.Scrt:ad+ rd b l viclljsiin * t*'m. t -./ iSE*:'ft* Stlii F+r*.qr+ Lry- *II C:zti6eriii*rc 1..el kftir ryEd ier caqriiu. Me bq:}*c iqpal*;{ ges: af A rcar?tg bstbs of |ei:rgr6(sd iry@r Ey rE(EHsqEq4ssiEsE Thc co?ian q -j$d- .'t## irariag.r,t:ir*?eat I d'*4 ady:ifiill,aq f€ryaircrgrer fursfd l| # NEW UNEXCAVATED 13'-1" 23'-0" 15'-7" 47'-7" 25'-5" REMOVE EXISTING FOUNDATION TO BELOW GRADE LEVEL ALIGN 11'-0" EXISTING UNEXCAVATED NEW UNEXCAVATED 11 7/8" TJI @ 16" OC UP FOUNDATION PLAN 11 7/8" TJI @ 16" OC 26'-5" UP REMOVE EXISTING FOUNDATION TO BELOW GRADE LEVEL ALIGN 6'-7" ALIGN REMOVE EXISTING FOUNDATION TO BELOW GRADE LEVEL REVISIONS: DATE: SCALE: REMOVE EXISTING FOUNDATION TO BELOW GRADE LEVEL 39'-6" 1 FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 22'-0" 15'-7" 22'-0" SEPT. 16, 2013 1/4"=1'-0" A1 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT EXISTING UNEXCAVATED BERMAN RESIDENCE 33 CAROLYN PLACE CHAPPAQUA, NY 5'-6" 11'-0" 4'-0" 5'-6" MARY FAITHORN SCOTT ARCHITECT 33 FAIRWAYS DRIVE MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 PHONE: 914-241-6262 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 23'-0" 15'-7" 5'-6" 11'-0" 5'-6" 34'-0" GARAGE PORCH 69'-1" DN KITCHEN 26'-5" PORCH POWDER CLOSET FOYER LAUNDRY W BUTLER'S PANTRY D UP POWDER DN CLOSET UP 21'-0" CLOSET CLOSET FIRST FLOOR PLAN BREAKFAST ROOM 10'-1" FAMILY ROOM 11'-0" PANTRY DINING ROOM VESTIBULE LIBRARY BEDROOM 1 BATH 6'-7" CLOSET REVISIONS: DATE: SCALE: 22'-0" 15'-7" 39'-6" 102'-7" 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 3'-6" SEPT. 16, 2013 1/4"=1'-0" 22'-0" A2 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PORCH BERMAN RESIDENCE 33 CAROLYN PLACE CHAPPAQUA, NY 13'-1" 4'-0" 25'-5" MARY FAITHORN SCOTT ARCHITECT 33 FAIRWAYS DRIVE MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 PHONE: 914-241-6262 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 25'-5" 13'-1" 23'-0" 16'-3" 21'-4" 2'-11" 3'-6" 3'-0" BATH MASTER FOYER LANDING BEDROOM 2 MASTER BEDROOM UP DN W.I.C. CLOSET 5'-0" TRIMMED OPENING HALL OPEN TO BELOW PLAYROOM CLOSET 31'-7" 44'-0" CLOSET CLOSET W.C. DN DRESSING ROOM BATH MASTER BATH SECOND FLOOR PLAN OFFICE BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 4 CLOSET CLOSET W BATH LAUNDRY BATH D REVISIONS: DATE: SCALE: 39'-6" 1 SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 22'-0" 15'-7" 22'-0" SEPT. 16, 2013 1/4"=1'-0" A3 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT TERRACE BERMAN RESIDENCE 33 CAROLYN PLACE CHAPPAQUA, NY MARY FAITHORN SCOTT ARCHITECT 33 FAIRWAYS DRIVE MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 PHONE: 914-241-6262 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 1 FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" REVISIONS: DATE: SCALE: SEPT. 16, 2013 1/4"=1'-0" A4 BERMAN RESIDENCE 33 CAROLYN PLACE CHAPPAQUA, NY PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT FRONT ELEVATION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT MARY FAITHORN SCOTT ARCHITECT 33 FAIRWAYS DRIVE MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 PHONE: 914-241-6262 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 2 RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" REVISIONS: DATE: SCALE: SEPT. 16, 2013 1/4"=1'-0" A5 BERMAN RESIDENCE 33 CAROLYN PLACE CHAPPAQUA, NY PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT RIGHT ELEVATION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT MARY FAITHORN SCOTT ARCHITECT 33 FAIRWAYS DRIVE MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 PHONE: 914-241-6262 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 1 REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" REVISIONS: DATE: SCALE: SEPT. 16, 2013 1/4"=1'-0" A6 BERMAN RESIDENCE 33 CAROLYN PLACE CHAPPAQUA, NY PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT REAR ELEVATION PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT MARY FAITHORN SCOTT ARCHITECT 33 FAIRWAYS DRIVE MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 PHONE: 914-241-6262 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT 1 LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" REVISIONS: DATE: SCALE: SEPT. 16, 2013 1/4"=1'-0" A7 BERMAN RESIDENCE 33 CAROLYN PLACE CHAPPAQUA, NY PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT LEFT ELEVATION\ PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT MARY FAITHORN SCOTT ARCHITECT 33 FAIRWAYS DRIVE MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 PHONE: 914-241-6262 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT