accreditation of “t/o” test only organizations

The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
1055 Crupper Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43229
NB-528, Revision 0
Approved by BOT: 2/3/2016
*Denotes Revised Section(s)
This document establishes the requirements for accreditation of organizations
seeking a National Board Certificate of Authorization to use the “T/O”
Certification Mark for confirming seat tightness and confirming or restoring
nameplate set pressure and/or performance (e.g. blowdown, lack of chatter) of
pressure relief valves (referred to in this document as “testing”). This
authorization does not permit any activity that requires disassembly and/or repair
of pressure relief valves. Such activities shall be performed by a National Board
“VR” Certificate Holder or the valve shall be replaced.
Organizations seeking a Certificate of Authorization must have, in the
English language, a written quality control system that complies with this
document and includes the expected scope of work.
Certificates of Authorization may be issued to organizations whose
business is to test or repair pressure relief valves, to manufacturers or
assemblers of pressure relief valves, to Owners and Users of pressure
relief valves, or to other organizations that qualify in accordance with
these requirements.
Organizations currently holding a “VR” Certificate of Authorization will be
considered qualified to use the “T/O” Certification Mark provided the
process is described in their Quality Control System. They may be issued a
“T/O” Certificate of Authorization upon request and permitted to apply the
Certification Mark.
1.3.1 The test media listed on the “T/O” Certificate of Authorization shall
match the “VR” Certificate of Authorization.
General Requirements
The National Board “T/O” certification program applies only to the testing of
valves in accordance with The National Board Inspection Code (NBIC) Part 2
Paragraph 2.5.7. These valves shall be capacity certified by the National Board
and identified as follows:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(ASME BPV) Code Section I valves identified with the ASME Certification
mark with the V designator or the ASME “V” Code symbol stamp;
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ASME BPV Code Section IV valves with the ASME Certification mark with
the HV designator or the ASME “HV” Code symbol stamp; or
ASME BPV Code Section VIII valves with the ASME Certification mark with
the UV designator or the ASME “UV” Code symbol stamp.
Testing may be performed for pressure relief valves that have been in service or
have been exposed to environmental or other conditions such that there is reason to
question their ability to perform equivalent to the standards for new valves.
Testing may not be performed if any of the valve’s external adjustment
seals have been broken, opened, or otherwise disturbed. The valve shall
be sent to a National Board “VR” Certificate Holder for disassembly,
inspection, and repaired or replaced.
Testing of Nuclear Valves
This program is not intended to cover testing of ASME BPV Section III valves.
Organizations seeking to obtain or renew a “T/O” Certificate of
Authorization must apply to the National Board using forms obtained from
the National Board. Application for renewal must be made at least six
months prior to the expiration date of the “T/O” Certificate of
When an organization has plants or shops in more than one location, the
organization must submit a separate application for each plant or shop.
For field-only scopes, the address of record shown on the Certificate of
Authorization is the location from which the administrative, technical and
quality aspects of the business are controlled.
Review of Applicant’s Facility
Prior to issuance or renewal of a “T/O” Certificate of Authorization, the
test organization, its written Quality Control System, and its facilities are
subject to a review and verification of implementation of its written
Quality Control System by a representative of the National Board. The
implementation demonstration shall include, as a minimum, setting and
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testing of valves within the scope of the applicant’s written Quality Control
The applicant shall test and submit to a National Board Accepted Testing
Laboratory for verification testing a minimum of two (2) valves. These
valves shall include at least one (1) valve for each ASME BPV Code section
and each test fluid.
5.2.1 For applicants who test ASME BPV Code Section VIII steam
service valves with air using the manufacturer’s correction
factor, the applicant shall submit one additional ASME BPV
Code, Section VIII steam valve tested on air for verification
testing on steam.
For field-only scopes, the review shall encompass both the applicant’s
address of record and a field test demonstration site. The demonstration
site shall be representative of that typically encountered by the applicant.
The applicant shall have access to the National Board Pressure Relief
Device Certifications publication, NB-18 (available from the National
Board’s Web site); a copy of the latest mandatory edition of the NBIC, all
parts; and access to the latest mandatory edition of ASME BPV Code
Sections the organization is including in its scope.
Upon notification of the review dates from the National Board, it is the
responsibility of the test only organization to make arrangements for this
review. National Board reviews of Test Only organizations may be
coordinated with other reviews, when practical.
A recommendation to issue, renew, or withhold the Certificate of
Authorization shall be included in a Qualification Review Report prepared
by the National Board Team Leader. The completed Qualification Review
Report shall be forwarded to the National Board.
When all requirements have been met, a Certificate of Authorization will
be issued evidencing permission to use the “T/O” Certification Mark. The
Certificate of Authorization shall expire on the triennial anniversary date.
ASME BPV Code Certificates of Authorization and Certification Mark
A pressure relief valve manufacturer holding a valid ASME Certificate of
Authorization for use of an ASME BPV certification mark may obtain the “T/O”
Certificate of Authorization for the testing of pressure relief valves covered by
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their ASME Certificate of Authorization. This can be accomplished without a
review of the facilities provided the organization’s written Quality Control System
includes provisions which cover the scope of the testing performed. The written
Quality Control System is subject to review by the National Board. The testing
shall be carried out at the same location where the ASME valves are
manufactured. Unless the valves are tested in the same facilities and to the same
procedures as new valves, the number of valves as required in paragraph 5.2
shall be selected by a National Board Representative for verification tests.
Jurisdictional Participation
The National Board member jurisdiction in which the “T/O” organization is
located may participate in the review of the test organization and the
demonstration and acceptance of the test organization’s written Quality Control
System manual.
Use of the “T/O” Certificate of Authorization
Certification Mark Use
Each “T/O” Certification Mark graphic shall be obtained electronically from
the National Board for reproduction on the Test Only nameplate and shall
be used only within the scope and limitations under which it was issued.
The organization’s written Quality System shall provide for constant
control of the “T/O” Certification Mark. The organization shall not permit
others to use the “T/O” Certification mark issued to them.
Return of Certificate
Each applicant shall agree, if authorization to use the Certification Mark is
granted, that the Certification Mark is controlled by the National Board
and its use will be promptly discontinued upon demand if the “T/O”
Certificate of Authorization has expired and no new certificate has been
issued. Also any pre-printed nameplates bearing the “T/O” mark shall be
sent to the National Board for disposal.
Certificate of Authorization Contents
The name and address of the test organization, the scope of the
certificate (shop only, field only or shop and field), the certificate number,
the issue date, expiration date, the ASME BPV section (Section I, IV,
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and/or VIII valves), and test media shall be specified on the test organization’s “T/O” Certificate of Authorization.
Changes in Scope, Ownership, Name, Location or Address
The National Board must be notified when an organization holding a
Certificate of Authorization changes scope, ownership, name, location, or
address. The National Board will provide appropriate forms to revise the
Certificate of Authorization. At the option of the National Board, a rereview of the organizations written Quality System and/or its
implementation may be required.
Written Quality System Manual
A holder of a Certificate of Authorization shall have and maintain a written
Quality System Manual. It shall be treated confidentially by the National Board
and by the Review Team. An outline of the requirements for a written Quality
System Manual shall meet the following requirements:
Title Page
The title page shall include the name and address of the company to
which the National Board Certificate of Authorization is to be issued.
Revision Log
A revision log is required to ensure revision control of the quality system
manual. The log should contain sufficient space for date, description and
section of revision, company approval, and National Board acceptance.
Contents Page
The contents page should list and reference, by section paragraph or page
number, the subjects and exhibits contained therein.
Statement of Authority and Responsibility
A statement of authority and responsibility shall be dated and signed by
an officer of the company. It shall include:
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9.4.1 A statement that the “T/O” Certification Mark shall be used only for
pressure relief valves that meet the following conditions: Are marked with an ASME “V”, “UV”, or “HV” Code symbol
or marked with the ASME Certification Mark with “V”, “UV”,
or “HV” designator and have been capacity certified by the
National Board; Have been visually inspected, and successfully tested in
accordance with this program; and Only external adjustments to restore the nameplate set
pressure and/or performance of a pressure relief valve shall
be made under the provisions of this program. If
disassembly, change of set pressure, or additional repairs
are necessary, the valve shall be repaired by a National
Board “VR” Certificate Holder or replaced.
9.4.2 The title of the individual responsible for ensuring that the quality
system is followed and who has authority and freedom to affect the
9.4.3 A statement that if there is a disagreement in the implementation
of the written quality system, the matter is to be referred to a
higher authority in the company for resolution; and
9.4.4 The title of the individual authorized to approve revisions to the
written quality system and the method by which such revisions are
to be submitted to the National Board for acceptance before
Organization Chart
A chart showing the relationship between management, inspection,
testing, and quality control personnel is required and shall reflect the
actual organization in place.
Scope of Work
9.6.1 The scope of work section shall indicate the scope and type of
valve testing the organization is capable of and intends to perform.
The location of testing (shop, shop and field, or field only), ASME
Code Section(s) to which the tests apply, and the test medium (air,
gas, liquid, or steam, or combinations thereof) shall be included.
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9.6.2 The types and sizes of valves to be tested, pressure ranges and
other limitations shall also be addressed.
Specification Control
The specification control system shall provide procedures assuring that the
latest applicable specifications and instructions required are used for valve
inspection and testing.
Inspection and Testing Program
The inspection and testing program section shall include reference to a
document (such as an inspection and test report, or checklist) that
outlines the specific inspection and testing procedures used in the testing
of pressure relief valves. Provisions shall be made to retain this document
for a period of at least five years.
9.8.1 Each valve or group of valves shall be accompanied by the
document referred to above for processing through the plant. Each
valve shall have a unique identifier assigned by the Test Only
organization (e.g., job serial number, shop order number, work
order number, etc.) appearing on the test documentation and test
nameplate such that traceability is established.
9.8.2 The document referred to above shall describe the original
nameplate information, including the ASME Code symbol stamping
and, if applicable, the repair nameplate information. In addition, it
shall include pressure test methods to be used. Application of the
“T/O” Certification Mark to the test nameplate shall be recorded in
this document. There shall be a space for “signoffs” at each
operation to verify that each step has been properly performed by
qualified personnel.
9.8.3 The system shall also describe the controls used to ensure that any
personnel engaged in the testing of pressure relief valves are
trained and qualified in accordance with NBIC Part 3, Supplement
Valve Testing, Setting, and Sealing
The system shall include provisions that each valve shall be tested, set,
and all external adjustments sealed according to the requirements of the
applicable ASME Code Section and the NBIC. The seal shall identify the
“T/O” Certificate Holder performing the test or making the adjustment.
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Abbreviations or initials are permitted, provided such identification is
defined in the quality system and acceptable to the National Board.
Test Only Nameplates
The quality system shall include a description of a nameplate or a drawing. An
effective valve marking system shall be established to ensure proper marking
and nameplate attachment for each valve and meet the following requirements
(See NBIC, Part 3, 5.12.4 for additional requirements):
9.10.1 The nameplate shall be made of metal
9.10.2 The name of responsible organization preceded by the words
“Tested by” shall be applied
9.10.3 Date of test shall be applied
9.10.4 Set pressure shall be applied
9.10.5 Unique identifier of test shall be applied (eg. shop order number,
work order number, job serial number, etc.)
9.11.1 The quality system shall describe a system for the calibration of
examination, measuring, and test equipment used in the
performance of testing. Documentation of these calibrations shall
include the standard used and the results.
9.11.2 All calibration standards shall be calibrated against certified
equipment having known valid relationships to nationally
recognized standards.
Manual Control/Procedures
The quality system manual and referenced procedures shall include:
9.12.1 Measures to control the issuance of and revisions to the quality
system manual;
9.12.2 Provisions for a review of the system in order to maintain the
manual current with these rules and the applicable sections of the
ASME Code and NBIC;
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9.12.3 The title(s) of the individual(s) responsible for preparation, revision
distribution, approval, and implementation of the quality system
9.12.4 Provision of a controlled copy of the written quality system manual
to be submitted to the National Board for acceptance prior to
implementation; and
9.12.5 Revisions shall be submitted for acceptance by the National Board
prior to being implemented.
The quality system shall establish measures for the identification,
documentation, evaluation, segregation, and disposition of
nonconformities. A non-conformity is a condition of any material, item,
product, or process in which one or more characteristics do not conform
to the established requirements. These may include, but are not limited
to, data discrepancies, procedural and/or documentation deficiencies, or
material defects. Also, the title(s) of the individual(s) involved in this
process shall be included.
The applicant shall establish a documented in-house training program.
This program shall establish training objectives and provide a method of
evaluating the training effectiveness. As a minimum, training objectives
for knowledge level shall include:
9.14.1 Applicable ASME Code and NBIC requirements;
9.14.2 Responsibilities within the organization’s quality system;
9.14.3 Knowledge of the technical aspects and mechanical skills
for making set pressure and/or blowdown adjustments to pressure
relief valves;
9.14.4 Knowledge of the technical aspects and mechanical skills for
marking of pressure relief valve adjustments.
Forms used in the quality system shall be included in the manual with a
written description. Forms exhibited shall be marked “SAMPLE” and
completed in a manner typical of actual valve testing procedures.
Testing Equipment (See NBIC Part 3, Supplement 8)
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The quality system shall include a means to control the development,
addition, or modification of testing equipment to ensure the requirements
of NBIC Part 3, 4.5.1 b) are met.
Field Testing
Testing organizations may obtain a “T/O” Certificate of Authorization for
field testing, either as an extension to their in-shop/plant scope, or as a
field-only scope, provided that the Quality System includes the following
9.17.1 Qualified technicians in the employ of the certificate holder perform
such testing;
9.17.2 Functions affecting the quality of the repaired valves are supervised
from the address of record where the “T/O” certification is issued.
9.17.3 Provisions for annual internal audits of field activities shall be
included; Upon issuance of a Certificate of Authorization, provided
field tests are performed, annual audits of the work carried
out in the field shall be performed to ensure that the
requirements of the certificate holder’s quality system are
met. The audit shall include, but not be limited to,
performance testing, in accordance with NBIC Part 3, 4.5,
of valve(s) that were tested in the field. The audits shall be
9.17.4 Provisions for use of owner-user measurement and test equipment,
if applicable, shall be addressed.
Verification Testing of Demonstration Valves
The demonstration valves must successfully complete operational verification tests at a National Board accepted testing laboratory. Alternative
verification testing described in Paragraph 11.0 may also be applied. The
valves shall be typical of those tested by the organization and within the
capabilities of the testing laboratory.
Tests conducted at the accepted testing laboratory shall be witnessed by a
representative of the National Board. The purpose of the tests is to ensure
that the function and operation of the valves meet the requirements of
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the ASME BPV Code section to which they were manufactured.
Valves not meeting the function or operational requirements of the ASME
BPV Code section to which they were manufactured shall be considered to
have failed. Replacement valves shall be selected for testing as stated
above, at a rate of two (2) valves for each one (1) that failed.
If either or both of these replacement valves fail to meet the
above criteria, the applicant shall document the cause of the
noted deficiencies and actions taken to guard against future
occurrence. Upon acceptance of this information by the National
Board, one (1) additional valve for each replacement valve that
failed shall be tested. The valve(s) shall be of the same ASME
BPV Code Section, fluid and set pressure scope, as the valve
previously failing to meet the test requirement.
Failure of this valve(s) to meet the ASME BPV Code to which the
valve was manufactured shall be cause for consideration by the
National Board of revocation of the “T/O” Certificate of
Authorization or acceptance of alternative corrective action.
Alternative Verification Testing of Demonstration Valves
In such cases where all valves tested by the applicant for a specified
ASME Code Section or test fluid exceed the capabilities of the accepted
testing laboratory, valves for that ASME BPV Code Section or test fluid
shall be selected as specified in Paragraph 3.0, and a demonstration test
shall be successfully performed in lieu of verification testing specified in
Paragraph 10.0. The demonstration tests shall be conducted at a facility
mutually agreeable to the National Board representative, the facility
owner, and the applicant. The purpose of these tests is to demonstrate, in
the presence of a National Board representative, that the tested valves
shall have adequate seat tightness at the maximum expected operating
pressure prior to lifting, shall open within the required set pressure
tolerance, operate consistently without chatter, and reclose within the
required blowdown.
If a valve lift-assist device is used by the applicant to confirm set
pressure, this device must also be used to set the demonstration valves.
If either of these valves fails to meet the above criteria, then replacement
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valves shall be tested at a rate of two valves for each one that failed.
If either or both of these replacement valves fail to meet the
above criteria, the applicant shall document the cause of the
noted deficiencies and actions taken to guard against future
occurrence. Upon acceptance of this information by the
National Board, one (1) additional valve for each replacement
valve that failed shall be tested. The valve(s) shall be of the
same ASME BPV Code section, fluid, and set pressure scope as
the valve previously failing to meet the test requirement.
Failure of this valve(s) to meet the ASME BPV Code section to
which the valve was manufactured shall be cause for
consideration by the National Board of revocation of the
Certificate of Authorization or acceptance of alternative
corrective action.
Due Process
The National Board provides procedural due process in connection with
accreditation activities. There are several levels to which an aggrieved party may
appeal. The process may be initiated by contacting the National Board’s
Executive Director.
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