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The purpose of this development is not to examine the detailed design of the internals of
the chip for the operational amplifier but rather to present various refinements of
electrical equivalent circuits that will mimic the behavior of the device as seen at its
inputs and outputs.
The Ideal Operational Amplifier
The symbol for the opamp is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Operational Amplifier symbol
The inputs are at Vinvert and Vnon-invert and the output is at Vout . Looking into the inputs,
electrically, it looks like an open circuit that is source-less and looking into the output,
electrically, it looks like a perfect controlled voltage source with zero source impedance
and voltage given by Equation 1.
VOUT  AVnoninvert  Vinvert 
Where: The Gain A   , from DC to light frequencies
Essentially, the perfect opamp is an ideal voltage controlled voltage source referenced to
ground with infinite input impedance, zero output impedance and infinite gain. Figure 2
illustrates this.
Figure 2 perfect opamp voltage controlled voltage source
Analysis of Circuits with Perfect Opamps
The perfect opamp characteristics lead to very powerful simplifications for analysis of
circuits containing opamps.
No current flows into the inputs
If the output voltage is finite then the differential voltage across the inputs
must be zero.
Consider the circuit of Figure 3 , the inverting opamp.
Figure 3 Opamp as inverting gain
Using Simplification 2, if VOUT is finite, then the potential at the inverting input must be
the same as the non-inverting input, ground. Using Simplification 1, all the current
through resistor RIN into the inverting node must equal the current through resistor
R F and go out of that node. Equation 2 implements these constraints:
VIN  0 0  VOUT
Solving for VOUT :
VOUT  
Equation 3 gives the gain expression for the inverting opamp. Observe from Equation 2,
the impedance seen by the input source V IN is RIN . This means that if V IN has thevinen
source impedance RS , the gain relationship of Equation 3 becomes that of Equation 4:
VOUT  
Now, consider the circuit of Figure 4, the non-inverting opamp:
Figure 4 Opamp as non-inverting gain
Again we assume that the output is finite. This means that the differential voltage
between the inverting and non-inverting inputs must be zero. Additionally, the input
terminals draw no current. Thus the voltage at the inverting input is V IN . We can now
write a voltage divider relationship from the output VOUT , to the inverting input V IN as
given in Equation 5.
Solving for VOUT :
R 
VOUT  1  F VIN
 RIN 
Equation 6 gives the gain for the non-inverting opamp. Observe that the impedance seen
by the input signal source looking directly into the non-inverting input of the opamp amp
is an open circuit (this is in contrast to the inverting gain opamp).
Now consider the circuit of Figure 5, the differential amplifier. To analyze this circuit we
will use superposition, the results of the inverting gain Equation 3 and the results of the
non-inverting gain Equation 6.
Figure 5 the differential amplifier
In applying the concept of superposition, we first set VIN 2 to zero and then obtain an
expression for the output due to VIN 1 . Then we set VIN 1 to zero and then obtain the
response to VIN 2 . We add both answers together to get the total result. Examining the
circuit with VIN 2 set to zero, we have resistor RIN in parallel with RF tying the noninverting input to ground with a finite resistor. Since the non-inverting input impedance is
an open circuit, the circuit is the same as Figure 3 an inverting amplifier and the output
using Equation 3 is:
VOUT 1  
Now observe that at the non-inverting input resistors RIN and RF form a voltage divider.
Thus we can write an expression for the voltage at the non-inverting input VIN* 2 as:
VIN* 2 
If we set source VIN 1 to zero we can using Equation 6 write an expression for the noninverting gain for VIN* 2 as:
R 
VOUT 2  1  F VIN* 2
 RIN 
Plug Equation 8 into Equation 9 and simplify:
VOUT 2 
Now for the total output sum Equations 7 and 10:
VOUT  
VIN 1  VIN 2 
It is obvious from Equation 11 why this circuit is called differential amplifier. Also
observe that source impedance in VIN 1 or VIN 2 invalidates the expected results of
Equation 11.
Now consider the circuit of Figure 6, the voltage follower:
Figure 6 the voltage follower
We analyze this circuit by inspection. If the output is finite then by the infinite gain
assumption there can be no difference between the inverting and non-inverting inputs.
Thus the output must equal the input. Also observe that if V IN had a source impedance
the op-amp would ignore it as it has infinite input impedance. Additionally, observe that
the signal at the output has zero source impedance. These 2 characteristics of this circuit
are the reason it is used in design. The voltage follower neutralizes source impedance a
very useful characteristic.
Now consider the circuit of Figure 7, the transimpedance amplifier:
Figure 7 Transimpedance amplifier
Again we use the infinite gain assumption to argue that the potential at the inverting input
is the same as the non-inverting input, zero. We use the infinite input impedance
assumption to argue that all the current from the signal input I IN must flow through R F .
Thus we can obtain the following:
I IN 
0  VOUT
  I IN RF
In Equation 12 we observe that the signal, a current source, has been converted to a
voltage source. This is a useful characteristic as, for example, many kinds of sensors look
like a current source and during the conditioning process whereby signals must be
converted to voltages with a range compatible with a computer data acquisition system.
The first step for such an application is to convert from a current to a voltage source. Also
observe that if the signal current has a source impedance, the amplifier circuit will
completely ignore it as
the input impedance to this circuit is a perfect short circuit.
Now consider the circuit of Figure 8 the summer:
Figure 8 the summing amplifier
Observe that this circuit is like the inverting amplifier of Figure 3 except that there are
multiple inputs tied into the inverting input. We apply the principle of superposition and
set all the inputs except ith one to zero. Now each input simply becomes an input resistor
to ground and they are all in parallel. Now applying the perfect op-amp assumptions, the
voltage at the inverting input is the same as the non-inverting input, ground. Thus all
these parallel resistors draw no current and the one source only sees an inverting
amplifier with output given by:
 R
Vout i  Vin i   F
 Rin i
Adding up the responses from all the inputs it becomes the summing amplifier:
 R
Vout TOTAL  Vin i   F
i 1
 Rin i
Non-Ideal Op-Amps from a Qualitative Perspective
For many many applications the ideal op-amp assumptions serve well and designs that
are realized using them are quite adequate. However, the design engineer must
completely understand the limitations of these assumptions to know when they are valid
and not valid. The typical garden variety IC op-amp has the following limitations
Output voltage swing limited by the power supplies usually +/-15V
Output current swing limited by short circuit protection usually 10ma
Input impedance while large ~1meg, is not infinite
Gain also large but not infinite ~50K to 100K
Bandwidth is nowhere close to DC to light. It’s ~DC to 100KHz
Figure 9 illustrates the output voltage swing limitation as imposed on a voltage follower.
Figure 9 Op-amp power supply voltage swing limitation
The limitation of current limit is constraining relative to the load resistance seen by the
op-amp output. Figure 10 illustrates how the output voltage swing will be reduced by
short circuit protection reacting to a smaller and smaller load resistance.
Figure 10 Op-amp output limiting from short circuit current protection
The relationship that is described in Figure 10 is given by Equation 15.
 I SC
Where: V is the output voltage limit of the +/- voltage swing
I is the +/- short circuit current limit
RLoad is the total resistance at the op-amp output
VPS is power supply voltage (in Figure 10)
Figure 11 illustrates a typical response of gain with frequency.
Figure 11 Op-amp typical gain vs frequency
All of these limitations will be evaluated quantitatively along with other limitations in
depth later in this hand-out. We are now ready to do some simple designs of op-amp
circuits using the ideal op-amp assumptions.
Gain Offset Amplifier Designs
A very important application for the operational amplifier is interfacing a sensor for a
physical measurement with a data acquisition system. Modern industrial processes
involve sensing the progress of an operation by measured observations, digesting those
measured observations and generating control signals that are input into the operation to
keep it within desired bounds. Today the heart of this modern controller is a computer
and the observations must be translated to be input into the computer. The system that
performs this translation is a data acquisition system. To get an accurate translation, the
measured observations must range between very specific voltage limits. The device that
monitors the physical process is a transducer and the output of most transducers is very
rarely compatible with the data acquisition systems input voltage range. Figure 12
illustrates a block diagram of this concept. The transducer senses the status of the
process. The op-amp circuit conditions the electrical response of the transducer into a
range of voltage compatible to the data acquisition system. The data acquisition system
translates the voltage signal so the computer can read it. The computer generates a
control command that is translated by the computer interface into a signal that can drive
the valve and thus control the process. Observe that the computer is also receiving other
input signals and issuing other outputs. Our focus in this section is the design of the opamp circuit that interfaces the transducer to the data acquisition system.
Figure 12 Block diagram typical process control
The transducer is a device that changes some electrically discernable parameter that is a
function of the desired process variable. In this section we will limit electrically
discernable process parameters to voltage, current and resistance. Additionally, we will
consider only cases where the process and the electrical parameter are related as the
equation of a straight line. Figure 13 illustrates that typical relationship, where x is the
transducer electrical parameter and p is the process parameter. Additionally, calibration
data for that transducer might be given by x1 , p1  and x2 , p2  . The straight line
equation for this data is given by:
x  mp  xos
The slope m and the Y intercept xos are given by:
 x  x1 
 x  x1 
 , xos  x1   2
 p1
m   2
1 
1 
 2
 2
Figure 13 typical transducer electrical process parameter relationship
A typical design problem for a gain offset application might be that you are given the
transducer to be used and calibration data. You are also given the output voltage swing
for the process parameter swing: Vout LOW , pa  to Vout High , pb 
The first step is to plug p a and p b into Equation 16 to get x a and xb . Now the output
voltage swing is in terms of all electrical parameters: Vout LOW , xa  to Vout High , xb 
We consider 3 cases for x a and xb by examples
Case 1 x is a resistance, R x :
The resistance swing of R x , must be converted into a voltage swing: Vx . Additionally,
that voltage swing in Vx is typically made deliberately less than the voltage swing of
Vout . The output voltage swing constraint now becomes: VoutLow ,Vxa  to
,Vx b  . This final output voltage constraint is also a straight line equation given
Vout  GVx  Vos
 Vout High  Vout Low
Vxb  Vxa
 , Vos  VoutHigh  GVxb
Equations 18 and 19 are used to design the final op-amp stages. Lets do an example:
Example 1
Given a transducer in which a resistance R X changes in a straight line relationship with a
process parameter. The electrical constraint between the resistance swing and the voltage
swing to the data system is given by:
(0V, 1.1Kohm) to (10V, 1Kohm)
We need an op-amp circuit that converts that resistance swing into a proportional voltage
swing. Additionally, we choose that voltage swing to be less than the specified output
voltage swing. The inverting op-amp circuit of Figure 3 will do this. If we let R F be
R X and let V IN be a precision reference voltage VREF then the transducer
resistance R X has been converted into a voltage V X . Figure 14 illustrates the circuit and
Equation 20 gives the relationship.
Figure 14 Transducer resistance to voltage converter
We pick:
VREF  1.0V
RF  1.0K
Thus the design requirement of Equation 20 translates to:
(0V, -1.1V) to (10V, -1V)
These values are plugged into Equation 19 to obtain the gain offset relation for this
10  0
 100 , VOS  10  100(1)  110V
 1  1.1
Thus we need an op-amp circuit that generates a gain of G  100 with an offset voltage of
VOS  110V . The fact that the gain is positive says that the op-amp must be of the noninverting type. This circuit is given by Figure 4 with gain described by Equation 6. We
design the circuit for the gain then we will modify it to incorporate the required offset. If
we pick Rf  99K and RIN  1K , Equation 6 becomes:
 99 K 
VOUT  1 
V X  100V X
1K 
Now we use the concept of superposition and modify the circuit of Figure 4 to become
Figure 15.
Figure 15 non-inverting op-amp as a gain offset for Example 1
If by superposition we set V X  0 the output from VREF is given by Equation 3 and
But Equation 23 requires that the output must be: VOUT  110 when V X  0 . Thus
Equation 25 yields: VREF 
 1.1111V
 99
The complete design schematic is given by Figure 16:
Figure 16 Example 1 complete signal conditioner schematic
One should always check the design to insure it performs as specified. If we set
R X  1.1K , the output becomes VOUT  0.0011V and if R X  1K , the output
is VOUT  9.9989V .
Case 2 The transducer is a current source Ix :
The current swing of Ix , must be converted into a voltage swing: Vx . As with the
previous example, that voltage swing is made deliberately less than the voltage swing of
the output, Vout . For the current to voltage conversion we use the op-amp circuit of
Figure 7, the transimpedance amplifier. At this point the problem is exactly like Case 1 as
the output voltage constraint has become: Vout LOW ,Vx a  to Vout High ,Vx b  . Consider a
design example:
Example 2
Given a transducer in which a current Ix changes in a straight line relationship with a
process parameter. The electrical constraint between the current swing and the voltage
swing to the data system is given by:
(0V, 0.1ma) to (10V, 0.5ma)
We need an op-amp circuit that converts that current swing into a proportional voltage
swing. Additionally, we choose that voltage swing to be less than the specified output
voltage swing. The transimpedance op-amp circuit of Figure 7 will do this. If we let
R F be 1k and plug the swing of the current Ix into Equation 12, then the design
constraint of Equation 24 becomes:
(0V, -.1V) to (10V, -0.5V)
Figure 17 illustrates the schematic of this transimpedance amplifier:
Figure 17 transimpedance amplifier for Example 2
The values of Equation 27 are plugged into Equation 19 to obtain the gain offset relation
for this design:
10  0
 25 , VOS  10  25(0.5)  2.5V
 0.5  0.1
Thus we need an op-amp circuit that generates a gain of G  25 with an offset voltage
of VOS  2.5V . The fact that the gain is negative says that the op-amp must be of the
inverting type. This circuit is given by Figure 3 with gain described by Equation 3. We
design the circuit for the gain then we will modify it to incorporate the required offset. If
we pick Rf  25K and RIN  1K , Equation 3 becomes:
VOUT  
V X  25V X
Now we use the concept of superposition and modify the circuit of Figure 4 to become
Figure 18. Using the principle of superposition, when the signal input is zero the output
must be the offset This is expressed in Equation 30 where we have picked RREF  10K .
Vx 0
 2.5  
10 K
The complete schematic is given by Figure 19.
Figure 18 summing amplifier as gain offset for Example 2
Figure 19 complete signal conditioner amplifier for Example 2
Case 3 The transducer is a voltage source Vx with an imprecise source impedance Rx :
Other than negating any effect of Rx , this case was covered as part of the first 2 cases.
Consider the following example.
Example 3
Given a transducer where a voltage Vx (that has an imprecise source impedance) changes
in a straight line relationship with a process parameter. The electrical constraint between
the transducer voltage swing and the voltage swing to the data system is given by:
(-5V, 0.01V) to (+5V, 0.15V)
Because of the imprecise source impedance the signal source can’t be input directly into
an inverting amplifier as it is not possible to realize the desired gain. The data from
Equation 31 can be directly plugged into Equation 19.
 71.486 , VOS  5  71.486(0.15)  5.7229
0.15  0.01
The amplifier that implements positive gain is the non-inverting of Figure 4. This circuit
will reject any effect of imprecise source impedance seen at the non-inverting input. The
circuit with offset will be exactly like that of Figure 15, but with different resisters. To
realize the gain of G  71.486 , pick RF  70.486K and RIN  1K . To obtain the
required VOS  5.7229 :
 5.7229  70.486VREF , VREF 
 0.0812V
The complete circuit is shown in Figure 20:
Figure 20 signal conditioner circuit for Example 3
As a check, set V X  0.15 and the output is: 4.9994V and set V X  0.01 and the output is: