TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE The quality of our soluons and our individual approach is recognised in many different areas of economy, providing us with unique experience in specific integrated security soluons for: • airports • rail systems • stadiums • motorways, highways • tunnels • bridges TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE • border control >>> 1 • residenal and office buildings • hotels AIR TRAVEL INFRASTRUCTURE Every airport has its own specificaons and every airport has a specific security needs. The best way to achieve a secure airport is not to react to incidents aer-the-fact or by simply installing the newest technology, it’s in understanding the needs of the parcular airport. Tehnomobil worked closely with the airports security to understand what are the risks and needs of the security systems and was able to provide comprehensive soluon that included: » outdoor security soluons that detect unauthorized entry into a large and sensive areas of airports - perimeter detecon as a combinaon of video analycs with thermal cameras capturing TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE » protecng vital targets within the airport perimeter boundary, including vulnerable aircra parking areas, fuel depot facilies, airport heang, electrical substaons and back-up generators, and vital navigaon and communicaon facilies with combined buried cable sensor which idenfies intruders based on their mass and movement and is ideal for supporng a large areas >>> 2 » intelligent video analycs for real-me alerng in case of suspicious luggage in monitored indoor areas, luggage recognion - an exact detecon of abandoned or potenally dangerous luggage even in highly frequented areas Protecng vital targets within the airport perimeter boundary Outdoor security soluons that detect unauthorized entry Baggage and parcel and people screening systems for idenfying narcocs, explosives, ceramic weapons, knives and firearms Reliable fire detecon system for facilies with high people fluctuaon Integraon of all systems enables fast reacon on incidents ‘Self-boarding’ gate allows airline staff to spend more me with travellers requiring assistance Parking system for vehicle flow control and avoidance of traffic jam » ‘self-boarding’ gate for passengers with biometric passports - allows airline staff to spend more me with those travellers requiring greater assistance - at the self ‘boarding gate’, passengers pass through an automac electronic barrier, which takes an infrared scan of their face and compares it with biometric data taken at the check-in stage. If the two sets of data match, the barrier opens and the passenger can board their flight TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE » Installaon of a reliable fire detecon systems (without false alarms) integrated with a fire exnguishing system, within all airport facility, is an important demand for airports and all facilies with high people fluctuaon >>> 3 » parking system for vehicle flow control and avoidance of traffic jam » products for special detecon of passengers, baggage, and cargo - baggage and parcel and people screening systems help operators quickly and easily idenfy threats and contraband, including narcocs, explosives, ceramic weapons, knives and firearms. This helps keep passengers sasfied by reducing the chance of flight delays and mishandled luggage TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE » Integraon of all systems with video surveillance as a base, connected in intuive and dynamical central monitoring system. If incident occurs, operators instantly view the camera covering the area and react based on incident descripon, incident locaon, data about the persons involved in the incident and recommended security procedures - this enables fast reacon on incidents and eliminates end-user’s security force requirement to watch hours of eventless video footage >>> 4 RAIL SYSTEMS We have worked with our customers in the field of rail systems to develop a soluon that does not interfere with operaons and provides them with the ability to detect incidents before they are commied and to prevent them from happening. Through understanding the impact of these threats and employing a strategy that detects, deters, assesses and responds to them, Tehnomobil works with its customers to provide the best soluon available, customized for individualized facility. Such soluon for comprehensive rail system security includes: TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE » outdoor security soluons that detect unauthorized entry from outside of the facility - perimeter detecon as a combinaon of video analycs of thermal cameras recordings and buried sensor cable which idenfies intruders based on their mass and movements >>> 5 » as a combinaon of different infrastructure, rail systems need combined system for fire detecon which should include aspirang smoke detecon system, smoke and heat detectors - all systems should be integrated with efficient fire exnguishing system and evacuang system to ensure rapid and orderly evacuaon » fibre opc linear cable for monitoring of the enre tunnel length gives precise informaon about fire locaon, size and propagaon - secure and reliable data transmission over the long distances involved Integraon of all systems enables an instant reacon on incidents Combined system for fire detecon for ensuring rapid evacuaon Intelligent video analycs for realme alerng in case of suspicious behaviour in a monitored area, in passenger terminal and inside of trains Perimeter detecon of unauthorized entry from outside of the facility An exact detecon of abandoned or potenally dangerous luggage and suspicious behaviour with intelligent video analycs » intelligent video analycs for real-me alerng in case of suspicious luggage in monitored indoor areas, luggage recognion - an exact detecon of abandoned or potenally dangerous luggage even in highly frequented areas TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE » intelligent video analycs for real-me alerng in case of suspicious behaviour in a monitored areas, in passenger terminal and inside of trains >>> 6 » integraon of all systems with video surveillance as a base, connected in intuive and dynamical central monitoring system. If incident occurs, operators instantly view the camera covering the area and react based on incident descripon, incident locaon, data about the persons involved in the incident and recommended security procedures - this enables fast reacon on incidents and eliminates end-user’s security force requirement to watch hours of eventless video footage STADIUMS AND PUBLIC VENUES Tehnomobil’s experienced engineers have design a concept for strengthening the security on stadiums with a primary goal of helping our clients to meet FIFA event operaon requirements. Such soluon demands very high probability of detecon and very low false alarm rate. Our comprehensive soluon for stadiums covers the enre venue, from the outdoor area to auditorium: » video surveillance of the outdoor perimeter with high resoluon day/light cameras » pairing the name on the cket with face on entrance for fast search through video surveillance by name, cket or seat number » full height turnsle on every door combined with card reader and integrated with megapixel camera TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE o >>> 7 megapixel camera provides a comprehensive overview and shows details at great distances in unprecedented resoluon » complete stadium surveillance with remotely controlled megapixel cameras, recording by sectors, special aenon on crical areas o megapixel cameras with detailed view enables face recognion of enre audience Incident detecon: integraon of panic buons for security personnel in the central monitoring soware Faster surveillance: Search through video surveillance material by cket or seat number Complete stadium surveillance with remotely controlled security cameras Parking payment and security soluons: licence plate recognion and black list alarms Video wall for easy and effecve monitoring allows the operators to keep a constant check on what is happening TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE Surveillance of outdoor perimeter >>> 8 o in case of incident, operators have an informaon about all visitors in that sector and can easily connect recording of incident with person (face detecon) o overall picture is permanently recorded with top detail resoluon and detail view - reconstrucon of incidents in detail, even aer the fact » incident detecon - integraon of panic buons for security personnel on site in the central monitoring system Video recording of all stadium entrances Full height turnsle on every door combined with card reader and integrated with megapixel camera Pairing the name on the cket with face on entrance - barcode and RFID cket readers » central management system for immediate reacon on incident and efficient deployment of security guards o video wall for easy and effecve monitoring which allows the operators to keep a constant check on what is happening and react accordingly » access control system for prevenng unauthorised entering in high secured areas TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE o >>> 9 access control rights for employees and visitors » Parking payment system and security soluons with licence plate recognion and black list alarms TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Duly informaon about the condion of the individual transport nodes helps in making the best decisions to define the opmal traffic route. Tehnomobil provides soluons for controlling the traffic behaviour of parcipants and increasing their security. Many years of experience is a guarantee of creang the opmal soluon for specific needs and demands of each user in transportaon sector. Roads and highways • video analycs and HD technology with enough detail for traffic monitoring - detecon of a car crash - immediate alarm enables fast intervenon and gives useful informaon for other parcipants TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE • Video analycs for detecon of entering on the highway in a wrong way - immediate alarm to operators enables fast reacon, even prevenon of accidents with human casuales > > > 10 • LPR (Licence plate recognion) for prevenng accidents - measuring an average speed and warning on driving over speed limit - alarm sent to operator enables fast coordinaon with teams on road in order to prevent an accidents caused by speeding drivers Precise informaon about fire locaon, size and propagaon increases the efficiency of rescue teams Detecon of driving in wrong way in tunnels, detecon of stopped vehicle in tunnels, average speed measuring Detecon of potenal flammable vehicles in order to prevent them to drive in tunnel and cause a fire LPR monitoring of vehicle transporng dangerous goods enables to prepare team for escort and fast reacon in case of incident Detecon of entering on the highway in wrong way Control centre with alarm management applicaon - enables a constant check on what is happening and immediate reacon on incidents Measuring an average speed, finding, tracking and monitoring of suspicious vehicles Car crash detecon enables fast intervenon • LPR for stasc - finding, tracking and monitoring of suspicious vehicles by licence plate number - if the vehicle commits an traffic violaon, if there is a need to find stolen car or for any reason is necessary to determine its previous movement, all recordings and data of passing an exact vehicle through all key points will be found and available for browsing and viewing in one place searching by the license plate number TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE • Operang the systems with central monitoring soware which is very easy and intuive - video wall in one or numerous centres for easy and effecve monitoring allows the operators to keep a constant check on what is happening and react accordingly > > > 11 • alarm management applicaon - if incident occurs, operators instantly view the camera covering the area and react based on incident descripon, incident locaon, data about the persons involved in the incident and recommended security procedures - this enables fast reacon on incidents and eliminates enduser’s security force requirement to watch hours of eventless video footage Tunnels • Fire in tunnel can cause catastrophic consequences - fibre opc linear cable for monitoring of the enre tunnel length gives precise informaon about fire locaon, size and propagaon (locates precisely any temperature anomaly) - secure and reliable data transmission over the long distances involved - increasing the efficiency of rescue teams • Video analycs for detecon of dangerous behaviour in tunnels which can cause serious consequences and for immediate reacon on such behaviours - detecon of driving in wrong way, detecon of stopped vehicle in tunnels, average speed measuring • LPR (Licence plate recognion) for prevenng accidents - measuring an average speed and warning on driving over speed limit - alarm sent to operator enables fast coordinaon with teams on road in order to prevent an accidents caused by speeding drivers • detecon of potenal dangerous - potenal flammable vehicles with thermal cameras before entering the tunnel in order to prevent such vehicles to drive in tunnel and cause fire in it - if recording of temperature profile of breaks shows it’s hoer than crical value, system generates an alarm and operators prevent vehicle to drive in the tunnel • LPR monitoring of vehicle transporng dangerous goods which can’t drive through the tunnel without an escort - monitoring and fast reacon, having an informaon about an exact me of entering the tunnel and monitoring passing through tunnel enables to prepare a team for escort and fast reacon in case of incident Bridges: • perimeter protecon combined with thermal cameras in order to prevent any aempt of unauthorised approach to the bridge construcon, prevenng of violang bridge construcon on any way TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE • video analycs for detecon of dangerous behaviour on bridges which can cause serious consequences detecon of stopped vehicle, detecon of people walking on bride - in order to enable immediate reacon - real me alarm, connected with camera recordings of exact place enables operators to be informed about incident situaon and react in accordance, also immediate and prevent incident > > > 12 • alarm management applicaon for operang the systems with central monitoring soware which is very easy and intuive - video wall for easier and effecve monitoring allows the operators to keep a constant check on what is happening and react accordingly BORDERS Our goal is to help our clients to develop an efficient integrated border monitoring system and to establish great security at internaonal borders and diminish cross border crime and illegal migraon, ensuring adequate protecon and equipping in order to achieve internaonal standards in performing border controls. Effecve border protecon includes: » protecng vital targets within the perimeter boundary with combined buried cable sensor which idenfies intruders based on their mass and movement which is ideal for supporng a large areas and weatherproof » protecng a border crossing includes video surveillance and thermal day/night cameras with intelligent video analycs for people tracking and inspecon devices based on RFID technology TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE » handheld devices, walk-through metal detectors, baggage and parcel inspecon devices, fixed or mobile, used for inspecon of vehicles, containers and other cargo types of all sizes > > > 13 » customs control equipment (X-ray inspecon system) » technical equipment for border control (document reader for document examinaon) - system for automac passport checking BUILDINGS WITH HIGH SECURITY NEEDS In order to eliminate the risks and achieve the desired level of security, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive security plan. Developing such a plan requires methodical and meaningful analysis, it is necessary to understand the structure of the organizaon in order to create a quality analysis of the implementaon of opmum safety systems: • to gain control over the movement of people and prevent all types of unauthorized penetraon into secured area cover crical areas, starng from the edges of the facility - a combinaon of physical barriers and perimeter protecon to control unauthorized access of people and vehicles TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE • parking payment system integrated with LPR (licence plate recognion) and black list alarms > > > 14 • access control combined with visitor administraon system enables tracking of employee and visitors’ movement - a card assigned to every visitor with exactly defined route • simple reconstrucon in case of incidents from detailed reports - accurate (from ID’s) informaon about persons present in suspicious area at the me of the incident Fire detecon and gas detecon integrated into a single central control system Precise control of the presence in the room and automac acvaon of intrusion detecon system for the most protected areas Simple reconstrucon in case of incidents from detailed reports generated from visitor management system Alarm management applicaon - Intuive and user friendly applicaon interface allows operators quick and efficient insight of specific alarm Access control combined with visitor administraon system Parking payment system integrated with LPR and black list alarms Control of unauthorized access of people and vehicles as a first line of defense • combining the elements of burglary and access control, such as biometrics interlock system and allows precise control of the presence in the room and automac acvaon of intrusion detecon system, in order to avoid human error - for the most protected areas TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE • fire detecon and gas detecon integrated into a single central control system > > > 15 • alarm management applicaon enables acvity monitoring and control of each element of security system on specific site. Intuive and user friendly applicaon interface allows operators quick and efficient insight of specific incident/alarm LUXURY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Apart from the technical side, interior design is becoming more and more important. The look of the electrical devices highlights an interior and gives it a dose of luxury, as a finishing touch. KNX - one system for easy and reliable management and maintenance of: • Lighng control and regulaon • Blinds and shuer control • Control of heang, venlaon, cooling • Security and monitoring • Energy and load management • Visualizaon and operaon TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE • Central automaon > > > 16 Selecng the KNX soluon gives reliability and luxury to building: • An aracve installaon to match the spirit and style of the building • A comfortable interior with advanced features • Original touch to personalise the facility - choices of colours and noble materials that convey disnct refinement as well as the latest high-tech soluons • Harmonious integraon of control devices in all environments TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE • Improved comfort with scene programming to create atmosphere - a suing ambience for the occasion with the touch of a buon > > > 17 LUXURY HOTELS The first impression oen forms the overall view and for this reason every detail is important. Hotel operator wants to offer the greatest possible degree of comfort. Benefits of the numerous possible combinaons and the funconality of the products are individual for each customer and customized for every hotel. Connecng a hotel on KNX enables the rooms to be managed and prepared efficiently with all the funcons required in a modern and luxury hotel room: • Convenient and simple operaon of the room funcons by guests • Temperature control depending on the me of year, outdoor temperature and occupancy • Transmission of messages to the recepon (e.g. clean room, emergency signal) • Fast localisaon of malfuncons in rooms and simplified room maintenance TEHNOMOBIL AREA OF EXPERTISE • Automac switching of different lighng in the room > > > 18 • Automac control of heang and air-condioning • Shading via blinds or curtains • A comfortable interior with advanced features