TheNationalElectricalCode and UtilityGridTiedInteractivePhotovoltaicSystems MECOSTANDARDSandLABELINGREQUIREMENTS AsSetForthInRule14(H),Rule14AppendixIandRule18 RuleNo.14 H.InterconnectionofDistributedGeneratingFacilitiesOperatinginParallelwith theCompany’sElectricSystem 1)InterconnectionStandards a.Distributedgeneratingfacilitiesoperatinginparallelwiththe Company’sElectricSystemshallsatisfytheCompany’s InterconnectionStandards. b.TheCompany’sInterconnectionStandardsareincludedas AppendixItoRule14. RuleNo.14,AppendixI 2.GeneralConnectionGuidelines a.CompliancewithLawsandCodes:Thegeneratingfacility,protection, interconnectionequipment,design,anddesigndrawingsshallmeetall applicablenational,state,andlocallaws,includingconstructionandsafety codes.Thefollowingconstructionandsafetycodesshallbefollowedfor thedesignandconstructionofalldistributedgeneratingfacility installationstoensurethesafetyofthepublic,customer,andutility personnel.Thesecodesinclude,butarenotlimitedto,thefollowing: x NationalElectricCode(NEC) x NationalElectricalSafetyCode(NESC) x NationalFireProtectionAssociation(NFPA)BuildingCode x x x x x MauiCountyBuildingCode UniformBuildingCode(UBC) AmericanConcreteInstitute(ACI) AmericanInstituteofSteelConstruction(AISC) AmericanAssociationofStateHighways&Transportation Officials(AASHTO) RULENo.18–NetEnergyMetering B.NetEnergyMeteringAgreementandInterconnectionRequirements 1.InPart,Compliance:TheCustomerGeneratorfacilityandinterconnection Systemsmustbeincompliancewithallapplicablesafetyandperformance standardsoftheNationalElectricCode(NEC),TheInstituteofElectricaland ElectronicEngineers(IEEE),accreditedtestinglaboratoriessuchas UnderwritersLaboratories(UL),andwithRule14,sectionH,AppendixI. Alllabelsshallhavearedbackgroundlaminatedandengraved with3/8inchwhiteminimumblockletteringforHeadings,Cautions, Warnings,Identificationand¼inchletteringforbodyoftextwhen necessary,forindoorandoutdooruse,UVstableandintendedfor permanentapplications.Adhesivetypelabels(includinglabelmaker tape)andfelttippensdonotsatisfythelabelrequirements.After installation,thecustomershallmaintainthelabelscurrent,legibleand accurate. MECO NEM LABELS NEM LABEL 001 PREFERRED NEC 690.14(C)(2) PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM MAIN AC DISCONNECT NEM LABEL 002 OK-PER MECO RULES NEC 690.14(C)(2) CUSTOMER GENERATOR SYSTEM DISCONNECT NEM LABEL 003 USE ON MAIN PV DISCONNECT NEC 690.54 PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT Rated AC Operating Current Nominal Operating AC Voltage NEM LABEL 004 WHEN SOURCE ON LINE & LOAD SIDE WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD NOTTOUCH TOUCH TERMINALS. TERMINALS. DODO NOT TERMINALS ONTHE THELINE LINE AND AND LOAD TERMINALS ON LOAD MAY ENERGIZEDIN INTHE THE OPEN OPEN SIDESIDE MAY BE BE ENERGIZED POSITION. NEC 690.17 NEC 690.17 NEM LABEL 005 INSTALL ON FRONT COVER NEC 705.10 CAUTION THIS ELECTRIC SERVICE IS SUPPLIED BY TWO SOURCES OF POWER 1. ELECTRIC UTILITY GRID 2. SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM NEM LABEL 006 USE ON MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT NEC 690.54 SOLAR PV SYSTEM CONNECTED Rated AC Operating Current Nominal Operating AC Voltage NEM LABEL 007 USE ON MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT NEC Article 110.27(C). WARNING TURN OFF PHOTOVOLTAIC AC DISCONNECT PRIOR TO WORKING INSIDE PANEL. NEM LABEL 008 WHEN MAIN BREAKER IS BACKFED CAUTION BREAKER IS BACKFED NEC 705.12(D)(5) NEM LABEL 009 NEC 690.56(B) INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONNECTED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM MAIN DISCONNECT LOCATED [Description or Map of the Main PV Disconnect relative to the customer main service disconnecting means (and this plaque) location] NEM LABEL 010 NEC 690.56(B) PV SYSTEM IS INTERACTIVE UTILITY GRID-TIED THE CUSTOMER MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT LOCATED [Description or Map of the Customer Main Service Disconnect location relative to the PV System Main Disconnect (and this plaque) location] NEM LABEL 011 NEC 690.56(B) INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONNECTED CUSTOMER MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM MAIN DISCONNECT LOCATED [Description or Map of the SERVICE DISCONNECT and Main PV Disconnect relative to the Electric Utility Meter (and this plaque) location] Customer Main Service Disconnect Photovoltaic System Labeling The customer Main Service Disconnect (Load Center) can be part of the meter facility or a separate piece of equipment. When the Main Service Disconnect and the Main PV System Disconnect are not at the same location, there must be a readily visible permanent plaque [NEC 690.56(B)] on the front panel cover that describes or maps the location of the Main PV System Disconnect in detail. Depending on whether the PV tap (Point of Connection) is made on the line side or load side of the Main Service Disconnect will determine which PV Labels are needed. LABELS FOR LINE SIDE TAP FRONT PANEL: MECO NEM LABEL-005 and (MECO NEM LABEL009 if PV Disconnect at different location). INSIDE PANEL: MECO NEM LABEL-006 and MECO NEM LABEL007 LABELS FOR LOAD SIDE TAP FRONT PANEL: MECO NEM LABEL-005 and (MECO NEM LABEL009 if PV Disconnect at different location). INSIDE PANEL: MECO NEM LABEL-006, NEM LABEL-007, NEM LABEL-004 and NEM LABEL-008 Main PV System AC Disconnect Photovoltaic System Labeling The Main PV System AC Disconnect if not located at the same location as the Customer Main Service Disconnect shall have a readily visible permanent plaque [690.56(B)] describing or mapping the location of the Customer Main Service Disconnect in detail. Also other labeling is required and should be consistent for all Main PV System AC Disconnects whether or not it is at the same location as the Customer Main Service Disconnect. MAIN PV SYSTEM AC DISCONNECT LABELING MECO NEM LABEL-001 (Preferred) or NEM LABEL-002 MECO NEM LABEL-003 MECO NEM LABEL-004 MECO NEM LABEL-010, Plaque is required if not at the same location as the Customer Main Disconnect. Meter Stands Alone Photovoltaic System Labeling When the electric meter panel stands alone, where the Customer Service Disconnect and the Main PV System Disconnect are not at the same location as the meter, then there needs to be labeling to inform persons that the electric service is served by dual sources (see MECO NEM Label 005). There also needs to be a permanent plaque that describes or maps the location of both the Customer Service Disconnect and the Main PV System Disconnect (see MECO NEM Label 011). When there is insufficient room to install labeling on the equipment, labeling should be installed adjacent to the equipment. NEM LABEL 005 CAUTION THIS ELECTRIC SERVICE IS SUPPLIED BY TWO SOURCES OF POWER 1. ELECTRIC UTILITY GRID 2. SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM NEM LABEL 011 INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONNECTED CUSTOMER MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM MAIN DISCONNECT LOCATED [Description or Map of the SERVICE DISCONNECT and Main PV Disconnect relative to the Electric Utility Meter (and this plaque) location]