PX7102-Analysis of Power Converters

PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 Unit 1: Single Phase AC to DC Converters
Part A
1. What is the difference between a signal diode and a power diode?
The power diode consists of a n+ substrate (cathode) over which a n- layer is grown epitaxially. A heavily doped p+
layer is diffused into the n- layer to form the anode. This construction allows higher power capability in power diodes.
Signal diodes are made of p-n junctions. p+ : Doping level is 1019/cm3 in p+ layer and 1017/cm3 in n-region.
2. What is barrier potential? How is it affected by temperature?
The potential difference across the depletion layer is called barrier potential. A silicon diode has a barrier potential of
0.7V and 0.3V in the case of a germanium diode. The width of the depletion layer is about 5 x 10-4mm. A rise in
junction temperature causes a decrease in width of the depletion layer. The barrier potential depends on the width of
the depletion layer and decreases with an increase in the temperature.
3. What is a phase controlled rectifier?
A phase controlled rectifier is a power electronic circuit that converts ac input voltage to a variable DC voltage. The
output voltage of the rectifier is varied by controlling the delay angle or firing angle of the thyristors in the circuit. The
firing angle or phase angle for the thyristor is measured with respect to the positive zero crossing ac input voltage.
4. Mention the effect of source inductance in single phase converters?
The presence of source inductance causes the outgoing and incoming thyristors to conduct simultaneously. When the
source inductance increases, the overlap angle increases and as a consequence the average output voltage is reduced.
5. What is the difference between rectifier mode and inverter mode in single phase converters?
The converter is said to operate in the rectifier mode if the output voltage and output current are in the 1st quadrant
(both positive). The converter is said to operate in the inverter mode if the output voltage is negative and the output
current is positive (2nd quadrant operation). In this mode, power is fed to the AC system. When a dc source of negative
polarity is connected to the output terminals it will feed power to the AC system. The power electronic circuit is then
said to operate in the inverter mode. In this mode, the firing angle is greater than 90 degrees.
6. Draw the static characteristics of a thyristor and explain the terms holding current and latching current.
Holding current is the level of current below which if the thyristor current goes, the device will revert to a blocking
state. If the thyristor current goes above the latching current and if the anode to cathode voltage is positive, the
thyristor goes into the conduction mode if a gating pulse is applied. If the current is below the latching current and the
gating pulse is withdrawn the thyristor will revert to a blocking state.
7. What are the advantages of using a freewheeling diode in a semiconverter circuit?
To improve continuous current operation
To prevent the switching devices from being damaged.
8. What is the relation between firing angles in a dual converter circuit?
1 + 2 = 180 deg
Where 1 = firing angle of converter 1
2= firing angle of converter 2
9. What is the difference between natural commutation and forced commutation?
The method of turn-off of a thyristor when the applied voltage across the anode to cathode goes negative due to the
application of a sinusoidal input voltage is called natural commutation. Forced commutation is the process of turning
off a thyristor or GTO when the anode to cathode voltage is positive. One of the methods of forced commutation is to
divert the thyristor current to another circuit to bring the current below the holding current
10. Define voltage ripple factor.
VRF = (((Rms Output Voltage)2 – (Average Output Voltage)2) / (Average Output Voltage)2 )1/2
11. Write the expression for average load voltage and RMS load voltage for single phase half controlled
converter with resistive load and inductive load.
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M.E(C&I)-I sem
PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 12. What is the effect of freewheeling diode on the performance of single phase fully controlled converter?
The load current waveform is improved.
Load performance is improved due to harmonic reduction.
13. What are the various techniques for improving power factor in phase controlled converters?
The use of GTOs to perform phase angle control and extinction angle control allows the input current waveform to be
shaped so that the fundamental component of current is in phase with the input voltage.
Symmetric angle control is also used to obtain a waveform that has a fundamental component of current in phase with
the input voltage waveform. In this case the triggering angle is α and extinction angle is (π-α).
14. Define ripple and distortion factor?
Ripple factor = (FF2 -1)1/2
Distortion Factor = Is1/Is, where Is1 is the rms value of the fundamental component of source current and Is is the rms
value of the total source current.
15. Describe two methods by which a thyristor can be turned on.
Application of a gating pulse between the gate and cathode
Application of a voltage transient across the anode to cathode junction
16. Describe a single phase converter that will result in a leading power factor.
A single phase converter triggered on at α=0 and turned off at an extinction angle β <π using GTOs in the converter
will result in a leading power factor.
17. What are the conditions required for operating the full converter in the inverter mode?
The load has be predominantly inductive and the current conduction is beyond π for the single phase converter to
operate in the inverter mode.
18. Write the power balance equation in converter circuits.
VsIs = VoIo where Vs and Is are the rms values of input voltage and input current. Vo and Io are the rms values of the
load voltage and load current.
19. What is the use of circulating current inductor in dual converters?
Since the instantaneous output voltages of the two converters present in the dual converter are out of phase, there can
be an instantaneous voltage difference with one converter trying to drive current through the other converter. The
circulating current is limited using a circulating current inductor located between the output terminals of the
20. What is meant by reverse recovery time in diode circuits?
When the forward conducting diode is reverse biased, the diode continues to conduct due to minority carriers stored in
the junction. A finite time is required for these carriers to recombine with opposite charges and get neutralized. This
time is the reverse recovery time.
Part B
1. Problem on a single phase full converter feeding RLE load.
2. Describe the principle of operation of a single phase semiconverter with freewheeling diodes. Sketch the circuit
diagram and draw the waveforms for source voltage, output voltage, thyristor currents, diode currents, source current,
load current and freewheeling diode current assuming a large inductor in the load. Derive the expression for average
output voltage. Derive the expression for RMS output voltage.
3. Describe the principle of operation for a single phase full converter with R-L load and no freewheeling diode.
Sketch the circuit diagram and draw the waveforms for source voltage, output voltage, load current and source current
assuming a large inductor and no ripple in the output current. Derive the expression for average output voltage. Derive
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M.E(C&I)-I sem
PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 the expression for RMS output voltage.
4. Describe the principle of operation of a single phase semiconverter with R-load and no freewheeling diodes. For a
trigger angle of α = 90 deg, sketch the waveforms for source voltage, output voltage, thyristor currents, source current
and load current. Derive the expression for average output voltage.Derive the expression for RMS output voltage.
What is the peak load current if the load is a resistance R.
5. Describe the principle of operation for a single phase full converter with R-L load and no free-wheeling diode.
Sketch the circuit diagram and draw the waveforms for source voltage, output voltage, load current and source current
assuming a large inductor and no ripple in the output current. Derive the expression for average output voltage.
Explain the difference between a semiconverter and a full converter.
6. Problem on a single phase fully controlled bridge converter
7. Explain the effect of overlap on the performance of half controlled converters. Explain with circuit and output
waveform the working of single phase fully controlled converter with RL load in discontinuous mode of operation.
8. Describe with output circuit and waveform the working of single phase half controlled converter with RL load in
continuous mode of operation. What is the effect of reactive power on the performance of converter?
9. Discuss the inverter mode of operation for thyristor converters.
10. Problem on a single phase dual converter
Unit 2: Three phase AC to DC Converters
Part A
1. Define Transformer Utilization factor in a three phase converter.
TUF = (Average Output Vdc * Idc)/3VsIs
2. Define Rectification efficiency for a three phase rectifier.
Rectification efficiency = Vdc Idc /3Vrms Irms
3. What is the meaning of four quadrant operation of converters? What are the applications for such
The output voltage and output current can be positive or negative during converter operation. These converters are
useful in electric vehicles, locomotive drives where power isregenerated to the source.
4. Write down the performance parameters of an ideal rectifier.
An ideal rectifier should have
Efficiency = η = 100%
Output AC voltage Vac = 0
Ripple Factor = 0
Transformer Utilization Factor = 1
Harmonic Factor = HF = Total harmonic Distortion THD =0
Power Factor PF =1
5. What is the need for sequence control of converters?
Power factor is improved if sequence control is employed.
Reduction of harmonics in the source current and load voltage is achieved.
6. Why is circulating current mode preferred over non-circulating mode of operation of a dual converter?
The circulating current maintains continuous conduction of both converters over the whole control range, independent
of the load. Since one converter operates as a rectifier and the other converter as an inverter, the power flow in either
direction at any time is possible. Since both the converters are in continuous mode of operation, the time response for
changing from one quadrant to another is faster.
7. Mention the effect of source inductance in converters
The presence of source inductance causes the outgoing and incoming thyristors to conduct simultaneously. When the
source inductance increases, the overlap angle increases and as a consequence the average output voltage is reduced.
8.What is meant by overlap angle or commutation angle?
The commutation period is the time interval when the incoming and outgoing thyristors are conducting. The angle in
radians corresponding to this time interval is called the commutation angle or overlap angle.
9.Give some industrial applications of phase controlled rectifiers.
DC motor drives used in steel rolling mills, paper mills, and textile mills
Traction systems – locomotive
Electrochemical processes
Portable hand tool drives
Valliammai Engineering College
M.E(C&I)-I sem
PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 High voltage DC transmission
10.What is the effect of source impedance in three phase fully controlled converter?
The output DC voltage is reduced due to regulation or voltage drop across the input inductor
11. Mention the frequency of lowest order harmonic in three phase semiconverter and three phase fully
controlled converters.
The fifth harmonic will be the lowest order harmonic current.
12. What is the difficulty in not having a circulating current inductor in three phase dual converters?
The two converters cannot be operated at the same time in a single cycle since there will be a short circuit between the
two converters resulting damage to the converter.
13.Write the expression for transformer utilization factor.
TUF = Pdc/Input VA; where Pdc is the DC power output and
Input VA = 3 (Per phase source voltage) (per phase RMS source current)
14. What is the expression for displacement factor in three phase converters?
DF = cos (α)
15. Write the expression for Active power input in three phase converters.
Active Power input = 3 Vs Is1cos(θ1) where Vs is the rms input source voltage,
Is1 is the rms of the fundamental component of source current and θ1 is the lag angle of this fundamental
component with the source voltage.
16. What are the advantages of having a circulating current inductor in three phase dual converter applied to
traction applications?
The three phase dual converter can be applied for four quadrant operation and rapid speed reversal is possible
since the converters can switch from rectifier mode to inverter mode in the same cycle. The circulating current
inductor limits the current flow between the converters during this switchover mode. The dynamic response for
the traction drive is improved.
17.What is the condition under which the dual converter needs to be operated when both the converters are
operating in the same cycle?
If α1 is the triggering angle for Converter 1 and α2 is the triggering angle for converter 2, then the angles should
be chosen so that α1 + α2 = 180 degrees.
18. What is the advantage of using a three phase converter over a single phase converter for a large DC drive
The ripple in the DC voltage output is reduced in a three phase converter. Also the ratings for individual
components are reduced since the rms current through each device will be lesser in a three phase converter
compared to a single phase converter to power a DC drive of a given rating.
19. What is the purpose of having a freewheeling diode in a three phase semiconverter?
The freewheeling diode ensures smooth conduction of load current when the switches of the converter are off. The
ripple in the load current is reduced.
20. What are the quadrants of operation for a three phase fully controlled rectifier?
The three phase fully controlled rectifier is able to operate in two quadrants. It can generate positive voltage (1st
quadrant) and negative DC output voltage (4th quadrant) and can produce current in one direction only.
Part B
1. Problem on a three phase semi converter is operated.
2. Problem a three phase full converter is operated
3. Explain the principle of operation of a three phase dual converter. Sketch the waveforms for source voltage, voltage
across the inductor and the output voltage for each converter for a delay angle of 30°.Derive the expression for the
voltage across the inductor.
4. Explain the effect of source inductance in three phase converters. Draw the waveforms for voltage and current
clearly showing an overlap angle of 15 °.Derive an expression for output voltage with overlap assuming source
inductance is Ls.
5. Explain with circuit and waveform the principle of working of semi-controlled three phase converter with R load.
Describe freewheeling diode, inverter operations with circuit diagram.
6. Explain with circuit and waveform the principle of operation of fully controlled three phase converter with RL load.
With circuit and waveform describe the working principle of 12 pulse converter.
7. Explain the operation of three phase fully controlled bridge converter with resistive load. Describe in detail the
following modes of operation with associated waveforms:
(i) Discontinuous conduction mode (ii) continuous conduction mode. Explain in detail the operation of dual converter
with circulating current. Write the comparison between non-circulating mode and circulating current mode.
8. Explain with neat sketches the operation of 3-phase Dual converter in circulating current mode.
9. The load current of a three phase full converter is converter is continuous with negligible ripple content. (1)Derive
expressions for input current using Fourier series, Harmonic factor HF of the input current, distortion factor DF and
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PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 input power factor PF. (2)If the delay angle is π/3 radians, calculate the average and rms output voltage, HF, DF and
10. Briefly explain the working of a 12 pulse converter. Discuss the effect of source inductance in three phase full
converter with appropriate waveforms.
Unit 3: DC to DC Converters
Part A
1. What are the features of a buck converter?
The features of a buck converter are as follows:
This is a step-down converter that provides a lower voltage at the output when compared to the input. The convererter
is operated at a high frequency with one controlled switch and one diode as the semiconductor components. The
circuit is used for regulated power supplies.
2. What are the different types of resonant converters?
Resonant converters are broadly classified as zero voltage switching (ZVS) converters and zero current switching
(ZCS) converters. The resonant converters switch the transistor or Mosfet at either zero voltage condition or zero
current condition to reduce switching losses. The LC circuits in these topologies create the zero current or zero voltage
3. What is meant by pulse width modulation in converters?
Pulse width modulation refers to controlling the gate terminal of the switch by providing a square pulse waveforn
whose On-time or pulse width can be changed. This modulation of the On-time keeping the period constant is called
pulse width modulation.
4. What is meant by integral cycle control?
Integral cycle control refers to the ON-OFF control method used in AC voltage controllers to connect the load to the
power supply for a few cycles and disconnect the load from the ac power source for a few cycles. If the AC voltage
source is connected for ‘n’ cycles and disconnected for ‘m’ cycles, then the average voltage at the load is proportional
to the factor n/(n+m); n and m are integers.
5. What are the basic types of DC-DC converters?
The basic types of DC-DC converters are Step down converter and step up converter. Most converters such as Buck,
Boost, Buck boost and Cuk fall into the category of the step-up, step-down or a combination of the two types of
6. What is meant by time ratio control?
Time ratio control refers to the control of ON Time to (ON-Time+Off-Time) in converters. By varying the time ratio
of controlling a switch the average voltage applied to the load can be controlled.
7. for a step-down converter with 100V input voltage and R = 12 ohms, if the switching frequency is 1.5 KHz,
what should be the ON time to get a output voltage of 80V?
For Vin = 100V, f = 1.5 KHz
Time period T = 1/f = 0.667 ms
Vo = Vin * Ton/T
80 100 * Ton/0.667
Ton = 80* 0.667 /100 = 0.533ms
8. What are the features of a boost converter?
Boost converter has the feature of a step-up DC-DC converter. The output voltage is higher than the input voltage in
this converter. The circuit features a controlled switch, a diode, an inductor and a filter capacitor connected across the
load. These converters are used in switching power supplies.
9. What are the advantages of resonant converters?
Resonant converters are DC-Dc converters that feature a controlled switch that turns-ON or turns OFF during a zero
current or zero voltage condition. The zero voltage or zero current condition is caused due to the presence of a
resonant circuit. The operation of the switch in this condition reduces the switching losses in comparison to buck or
boost switching converters. Resonant converters are therefore highly efficient.
10. How is the output voltage of a buck-boost converter dependent on duty ratio?
Va = -Vs (k) /(1-k)
Where Va = output voltage, Vs = input voltage
K = ton/ (ton + toff) = duty cycle
11. Name two applications for boost converters.
Boost converters are used to charge a battery which is at a higher voltage than the DC output from a solar panel. Boost
converters are used to light up a string of LED lamps from a low voltage battery source.
12. A step down DC chopper has an input voltage of 220V and duty cycle of 50%. When the chopper remains
on, its voltage drop is 2.5V. Determine average output voltage and RMS output voltage.
Average output voltage = kVs = 0.5 * 220=110V
RMS output voltage = Vs(k)1/2 = 220(0.5)1/2 = 155.56V
13. Differentiate between quasi-resonant and resonant converters.
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PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 Quasi-resonant converters have one of the modes of operation as a resonant mode. Moreover this mode may not
necessarily complete a cycle of resonance. In contrast, resonant converters are based on complete cycle of resonance
used to transfer energy from one device to another.
14. What are the various performance parameters of a DC to DC converter?
Range of control for output voltage and load current ripple are the main performance parameters.
15. What is the condition for continuous inductor current and capacitor voltage of boost converter?
The critical inductor value has to be atleast Lc = (1-k) R/2f where k is the duty cycle of the controlled switch, R is the
load resistance and f is the switching frequency.
The critical capacitor value is Cc = k/2fR
16. Draw the control characteristics of buck converter.
The ratio of output voltage to input voltage varies linearly with duty cycle k.
17. Compare TRC with CLC.
TRC refers to time ratio control. In this method the controlled switch in the converter is controlled at a constant
frequency by varying the turn ON time with respect to the constant period. In a step down chopper therefore higher
output voltage results if the turn-on period is increased with the period kept constant.
Turn-on time +Turn-off time = Time Period.
CLC refers to current limit control. In this method the controlled switch is kept ON until the current reaches a level
Iref+Δi and the switch is kept turned off until it reaches a value Iref-Δi. In this method the frequency of switching varies
based on the chosen current, the limits of Δi and the circuit components.
18. What are the advantages of resonant converters?
Resonant converters are used to reduce the switching losses in switch mode converters. By making a switch turn off at
zero voltage or zero current, the losses are reduced and the converter efficiency is improved.
19. Which DC-DC converter topology is suitable for electric vehicle drives?
A four quadrant topology is best suited for electric vehicles and the full bridge DC-DC converter may be used for the
20. What is the disadvantage of current limit control in DC-DC converters?
Since the frequency of switching varies in this method it is difficult to design filters for this circuit that will eliminate
electromagnetic noise.
Part B
1. Explain the principle of operation of a buck converter with circuit diagram showing the various modes. Derive the
expression for output voltage and switching frequency.
2. Explain the principle of operation of a Cuk converter with circuit diagram showing the various modes. If the input
voltage is 15V and the duty cycle is 0.7 what is the output voltage?
3. Describe the principle of operation of a boost converter showing the various modes. Derive the expression for peak
to peak ripple current and ripple voltage.
4. Describe the principle of operation of a buck-boost converter showing various modes. Derive the expression for
output voltage and switching frequency.
5. Sketch the operation of a zero current switching resonant converter and explain the various modes of operation
using equivalent circuits.
6. Explain the principle of operation of a step up converter with circuit diagram showing the various modes.
7. Explain the principle of operation of a step down converter with circuit diagram showing the various modes.
Derive the expression for fundamental component of the voltage in terms of the Fourier series and the expression for
RMS output voltage.
8. Design and describe the working of step down DC to DC converter with circuit and waveform. Analyze with circuit
and waveform the principle of working of buck-boost converter with time ratio and current limit control.
9. Explain the principle of operation of resonant converter with circuit and waveform. Design and describe the
analysis of Cuk converter.
10. Explain with neat sketches the operation of ZVS resonant converters.
Unit 4: AC Voltage Controllers
Part A
1. What are the applications of three phase AC voltage controllers?
Three phase AC voltage controllers are used to control illumination lamps, industrial heater control and three phase
induction motors.
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M.E(C&I)-I sem
PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 2. What are the advantages of multi-stage ac voltage controllers?
Multi-stage sequence control in AC voltage controllers is adopted to improve the output current waveform and hence
improve the power factor in AC regulators.
3. Draw the static characteristics of a triac.
The I-V characteristics of the triac indicate that the triac goes into conduction mode in the 1st and 3rd quadrants by
application of suitable gate current to trigger the device into conduction.
4. What is meant by extinction angle in ac voltage controllers?
The extinction angle in ac voltage controllers is defined as the instant at which the conducting device turns OFF when
triggered at an angle α. In an AC voltage controller with R load, the extinction angle β occurs at π. In ac voltage
controllers with R-L loads, the angle β is greater than π.
5. What is meant by integral cycle control?
Integral cycle control refers to the ON-OFF control method used in AC voltage controllers to connect the load to the
power supply for a few cycles and disconnect the load from the ac power source for a few cycles. If the AC voltage
source is connected for ‘n’ cycles and disconnected for ‘m’ cycles, then the average voltage at the load is proportional
to the factor n/(n+m); n and m are integers.
6. What are the advantages of multi-stage ac voltage controllers?
Multi-stage sequence control in AC voltage controllers is adopted to improve the output current waveform and hence
improve the power factor in AC regulators.
7. What are the advantages of sequence control in ac voltage controllers?
Sequence control in ac voltage control is used to improve the output voltage waveform and make it appear near to
sinusoidal shape while providing control of the RMS output voltage. This method leads to power factor improvement
and to the generation of lower harmonics.
8. What is phase angle control in ac voltage regulators?
Phase angle control refers to the delay in the turn ON time of the semiconductor switch such as the thyristor from the
positive going instant of the sinusoidal voltage applied to the circuit. Changing the phase angle causes a change in the
output RMS voltage applied to the load.
9. Why is high frequency carrier gating required for ac voltage controller circuits?
T1 conducts from angle α to an angle β which is greater than π in the case of an R-L load. For example if α = 10 deg
for T1 and the delay angle for T2 may be (π+α) which is 190 deg. However if the extinction angle for T1 is 200 deg,
T1 keeps conducting from 10 deg to 200 deg. The short duration pulse applied to T2 at 190° may not turn it ON since
T1 is still ON. However if there is a train of pulses from 10 deg to 180 deg for T1 and from 190 deg to 360 for T2,
then T2 will turn ON after T1 goes OFF. Similarly T1 will turn On after T2 goes off.
10. What are the control methods used in ac voltage controllers?
ON-OFF methods or integral cycle control is the method where the load is connected to the source for a few cycles
and disconnected for a few cycles of source voltage. The ratio of the number of ON cycles to the total number of
ON+OFF cycles is the ratio by which the output voltage is generated. Phase angle control is the other method where
the thyristors are kept turned OFF for a part of each cycle and kept ON for the remaining part of the cycle. The delay
angle or phase angle α is controlled to change the output voltage.
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of unidirectional ac voltage controllers?
Unidirectional or half wave controllers introduce DC current in the output voltage which is not desirable. The
advantage is the control method is simple since there is only one switch.
12. What are the types of single phase ac voltage controllers?
Unidirectional or half wave controllers
Bidirectional or full wave controllers.
13. What are the applications where ON-OFF control may be applied?
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M.E(C&I)-I sem
PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 Systems where the response time is high or those that have a large time constant such as industrial heaters may take
advantage of this method.
14. A single phase voltage controller feeds an induction motor and a heater. Comment on whether the
fundamental and harmonics are useful for the system operation.
Induction motors are designed to produce torque based on the fundamental current and the application of harmonics
may only heat up the motor. The application of fundamental and harmonics to a heater may produce heating and the
heater could use this power for conversion to heat.
15. A purely inductive load is controlled by a single phase AC voltage controller with back to back SCRs. If
firing angle of each SCR is 75 deg, comment about the conduction angle for each SCR.
16. List various configurations of three phase AC regulators.
Single phase half-controlled and full controlled converters, multi-stage sequence controlled voltage regulators, delta
connected ac voltage regulators are some of the various types.
17. Distinguish between two stage and multi-stage sequence control of AC voltage regulator.
Two stage control of voltage regulators have two sets of back-to back connected thyristors in parallel. While the first
stage has a triggering angle set to α=0, the second stage is varied from α=0 to π to get voltage control. A moderate
reduction in harmonics and continuous load current is achieved. In multi-stage sequence control several such stages
are used and the input current can be gradually shaped to significantly improve power factor and effect voltage control
at the load.
18. What do you mean by phase control of AC voltage regulators?
The thyristors are triggered at an angle measured from the input voltage zero crossing. This angle is called the phase
angle. If the phase angle is high the output voltage is low.
There are two thyristors connected back to back and each thyristor conducts in one half cycle. For example if one
thyristor is triggered at phase angle α=30 degrees, with an R load, the thyristor will conduct up to 180 degrees. The
other thyristor is then triggered at (180+30) degrees and will conduct upto 360 degrees. A reduced output voltage
results due to the phase angle control of the thyristors.
19. State the advantages of integral cycle control of AC voltage control over phase control.
Integral cycle control ensures that the current drawn from the source is a sine wave since the entire cycle of input
voltage is passed on to the output load. The input power factor is therefore improved in this type of control. In phase
angle control a part of the voltage waveform is distorted and presented to the output and hence the input supply
harmonics are high and the power factor is low.
20. What is the application of single phase half controlled AC voltage controller?
Single phase half controlled AC voltage controllers may be used in heating applications where the DC component of
current may not cause any undesirable effects
Part B
1. (i) Derive the RMS output voltage for a single phase half controlled ac voltage controller with R-load.
(ii) Draw the voltage and current waveform with R load and R-L load and justify the shape of the waveform.
2. (i) Sketch the circuit diagram and waveforms for a single phase full control ac voltage controller with R-L load. (ii)
Derive the expression for RMS Output voltage with R load.
3. (i) Sketch the following (a) 3ф delta AC voltage controller with 3 ф delta R-L load (b) 3 ф 3 wire star AC voltage
controller with 3ф 3 wire delta R-L load.
(ii) Draw the circuit for a two stage sequential control of single phase AC regulators and sketch the output voltage
waveforms for a delay angle of 0 deg for the first stage and 90 degrees for the second stage.
4. Explain the operation of a 3phase AC voltage regulator having six thyristors with neat sketches of voltage
waveforms. Derive the expression for the RMS output voltage, RMS load current and RMS thyristor current for a
1phase full wave AC voltage controller for R load.
5. Sketch the circuit diagram and describe the operation of a three phase full wave ac voltage controller. Sketch the
input voltages and the gating instants for the thyristors if the delay angle α = 60 and the period of conduction for each
thyristor is 120 deg. What are the applications for ac voltage controllers? Explain why carrier frequency gating is used
in ac voltage controllers.
6. Explain with circuit diagram and waveform the principle of phase control of single phase controller with RL load
and obtain expression for voltage and power factor.
7. With circuit and waveform explain the phase control of three phase controller with R load and obtain expression for
voltage and power factor.
8. Discuss the operation of single phase AC regulator with RL load
9. A single phase half wave AC regulator feeds power to a resistive load of 6ohms from 230V, 50Hz source. The
firing angle of SCR is π/2.Calculate RMS value of output voltage, input power factor and average input current.
10. Derive the expression for RMS output voltage, RMS load current and RMS thyristor current of a single phase full
wave AC voltage controller for RL load.
Valliammai Engineering College
M.E(C&I)-I sem
Part A
1. Draw the circuit diagram of a converter used to generate a 20Hz power source from a 60Hz power source.
The figure is a single phase bridge type cycloconverter that can be operated in such a way so that the P-converter
operates in the first three half cycles of source voltage and the N-converter operates in the next three half cycles of
source voltage to provide an output frequency that is one-third (20HZ) of that of the output frequency (60Hz).
2. Do cycloconverter require force commutation? Which type and why?
Step-up cycloconverter need forced commutation so that they can synthesize a high frequency waveform from a low
frequency waveform. Forced commutation is essential to turn off the devices even though the applied voltage across
the device is positive.
3. What are the applications of cycloconverter?
Large motor drives in railways run at 16.66Hz using step down cycloconverter.
Speed control for synchronous machines.
Cement mill drives
Ship propulsion drives
Rolling mill drives
4. Write the expression for the output voltage for an m-pulse cycloconverter?
Vs – rms input voltage, α – gating angle
5. What is meant by load commutated cycloconverter?
The thyristors in this cycloconverter are commutated (turned OFF) by the reversal of the load voltage. The load
voltage or generated emf from the load is negative. An example of such a load is a cycloconverter supplying a
permanent magnet synchronous machine. The thyristors need to be commutated based on the speed of the machine
and hence a shaft feedback of the motor is required to control the cycloconverter. The applications of such machines
are in aircrafts. The starter- generator application in aircrafts working at 400Hz uses cycloconverter.
6. What is the difference between line commutated and force commutated cycloconverter?
In the line commutated or natural commutated cycloconverter, the thyristor turns OFF when the voltage across the
device becomes negative. In the force commutated cycloconverter, the device is made to turn OFF even when the
voltage across the device is positive. This is usually accomplished by switches that can be turned OFF by gate control
such as IGBTs or GTOs.
7. What are the applications of cycloconverter?
Large motor drives in railways run at 16.66Hz using step down cycloconverter.
Speed control for synchronous machines.
Cement mill drives
Ship propulsion drives
Rolling mill drives
Scherbius drives
Ore grinding mills
Mine winders
8. What are the effects of load inductance on the performance of cycloconverter?
Load inductance cause the output current to be continuous and hence the waveform of the output current is improved.
There is a significant improvement in power factor and reduction in harmonics.
Valliammai Engineering College
M.E(C&I)-I sem
PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 9. What is the difference between a cycloconverter and a dc link converter?
A DC link converter may convert the AC voltage to a DC voltage and then convert the DC voltage to an AC voltage at
a different frequency than the frequency of the input voltage. A cycloconverter will convert the AC voltage at one
frequency to AC voltage at another frequency without an intermediary DC stage.
10. What is the difference between line commutated and load commutated cycloconverter?
In the case of line commutated cycloconverter, the thyristors get turned off since the input voltage across the thyristors
goes through a zero crossing and hence they are also called naturally commutated cycloconverter. In the case of load
commutated cycloconverter, the effect of the load will cause the thyristors to turn off due to the negative voltage
generated. Permanent magnet motor loads have this effect causing load commutation.
11.What is the effect of harmonics in cycloconverter?
The cycloconverter cause significant harmonics in the input current causing heating of the input transformer
components and also the large drives that are controlled by the converters. The motor drives need to be derated to take
into account the effect of temperature rise.
12.How power factor control is employed in cycloconverter?
Force commutated cycloconverter using GTOs are becoming popular since they have the ability to perform extinction
angle control thereby shaping the current waveform to improve the power factor.
13.Why an intergroup reactor is required for 3-phase cycloconverter?
An intergroup reactor is required between the positive group and the negative groups so that the ac bus voltage is
not short-circuited by the thyristors causing device damage. The inter-group reactor limits the instantaneous current
through the thyristors to a safe level.
14.Which type of cycloconverter requires forced commutation? Why is it required?
Step-up cycloconverter require forced commutation since the voltage across the device will still be positive and the
device will need to be turned off.
15. What are the types of cycloconverters?
1.Step-up cycloconverter
2. Step down cycloconverter
16. Draw the schematic diagram of three phase to single phase cycloconverter.
17.Whic type of cycloconverter is preferred for three phase low frequency output?
Three phase to three phase cycloconverter
18. What are the types of single phase to single phase cycloconverter?
(a) Mid point type (b) bridge type
19.Which type of cycloconverter is preferred for converting three phase supply at one frequency to a
single phase supply at lower frequency?
Three phase to single phase cycloconverter
20. How many thyristors are used in bridge type cycloconverter?
Bridge type cycloconverter consists of a total eight thyristors
Part B
1. Draw the power circuit diagram of a line commutated phase controlled cycloconverter. Explain its working with
relevant waveforms. Also derive the expression for its output voltage.
Valliammai Engineering College
M.E(C&I)-I sem
PX7102‐ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS DEPARTMENT OF EIE 2014‐2015 2. Discuss why a 3-phase to 1-phase cycloconverter requires positive and negative group phase controlled converters.
Under what conditions the groups work as inverters or rectifiers?
3. A single phase to single phase mid-point cycloconverter is used for obtaining an output frequency of 1/3 of the
input frequency. Turns ratio from primary to upper secondary is 1:1 and to lower secondary is ½. The thyristors are
triggered to obtain asymmetrical output voltage. Sketch the output voltage and current waveforms for a firing angle of
30 deg.
4. Derive the fundamental RMS value of per-phase output voltage of low frequency for an m-pulse cycloconverter.
Write short notes on force commutated cycloconverter. What are the effects of load inductance in the performance of a
5. Explain the operating principle of single phase to single phase cycloconverter with continuous and discontinuous
load current with circuit and waveform.
6. With circuit and waveform explain operating principle of three phase to three phase cycloconverter with circulating
7. Describe three phase to three phase cycloconverter with relevant circuit arrangements. Draw and explain the control
circuit block diagram for a cycloconverter with non-circulating current mode. .
8. Discuss the operation of a three phase to single phase cycloconverter with neat diagrams.
9. Analyze the midpoint and bridge configurations for a three phase to three phase cycloconverter. Explain the
working of a single phase to single phase bridge type step up cycloconverter with neat sketch.
10. Derive the expression for output voltage equation for a cycloconverter.
Valliammai Engineering College
M.E(C&I)-I sem