Appendix 12 - Project outcomes and deliverables The overall aim of this research was to enable an informed answer to the question of how iLecture and similar web-based lecture technologies could be used to best effect to support learning and teaching. More specifically, the initial project proposal also foreshadowed numerous other outcomes and deliverables. These are listed below, with comments about their status. Overall, the research sought an understanding of: Status Outcome How the technology is integrated into the These questions have been answered curriculum, its role and relationship with adequately in this report. other elements within the curriculum How the technology can effectively These questions have been answered support learning and teaching in different adequately in this report. contexts, taking into account disciplinary differences, student diversity, specific teaching aims and learning outcomes. The educational implications of its use for: These questions have been answered the design and delivery of adequately in this report. See also specific curricula outcomes below. academics and their teaching students, their learning and the establishment of effective learning environments professional development of academic staff academic policies and practices Stage 1 Outcomes - Register of issues arising from student and staff surveys Outcome Status Usage patterns and teaching and learning Achieved and reported here preferences The uses students are making of the Achieved and reported here technology to support their learning The uses teachers are making of the Achieved and reported here technology as a teaching and learning tool The changes taking place in the learning There is evidence, from the student environment, from both a teaching perspective, of a blurring between internal and perspective and a student learning external modes of study. There is evidence that perspective some staff have changed the way they design and teach their subjects. The changing role and place of lectures WBLT is changing the role of lectures in higher within the curriculum education. This research affirms the role of lectures, but only as one tool in a broader teaching toolbox. The impact of the technology on lecturing WBLT have had an impact on classroom styles and lecture-room dynamics attendance rates in many cases. Students gain value from lectures, even if they do not attend in person. 203 Stage 2 outcomes Outcome An expanded register of issues relating to the use of web-based lecture technologies for learning and teaching which build on the findings of the first stage research and take into account contextual differences An identification of strategies for dealing with these issues Examples of how web-based lecture technologies can be used effectively to support learning and teaching in different contexts Recommended guidelines for good practice Foreshadowed implications for policy and practice as it relates to academic practices, quality learning and teaching, and curriculum development Deliverables Outcome Final report Vignettes Case studies Frequently-asked questions Guidelines for students Guidelines for staff Status These issues have been summarised in chapters 6 & 7 of this report, and below. The 'good practice guidelines' and 'frequently-asked questions' address these issues. See below. The Case Studies and Vignettes identify examples of good practice. See deliverables. Guidelines for good practice include 'toolkits' for students, staff and administrators, as well as a set of frequently-asked questions. See deliverables. Guidelines for good practice include 'toolkits' for students, staff and administrators, as well as a set of frequently-asked questions. See deliverables. Status Achieved 19 vignettes included in this report and on the project web site 6 case study reports included in this report and on the project web site. A digital story from one case study is in the Carrick Exchange. 204