Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 1 2 3 Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes 4 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 1 Contents 2 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 3 4 5 2. Magnetic coupling.............................................................................................................................................. 1 2.1 Currents in low impedance loops............................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Voltages in high impedance loops ............................................................................................................. 2 6 3. Waveshapes ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 7 8 9 10 4. Circuit conditions during induced lightning voltage events ............................................................................ 5 4.1 Balanced conditions .................................................................................................................................... 5 4.2 SPD added to one port ................................................................................................................................ 6 4.3 SPDs on both ports ..................................................................................................................................... 6 11 12 13 14 5. Other Stress Factors ........................................................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Ethernet SPD operation .............................................................................................................................. 7 5.2 Power feed surges .....................................................................................................................................10 5.3 Differential Ground Potential Rise (GPR) ..............................................................................................10 15 16 6. Summary...........................................................................................................................................................11 17 18 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 3 Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes 4 1. Introduction 5 6 7 This report discusses the currents and voltages that are magnetically induced in Ethernet cables due to nearby lightning strokes and their interaction with Surge protective Devices, SPDs, or Ethernet port Surge Protective Components, SPCs. 8 2. Magnetic coupling 1 2 9 10 There are two extremes of magnetic coupling; currents in low impedance loops and voltages in high impedance loops. 11 2.1 Currents in low impedance loops 12 13 14 15 Lenz’s law states that an electric current induced by a changing magnetic field will flow such that it will create its own magnetic field that opposes the magnetic field that created it. In this condition the induced current will have the same waveform as the current causing the changing magnetic field as shown in Figure 1. 16 17 18 19 20 E L White, G W A McDowell and W W Hung (ERA Technology) presented “Lightning Current Coupling with electrical installations under direct strike” in the ERA 1998 Lightning Protection Seminar Proceedings Report No 87-0328. The equation linking the peak loop induced current, IS, the mutual inductance between the lightning current path and the rectangular loop, M, and the lightning current (peak), IL, was given as: 21 IS = M*IL 22 The mutual inductance, M, was given as 23 M = 0.2*ln(1+a/d)*h µH 24 Where 25 a = the rectangular horizontal length in meters 1 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 1 d = distance between the lightning stroke and the first side of the rectangular loop in meters 2 h = the rectangular vertical length in meters 3 0.2*10-6 = µ 0/(2*π) 4 If d = 500 m, a = h = 10 m then 5 IS = 0.2*ln(1+10/500)*10*IL*10-6 6 IS = 4*10 -8*IL 7 8 If I L = 100 kA, IS = 4 mA. Substantive loop current are only possible when the stroke current very close to the loop, as in a Lightning Protection System, LPS, down conductor. If d = 10 m then IS = 140 mA. LowImpedance circuit IL IS (Lenz's Law) h d a Lightning stroke current The lightning current induced in a low-impedance circuit will have the same waveshape as the lightning current 9 10 11 In summary, induced lightning currents usually develop low values of current. 12 2.2 Voltages in high impedance loops 13 14 15 Faraday’s law states that if the magnetic flux linking a circuit varies, an e.m.f is induced with a magnitude proportional to the rate of change of flux. In this condition the induced voltage waveshape be the differential of the current waveform causing the changing magnetic field as shown in Figure 2. Figure 1 — Induced lightning current waveshape in a low-impedance loop 2 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 HighImpedance circuit IL E = N/t (Faradays Law) h d ES a Lightning stroke current The lightning voltage induced in a high-impedance circuit will be the differential of the lightning current waveshape 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 2 — Induced lightning voltage waveshape in a high-impedance loop The equation linking the peak loop induced voltage, ES, the mutual inductance between the lightning current path and the rectangular loop, M, and the lightning current rate of change, diL/dt, is given by: ES = M*diL/dt 6 As before, if d = 500 m, a = h = 10 m then from 2.1 7 ES = 4*10-8*diL/dt 8 9 10 11 If diL/dt = 40 kA/µs (median negative flash subsequent stroke maximum di/dt value according to Cigre, Table 3.5, “Technical Bulletin (TB) 549 (2013) Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications”), ES = 1.6 kV. The 95 % for diL/dt is given as 120 kA/µs inferring ES = 4.8 kV. Even at these substantial distances (d = 500 m) high levels of loop voltage are possible from the subsequent strokes of a negative flash. 12 13 The E L White, G W A McDowell and W W Hung document used d = 1 m, a = 10 m, h =10 m and a modest diL/dt = 2 kA/µs with the result that E S = 9.5 kV. IL l ES IS d 14 15 Figure 3 — Coupling between two negligible diameter parallel wires of equal length 3 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 1 2 3 Partial stroke currents can occur in mains cables and these currents can induce voltages in Ethernet cables, see Figure 3. For example, if a mains cable runs parallel to an Ethernet cable for l = 10 m and the intercable spacing d is 1 cm then from F W Grover, “Inductance Calculations”, Dover Publications, 4 l l2 d2 d M 0.2 * l * ln 1 2 1 2 µH d l l d 5 giving M = 13.2 µH and 6 ES = 13*10-6*diL/dt 7 8 For a diL/dt value of 1 kA/µs, ES = 13 kV. Similarly if the mains cable peak current, IL was 300 A then the induced current would be 9 IS = 13*10-6*IL = 3.9 mA 10 This again confirms the main stress comes from the induced voltage rather than the induced current. 11 12 13 In summary, induced lightning voltages can be substantial, even for strokes that are some distance away. Parallel runs of mains and Ethernet cables should be avoided. The cable situation for induced voltage can be represented as shown in Figure 4. HighImpedance circuit ES 14 15 Figure 4 — Induced lightning voltage in cable 16 3. Waveshapes 17 18 As explained in clause 2 the loop current will have the same waveshape as the lightning current and the loop voltage waveshape will be the differential of the lightning current waveshape. 19 20 21 22 The 8/20 current waveshape is often used to emulate lightning currents. Figure 5 shows the 8/20 current and its differential, which will represent the induced (open-circuit) voltage. The voltage waveshape peaks during the current rise time and only lasts in that polarity to the current peak. As the current decays the voltage reverses in polarity. 4 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 Lightning and Low-impedance circuit current High-impedance circuit voltage 3.7/8.5 Differentiated 8/20 current 8/20 Current 0 10 20 1 2 3 4 30 40 50 0 10 Time — µs 20 30 40 50 Time — µs Figure 5 — Induced loop current and voltage waveshapes for 8/20 current Fast rising currents will give higher peak voltages but shorter voltage impulses as shown for the 1/32 current waveshape in Figure 6. Lightning and Low-impedance circuit current High-impedance circuit voltage 1/32 Current -/0.27 Differentiated 1/32 current 0 5 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 1 Time — µs 2 3 4 5 Time — µs 6 7 8 Testing insulation barriers with a 1.2/50 voltage impulse is more than adequate to emulate induced lightning voltage stress on the barrier. 9 4. Circuit conditions during induced lightning voltage events 10 11 Figure 6 — Induced loop current and voltage waveshapes for 1/32 current The generic voltage induction situation for a single twisted pair connected between Ethernet ports is shown in Figure 7. Insulation barriers One twisted pair 12 13 Figure 7 — Ethernet twisted pair induced voltage situation 14 4.1 Balanced conditions 15 16 17 If the circuit is balanced and the peak induced cable voltage is 4 kV, the equipment port voltages will be +2 kV and -2 kV respectively, see Figure 8. For ports compliant to the IEEE 802.3™-2012 2.4 kV 1.2/50 level, this situation is OK. 5 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 4 kV induced voltage equally shared -2 kV 1 2 Router +2 kV 4/8 cable mid-point voltage = 0 Figure 8 — Equipment port voltages in a balanced situation 3 4.2 SPD added to one port 4 5 6 7 In its voltage limiting condition, an SPD effectively grounds the cable where it is applied. In this case, only one SPD is used and it limits the protected router port voltage to a low value, meaning that the other port has nearly all the 4 kV induced voltage applied to it, see Figure 9. The applied 4 kV level is higher than the IEEE 802.3™-2012 2.4 kV 1.2/50 requirement level and port insulation barrier breakdown may occur. 4 kV induced voltage grounded by SPD at one end -4 kV 4/8 cable mid-point voltage = -2 kV Router 0 SPD 8 9 Figure 9 — Voltage levels with a single SPD 10 4.3 SPDs on both ports 11 12 13 14 Adding SPDs to both ends of the cable should prevent port insulation barrier overvoltages. However, the common references for the SPDs may not have the same ground potential rise, GPR, during a local lightning stroke to ground as shown in Figure 10, see 5.3. The differential can cause SPD operation, large circulating currents in the cable and possible insulation barrier overvoltage. 6 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 GPR Differential coupled by SPDs at each end Router 4/8 SPD 1 2 SPD GPR2 GPR1 Figure 10 — SPDs on both ports operated by GPR 3 5. Other Stress Factors 4 5 Besides magnetic induction; SPD operation, power feed surges and differential ground potential rise can stress the Ethernet port. 6 5.1 Ethernet SPD operation 7 5.1.1 Conversion of longitudinal surge to differential surge 8 9 10 Inherently the surges on twisted pair wires are longitudinal. Transverse surges on twisted pair wires are generally assumed to be generated by joint or insulation breakdown of a single wire or, more commonly, asynchronous operation of SPDs protecting the wire pair. 11 12 13 14 There are two extremes of conversion; voltage conversion for high impedance terminations and current conversion for low impedance terminations. The result will also depend on how the cable surge is coupled; magnetic or direct. The examples here use Gas Discharge Tubes, GDTs, as the surge protective components. 15 16 17 Figure 11 shows the two extremes of termination. If the termination is high impedance, GDT1 and GDT2 are not strongly coupled and operate independently. The differential voltage across the termination will be the difference between the voltages of GDT 1 and GDT 2 (VGDT1 – VGDT2). 18 19 If the termination is low impedance, GDT1 and GDT2 are coupled and the first GDT to operate will conduct the available current from both conductors. 7 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 IT T VGDT1 - VGDT2 T VGDT2 V GDT1 High Impedance Termination IR R R GDT 1 1 2 Low Impedance Termination GDT1 GDT2 Common GDT 2 Common Figure 11 — SPD with high and low impedance differential terminations 3 5.1.2 Voltage conversion of longitudinal surge to differential surge 4 5 6 7 Ethernet ports typically have a transverse surge capability below 10 volts and it is important to characterize SPDs intended for Ethernet protection for the level of transverse surge generated, see C62.36-2014 - IEEE Standard Test Methods for Surge Protectors Used in Low-Voltage Data, Communications, and Signaling Circuits. 8 9 10 Figure 12 is an idealized case where the longitudinal surge on the twisted pair wires (red trace and blue trace in Figure 12) is converted to an inter-wire differential-mode surge (green trace in Figure 12) by asynchronous SPD operation. 400 350 Wire 1 of pair Wire 2 of pair Differential surge Voltage — V 300 250 Wire 2 Wire 1 200 150 100 Differential 50 0 0.00 11 12 13 14 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Time — µs Figure 12 — SPD common-mode to differential-mode surge conversion In practice, because the Ethernet cables are twisted pairs, they will be coupled. Figure 13 shows the more likely result where the first GDT to switch also affects the voltage of the other wire. 8 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 T voltage T GDTT T for GDT2 GDTR R R T for GDTT R for GDT 1 and GDTR GDT1 Common 1 3-electrode GDT GDT2 Common Two 2-electrode GDTs 0V time 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 13 shows the circuits and operation of a single chamber, 3-electrode GDT and two 2-electrode GDTs. It is assumed that a longitudinal surge on the R and T conductors causes the spark-over of the GDT section (GDTT and GDT1 respectively) connected to the R conductor. The waveform on the R conductor is shown as a black line in Figure 13. The R and T conductor twisted pair coupling causes the T conductor voltage to fall when the R conductor GDT sparks over. Over a period of time the conductor coupling reduces and the T conductor voltage rises (green line in Figure 13) until the spark-over voltage of GDT2 is reached. This doesn’t happen for the 3-electrode GDT. Shortly after the spark-over of the R conductor section the T conductor GDTT section fires due to plasma from the first spark-over (blue line in Figure 13). 11 12 13 14 The synchronization of the 3-electrode GDT sections, GDTR (connected to the R conductor) and GDTT (connected to the T conductor) switching greatly reduces the transverse R-T voltage. It has made many service providers to mandate the use on 3-electrode GDTs to avoid the following potential problem with two 2-electrode GDTs. 15 16 17 18 The operation described assumes both wires have the surge applied. When the surge is magnetically coupled things are different as it can be sufficient for one conductor to conduct all the induced surge current and create an magnetic field to oppose the inducing field. This reduces the resultant surge levels in the other wires of the cable. 19 5.1.3 Current conversion of longitudinal surge to differential surge 20 21 22 23 24 In Figure 14, GDT1 is the first to spark-over and directly conducts the current from conductor R (I R). As GDT 1 is in a low voltage condition the low impedance termination, such as an Ethernet port, allows the available current in conductor T (IT) to flow through the termination and be conducted by GDT1 so inhibiting the operation of GDT2. The differential current in the termination will be the available current from which ever conductor has the inoperative GDT. Figure 13 — 3-electrode and 2-electrode GDT operation 9 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 T T Low Impedance Termination IR R GDT1 2 IT R GDT1 GDT2 Common 1 Low Impedance Termination GDT2 Common SPD SPD Circuit Example Current flow after GDT1 operation Figure 14 — Separate GDTs and low impedance termination 3 5.2 Power feed surges 4 5 6 7 8 The surges on an a.c. power feed depend on the lightning activity, the mains power distribution system and the effectiveness of ground electrodes. A further complication is that some power feeds, such as in the USA, have two single phase feeds with a common neutral and protective ground. Applying surge protection to one feed only results in a surge differential between the feeds, which may be applied to power feeds of the equipment in a home network. Surge voltage differentials of over 4 kV have been reported. 9 10 11 Evaluation of failed equipment showed that surge levels of at least 9 kV were required to emulate field damage. Subsequently the ITU-T has formalized a special requirement of 13 kV port to port voltage level for severe environments. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A summary of the ITU-T 2010 activities on this topic is given by Michael Maytum “Lightning Damage of the Home Network Ports”, ATIS PEG conference 2011. An in depth report of the situation in Japan for the TT power distribution system is given by Miyazaki, T. Ishii, T. Okabe, S. Tokyo Electric Power Co., Yokohama, Japan “A Field Study of Lightning Surges Propagating Into Residences”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume: 52, Issue: 4 Date: Nov. 2010. Simulations of domestic residence surge levels for various power distribution systems have been conducted in 2014. The results of these are currently being reviewed. 19 5.3 Differential Ground Potential Rise (GPR) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Chapter 3, The atmospheric electric fields associated with thunderstorms and lightning discharges and their effects, of the ITU-T Lightning Handbook gives various equations for ground potential rise, GPR. For the example presented, the peak stroke current, ISTROKE, is 30,000 A (typical first negative flash stroke), with a soil resistivity, of 100 m. At the strike point the effective soil resistance is 11.5 . At distance x m from the strike, the soil GPR voltage Vx is given by *ISTROKE/(2**x) = 480/x kV, see Figure 15. For x = 500 m, Vx is about 1 kV. Two radially placed electrodes of separation y m from the 500 m (x) point would develop a differential GPR voltage of approximately y*Vx/x kV. If the separation distance, y, was 20 m then the differential GPR voltage would be 0.04 kV or 40 V. Damaging levels of voltage would require higher levels of soil resistivity or higher current or a smaller distance x from the strike or combinations of these factors. For example, a strike 50 m away with a 300 m soil would result in an 8 kV differential GPR voltage between the soil electrodes. 10 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 lightning stroke soil equipotential rings x Vx y ISTROKE 1 2 3 4 5 These differential GPR voltage values are only for the soil electrodes. Additional localised GPR like voltages can be generated by the inductive components of the building bonding system as a result of SPDs diverting surge currents into the bonding system. 6 6. Summary 7 8 9 Figure 16 summarizes the possible cable voltage conditions of clause 4 for lightning induced voltages in a home networking Optical Network termination, ONT, situation. Power feeds are shown in the figure as they can also have surge levels that may cause insulation barrier breakdown. Figure 15 — Soil GPR surrounding a lightning stroke 11 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum Magnetically induced voltages and currents in Ethernet cables due to lightning strokes Rev 3 Insulation barriers Clause 4 Basic Configuration Clause 4.1 Balanced no SPD One twisted pair 4 kV induced voltage equally shared -2 kV Router +2 kV 4/8 cable mid-point voltage = 0 Power ONT Clause 4.2 Unbalanced one SPD Clause 4.3 two SPDs with GPR 4 kV induced voltage grounded by SPD at one end -4 kV 4/8 cable mid-point voltage = -2 kV Power GPR Differential coupled by SPDs at each end 2 Router 4/8 SPD GPR3 0 SPD SPD Power + Battery 1 Router GPR2 GPR1 Figure 16 — Summary of clause 4 voltage conditions 12 Copyright © 2014 M J Maytum