Vrije Universiteit Brussel Better utilization of available transport capacity to distribute freight in a city: ideating on innovative an unexplored combinations and collaborations P&G INNOVATION PRODUCT COMMERCIAL SUPPLY Supply Innovation CityLab • Topic MG-5.2-2014 Reducing impacts and costs of freight and service trips in urban areas • 1 May 2015 – 30 Apr 2018 • 7 cities in 6 countries • 24 partners General objective… Develop knowledge and solutions that result in roll-out, up-scaling and further implementation of cost effective strategies, measures and tools for emission free city logistics in urban centres by 2030. Axes for intervention • Highly fragmented last-mile deliveries in city centres • Inefficient deliveries to large freight attractors and public administrations • Urban waste, returns and recycling • Logistics sprawl Oslo Rotterdam London Brussels Southampton Paris Rome Living lab I. Knowledge Trends: service trips, logistics sprawl, e-commerce, waste & recycling Existing logistics solutions and their impacts & role of partnership Understand existing urban freight in living labs Assess target of CO2-free urban freight by 2030 via the Observatory of Strategic Development Impacting Urban Logistics II. Brussels Setting up London living labs Oslo Paris Rome Rotterdam Southampton III. Implementations IV. Evaluation V. Replication and take-up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. New distribution hubs and clean vehicles Floating depot and clean vehicles Increase van load factors Reduce trips at public buildings Reduce trips at shopping centres Integrate direct and reverse logistics flows Develop “logistics hotels” Impact and process evaluation Sustainability analysis and business models Willingness to pay for sustainable solutions Transferability to other living labs Transferability to non living lab cities Collaboration with US initiatives CityLab Brussels Increasing Load Factors by Utilizing Free Transportation Capacity - For P&G: to Supply Urban Small Footprint Stores + For X: to Supply Y In City Centers Urbanization 66% -2050- Issues for city logistics Challenges for city logistics Brussels ~900 small stores in Brussels Highest congestion levels Europe Deliveries characterised by: − Small quantities − Suboptimal load factors Small stores in Brussels Living Lab Brussels: utilize free capacity Expected impact • Better transport asset utilization • Fewer vehicle kilometers Stakeholders Logistics service provider Local Authorities Wholesaler Distributor Supermarkets Shoppers Consumers Inhabitants Receiving parties (small shops, ...) Shippers Free capacity … Ideation Individual Brainstorm: post its • Where is underutilized transport capacity in cities? Discussion: group based on post-its • How to identify this free capacity for freight? • How can we make the best use of capacity? • How to set up physical and info flow? Project Team Dr. Sara Verlinde Phone +32 2 629 24 11 Email sara.verlinde@vub.ac.be Bram Kin Phone +32 2 629 24 11 Email bram.kin@vub.ac.be Prof. Cathy Macharis Phone +32 2 629 22 86 Email cathy.macharis@vub.ac.be Stefan Bottu (P&G SNIC) Phone +32 2 456 6567 Email bottu.s@pg.com Lieven Deketele (P&G SNIC) Phone +32 2 456 3638 Email deketele.l@pg.com Feedback and Questions