Standards Council of Canada Industry Outreach Program Sylvie C. Lafontaine, Vice-President Standards & International Relations, with Standards Council of Canada (SCC) on June 26th introduced our EFC Board Members to SCC’s new Industry Outreach program, and solicited their interest for an important electrical sector industry forum this September. The forum will be targeted to the most senior executive level (“C” suite) where the discussions are focus on the strategic challenges that our industry faces. Ms. Lafontaine stated: “We want to gather insight on the operating environment from the key decision makers of the electrotechnical industry and take a high level strategic view focused on economic value to Canada.” Goals of Forum 1. Identifying strategic challenges, opportunities and priorities faced by the electrical, electronic and telecommunication product manufactures 2. Discussing how Canada can focus/prioritize its standardization efforts to respond to the needs of EFC membersnationally, regionally, and internationally 3. Identifying how EFC members’ interests are properly represented in standard setting forums Anticipated Outcomes of the Outreach Understanding current gaps, opportunities and priorities in Canada’s electrical, electronics and telecommunication sector To have a robust and comprehensive way forward to ensure that SCC is responsive and effective in supporting its electrical, electronics and telecommunication sector stakeholders with standardization expertise and solutions. Have constructive dialogues with senior business representatives from the electrical, electronics and telecommunication sector for Canada and identify champions to participate in developing and implementing standardization solutions Providing assurance that Canada is focused in the right areas to maximize the value of standardization efforts on behalf of Canadians. Ensuring SCC has a united vision supporting key Canadian priorities within Canada’s standardization system. Why is this Critically Important Now? Canada is losing relevance in the standardization world. A 2010 Comprehensive Review revealed a number of issues: Roughly 60% of standards referenced in Canadian regulations are not from SCC-accredited Standards Development Organizations (SDO) Canadian interests are not required to be taken into account Decreasing Canadian expert participation on Canadian based SDO technical committees - but increasing participation on U.S. based SDO technical committees Canada continues to engage to develop Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with European Union: SCC signed an MOU - opening new markets / Partner with Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) Assist with the Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC): North-American harmonization opportunity - Value propositions by EFC and Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating In summary, having the “right” Canadian expertise at the table provides the best opportunity to represent the views of Canadian industry. Also provides opportunities to take leadership positions and be an international standards maker where it counts. Other SCC targeted sectors for industry standards leadership are: Oil and Gas, Information and Communication Technology, Healthcare and Construction. What is SCC’s Role? SCC continues to be the facilitator of the development and use of standards to enhance Canada’s competitiveness and the well-being of all Canadians. SCC’s Act provides our Mandate: 1. 2. 3. 4. Coordinate standardization activities of Canada (national, regional and international level) Accredit standards development organizations and conformity assessment bodies Advise governments and Support strategic priorities Engage and Advise industry on standardizations solutions addressing key priorities For information or interest in participating in the September 2013 industry initiative, please contact Sylvie Lafontaine at or Jim Taggart at We appreciate your interest by August 31st, 2013.