7.6 Test Facilities and SC Magnets Tests WU Yu 7.6.1 Test Facilities Test Facilities has been built in 1999, its primary goal is to test the EAST TF and PF magnets performance of electromagnetic, stability, thermal and hydraulic, mechanical. The Facilities is located at Institute of Plasma Physics. A helium refrigerator is used to cool magnets and liquefy helium which can provide 3.8-4.5K, 1.8-5bar, 20-40g/s supercritical helium for coil or 150 liter/hr liquefying helium capability. Other major parts are a large vacuum vessel (3.5m diameter and 6.1m height) with liquid nitrogen temperature shield, two pairs of current lead, two kinds of 14.5-50 kA power supply with fast dump quench protection circuitry, data acquisition and control system, vacuum pumping system and gas tightness inspecting devise. Specific function of Test Facilities include the follow activities: Mounting the superconducting magnet in the test facilities Pre-cooling the magnet under test Establishing a supercritical helium cooling flow in the magnet under test Inspecting gas tightness of coils and case at room temperature and liquid helium temperature Fig.1 Test Facilities Overview Operating the magnet with a test current profile ,continuous or pulsed Measurements of temperatures, heat loading, helium pressure and flows, strains, liquid levels, magnet currents, magnetic field intensities and other important parameters of magnet 325 Taking automatic logs of data and measurements Warming the magnet back to an ambient temperature Removing the magnet from the test facilities Test Facilities consists of a vacuum cryostat, helium cooling system, LN2 cooling system, power supply system and control system, quench diagnosing and fast energy released system. These sub-systems include the following components: A test vacuum chamber to set the test objects Liquid nitrogen cooled thermal shielding with multi-wall adiathermal material between vacuum chamber and Liquid nitrogen shielding Thermally insulating mechanical supports to hold the weight of the test objects Four pulling poles to keep balance of TF magnet Removable connections for supercritical helium cooling loops Thermally insulating current leads with active cooling Cryogenic insulators for liquid helium connections Easy unweaving CICC joints for current connecting of magnet Forced flow helium cooling loop including cold box, heat exchanger, jet, valves Helium liquefier system Helium purifying device Liquid helium reservoir Helium gas recovery system Liquid helium interconnecting lines Power supplies Instrumentation (flow, temperature, pressure, strain, liquid level, current, magnetic field, voltage ) and display electronics Control system Data acquisition system 7.6.2 SC magnets test The Central Solenoid model coil has been tested in 2001 and 2002, TF prototype magnets was tested at the beginning of 2003.Each test we want to get two main results: one is the performance of magnet, the other is the performance of all sub-system and devices of test facilities. Now some tests and measurements have been carried, those are as followed: Electromagnetic, stability, thermal and hydraulic, mechanical performance of central solenoid model coil Forced flow helium cooling loop including cold box, heat exchanger, jet, valves Capability of helium refrigerator Resistance of easy unweaving CICC joints 326 the Quench diagnosing and fast energy released Mechanical Performance of magnetic support Platform Performance of cryogenic insulators Liquid helium consuming ratio of current leads at zero current Rectifying supercritical helium flows Gas tightness inspecting of coil, case, helium loops and LN2 shielding Temperature control of LN2 shielding Data acquisition system and control system Some test and measurement results are shown as follows: Fig.2 CSMC setting up in vacuum cryostat Fig.3 CSMC temperature during test 327 Fig.4 CSMC pressure during test Fig.5 CSMC flow during test 328 12 current(kA) 10 40 Current B1 35 ramp rate 300A/S drop rate 2.33T/S 30 25 8 20 6 15 4 magnetic field(kG) 14 10 2 5 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time(S) Fig.6 CSMC fast charge and fast discharge 8 6.6 7 6.5 6 6.4 Current(kA) T3 T4 T5 4 3 6.2 6.1 6.0 2 5.9 1 ramp rate 400A/S drop rate 400A/S 0 5.8 5.7 19:22 19:24 19:26 19:28 19:30 19:32 19:34 Time(hh::mm) Fig.7 CMSC AC-loss test 329 19:36 19:38 19:40 Temprature(K) Current 6.3 5 Fig.8 TF magnet temperature during test Fig.9 TF magnet flow during test 330