How Things Work II

How Things Work II
(Lecture #25)
Instructor: Gordon D. Cates
Office: Physics 106a, Phone: (434) 924-4792
Course web site available through COD and Toolkit
or at
March 30, 2007
• I will hold office hours this coming Tuesday, April 3rd,
at 10:30AM for people who have trouble with the
other times. With no homework due, it is a good time
to come to shore up your understanding of homework,
quiz, or midterm questions that you found confusing.
• Lectures 21-24 have been posted on the web.
updates are to follow shortly.
Radio waves are generated when charges
A radio transmitter
works by pushing
charges back and
forth in an antenna.
The anatomy of electromagnetic waves
Remember that the thing at
left is a PLOT electric and
magnetic field as a function
of z. It is not just a funny
shaped thing that moves
through space!
The wave is perpetuated because of a cycle:
The changing magnetic field produces an electric field ...
- and the changing electric field produces a magnetic field.
At a snapshot in time, an electromagnetic wave has
- a sinusoidally varying electric field in one direction,
- and a corresponding sinusoidally varying magnetic field in the other direction.
The whole thing propagates along at the speed of light.
Transmitters, tank circuits, and antennas
The transmitter puts out a voltage that alternates back and forth at the
right frequency.
A “tank circuit” is used to greatly enhance the degree to which charge
sloshes back and forth.
Charge moves back and forth on the antenna creating electromagnetic waves.
Tank circuits are central to being able to
broadcast and receive on a single
On the transmit end, the tank circuit allows you to broadcast much more
power with less driving voltage.
On the receive end, the tank circuit allows you to select out one frequency
and one frequency only.
How a tank circuit works
The cycle begins with a charged capacitor, and thus a voltage, and no current.
At peak current the capacitor is uncharged and change in current with time is briefly zero.
Finally the capacitor is charged oppositely to the beginning, and the process repeats in reverse.
The voltage on the capacitor starts current flowing, but the inductor resists a change in the current,
and develops an electric field (and hence voltage) that slows the increase in current.
As the capacitor starts to charge the other way, and hence develop a voltage, the current starts to
decrease, but the inductor again resists a change in the current, and develops an electric field, and
voltage, tending to slow the decrease in current.
The tank circuit as just one example of a
resonant system
There is a direct analogy between a tank circuit and a
mass oscillating on a spring.
Stores energy that
can cause current.
Stores energy that
can cause motion.
Resists change in
Resists change in
Encoding sound on a radio wave:
Amplitude Modulation (AM) Radio
In AM radio, the signal representing sound is used to
modulate the amplitude of the broadcast radio wave.
Encoding sound on a radio wave:
Frequency Modulation (FM) Radio
In FM radio, the signal representing sound is used to
modulate the frequency of the broadcast radio wave.