LED Lighting Solutions – Dimming Options Brian Johnson Abstract: Fairchild Semiconductor’s LED solutions for low-, mid-, and high-power designs reduce external components to save space, provide high reliability, and enhance overall system efficiency. Featuring integrated components in a single IC, Fairchild utilizes proven, highly efficient, and effective technologies to power voltage ranges that are 1 W and higher. With multiple topology offerings that provide energy-efficient solutions, this paper provides guidelines to help designers select the best Fairchild LED controller for dimming applications. I. FL103, FLS3217, FLS3247, and FL7732. The higher-power controllers FL6300, FL6961, and FL7930, also do not have a dimming feature internal to the controller. There are many other Fairchild parts to choose from, but let’s focus on the LED lighting segment PNs only. Isolation Is isolation required? If the answer is yes, consider the flyback topology solution, which many of the controllers shown in Table 1 support. The buck-boost or buck topologies become options when isolation is not required in the LED driver. When isolation is required, the FL7730 controller is a primary-side regulated controller and the dimming input to the controller is also on the primary side. If the dimming signal is on the secondary side, the dimming signal requires an isolation circuit. TRIAC dimming is already configured on the primary side. Using other controllers in Table 1 require an isolation circuit if the dimming signal is on the secondary side of the driver. INTRODUCTION You’re asked about dimming support... What runs through your mind? To help you understand the dimming features available using Fairchild controllers, let’s start with a couple of basic questions and categorize the solutions to respond to your needs. II. DESIGN DECISIONS To Dim or Not to Dim The obvious question is if dimming is needed. Not all LED lighting solutions require dimming. Table 1 shows the LED controller offerings. Options that do not have dimming as a feature in the controller are the TABLE 1. FAIRCHILD LED LIGHTING CONTROLLER PARTS Topology PN FLS0116 FLS3217 FLS3247 FL7701 FL103 FL7730 FL7732 FL6300 FL6961 FL7930 Buck PSR Flyback or Buck-Boost PSR Flyback or Buck-Boost Buck PSR Flyback or Buck-Boost PSR Flyback or Buck-Boost PSR Flyback or Buck-Boost QR Flyback Flyback or Boost Flyback or Boost Reference Designs Features Isolation Integrated MOSFET PFC TRIAC Dimming Analog Dimming (0-10 V) PWM Dimming RD# N Y Y N Y Y L032 Y/N Y Y N N N L040/41 Y/N Y Y N N N L042 N N Y N Y Y L030/31 Y/N N N N N N L015 Y/N N Y Y Y Y L020/21 Y/N N Y N N N L025/26/28 Y/N Y/N Y/N N N N Y Y Y External External External External External External External External External L016 L008 L011/12/13 © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor • Rev. 1.0.0 1 START YES Dimming Required? (PFC Included) YES TRIAC Dimming? NO NO Dimmer Compatibility Count ~10 or less? YES YES Passive Bleeder PFC Required? NO NO Active Bleeder Recommend FL103 YES Integrated MOSFET Required? NO YES YES Integrated MOSFET Required? YES NO Recommend FL7730 Buckboost NO Recommend FLS3217, FLS3247 Both in Buck-boost OR PSR Flyback topologies depending on isolation requirement Isolation Required in the LED Driver? Isolation Required in the LED Driver? Recommend FL7730 PSR Flyback Recommend FLS0116 (nonisolated buck) Isolation Required in the LED Driver? NO YES NO Recommend FL7732 Buckboost Recommend FL7732 PSR Flyback Recommend FL7730 Buckboost Recommend FL7730 PSR Flyback In these two branches, the FL6300, FL6961, and FL7930 are also recommended depending on power level of application Fig. 1. Part Number Selection Flow Chart III. TYPES OF DIMMING TRIAC or phase-cut where the “rms” voltage input to the LED driver is proportionally controlled for the amount of dimming desired. Analog dimming uses a 0 – 10 V signal or 1 – 10 V signal input where the voltage is proportional to the amount of dimming. A PWM signal with the duty cycle proportional to the amount of dimming output. This can be the output from a MCU, Digital Adressable Lighting Interface (DALI), or ZigBee® signal. © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor • Rev. 1.0.0 A step method where there are preset dimming levels selectable by a simple toggle action. Other dimming methods exist, but the theme with many methods is dimming control of the LED driver with an input voltage, an analog signal, a PWM signal, or a staircase stepped value. 2 TRIAC Dimming Non-TRIAC Dimming For TRIAC dimming, the LED driver solution is based on the FL7730. How many TRIAC dimmers does the design need for flicker-free operation? If the dimmer list is less than 10, using a passive bleeder circuit (simple R-C) is effective to maintain TRIAC holding currents. Higher dimmer compatibility counts require an active bleeder. An active bleeder circuit is not recommended for an LED load less than 8 Watts. The TRIAC dimmer needs a latching current during firing and a holding current during turn-on after firing. If these two currents are not satisfied, the TRIAC dimmer misfires and the LED light may flicker. The active bleeder is used for these two current requirements and the bleeder current is an efficiency loss. Another consideration for the TRIAC design is at dimmer firing, a large current spike is induced by the input line quickly charging the input capacitance of the driver. Without a resistive damper circuit, the large current spike creates a line current oscillation, causing dimmer misfire and damage to the TRIAC dimmer. While the damper resistor suppresses the spike current, the power loss in the damper resistor is another efficiency loss. The damper resistor not only dampens the spike current, but also handles the input current from the flyback. For more about bleeder concepts, reference application note AN-9745 — Design Guide for TRIAC Dimmable LED Driver Using FL7730. The non-TRIAC-based dimming methods are analog signals and the LED driver solutions based on the FLS0116, FLS0116, and FL7730. These controllers can use the analog signal directly or need a translation circuit to operate within the limits of the controller dimming input I-V characteristics. These controllers can also accept a PWM input with a filter applied to convert the PWM signal into an analog equivalent (average). Step dimming can also use these controllers, but the interface needs to translate the sensed input state into an equivalent analog signal for the controller to accept. The controllers from Table 1 (FL6300, FL6961, and FL7930) do not have embedded dimming functions and require an external circuit, regardless of the dimming input. IV. CONCLUSION The main purpose to this paper is to answer basic dimming questions to help pinpoint an acceptable controller. There are other considerations in selecting a controller not discussed; such as integrated MOSFET, output voltage to input voltage ratio, power factor correction, transformer versus inductor, etc. Use Table 1 to start the controller part number selection process. Reference Fig. 1, a flow chart outlining the questions presented in this paper. Brian Johnson is the Americas Lighting Specialist for Fairchild’s LED Lighting Product Segment. He joined Fairchild after spending 25+ years rotating in Development and Marketing positions in the Power Electronics Industry. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. REFERENCES [1] AN-9745 — Design Guide for TRIAC Dimmable LED Driver Using FL7730. [2] FLS0116 — MOSFET Integrated Smart LED Lamp Driver IC with PFC Function [3] FL7730 — Dimmable Single-Stage PFC PSR Offline LED Driver [4] FL6300A — Quasi-Resonant Current Mode PWM Controller for Lighting [5] FL6961 — Single-Stage Flyback and Boundary Mode PFC Controller for Lighting [6] FL7930 — Single-Stage Flyback and Boundary Mode PFC Controller for Lighting [7] FLS3217 — Single-Stage PFC Primary-Side-Regulation Offline LED Driver with Integrated Power MOSFET [8] FLS3247 — Single-Stage PFC Primary-Side-Regulation Offline LED Driver with Integrated Power MOSFET [9] FL7701 — Smart Non-Isolated PFC Buck LED Driver [10] FL103 — Primary-Side-Regulation PWM Controller for LED Illumination [11] FL7732 — Single-Stage PFC Primary-Side-Regulation Offline LED Driver © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor • Rev. 1.0.0 3