2016 All Indian Game Day REGISTRATION PACKET New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. Indian Area Agency on Agingg Pueblo of Isleta NEW MEXICO SENIOR OLYMPICS, INC. ALL INDIAN GAME DAY Where: When: Who: Fees: ISLETA ELDERLY PROGRAM Pueblo of Isleta, Recreation Center & Other Sport Venues Wednesday & Thursday, March 16 & 17, 2016 Native American Elders Statewide $15.00 registration fee plus bowling and golf fees REGISTRATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 16, 2016 Contact Your Local Senior Program Director for registration details and playing rules. SPECIAL EVENTS Opening Ceremony Parade of Athletes Arts & Crafts Fair Easter Egg Hunt Health Fair Spirit Athlete Banquet OFFERING 14 SPORTS Archery Basketball Free Throw Bowling 8 Ball Pool Frisbee Accuracy Frisbee Distance Golf Huachas Road Race - 5K Shuffleboard Soccer Kick Accuracy Softball Distance Throw 400M Est. Run/Walk 800M Est. Run/Walk Fun Events Sports Clinics Wellness Track Game Shirt Tribal Awards Spirit Athlete Banquet - $25.00 / Isleta Resort (Tickets must be purchased with registration.) Hotel Rooms available at Isleta Resort - Albuquerque Room rates $89.00 + tax - single or double. Make Your Reservation early. Block of rooms available until February 14, 2016 - use code NMSO316 call 1-877-747-5382 or 505-848-1999 For more information, contact NMSO 888.623.6676 New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. • 1600 SE Main • PO Box 2690 • Roswell, NM 88202-2690 • (575) 623-5777 • Fax (575) 622-9244 • nmso@nmseniorolympics.org • www.nmseniorolympics.org 2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY REGISTRATION PACKET Table of Contents PLEASE FIND ENCLOSED THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Program Schedule AIGD Information Registration Overview Lunch Options Information Registration form – deadline to NMSO – February 16th Payment MUST accompany Registration Forms Payment Spreadsheet Instruction/Form 2016 Event Schedule • Sporting Events • Health & Wellness • Special Events Volunteer Sign-up Form Protest Form Rules • Playing Rules - 14 Sports • Walk 4 Fitness • Fun Events • Sports Clinics If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Debbie, NMSO Registrar at 1-888-623-6676. Thank you for all your help! New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org New Mexico Senior Olympics 2016 All Indian Game Day March 16th - 17th Program Schedule Isleta Recreation Center Tuesday, March 15th Event Set-Up 9:00 am - 12:00 noon 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Program Directors Early Check-In 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Volunteer Check-In 3:00 pm Volunteer Training Wednesday, March 16th 7:00 am - 8:00 am Event Manager Check-In/Set Up 7:00 am - 10:00 am Program Directors Check-In 7:00 am - 9:00 am Volunteer Check- In 9:00 am Opening Ceremonies 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Events 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch – On Your Own 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Arts & Crafts Fair Thursday, March 17th 7:00 am - 8:00 am 7:00 am - 10:00 am Event Manager Check-In/Set Up Program Directors Check-In 7:00 am - 9:00 am Volunteer Check-In 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Events Continue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Health Fair 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch – On Your Own Prior to Parade Line-Up 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Easter Egg Hunt Parade Line-up Parade of Athletes Tribal Team Awards and Closing New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org NEW MEXICO SENIOR OLYMPICS, INC. 2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY March 16-17, 2016 INFORMATION REGISTRATION Registration forms are provided through the local senior program or by calling New Mexico Senior Olympics (NMSO). Registration deadline is February 16th. Registration fee is $15.00 plus an event fee for bowling and golf, if applicable. Registration forms are to be mailed or faxed to NMSO for processing and must include payment. All persons (participant, staff, spectators, van driver, etc.) who will be in attendance and want a Game shirt will need to fill out a registration form and pay the $15.00 registration fee. Participants can register for any number of events as long as the events are not scheduled at the same time. Program Directors will receive an event confirmation listing game participants and events for their group ten days prior to the Games. For payment arrangements, please contact NMSO in writing. EVENT CHANGES will be accepted through March 2nd with NMSO. Changes on site will only be allowed if the omission is the result of NMSO data entry. We understand an emergency may require a participant to cancel a game registration after registering for the Games. Game refund request will be accepted through March 2nd. SCHEDULE The AIGD Program will consist of 14 Sporting Events for competition; Sport Clinics, Fun Events, Opening Ceremony, Spirit Banquet, Dance, Wellness Track of fitness activities, and a Closing Ceremony. Please note Sporting Event schedule has detail information by age categories. Participants must register to compete in Sporting Events. Three new sports are included this year: Bowling, 8-Ball Pool and Golf. The Wellness Track of events is filled with fun activities to have elders moving and working out when they are not competing. Registration is not required for Wellness activities. Program Directors are asked to help encourage attendance at these events. Swimming will offer three opportunities to work out in the water. Swimming will have giveaways to encourage participation - bring suit and towel. Water temperature is 79 degrees. Opening Ceremony will take place on Wednesday morning to “kickoff” the event and Closing Ceremony on Thursday afternoon will conclude our event to present tribal awards for the pueblo/tribe with the most points, based on medals won. For the Closing Ceremony, bring your beautiful banners for the parade of athletes! An Easter Egg Hunt is planned prior to the Closing Ceremony - we will have eggs filled with fun prizes! LUNCH Everyone is on their own for lunch. Lunch can be purchased on Game Registration form for $8.00 each day, see lunch page in this packet. Other options are the Isleta Resort with a variety of food options; Fun Connection - bowling venue and the Golf Course offer lunch as well. Programs are welcome to bring a “brown bag” lunch for their group for this 2-day event. Program Directors are reminded to discuss and confirm lunch options with your participants in advance. BANQUET A buffet dinner banquet will be held on Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. at Isleta Resort as a ticketed event. Banquet cost is $25.00 per person and must be purchased on Game Registration form or prior to deadline through NMSO. Banquet is open for all to attend. Ticket sales will close on March 2nd in order to guarantee a dinner count. Banquet will include a speaker and senior athlete recognitions. Each pueblo/tribe will be invited to nominate one senior athlete to be honored, see nomination instructions included in this packet. Dinner for honoree will be provided by NMSO. Banquet dress attire is Sunday Best! New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org AWARDS Participants will be awarded medals for the Sporting Events by five-year age divisions. Medals will be awarded for first, second and third place and will be presented by age category at the conclusion of each event. In the event a participant is not present to accept their medal, only a Senior Program Director may accept on his/her behalf, no exceptions. All unclaimed medals will be returned by Event Manager to Game Headquarters. Senior Program Directors are requested to stop by Game Headquarters to collect unclaimed medals before the conclusion of the Games. See Event Manager for all results/medal inquiries and NMSO Game Registrar if needed. Results will be posted in the GYM. TRIBAL AWARDS Participants are grouped in two groups by age – Younger Elders ages 50-64 and Elder Elders ages 65100. Points will be earned for every medal awarded and tracked by pueblo/tribe. Points are awarded as such: three points for gold, two points for silver and one point for bronze. Pueblo/tribe with the most points will be awarded a tribal award in each group. Presentation will be made at the Closing Ceremony. PROTESTS Any person wishing to register an official protest on behalf of a registered participant may obtain a Protest form from the Event Manager running the Event or from the Game Headquarters in the Recreation Center. A protest must be filed within two hours of the conclusion of the Event. All protests will be ruled and decided upon by Game Management prior to the Closing Ceremony. All protests will be final as ruled by NMSO Game Management. CHECK IN Senior Program Directors will “check in” at the Isleta Recreation Center for their participants. Check In hours are: Tuesday 1:00 – 5:00 pm; Wednesday and Thursday 7:00 - 10:00 am. Program Directors will receive a name badge, wrist band, game shirt and game bag for each registered participant. Program Directors will distribute game items according to registration data provided by Game Headquarters. Game HQ is not responsible for any incorrect registration entry form received. All registration event data is available at Game HQ for review . ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR Vendors displaying homemade jewelry and arts and craft items will be on hand at the Recreation Center on Wednesday 1:00 – 5:00 pm. Come and check this out. REFRESHMENTS Game Management will provide morning break(coffee, juice and muffins)in the GYM area each morning. Fruit and water is available at the various sport venues for consumption throughout the 2-day event. EMERGENCY/FIRST AID There is an emergency medical team provided by Isleta Pueblo on standby services at the various sport venues. For all first aid come to the Recreation Center office area. For emergency assistance call 911. Participants are reminded to bring their own oxygen, if needed. PARKING Parking is available only on the WEST and SOUTH side of the Recreation Center. RV Parking is available at the Isleta Lakes, 505-244-8102. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org HOTEL Isleta Resort and Casino has provided the Games a special rate for sleeping rooms at $89.00 plus tax per night – single or double. Make your reservations early by calling 1-877-747-5382 or 505-848-1999 and ask for code NMSO316. Rooms are only available until February 14, 2016. Rooms may sell out – call early! Other hotel options will be in Los Lunas: Western Skies Inn and Suites Los Lunas, 2258 Sun Ranch Village Loop SW, 505.865.0001 or Days Inn Los Lunas, 1919 Main St SW, Los Lunas, NM 87031 •(505) 865-5995. SPORT CLINICS Interested in learning a “new” sport? Come to a Sport Clinic where there will be playing Instructions, sport rules and hands on play available for the Estimated Run/Walk, Pickleball and Disc Golf. See schedule for time and location. HEALTH FAIR A mini Health Fair will take place at the nearby Isleta Elder Center on Thursday 8:00 am to Noon. The fair is an opportunity to access information on senior services, health screening and wellness information. There will be FREE giveaways. Come visit our exhibitors and supporters of All Indian Game Day! EVALUATIONS We value your opinion. Please complete a Game Evaluation and return your completed evaluation in the GYM during CLOSING CEREMONY. ENTERTAINMENT Following the Banquet on Wednesday evening, a Dance with a live band will take place at the Isleta Resort ballroom area from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Dance is free to registered participants, their guests and game volunteers. Game credentials (wrist band) are required. SHUTTLE Transportation shuttle is provided by the Recreation Center staff. Shuttle is available to and from the Recreation Center, Isleta Lakes and Fun Connection. To ride the shuttle, please go to the front entrance of the Recreation Center. Shuttle will run continuously on Wednesday and Thursday beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m. Senior Programs are welcome to transport their group to the sport venues if possible. SMOKING The Recreation Center is a tobacco-free environment. Smoking is allowed outside and 10 feet away from the building. VOLUNTEERS Game volunteers are needed to support the 14 Sporting Event competitions and Special Events. Please consider recruiting volunteers with your Senior Program planning to attend the Games. Senior participants are not encouraged to sign up to work the Games as they will be participating. Volunteers who work a minimum of four (4) hours will receive a t-shirt and a certificate. Volunteers will be required to attend training on Tuesday, March 15th at 3:00 p.m. at Isleta Recreation Department. Lunch will be provided to volunteers working each day. Deadline to sign up to be a volunteer is March 2, 2016. See Form included in this packet. On-site, Volunteers need to report to the Volunteer Hub in the Aerobics Room at the Recreation Center. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org New Mexico Senior Olympics 2016 All Indian Game Day REGISTRATION OVERVIEW New Mexico Senior Olympics appreciates all of your hard work. Here is an overview to register your participants for AIGD. Step 1 Give every participant an event schedule. Step 2 Distribute Participant Registration Forms Step 3 Collect Completed Registration Forms and Fees Step 4 Proof the Registration Forms carefully! Step 8 Mail packet to NMSO office by February 16th and verify we received it! Step 5 Complete Fee Spreadsheet Step 9 Reply to questions from NMSO Step 6 Prepare payment for NMSO Step 10 Event confirmation letters for the group will be mailed. Verify and make changes by Step 7 Get completed Registration Packet ready for mailing March 2, 2016 Lunch will be available for purchase. See Lunch Option page for details. + PLAN TO ATTEND + ARTS AND CRAFT FAIR Isleta Recreation Center WEDNESDAY, March 16th 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Health Fair Isleta Elder Center THURSDAY, March 17th 8:00 am – 12:00 pm New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202 * 1-888-623-6676(575) 623-5777 Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org N EW M EX I CO SEN I OR OLY M P I CS, I N C. 2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY March 16th-17th Lunch on your Own Lunch at the Isleta Elder Center must be purchased prior to event. You can purchase these meal with registration. Deadline February 16, 2016 00 . 8 $ X BO H C N U L y a D Per Wednesday BBQ, Brisket, Potato Salad, Chips, Jello Tea/Coffee/Water Thursday Turkey Sandwich, Macaroni Stew, Cole Slaw, Pudding Tea/Coffee/Water Other Options Bring Own Sack Lunch Isleta Recreation Center - Concession Fun Connection - Local favorites such as burritos, burger and fries. Open 10 a.m to 11p.m. Golf Course Grill - Breakfast and Lunch. Open 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Isleta Resort Ember Steakhouse - Appetizers and signature steaks. Open 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tiwa Restuarant & Lounge - Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Open 6 a.m to 10 p.m. Chili Rista - Local favorites such as burritos, burger and fries. Open 8 a.m to 2 p.m. Chill - Coffee, baked goods, breakfast burritos, and ice cream treats. Open 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daubers Grill- Choose from turkey, roast beef and ham sandwiches, frito pies, nachos, hot dogs, soups, stews and hot buttered corn. Open 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. New Mexico Senior Olympics All Indian Game Day Isleta Recreation Center Isleta, NM March 16th & 17th, 2016 Registration Form Athlete Volunteer Staff Spectator Registration Instructions: ALL individuals attending AIGD must complete form and pay $15.00 registration fee. This will entitle them to a t-shirt and refreshments at the events. Registrations will not be processed without complete Athlete information and payment. Deadline to register is February 16, 2016. *Staff and/or spectators wishing to receive athlete t-shirt must register and pay registration fee. Please indicate your lunch for one/both days. Deadline to pay for box lunch is February, 16, 2016 Name (please print!) Address/City/State/Zip: Phone: Pueblo/Tribe Date of Birth: Male Age Division(as of DECEMBER 31, 2016): (Check one) 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 T-Shirt (unisex-cotton) Medium Large Female 80-84 85-89 90+ XLarge XXLarge XXXLarge Registration Payment Must Accompany Registration Form $ 15.00 $ 42.00 - Event Registration $ 7.00 $ 25.00 - Bowling ( Includes lane fees and shoes) - Banquet $ 8.00 - Lunch / Wednesday $ 8.00 - Lunch / Thursday Golf (Includes green fees and Cart) _________ Total Due Please mark (X) the events you wish to enter. Athletes must check event schedule to ensure events and times do not overlap or conflict. Game management cannot guarantee that individuals can compete in all events requested. SPORTING EVENTS 400M Estimated Run/ Walk 8 Ball Pool Road Race 5K 800M Estimated Run/ Walk Frisbee Accuracy Shuffleboard Archery Frisbee Distance Soccer Kick Accuracy Basketball Free Throw Golf Softball Distance Throw Bowling Huachas Sports clinics, Fun Events, and Fitness Events will not require pre-registration. Walk-ins are welcome. See schedule. Waiver of Liability I understand, declare and agree that to the best of my knowledge, I am in good physical condition to participate in activities related to the All Indian Game Day events. I assume all risks and release, waive, discharge, hold harmless, indemnify and covenant not to sue any organization/ subsidiary affiliated with this Event. I will allow my photograph and/or voice to appear in any official promotional coverage of the event. Athlete’s Signature Program Director Date New Mexico Senior Olympics 2016 All Indian Game Day Payment Spreadsheet Instructions Prior to completing the spreadsheet, verify and review all Registration Forms to ensure accuracy. NMSO will call if there are any registration questions. Review the registration forms 1. Ensure signatures – Liability section 2. Verify DOB, address and age division 3. Verify t-shirt size, fees, events, lunch preference 4. Mail Original Registration Forms to NMSO and keep a copy for your records Spreadsheet Instructions 1. Transfer data from Individual Registration Forms 2. List entries 3. Indicate if the person is an Athlete, Spectator or Staff 4. Indicate lunch selection if applicable. 5. Total columns and verify Grand Total 6. Make a copy for your records and mail the Original Spreadsheet to NMSO The spreadsheet will be helpful to: o Distribute Correct Shirts as requested o Ensure Game credentials o Provide a Participant list PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL ATHLETES RECEIVE AN EVENT SCHEDULE The Spreadsheet is available electronically. Please request from NMSO. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org NEW MEXICO SENIOR OLYMPICS 2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY PARTICIPANT & PAYMENT SPREADSHEET PUEBLO/TRIBE:__________________________________________ Program Director:_______________________ All attending must appear on this form and pay applicable fees. Please specify Athlete or Spectator. Age Division Key = 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+ Athlete/ Spectator NAME EX Sample ONLY --Brown, John Athlete Registration Fee Golf Green Fee Bowling Fee Social Dinner Lunch Wed Lunch Thurs TOTAL $15 $42 $7 $25 $8 $8 $105 1 $0 2 $0 3 $0 4 $0 5 $0 6 $0 7 $0 8 $0 9 $0 10 $0 11 $0 12 $0 13 $0 14 $0 15 $0 16 $0 17 $0 18 $0 19 $0 20 Shirt Size Age Division L 50-54 $0 Grand Total $0 $0 $0 NEW MEXICO SENIOR OLYMPIC, INC. * P.O. BOX 2690 * 1-888-623-6676 * 575-623-5777 * FAX 575-622-9244 * email: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org Gender M Notes 2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY SPORTING EVENT SCHEDULE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL SPORTING EVENTS SPORTING EVENTS Archery Isleta Lakes Aimee Arellanes Basketball Free Throw Recreation Center David Gachupin, Jemez Bowling – plus lane fee Fun Connection Dora & Fred Gunckel 8 Ball Pool Fun Connection Frisbee Accuracy North Field – Recreation Center Titania Tenorio, San Felipe Frisbee Distance North Field – Recreation Center Wednesday, March 16 Thursday, March 17 Men and Women 10:00 am 70, 75, 80, 85, 90+ 1:00 pm 50, 55, 60, 65 Men and Women 10:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 50, 55 60 65 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 Men and Women – singles 10:00 am 50, 55 1:00 pm 60, 65 Men and Women - singles 8:00 am 70, 75, 80, 85, 90+ Men and Women - All Groups 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Men and Women 10:00 am 65 1:00 pm 60 3:00 pm 50, 55 Men and Women 10:00 am 75 11:00 am 80, 85, 90+ 1:00 pm 65 3:00 pm 70 Golf – 18 Hole – plus Green fees Isleta Golf Course Men and Women - All Groups 1:00 pm – Shotgun Start Huachas (Washers) Recreation Center Men and Women 10:00 am 50, 55 11;00 am 60 1:00 pm 65, 70 3:00 pm 75, 80, 85, 90+ Tribal Team Points will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners in Sporting Events only. Men and Women 8:00 am 70 9:00 am 75, 80, 85, 90+ Men and Women 8:00 am 50, 55 9:00 am 60 Tribal Team Divisions: Elder Elders 65-100 Younger Elders 50-64 REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL SPORTING EVENTS SPORTING EVENTS Wednesday, March 16 Road Race - 5K Isleta Lakes Thursday, March 17 Men and Women - All Groups 8 :00 am Shuffleboard Recreation Center Men and Women 1 0:00 am 65 1:00 pm 70, 75 Men and Women 8 :00 am 50, 55, 60 10:00 am 80, 85, 90 Soccer Kick Accuracy Baseball area Dorie Sandoval Men and Women 10:00 am 50, 55 11:00 am 85, 90+ Men and Women 8:00 am to 11:00 am 70, 75, 80 1:00 pm Softball Distance Throw Baseball Field Pete Salazar 60, 65 Men and Women 10:00 am 75, 80, 85, 90+ 1:00 pm 70 2:00 pm 65 Men and Women 8:00 am to 11:00 am 50, 55, 60 400M Est. Run/Walk Rec Center Parking Lot LoriAnn Keith Men and Women - All Groups 8:00 am 800M Est. Run/Walk Isleta Lakes Dick Griffith Men and Women - All Groups 10:00 am to 11:00 am AGE DIVISIONS: 50 = 50-54 55 = 55-59 60 = 60-64 65 = 65-69 75 = 75-79 80 = 80-84 85 = 85-89 90+ = 90 and above 70 = 70-74 Schedule and venues subject to change Isleta aerial view ****REMINDERS**** ON YOUR REGISTRATION FORM: ORDER YOUR LUNCH(S) RESERVE YOUR SLEEPING ROOMS INCLUDE BOWLING AND GOLF FEES IF APPLICABLE PURCHASE BANQUET TICKETS BRUSH UP ON THE PLAYING RULES FOR YOUR SPORT PLAN TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HEALTH & WELLNESS TRACK PACK YOUR SWIMSUIT FOR THE SWIMMING WORKSHOP PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD AND HAVE FUN!!! 12/18/15 2016 NEW MEXICO SENIOR OLYMPICS ALL INDIAN GAME DAY REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THE SCHEDULE ON THIS PAGE WALK-INS ARE WELCOME * BRING YOUR SWIMSUITS Health & Wellness Wednesday, March 16 Thursday, March 17 Walk 4 Fitness Isleta Elder Center Connie Tachias Men and Women - All Groups 8:00 am – 9:00 am Tai Ji Quan-Moving for Better Balance Isleta Elder Center Connie Tachias Men and Women - All Groups 9:00 am – 10:00 am M & W All Groups EnhanceFitness Isleta Elder Center Connie Tachias Men and Women - All Groups 10:00 am – 11:00 am Swimming Recreation Center Lee Ann Lente Men and Women - All Groups 1:00 pm Water Aerobics 2:00 pm Low Impact Zumba Gold Recreation Center San Felipe Men and Women - All Groups 1:00 pm Session One 2:00 pm Session Two 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Health Fair Elder Center Fun Events Men and Women - All Groups 9:00 am Aerobics/Low Impact combined Wednesday, March 16 Thursday, March 17 Fun Event Relays Recreation Center Geraldine Cain Men and Women - All Groups 10:00 am – 12:00 noon Horseshoes Men and Women - All Groups 8:00 am - 10:00 am (Indoors) JoAnna Salsberry Sport Clinics Wednesday, March 16 Estimated Run/Walk Rec Center Parking Lot Dick Griffith and LoriAnn Keith Men and Women - All Groups 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Pickleball Recreation Center - outdoors Ray Padilla Men and Women - All Groups 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Disc Golf Rec Center NE Baseball Field Bill Leslie Men and Women - All Groups 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Thursday, March 17 12/18/15 2016 NEW MEXICO SENIOR OLYMPICS ALL INDIAN GAME DAY SPECIAL EVENTS Special Events Opening Ceremony Wednesday, March 16 Thursday, March 17 9:00 am Recreation Center Arts & Crafts Fair 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Recreation Center Spirit Athlete Banquet Isleta Resort 6:00 pm Dance Isleta Resort 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Easter Egg Hunt Recreation Center Prior to Parade Line Up Parade Line Up Closing Ceremony Parade of Athletes Tribal Team Awards Recreation Center 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 12/18/15 New Mexico Senior Olympics 2016 All Indian Game Day Volunteer Sign-up Form The 2016 All Indian Game Day will take place at the Pueblo of Isleta - Recreation Center, Fun Connection, Lakes, Golf - Wednesday and Thursday, March 16 & 17, 2016. We are expecting 500 participants and we are in need of good, reliable volunteers. If you are interested in working this event, please complete the information below. All Volunteers will be confirmed by NMSO. Name: _______________________________________________________________AGE: ______________ Organization/Pueblo/Tribe: ______________________________________ Day phone: ________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________ Evening/Message/Cell: _________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ______________ Volunteer T- Shirt Size: ___ S ___ M ___ L ___ XL ___ XXL *************************************************************************************** Dates Available to Volunteer: Tues, March 15 (set up only) Wed, March 16 Thurs, March 17 Volunteer trainings: Tuesday, March 8th at 2:00 p.m. and Tuesday, March 15th at 3:00 p.m. (required) YES, I can work at the All Indian Game Day in the following event areas (please mark ONLY where you can assist): _____ Event Support (Runner/Assistant/Scorekeeper/Check-In) _____ Archery _____ Basketball Free Throw _____ Bowling _____ 8 Ball Pool _____ Frisbee Accuracy _____ Frisbee Distance _____ Golf (18 Hole) _____ Huachas (Washers) _____ Road Race – 5K _____ Shuffleboard _____ Soccer Accuracy Kick _____ Softball Distance Throw _____400M Estimated Run/Walk _____ 800M Estimated Run/Walk _____ Hospitality (Fruit & Water; Lunch) _____ Set-up/Tear Down/Equipment Room - Help needed daily _____ Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF VOLUNTEER: ____________________________________________________________ All volunteers MUST complete and return this form to: NMSO – AIGD Volunteer PO Box 2690, Roswell, NM 88202-2690 Fax: 575-622-9244 * Phone: 1-888-623-6676 Email: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org Return by Wednesday, March 2, 2016 to be confirmed. Lunch will be provided for all pre-registered and confirmed volunteers. Volunteers must attend training on Tuesday, March 15th at 3:00 p.m. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * email nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org Rev. 12/18/15 New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. Written Protest Form The following process is required for filing an official game protest: A. An initial written protest must first be filed with the Event Manager within 30 minutes of the incident and a copy provided to NMSO. Any person(s) may file on behalf of an athlete. Event Manager will evaluate initial protest and render a decision/ruling. B. If an athlete feels the Event Managers decision/ruling is such that a written protest must be filed with the Arbitration Committee, please complete the written protest form below and submit to Game Headquarters within 24 hours of incident. All written protests will be reviewed and ruled by the Arbitration Committee in a timely manner. All decisions rendered by the Arbitration Committee are considered final and are not subject to further appeal. C. An official written ruling on behalf of the Arbitration Committee will be submitted to person(s) completing written protest form. Please print: Your Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Name of Athlete (if different): ____________________________________________ Age: ________ County/Local Game Site: ___________________________________________________________ Event Location of incident: ___________________________________ Date: _______ Time: ______ Name of Event Manager and/or Volunteer involved: _______________________________________ Have you provided a copy of the initial protest to NMSO? Yes No Briefly describe the incident. What was the first thing that made you realize there was an incident needing attention? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ List others who were present Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Do you feel the State Senior Olympic Rules were followed? Yes No Unknown If no, how did the situation differ from the Rules? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * (575) 623-5777 Fax (575) 622-9244 * email: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org Rev 8/08 In your opinion, what is the most important point the Arbitration Committee should examine? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What is the second most important point? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ What would you suggest as a possible solution? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature Date Time ________________________________________________ ___________________________ Athlete Signature Date Time For Office use only Arbitration Committee Findings: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Signed: _______________________________________________ Date __________________ Signed: _______________________________________________ Date __________________ Signed: _______________________________________________ Date __________________ Signed: _______________________________________________ Date __________________ New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * (575) 623-5777 Fax (575) 622-9244 * email: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org Rev 8/08 2016 All Indian game day RULES ARCHERY BASKETBALL FREE THROW BOWLING 8 BALL POOL FRISBEE ACCURACY FRISBEE DISTANCE GOLF – 18 HOLE HUACHAS ROAD RACE – 5K SHUFFLEBOARD SOCCER KICK ACCURACY SOFTBALL DISTANCE THROW 400 EST. RUN/WALK 800 EST. RUN/WALK Fun Events Walk 4 Fitness Sports Clinics All Indian game day 400M Estimated RUN/WALK 1. Event will be 400M Estimated Run/Walk. 2. Please check-in on site no later than 15 minutes prior to scheduled competition. 3. Athletes must report to the starting line 5 minutes prior to scheduled competition or will be scratched. 4. This is an estimated timed event. 5. Each contestant must turn in their estimated time on their entry card before the start of the race. 6. The contestant coming closest to running/walking estimated time they submitted at check-in, without going over will be declared the winner. 7. Contestants may not wear watches. 8. Contestants may not be paced physically or verbally from the sidelines. 9. Penalty: The judges may assess a 5 second penalty if (“time”) assistance is provided the contestant. The penalty will be added to the contestant’s time. 10. NMSO has the right to reschedule or cancel event due to inclement weather. 11. Results will be made available on-site. 12. Medal presentations will be awarded on-site at the end of each age division. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 All Indian game day 800M Estimated RUN/WALK 1. Event will be 800M Estimated Run/Walk. 2. Please check-in on site no later than 15 minutes prior to scheduled competition. 3. Athletes must report to the starting line 5 minutes prior to scheduled competition or will be scratched. 4. This is an estimated timed event. 5. Each contestant must turn in their estimated time on their entry card before the start of the race. 6. The contestant coming closest to running/walking estimated time they submitted at check-in, without going over will be declared the winner. 7. Contestants may not wear watches. 8. Contestants may not be paced physically or verbally from the sidelines. 9. Penalty: The judges may assess a 5 second penalty if (“time”) assistance is provided the contestant. The penalty will be added to the contestant’s time. 10. NMSO has the right to reschedule or cancel event due to inclement weather. 11. Results will be made available on-site. 12. Medal presentations will be awarded on-site at the end of each age division. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 All Indian game day ARCHERY playing rules Archery is the art, practice, or skill of propelling arrows with the use of a bow, towards a 52” target. Archery has historically been used for hunting and combat; in modern times, however, its main use is that of a recreational activity. Playing Format The “900” AMERICAN Round will be used for all competition. Section 1 – There will be 5 divisions: A—RECURVE BOWS—finger shooter with sights B—BAREBOW RECURVE—finger shooter with no sights C—COMPOUND BOWS—finger shooter with sights D—BAREBOW COMPOUND—finger shooter with no sights E—COMPOUND RELEASE—with or without sights • All freestyle shooters should compete together and instinctive shooters should compete with one another. • The two divisions should not compete against one another. • Sights will not be permitted in Barebow Recurve and Barebow Compound. Section 2 – 45 arrows will be shot as follows: 15 arrows from 60 yards (3 ends of 5 arrows) 15 arrows from 50 yards (3 ends of 5 arrows) 15 arrows from 40 yards (3 ends of 5 arrows) • All arrows must be of same length and weight. Section 3 – Each END (5 arrows) will consist of 1 set of 5 arrows with 50 seconds allowed for each arrow to be shot. Shooters will rotate with target mates after each 5 arrow set. Section 4 – N.A.A. (National Archery Assn.) Target Rules of Shooting will apply Equipment Section 1—N.A.A. equipment rules apply to the conventional bow shooter and the compound bow shooter. Section 2—Should equipment failure occur, a 10-minute repair time is allowed the archer; then the end will be completed. Section 3—Field glasses or scopes are permitted for spotting arrow hits. Archers must shoot matched arrow set (all will be the same weight, length, fletch and point). No broad heads will be permitted. Section 4—Barebow Recurve Equipment: Any recurve bow or longbow may be used. Bow sights are not allowed. Archers may string-walk and/or face-walk in sighting. No stabilizers, levels or draw checks are allowed. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 Section 5—Barebow Compound Equipment: Any compound bow may be used. Bow sights are not allowed. Archers may string-walk and/or face-walk in sighting. No levels are allowed. Archer may use a stabilizer and may use a draw check that is either on the bow limbs or under the arrow in the bow window. Section 6—Compound Bow Equipment: The maximum peak draw weight allowed shall be 80 pounds. Maximum arrow speed shall be 280 feet per second with a variance of 3%. Lighted sights may be used. Playing Rules 1. Shooters will shoot north, if possible – as per NFAA Rules. 2. Scoring Section 1—Regulation 122cm (48") 5 color target face will be used. Scoring values: gold (10-9), red (8-7), blue (6-5), white (2-1)—10 ring scoring. Note: each color is divided into scoring areas by a thin black line. The Inner ten ring does not apply. Section 2—The arrow shaft must only touch the color or dividing line between scoring zones to score the higher value. Section 3—Winner shall be the archer(s) scoring the highest number of points in a single “900” Round. There will be a winner in each of the 5 divisions, both male and female. Section 4—In case of a tie—N.A.A. rules will apply; i.e., greatest number of scoring hits, greatest number of 10s, greatest number of 9s, etc. until a tie is broken. Section 5—In scoring disputes or questionable arrow value the field official’s decision will be final. Be sure to call the official before removing the arrow from the target. Section 6--An arrow that hits the target but bounces out will be scored as a hit, when and if witnessed by the official, according to the N.A.A. rules. 3. Archery Safety Considerations Section 1 - No talking while on the line. Do not notch an arrow until you take your stance on the shooting line and the command is given to “Commence Firing.” When finished shooting, step back from the line until all are finished. You may place your bow on the ground if you wish or take it to your chair. Wait for the signal to “Recover” before stepping out in front of the shooting line. If anyone spots a dangerous situation, such as a human or animal approaching the shooting area, yell “Cease Fire” until the danger is past. Section 2 - On each target, one person will score at a time. While one person records the score on the score sheet, the person scoring will call the score of each arrow as it is removed, starting with his highest scoring arrow first. The person recording should stand beside and slightly in front of the target, not directly in front where an arrow suddenly pulled from the target could cause injury. Section 3 - Count your arrows before leaving the target to return to the shooting line. Section 4 - If there is a lost arrow, a search line can be formed before the next end hot. Notify the official in charge if this is needed. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 All Indian game day Basketball free throw Playing rules Playing Format 1. Basketball Free Throw will be conducted in accordance with rules developed by New Mexico Senior Olympics Board of Directors. 2. Men and Women’s competition in 5 year age groups. 3. All contestants must use the basketballs that are provided by NMSO Games Management. 4. An official men’s basketball will be used for men. An official women’s basketball will be used for women. The rim will be 10' high. 5. All athletes in an age group will shoot from same basket (only when numbers are conducive). 6. There will be a referee at each basket. Playing Rules 1. Each contestant will be allowed two practice free throws prior to their recorded free throws. 2. Each contestant will shoot 10 free throws in succession. 3. The contestant who makes the most baskets will be declared the winner. 4. The free throw line for the women shall be 14 ft. and for the men 15 ft. 5. The free throw shooter must have both feet behind the free throw line (no part of his/her feet can touch the line from the time the ball leaves his/her hands to the point that it touches the basket—otherwise it will count as a missed shot). Other contestants should not be closer to shooter than 10 feet. 6. All tie-breakers will be held at the completion of each age category. Any contestant who is tied and fails to show up for the tie-breaker will concede and accept the next lower award. 7. Each tie-breaker will consist of five free throws. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 All Indian game day BOWLING Playing rules Playing Format 1. This is a singles tournament open to men and women. 2. The tournament will be scratch. 3. Participants will be assigned lanes and times 4. Participants will be provided with bowling balls and shoes. 5. There will be a fee charged for bowling (1 set = 3 games). (Format subject to change depending on number of participants) Playing Rules 1. Bowlers with highest set total score in each division and each class will be declared winners. 2. Bowlers will play in their respective age divisions - 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, etc. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY 8 ball pool Playing Format 1. This is a singles tournament open to men and women 2. Contestants are allowed to use their own cues Playing Rules 1. Except when clearly contradicted by these additional rules, the general rules of Billiards apply. The following Rules are highlights of Senior Olympic Rules. For a complete set of Rules, visit www.nmseniorolympics.org/rules/. 2. Object of the Game: Eight Ball is played with a cue ball and 15 object balls, numbered 1 through 15. One player must pocket balls of the group numbered 1 through 7 (solid colors), while the other player pockets 9 through 15 (stripes). The player pocketing either group first and then legally pocketing the 8 ball wins the game. 3. Legal Break Shot: To execute a legal break, the breaker (with the cue ball behind the head string) must either pocket a ball, or drive at least four numbered balls to the rail. When the breaker fails to make a legal break, it is not a foul; however, the incoming player has the option of accepting the table in position and shooting, or having the balls re-racked, then has the option of shooting the opening break or allowing the offending player to re-break. It is not necessary to hit the head ball (the ball that is on the foot spot) to initiate a legal break. 4. Legal Shot: On all shots (except on the break and when the table is open), the shooter must hit one of his/her group of balls first and pocket a numbered ball, or cause the cue ball or any number ball to contact a rail. Please Note: It is permissible for the shooter to bank the cue ball off a rail before contacting the object ball; however, after contact with the object ball, an object ball must be pocketed, or the cue ball or any numbered ball must contact a rail. Failure to meet these requirements is a foul. 5. Scoring: A player is entitled to continue shooting until failing to legally pocket a ball of his/her group. After a player has legally pocketed his/her entire group of balls, he/she shoots to pocket the 8 ball. 6. Fouls: The following infractions result in a foul: a. Failure to execute a legal shot. b. A scratch shot (shooting the cue ball into a pocket or off the table). c. A scratch shot on a legal break. d. Shooting without at least one foot touching the floor. e. Moving or touching any ball by means other than legal play. f. Shooting a jump shot over another ball by scooping the cue stick under the cue ball. g. A player receiving advice or coaching from someone else. 7. Stalemated Game: If, after 3 consecutive turns at the table by each player (6 turns total) they purposely foul or scratch, then the game will be considered a stalemate. Both players agree that attempting to pocket or move an object ball will result in immediate loss of game. The balls will then be re-racked and the breaker of the stalemated game will break again. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY FRISBEE ACCURACY 1. Object of the Game: Throw the Frisbee disc/apparatus through a large hoop opening for points. 2. Each competitor will be allowed to throw eight throws from the following distance. Frisbee disc is 160 grams. Women: Men: 8 throws from 7 yards (21 feet) 8 throws from 10 yards (30 feet) 3. The target opening is approximately 67" to 78" ring (made by attaching 2 hula hoops together). The target ring is three feet above the ground. 4. Scoring: Each competitor will score 1 point for each Frisbee thrown through the target. 5. The competitor who scores the highest points will be declared the winner for each age division for men and for women. 6. TIE BREAKER: Competitors will throw three additional throws at same distance of regular throws. Reminder: Competitors must be present for the play-off or he/she will concede and accept the next lower award. Tie breakers will be limited to three attempts. 7. ONLY when tie breakers cannot be completed: Awards will be as follows: First place tie: award two first place medals and one third place medal. Second place tie: award one first place medal, two second place medals and no third place medal. Third place tie: award one first place medal, one second place medal and two third place medals. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY FRISBEE distance 1. Object of the Game--To throw one Frisbee disc/apparatus as far as possible within the designated playing field area. Person delivering the longest throw will be declared the winner. 2. Each competitor will receive three throws. Frisbee is a 160 gram. 3. Measurements will be marked using a tape measure from the center of the starting line to the point where the Frisbee hits the ground. 4. Measurements will be recorded in feet and inches to the closest 0.25 inch below the recording point. 5. A foot fault will automatically nullify the throw. 6. The longest throw will be the official recorded throw. 7. Tie-breaker: one additional throw will be allowed to declare the winner. Reminder: A competitor must be present for the play-off or he/she will concede and accept the next lower award. 8. ONLY when tie breakers cannot be completed, awards will be as follows: First place tie: award two first place medals and one third place medal. Second place tie: award one first place medal, two second place medals and no third place medal. Third place tie: award one first place medal, one second place medal and two third place medals. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY GOLF – 18 HOLE Playing Format 1. Golf tournament will be 18 holes medal play except for men and women in age divisions 90 and older which will be 9 holes. 2. Local golf club rules will also be in effect 3. Carts are included and are mandatory. Playing Rules 1. Start time will be shotgun start – see Event Manager on-site 2. USGA/PGA dress code is preferred. 3. Golfers must provide their own clubs. 4. Scratch play will be in effect. No handicaps will be used. 5. In the event of a tie between 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, the USGA tie-breaking procedure of matching scorecards will be implemented. The player with the best score on the last nine holes will win the higher medal. If players have the same score for the 9 holes, the last 6 holes will be compared, then 3 holes and then finally the 18th hole. 6. All golfers will pay green fees on the registration form regardless of local membership status. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 All Indian game day Huachas (WASHERS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Object of the Game: Washers are pitched underhand to the opposite board into the cup opening. Player scoring most points wins. Position: Boards are placed 18 feet from the front of (board 1) to the front of (board 2) for distance from cup to cup 21 feet. Players may stand lined with the back of the board to pitch. Determining who pitches first: Each player will throw one washer toward the opposite box and whoever gets closest to the hole will be awarded the first throw. This is called the “Diddle”. After the game has started the person who scores last throws first. Playing the Game: Player A will pitch all four washers (one at a time) in a row followed by Player B, this is a “round”. The idea is to land in the cup if possible and if not, as close as possible, similar to horseshoes and hand-grenades. Scoring is determined after both players have pitched all of their washers. THREE (3) ROUNDS WILL BE PLAYED. Washers may bounce from floor/ground to board. A ringer is called a hammer when your washers land on top of the other player’s ringer. If this happens both ringers cancel each other out and you would start scoring by the next closest washer to the cup. Scoring: Only one player may score per round but scores points for all washers that are closer than their opponents. 1 point=being on the board; 3 points=leaning over the edge of cup; 5 points=washer in cup Equal Points cancel each other. Example - If Player A has 2 washers in the cup and Player B has 3 washers in the cup then player B will get 5 points (2 hammers and 1 ringer). The winner is the first player to reach 11 points. If Player A reaches 11 and Player B has yet to pitch their washers then B is allowed to finish the round in hopes that they can get more points or nullify Player A’s points. 8. Results will be made available on-site. 9. Medals will be awarded on site at the end of each age division. Tiebreaker- One additional throw (washer) will be allowed to declare the winner. The person throwing the washer landing closest to scoring position (whether on board or not) OR highest score of thrown washer will be declared the winner. Reminder: A competitor must be present for the play-off or he/she will concede and accept the next lower award. 1 point 3 points 5 points New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 All Indian game day ROAD RACE 5K Playing Format 1. Road Race Event will be 5K 2. All age divisions, both men and women, will run simultaneously. 3. See Event Manager for race course map. Playing Rules 1. Water stops and course marshals will be stationed along the course. 2. NMSO reserves the right to reschedule or cancel event due to inclement weather or number of participants. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY SHUFFLEBOARD Shuffleboard is a game where players push weighted pucks down a narrow, elongated court with the purpose of positioning them within a marked scoring area. Playing Rules 1. Event will be singles. 2. Playing format will be Single elimination tournament. 3. Any game missed/forfeited during bracket play will be considered a loss. 4. Matches will consist of six (6) frames or 30 minutes, whichever comes first. The winner(s) will be determined by the highest score at the end of the match. 5. Color will be determined by flip of coin. Whoever chooses yellow will have the hammer or the final shot of the game. Player playing yellow will play yellow for the whole game. Player playing black will play black for the whole game. 6. Play begins at the head of the court. Yellow shoots first. (Yellow shoots one disc, then black shoots a disc, etc.) 7. At the conclusion of the halfway point of the game the players will be instructed to re-position themselves and their discs to their opponent’s space. (Yellow plays on the right at the head of the court for the first half of frames and will play on the left at the head of the court for the last half of frames. Black will switch from left to right.) 8. Should there be a question about, or error in the score, players should notify the referee immediately. 9. In case of a tie, a two-frame play-off will be held at the discretion of the Coordinator. 10. Players should review the final score sheets prior to signing off on them. Once a signature is made, that score sheet becomes official and the score(s) will not be disputed. Players, referees and scorekeepers all sign off on each score sheet. 11. Players may use their own cues for competition play. 12. Players are to watch the judge/referee throughout the game. The judge/referee will tell players when to start, which discs are good or no good, which discs are in the kitchen, who shoots first, when to gather discs to resume play, etc. The referee/judge runs the game. Please pay close attention to avoid penalties and/or missed communications. 13. No competitor will judge or keep score in his/her age group unless it is during their own game. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 All Indian game day Soccer kick Accuracy 1. Object of the Game: Kick the soccer ball(s) through designated areas for points 2. Playing area: measured 24’ X 36’ with five marked areas: one 8 ft. and four areas, each four feet in width 3. The official size of the ball will be 5. 4. Each player will be allowed five (5) kicks in a row. 5. Players must kick from behind a centered 10 foot line 36 feet and parallel to the center points, which will be marked. 6. Players may use walkers/canes/wheelchair for balance to kick balls. 7. Points will be scored as follows: See diagram below. 10 points - for ball kicked through outer 4 foot section, either side. 5 points - for ball kicked through inside 4 ft. sections on either side. 2 points - for ball kicked through center 8 ft. section. 8. The score is the total points earned after the 5 kicks. 9. Player with the highest score will be declared the winner for each age category. 10. TIE BREAKER - an additional 3 kicks will be allowed to determine the winner. Players involved in a tiebreaker must be present at the conclusion of the age category event to participate in the play-off or he/she will concede and accept the next lower award. 11. Contestants must use soccer balls that are provided. 12. Shoes cannot be altered to enhance kicking ability. 13. NMSO has the right to reschedule or cancel event due to inclement weather. 14. Results will be made available on-site. 15. Medal presentations will be awarded on-site at the end of each age division. SOCCER KICK DIAGRAM 24 Feet 4 feet 4 feet 8 feet 4 feet 4 feet 10 Points 5 Points 2 Points 5 Points 10 Points 36 feet 10 foot centered New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 ALL INDIAN GAME DAY SOFTBALL DISTANCE THROW 1. Object of the Game - To throw one softball as far as possible within the designated playing field area. Person receiving the longest throw will be declared the winner. 2. Each competitor will receive three throws behind the designated line. The ball may be thrown underhand or overhand. A foot fault will occur if player steps on or over the designated line. 3. An ASA approved 11 inch softball for women and 12 inch softball for men will be provided and must be used. 4. Measurements will be marked using a tape measure from the center of the starting line to the point where the softball hits the ground. 5. Measurements will be recorded in feet and inches to the closest .25 inch below the recording point. 6. To cross over the line (foot fault) will nullify the throw. 7. The longest throw will be the official recorded throw. 8. TIE BREAKER: one additional throw will be allowed to declare the winner. Reminder: Competitors must be present for the play-off or he/she will concede and accept the next lower award. 9. ONLY when tie breakers cannot be completed: Awards will be as follows: First place tie: award two first place medals and one third place medal. Second place tie: award one first place medal, two second place medals and no third place medal. Third place tie: award one first place medal, one second place medal and two third place medals. 10. NMSO has the right to reschedule or cancel event due to inclement weather. 11. Results will be made available on-site. 12. Medal presentations will be awarded on-site at the end of each age division. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. Walk 4 Fitness The health and wellness initiative of New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. continues a project for active older adults entitled Walk 4 Fitness. The goal is to establish a walking program for six weeks in communities that will support regular exercise and health promotion. Walkers will learn how to obtain the maximum benefit from walking three times per week. Walkers will log miles for NMSO and at the end of the six week sessions regular walkers will be entered into a drawing to win a free pair of walking shoes. Walk 4 Fitness project includes a volunteer “leader” to organize and schedule walks 3 x per week, in a fun and safe community venue. Walkers will be introduced to different types of walking techniques to include competition in local senior games. Walk 4 Fitness stresses the importance of regular physical activity to maintain normal muscle strength, joint structure and joint function. There is promising evidence that strength training and other forms of exercise in older adults reduces the risk of falling and fracturing bones and can improve the ability to live independently. To establish a Walk 4 Fitness program in your community or pueblo contact NMSO at 1-888-623-6676 and or plan now to attend the Wellness Track at the 2016 All Indian Game Day, March 17th at 8:00 a.m. at the Isleta Elder Center. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 Fun Events The following events will be played for “FUN”. Participants are not required to preregister for these events. Have your turn at all of these events and take a chance at winning a prize. AWARDS AND TRIBAL POINTS WILL NOT BE AWARDED FOR ANY OF THE FUN EVENTS. FUN EVENT RELAYS 1. Participate in fun events such as potato carrying relay, balloon popping relays and other favorites. Interact with other seniors in a fun atmosphere where the events are undemanding. 2. Prizes will be given to winners. 3. The Fun Event Relays will take place from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. 4. Participants can come and go at these relays Horseshoes NOTE: This event is a variation of the horseshoes sport. The rules have been modified to allow for individuals to practice throwing techniques. Indoor Rubber horseshoes will be used for this event. 1. Each player shall remain behind the foul line (which is designated by a taped line). 2. All contestants shall pitch both shoes before the opponent is allowed to pitch. 3. A shoe that first strikes outside the target area cannot be scored, nor can any shoe be thrown from an invalid position--such shoes must be removed. 4. Two shoes landing closer than opponent’s scores two points. 5. A ringer is a shoe that has landed and is encircling the stake. 6. One ringer scores three points. 7. Two ringers scores six points 8. One ringer and closest shoe of same player scores four points. 9. If a contestant has two ringers and his opponent has one, the player having two ringers shall score three points. 10. In case each contestant has a ringer, the next closest shoe, if within six inches of the stake shall score. 11. If a horseshoe is knocked out of place by either player, the original value is not counted. 12. Points are counted if the shoe is pushed/knocked within six inches or a ringer as a result of being knocked out by either opponent’s shoe. 13. “Leaner” (shoe touching the stake but not a ringer) will count 1 point. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 Sports CLINICS The following events are instructional clinics. Participants are not required to preregister for these events. The events are designed to provide you with the rules of the game and hands-on participation of the particular Senior Olympic Sport. MEDALS OR TRIBAL POINTS WILL NOT CLINICS. BE AWARDED FOR ANY OF THE SPORTS Estimated Run/Walk This is an estimated, timed event. Each person gives an estimated time before the race. The contestant coming closest to running/walking estimated time that was submitted at check in, without going over, will be declared the winner of the race. This clinic will provide you with the information needed to compete in this sporting event. PICKLEBALL Pickleball is a racket sport in which two to four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a polymer perforated ball over a net. The sport shares features of other racket sports, the dimensions and layout of a Badminton court, and a net and rules similar to tennis with a few modifications. One of the fastest growing sports in America, Pickleball was invented in the mid 1960's as a children's backyard pastime but quickly became popular among adults as a game fun for players of all skill levels. This clinic will provide you with the information needed to compete in this sporting event. DISC GOLF Description of the Game The game of disc golf consists of throwing a flying disc from the teeing area to a target by a throw or successive throws. The object of the game of disc golf is to traverse a course from beginning to end in the fewest throws of the disc. Players shall play the course as they find it and play the disc where it lies unless allowed otherwise by the Rules. The competitor who plays the stipulated round or rounds in the fewest throws plus penalty throws is the winner. Play on each hole begins at the teeing area and ends at the target. After the player has thrown from the tee, each successive throw is made from where the previous throw came to rest. On completing a hole, the player proceeds to the teeing area of the next hole, until all holes have been played. Disc golf courses are normally laid out in and around wooded areas with diverse terrain to provide natural obstacles to the flight of the disc. These natural obstacles are very much a part of the game and must not be altered by a player in any way to decrease the difficulty of a hole. Players must play the course as they find it and play the disc where it lies unless allowed otherwise by these rules. New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. * PO Box 2690 * Roswell, NM 88202-2690 * 1-888-623-6676 (575) 623-5777 * Fax (575) 622-9244 * e-mail: nmso@nmseniorolympics.org * www.nmseniorolympics.org 12-2016 NEW MEXICO SENIOR OLYMPICS, INC. ALL INDIAN GAME DAY ATTEND THE SWIMMING ACTIVITIES DURING THE WELLNESS TRACK AND WIN A SPA GIFT BASKET Where: When: Pueblo of Isleta, Recreation Center Wednesday, March 16th 1:00 p.m. WATER AEROBICS 2:00 p.m. – LOW IMPACT WITH A FOCUS ON ARTHRITIS Thursday, March 17th 9:00 a.m. - WATER AEROBICS AND LOW IMPACT COMBINED Workshop led by: Lee Ann Lente, Certified Water Aerobics Instructor No Pre-Registration required – Drop-Ins Welcome! Bring your suit and towel and come ready to have fun!! Participate in the Swimming activities and be entered into a drawing to win a SPA Gift Basket. Receive one entry for each session you attend for up to 3 chances to win. Swimming is the fourth most popular sports activity in the United States and a good way to get regular aerobic physical activity. Just two and a half hours per week of aerobic physical activity, such as swimming, can decrease the risk of chronic illnesses. This can also lead to improved health for people with diabetes and heart disease. People can exercise longer in water than on land without increased effort or joint or muscle pain. Source: http://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/swimming/health_benefits_water_exercise.html New Mexico Senior Olympics, Inc. • 1600 SE Main • PO Box 2690 • Roswell, NM 88202-2690 • (575) 623-5777 • Fax (575) 622-9244 • nmso@nmseniorolympics.org • www.nmseniorolympics.org