CH25 Summary: Resistance and Current Current and Current Density: dQ I= = n | q | vd A dt J = nqv d E J ρ(T) = ρ 0 [1+ α (T − T0 )] ρ= Resistivity: € Resistor: Very small L A V = IR I = V /R,R = V /I R=ρ € R becomes smaller when A is? Or L is? Vab = ε − Ir Circuits and emf (eletromotive € Internal resistance reduces force): the potential difference of the two terminals Energy and power in Circuits: € Power into a resistor P = Vab I Power to a general element Vab2 P=I R= R 2 Chapter 26: Direct-Current Circuits • Resistors in series and parallel • Compare that with Capacitors • Kirchoff’s Rules for complicated circuits • electronic measuring instruments • Reistor-Capacitor (RC) circuits • pplications of circuits in household wiring Introduction • Circuits in CH25 are way too simple! • Modern PCB are designed are so complicate that you have to design it with software aids. – What are the principles behind it? – We will start with resistors in series and parallel Resistors in series and parallel I • Resistors in Series: I1 = I2 = I3 ≡ I Vab = Vax + Vxy + Vyb = IR1 + IR2 + IR3 ⇒ Vab = I(R1 + R2 + R3 ) ≡ IReq ⇒ Req = R1 + R2 + R3 Req (Series) is larger than all R’s; Why? • €Resistors in Parallel V1 = V2 = V3 ≡ Vab V V V I = I1 + I2 + I3 = ab + ab + ab R1 R2 R3 I 1 1 1 1 ⇒ = + + ≡ Vab R1 R2 R3 Req i.e. 1 1 1 1 = + + Req R1 R2 R3 Compare with the relation between resistor and resistivity (Does it contradict with our new knowledge?) L Req (Parallel) is smaller than all R’s; Why? € R≡ρ A Resistors in series and parallel II: Examples What is a better design for Xmas lights: Lights in series, or in parallel? What happens if R2 is broken? What happens if R2 is broken? Q26.1 Which of the two arrangements shown has the smaller equivalent resistance between points a and b? A. the series arrangement B. the parallel arrangement C. The equivalent resistance is the same for both arrangements. D. The answer depends on the values of the individual resistances R1, R2, and R3. Q26.2 Three identical resistors, each of resistance R, are connected as shown. What is the equivalent resistance of this arrangement of three resistors? A. 3R B. 2R C. 3R/2 D. 2R/3 E. R/3 Q26.3 A 120-V, 60-W light bulb, a 120-V, 120-W light bulb, and a 120-V, 240-W light bulb are connected in parallel as shown. 120 V 60 W The voltage between points a and b is 120 V. Through which bulb is there the greatest voltage drop? 120 V 120 W A. the 120-V, 60-W light bulb B. the 120-V, 120-W light bulb a 120 V 240 W C. the 120-V, 240-W light bulb D. All three light bulbs have the same voltage drop. b Q26.5 A 120-V, 60-W light bulb, a 120-V, 120-W light bulb, and a 120-V, 240-W light bulb are connected in series as shown. The voltage between points a and b is 120 V. Through which bulb is there the greatest voltage drop? a 120 V 60 W 120 V 120 W A. the 120-V, 60-W light bulb B. the 120-V, 120-W light bulb C. the 120-V, 240-W light bulb D. All three light bulbs have the same voltage drop. 120 V 240 W b Q26.6 A 120-V, 60-W light bulb, a 120-V, 120-W light bulb, and a 120-V, 240-W light bulb are connected in series as shown. The voltage between points a and b is 120 V. Which bulb glows the brightest? a 120 V 60 W 120 V 120 W A. the 120-V, 60-W light bulb B. the 120-V, 120-W light bulb C. the 120-V, 240-W light bulb D. All three light bulbs glow with equal brightness. 120 V 240 W b Resistors in series and parallel III—combinations • A battery without internal resistance (r=0) is connected to the following resistors. What is the current through each resistor, and the potential difference across each resistor? R2 I1=?V1=Vac=? I2=?V2=Vcb=? R1 R3 I3=?V3=Vcb=? What we have learned so far about resistance Resistors in series Req = ∑ Ri If i=1,2 Req = R1 + R2 i (Req > Ri ) (Think of a longer traffic jam) Resistors in parallel If i=1,2 1 1 =∑ Req i R 1 1 1 = + Req R1 R1 (Req < Ri ) (Think of easier traffic with more lanes) € € R1R2 Req = R1 + R2 Challenging example: Please do this offline • What is the resistance of the following resistor network? • What are the currents I1, I2, I3? R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 symmetry R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 Req = R0 + Req R0 + R0 Req + R0 ⇒ Req2 − 2R0 Req − 2R02 = 0 Req ⇒ Req = (1 ± 3)R0 Req € Which one? Let’s do some experiments together RA=0, I1 A r=? RA=0, I2 A R0=? R0=? r=? ε=6V ε=6V R0=? The left network has only one bulb connected to the battery of 6V. The right network has two identical bulbs. Should the readings of the ammmeter be such that Because € I1 = 2I2 ε ε I1 = =2 = 2I2 ? R0 2R0 If our experiment doesn’t show this, why? A simple method of measuring the internal resistance RA=0, I1 A r=? R0=? R0=? ε=6V I1 = 2I2 ε ε I1 = =2 = 2I2 R0 2R0 € RA=0, I2 A Wrong if internal resistance r is not 0! Instead, we have: r=? ε=6V R0=? ε ε ⇒ r + R0 = .........a) r + R0 I1 ε ε I2 = ⇒ r + 2R0 = .........b) r + 2R0 I2 b) − a) ⇒ ε ε R0 = − I2 I1 ε ε ε ε a) ⇒ r = − R0 = − ( − ) I1 I1 I2 I1 ε ε r =2 − I1 I2 I1 = Q26.7 Three identical light bulbs are connected to a source of emf as shown. Which bulb is brightest? A. light bulb A B. light bulb B C. light bulb C D. both light bulbs B and C (Both are equally bright and are brighter than light bulb A.) E. All bulbs are equally bright. Kirchoff’s Rules I—junctions rule and loop rule • Resistor networks are often complicate and not just series-parallel combinations. • What happens if it is neither? Such as the bridge network below? Junction rule: ∑I = 0 No charge buildup. Loop rule: ∑V = 0 If we come back to the starting point, the potential doesn’t change Kirchoff’s Rules II—loops • The algebraic sum of the potential differences in any loop, including those associated with emfs and those of resistive elements, must equal zero. Current flows from high potential (+) To low potential (-) You loop can travel both directions Kirchoff’s Rules III: Multiple EMFs A 12V power supply with internal resistance r is connected to a run-down rechargable battery with unknown emf ε. The battery carries current of 1A, and the light indicator (3Ω) carries current of 2A. What is the current through the power supply? How many equations do we need here? What is value of r? What is the value of E of the emf (remaining voltage) Junction a: I+1A+2A=0I=-3A. what does “-” mean here? Loop 1: +12V-(3A)r-(2A) (3Ω) =0 r=2Ω Loop 2: -ε+(1A)(1Ω)-(2A) (3Ω) =0 ε=-5V What does this “-” mean? Kirchoff’s Rules III: Multiple EMFs A 12V power supply with internal resistance r is connected to a run-down rechargable battery with unknown emf ε. The battery carries current of 1A, and the light indicator (3Ω) carries current of 2A. r, ε, I: Three unknowns. So we need three equations! I=-3A “-” means current is flowing out of junction a ε=-5V “-” means the polarity is opposite to our assumption. Therefore, top terminal is positive instead! We could have used either Loop 2+3, or Loop 1+3. They will give the same results as Loop 1+2. Kirchoff’s Rules IV– Bridge network What is the currents through each Resistor, and the emf? Using junction rules, we can easily deduce that we only need to know three current independently:I1,2,3 All the rest can be obtained from these three (using what rules?) What happens if this resistor is 1Ω too? Can you guess? Loop 1: 13V-I1(1Ω)-(I1-I3)(1Ω)=0 Loop 2: 13V-I2(1Ω)-(I1+I3)(2Ω)=0 I1=6A, I2=5A, I3=-1A Loop 3: -I1(1Ω)-I3(1Ω)+I2(1Ω)=0 (meaning) What is the equivalent resistance of the network? Req=E/Itot=13V/(I1+I2)=13V/11A=1.2Ω Another bridge? example c R2=3Ω R1=2Ω a ε=6V R1=2Ω A b R2=3Ω R1=2Ω d In the resistor network above, what is the reading of the current? Another bridge? example c R2=3Ω R1=2Ω A a ε=6V b R2=3Ω R1=2Ω d Vcd = ε = 6V Vcd Vca = = 3V 2 V Vcb = cd = 3V 2 ∴Vab = (Vca − Vcb ) = 0V V Iab = ab = 0A R1 Imagine the middle resistor and ammeter did not exist: € Due to the symmetry on both sides of the bridge, there is no potential difference between point a and point b No current flowing from a to b! € R-C (Resistor-Capacitor) circuits In a circuit with both resistor and capacitor (flashing traffic light, Car turn signal, pacemaker, etc.), will the charging and discharging instantaneously? Vab = iR Q0 = Cε ε I0 = R V0 = ε Vbc = q' /C q' ε − iR − = 0 Loop rule C dq' ε q' q' −Cε i≡ = − =− ⇒ dt' R CR RC What does it mean? q t dq' t' dq' dt' =− ⇒ ∫ =−∫ q' −Cε RC q' −C ε At t=0, q=0, Vbc=0, 0 0 RC q − Cε t => ln( )=− 0 − Cε RC q = Cε (1 − e −t / RC ) ε i = dq /dt = e −t / RC R Vbc = Q /C = ε (1 − e −t / RC ) € The capacitor acted like a wire, so i=ε/R Time constant: τ=RC If your turn light starts to flash crazily, what’s your guess and plan to fix it? (hint, this means τ is abnormally small) Discharging and RC timing graphs q(t) = Q0e −t / RC Discharging i(t) = dq /dt = (− Q0 −t / RC )e ≡ I0e −t / RC RC Vbc (t) = ? Vbc (t) = € q(t) q(t) −t / RC = e = V0e −t / RC C C I0 = (− V0 = € Q0 ) RC Q0 C Negative current Means it is flowing out of the positive plate Charging power: εi = i 2 R + iVbc = i 2 R + i Dissipated by resisstor € Q C Q26.9 A battery, a capacitor, and a resistor are connected in series. Which of the following affect(s) the maximum charge stored on the capacitor? A. the emf ε of the battery B. the capacitance C of the capacitor C. the resistance R of the resistor D. both ε and C E. all three of ε, C, and R Q26.10 A battery, a capacitor, and a resistor are connected in series. Which of the following affect(s) the rate at which the capacitor charges? A. the emf ε of the battery B. the capacitance C of the capacitor C. the resistance R of the resistor D. both C and R E. all three of ε, C, and R € Power distribution in RC circuit Instantaenous charging power: εi = i 2 R + iVbc = i 2 R + i Q C Stored by capacitor Dissipated by resisstor € ε −t / RC 2 ε2 E R = ∫ i Rdt = ( e ) Rdt = R R ε 2 RC ε 2C ER = = R 2 2 2 ∫ ∝ −2t / RC 0 e dt ε −t / RC Cε (1 − e −t / RC ) E C = ∫ iQ /Cdt = ( e ) dt R C ε 2 ∝ −t / RC −2t / RC EC = (e − e )dt ∫ R 0 ε 2 RC 1 ε 2C EC = (1 − ) = R 2 2 If we integrate from t=0 to t=infinity: What do we find? They are the same! E R = EC Independent of the R, C, ε, values! € € Power distribution systems—what’s your money saving example after learning physics? Fuses, circuit breakers, and GFI • Fuse: Will melt if there is excess current, therefore break the circuit • 2prong plug VS 3prong plug • GFI (Ground-Fault Interrupter) circuit breaker: • stops further current flow when a sudden drop in resistance indicates that someone has offered a new path to ground. No ground you could become The path to the ground when Your drill is disfunctioning. CH26 Summary: Resistance and Current Resistors in series and parallel: Req = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... Series 1 1 1 1 = + + + ... Parallel Req R1 R2 R3 Kirchhoff’s rules: ∑I = 0 ∑V = 0 € € q = Cε (1 − e RC circuits: Time constant τ=RC −t / RC ) ε i = dq /dt = e −t / RC R € Vbc = ? Charging: € Starting: q=0, i=ε/R Ending:q=Cε, i=0€ Junction rule Loop rule q(t) = Q0e −t / RC ε i(t) = dq /dt = − e −t / RC R Q = − 0 e −t / RC RC DisCharging: Starting: q=Q0, i=Q0/RC Ending:q=0, i=0 (Take the limit of t=0 or t=∞)