Forcible Entry Door Prop

physical skill set of effectively using such a tool, this
information is virtually useless. After experiencing these skills, our abilities are further enhanced
by incorporating these skills into drills. Drills introduce us to the small tricks and body mechanics that have been introduced by other members of
our company. After systematically developing our
skill sets and refining them with the experiences
of others, scenarios bring the skills and drills to a
realistic model of operations. Any deficiencies
in the scenarios can be
used to further enhance
our next set of skills and
drills training. Again,
Einstein’s theory of how
we travel through space and time has an interesting
correlation with our experiences, but cannot take
the place of our innovative approach of repetitively
developing the cycle of skill, drill, and scenario exercises. The following are excellent rules to be familiar with, and the depth of these rules could be an
article in itself. An important note about rules and
acronyms in a checklist approach does not work in
the heat of battle without committing it to muscle
memory, and the transition from Standard Operating Procedures to Standard Operating Guidelines
means rules can be modified, rearranged, or added.
y first encounter with teaching was at age
15. I reluctantly accepted because there did
not seem to be any alternative, and the challenges
quickly became evident. Months of preparation
and music arrangements became garbage five minutes into the first class. I had missed the most crucial step of harnessing the experiences and interests
of the students. Experiences are acquired from repetitive skill sets, and one experience can be expanded with multiple skill sets. This fact leads to
human diversity, because two people can share the
same experience, but their tactile, visual, and audible impressions of the
experience are combined
with all previous sensory
development to create a
unique background from
which to learn. Developing and expanding as
many experiences as possible leads to our ability
to plan the actions that
will lead to the intended
●● Rules for size-up:
1. Try before you pry.
The first concept behind Driving Force was to in2. Don’t overlook the obvious.
expensively develop muscle memory by utilizing
3. Use the door that occupants would use.
a reusable door and lock that could mimic the fail4. Maintain the integrity of the door.
ure of a lock and the reaction of the door from the
5. What’s behind the door?
force applied by the tools. Leverage can be cal- ●● Steps for gaining access through a locked or
culated by using the length of the tool, fulcrum
blocked door:
point, hand placement,
◦◦ Outward swinging
1. Gap
and gravitational pull.
2. Set
These calculations lead
3. Force
to a better understand◦◦ Inward swinging
ing of what concepts are
1. Shock load
used to design our tools
2. Gap
and the gratifying feeling
3. Set
of moving three thousand
4. Force
pounds with a pinch bar.
However, without the
and jambs of all types of construction. Strictly
speaking of conventional techniques, a 16 gauge
door with tornado reinforcements in a steel frame
poured with concrete and secured with two drop
bars and a dead-bolt can be less challenging to open
than a 22 gauge door on a single wide trailer secured
However, one of the common mistakes is reading with a single knob lock. If you have forced these
the rules or even committing them to memory, and two doors, you know the steps you would take, but
then performing a four-hour drill without visual- if you have never felt the difference between these
doors, there is only one solution: “Hands-On”.
izing or experiencing
these rules. This misWhich tool do we use:
take could lead to an
irons, hydro ram, saws,
embarrassing moment
lock puller, batterwhen the fire investiing ram, or breaching
gator needs to know if
charges. The forcible
the door was unlocked
entry door prop has to
before it was forced.
accommodate all of
That happened to be
these tools. The less efthe experience that
fective operations are
developed my embedoften driven by our inded understanding of
experience with one tool over another or our stub“Try Before You pry”.
bornness to finish what we started. Increasing exHow often in forcible entry training do we leave periences with an arsenal of tools can solve both
the door unlocked or utilize the disclaimer, “Don’t of these problems. Developing proficiency with a
forget Try before we pry, but we know this door is larger variety of tools leads to the selection of the
locked”? Attention to detail and repetition is ex- most efficient tool and increases our willingness to
tremely difficult, but the occurrence of previously abandon a tool that has become ineffective for one
stated questions did not develop muscle memory that has worked with the current operation. Once
or the mental image of surprise when the door was again the training ground is the solution for these
compounding problems.
Since hands-on experiences are the building blocks
Teaching comes with the responsibility of developof success, it is imperative to develop a working
ing experiences for the student as well as the inknowledge of the construction of doors and openstructor. The training
ings: solid wood, hollow wood,
environment has to
metal, metal-clad, tubular frame,
be realistic and diand fiberglass. In addition to the
verse to prevent the
reusable door, Driving Force afallusion that the class
fords the ability to utilize doors
leads to mastery, and
encourages the student to find other
avenues that will enhance their experiences. As the proverb says, “Experience
is the best teacher”.