Relu Ilie, Israel Electric Corporation, and Isidor Kerszenbaum, Exponent, Inc. Abstract—For availability reasons, many generating utilities keep in storage custom designed spare transformers, readily available and identical to their critical large power transformers. However, in case an exact replacement is not available, the only option the generating utility has is to search for a substitute transformer that, as a minimum, is able to offer a temporary solution. The purpose of this paper is to indicate the most important aspects to be considered when checking the interchangeability of such substitute transformer, based on authors' experience and on various standards requirements. transformer (UAT) and the station service/reserve transformer (SST). A failure of any one of these transformers may lead to unit shutdown or start-up unavailability. II. GENERAL LAYOUT Issues to Consider when Substituting Large Power Transformers in Generating Stations The UT may consist of a single three-phase unit, two halfsize three-phase units, or three single-phase units. This is the most evident aspect to consider when a substitute transformer is needed. When designing a new plant, the selection among these alternatives is generally based on consideration of some form Index Terms—power plants, power transformers. of strategic reserve, as well as available space. Two half-size transformers may be selected in place Relu Israel Electric Corporation, and Isidor Kerszenbaum, Exponent, Inc. of a single full-size I. Ilie, INTRODUCTION transformer in order to reduce the cost of the spare. For HE power transformer is a reliable device, yet not failuresimilar reasons, a generator transformer may be made as a free. It has no moving parts, consequently neither the bank of single-phase units. Normally the cost, mass, and loss typical faults of rotating machines. On the other hand, the of such a solutions are larger may than be formade a single three-phase reasons, generator transformer as a bank of singleAbstract—For availability reasons, many generating utilities large transformers are oil-immersed and suffer from other transformer; however,the theycost, maymass, be preferable if transport size phase units. Normally and loss of such solutions keep in storage custom designed spare transformers, faults, mainly chemically or electrically related. A transformer are for aapply. single The three-phase transformer; however, they readily available and identical to their critical large power or larger weightthan limits three single-phase transformers internal fault may beinvery to locate and to is repair. be preferable if magnetic transport circuits size or weight limitsXI apply. The transformers. However, casedifficult an exact replacement not In may provide independent (see Section below), many the cases, the ownerthe may decide that it ishas faster and cheaper three single-phase transformers provide independent magnetic available, only option generating utility is to search representing high magnetizing impedance for zero-sequence buy a new transformer than repair an old damaged Section XI below), representing high magnetizing for ato substitute transformer that, as to a minimum, is able to offerone. circuits voltage (see components. Therefore, a delta equalizer winding is Even when the repair is worthwhile, it mayis to lastindicate for many impedance for zero-sequence voltage components. Therefore, a a temporary solution. The purpose of this paper normally provided, implemented by external connection delta equalizer winding is normally provided, implemented by the most important aspects to be considered when checking months. betweenconnection phase units. between phase units. the interchangeability of such substituteused transformer, on are external Almost all large transformers in powerbased plants Some layouts may maypose poseother other complications, Some layouts complications, likelike UATUAT with authors’ experience and on various standards requirements. custom-designed. Keeping in storage suitable spare with three-winding design. three-winding design. Index Terms—power plants, power transformers. transformers is a common practice, for the purpose of avoiding long unplanned outages and high economic losses. In I. Introduction III.DD imensionsAND and WEIGHT eight III. IMENSIONS case an exact replacement is not device, available, option the HE power transformer is a reliable yet the not only failure-free. Any physical size and weight limitations should be checked, physical size andonweight limitations should be utilityparts, has consequently is to search for a substitute transformer Itgenerating has no moving neither the typical faults for Any example for installation an existing foundation. Special checked, for example for installation on an existing that, asmachines. a minimum, to offer temporary solution than installation space restrictions may influence the insulation of rotating On is theable other hand, athe large transformers foundation. Special installation space restrictions may are oil-immersed andsome sufferoperational from other constraints. faults, mainly chemically may introduce The goal of this clearan or electrically A transformer internal fault may be very paper is related. to mention the most important aspects to be influence the insulation clearances and terminal locations on difficult to locatewhen and tochecking repair. In the many cases, the owner of maysuch EHV EHV/HV EHV considered interchangeability decide that it is faster and cheaper to buy a new transformer than substitute transformer. The discussion is based on the various to repair an old damaged one. Even when the repair is worthwhile, requirements it may last for manyincluded months. in relevant American and European UT UT standards. Almost all large transformers used in power plants are customThe most common generating station arrangements are designed. Keeping in storage suitable spare transformers is a common practice, for the avoiding long unplanned shown in Fig. 1: purpose a unit of generator-transformer block GCB outages and high economic losses. In case an exact replacement configuration, and a unit generator-transformer with generator UAT SST UAT is notbreaker. available, only option the generating utility plant has isare to the Thethe vital large transformers in a power search forstep-up/main/generator a substitute transformer transformer that, as a minimum, is able to unit (UT), the auxiliary offer a temporary solution than may introduce some operational MV MV MV constraints. The goal of this paper is to mention the most important aspects to be considered when checking the interchangeability a) Unit generator-transformer b) Unit generator-transformer configuration with generator breaker of such substitute transformer. The discussion is based on the cesblock and terminal locations on the transformer. various requirements included in relevant American and European Fig. 1. Common generating station arrangements. standards. The most common generating station arrangements are shown in Fig. 1: a unit generator-transformer block configuration, and UT and UAT are connected to the generator through isolated a unit generator-transformer with generator breaker. The vital phase bus ducts. The high/extra high voltage terminals of the large transformers in a power plant are the unit step-up/main/ UT may be connected to gas insulated switchgear. The medium generator transformer (UT), the auxiliary transformer (UAT) and voltage connections to plant auxiliaries are also normally done via the station service/reserve transformer (SST). A failure of any rigid, non-segregated phase bus bars or cables. All these aspects one of these transformers may lead to unit shutdown or start-up must be checked and solved when looking for a transformer unavailability. replacement. T T II. General Layout The UT may consist of a single three-phase unit, two halfsize three-phase units, or three single-phase units. This is the most evident aspect to consider when a substitute transformer is needed. When designing a new plant, the selection among these alternatives is generally based on consideration of some form of strategic reserve, as well as available space. Two half-size transformers may be selected in place of a single full-size transformer in order to reduce the cost of the spare. For similar IV. Rated Frequency In the unlikely situation a transformer designed for a different frequency is considered, the following applies. The rated frequency radically affects the transformer design and operation. The general formula of voltage e induced by a variable flux φ in a coil with N turns is e = -N dφ/dt. Assuming a sinusoidal flux φ = Φm cos ωt, the induced voltage becomes e = ω N Φm sin ωt. Its rms value will be, in terms of core cross section A and flux density Bm [1]: E = 2π/√2 f N Φm = 4.44 f N A Bm. 2013 אוגוסט,46 גליון (1) 62 According to (1), operating at 50 Hz a transformer designed for 60 Hz means that the same voltage can be achieved only by a substantial increase in the flux density. The core iron will become heavily saturated, the excitation current will rise and also the hysteresis losses (proportional to the area of the hysteresis loop), which could severely overheat and damage the laminations. A 50 Hz transformer needs roughly 12% more iron in its core than a 60 Hz unit, and also more winding turns. When operating frequency is 60 Hz in contrast to a 50 Hz design, there is too much iron in the core. The hysteresis losses will be higher than the designed value (because iron volume and increased frequency), thus decreasing the efficiency. More importantly, the eddy currents losses will heat up the laminations, because they tend to increase as the square of the frequency. Operation of a 50 Hz rated transformer at 60 Hz may be sometime possible, but it may have to be derated from its nameplate MVA rating [2], depending on the new versus rated voltage. V. MVA Rating The substitute transformer rated MVA is obviously a first parameter to consider. When a new plant is designed, the UT rating is chosen to ensure that it will not represent a bottleneck of unit capability, under any possible operating condition. However, a substitute UT poses a different perspective: using a smaller MVA rating than the original one means generating unit derating, nevertheless it is normally preferable to a complete shut-down, taking into consideration the long time needed to obtain an exact replacement. In the case of a transformer (especially UT) substitution, it is essential to pay attention to the differences among the various standards about the definition of rated power. The IEC 60076-1 [3] definition implies that rated MVA is the apparent input power, received when rated voltage is applied to the primary winding and rated current flows through the terminals of the secondary winding; the output power is, in principle, the rated power minus the power consumption in the transformer (active and reactive losses). Differently, by the North America conventions (IEEE C57.12.80 [4]), the rated MVA is the output power that can be delivered at rated secondary voltage. If the transformer nameplate mentions a certain rated power and if it was designed in conformity with the American standards, the significance is that its primary (connected to the generator) would be able to receive a higher than rated power. If for instance, the UT impedance is 15%, it should be able to accept a primary MVA higher up to about 15% than the rated one, including load and magnetizing losses (in the worst conditions of lagging power factors). Exact values can be obtained by using the equivalent circuit of the transformer. Contrarily, such intrinsic capability will not be available in transformer exhibiting the same rated MVA, but designed to IEC requirements. The situation inverts under leading power factors (Mvar absorbed from the system) but this is a less likely regime, especially when a substitute transformer is involved. A transformer may be able under some limitations to carry loads in excess of nameplate rating. In the case of a substitute transformer, the expected regime is a long-time emergency loading that may persist for months. Both IEEE and IEC have standards specially dedicated to such loading aspects (IEC 60076-7 [5], IEEE C57.91 [6]). The application of a load in excess of nameplate rating involves accelerated ageing and risk of premature failure, for instance: deterioration at high temperatures of conductor insulation, other insulation parts and oil, overheating of metallic parts, increased gassing in the oil, high stresses in bushings, tap-changers, connections and current transformers, brittleness of gasket materials. In general, the larger the transformer the more vulnerable. Both above mentioned standards give similar maximum 61 2013 אוגוסט,46 גליון temperature limits that should not be exceeded in case of long– time loading beyond the nameplate rating: current 1.3 per-unit, winding hot-spot temperature 140 ºC (instead of 120 ºC at normal loading), top-oil temperature 110-115 ºC (instead of 105 ºC at normal loading). The increased ageing rate due to a hotspot temperature of 140 ºC is 17.2 times higher than normal for upgraded paper insulation and 128 times higher than normal for non-upgraded paper insulation [5]. VI. Rated Voltages Finding a substitute transformer with suitable primary and secondary rated voltages is a challenging task, difficult to be selected intuitively. Additionally, a transformer design for a certain voltage determines the size of the core and has a significant impact on the overall transformer size and cost. The system and transformer medium/high/extra high voltage ratings are well standardized and correlated in ANSI C84.1 [7] and IEC 60038 [8]. However, the generators standards do not specify standard series, neither preferable values for the rated stator voltage. The generator stator voltage rating is normally fixed by agreement, and in many cases it is simply the generator manufacturer decision, according to its available design. Therefore, it is quite difficult to match between UT/UAT primary rated voltage and generator rated voltage. Section VII deals in details with transformers having rated voltages lower than expected operational voltages. Contrarily, it may be possible to use transformers with rated voltages higher than the operational ones, providing that the rated current will not be exceeded. Practically in such case the substitute transformer might be oversized and then unsuitable, because of larger core size and longer insulation distances. Ideally, it is desirable for a generator to be able to absorb Mvar to its limit when the system voltage is at its highest expected level and to produce Mvar to its limit, when the system voltage is at its lowest expected level. This is seldom possible for a fixed tap setting in the UT, and thus a compromise may have to be made by selecting the appropriate tap rating to meet the most likely operating condition. It is important to note that the reactive power consumed by the UT will absorb a significant part of the generator Mvar output under most conditions. IEEE C57.116 [9] recommends selecting the main parameters of UT (rated voltages, rated MVA, impedance, and over-excitation) by portraying graphically their effect under various operation conditions. While this method is mainly dedicated to a new plant project, it may be also used in case of a substitute transformer. A typical graph (Fig. 2) shows the change in generator voltage with generator reactive load, for various constant transmission system voltages. The graph allows predicting the Mvar capability (both lead and lag) at any given system voltage, keeping the ±5% generator voltage limits, as required by IEEE C50.12 [10], IEEE C50.13 [11] and IEC 60034-1 [12]. The example in Fig. 2 was built on a spreadsheet using equations based on transformer phasors diagram [9]. For a potential substitute transformer, such graphs should be drawn for any available tap/ratio at anticipated MW, and analyzed in order to choose the most suitable tap voltages (according to the forecasted system voltage profile) that will pose minimum restrictions to unit operation: range of available Mvar, synchronization ability, etc. Of course, a substitute transformer may not allow a full range of loading; normally some limitations (e.g. in reactive capabilities) may be acceptable. References [13] and [14] propose other graphs, more complete but also more complex, which take in consideration additional restrictions, such as: generator maximum excitation limit, generator under-excited reactive ampere limit, UT limits (at lower than rated tap voltage), turbine MW limit, and auxiliary bus-bars (motors) voltage limits. Such graph shows the reactive power 33 UT UTRatio Ratio2222/ 399 / 399kV kV(Tap (Tap5),5),Generator GeneratorNet NetOutput Output576 576MW MW UT UTRating Rating650 650MVA, MVA,UT UTImpedance Impedance17%, 17%,Generator GeneratorRated RatedVoltage Voltage2222kVkV Generator Voltage (per-unit) Generator Voltage (per-unit) 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 420 420 kVkV System System Voltages: Voltages: 412 kVkV 412 410 kVkV 410 408 408 kVkV 406 kVkV 406 400 400 kVkV 380 380 kVkV 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.95 -100 -100-80-80-60-60-40-40-20-20 0 0 2020 4040 6060 8080 100 100120 120140 140160 160180 180200 200220 220240 240260 260280 280300 300 Generator GeneratorReactive ReactivePower PowerOutput OutputNet NetValue Value Transferred Transferredtoto(+) (+)ororfrom from(-)(-)UT UT(Mvar) (Mvar) is not meant to be systematically utilized in normal service, but should be reserved relatively rare casesother of emergency References References [13] [13]for and and [14] [14] propose propose other graphs, graphs,service more more under limited periods ofcomplex, time. IEEE C57.12.00 defines the complete complete but butalso also more more complex, which which take takeinin[16] consideration consideration over-fluxrestrictions, capability insuch asuch different way: secondary voltage and V/ additional additional restrictions, as: as:generator generator maximum maximum excitation excitation Hz up to 105% of rated values when load power factor is 0.80 limit, limit, generator generatorunder-excited under-excitedreactive reactiveampere amperelimit, limit,UT UTlimits limits or higher (lagging). Taking into account the previous consider(at (at lower lower than than rated rated tap tap voltage), voltage), turbine turbine MW MW limit, limit, and and ations, this additional requirement may result in 10-15% primary auxiliary auxiliary bus-bars bus-bars (motors)voltage voltagefor limits. limits. Such Such graph graph shows shows overvoltage (and (motors) over-excitation) a fully loaded generator step-up transformer built under IEEE. Fortunately, generators are the the reactive reactive power powertransferred transferred to/from to/from the thegrid grid(at (atUT UThigh high only capable of operation 5% above or 5% below voltage voltage side) side)as asacontinuous afunction functionof ofsystem systemuntil voltage, voltage, and andforecast forecast the the their rated voltage,operation. by [10]-[12] (i.e.graph V/Hz can until 105% atobtained generator area area ofof allowable allowable operation. This This graph canbe bealso also obtained base) so the above overvoltage capabilities are rarely exploited. ininFor aaspreadsheet spreadsheet using using suitable suitable equations equations (Fig. (Fig. 3). 3). UAT and SST the impedance is usually smaller than for UT, they often work not fully loaded and the primary voltage will norVII. VERVOLTAGE VERVOLTAGE LLIMITS IMITS mally not rise byVII. moreOO than a few percentage points for a secondary increase of 5%. The The purpose purpose ofof this this section section isis toto show show how how low low the the Another aspect related to an overvoltage isorder whether substitute-transformer substitute-transformer rated rated voltages voltages may maycondition be be inin order toto the UT and UAT will be subjected to load rejection. Sudden loss withstand withstand the thehighest highestexpected expectedvoltages voltageson onitsitsterminals. terminals. of load can subject these transformers to substantial overvoltage. The The standards standards define define the the maximum maximum winding winding voltage voltage based If saturation occurs, substantial exciting current will flow,based which on on the the insulation insulation withstand withstand capability capability (in (in IEC IEC 60076-3 60076-3 [15] [15] itit may overheat the core and damage the transformer. A sudden isisunit called called the thehighest highest for forequipment, equipment, while ininANSI ANSI unloading duringvoltage avoltage fault may be caused bywhile the clearing of a C84.1 C84.1 [7] [7] ititisisand, the themaximum maximum systemvoltage). voltage). system fault hence, the system machine may be at the ceiling of its excitation system; the may bethe excited with and voltAccording According toto (1), (1),unit the thetransformer ratio ratio between between the voltage voltage and ages exceeding 130% of system normal [18], [19].the With the excitation frequency frequency (V/Hz) (V/Hz) ofofthe the systemto towhich which thetransformer transformer isis control indetermines service, thethe over-excitation will generally be reduced connected connected determines thenominal nominalflux flux density density atatwhich which the the to safe limits in a few(assuming seconds; with thenumber excitation transformer transformer operates operates (assuming the the number ofofcontrol turns turns out atat aofa service, the over-excitation may be sustained and damage can ocparticular particular tap tap will will remain remain constant). constant). Normally, Normally, the the transformer transformer cur (unless dedicated V/Hz protection exists). Both IEC 60076-1 isis[3] economically economically designed designedto[16] tooperate operate atasashigh highasasoperation possible possibleflux and IEEE C57.12.00 allowatcontinuous atflux no density, density, while while avoiding avoiding saturation saturation of of the the core. core. System System load at a voltage or V/Hz up to 110% of the rated values. For the frequency frequency normally normally controlled controlled within withinclose close limits; limits; thus, thus,the the particularisis case of transformers connected directly to generators system systemvoltage voltageisisthe themain mainfactor factorresponsible responsiblefor forover-fluxing over-fluxing System SystemVoltage Voltage(kV) (kV) 320 320 1200 1200 1100 1100 1000 1000 900 900 Reactive Power Transferred to (+) or from (-) System (Mvar) Reactive Power Transferred to (+) or from (-) System (Mvar) between betweenUT/UAT UT/UATprimary primaryrated ratedvoltage voltageand andgenerator generatorrated rated voltage. voltage. transferred to/from the grid (at UT high voltage side) as a function Section Section VII VIIdeals deals indetails detailsthe with with transformers transformers having having rated rated of system voltage, andinforecast area of allowable operation. This graph can be also obtainedoperational in a spreadsheet using suitable voltages voltages lower lower than than expected expected operational voltages. voltages. Contrarily, Contrarily, equations (Fig. 3). it it may may be be possible possible toto use use transformers transformers with with rated rated voltages voltages higher higher than than the the operational operational ones, ones, providing providing that that the the rated rated Overvoltage Limits inin such current current will will not notVII. bebe exceeded. exceeded. Practically Practically such case case the the The purpose of this section is to show how low the substitutesubstitute substitute transformer transformermight mightbe beoversized oversizedand andthen thenunsuitable, unsuitable, transformer rated voltages may be in order to withstand the highbecause because ofoflarger largercore core sizeterminals. and andlonger longerinsulation insulationdistances. distances. est expected voltages onsize its Ideally, Ideally, it it is is desirable desirable for for a a generator generator to to be be able able totoabsorb absorb The standards define the maximum winding voltage based Mvar Mvar to to its its limit limit when when the the system system voltage voltage is is at at its its highest highest on the insulation withstand capability (in IEC 60076-3 [15] it is expected expected level leveland and toto produce produce Mvar Mvarwhile toto itsits limit,C84.1 when when[7] the the called the highest voltage for equipment, in limit, ANSI itsystem is the maximum voltage). system voltage voltageisissystem atatitsitslowest lowestexpected expectedlevel. level.This Thisisisseldom seldom According the tap ratio between the voltage and frequency possible possible for for to aa (1), fixed fixed tap setting setting in in the the UT, UT, and and thus thus aa (V/Hz) of themay system to to which the transformer isthe connected decompromise compromise mayhave have tobe bemade made by byselecting selecting theappropriate appropriate termines thetoto nominal flux density at which the transformer opertap taprating rating meet meetthe themost mostlikely likely operating operating condition. condition. ItItisis ates (assuming the that number turns atpower a particular tap will important important totonote note thatthe theof reactive reactive power consumed consumed by byremain the theUT UT constant). Normally, the transformer is economically designed to will will absorb absorb a a significant significant part part of of the the generator generator Mvar Mvar output output operate at as high as possible flux density, while avoiding saturaunder under most conditions. conditions. tion ofmost the core. System frequency is normally controlled within IEEE IEEE C57.116 C57.116 [9] [9] recommends recommends selecting the the main main close limits; thus, the system voltage is theselecting main factor responparameters parameters ofofUT UT(rated (rated voltages, voltages,rated rated MVA, MVA, impedance, and and sible for over-fluxing (over-excitation). When the impedance, V/Hz ratios are over-excitation) over-excitation) by byofportraying portraying graphically graphically theireffect effectunder under exceeded, saturation the magnetic core of thetheir transformers may occur, and stray fluxconditions. may be induced inthis non-laminated various various operation operation conditions. While While this method method isiscompomainly mainly nents that to are designed to carry flux. This canused cause severe dedicated dedicated toaanot new new plant plantproject, project, ititmay maybe bealso also used inincase caseofof overheating in theAtransformer and eventual alocalized asubstitute substitute transformer. transformer. Atypical typicalgraph graph (Fig. (Fig.2)2)breakdown shows showsthe the of the core assembly and/or winding insulation. change changeiningenerator generatorvoltage voltagewith withgenerator generatorreactive reactiveload, load,for for As mentioned before, the IEC 60076-1 [3] definitions imply various various constant constant transmission transmission system system voltages. voltages. The The graph graph that rated voltage is applied to primary winding, and the voltage allows allowsthe predicting predicting the Mvar Mvarcapability capability (both leadand and lag) lag)atat across secondarythe terminals differs from(both rated lead voltage (defined any any given given system system voltage, voltage, keeping keeping the the ±5% ±5% generator generator voltage voltage in no-load condition) by the voltage drop/rise in the transformer. limits, limits,asasrequired required by byIEEE IEEE[16] C50.12 C50.12 [10], [10], IEEE IEEE C50.13[11] [11] Contrarily, by IEEE C57.12.00 the rated output isC50.13 delivered at and andIEC IEC 60034-1 60034-1 [12]. [12].according to IEEE definition, allowance rated secondary voltage; for voltage drop hasinin toFig. be made in the design that the necessary The Theexample example Fig. 22was was built built on onasoaspreadsheet spreadsheet using using primary voltage can betransformer applied to thephasors transformer (at a secondary equations equations based based on on transformer phasors diagram diagram [9]. [9].For Foraa load lagging power factor of 0.80 such orsuch higher). For instance, adrawn UT potential potential substitute substitute transformer, transformer, graphs graphs should should be bedrawn with a impedance of 15% (typical range: 13–17%) designed ac-inin for forany anyavailable availabletap/ratio tap/ratioatatanticipated anticipatedMW, MW,and andanalyzed analyzed cording to IEEE shall withstand continuously primary voltages order order to to choose choose the the most most suitable suitable tap tap voltages voltages (according (according toto as high as 110% of the rated value when fully loaded at a power the the forecasted forecasted system system voltage voltage profile) profile) that that will will pose pose minimum minimum factor of 0.80 (value calculable using the transformer equivalent restrictions restrictions to unit unit operation: operation: range range ofof available available Mvar, Mvar, circuit). Such to hidden capability will not be available in the case of synchronization ability, the etc. etc. Of course, course, aa substitute substitute asynchronization transformer whichability, follows IECOf requirements. transformer transformer may not not60076-1 allow allowa[3], afull full rangeofofloading; loading; normally Accordingmay to IEC a range transformer shall benormally capable ofsome continuous operation up to voltagecapabilities) or V/Hz (the standard some limitations limitations (e.g. (e.g. inin105% reactive reactive capabilities) may may be be meaning is per each winding). IEC 60076-8 [17] adds that this acceptable. acceptable. 800 800 340 340 350 350 360 360 370 370 Generator GeneratorOverexcited OverexcitedLimit Limit Generator Power GeneratorUnity Unity PowerFactor Factor GeneratorUnderexcited UnderexcitedLimit Limit Generator GeneratorVoltage Voltage105% 105% Generator 700 700 GeneratorVoltage Voltage100% 100% Generator 600 600 GeneratorVoltage Voltage95% 95% Generator 500 500 Motors MotorsVoltage Voltage110% 110% 400 400 Motors MotorsVoltage Voltage90% 90% 300 300 UTUTLimits Limits 200 200 100 100 00 -100 -100 -200 -200 -300 -300 -400 -400 -500 -500 -600 -600 -700 -700 -800 -800 -900 -900 -1000 -1000 -1100 -1100 -1200 -1200 Fig. Fig.2.2. Change Changeiningenerator generatorvoltage voltagewith withgenerator generatorreactive reactiveload loadfor forvarious various system systemvoltages. voltages. 330 330 UNIT UNITOPERATION OPERATIONLIMITS LIMITS (shaded (shadedarea) area) 947 947 MVA MVA UTUT Rated Rated Power Power 23.13 23.13 kVkV UTUT Primary Primary Voltage Voltage 345 345 kVkV UTUT Secondary Secondary Voltage Voltage 9.17% 9.17% UTUT Impedance Impedance 1.585 1.585 kAkA UTUT Tap Tap Current Current 1006 1006 MVA MVAGen. Gen. Rated Rated Power Power 854.9 854.9 MW MWGen. Gen. Active Active Power Power 530 530 Mvar MvarGen. Gen. Overex. Overex. Limit Limit -346 -346 Mvar MvarGen. Gen. Underex. Underex. Limit Limit 2424 kVkV Gen. Gen. Rated Rated Voltage Voltage 6060 MVA MVA UAT UAT Rated Rated Power Power 2424 KVKV UAT UAT Primary Primary Voltage Voltage 7.07 7.07 KVKV UAT UAT Secondary Secondary Voltage Voltage 7.50% 7.50% UAT UAT Impedance Impedance 42.42 42.42 MW MWUnit Unit Aux. Aux. Active Active Load Load 30.71 30.71 Mvar Mvar Unit Unit Aux. Aux. React. React. Load Load 6.66.6 kVkV Motors Motors Rated Rated Voltage Voltage 330 330 kVkV Syst. Syst. Volt. Volt. Lowest Lowest Limit Limit 362 362 KVKV Syst. Syst. Volt. Volt. Highest Highest Limit Limit Fig.3 Fig.3 Reactive Reactivepower powertransferred transferredto/from to/fromsystem systemasasa afunction functionofofsystem system voltage voltage(operation (operationarea arealimit). limit). 2013 אוגוסט,46 גליון 60 4 (over-excitation). When the V/Hz ratios are exceeded, saturation of the magnetic core of the transformers may occur, and stray fluxthat may be may induced in non-laminated components in such a way they be subjected to load rejection (i.e. that are not designed to carrybreaker), flux. This canancause severe configurations without generator [3] has additional localized overheating in the 1.4 transformer and eventual requirement: to be able to withstand times rated primary voltage for 5 seconds. breakdown of the core assembly and/or winding insulation. As mentioned before, the IEC 60076-1 [3] definitions Connection VIII.that Arrangement Phase Dwinding, isplacement imply rated voltage is applied and to primary and the Normally the high voltage system is grounded, leading the voltage across the secondary terminals differs from rated UT’s high voltage windings to be star connected, with the neutral voltage (defined in no-load condition) byisthe voltage drop/rise often solidly grounded. The reason for this mainly related to in the transformer. Contrarily, by IEEE C57.12.00 [16] the equipment insulation level and system protection requirements. ratedsignificant output is delivered at rated secondary voltage; according The consequence as regards the transformer high voltage is the possibility use non-uniform, to IEEEwindings definition, allowance fortovoltage drop has tocheaper be made insulation systems neutral terminal insulation is designed in the design so (i.e. thatthethe necessary primary voltage can be with a lower insulation level than for the line terminals). applied to the transformer (at aassigned secondary load lagging power On the other hand, it is convenient to have the low voltage windings factor of 0.80 or higher). For instance, a UT with a impedance delta connected (the delta circuit provides a path for third-order of 15% (typical range: 13–17%) designed according to IEEE harmonics of the magnetizing currents, thus reducing the voltage shall withstand continuously primary voltages high as waveform distortion; it also stabilizes the neutral pointas potential 110% of the rated value when fully loaded at a power factor in the case it is left ungrounded). The most common connection /ofangular used for UTs is YNd1 [9], 0.80 (phase) (value displacement calculable using thelarge transformer equivalent [14], however is also encountered 4). available in the circuit). SuchYNd11 hidden capability will (Fig. not be Forofsimilar reasons,which commonly thethe UAT windings case a transformer follows IECprimary requirements. (connected to the generator side) are delta connected, while the be According to IEC 60076-1 [3], a transformer shall secondary ones are star connected through a current-limiting capable of continuous operation up to 105% voltage or V/Hz resistor. The most common connections used for UAT are Dyn11 (the standard meaning is per each winding). IEC 60076-8 [17] [14] or Dyn1 [9] (Fig. 5). According to IEEE C57.12.00 [16], in adds that this is not meant to be systematically utilized Yd or Dy transformers the low voltage shall lag the high voltage in normal but should relatively matches rare cases by 30°; service, the connection Yd1beforreserved step-upfor transformer this standard, while Dy11under for step-down does not; of emergency service limited transformers periods of time. IEEE however, a standard Dy1 the UATover-flux with phase sequenceinexternally C57.12.00 [16] defines capability a different reversed on both sides, as explained equal of to Dy11. The way: secondary voltage and V/Hzbelow, up tois105% rated values IEC standards do not have such restrictions. when load power factor is 0.80 or higher (lagging). Taking If the UT is YNd1 and the UAT is Dyn11, the medium voltage into account this the additional auxiliary systemthe has previous zero-phase considerations, shift compared with high/ requirement may result in 10-15% primary overvoltage (and extra high voltage system (Fig. 1a). During unit start-up or shutover-excitation) a busses fully fed loaded generator down, the medium for voltage from the UAT and step-up SST secondary windings are briefly (bygenerators the fast transfer transformer built under IEEE. paralleled Fortunately, are only scheme), so continuous both must be in phase.until Additionally, capable of operation 5% abovetheorhigh 5% and below extra systems always (i.e. in phase so the SST105% must at their high ratedvoltage voltage, by are [10]-[12] V/Hz until produce zero-phase displacement and therefore, usually it is a generator base) so the above overvoltage capabilities are star-star as YNyn0 transformer. In same cases it will have a deltararely exploited. For UAT thementioned impedance is usually connected tertiary winding, forand the SST reasons above. For smaller than for UT, they often work not fully loaded and the modern transformers, it is matter of the grid configuration and/or primary voltage will whether normallythenot by morewith than a few protection requirements SSTrise is provided a delta tertiary or not. percentage points for a secondary increase of 5%. The connection configurations groups condition are drawn is Another aspect related to and an phasor overvoltage in Fig. 4 and according to IEC conventions [3].rejection. Since whether the 5UT and UAT will60076-1 be subjected to load that standard mentions that terminal marking on the transformers Sudden loss of load can subject these transformers to follows national practice, Fig. 4 and 5 use the American practice overvoltage. If saturation occurs, substantial -substantial IEEE C57.12.70 [20]. exciting current will flow, whichbemay overheat the core and If the original transformer should replaced by a non-identical damage the transformer. A sudden connections unit unloading substitute, matching the three-phase and during phase- a angle be a by complicated or even impossible task. fault relations may be may caused the clearing of an a system fault and, Normally it ismachine not possible substitute UT or UAT having the hence, the mayto be at the aceiling of its excitation vector group 11 with a vector transformer system; thenumber unit transformer maygroup be number excited 1with voltages (or the opposite); explained above:thethese two exceeding 130% the of reason normalwas [18], [19]. With excitation transformers link between two rigid phasor systems. Only in the control in equipped service, with the generator over-excitation will1b), generally case of a unit breaker (Fig. it may be be reduced to safe limits in a few seconds; with the excitation possible to use a YNd11 UT instead of a YNd1 one (or contrary) control out service, over-excitation may be sustained assuming no of rapid transferthe is performed to other auxiliary busand However, damage such can substitution occur (unless dedicated V/Hz protection bars. will affect the secondary circuits (at least the differential protection) and changes will be required exists). Both IEC 60076-1 [3] and IEEE C57.12.00 [16] allow in relays settings and/or at matching transformers. continuous operation no loadbyatintermediate a voltage or V/Hz up to It110% is recommended to check alsoFor any the potential influence of the rated values. particular caseon of synchronizing circuits; it is a good practice to use supervision sync-check relay with two or three phase-sensing circuits. 59 2013 אוגוסט,46 גליון transformers connected directly to generators in such a way that they may be subjected to load rejection (i.e. configurations generator breaker), [3] has Theoretically, itwithout is possible to keep the original vector group an additional to betransformer. able to withstand 1.4 times rated while usingrequirement: a different group For example, an UAT primary voltage seconds. with vector groupfor 11 5may be used in place of an original device with vector group 1 (or inverse), by reversing the phase sequence on both VIII. sides of the transformer. Such changeAND is shown ARRANGEMENT PHASEin Fig. CONNECTION 6a: as viewed from theDexternal line connections, the Dy11 ISPLACEMENT transformer became a Dy1 one. Unfortunately, the rigid isolated Normally voltage side system grounded, leading phase bus barsthe on high the generator and is non-segregated bars onthe medium voltage side windings will not allow UT’s high voltage to besuch starcross-connections connected, withinthe most cases. neutral often solidly grounded. The reason for this is mainly The substitution may be complicated by the transformer layout related to equipment insulation level and system protection terminal marking and sequence. According to IEEE C57.12.70 requirements. Thearesignificant consequence as H1 regards [20], the terminals marked as in Fig. 7a, i.e. the lead isthe transformer voltage windings is seen the possibility brought out ashigh the right-hand terminal as when facingtotheuse high voltage side. Other countries use different non-uniform, cheaper insulationmay systems (i.e. standards; the neutral for instance, the English practice with is to locate theinsulation high voltage terminal insulation is designed a lower level terminals from left to right when facing that side [21]; the German than assigned for the line terminals). On the other hand, it is DIN 42402 rule is the terminals are arranged from right to left as convenient lowside voltage windings delta connected viewed fromto thehave low the voltage [22] (Fig. 7b). For instance, if (the delta circuitaccording providestoa the path for third-order harmonics an UAT designed German standard with a vector of group Dy11 is installed in thus placereducing of an original UAT designed the magnetizing currents, the voltage waveform according toitanalso American one, without any change in the external distortion; stabilizes the neutral point potential in the connections, it will externally appear as a Dy1 transformer (Fig. case it is left ungrounded). The most common connection / 6 b). angular (phase) displacement used for and largeterminal UTs is sequence YNd1 [9], Taking in account both vector group [14], however is also encountered (Fig. 4). aspects, an Yd1YNd11 American transformer is interchangeable with a European Yd11,reasons, without any external modifications. For similar commonly the UAT primary windings (connected to the generator side) are delta connected, while IX. Tare aps and Tap-Changer the secondary ones star connected through a currentThe original transformer may be equipped with on-load taplimiting resistor. The most common connections usedforfor changer or de-energized tap-changer. Normally a substitution UAT are period Dyn11of[14] Dyn1 [9] (Fig. 5). According to will IEEE a limited timeorwith a fixed turns-ratio transformer be possible in[16], an emergency. choosing the most tap C57.12.00 in Yd orWhen Dy transformers the suitable low voltage of thelag substitute transformer, is indispensable to check shall the high voltage byit 30°; the connection Yd1whether for stepit istransformer a full-power matches tapping (e.g. for awhile current equalfor to the up thissuitable standard, Dy11 steprated power divided by the tap voltage). down transformers does not; however, a standard Dy1 UAT H0 H1 H2 H3 H1 H0 H1 H2 H3 H1 SYSTEM SIDE H0 X1 X2 X3 H3 H0 H2 X1 X3 GENERATOR SIDE X1 X2 X3 H3 X1 H2 X2 X2 X3 a) YNd1 b) YNd11 Fig. 4 Most common connection/phase displacement used for UTs. H1 H2 H3 H1 H1 H2 H3 H1 GENERATOR SIDE X0 X1 X2 X3 H3 X1 X0 H2 X2 X0 X1 X2 X3 H3 AUXILIARIES SIDE X3 X3 a) Dyn11 X1 X0 X2 b) Dyn1 Fig. 5 Most common connection/phase displacement used for UATs. H2 sides, as ds do not medium ared with unit startfrom the lleled (by n phase. stems are ero-phase as YNyn0 connected or modern on and/or ed with a oups are nventions ng on the 5 use the by a nontions and even an tute a UT a vector ason was ween two pped with a YNd11 no rapid However, t least the in relays mers. It is uence on pervision cuits. al vector example, ace of an reversing mer. Such ernal line Dy1 one. s on the m voltage ses. ansformer to IEEE 7a, i.e. the een when different ocate the that side 5 [21]; the German DIN 42402 rule is the terminals are arranged from right to left as viewed from the low voltage side [22] C57.12.00if [16], whenever transformerto is (Fig.By7b).IEEE For instance, an UAT designeda according the provided standard with de-energized taps, group they shall be isfullinstalled capacityin German with a vector Dy11 taps. Transformers with on-load tap-changer shall be capable of place of anrated original according American delivering MVAUAT at thedesigned rated voltage and ontoallantaps above one, without any change in the external connections, will rated voltage. However, for taps below the rated voltage, they itshall externally a Dy1 transformer (Fig.related 6 b). to the rated be capableappear of just as delivering the rated current voltage (i.e. taps both may be of reduced unless specified Taking inthese account vector group MVA, and terminal sequence otherwise). By IEC 60076-1transformer [3] all taps shall be full-power taps, aspects, an Yd1 American is interchangeable with except when specified otherwise. a European Yd11, without any external modifications. Almost all transformers used in power plants are at least equipped with de-energized tap-changers. Sometimes, especially IX. TAPS AND TAP-CHANGER in case of units equipped with generator breakers, it is difficult to ensure the unit auxiliaries suitable voltage under any operation The original transformer may be equipped with on-load regime. To overcome this problem, UAT with on-load tap-changer tap-changer or In de-energized tap-changer. Normally may be required. some cases, UT or SST are equipped with on- a substitution a limited period timeforwith fixed turnsload in placefor of de-energized taps toof allow largeavariations in transmission systemwill voltage. ratio transformer be possible in an emergency. When choosing the most suitable tap of the substitute transformer, it Impedance X. whether is indispensable to check it is a full-power tapping When designing a new plant, the selection of transformer (e.g. suitable for a current equal to the rated power short-circuit impedance (in fact the reactance, the divided resistanceby the tap negligible voltage). for large transformers) is subject to conflicting being demands: low C57.12.00 enough to limit voltage drop and to meetis By IEEE [16], thewhenever a transformer stability requirements, but alsotaps, suitable setfull the capacity system provided with de-energized theyhigh shalltobe short circuit levels according to economic limitations of the taps. Transformers with on-load tap-changer shall be capable switchgear and other connected plant. If a generator breaker is ofused, delivering rated at with the rated voltage and on should all taps regulation of MVA the UAT the generator offline above voltage. for be taps the for rated also be rated considered. TheseHowever, aspects should alsobelow considered a replacement voltage, theytransformer. shall be capable of just delivering the rated Sincerelated reactance is arated resultvoltage of leakage reactance current to the (i.e. flux, theselow taps may beisof obtained by minimizing leakage flux and doing this requires a reduced MVA, unless specified otherwise). By IEC 60076-1 large core and an expensive transformer. Conversely, if high [3] all taps be full-power when specified reactance canshall be tolerated, a smallertaps, core except can be provided and so otherwise. a less expensive transformer. Almost usedthe in rated power plants at least It shouldallbetransformers noted that since MVA (S) are appears in the numerator of the expression fortap-changers. percentage impedance (z%) equipped with de-energized Sometimes, calculated in from (Zohmwith ), thegenerator value of percentage especially caseitsofohmic units value equipped breakers, it impedance tends to increase as the transformer rating increases: is difficult to ensure the unit auxiliaries suitable voltage under any operation regime. To overcome this problem, UAT with A H1 a X1 B H2 X2 C A H3 b c C X3 B C 1W 1V 1U A B a a b c A C 2W 2V 2U c B a c b a) Dy11→Dy1 By reversing the phase sequence on both sides of the transformer b b) Dy11→Dy1 By using a substitute transformer with different terminals layout Fig. 6. Modifications of transformer phase displacement. H0 H1 H2 H3 1W 1V 1U 1N X0 X1 X2 X3 2W 2V 2U 2N a) American practice (IEEE C57.12.70) b) German practice (DIN 42402) Fig. 7. Transformer layout terminal marking. z% = Zohm x S / U2. (2) That means that large MVA at low impedances may require significant bulky transformers, and permissible transport limits of dimensions and weight may be reached. It is at this stage that the use of single-phase units may need to be considered. XI. Unbalance when Using Single Phase UT In addition to all the issues discussed in this paper that must be considered when selecting a substitute transformer, single-phase transformer replacement from a three-phase step-up unit introduces an additional concern: generator neutral current unbalance. Neutral current of the main generator is monitored in many power plants, in particular those with large generating units. Neutral current can be the result of a ground fault on the generator stator windings, on the circuit (isolated phase bus or cables) between the generator and UAT(s) and UT, or on the deltaconnected windings of the UT or UATs. Upon exceeding certain amplitude, the generator neutral current alarms and might also trip the unit, by an overcurrent relay in the neutral circuit, or, by an overvoltage relay connected across the neutral resistor. A slightly different turns ratio and/or different impedance (resulting in different regulation) between the substituted transformer and the other two will result in voltage unbalance and thus, negative sequence voltages and currents. This condition will not lead to an increase in generator neutral current, although it introduces other problems discussed elsewhere in this paper. However, different winding capacitances to ground between the substituted and the other two transformers will result in an increase in neutral generator currents, with possible adverse impact on the protective scheme of the generator neutral. Fig. 8 shows the typical arrangement of a large generator grounded at the neutral via a single phase grounding transformer with a resistive load connected to the secondary winding, sized to reduce any fault current to about 15 to 25 Amps. The sizing of the neutral resistor is a simple calculation that can be found in any good book on generator protection or in the standard IEEE C62.92.2. It is mainly dependent on the value of the capacitance to ground of the generator as well as all other equipment connected to its stator leads. Fig. 8 shows the capacitances to ground of all windings and the isolated phase bus for each of the three phases. In the figure, the capacity to ground of the UT and UAT(s) are lumped in a single delta-connected component. Under normal conditions, all the capacitances to ground are balanced among the phases and the neutral current is very close to zero. However, if a substitute one-phase transformer is installed with different capacitance, the circuit becomes unbalanced, and the neutral current will grow. Finding the value of the unbalanced current requires solving the unbalanced circuit by any of several available methods. One such method requires the delta connection of capacitors to be replaced by its wye (star) equivalent. All series resistances and reactance are neglected. Then, Fig. 8 can be simplified to the circuit shown in Fig. 9. In the circuit, all the variables are vector quantities, with exception of Rr which is the grounding resistance referred to the primary side. Voltages are assumed balanced and generator / isolated phase bus capacitances to ground equal in each phase. Given that the capacitance reactance to ground is much higher than the series impedance of the windings/buses, these last are disregarded. Following, and using superposition, the total neutral current IN can be calculated by solving for each phase a circuit as shown in Fig. 10 (example for phase A) and then summing together. Following the calculation of the neutral unbalanced current, proper setting of the neutral protection can be done. XII. Overcurrent Considerations 2013 אוגוסט,46 גליון 58 6 es, UT or ized taps oltage. ansformer resistance ubject to drop and to set the mitations generator generator hould be actance is equires a y, if high vided and ppears in ance (z%) ercentage er rating (2) ay require transport is at this ed to be elsewhere in this paper. However, different winding The mechanical force and the thermal short-circuit and requirements capacitances to ground between the substituted the other described in transformer standards are normally satisfactory for two transformers will result in an increase in neutral generator UTs. currents, withthepossible adverse impactto on the protective However, UAT must be designed mechanically and scheme of the generator neutral. thermally withstand the environment in which it operates. The standard requirements for network applications maygenerator be not Fig. 8 shows the typical arrangement of a large be adequateat forthecertain typesvia of three-phase through-faults on grounded neutral a single phase grounding the secondary of the UAT, because of the following: slower dc transformer with a resistive load connected to the secondary component decrement, longer short-circuit duration, possibility of winding, sized voltage to reduce any fault currenttrip to (load aboutrejection) 15 to 25 higher primary subsequent to breaker Amps. The sizing of the neutral resistor is a simple calculation in block schemes [9]. eventuality the fast transfer of load from UAT toor that Another can be found in anyisgood book on generator protection vice-versa), may lead, under certain conditions, inSST the(or standard IEEEwhich C62.92.2. It is mainly dependent on the to high-circulating currents flowing through the two transformers value of the capacitance to ground of the generator as well as exceeding their mechanical design capability [9]. all other equipment connectedofto the its stator leads. Fig. requires 8 shows In general, examination aforementioned the capacitances to ground of all windings and the isolated consulting with the manufacturer. phase bus for each of the three phases. In the figure, the Secondary XIII. ircuits are lumped in a capacity to ground of the UT andCUAT(s) When using a substitute transformer, the protection circuits single delta-connected component. may be required to be modified because the transformer’s rated Underchanged, normal conditions, all thecurrent capacitances to ground are power and/or bushing transformers have balanced among the phases and the neutral current is very different turns ratio, and/or differing secondary current or burden capabilities, close to zero.etc. However, if a substitute one-phase transformer Substitute-transformer’s currentthe transformers, with is installed with different bushing capacitance, circuit becomes different rated secondary current, ratio or those of unbalanced, and the neutral current willburden grow.than Finding the the original one, may lead to saturation and wrong operation of value of the unbalanced current requires solving the the differential protection. If the turns ratio or vector group of unbalanced circuit by any isofdifferent several from available methods. the alternative transformer the original unit,One it should be taken into account regarding currentoftransformers such method requires the delta connection capacitors ratio to be and connections. Some differential relays replaced by its wye (star) equivalent. All(mainly series numerical) resistancescan and internally are accommodate phase of be the simplified transformer, reactance neglected. the Then, Fig.shift 8 can to or the differences in these ratios. Other relays (mainly electromechanical) circuit shown in Fig. 9. In the circuit, all the variables are do not have this versatility, and pose difficulties or need external vector quantities, with exception of Rr which is the grounding auxiliary current transformers. In casereferred of transformer replacement is important verify resistance to the primary Voltages aretoassumed adequacy and of the transformer over-excitation protection. Often,to balanced generator / isolated phase bus capacitances GENERATOR UT aper that nsformer, hase stepor neutral d in many ing units. lt on the ase bus or or on the s. Upon l current t relay in connected mpedance ubstituted unbalance nts. This r neutral discussed ISOLATED PH. BUS C GEN C LV2 C LV3 N1/N2 R Fig. 8 Equivalent Circuit of the generator, isolated phase bus, and the deltaconnected windings of the UT and UATs. IA CA V APH IN Rr V BPH IB CB V CPH IC CC Fig. 9 Simplified circuit for calculating the unbalanced neutral current. 57 2013 אוגוסט,46 גליון voltage is lower than the rated generator voltage and common protection may not be applicable; in such a case, it is desirable to XIII. SECONDARY CIRCUITS provide supplementary protection for the transformer. When using a substitute transformer, the protection circuits XIV. Atodditional Considerations may be required be modified because the transformer’s Additional aspects that should be checked deciding for a rated power changed, and/or bushingwhen current transformers transformer substitution are: have different turns and/or of differing secondary current - Details of type andratio, arrangement terminals, for example or burden capabilities, etc. connections to overhead line, isolated phase bus, or cable box or gas insulated bus bar. Substitute-transformer’s bushing current transformers, with - Isolated phase bus ducts with accompanying strong different rated secondary current, ratio or burden than those of magnetic fields may currents transformer the original one,cause may high leadcirculating to saturation andinwrong operation tanks and covers which may result in excessive temperatures when of the differential If in thetheturns ratio or vector group corrective measures areprotection. not included design. of the alternative transformer is different from theoveroriginal - Unusual voltage conditions including transient unit, itresonance, should be taken surges, into account current voltages, switching etc. whichregarding may require special consideration insulation design. Some differential relays transformers ratioinand connections. - Derating due to high harmonic load accommodate current. (mainly numerical) can internally the phase - Unusual environmental conditions (altitude, special cooling shift of the transformer, or differences in these ratios. Other air temperature, explosive atmosphere, etc.). relays (mainly electromechanical) do not have this versatility, - Details of auxiliary supply voltage (for fans and pumps, and posealarms, difficulties tap-changer, etc.). or need external auxiliary current - Sound-level restrictions. transformers. - In Losses (usually notreplacement relevant in case an emergency case level of transformer it isofimportant to verify situation transformer substitution). adequacy of the transformer over-excitation protection. Often, IN Rr V APH CB CC IA CA UT & UAT GEN. SIDE C LV1 C IPB requirements described in transformer standards are normally satisfactory for UTs. However, the UAT must be designed to mechanically and thermally withstand the environment in which it operates. The standard requirements for network applications may be not be adequate for certain types of three-phase through-faults on the secondary of the UAT, because of the following: slower dc component decrement, longer short-circuit duration, possibility of higher primary voltage subsequent to breaker trip (load rejection) in block schemes [9]. Another is thefunctions fast transfer of load from protection and eventuality output limiting are provided in theUAT generator equipment, but it is amay good lead, practice to apply to SSTexcitation (or vice-versa), which under certain additionally V/Hz protection. The curves thatthrough define the conditions,separate to high-circulating currents flowing generator and transformer V/Hz limits should be coordinated transformers exceeding their mechanical design capability to two properly protect both. When the transformer rated voltage is [9]. equal to the generator rated voltage, the same V/Hz relay that is In general, examination the aaforementioned requires protecting the generator may be set of in such way that also protects theconsulting transformer. In the some cases, however, the rated transformer with manufacturer. Fig. 10 One of the three circuits to be solved for calculating the neutral unbalance current. XV. Conclusions The large transformers used in power plants have particular characteristics and specific custom designs. Keeping in stock spare transformers identical to the critical ones in operation is an expensive strategy; however it ensures the lowest risk. The advantageousness of this policy increases in the case of multiple standardized generating units (one example of interchangeable generator transformer is detailed in [23]). Checking the suitability of a different substitute transformer is a complex task. As a first feasibility check, confirm the transformer rated frequency fits your grid, preliminarily look for an available transformer ratio close to the ratio of secondary system voltage to generator rated voltage (about ±5%), and roughly appreciate the transformer largeness, heaviness and available power. Following is a partial list of the main parameters that must be checked: - UT secondary tap voltage should not be lower than 95% of the grid’s maximum expected voltage (this value typically equals the rated system voltage). - UT primary (low) voltage should not be lower than 95% of generator rated voltage for transformers designed according to IEEE C57.12.00, and not lower than generator rated voltage for Ad for a t - D exam cable - I magn transf tempe design - U voltag specia - D - U coolin - D tap-ch - S - L emerg Th chara spare an ex advan multip interc Ch transf confir prelim the r voltag largen Fo be ch - U of the equal transformers designed according to IEC 60076-1. - UAT primary voltage should normally match the rated generator voltage; a lower voltage (up to 95% of generator rating) UT primary shouldofnot lower 95% may be -possible only (low) after voltage investigation theberisk forthan overof generator rated voltage for transformers designed according excitation. - UT C57.12.00, primary (low) voltage should be lower than 95% IEEE andphase not lower than not generator rated voltage - toCheck connection and displacement suitability. of generator rated voltage for transformers designed according for transformers designed according to IEC 60076-1. - Analyze MVA rating suitability. If taps below the rated to IEEE C57.12.00, andtheir not lower than generator ratedthe voltage voltage shall be used, check MVA - UAT primary voltage shouldcapability. normally match rated for transformers designed according to IEC 60076-1. - generator Transformer rateda lower voltages higher the of expected voltage; voltage (upthan to 95% generator - UAT voltage normally match rated operating ones mean mandatory reducing the MVA avoid rating) mayprimary be possible onlyshould after investigation of to thethe risk for exceeding the rated current. generator voltage; a lower voltage (up to 95% of generator over-excitation. - rating) Checkmay dimensions and weight suitability. be possible onlyphase after investigationsuitability. of the risk for - Check connection and displacement - over-excitation. Analyze the unbalance that may be introduced when MVA transformer rating suitability. If UT tapsmade belowofthe rated replacing-- Analyze a single-phase from an three Check connection and phase displacement suitability. voltage shall be used, check their MVA capability. sing-phase transformers. -- Analyze MVArated ratingvoltages suitability. If taps below rated Transformer higher thaninfluences. the the expected - Estimate transformer short circuit impedance voltage shall be used, check their MVA capability. operating ones mean mandatory reducing the MVA to avoid - Confirm through fault and fast load transfer capability in - Transformer voltages higher than the expected case of UAT/SST exceeding thereplacement. ratedrated current. operating ones mean mandatory reducing the MVA to avoid - Verify thedimensions implications secondary circuits (mainly - Check andon weight suitability. exceeding the rated current. protection and synchronizing). - Analyze the unbalance that may be introduced when - replacing Thoroughly analyze and the synchronizing andUTloading - Checka dimensions weight suitability. single-phase transformer from an made of capabilities for any available operation - Analyze thetransformers. unbalancetap, thatunder may various be introduced when three sing-phase conditions, using graphs as in Fig.2 or Fig.3. from an UT made of replacing a single-phase transformer - Estimate transformer short circuit impedance - In the eventuality of two units connected to the sameinfluences. bus, one three sing-phase transformers. Confirm through fault and fast load of them having a substitute UT (with differenttransfer MVA orcapability ratio or in - of Estimate transformer short circuit impedance influences. case UAT/SST replacement. impedance), the possible effect on generators different behavior -- Confirm through fault andonfastsecondary load transfer capability in Verify the implications circuits (mainly should also be considered. case of UAT/SST replacement. protection and synchronizing). -- Verify the implications secondary circuits References XVI. Thoroughly analyze theonsynchronizing and (mainly loading protection and synchronizing). [1] M. G. Say, Alternating Current Machines, 4th edition, Wiley, capabilities for any available tap, under various operation 1976, pp.14,using 76. graphs - Thoroughly analyze synchronizing and loading conditions, as intheFig.2 or Fig.3. [2] B. Lawrie, for “How frequency affect transformer capabilities any does available tap,connected under various operation - In the eventuality of two units to the same bus, operation”, EC&M Magazine, Dec. 1992. conditions, using graphs as in Fig.2 or Fig.3. one of them having a substitute UT (with different MVA or [3] Power Transformers – Part 1: General, IEC Standard - In the eventuality ofpossible two units connected to the 60076same bus, ratio or impedance), the effect on generators different 1, Ed. 3.0, April 2011. one of them having a substitute UT (with different MVA or behavior should also be considered. [4] IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution ratio or impedance), the possible effect on generators different Transformers, IEEE Standard C57.12.80-2010, Dec. 2010. behaviorTransformers should also be [5] Power – considered. Part 7: Loading Guide for OilXVI. REFERENCES Immersed Transformers, Standard 60076-7, First [1] M. G. Power Say, Alternating Current IEC Machines, 4th edition, Wiley, 1976, XVI. REFERENCES Ed., pp.14, Dec. 2005. 76. [2] Lawrie, does Mineral-Oil-Immersed frequency transformer operation", [6] IEEE Guide for"How Loading Transformers [1] B. M. G. Say, Alternating Current affect Machines, 4th edition, Wiley,EC&M 1976, and Magazine, Step-Voltage Regulators, IEEE Standard C57.91-2011, pp.14, 76. Dec. 1992. [3] Transformers – Part 1: General, Standardoperation", 60076-1, Ed. 3.0, [2] Power B. 2012. Lawrie, "How does frequency affect IEC transformer EC&M March April 2011.Dec. 1992. Magazine, [7] American National Standard for Electric Power Systems [4] Terminology Power IEC and Distribution Transformers, [3] IEEE PowerStandard Transformers – Part 1:for General, Standard 60076-1, Ed. 3.0, and Equipment Voltage Ratings (60 Hertz), ANSI Standard IEEE Standard- C57.12.80-2010, Dec. 2010. April 2011. C84.1-2006, Dec. 2006. [5] Power Transformers – Part 7: Loading Guide for Oil-Immersed Power [4] IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers, IEC Standard First 60038, Ed., Dec. Ed. 2005.6.2, July [8] IEC Transformers, Standard Voltages, IEC60076-7, Standard IEEE Standard C57.12.80-2010, Dec. 2010. [6] Power IEEE Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Transformers andPower Step2002. [5] Transformers – Part 7: Loading Guide for Oil-Immersed Voltage Regulators, IEEE Standard C57.91-2011, March 2012. IEC Standard 60076-7, First Ed., Dec. 2005. [9] IEEETransformers, Guide for Transformers Directly Connected to [7] National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment [6] American IEEE Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Transformers and StepGenerators, IEEE Standard C57.116-1989, Sep. 1994. -Voltage VoltageRegulators, Ratings (60IEEE Hertz), ANSI Standard C84.1-2006, Dec. 2006. Standard C57.91-2011, March 2012. [10]IEEE Standard for Salient-Pole 50 Hz and 60 Hz [8] American IEC Standard Voltages, IEC Standard 60038, Ed.Systems 6.2,Synchronous Julyand 2002. [7] National Standard for Electric Power Equipment Generators andforGenerator/Motors for Hydraulic Turbine [9] -IEEE Guide Transformers Directly Connected to Generators, IEEE Voltage Ratings (60 Hertz), ANSI Standard C84.1-2006, Dec. 2006. Standard C57.116-1989, Sep. 1994. Applications Rated 5 IEC MVA and 60038, Above, [8] IEC Standard Voltages, Standard Ed. IEEE 6.2, JulyStandard 2002. [10] Standard for Salient-Pole 50 Connected Hz and 60 Hz Synchronous [9] IEEE IEEE Guide for Transformers Directly to Generators, IEEE C50.12-2005, Feb. 2006. Generators and Generator/Motors for Hydraulic Turbine Applications Standard C57.116-1989, Sep. 1994. [11] IEEE Standard for Cylindrical-Rotor 50 Hz and 60 Hz Rated 5Standard MVA and for Above, IEEE Standard C50.12-2005, Feb.Synchronous 2006. [10] IEEE Salient-Pole Hz and 60Above, Hz Synchronous Generators Rated 1050 MVA IEEE [11] Generators IEEE Standard Cylindrical-Rotor Hz and andTurbine 60 Hz Synchronous and for Generator/Motors for 50 Hydraulic Applications Standard C50.13-2005, Feb. 2006. Generators 10 MVA and Above,C50.12-2005, IEEE Standard Rated 5 MVARated and Above, IEEE Standard Feb.C50.13-2005, 2006. [12]Rotating electrical machines – 50 Part 1: 60Rating and [11] Feb. IEEE2006. Standard for Cylindrical-Rotor Hz and Hz Synchronous [12] Rotating electrical machines – Part 1: Ed. Rating andFeb. performance, performance, IEC 12.0, 2010. IEC Generators RatedStandard 10 MVA 60034-1, and Above, IEEE Standard C50.13-2005, Ed. 12.0,of Feb. 2010. Feb. 2006.60034-1, [13]A. W.Standard Goldman, “Selection Generator Step-up Transformer [13] A. W. Goldman, "Selection of –Generator Step-upand Ratings", [12] Rotating electrical machines Part 1: Rating performance, Ratings”, IEEE Trans. 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[16]IEEE Standard for General Requirements for Liquid[15] Power transformers – Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric tests and8 immersed Distribution, Power, and60076-3, Regulating Transformers, external clearances in air, IEC Standard Second Ed., March IEEE transformers Standard C57.12.00-2010, Sep. 2010. 2000. [15] Power – Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric tests and [16] IEEE forin air, General Requirements forSecond Liquid-immersed [17]Power Transformers – Application Guide, IEC externalStandard clearances IEC Standard 60076-3, Ed.,Standard March Distribution, Power, Regulating 60076-8, First Ed.,and Oct. 1997. Transformers, IEEE Standard 2000. C57.12.00-2010, [16] IEEE Standard for 2010. General Requirements for Liquid-immersed [18]IEEE Guide Sep. for Protecting Power Transformers, IEEE [17] Power Transformers – Application Guide, IEC StandardIEEE 60076-8, First Distribution, Power, Regulating Transformers, Standard Standard C37.91- and 2008, May 2008. Ed., Oct. 1997. C57.12.00-2010, Sep. 2010. [19]IEEE Guide for –AC Generator Protection, IEEE Standard [18] for Protecting Power Transformers, IEEE Standard C37.91[17] IEEE PowerGuide Transformers Application Guide, IEC Standard 60076-8, First C37.102-2006, 2008, May 2008. Feb. 2007. Ed., Oct. 1997. [19] IEEE Guide Guide forProtecting AC Generator Protection, IEEE Standard C37.102[20]IEEE Standard for Power Standard Terminal Markings and [18] IEEE for Transformers, IEEE Standard C37.912006, Feb. 2008, May 2007. 2008.for Distribution and Power Transformers, IEEE Connections [20] Standard Terminal Markings Connections for [19] IEEE IEEE GuideC57.12.70-2011, forfor ACStandard Generator Protection, IEEEand Standard C37.102Standard Feb. 2012. Distribution and Power Transformers, IEEE Standard C57.12.70-2011, 2006, Feb. 2007. [21]M. 2012. J. Heathcote, The J&P Transformer Book, 13th edition, [20] Feb. IEEE Standard for Standard Terminal Markings and Connections for Elsevier, 2007, p. 457. [21] M. J. 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Breceived IOGRAPHIES Relu ReluIlie Ilie receivedthetheMS MSdegree degreeininelectrical electrical engineering from the Technical University of Iaşi, engineering from theofTechnical University Romania. He is in charge Power Plant electrical Relu Ilie received the MS degree in electrical of Iaşi, and Romania. He for is inthecharge Power systems equipment Israel of Electric engineering from the Technical University of Iaşi, Plant electrical systems andofPlant equipment Corporation. has 30 years experience infor Romania. He Relu is in Ilie charge of Power electrical generation andElectric transmission the Israel Corporation. Relu Ilie systems and equipment forfield, themostly Israel dedicated Electric to machines issues: design and failure haselectrical 30 years of has experience generation Corporation. Relu Ilie 30 years ofin experience in analysis, maintenance and inspections, monitoring generation and transmission field, mostly dedicated to and transmission field, mostly dedicated and testing, technical specifications, lifeand extension, toelectrical electrical machines issues: design machines issues: design andfailure failure condition assessment, etc. (email: analysis, maintenance and inspections, monitoring analysis, maintenance and inspections, and testing, technical specifications, life extension, monitoring and testing, specifications, lifetheextension, Isidortechnical “Izzy” Kerszenbaum received BSc EE condition assessment, etc. (email: from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, condition assessment, etc.the(email: and the “Izzy” MS andKerszenbaum PhD (EE) fromreceived the University of the Isidor the BSc EE Witwatersrand. His –employment experience includes from the Technion Israel Institute of received Technology, Isidor “Izzy” Kerszenbaum the working as large electric machines design engineer and theEE MSfrom and PhD from the–University of the BSc the(EE) Technion Israel Institute for GEC in South Africa, and manager of R&D for a Witwatersrand. His employment experience includes of Technology, and machines the MS and PhD(ITC) (EE) power transformer manufacturer workingdistribution as large electric design engineer the of themanager infrom California. He also worked asWitwatersrand. protection engineer for GEC in University South Africa, and of R&D for His a and large apparatus consultant with three different employment experience includes working power distribution transformer manufacturer (ITC) utilities. He electric isHe a past chairmanasof the PES engineer Electric in also worked protection asCalifornia. large machines design engineer Machines Committee. Currently Dr.apparatus Kerszenbaum is chairman of the IEEE and large consultant with three different for GEC in South Africa, and manager of Working Group 10 on Online Monitoring of Large Synchronous Generators.. utilities. He is a past chairman of the PES Electric R&D for a power distribution transformer He is a Fellow of the IEEE. Dr. Kerszenbaum spent 2002 in the US House of Machines Committee. Currently Dr. Kerszenbaum is chairman of the IEEE manufacturer10(ITC) in California. HeTechnology alsoSynchronous worked asGenerators.. protection Representatives aon IEEE-AAAS Science and Fellow. Working Group as Online Monitoring of Large engineer and large consultant with three different He is a Fellow of the IEEE.apparatus Dr. Kerszenbaum spent 2002 in the US House of utilities. He as is a aIEEE-AAAS past chairman PES Electric Representatives Science of andthe Technology Fellow. Machines Committee. Currently Dr. Kerszenbaum is chairman of the IEEE Working Group 10 on Online Monitoring of Large Synchronous Generators.. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. Dr. Kerszenbaum spent 2002 in the US House of Representatives as a IEEE-AAAS Science and Technology Fellow. 2013 אוגוסט,46 גליון 56