Parasitic Inductance Effect on Switching Losses for a High Frequency Dc-Dc Converter Thomas Meade†, Dara O’Sullivan∗ , Raymond Foley∗, Cristian Achimescu†, Michael Egan∗ and Paul McCloskey† ∗ Department of Electrical Engineering, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland † Tyndall National Institute, Lee Maltings, Cork, Ireland Email: parallel wires is given in (2) for l > d, where d is the separation distance and l is the length. Abstract— This work examines the impact of packaging parasitics on the efficiency of a synchronous DC-DC buck converter. An anaytical model of the losses in the converter is developed and this is compared to practical results at switching frequencies in the range of 1-2 MHz. The effect that the packaging parasitic inductance has on efficiency is highlighted by predicting the expected losses from a converter with optimised packaging parasitics. Lself = ln Lmutual I. I NTRODUCTION 2l + 0.5 + 0.22 w+t µ0 l 2l = ln − 1 + 2π d d l w+t l (1) (2) It follows from (1), that to minimise the parasitic inductance value, the length through which the current passes must be minimised and the cross sectional area through which current flows maximised. Simulations were carried out in order to determine whether a strategy of placing wire-bonds in parallel was more effective at reducing the parasitic inductance value as opposed to using a block of copper occupying the same total cross sectional area of the wire-bonds. It was found that while placing wire-bonds in parallel reduces the overall self inductance, the effect of mutual inductance between the wires results in a higher overall inductance. The formula for calculating the overall inductance for two wire-bonds in parallel with current flowing in the same direction is The steady decrease in IC system voltages along with the sharp rise in power requirements result in significant current being delivered from the power supply [1]. This trend coupled with the increase in switching speeds of power semiconductor devices, due to the technology transfer from bipolar to MOS based devices and the reduction in Rds(on) means that the effect of packaging parasitics on power converter performance is increasingly significant. As switching speeds increase, the limiting factor in power device performance is shifting from the silicon characteristics to the path inductance. This paper uses an analytical approach to model converter losses and efficiency. The effect of packaging inductance is included in the model by incorporating inductance values extracted from the packaging geometry using Ansoft Q3D. The analytical model of a discrete component converter, in the frequency range of 1-2 MHz, is verified with practical efficiency results. The model is then applied to predict the efficiency of a 3 MHz, 1V, 20A converter using three different packaging techniques. One technique is to use discrete devices on PCB, the next technique is to use an integrated power-train incorporating wire-bonds and the final technique is to use an innovative wire-bond-free power train. Lself + Lmutual . (3) 2 In summary, packaging inductance is minimised by minimising current path length, maximising current path crosssectional area, and, where possible using a solid path, as opposed to parallel paths. Such considerations have led to innovative packaging techniques in power MOSFET design, such as the DirectFET from International Rectifier [3]. Ltotal = III. MOSFET S WITCHING E QUATIONS II. PACKAGING I NDUCTANCE The circuit diagram of a synchronous buck converter with the main power loop parasitics included is shown in Fig.1. It is important to note that the loop includes the input decoupling capacitor and its associated parasitic inductance. The parasitic inductances shown are those which contribute to the switching losses of the converter. In recent integrated converter power trains [4], the inductances LS1 and LS2 have been effectively The self inductance of a wire with rectangular cross section can be derived using electromagnetic field theory and ‘geometry mean distance’ as in [2]. The equation for self inductance is given in (1), where l is the length of the wires, w and t are the width and thickness of the rectangular cross section, respectively. The equation for mutual inductance between two 978-1-4244-1874-9/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE µ0 l 2π 3 Ls1 Ld2 Ld1 VD Cin Ld4 Io Cout Low Side Driver IDS Current & Voltage Ld3 High Side Driver + - Io Load VDS Ls2 VGS VGH Fig. 1. t Buck converter circuit with included parasitic inductance t1 Time Interval 1 LD Fig. 3. CGD RG CDS + V D - Current and voltage waveforms during MOSFET turn-on 2) Time interval 2: In this time interval VGS (t) is greater than Vth . Drain current, IDS (t) now rises. The change in switching loop current induces a voltage across the parasitic inductance and causes the drain to source voltage, VDS (t) (which in idealised switching waveforms [8] remains constant) to fall. Writing equations around the switching loop as in [5] yields: LS Fig. 2. Time Interval 4 t4 time interval ends when the gate to source voltage equals the threshold voltage. −t RG (CGD +CGS ) VGS (t) = VGH × 1 − e (6) CGS VGH Time Interval 2 t2 t3 Time Interval 3 Equivalent circuit for the main transition period VGS (t) = A eliminated from the gate drive loop by connecting the source terminal of the MOSFET directly to the driver inside an integrated driver-MOSFET package, thus reducing the switching losses. In the analytical model developed, this source inductance is included in the analysis but can be given a zero value in the drive loop equations as the application requires. In order to examine the effect of the parasitic inductances on the switching losses of the high side MOSFET, the parasitic inductances are grouped into two lumped values, with LD = Ld1 + Ld2 + Ld3 + Ld4 + Ls2 (4) LS = LS1 . (5) δ 2 VGS (t) dVGS (t) +B + VGS (t) dt2 dt (7) where A = RG gf s CGD (LD + LS ) (8) B = RG (CGD + CGS ) + LS gf s . (9) Solving (7) and piecing it together with the equation for VGS (t) in time interval 1 [Eqn. (6)], yields: −(t−t1 ) VGS (t) = VB1 − VB2 e T1 sin ω1 (t − t1 ) if 4A − B 2 ≥ 0 × cos ω1 (t − t1 ) + ω1 T 1 (10) and Each switching sequence, either from the off to the on state or vice versa is divided into a number of separate intervals, for which different conditions and constraints apply [5] [6]. The non-linear characteristics of the internal MOSFET capacitances [7] are included in the analysis. and A. Upper MOSFET Turn On Waveforms where VB2 VGS (t) = VB1 − T − T3 2 −(t−t1 ) −(t−t1 ) T2 T3 × T2 e if 4A − B 2 < 0 − T3 e 4A − B 2 , 4A2 2A , T1 = B 2A √ T2 = , B + B 2 − 4A ω12 = Fig. 3 shows current and voltage waveforms during the turn on of the upper MOSFET. This has four distinct time intervals, described below. 1) Time interval 1: In this time period the gate voltage rises to its threshold value. No drain current flows as long as the gate voltage is less than the threshold voltage Vth . The 4 (11) (12) (13) (14) and 2A √ . B − B 2 − 4A (15) VB1 = VGH (16) VB2 = VGH − Vth , (17) T3 = Current & Voltage VGH is the applied gate voltage and gf s is the forward transconductance of the MOSFET. During turn-on IDS Vpeak VDS and VGS while during the turn-off transient t VB1 = 0 and VB2 = − t1 (18) Io gf s + Vth Time Time Time Interval 1 Interval 2 Interval 3 Fig. 4. (19) where I0 is the full load current. IDS (t) and VDS (t) of the MOSFET for this time period can be calculated using (20) and (21) based on VGS (t). This time interval comes to an end at time t2 when IDS (t) rises to I0 or VDS (t) falls to I0 RDSon , whichever occurs first. IDS (t) = gf s (VGS (t) − Vth ) VDS (t) = VD − (LD + LS ) dIDS (t) dt I0 . gf s t3 Time Interval 4 t4 Current and voltage waveforms during MOSFET turn-off Ls VGH − VGS (t2 ) − VD L + LS D −(t−t2 ) × 1 − e RG (CGD +CGS ) + VGS (t2 ) VGS (t) = (20) (25) 4) Time interval 4: In this time interval the gate to source voltage completes its charge to the level of applied drive voltage VGH . (21) VGS (t) = (VGH − VGS (t3 )) −(t−t3 ) RG (CGD +CGS ) + VGS (t3 ) × 1−e 3) Time interval 3: In this time interval either VDS (t) completes its fall or IDS (t) completes its rise. Consider first the drain voltage completing its fall, IDS (t) having risen to I0 . Since the drain current is constant, VGS (t) must also be constant: VGS (t) = Vth + t2 (26) B. Upper MOSFET Turn Off Waveforms A similar analysis may be performed during the turn-off transition of the upper MOSFET, using the waveforms shown in Fig. 4. 1) Time interval 1: In time interval 1, the gate source voltage, VGS (t) falls at a rate determined by the time constant RG (CGD + CGS ). There is no change to the drain current or drain to source voltage until the value of VGS (t) falls to VGS(th) + I0 /gf s . This is the gate voltage needed to sustain drain current I0 . The gate to source voltage during this period is given by: (22) The drain to source voltage in this time period is given by: ! VGH − (Vth + gIf0s ) (t − t2 ) (23) VDS (t) = VDS (t2 ) − RG CGD where VDS (t2 ) is the drain to source voltage at the start of this time period, and t2 is the time at which IDS rises to full load current. The time period ends at time t3 when VDS (t) completes its fall to I0 RDSon . Consider now the situation where the current completes its rise during the third time interval,VDS (t) having already completed its fall. IDS (t) and VGS (t) are given by: VD IDS (t) = IDS (t2 ) + (t − t2 ) (24) LD + LS −t VGS (t) = VGH e RG (CGS +CGD ) . (27) This interval ends at time t1 when VGS (t) falls to a value of VGS(th) + gIf0s . 2) Time Interval 2: In this time period the drain to source voltage rises to VD , the applied dc input voltage. The drain current remains constant at I0 and the gate to source voltage stays constant at VGS(th) + gIf0s . The drain to source voltage during this time period rises according to the following equation: gf s VGS(th) + I0 (t − t1 ). (28) VDS (t) = (1 + gf s RG )CGD + CDS where VD is the applied dc input voltage and IDS (t2 ) is the drain to source current at the start of this time period, and t2 in this case is the time at which the drain voltage drops to I0 RDSon . 5 This time period comes to an end at time t2 when VDS (t) rises to VD . 3) Time Interval 3: As with the second time interval during turn-on, both the drain current and drain voltage change. A change in the drain current produces a change in the voltage across the parasitic inductances LS and LD . A current flow through the capacitance CGD is produced. This current flow restrains the rate of decrease of the gate voltage, which in turn restrains the original rate of change of drain current. The gate to source voltage during this period is given by (29) or (30). During this time interval IDS (t) falls from I0 to zero according to (20) and VDS (t) changes in accordance with (21). This time interval comes to an end at time t3 when VGS (t) falls to the threshold voltage VGS(th) . IV. S OURCES OF A. Crossover Switching Loss The turn-on switching loss can be calculated using the turnon switching waveforms derived in Section III Pon(loss) = FSW t3 Z t1 Pof f (loss) = FSW −(t−t2 ) VGS (t) = VB1 − VB2 e T1 sin ω1 (t − t2 ) if 4A − B 2 ≥ 0 × cos ω1 (t − t2 ) + ω1 T 1 (29) × T2 e − T3 e −(t−t2 ) T3 if 4A − B 2 < 0 Z t3 VB2 = −(I0 /gf s + VGS(th) ). (32) Pcond−lower and −(t−t3 ) T4 ∆I02 2 DRDS(on−upper) = I0 + 12 (39) ∆I02 2 (1 − D)RDS(on−lower) . (40) = I0 + 12 C. Gate Drive Loss Most of the switch losses associated with charging and discharging the MOSFET gate are dissipated in the driver IC since the source and sink resistances of the driver IC are much greater than the MOSFET’s internal gate resistance. The gate drive loss of the upper MOSFET is given, as in [9], by: 4) Time interval 4: At the end of time interval 3, the drain current has fallen to zero, but the drain voltage VDS (t3 ) is greater than the circuit voltage VIN . The drain capacitance CDS “rings” with the stray circuit inductance. The stray circuit resistance Rl damps the oscillation. The drain voltage is given by: VDS (t) = VIN + (VDS (t3 ) − VIN )e (38) where ∆I0 is the ripple of the load current I0 , D is the duty cycle and RDS(on−upper) is the is the on-state resistance of the top switch. The lower MOSFET conduction loss is given by: T1 , T2 , T3 and ω1 are as given previously for turn-on interval 2. Also (31) VDS (t) · IDS (t)dt. The upper MOSFET conduction loss is given by: (30) VB1 = 0 (37) B. Conduction Loss Pcond−upper −(t−t2 ) T2 VDS (t) · IDS (t)dt where FSW is the switching frequency of the converter. Similarly, the turn-off switching losses are calculated from t1 VB2 VGS (t) = VB1 − T2 − T3 P OWER L OSS PG−upper = Qg VGH F sw. (41) A similar equation holds for the gate drive of the lower MOSFET. cos(ω4 (t − t3 )) (33) where T4 = 2LD Rl D. Reverse Recovery and Ringing Turn On (34) The reverse recovery and ringing power loss is calculated as in [7], via 1 PRRR(on) = FSW VD QRR(lower) + Qoss(lower) VD 2 (42) where QRR(lower) is the reverse recovery charge for the lower MOSFET, which is dependant on the loop inductance [7], and Qoss(lower) is the charge stored in CGD + CDS of the lower MOSFET. and p 2 R2 4LD CDS − CDS l ω4 = . 2LD CDS (35) The gate voltage decays to zero with time constant RG (CGD + CGS ). The gate to source voltage is given by: −(t−t3 ) VGS (t) = VGS (t3 )e RG (CGD +CGS ) . (36) 6 IIN (cap)RMS v" u u = t (I SW (pk) − IIN (avg) )2 + E. Reverse Recovery and Ringing Energy Turn Off The reverse recovery ringing power loss during MOSFET turn-off is given by 1 Qoss(V peak) Vpeak − Qoss(VD ) VD PRRR(of f ) = FSW 2 (43) where Qoss(V peak) is the charge stored in CGS + CGD of the upper MOSFET when the voltage reaches its peak value, Vpeak . Qoss(VD ) is the charge stored in CGS + CGD of the upper MOSFET when the voltage reaches its steady state value, VD . 2 ∆ISW (pp) 12 # 4.0 Power Loss (W) 3.5 3.0 2 · D + IIN (avg) · (1 − D) (46) 534 kHz 1.5 MHz 1.9 MHz 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 U pp e Lo r M rs e we OS Re r C co MO on d ve S ry C uc an on tion d d Ri uct Lo Bo ng ion ss dy in D Rin g T Los io de gin urn s Co g T O ur n n G duc n O at e- tion ff G Dri Lo at e - ve ss D Up r In ive per pu L o t Iu Ca we r tp ut pa c Ca ito r pa ci to r P on In du ct Po or ff W Los ire s Lo ss 0.0 Re ve F. Diode Conduction Loss The average power loss in the synchronous diode is given by: Pdiode = Vf r I0−v Td1 FSW + Vf r I0−p Td2 FSW (44) Fig. 5. Theoretical breakdown of power-converter losses at three different frequencies where Vf r is the forward voltage drop, Td1 and Td2 are the dead-times when the diode is conducting, I0−v is the valley value of the load current I0 and I0−p is the peak value of the load current I0 . V. P RACTICAL D C - DC C ONVERTER A practical DC-DC converter as shown in Fig. 8 was built in order to verify the analytical power loss equations. The output voltage is 1V, the input voltage is 12V and the inductor value is 300 nH. The parasitic inductances were extracted from the layout diagram, shown in Fig. 9, using the software package Ansoft Q3D. The extracted inductances are LD =6.03 nH and LS =1.65 nH. Oscilliscope plots of VGS and VDS during the MOSFET turn-on and turn-off transitions with a 20 A output current are shown in Figs. 6 and 7 respectively. Graphs of the efficiency versus load current for three different switching frequencies are shown in Fig. 10. These results show good correlation between the analytical model that has been developed (theoretical values) and the measured practical values. G. Other Losses Losses in the input and output capacitors as well as the power inductor must also be considered to accurately model the overall converter loss. The input capacitor power loss can be calculated from 2 PIN (cap) = IIN (cap)RMS Resr−IN (cap) (45) where the rms capacitor current, IIN (cap)RMS , is calculated from (46) above and Vout Iout . (47) IIN (avg) = ηVIN ISW and η are the top-switch current and converter powertrain efficiency respectively. The ac component of the load current generates a power loss in the output capacitors. This is given by 2 POUT (cap) = ∆I0(RMS) Resr−OUT (cap) A. Effect of Parasitic Inductance on a 3 MHz converter Having validated the analytical model in a discretecomponent converter, it is possible to utilise the model for predicting the converter efficiency at higher switching frequencies, and to examine the effect of using alternative packaging technologies at these frequencies. A similar power converter is modelled at a switching frequency of 3 MHz, with packaging parasitic inductances corresponding to (a) discrete power devices, (b) currently available wire-bonded power trains, and (c) an innovative wire-bond-free packaging technique using copper as the interconnect medium. A comparison between the switching losses of the three converters is shown in Fig. 11. As is evident from Fig. 11, a higher parasitic inductance slightly reduces the turn-on switching losses (with LS = 0), but (48) The power inductor losses comprise of hysteresis and eddycurrent losses in the core and winding resistive losses. Total losses are calculated using a vendor-specified procedure [10] for the inductor used in the design. Fig. 5 shows the theoretical loss breakdown of the designed converter operating at three different frequencies. The most notable difference between the loss breakdowns as the frequency is increased is the change in the switching loss of the converter, and in particular, the upper MOSFET turn-off power loss, Pof f . 7 Fig. 6. MOSFET turn on voltage waveforms Fig. 8. Fig. 7. Buck converter as implemented MOSFET turn off voltage waveforms Fig. 9. significantly increases the turn-off loss. The overall effect of the changes in parasitic inductance on converter efficiency can be seen in Fig. 12. Clearly, currently available wire-bonded co-packaged power trains offer a significant advantage—in terms of efficiency at a 3MHz switching frequency—over designs using discrete components; however, the residual parasitic inductance of even this approach limits the overall converter efficiency. The plot predicts that the most appropriate packaging strategy for a power converter at this frequency is one which uses a wire-bond-free approach. Layout diagram for the power stage of the converter parasitic inductance on the switching losses has been examined in detail. A loss model for a high frequency converter is proposed in order to outline the impact of parasitic inductance on efficiency and to highlight the deficiencies of using discrete devices and a layout which are not optimised for minimum parasitic inductance. The guidelines needed to reduce the critical parasitic inductance values are also presented. VI. C ONCLUSION This paper has presented an analytical model for a buck converter which has been verified experimentally. The effect of 8 85 80 10 Power Loss (W) 75 Efficiency (%) 70 65 60 55 50 Theoretical Practical 45 8 6 4 2 0 P off 40 0 0 2 4 6 8 Discrete Power Devices Wire-bonded Power Train Wire-bond-fre e Packaging P on 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Io (A) Fig. 11. The effect of parasitic inductance on switching losses at 3MHz with Io = 20 A (a) FSW =534 kHz 85 80 80 75 75 70 65 60 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 70 55 50 Theoretical Practical 45 40 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Io (A) 65 60 55 50 (b) FSW =1.5 MHz 40 0 85 80 10 75 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Io (A) 70 Efficiency (%) Discrete Power Devices Wire-bonded Power Train Wire-bond-free Packaging 45 65 Fig. 12. 60 Efficiency comparison at 3 MHz for three packaging techniques 55 50 Theoretical Practical 45 [3] 40 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Io (A) [4] (c) FSW =1.9MHz Fig. 10. [5] Efficiency vs. load current [6] [7] R EFERENCES [8] [1] D. Staffiere and M. Mankikar, “Power technology roadmap for IT power supplies,” in Proc. IEEE Appl. Power Electron. Conf., Mar. 2001, pp. 49–53. [2] X. Qi, G. Wang, Z. Yu, R. W. Dutton, T. Young, and N. Chang, “Onchip inductance modeling and RLC extraction of VLSI interconnects for [9] [10] 9 circuit simulation,” in Proc. Custom Int. 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