XI International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and compensation, ISNCC 2013, Zielona Gora, Poland Currents’ Physical Components theory implementation in shunt active power filtering for unbalanced loads Mihaela Popescu, A. Bitoleanu, V. Suru; University of Craiova, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Craiova, Romania, mpopescu@em.ucv.ro Abstract — This paper is focused on the implementation of the Currents’ Physical Components power theory in the control of a three-phase three wire shunt active power filtering system. Various compensation objectives are taken into consideration by using the provided orthogonal decomposition of the load current associated to the power phenomena. The control algorithms were implemented through the dSPACE DS1103 controller board for modern rapid prototyping which is fully programmable from the Simulink block diagram environment. Three types of unbalanced loads were taken into consideration in the experimental investigations in order to be compensated, namely an AC voltage controller, an unbalanced fullycontrolled bridge rectifier and a transformer with unbalanced resistive load. The active filtering performance, in terms of harmonic distortion factor, unbalance factor, global power factor and displacement power factor, are analysed for each laboratory test. The experimental results prove that the control algorithm implementation on the developed dSPACE platform enables achieving all compensation objectives. Keywords — Shunt active power filter, CPC power theory, DSPACE 1103. I. INTRODUCTION The active power filtering is a well-known efficient solution and powerful tool for power quality improvement, mainly due to its versatility and capability to achieve different compensation goals. When connected in parallel with the load to be compensated, the shunt active power filter (SAPF) must be able to provide an appropriate compensating current in the point of common coupling (PCC), in order to meet the desired objective, such as the current harmonic cancelling, the reactive power compensation, the current unbalance compensation or the total compensation. In the SAPF’s practical implementation by using a voltage source inverter connected to PCC through a passive interface filter (Fig. 1), the control system must have the ability to provide the accurate tracking of the calculated compensating current and to keep the DC voltage at its prescribed value. There are many theories applied in the generation of SAPFs’ reference compensating current, based on either time-domain or frequency-domain. One of the most popular theories in the time domain is the so called p-q theory of the instantaneous reactive power introduced in 1983 for three-phase three-wire circuits under sinusoidal voltage conditions [1] and subsequently extended and applied in shunt active filtering systems [2-4]. However, some deficiencies have been highlighted, especially concerning the interpretations of power related phenomena [5], [6]. Other relevant theories, such as the Fryze-BuchholzDepenbrock (FBD) theory [7] and the generalized instantaneous reactive power theory [8], are based on Fryze’s idea and provide the fundamentals for calculation the reference supply current when the global compensation is desired. Among the frequency based approaches, the Currents’ Physical Components (CPC) power theory formulated by professor Czarnecki for three-phase asymmetrical circuits under sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal voltage conditions is able to give the physical interpretation of power phenomena [5], [6], [9], [10], [15-17]. Through the provided orthogonal decomposition of the load current, any useless individual component of the current or set of components can be taken into consideration in order to be compensated. Thus, the CPC theory can be used as a fundamental for reference compensating current calculation in SAPFs. The term of “programmable compensation” is used in [10] to refer to the individual management of the major components of the detrimental current. In [11], a flexible control is proposed with respect to the compensation targets. The experimental investigation conducted in [12] shows that the implementation of the CPC theory enables obtaining nearly sinusoidal supply current even under nonsinusoidal voltage conditions. However, as the frequency-domain approach involves the computational burden Fourier decomposition of the currents and/or voltages, there are few such implementations compared to those in the time-domain. u is PCC Power supply iL iL iF Coupling filter uDC VSI C SAPF u uDC u*DC Reference compensating current calculation i*Fc Nonlinear load DC Voltage control * i Fu + * iF Compensation current control + Gating signals generation CONTROL SYSTEM Fig. 1. Block diagram of the SAPF system. iF XI International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and compensation, ISNCC 2013, Zielona Gora, Poland The subsequent discussion in this paper is directed to the implementation of the CPC theory in a SAPF system through an experimental setup based on dSPACE DS1103 controller board. Thus, the description of the control system in section II is followed by the presentation of the reference compensating current calculation under nonideal voltage conditions based on CPC theory concepts. After introducing the experimental setup in the next section, the experimental results show the capability of the compensating system to meet various objectives of compensation. The main conclusions are summarized at the end of the paper. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE SAPF CONTROL SYSTEM As shown in the single-line block diagram of the adopted SAPF system (Fig. 1), the sensed voltages (power supply and DC-side) and currents (load-side and VSI output), together with the prescribed DC voltage, are the five inputs of the control system. Actually, the threephase three-wire system involves to measure two line-toline voltages and two line currents at every acquisition point. The reference compensating current calculation (RCCC) block implements the CPC theory concepts and provides the current (i*Fc) to be drawn from PCC according to the compensation objective. Since the filtering system operation is conditioned by keeping the DC voltage at its set value, an additional reference current (i*Fu) is generated by the voltage control block. It must be noticed that a proportional integral (PI) controller has been chosen and designed to provide the magnitude of this current, whereas a specific phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit provides its shape and fundamental angular frequency (ω1) [13], [14]. A hysteresis-band controller is used to ensure the accurate tracking of the whole reference current (i*F). The real-time control system was implemented on a dSPACE 1103 platform by making use of the Matlab/Simulink environment combined with the RealTime Interface and Real-Time Workshop tools. As it can be seen in the compiled Simulink model of the control system, the input signals are received through the analog to digital (ADC) blocks and the generated IGBTs’ gate signals are transferred through the digital I/O channels (Fig. 2). In addition, the control system takes into consideration the start-up process and the required protections. III. COMPENSATING CURRENT CALCULATION In accordance with the CPC theory, the three-phase current vector (iL) of any unbalanced and nonlinear load in a three-wire circuit supplied by a symmetrical sinusoidal voltage system can be decomposed into four orthogonal components, as follows [9]: i L = [i A i B iC ]T = i a + i r + i u + i g , (1) where the active component (ia) is responsible for active power transmission, the reactive component (ir) is associated to the reciprocating flow of energy, the unbalanced component (iu) is related to the load imbalance and the load generated component (iq) is associated to the load nonlinearity or its parameters’ time-variance. As the supply voltage is sinusoidal, the three-phase voltage vector is written as a function of the complex rms voltages (UA, UB and UC), { } u = [u A u B u C ]T = 2 Re [U A U B U C ]T e jω1t = , (2) = 2 Re Ue and the current components, except the generated current, are included in the current fundamental harmonic, i.e. i L1 = i a + i r + i u ; (3) { ig = jω1t } ∞ ∑i Lk ; (4) k =2 i L = i L1 + ∞ ∑i Lk . (5) k =2 By considering the equivalent passive load of delta structure, with respect to active and reactive powers, whose equivalent admittance is Ye = Ge + jBe , the current components can be expressed as follows [5], [6], [15]: { } 2 Re{jB Ue }; 2 Re{A[U U U i a = 2 Re GeUe jω1t ; ir = iu = (6) jω1t e A C B ] T e jω1t }. (7) (8) Starting from the general definitions of the equivalent admittance (Ye) and unbalanced admittance (A), Ye = Y AB + Y BC + YCA , (9) ( ) A = − Y BC + αYCA + α* Y AB , j 2π 3 * (10) − j 2π 3 α=e , α =e , (11) convenient fictitious line-to-line admittances of the load can be expressed in the three-wire system in order to reduce the amount of calculation [16], [17]. As the measured line-to-line voltages in the experimental setup are uBA and uCA, the phase-A is chosen as a reference and YBC is assumed to be zero. Therefore, the expressions of the equivalent and unbalanced admittances become: Ye = Y BA + YCA = Fig. 2. Compiled Simulink model of the control system. IB I + C . U BA U CA (12) XI International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and compensation, ISNCC 2013, Zielona Gora, Poland ( ) ⎛ I I ⎞ A = − αYCA + α* Y BA = −⎜⎜ α C + α* B ⎟⎟ . (13) U BA ⎠ ⎝ U CA Then,the equivalent conductance (Ge) and susceptance Be) of the load are calculated as: Ge = Re{Ye } ; Be = Im{Ye } . (14) In the general structure of block RCCC (Fig. 3), the block B1 is mainly aimed to calculate the complex rms values of the fundamental components of the line-to-line nonideal voltages and line load currents based on Fourier transformation. The load generated component of the current to be compensated is calculated too, either as i *g = i L − i L1 , (15) when perfect harmonic cancellation is desired, or as i *g = N ∑i Lk , (16) k =2 when current harmonics of orders from 2 to N are to be removed. Then, the fundamental equivalent conductance, susceptance and unbalanced admittance are calculated in block B2 and supplied to bloc B3 in order to generate the fundamental active, reactive and unbalanced components of the current. Obviously, the calculation of the reference compensating current in block B4 depends on the compensation goal. Either the sum of current components to be removed through compensation or the subtraction of the desired supply current from the load current can be used to express iFc*. IV. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND RESULTS In the experimental setup (Fig. 4), the VSI of 15 kVA rated power consists of a IGBTs three-legs bridge with a DC-capacitor of 1100 µF, which is coupled to PCC through an inductive filter of 4.4 mH. By imposing a hysteresis band of 0.4 A in the current control, the switching frequency was kept below the IGBTs’ capability. The imposed DC-voltage value was set to 700 V during all experiments. To execute the MATLAB/Simulink generated C-codes in real time, a minimum sampling time of 20 μs is required. The three-phase symmetrical nonideal voltage system has a total harmonic distortion factor (THD) of about 1.75 % , the fundamental line-to-line value is 380 V rms and the fundamental frequency is 50 Hz. Several experimental test cases were conducted to achieve different compensation goals. The results presented below are related to the following types of three-phase unbalanced loads: - an AC voltage controller especially aimed for testing which is manufactured by Nokian Capacitors Ltd.; - an unbalanced controlled thyristor-bridge rectifier (CTBR) with resistive–inductive (RL) load; - a transformer with resistive load supplied between two phases. The level of current unbalance is quantified by the current unbalance factor (UF) according to the IEC definition, which is the ratio of magnitudes of negative ( I1n ) and positive ( I1p ) fundamental sequence components of the current, i.e. UF = I1n ⋅100 , (17) I1p The harmonic suppression performance is assessed by the partial harmonic distortion factor (PHD) which takes in consideration the current harmonics up to order 51, 51 ∑I PHD = k =2 I1 2 k . (18) The average harmonic distortion is: PHD A + PHDB + PHDC . (19) 3 The three-phase rms value of the line currents is calculated as: PHDe = I e = I A2 + I B2 + I C2 . Fig. 3. Block diagram of the compensating current calculation. Fig. 4. Picture of laboratory setup of SAPF. (20) The global power factor (PF) and the displacement power factor (DPF) at both load and supply sides are also taken into consideration. The compensation results are summarized in Tables I and II. A. Test 1. Compensation of harmonics and unbalanced current generated by an AC voltage controller The unbalanced system of load currents shown in Fig. 5 has different levels of distortion on the three lines (95.5 % for line-A, 102.3 % for line-B and 91.6 % for line-C) (Fig. 6) and the average harmonic distortion factor is high (about 96.4 %). The calculated unbalance factor is 20.1 % (Table I). The current components in Fig. 7 according to CPC iLA1r iLA1u iLA iLA1a iLAg Time (s) Fig. 7. Components of line-A current drawn by the AC voltage controller. i*FA, iFA (A) (a) Time (s) DC-voltages (V) (b) Time (s) Fig. 8. SAPF’s tracking performance in the case of test 1:VSI’s output current (a) and DC-voltage (b). uB isB uC isC Supply voltages (V) uA isA Supply currents (A) Time (s) Fig. 9. Supply voltages and currents after compensation in the case of test 1. Time (s) Fig. 5. Supply voltages and load currents drawn by the AC voltage controller. Harmonic order Fig. 6. Harmonic spectra of the line currents drawn by the AC voltage controller. Load currents (A) ILAk (A) ILBk (A) ILCk (A) uA iLA uB iLB uC iLC Supply voltages (V) uB iLB uC iLC Load currents (A) uA iLA Supply voltages (V) theory reveal a low magnitude of the active current, which is of about 24 times smaller than the magnitude of the reactive current. The rms value of the harmonic load generated current is close to that of the reactive current and the unbalanced rms current is of about five times lower. When SAPF is charged to compensate both the load unbalance and load generated harmonics, the DC-voltage and the reference compensating current are accurately tracked (Fig. 8) and the resulting balanced supply currents contain, besides the active and reactive components, the high order harmonics due to the IGBTs’ switching (Fig. 9). Although the three-phase rms value of the line currents diminished by about 28 %, the active power at the supply side was increased by the component required by the SAPF operation. The unbalance level is reduced to 1.1 %. The active filtering efficiency, in terms of ratio of average harmonic distortion factors at the load and supply sides, is of about 27.3. Obviously, the currents lag the voltages, as the reactive current component is not compensated. Nevertheless, the global and displacement power factors are over three times greater after compensation (Table II). B. Test 2. Compensation of harmonics and unbalanced current generated by an unbalanced CTBR The second nonlinear load taken into consideration to be compensated is a three-phase controlled thyristorbridge rectifier with resistive–inductive load on the DC side. When a resistor is connected in series in one line of the transformer secondary, the system of currents drawn from the power supply is unbalanced, as shown in Fig. 10. The rms line currents are 12.5 A, 16.5 A, and 14.6 A, respectively. The unbalance factor on the fundamental current is 7.22 % (Table I). Load current components (A) XI International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and compensation, ISNCC 2013, Zielona Gora, Poland Time (s) Fig. 10. Supply voltages and load currents drawn by the unbalanced rectifier. XI International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and compensation, ISNCC 2013, Zielona Gora, Poland iLA iLC iLB Time (s) Fig. 13. Supply voltage on phase A and unbalanced currents drawn by the unbalanced transformer. ILAk / ILA1 (%) ILBk / ILB1 (%) ILCk / ILC1 (%) Harmonic order Fig. 14. Harmonic spectra of the line currents drawn by the unbalanced transformer. (a) i*FA, iFA (A) ILAk (A) ILBk (A) ILCk (A) uA Supply voltage (V) C. Test 3. Compensation of unbalanced and reactive currents generated by a transformer with unbalanced resistive load This time, a star-star three-phase transformer, with single-phase resistive load between the phases A and C of the secondary, acts as the nonlinear load to be compensated. Although the current harmonic distortion in the primary lines A and C of the transformer is low (2.3 % and 3.4 %), the low idle current flowing in line B is highly distorted (PHD =40 %), as shown in Fig. 13 and Table I. As it can be seen in Fig. 14, the weight of harmonics from order 2 to order 5 is significant. Through an appropriate compensating current (Fig. 15a), SAPF succeeds in significant reducing the unbalance factor (from 96.7 % to 11.3 %) and improving the global power factor (from 0.713 to 0.9726). In the same time, the displacement power factor at the supply side is nearly unity and the average harmonic distortion is 2.5 times lower. It must be noticed the high filtering efficiency in line-B, as PHD was decreased from 40 % to 6.2 % (Table I and Table II). Load currents (A) There are different harmonic spectra of the line currents (Fig. 11) and the associated harmonic factors are from 20.8 % in line-B to 27.4 in line-A (Table I). By forcing the SAPF to track the calculated reference current (Fig. 12a) in order to meet the same compensation objective as in test 1, a nearly balanced and sinusoidal system of supply currents is obtained, with a low average harmonic distortion factor of 2.27 % (Fig. 12b). The three-phase rms value of the line currents absorbed from the power supply is almost equal to the load current, but the power factor is increased with about 6%. The active power at the supply side exceeds the load active power by about 4 % to cover the losses in the active filter circuit (Table II). Harmonic order Fig. 11. Harmonic spectra of the line currents drawn by the unbalanced rectifier. (b) Supply voltages (V) uB iLB uC iLC Supply currents (A) (a) i*FA, iFA (A) Time (s) uA iLA Time (s) uB iLB uC iLC Supply currents (A) (b) Supply voltages (V) uA iLA Time (s) Fig. 12. Experimental results (test 2): reference and actual current drawn by VSI (a); voltages and currents after compensation (b). Time (s) Fig. 15. Experimental results (test 3): reference and actual current drawn by VSI (a); voltages and supply currents after compensation (b). TABLE I SAPF’S MAIN QUANTITIES BEFORE AND AFTER COMPENSATION ILA ILB ILC Load (A) (A) (A) Test 1 13.7 10.2 14.4 Test 2 12.5 16.5 14.6 Test 3 10.6 0.7 10.1 Load side PL PHDLA PHDLB PHDLC (W) (%) (%) (%) 165 95.5 102.3 91.6 7667 27.5 20.8 25.5 4050 2.3 40 3.4 UFL (%) 0.0196 0.0273 20.1 0.7886 0.8138 7.22 0.713 0.714 96.7 PFL DPFL XI International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and compensation, ISNCC 2013, Zielona Gora, Poland ISA (A) Test 1 9.3 Test 2 14.5 Test 3 6.4 ISB (A) 9.2 14 6.4 ISC (A) 9.4 14.6 7.5 Supply side after compensation PS PHDSA PHDSB PHDSC PFS (W) (%) (%) (%) 538.9 3.6 3.4 3.6 0.088 7966 2.2 2.3 2.3 0.8325 4422 6.6 6.2 5.5 0.9726 [2] DPFS UFS 0.0898 1.1 0.8362 1.6 0.9938 11.3 [3] [4] TABLE II SUMMARY OF THE COMPENSATION PERFORMANCES PHDAVL / DPFS / PFS / PFL UFL / UFS ISeA/ILeA PS/PL PHDAVS DPFL Test 1 0.72 3.27 27.3 4.49 3.29 18.27 Test 2 0.98 1.04 10.85 1.06 1.03 4.51 Test 3 0.80 1.09 2.50 1.36 1.39 8.56 VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, the CPC power theory was applied in the control of a three-phase three-wire SAPF system with unbalanced and nonlinear loads. A dSPACE 1103 based platform was used to implement the compensation strategies in real time. Some concluding remarks can be pointed out after the experimental investigations on three types of unbalanced loads. When the compensation objectives consist of removing the load imbalance and harmonic distortion, CPC theory leads to very good results. In particular, the ability of the control system in meeting the compensation goal under extremely unbalanced conditions is emphasized. Under these conditions, from the authors’ experience, the required computation time is comparable to that of other methods of reference compensating current calculation, such as p-q theory and Conservative Power theory. The use of a low sampling time of 20 µs during all experimental tests was favored by the very low distortion level of the supply voltage, which allowed taking into consideration only its fundamental component. It is expected that, when the computation on voltage harmonics is required, the processing time becomes longer. It is also expected that, when the selective suppression of the current harmonics is desired even under sinusoidal voltage conditions, the increasing of the computation time involve an increased sampling time. If it is necessary to consider both the voltage harmonics and selective current harmonic compensation, it is possible that the unacceptable processing time or the overrun errors require a more efficient hardware structure. REFERENCES [1] H. Akagi, Y. Kanazawa, and A. Nabae, “Generalized Theory of the Instantaneous Reactive Power in Three-Phase Circuits,” Int. Power Electronics Conf., Tokyo, Japan, 1983, pp. 1375-1386. 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