This Page Intentionally Left Blank Partial List of Library Trends Issues in Print" Ttik I1 11. N. II 11 II V. 12 N Rrsearch Mfihods ~n Librananship 2 S i a v and L a a l Hiatmy in Libraries 3 Rrgional Public Lihrary Systrms 4 Library Furniturr and Furnishings N. 14 14 I Metropdmn Public Lihrary Problems Around the World 2 Junmr Collrgr Libraries 3 Library S e r v ~ rto Industry 14 4 13 13 13 1'. 14 li 15 N f I5 f 15 V Financial Adminirrraiion of Lihrrrrra 2 Education for Librariamhip Abroad 1" SrlrctPd Count*,r* 3 Cunrnt Trends i n Reference Scni'cs 4 European llnirersity I .ihrarics. Currcnt Svatua and Developments 12 12 1'. Library Boards Bihliothnapy l a w Lihrarirs N. 1 Public Lihran ,%r\~rr1 0 Chrldrm 12 V. 13 I 2 3 4 16 I Current Trcnds m Branch Librarin I d o r r r n m m t Publicrrions 2 <i,llrrtion k ~ r l o o m m rin Ymveriitv Librarirs 9 Bhliographv Currrnt 5 t ~ mand Futurr Irrnds Part I 4 Bihlmgraphy. <.urrmc State and kururr Irrnds P.m 2 N. 1 Cooperative m d Centrdlrzed Cataloging 2 Lbrary of thr New Media of Cammumcatinn 3 Ahstractmg Serrirra 4 School Library SErvice5 and Administration at the School Disrrrct Levcl 16 16 16 U w h Edrtor Dote J. Archer Eggen Ruth M. 'lewa Bcrnira J D a v ~ r a Ralph H. Parkrr Paxton P Pnrr July 1962 Oct 1962 Jan I963 Wmifrrd C Ladlry Harold b n c o u r J Clemmt Harrraon Margaret Knox Goggin July April 1963 1963 Oct. lW3 Jan. 1964 Robert Vosper April 1964 Guy Garrlro" Clydr Walton Hannis S. Smith Fra~erG. Pook July Oct. Jan. April 1964 1964 1965 1965 H.C. C:arnphrll Charles L. Trinkner Katharine C Harris Lugme B. Jackion Andrew, Grddes Jul, 1965 1965 Thomas b Shaw July 1966 lrrrold Om? Ort. 1966 RohrrLB Francca 8.Jcnkina Rohrrt B DOW Francrs B Jrnkinr April 1967 Lqthrr J Pirrc) Rohrrt 1. Talmadgr c Waltrr Stonr Fostcr E. Mahrhardt Oct. Jan. 1W6 April 1966 Jan IS67 1967 Oct. 1967 1968 July Jan. Sara K. Sryglry April 1968 Group Services in Public Lihrarirr 2 Young Adulr Srrvrrr ~n the Public Library 3 Dt'vrlopment in National Dwumrnlation and Information Servicrr 4 The Changing Nature of thr School I.ihrary Grace T. Strvrnaon Audrey Birl July Orr. H.C. Campix11 Mar Graham J a n 1969 April 1969 N. I Trends in College 1,lhrarranship 2 University Library Buildings 3 Problem5 01 Acquisition for Research I.ibraries 4 Issues and Problems in Des~gnmga Nauonal Program of Library Automation H. \'ad Dealr David C. Wcbrr Rolland E. Stevens July 1969 Ort. I969 Jan. 1970 Henry J. Dukster April 1970 19 19 19 19 N. 1 Intellectual Freedom 2 State and Frdaal Legislation for Lihrarirs 3 Book Storage 4 New Dimensions in Educational Technology Everetr T. Mmrr Alex Ladenson Mary B. Casaata July Ori Plnllp Lewrs April 1971 V. 20 N. V 17 17 17 N. 17 1'. 18 I8 18 18 V. 1 for Multi-Media Centers 20 2U 20 V 21 N. 21 21 21 Jan. 19% 1968 1970 1970 I971 1 Prrsonnel kurlopment and Continuing Education in Libraries 2 hbrary Programs and .Scrvicra to thr Disadvantaged 3 T h r Influence of American Librarianahip Abroad 4 Current Trends in Urban Main Lihrariw E l e a k t h W . 5tonr July 1971 Helen H. Lyman Crcd K. Byrd Larry Earl Bone Ort. I Trmds in ArLhival and Relerence Collections of RpCordrd Sound 2 Standards for Libraries 3 Library .%vices to the Aging 4 Systems D s i S and Analysis for Librarin Gordon Stwenson Fclix E. Hirsch Elcanor Phinney F Wilfrid Lanraatrr July Ort Jan. April 1971 Jan. 1972 April 1972 1972 I972 1973 1973 ~~~ V. 22 22 22 22 N. 1 Analvsrs of Bibliographies 2 Rrsearch in the Fields of Reading and Communicarmn 3 Evaluation of Library Scrv~crs 1 Science Materials for Children and Young Pmplr H R. Simon July 1973 Alicr 1,ohrer a t . Sarah Rerd Jan George S. Bonn April 1974 1973 1974 Partial List of Library Trends Issues in Print* Title V. 23 23 23 N. I Hralth Sciences Librarirr 2 Library Services in Metropolitan Areas 3 Music and Fine Arts in the General Library 23 Edtlor Date 4 Resource Allocation in 1.ibrary Management Joan Titley A d a m William S . Budrngton Guy A Marco Wolfgang M. Freitag H . William Axford July 1974 Oct. 1974 Jan. 1975 April 1975 24 24 24 24 N. I Federal Aid to Libraries 2 Library Cooperation 3 Community Analysis and Libraries 4 Cammercirl Library Supply Houses Gmewevr M. Casey Pearce s G r o w Larry Earl Bone Harold Roth July Ort. Jan. April V. t 25 25 N. 1 American Library History: 1876-1976 2 Employee Organizations and Collective Bargaining In Libraries 3 Trpnds in Bibliographic Control: International Issues 4 Trends in the Scholarly Use 01 Library Resources Howard W. Winger July 1976 Margaret A. Chaplan Mary Ellen Soper Benjamin F. Page D.W. Krummel Jan. 1977 April 1977 V. 25 25 V . 26 N. 1 Library Services to Correctronal Facilities 2 Trends in the Governance of Libraries 3 Insutution Libraries 4 Publishing in the Third World 26 26 26 V. 27 27 27 N. I Films In Public Librarirr 2 Stat? Library Development Agencies 3 Libraries and Society 27 V. V. 28 4 N. 2 Emerging Patterns of Cammunity Service 28 28 3 library Cansultants 4 Current Trends in Rural Public Library Service 29 30 30 30 32 32 Sum. 1979 Fall I979 Win. 1980 Sprg 1980 N. I 2 3 4 Bibliometria Conservation 01 Library Materials Data Libraries for the S a i d Sciences Mental Health Information: Lhrarirs and Services to the Paucnt William Gray Potier Gerald Lundeen Kathleen M. Heim Sum. 1981 Fall 1981 Win. 1982 Phyllis Rubinton Sprg 1982 N I 2 3 4 Standards for Library and Inlomatmn Services Technical Standards for Library and Information Scwnce Current Trends in Rcfermce Services Adult Learners, Learning and Public Libraries 'Terry L WCKII James E. Rush Bernard Vavrek Elizabeth J . Burge Sum. Fall Win. sprg. N. 1 Genealogy and Libraries. 2 Current Problems In Copyriahi . - Sum. 1983 9 Atypiril Careers and Innovative Services in Lbrary and Information Sciencr 4 Research in Librarianship Dianc Foxhill Carothers Walter Allen Jerome K. Miller Walter C. Allen Laurencr W.S. Auld Mary Jo Lynch I Alan Jay Lincoln Sum. 1984 32 33 Sprg. 1979 Sum. 1980 Fall 1980 Win. 1981 ~ p r g .1981 32 v. Sprg 1978 Sum. 1978 Fall 1978 Wm. 1979 A.P. Marshall Leonard Wrrtheimer Maly Lynette Larsgaard Perry D. Morrison 31 v Selma K Richardson Allen Kent Jacob Cohen K. Leon Montgomery Margaret Monroe Kathlwn M. Heim Ellsworth E. Mason John M. Houlahan Sum 1977 Fall 1977 Win. 1978 1 Current Library Use Instruction 2 Library Services to Ethnocultural Minorities 3 Map Librarianship and Map Collections 4 Public Lending Right 30 31 31 31 John A. McCrossan Phyllis Dam Margaret F Stieg 1976 N. 29 V. 1 Economics of Academic Librarim 28 29 29 V. Study and Collecting d Historical Children's Books Jane Pool F. William Summers Harris C. McClaskey Philip G. Altbach Krith Smith Ort. 1975 1975 1976 1976 N. Protecting ihe Library 1982 1982 1983 1983 F ~ I I1983 Win 1984 Sprg 1984 A complete list of back issues is available from Library Trends, Publications Office, 249 Armory Building, 505 E. Armory Street, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL 61820. t Also available in clothbound editions. This Page Intentionally Left Blank