HS Ro Screw terminals 10 - 30 KV AL screw terminals medium voltage • Material: AL 99,5% • for tension relief connections of Al medium-voltage cables • Tin-plated surface CSS 16-95 50-150 Art. no. 293140 293142 293144 293146 293148 293150 293152 293154 293156 95-240 120-300 185-400 M 12 12 16 12 16 12 16 12 16 d1 12,5 15,5 15,5 20,0 20,0 25,0 25,0 26,0 26,0 d4 24,0 30,0 30,0 33,0 33,0 38,0 38,0 42,0 42,0 A 32,0 35,0 35,0 56,0 56,0 67,0 67,0 82,0 82,0 TL 60 79 79 95 95 100 100 115 115 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 kg/100 6,400 13,900 14,500 23,700 24,400 33,300 32,700 48,000 48,200 PU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 kg/100 9,800 17,700 33,500 49,000 78,900 PU 1 1 1 1 1 AL screw connectors medium voltage • Material: AL 99,5% • Screws: Tin-galvanised brass • Tin-plated surface CSS 16-95 50-150 95-240 120-300 185-400 Art. no. 293130 293132 293134 293136 293138 d1 12,5 15,5 20,0 25,0 26,0 d4 24,0 30,0 33,0 38,0 42,0 TL 70 85 120 142 170 2 2 4 4 6 LQCSS Advantages of the tear-off screw AL Connectors Terminals rm re CU sm rm sm 16 - 95 16.50/95 50 - 150 50 - 150 95 - 240 95 - 240 120 - 300 120 - 300 155 - 400 185 - 240/400 25 - 70 50 - 120 95 - 185 120 - 240 185 - 300 16 - 95 35 - 120 95 - 240 120 - 300 185 - 300 25 - 70 50 - 120 95 - 185 120 - 240 185 - 300 1 1 2 2 3 16 - 95 16.50/95 50 - 150 50 - 150 95 - 240 95 - 240 120 - 300 120 - 300 155 - 400 185 - 240/400 25 - 70 50 - 120 95 - 185 120 - 240 185 - 300 16 - 95 35 - 120 95 - 240 120 - 300 185 - 300 25 - 70 50 - 120 95 - 185 120 - 240 185 - 300 2 2 4 4 6 Screw lugs and connectors Screw connectors are a reliable and economic way of connecting identical or different conductor cross-sections. They can be used up to 36kV. All lugs and connectors are fitted with torque-limited shear-off screws. The actual cross-section of the cable does not need to be known, because each screw lug or connector covers many cable sizes. This results in simplified logistics, a small stock of lugs will cover a wide range of applications. Also, the tin-plated surface means that they can be used on both copper and aluminium cables. The principle of multiple tear-off screws The screws of the Haupa screw lugs and connectors have a hexagon head and socket, which clamps the conductor cross-section with optimal clamping torque and therefore reduces assembly time. As the screw is tightened it will shear off when correct torque is reached and a good joint is made. Video 146 PU Packing unit PE Price unit The legend for abbreviations for all table headers can be found sorted alphabetically on page 363. • simple assembly • the screw head shears off when clamping torque is right • no torque key required • screw can be detached using the hexagon socket 1. The screw is fitted with several tear-off spots, with different shear-off torque, a hexagon head and socket. 2. The tear-off torques are defined in such as way that generally the biggest conductor cross-section is clamped with the biggest clamping torque and the smaller conductor cross-section with the smaller clamping torque. This happens by allocating hexagon head and socket. 3. Assembly is much simpler than with the telescopic screw, because each screw needs to be pulled and torn off only once.