minor curriculum_mod RS - 300 Jay Street, New York City College

12F ETET 3132 Prerequisite Change 11/12/12
New York City College of Technology, CUNY
Title of Proposal
Change prerequisites
Department Chairperson / Coordinator
Mohammad Razani
ETET Department/EET
Brief Description
This change will allow articulation agreements for the existing EET 3132 Remote Sensing course within the
ETET Department at NYCCT/CUNY with the Remote Sensing courses within the Electrical Engineering, Earth
Atmospheric Sciences and Earth and Environmental Engineering Program at CCNY/CUNY.
Indicate the specific change or changes desired.
__new course(s)
__change in course number and/or title
__experimental courses
__change in course description
__Continuing Education courses for credit
__change in sequence of courses
__addition or elimination of programs or
X change in prerequisites or corequisites for
individual course
__changes in entrance requirements for
matriculation or admission to a specific
degree program
substitution of one course for another of similar
hours and credits
__substitution of required course(s) for the degree
__a change which would affect the
educational objective of a department and/or
of the college
__course(s) withdrawn or reinstated
Supporting Documents Checklist:
Complete description of MAJOR
modifications and rationale
All course proposals (see Course Proposal
Document Checklist)
Catalog course description specifying
hours and credits for lecture and labs,
prerequisites and/or corequisites
Relevant minutes from department
Completed Curriculum Modification
Documentation of needs assessment
Documentation of student views
Documentation of Advisory Commission
views (if applicable).
Description of MINOR modifications and rationale
Department minutes with record of the approval
Memo or email from the Dean approving the
Evidence of consultation with all affected
Completed Curriculum Modification Questions
12F ETET 3132 Prerequisite Change 11/12/12
Evidence of consultation with all affected
Projected headcounts (fall/spring and
day/evening) for each new or modified
Memo or email from the academic dean to
the Curriculum Committee chairperson
with a recommendation for or against
adopting the proposed change(s) and
reasons for the recommendation.
Completed Library Resources and
Information Literacy Form
A memorandum from the VP for Finance
and Administration with written comments
regarding additional and/or new facilities,
renovations or construction (if applicable).
Comparative charts, specifying differences
in class hours, lab hours and credits,
including course titles and codes.
Documentation indicating core curriculum
requirements have been met for New
Programs/Options or Program Changes. (if
Plan and process for evaluation of
Curricular Experiments (if applicable)
Established time limit for Curricular
Experiments (if applicable)
Submitted by
Prof. Viviana Vladutescu
Email this form along with all supporting
documents to the Chair of the College Council
Curriculum Committee.
# Prof. Andrew Douglas
It is proposed here to add a MATLAB covering course as a prerequisite to the existing EET 3132
Remote Sensing course. It is suggested here to change the initial prerequisites/co-requisites (
Calculus I (MAT 1475), Physics 2.2 (PHYS 1434) or Physics 2.3 (PHYS 1442) ) to:
Calculus I (MAT 1475), Physics 2.2 (PHYS 1434) or Physics 2.3 (PHYS 1442), Techniques of
Electrical Technology (EET 1102) or equivalent.
Please note that MATLAB is covered in the Techniques of Electrical Technology (EET 1102)
The reason for adding a course covering MATLAB to the list of prerequisites/co-requisites is to
create an articulation agreement between the Remote Sensing course offered at NYCCT and the
Electrical Engineering, Earth Atmospheric Sciences, and Earth and Environmental Engineering
at CCNY. This change will allow students to transfer the Remote Sensing course from NYCCT
to schools offering graduate degrees (master or even doctoral) not available at NYCCT.
12F ETET 3132 Prerequisite Change 11/12/12
The City University of New York
300 Jay Street • Brooklyn, NY 11201-2983
Department of Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology
TEL (718) 260-5300 - FAX: (718) 254-8643
Minutes of the ETET Departmental Meeting
On Thursday, April 5, 2012
Professors Ayen, Hossain, Jang, Kalechman, Kouar, Mynbaev, Razani, and
Professor Marandi
Professors Goykadosh, Marantz, and Ummy
The meeting was called to order at 12:45 P.M.
The minutes from the previous meeting of February 9, was approved.
Professor Razani expressed condolences to Professor Hossain on behalf of the department for
the recent loss of his family member.
Professor Mynbaev made a presentation of the Fiber Optic laboratory setup using the newlypurchased equipment and thanked Professor Razani for his support and the CLTs for their
hard work. Professor Mynbaev demonstrated modulation and demodulation using the newlypurchased units and reported that he is customizing the company's manuals and his personal
notes in order to utilize the teaching and learning process in room V-709. Professor Mynbaev
added more testing equipment is needed and this would be an on going process.
Chairman reported the progress on the EET-BT program and added that he will work with
Professor Marantz during the spring break for any modifications it might need.
Professor Kouar reported the ABET progress and distributed the list of the targeted courses
for assessment of TAC/ABET students outcomes. Professor Kouar emphasized that an
indirect survey is essential for the terminal courses and faculty should submit the ABET
related material by May. Professor Kouar recommended that the terminal courses for ABET
preparation must be done by full-time faculty.
Professor Razani recommended the self-study time line must be announced and start sooner
rather than later for the whole ABET process.
Professor Marandi reported that 4 students from TCB program and members of the ETAInternational attended the annual Engineering Expo at the White Plains on March 25th and
made huge contribution in representing ETET Department among the more than 80 different
12F ETET 3132 Prerequisite Change 11/12/12
educational and industrial organizations. Professor Razani and Professor Jang joined the
group in a later time. Professor Jang admired Professor Marandi’s efforts at the Engineering
Expos and the departmental orientations in the past several years.
Professor Mynbaev, Chair of the EET-AAS Committee, reported that the committee members met on
March 29 to discuss the 3-point issues and reported on the following progress:
1. The committee agreed on keeping the current textbook used in EET1122/1222.
2. The course EET2220 sub-committee recommended a customized textbook but the committee
agreed that the sub-committee should investigate and see how it can be done for the next meeting.
3. The task force for AAS in EET program that would be involved in investigating whether the
subjects should be taught using components or system methods.
Professor Jang announced that the NSF -STEM grant has been approved and scholarships
will be
available for fall semester. Professor Jang added that the eligible students can start their applications
process in May 1st.
Professor Kouar, Chair of the TCB Committee, reported that Professor Hossain is revising the
laboratory manual for TCET3102 for ABET. Professor Razani suggested that TCET 4220/TC870
course should be looked at as a capstone project. Professor Kouar also recommended that Matlab or
Matlab equivalent course should be as pre-requisite for the elective Remote Sensing course (EET
3132) which was voted and approved by the TCET-BTech Curriculum Committee and the ETET
Professor Vladutescu announced that the Third Semi-Annual Internship and Fellowship Seminar will
be held on May 8 at Nam 119. Professor Vladutescu reported that three students from ET and TCET
programs have been accepted for the NASA summer internship program.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 P.M.
Cc: Dean Kevin Hom
12F ETET 3132 Prerequisite Change 11/12/12
12F ETET 3132 Prerequisite Change 11/12/12
For all Curriculum Modifications
Has the department approved the modification and recorded the approval in the
Has the department consulted with the academic dean?
Has documentation of consultation with affected areas been received?
Have potential staff space and budget impacts been addressed?
Have all legal issues and/or restrictions been addressed?
Is renovation or new construction required?
Does new space need to be made available?
If applicable, has the VP for Finance and Administration submitted written comments
regarding additional and/or new facilities, renovations or construction?
For New Courses
Has the form Library Resources and Information Literacy form been completed by proposer and
library faculty subject selector?
Is this course unique in that the content does not significantly overlap with other
If the proposed modification affects other departments or curricula, have they been
Are more instructional hours required?
How many full-time and part-time faculty members are qualified to teach this course?
Does new equipment need to be acquired?
Is external funding anticipated?
Have you surveyed students to determine their interest in the course and learn why they
would be interested in taking the course? Are these results included?
12F ETET 3132 Prerequisite Change 11/12/12
Role of the course in the curriculum
• Is it a stand-alone course or part of a sequence?
Will this course replace or be an alternative to another course in the curriculum. If a
replacement, will another course be removed from the curriculum?
Does this course have a prerequisite? If so, how often is that course offered?
For which majors will this be a required course? For which majors will this be an
Will you submit this proposal to the Arts and Sciences Core Curriculum Committee for
inclusion in the core?
Enrollment needs assessment
• When is it expected that this course will this course be offered – spring, summer, fall,
day, evening?
Each semester, approximately how many students are enrolled in programs where this
course is required or an elective?
What is your estimate of the number of students that would enroll in this course each
semester it is offered? How many sections do you anticipate offering each semester it is
offered? How were these value determined?
For New Programs or Program Changes
Based on the Core Curriculum Checklist, have core curriculum requirements been met?
For Experimental Courses
Has a time line for the experiment, not to exceed one year, been established?
After consultation with the director of assessment, have plans for evaluation been
Who is responsible for the proposal?
Chancellor’s Report Information
Department: ETET
Proposer: Viviana Vladutescu Date: Nov 7th, 2012
Course Code: EET 3132
Course Number: 9250
Course Title: Remote Sensing
Course Description: This course highlights the physical and mathematical principles underlying remote sensing techniques, covering the
radiative transfer equation, atmospheric sounding techniques, interferometric and lidar systems, and an introduction to image
processing. The course is offered in conjunction with a laboratory where the students will be introduced to remote sensing software
HYDRA and MATLAB which will be used for image display, and data analysis.
Course Catalog Description: same as above
Class Hour
Class Hours
Lab Hours
Lab Hours
MAT 1475 (Calculus I), PHYS 1434
(Physics 2.2)
Pre- or
Pre- or
Calculus I (MAT 1475), Physics 2.2 (PHYS 1434)
or Physics 2.3 (PHYS 1442), Techniques of
Electrical Technology (EET 1102) or equivalent
Rationale: The reason for adding a course covering MATLAB to the list of prerequisites/co-requisites is to create an articulation agreement
between the Remote Sensing course offered at NYCCT and the Electrical Engineering, Earth Atmospheric Sciences, and Earth and Environmental
Engineering at CCNY. This change will allow students to transfer the Remote Sensing course from NYCCT to schools offering graduate degrees
(master or even doctoral) not available at NYCCT.