Lecture 1

PHYS1020 General Physics I
1020208 Armes
2:30 p.m.
Dr. P. W. Zetner
516 Allen Bldg.
Consultation Times: Mon,Wed, 1:00 – 2:00 pm (or by
Required Materials
Textbook: Cutnell and Johnson, Physics, 9th edition
(Wiley) (the 8th edition is also acceptable with purchase of a
registration code)
Registration code for WileyPLUS. (Free with new copies of the
textbook at the Bookstore and can be purchased separately if you
have a second hand textbook.)
iClicker (requires online registration.)
PHYS1020 Laboratory eBook Manual (2015 – 2016).
Link to purchase “ecode” for the manual is available on the
“News/Announcements” section of the course homepage.
Scientific Calculator
Evaluation in PHYS1020
Lab Reports (5)
Errors Lecture next week (Sep.14-18).
Attendance is mandatory.
Tutorial Tests (4)
See Web Page and Handout for dates.
(Formula sheet not allowed)
Tutorial / Test #1 in 2 weeks (Sep.21-25)
WileyPLUS online learning and
evaluation. Weekly (approx.).
Class Participation
Term Test
Thursday, October 29, 7:00-9:00 pm
(Formula sheet provided)
Final Exam
To be scheduled. Covers entire
course. (Formula sheet provided)
The Labs / Tutorials
(Rm. 402 Allen)
Lectures and tutorials on error analysis will be presented in the
labs next week (Sep.14-18). Attendance is mandatory!
Tutorial / Test #1 in 2 weeks (Sep.21-25).
The complete schedule of labs / tutorials is accessible from the
“Labs/Tutorials” page of the course website.
Dr. Ruth Cameron, Rm. 401 / Rm.
221, is in charge of all lab sections.
Lab sections are listed in the course
outline and on the course website.
Andriy Yamchuk, Rm. 401, is the
laboratory technician.
The Labs / Tutorials
Lab Exemptions
Students having previously taken PHYS 1020 MAY APPLY for an
exemption from the laboratory component of the course, provided
that their performance in the laboratory exceeded a minimum
standard of 80%. To apply for an exemption, students must contact
the Physics office (301 Allen) on or before September 19, 2014, and
have normally completed the laboratories within the last two
years. Students who receive an exemption will have their previous
laboratory mark credited directly towards the 2015 mark.
Students who obtain a lab exemption are still required to write the
tutorial tests in the timetabled slot.
The Labs / Tutorials
Lab Attendance and Reports
Attendance at all laboratory sessions is mandatory.
Credit for the laboratory component of the course requires
completion of, at least, 4 out of the 5 lab experiments. ALL five
experiments count towards the final lab mark.
The Lab Manual is purchased (through the UofM Bookstore) via an
“ecode”. The link to purchase the ecode is:
(Link available on the “News/Announcements” section of the course homepage.)
The Labs / Tutorials
Lab Attendance and Reports
Credit for a completed lab requires that a lab report be
electronically submitted during the lab period.
Students will complete their entire lab report and upload it to
UM Learn (formerly d2l) during the lab period.
No late submission of lab reports is possible.
The Labs / Tutorials
Pre-Lab Reading Tests
Students must complete and submit an on-line "Pre-Lab Reading
Test" before each experimental laboratory period.
Quizzes are available via UM Learn. The availability of each quiz
ends at the beginning of the lab period. Late tests will not be
The students will read the instructions, answer the test questions
and complete the test by the deadline. The test is worth 10% of the
lab report mark; i.e. 2 marks of 20.
The Labs / Tutorials
Tutorial Tests
Tutorials take place in your assigned lab slot in Rm. 402. The
session consists of one hour of review, led by your TA, followed by a
one-hour test (5 questions, multiple choice).
No formula sheets are permitted for the tutorial tests, although they
are supplied for the midterm and final. A simple calculator is
Problems to be reviewed in the tutorials before each test will be
listed on the “Homework” page of the course website.
The Labs / Tutorials
Tutorial Tests
If you cannot attend a tutorial test due to illness or some other
legitimate reason, then you may be given permission to write the test
in a different section during the same week. Missed tests for any
other reason will be given a mark of zero.
You must do the tutorial tests, even if you have a lab exemption.
Policies on Term Test, Final Exam
on term
final exam
Midterm Exam: Thursday,
Oct 29,
7 - 9 pm.
The exam will consist of 20 multiple choice questions. A formula
sheet will be provided, and a calculator will be permitted.
There is no deferred mid-term test. If you miss the mid-term test
for a legitimate, documented reason, then the weight of the final
exam will be increased to 65%.
Policies on Term Test, Final Exam
on: Date
Final Exam (3hrs)
TBD. test, final exam
You must write the final exam to receive course credit.
A formula sheet will be provided, and a calculator will be
Bring a calculator, student ID card and pencil for tests, midterm
and final exam.
Wiley Plus for PHYS1020
Homework problems from the textbook will be assigned
weekly via the WileyPLUS online learning and evaluation
system, and will be listed on the “Homework” page of the
course website. These assignments count for credit (8%)
towards your final grade in the course.
The link to our class WileyPlus page is:
This link appears on the course Homepage.
Wiley Plus for PHYS1020
Additional aids to solving problems and understanding the
important concepts are available in the Read, Study &
Practice section of the WileyPlus site. Here you can
explore many helpful resources, including the Student
Study Guide, Interactive Solutions, Interactive
Learningware, Concept Simulations, and Problem Hints
and Solutions.
Wiley Plus (Access)
To access WileyPLUS, you need to purchase a registration code.
You have two options:
Buy a new copy of the printed textbook in the bookstore.
(access code for WileyPLUS is included at no additional cost.)
Make sure you don’t lose this registration code!
Purchase only the registration code.
(Rely on the online version of the text that is included.)
Purchase the code online at www.wileyplus.com/buy
or at the customer service desk at the bookstore.
WileyPLUS Registration
Registration Instructions
1. The link to the WileyPlus website is accessible from the
“Homework” page of the course website.
2. Click on the “Get Started” link, and then read and accept the
license agreement.
Required for all lecture sections except A04.
iClickers will be used to help students assimilate the basic
concepts and ideas as soon as they are introduced in the lectures.
Instructions for setting up and using your iClickers are available on
the “Homepage” of the course website.
You must register your iClicker. A link to the registration page of
the iClicker website is given on the “Homepage” of the course
Chapter 1
What you’re expected to know:
What you’re expected to know
Units 1
Units conversion
Express the speed limit of 65 miles / hour in metres / second.
1 mile = 5280 feet
1 hour = 3600 seconds
1 metre = 3.281 feet
Units conversion
Express the speed limit of 65 miles / hour in metres / second.
1 mile = 5280 feet
1 hour = 3600 seconds
1 metre = 3.281 feet
Dimensional analysis
Check eqn dimension
Check eqn dimension 3
Dimensions and SI Units
Base SI Units:
Distance (x)
Metre (m)
Second (s)
Kilogram (kg)
Dimensions and SI Units (2)
Derived Units:
Speed (v)
[L] / [T]
metres / sec
Acceleration (a)
[L] / [T]2
metres / sec2
Force (F)
Newton (N)
Energy (J)
Joule (J)
Trigonometry Review (1)
Trigonometry Review (2)
A building casts a shadow that
is 67.2 m long. The angle
between the sun’s rays and the
ground is  = 50.0o. What is
the height of the building?
A building casts a shadow that
is 67.2 m long. The angle
between the sun’s rays and the
ground is  = 50.0o. What is
the height of the building?
Trigonometry Review Prob (1)
Trigonometry Review Prob (1.1)
Friend’s prediction:
Trigonometry Review Prob (1.1)
Trigonometry Review Prob (1.1)
Trigonometry Review Prob (1.1)
Trigonometry Review Prob (1.1)
Friend’s prediction:
(50% taller)
Your calculation:
(30% taller)