Stress-based finite element methods in linear and nonlinear solid mechanics Benjamin Müller‡ and Gerhard Starke ‡ ‡ Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 45127 Essen, Germany Abstract A comparison of stress-based finite element methods is given for the prototype problem of linear elasticity and then extended to finite-strain hyperelasticity. Of particular interest is the accuracy of traction forces in reasonable Sobolev norms with an emphasis on uniform approximation behavior in the incompressible limit. The mixed formulation of Hellinger-Reissner type leading to a saddle-point problem as well as a first-order system least squares approach are investigated and the strong connections between these two methods are studied. In addition, we also discuss stress reconstruction techniques based on displacement approximations by nonconforming finite elements. 1 Introduction The accurate resolution of stresses associated with numerical simulations in solid mechanics is of paramount importance in many applications. Large stress components may cause plastic behavior or even damage and need therefore to be approximated well. In particular, if surface traction forces are of interest, finite element approximations in spaces which allow the safe evaluation of boundary traces need to be used. For standard displacementbased or (in the incompressible case) displacement-pressure approaches, the associated stresses are only contained in L2 which means that the (normal component of the) boundary traces are not defined. Variational principles which involve stresses in H(div)-like saddle point formulations of HellingerReissner-type or first-order system least squares approaches overcome this problem directly. Another option is to reconstruct stresses in H(div) from sufficiently accurate L2 approximations in analogy to the flux reconstruction procedures described, e.g., in Luce and Wohlmuth (2004); Nicaise et al. (2008); Braess et al. (2009); Cai and Zhang (2012); Ern and Vohralı́k (2015). For an equilibration approach to stress reconstruction in two-dimensional linear elasticity see also Parés et al. (2006). Particularly attractive in the 1 context of incompressible elasticity are the quadratic nonconforming elements introduced by Fortin and Soulie (1983) and, in three space dimensions, Fortin (1985). Flux and stress reconstruction procedures working in an element-wise way were studied for these elements by Kim (2012). The history of mixed finite element methods of saddle-point type for the approximation of stresses in H(div) in linear elasticity models goes back for at least 30 years with early contributions by Arnold et al. (1984a), Arnold et al. (1984b) and Stenberg (1988) among others, see (Boffi et al., 2013, Chp. 9) for more details. Later, this approach also received much attention in the engineering community, see e.g. Klaas et al. (1995). For the class of first-order system least squares methods the state-of-the-art is presented in Bochev and Gunzburger (2009) with a focus of fluid rather than solid mechanics. The H(div)-based stress formulation which will be our starting point in this contribution was studied in Cai and Starke (2004) for the linear elasticity case and extended to hyperelastic material models in Müller et al. (2014). The investigation of hyperelastic models in Section 5 will be presented in detail for the specific example of a neo-Hookean material law. For background on the analytical and numerical treatment of hyperelasticity, we refer to Ciarlet (1988) and LeTallec (1994). Concerning a priori finite element error estimates associated with such models, see Carstensen and Dolzmann (2004). Our focus in Section 5 of this contribution will again be on approaches which remain robust in the incompressible limit. Similar to the linear elasticity case this may be achieved either by adding an auxiliary pressure variable (cf. Auricchio et al. (2013)) or by inverting the stress-strain relation, cf. (Wriggers, 2008, Sect. 10.3). The elasticity problems under our consideration are based on an open, bounded and connected domain Ω ⊂ IRd (d = 2, 3) with Lipschitz-continuous boundary which constitutes the reference configuration of the undeformed state. The boundary is divided into two disjoint subsets ΓD and ΓN , for simplicity, both assumed to be non-empty. On ΓD , homogeneous displacement boundary conditions u = 0 are imposed, while surface traction forces σ · n = g are prescribed on ΓN . The linear elasticity model may then be written as the first-order system div σ + f = 0 σ − Cε(u) = 0 (1) in Ω subject to the above boundary conditions with ε(u) = (∇u+(∇u)T )/2 and Cε = 2µε + λ(tr ε)I . (2) 2 The system (1) may be derived from minimizing the energy associated with the deformed system given by Z Z Z ψ(ε(v)) dx − f · v dx − g · v ds , (3) Ω Ω ΓN where the stored energy function is given by ψ(ε) = µ|ε|2 + λ (tr ε)2 . 2 (4) The necessary conditions for a stationary point of (3) are then equivalent to (1). While we can always scale the units such that µ is on the order of 1, an important issue is the behavior of the formulations in the incompressible limit λ → ∞. It is already apparent from (2) that a naive numerical approach to the above minimization problem will cause problems for incompressible or nearly incompressible materials. One possible remedy consists in replacing λ(trε) by a new variable p which has the physical interpretation of a pressure. Another option is to use the inverse C −1 instead of C in the variational formulation. A straightforward calculation shows that λ 1 1 1 λ→∞ 1 σ− tr(σ)I → σ − tr(σ)I = dev σ, C −1 σ = 2µ 2µ + dλ 2µ d 2µ i.e. the operator C −1 remains well-defined in the incompressible limit, where it constitutes the orthogonal projection onto the trace-free matrices dev. Since C −1 itself is not invertible any more in the incompressible limit, we also write A instead of C −1 in order to avoid missunderstandings. The first-order system (1) turns into div σ + f = 0 Aσ − ε(u) = 0 . (5) Of course, any variational approach based on (5) needs to use the stress σ as an independent variable in the formulation. Such approaches will be presented in the next sections. We will make use of norms and inner products associated with different spaces throughout this paper. Since L2 (Ω) (and its vector and matrix variants L2 (Ω)d and L2 (Ω)d×d , respectively) occurs most often, we abbreviate the associated norm simply by k · k and the corresponding inner product by ( · , · ). Since we assume ΓD 6= ∅ (more precisely, a subset of ∂Ω of positive measure), Korn’s inequality is valid in the form k∇vk ≤ CK kε(v)k for all v ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)d . 3 (6) Our general regularity assumption is that Ω ⊂ IRd , ΓN ⊂ ∂Ω and ΓD ⊂ ∂Ω are such that, for any f ∈ L2 (Ω)d the solution of (5) satisfies (σ, u) ∈ H α (Ω)d×d × H 1+α (Ω)d such that kσkH α (Ω) + kukH 1+α (Ω) ≤ CR kf k (7) holds for some constant CR > 0 and some α > 0. 2 Stress-based mixed formulation based on the Hellinger-Reissner principle This section is focussed on the approximation of stresses in the Sobolev space H(div, Ω)d . The subspaces HΓN (div, Ω)d = {τ ∈ H(div, Ω)d : τ · n = 0 on ΓN } , HΓ0N (div, Ω)d = {τ ∈ HΓN (div, Ω)d : div τ = 0} will also be used. From the stress-strain relation ε(u) = C −1 σ, integration by parts leads to (C −1 σ, τ ) + (u, div τ ) + (γ, as τ ) = 0 , (8) for all τ ∈ HΓN (div, Ω)d , where as τ = (τ − τ T )/2 denotes the asymmetric part and γ is a new variable introduced for as ∇u. Together with the two equations (div σ + f , v) = 0 for all v ∈ L2 (Ω)d , (as σ, θ) = 0 for all θ ∈ L2 (Ω)d×d,as , (9) where L2 (Ω)d×d,as denotes the subspace of L2 (Ω)d×d with vanishing symmetric part, the mixed variational formulation of Hellinger-Reissner consists in finding (σ, u, γ) ∈ (σ N +HΓN (div, Ω)d )×L2 (Ω)d ×L2 (Ω)d×d,as such that (8) and (9) hold. An alternative way of deriving this mixed variational formulation consists in viewing it as the KKT conditions for the minimization of the energy (C −1 σ, σ)/2 subject to the constraints (9). In this context, u and γ are Lagrange parameters for the momentum balance and symmetry conditions, respectively, in (9). For the well-posedness of the system (8), (9), the following result is of crucial importance. Theorem 2.1. Assume that ΓN ⊆ ∂Ω consists of a finite number of connected components each of which has positive (d − 1)-dimensional measure. Then, kτ k . kdev τ k (10) holds for all τ ∈ HΓ0N (div, Ω)d . 4 Theorem 2.1 follows from the more general result of Theorem 3.1 in Section 3. A direct and simple proof for the two-dimensional case is given in the following. Proof. (for d = 2). Without loss of generality assume that ΓN ( ∂Ω and that ΓN is connected with |ΓN | > 0 (just replace ΓN by one of its connected components, cut something off if ΓN = ∂Ω). Using (Girault and Raviart, 1986, Thm. I.3.1), we can write τ = curl φ with φ ∈ H 1 (Ω)2 . The boundary conditions (curl φ) · n = 0 imply φ to be constant on ΓN , which we may choose to be zero, i.e., φ ∈ HΓ1N (Ω)2 . Therefore, φ satisfies Korn’s inequality (6) and we obtain kτ k = kcurl φk = k∇φk . kε(φ)k 1 (∂2 φ1 + ∂1 φ2 ) ∂1 φ1 2 k =k 1 (∂2 φ1 + ∂1 φ2 ) ∂2 φ2 12 (∂ φ + ∂1 φ2 ) −∂1 φ1 k =k 2 2 1 ∂2 φ2 − 12 (∂2 φ1 + ∂1 φ2 ) ∂ φ −∂1 φ1 = kdev 2 1 k = kdev curl φk = kdev τ k . ∂2 φ2 −∂1 φ2 Theorem 2.1 implies (C −1 τ , τ ) ≥ 1 kdev τ k2 & kτ k2 for all τ ∈ HΓ0N (div, Ω)d . 2µ (11) Since HΓ0N (div, Ω)d contains the null space of the constraints (9), the required coercivity condition is satisfied. As a second ingredient to the wellposedness, the inf-sup condition has to be established for (9), see (Boffi et al., 2013, Prop. 9.3.2). For the discretization of (8), (9), finite element spaces Πh ⊂ HΓN (div, Ω)d , Zh ⊂ L2 (Ω)d and Θh ⊂ L2 (Ω)d×d,as are inserted into (8), (9) leading to HR HR a mixed finite element approximation (σ HR h , zh , γ h ). To this end, various finite element combinations which satisfy the discrete inf-sup condition have been proposed, starting with the famous PEERS element Arnold et al. (1984a). For a systematic treatment of this topic see (Boffi et al., 2013, Chp. 9). It is interesting to note that for k ≥ 1, the triple of finite element spaces (Πh , Zh , Θh ) = RTk (Th )d × DPk (Th )d × Pk (Th )d×d,as 5 is inf-sup stable (see Boffi et al. (2009) and (Boffi et al., 2013, Expl. 9.4.1)). An important property of this approach is that the momentum balance is best possible, i.e., kdiv σ HR + f k = kf − π h f k = inf kf − zh k . h zh ∈Zh From the ellipticity and the inf-sup conditions, optimal order accuracy also follows for the stress approximation with respect to the L2 (Ω)-norm, i.e, kσ − σ HR h k. 3 inf kσ − τ h k . hα kσkH α (Ω) . τ h ∈Πh (12) Stress-displacement first-order system least squares In this section, we consider the first-order system least squares approach based on div σ + f R(σ, u) := , (13) Aσ − ε(u) i.e., the minimization of F(τ , v) := kR(τ , v)k2 = kdiv τ + f k2 + kAτ − ε(v)k2 (14) among all τ ∈ σ N + HΓN (div, Ω)3 and v ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)3 . The minimizer (σ, u) of (14) satisfies (div σ, div τ ) + (Aσ − ε(u), Aτ ) = −(f , div τ ) , −(Aσ − ε(u), ε(v)) = 0 (15) for all (τ , v) ∈ HΓN (div, Ω)3 × HΓ1D (Ω)3 which constitutes a linear variational problem. The well-posedness of (15) follows from the coercivity and continuity of the bilinear form B((σ, u); (τ , v)) := (div σ, div τ ) + (Aσ − ε(u), Aτ − ε(v)) (16) with respect to HΓN (div, Ω)3 × HΓ1D (Ω)3 uniformly in the incompressible limit. This property was shown under our assumptions on Ω, ΓN and ΓD in Cai and Starke (2004). A consequence of its validity in the incompressible limit is the following result. Theorem 3.1. Assume that ΓN ⊆ ∂Ω consists of a finite number of connected components each of which has positive (d − 1)-dimensional measure. Then, kτ k . kdev τ k + kdiv τ k (17) holds for all τ ∈ HΓN (Ω)d . 6 The result of Theorem 3.1 was proved in Arnold et al. (1984b) for the case ΓN = ∅ under the additional constraint (tr τ , 1) = 0 (see also (Boffi et al., 2013, Prop. 9.1.1)) and in the general two-dimensional case in Carstensen and Dolzmann (1998). The discrete first-order system least squares approximation is obtained by minimizing (14) among all τ h = σ N + Πh and vh ∈ Vh , where Πh ⊂ HΓN (div, Ω)3 and Vh ⊂ HΓ1D (Ω)3 are suitable finite element spaces. The N LS approximate solution σ LS h ∈ σ + Πh , uh ∈ Vh is determined by LS LS (div σ LS h , div τ h ) + (Aσ h − ε(uh ), Aτ h ) = −(f , div τ h ) , LS −(Aσ LS h − ε(uh ), ε(vh )) = 0 (18) for all (τ h , vh ) ∈ Πh × Vh . Due to the coercivity and continuity of the underlying bilinear form we obtain a quasi-optimal approximation, i.e., kσ − σ LS h kdiv,Ω . ku − uLS h k1,Ω inf kσ − τ h kdiv,Ω , τ h ∈Πh . inf ku − vh k1,Ω . (19) vh ∈Vh In particular, using, for some l ≥ 1, Raviart-Thomas spaces of degree l − 1 for Πh combined with standard conforming finite elements of degree l for Vh , one gets l kσ − σ LS h kdiv,Ω . h (|σ|l,Ω + |div σ|l,Ω ) , l ku − uLS h k1,Ω . h |u|l+1,Ω , if σ ∈ H l (Ω)3 with div σ(= −f ) ∈ H l (Ω) and u ∈ H l+1 (Ω)3 is satisfied. It may also be worth noting that within the first-order least squares approach, piecewise linear conforming displacement approximations are of optimal order uniformly in the incompressible limit. Of course, this requires the simultaneous computation of stress approximations in the lowest-order RaviartThomas spaces which may be considered too costly if these quantities are not of particular interest. If the solution is less regular, then the optimal approximation order may be retained with adaptively refined triangulations based on using the local evaluation of the functional as an a posteriori error estimator, cf. Cai et al. (2005). For domains with curved boundaries in association with the higher-order case l > 1, parametric finite element spaces would be needed in order to retain the optimal approximation order. This would involve the parametric Raviart-Thomas spaces studied in Bertrand et al. (2014) for Πh in combination with standard isoparametric elements, cf. (Brenner and Scott, 2008, Sect. 10.4). 7 It is important to keep in mind that the two terms in the functional defined by (14) need to be scaled appropriately in order to get reasonable approximations. This is due to the fact that the constants involved in the above estimates must not become exceedingly large. The two main ingredients which influence these constants are the Lamé parameter µ in the material law (2) and CK in Korn’s inequality (6). If both are on the order of one, then the scaling in (14) is adequate. This can be achieved by the choice of suitable units for measuring forces and lengths. Our computational experience suggests that it is generally less harmful to weight the momentum balance term too strong than too weak with respect to the above rules. In contrast to the mixed approximation σ HR h , our least-squares approximation σ LS does not satisfy the momentum balance exactly if f ∈ div Πh . h We will now show that, in fact, the momentum balance term in the functional (14) converges faster than the overall functional. The proof is inspired by the techniques used in Brandts et al. (2006) for the investigation of the relations between saddle point and least-squares formulations for the firstorder system formulation of the Poisson equation. Theorem 3.2. Under our regularity assumptions, the momentum balance accuracy associated with the first-order system least squares approximation satisfies α LS kdivσ LS kσ − σ LS h +f k . h h k + kε(u) − ε(uh )k + inf kf −zh k. (20) zh ∈Zh Proof. With fh = π h f ∈ Zh , the triangle inequality leads to LS LS kdivσ LS h +f k ≤ kdivσ h +fh k+kf −fh k = kdivσ h +fh k+kf −π h f k. (21) The first term on the right hand side in (21) can be written as kdiv σ LS h + fh k = sup zh ∈Zh = sup zh ∈Zh (div (div σ LS h + fh , zh ) kzh k σ LS h + f , zh ) (div (σ LS h − σ), zh ) = sup . kzh k kzh k zh ∈Zh (22) For any zh ∈ Zh , the following auxiliary boundary value problem may be defined: Find Ξ ∈ HΓN (div, Ω)3 and η ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)3 such that div Ξ = zh , AΞ − ε(η) = 0 8 (23) holds. Let ΞHR ∈ Πh be the mixed finite element approximation of Hellingerh Reissner type to (23) and let η h ∈ Vh be any approximation to η, then (div (σ − σ LS h ), zh ) = (div (σ − σ LS h ), div Ξ) LS LS = (div (σ − σ LS h ), div Ξ) + (A(σ − σ h ) − ε(u − uh ), AΞ − ε(η)) HR = (div (σ − σ LS h ), div (Ξ − Ξh )) HR LS + (A(σ − σ LS h ) − ε(u − uh ), A(Ξ − Ξh ) − ε(η − η h )) HR LS = (A(σ − σ LS h ) − ε(u − uh ), A(Ξ − Ξh ) − ε(η − η h )) holds due to (15), (18) and the fact that div ΞHR = div Ξ = zh is satisfied. h Combining this with (22) leads to LS LS kdiv σ LS h + fh k ≤ kA(σ − σ h ) − ε(u − uh )k kA(Ξ − ΞHR h ) − ε(η − η h )k sup kdiv Ξk Ξ LS LS . kσ − σ h k + kε(u − uh )k (24) ΞHR h k . hα kΞ − + kε(η − η h )k sup kdiv Ξk Ξ LS kσ − σ h k + kε(u − uLS h )k due to (12) and our general regularity assumption from Section 1. Theorem 3.2 states that the error associated with momentum balance converges of higher order. In particular, if f ∈ H α (Ω)d is assumed for the right-hand side, then α LS kdiv (σ − σ LS kσ − σ LS h )k . h h k + kε(u) − ε(uh )k + kf k (25) holds. One implication of (25) is concerned with the approximation of boundary traces. For the approximation of the resultant traction forces, LS LS h(σ − σ LS h ) · n, eiL2 (∂Ω) = (div (σ − σ h ), e) . kdiv (σ − σ h )k kek (26) holds for any constant displacement field e ∈ IRd . A further implication, which is seen best directly in (24), is that the second term in the least LS squares functional (14) dominates if (σ LS h , uh ) is inserted. This property 9 can be of use, in particular, in the study of the functional as an a posteriori error estimator. 4 Stress reconstruction for displacement-pressure approaches The most commonly used approach to compute finite element approximations for the linear elasticity model is based on minimizing the energy in (3) among all v ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)d . The solution u ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)d satisfies Z Z Ω Z f · v dx + (2µ ε(u) : ε(v) + λ (div u) (div v)) dx = Ω g · v ds ΓN or, in short notation, 2µ (ε(u), ε(v)) + λ (div u, div v) = (f , v) + hg, viL2 (ΓN ) (27) for all v ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)d . Obviously, this formulation becomes problematic as the Lamé parameter λ tends to ∞ which is the case for incompressible materials. One possible remedy is to introduce a new pressure-like variable p = λ div u which leads to the saddle-point problem 2µ (ε(u), ε(v)) + (p, div v) = (f , v) + hg, viL2 (ΓN ) 1 (div u, q) − (p, q) = 0 λ (28) for all v ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)d and q ∈ L2 (Ω). This saddle-point problem is a regular perturbation of the Stokes problem modelling incompressible fluid flow (which coincides with the limiting case λ = ∞) and as such can be treated with any inf-sup stable finite element pair (Vh , Qh ) for the Stokes equations, cf. (Boffi et al., 2013, sect. 4.3). The resulting finite-dimensional saddle-point problem is then to find uh ∈ Vh and ph ∈ Qh such that 2µ (ε(uh ), ε(vh )) + (ph , div vh ) = (f , vh ) + hg, vh iL2 (ΓN ) 1 (div uh , qh ) − (ph , qh ) = 0 λ (29) holds for all vh ∈ Vh and qh ∈ Qh . Since we are interested in the approximation quality of the stresses σ(u, p) = 2µε(u) + p I computed from approximations to u and p, combinations seem favourable, where the error kε(u − uh )k converges at the same order as kp − ph k. Such a combination is given, for example, by the Taylor-Hood elements (continuously quadratic 10 for Vh with continuously linear for Qh ) and their higher-order generalizations, cf. (Boffi et al., 2013, sect. 8.8). Another possibility is the use of the quadratic nonconforming elements introduced in Fortin and Soulie (1983) for Vh combined with discontinuous piecewise linears. Since these elements have some favourable properties with respect to the associated derived stresses σ(uh , ph ), we will investigate them more closely. The quadratic nonconforming elements by Fortin-Soulie With respect to a triangulation Th of Ω with the corresponding set of sides (edges for d = 2, faces for d = 3) denoted by Sh , the quadratic nonconforming finite element space is defined by VhF S = {vh ∈ L2 (Ω)d : vh |T ∈ P2 (T )d for all T ∈ Th , hJvh KS , siL2 (S) = 0 for all s ∈ P1 (S) , S ∈ Sh ∩ Ω , (30) d hvh , siL2 (S) = 0 for all s ∈ P1 (S) , S ∈ Sh ∩ ΓD } , where J · KS denotes the jump across the side S. It is necessary to go to quadratic nonconforming elements since the linear nonconforming elements by Crouzeix-Raviart do not satisfy the discrete Korn’s inequality, in general, if ΓN 6= ∅. That such an inequality, which reads X X k∇vh k2L2 (T ) . kε(vh )k2L2 (T ) for all vh ∈ Vh , (31) T ∈Th T ∈Th holds for Vh = VhF S (under our assumption that ΓD 6= ∅) is a consequence of (Brenner, 2003, Thm. 3.1). The validity of (31) is required for the well-posedness of the variational formulation which now consists in finding S 2 uh ∈ VhF S and ph ∈ QF h := {qh ∈ L (Ω) : qh |T ∈ P1 (T )} such that 2µ X (ε(uh ), ε(vh ))L2 (T ) T ∈Th + X (ph , div vh )L2 (T ) = (f , vh ) + hg, vh i0,ΓN T ∈Th X T ∈Th (div uh , qh )L2 (T ) − (32) 1 (ph , qh ) = 0 λ S is valid for all vh ∈ VhF S , qh ∈ QF h . As was already described in the original papers by Fortin and Soulie (1983) and Fortin (1985), the quadratic C TH nonconforming space can be written as VhF S = VhT H + BN is h , where Vh (component-wise) the standard space of conforming quadratic elements and 11 C BN denotes (again component-wise) a suitable space of non-conforming h bubble functions. In the two-dimensional case, this non-conforming bubble space is given by C,2 BN = {bh ∈ L2 (Ω)2 : bh |T ∈ P2 (T )2 for all T ∈ Th , h hvh , siL2 (S) = 0 for all s ∈ P1 (S)2 , S ∈ Sh } , C,2 i.e., there is exactly one non-conforming bubble function in BN per trih C,2 angle. We denote the corresponding one-dimensional space by BN (T ). h In the three-dimensional case, the non-conforming bubble space is given by C,3 BN = {bh ∈ L2 (Ω)3 : bh |T ∈ P2 (T )3 for all T ∈ Th , h hvh , siL2 (S) = 0 for all s ∈ P1 (S)3 , S ∈ Sh } C,2 + {bh ∈ L2 (Ω)3 : bh |T ∈ P2 (T )3 for all T ∈ Th , vh |S ∈ BN (S) h and hJvh KS , siL2 (S) = 0 for all s ∈ P1 (S)3 , S ∈ Sh } . C,3 The first part of BN consists of exactly one non-conforming bubble funch C,3 tion per tetrahedra, again denoted by BN (T ). The second part is made h up of two-dimensional non-conforming bubble functions BhN C,2 (S) for each face S ∈ Sh extended suitably into the two neighboring tetrahedra. It should C be kept in mind that the representation VhF S = VhT H + BN is not a direct h sum. Globally constant functions can be expressed in two different ways in these subspaces, in general. Moreover, in the three-dimensional case, the representation of conforming piecewise linear functions is not unique. The following result was also already contained in the original papers by Fortin and Soulie (1983) and Fortin (1985) including the proof given below. Proposition 4.1. Assume that f ∈ L2 (Ω) is piecewise constant with respect to the triangulation Th of Ω ⊂ IRd , d = 2 or 3 and that g ∈ L2 (ΓN ) is piecewise linear with respect to the subset of sides Sh,N = Sh ∩ΓN associated with the Neumann boundary. If we denote by Sh,i = Sh ∩Ω the subset of sides e h (uh , ph ) = interior to the domain, then the (piecewise linear) stresses σ S 2µε(uh ) + ph I computed from the solution (uh , ph ) ∈ VhF S × QF of (29) h satisfy e h (uh , ph ) = 0 piecewise for all T ∈ Th , f + div σ (33) e h (uh , ph ) · n, ei iL2 (S) = 0 for all S ∈ Sh,N , hg − σ hJe σ h (uh , ph ) · nKS , ei iL2 (S) = 0 for all S ∈ Sh,i , where ei ∈ IRd denotes the i-th unit vector. 12 (34) C Proof. Inserting a nonconforming bubble function bT ∈ BN with support h restricted to T as test function into (32) leads to 0 = hg, bT i0,ΓN ∩∂T + (f , bT )L2 (T ) − (e σ h (uh , ph ), ε(bT ))L2 (T ) e h (uh , ph ), bT )L2 (T ) = hg, bT i0,ΓN ∩∂T − he σ h (uh , ph ) · n, bT i0,∂T + (f + div σ e h (uh , ph ), bT )L2 (T ) , = (f + div σ where the fact was used that hs, bT iL2 (S) = 0 for all s ∈ P1 (S)d , S ⊂ ∂T . e h (uh , ph ), constant on T , must therefore vanish. The term f + div σ For all test functions vh ∈ VhF S , we therefore get from (32) that X 0 = hg, vh iL2 (ΓN ) + (f , vh ) − (e σ h (uh , ph ), ε(vh ))L2 (T ) T ∈Th = X e h (uh , ph ) · n, vh iL2 (S) − hg − σ S∈Sh,N X hJe σ h (uh , ph ) · nKS , vh iL2 (S) S∈Sh,i holds. We pick one of the sides S ∈ Sh and choose the test function vh ∈ VhF S in such a way that in the sum above only the term associated with this particular side does not vanish. In two dimensions, this is achieved using a conforming piecewise quadratic function that vanishes on all edges besides S. In three dimensions, the non-conforming bubble function corresponding to the face S has the desired properties (note that Je σ h (uh , ph ) · nKS is of degree 1 on all faces). The symmetry properties of the chosen test functions with respect to S finally implies (34). e h (uh , ph ) proven in Proposition 4.1 can be used to The properties of σ d get an efficient stress reconstruction σ R h ∈ H(div, Ω) by Raviart-Thomas 1 elements of next-to-lowest order Πh . We will now explain how such a construction can be done in an element-wise fashion. In the two-dimensional case this is equivalent to the technique described in Kim (2012). The stress 1 reconstruction σ R h ∈ Πh is determined on each element T ∈ Th by the following conditions: σR σ h (uh , ph )}}S · n for all S ⊂ ∂T , h T · n = {{e (35) R div σ h = π 1h f , T T where {{ · }}S stands for the average value on S between the two adjacent elements (set {{e σ h (uh , ph )}}S · n = g on all sides S ⊂ ΓN ) and π 1h denotes 2 the L (Ω) projection onto the piecewise linear (possibly discontinuous) functions on Th . The first line in (35) coincides with the standard interpolation conditions on the sides S ⊂ ∂T for next-to-lowest order Raviart-Thomas elements, cf. (Boffi et al., 2013, Example 2.5.3). It remains to be shown that, 13 in the situation encountered here, the remaining d interpolation conditions in (Boffi et al., 2013, Example 2.5.3) are equivalent to the second line in (35). To this end, note that R (div σ R σ h (uh , ph ) · n, ei iL2 (∂T ) h , ei )L2 (T ) = hσ h · n, ei iL2 (∂T ) = he e h (uh , ph ), ei )L2 (T ) = (π 0h f , ei )L2 (T ) = (div σ holds, where (34) is used first line and (33) in the second line. This in the = π 0 f and the second condition of (35) consists means that π 0h (div σ R ) h T h T of only d linear equations at most which may be used to satisfy the remaining interpolation conditions. The construction is rather simple and consists of the following two steps: R,0 (i) Compute, on each element T , an affine function σ h ∈ P1 (T )d which T satisfies the first set of conditions in (35). These are d(d + 1) conditions for d(d + 1) coefficients and amounts to the assignment of the appropriate degrees of freedom depending on the finite element basis used. This results in an approximation σ R,0 ∈ H(div, Ω)d with σ R,0 · n = g on ΓN and h h R,0 piecewise constant divσ h (which may also be interpreted as approximation in the BDM1 space, cf. Kim (2012)). (ii) Update for better divergence approximation (if f is not constant on T ) by adjusting the coefficients associated with the interior degrees of freedom. The above reconstruction results in a stress approximation with similar properties as for the Hellinger-Reissner formulation using the Boffi-BrezziFortin elements studied at the end of Section 2. In particular, the momentum balance error is minimized and optimal order approximation of the stress is achieved with respect to the L2 (Ω) norm. Computational comparison for incompressible linear elasticity We close the part of this contribution associated with linear elasticity by some two-dimensional computational results in order to provide some insight on the actual behavior of the methods introduced above. Example 1. The underlying domain is a quadrilateral with vertices at (0, 0), (0.48, 0.44), (0.48, 0.6) and (0, 0.44), commonly known as Cook’s membrane. It is fixed (u = 0) at the left edge of the boundary (x1 = 0) while a uniform traction force pointing upwards (σ · n = (0, 1)) is applied at the right edge (x1 = 0.48). At the remaining part of the boundary it is kept in equilibrium (σ · n = 0). All the computations are done for the incompressible limit λ = ∞ while µ is set to 1. Figure 1 shows the initial triangulation with 44 elements. The results on a sequence of uniform refinements starting from this initial triangulation are compared for different methods. 14 Figure 1. Initial triangulation for Cook’s membrane Table 1 shows the resultant traction force Z n · (σ · n) ds ΓD in normal direction acting on the fixed left boundary part calculated from different finite element approximations of displacement-pressure type. Due to the divergence theorem the exact value is 0. Obviously, the evaluation of the Taylor-Hood and P2/P0 (piecewise constant pressure) approximations on the boundary does not reproduce this resultant traction force exactly while this is the case for the Fortin-Soulie approximations in accordance with Proposition 4.1. Another interpretation of these results is that the piecewise linear stress approximations in L2 (Ω)d×d are not suitable for their evaluation on the boundary, in general. For the non-conforming Fortin- 15 l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 |Th | 44 176 704 2816 11264 45056 180224 Taylor-Hood 3.8467 · 10−2 2.8816 · 10−2 2.0867 · 10−2 1.4829 · 10−2 1.0383 · 10−2 7.1988 · 10−3 4.9631 · 10−3 P2/P0 3.3047 · 10−2 2.4458 · 10−2 1.7671 · 10−2 1.2547 · 10−2 8.7743 · 10−3 6.0760 · 10−3 4.1841 · 10−3 Fortin-Soulie −4.0246 · 10−16 2.3592 · 10−16 2.3384 · 10−15 2.5180 · 10−14 −1.6708 · 10−14 −2.0714 · 10−13 −3.4016 · 10−13 Table 1. Resultant normal traction for displacement-pressure methods Soulie approximations, the trace on the Dirichlet boundary coincides with those associated with the recovered stress in H(div, Ω)d and does therefore produce a good approximation of the boundary tractions. Figure 2. Approximation of normal traction near singularity Figure 2 shows the quality of the normal traction approximation for different displacement-pressure elements (after six uniform refinements) in the neighborhood of the singularity at the left upper vertex of Cook’s membrane. The shaded graph is associated with the Taylor-Hood element pair, the dotted lines are for P2/P0 and the solid straight lines for the FortinSoulie elements. The black curve represents the correct traction force distribution and was computed on an adaptively refined triangulation by the 16 least squares approach of Section 3. Away from the singularity all approximations are quite accurate while severe differences are visible in the quality how well the singular behavior is resolved. The Fortin-Soulie does perform much better and therefore justifies its larger number of degrees of freedom. l 0 1 2 3 4 5 |Th | 44 176 704 2816 11264 45056 HR (BBF) −1.6676 · 10−13 −1.0358 · 10−12 1.5558 · 10−11 3.2884 · 10−10 1.8848 · 10−10 8.9723 · 10−9 LS (RT1/P2) 1.9608 · 10−4 9.2856 · 10−5 4.3819 · 10−5 2.0679 · 10−5 9.7529 · 10−6 4.6026 · 10−6 recov. from FS 7.6328 · 10−16 −9.7145 · 10−17 −4.8260 · 10−15 −1.5449 · 10−14 −6.0172 · 10−14 −2.2891 · 10−14 Table 2. Resultant normal traction for stress-based methods Table 2 lists the same quantities as Table 1 but this time compares the different methods from Sections 2, 3 and 4. Due to the exact momentum conservation, the approximations with the Boffi-Brezzi-Fortin elements based on the Hellinger-Reissner principle produce the resultant traction forces perfectly (up to roundoff errors). The first-order system least squares approach does not compute the resultant traction force exactly but to quite acceptable accuracy while the numbers associated with the recovered stresses from the Fortin-Soulie elements are again correct up to working precision. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the normal traction at the left boundary near the singularity for the three different approaches of Table 2 after five uniform refinements. The shaded graph belongs to the first-order system least squares approach which performs slightly worse than the two alternatives. The dotted lines are associated with the Hellinger-Reissner principle using the finite element combination of Boffi-Brezzi-Fortin and seem to resolve the singularity slightly better than the stresses recovered from the Fortin-Soulie elements (solid straight lines). Considering linear elasticity computations, the stress reconstruction approach is quite attractive since the global system that needs to be solved involves fewer unknowns and the reconstructed stresses are of a similar accuracy as those obtained with a mixed method of saddle-point or least-squares type. The situation may, however, be different for more complicated models where the stress is involved more directly. This is the case, for instance, in the context of inelastic behavior caused by stress components exceeding a certain limit where the direct treatment of stresses in the variational formulation is advantageous (cf. Reddy (1992) for a mixed approach of 17 Figure 3. Approximation of normal traction near singularity saddle-point type, Starke (2007); Schwarz et al. (2009) for a least-squares type approach). A comparison of the different approaches for the nonlinear problems arising in association with hyperelastic material models will be given in Section 5. 5 Extension to finite-strain Hyperelasticity In the previous sections, the linear elasticity model was considered which is derived under the assumption of small strains. Now we switch to the more general case of finite strains with hyperelastic material models. More details on the validity of these models and their mathematical aspects can be found, e.g. in (Ciarlet, 1988, Chp. 4). Based on the deformation gradient given by F = F (u) := I + ∇u, the left and right Cauchy-Green strain tensors are defined as B = B(u) := F (u)F (u)T and C = C(u) := F (u)T F (u), respectively. This nonlinear dependence of strains to displacements constitutes the geometrically nonlinear nature of this model. In addition, there is also a nonlinearity in the material law describing the relation between stresses and strains. This originates from a stored energy function ψ : IR3×3 sym → IR which generalizes (4) and is no longer quadratic. Again, we restrict ourselves to a homogeneous material which means that ψ does not explicitly depend on the location x ∈ Ω. 18 Minimizing the total energy Z Z Z I(v) := ψ(C(v)) dx − f · v dx − Ω Ω g · v ds (36) ΓN among all admissible displacements v ∈ V for some suitable space V is again equivalent to finding a solution u ∈ V of the variational problem (P (u), ∇v) = (f , v) + hg, vi0,ΓN for all v ∈ V , (37) where P (u) := ∂F ψ(C)(u) denotes the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. We assume that our problem is sufficiently regular so that we can choose V = WΓ1,p (Ω)3 for p > 2 as our solution space for (37). In that case, we D may also write (37) as a first-order system as − div P = f in Ω P = ∂F ψ(C) P · n = g on ΓN , in Ω (38) u = 0 on ΓD . The first equation in (38) is an immediate consequence of the physically necessary conservation of linear momentum for a static problem. Conservation of angular momentum for a static problem leads additionally to the symmetry of P (u)F (u)T which is implicitly contained in the formulations (37) and (38). For homogeneous isotropic materials it is possible to express the stored energy function ψ by a function ψ̃ : R3 → R, depending on three terms I1 , I2 , I3 : R3×3 → R, i.e., ψ(C) = ψ̃(I1 (C), I2 (C), I3 (C)), C = FTF, (39) with the principal invariants I1 (C) := tr(C), I2 (C) := tr(Cof C) and I3 (C) := det C (cf. (Simo, Thm. 31.1 and Ex. 31.2)). Introducing the so-called Kirchhoff stress tensor τ := P F T , a simple calculation then leads to ! ∂ ψ̃ ∂ ψ̃ ∂ ψ̃ 2 ∂ ψ̃ I3 (B)I + 2 + I1 (B) B − 2 B =: G(B) (40) τ =2 ∂I3 ∂I1 ∂I2 ∂I2 or, equivalently, for the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor Σ := F −1 P : ! ∂ ψ̃ ∂ ψ̃ ∂ ψ̃ ∂ ψ̃ + I1 (C) I − 2 C +2 I3 (C)C −1 := G̃(C), (41) Σ=2 ∂I1 ∂I2 ∂I2 ∂I3 19 where G and G̃ are mappings from strains into stresses, similar as the fourthorder elasticity tensor C in linear elasticity. In the following we assume that G(I) = 0 = G̃(I), i.e. the reference configuration is stress-free, and that G, G̃ 0 are continuously differentiable in the identity matrix with G 0 (I)[E] = 21 CE = G̃ 0 (I)[E], i.e. consistency of the nonlinear model with the model of linear elasticity (cf. (Ciarlet, 1988, Sect. 3.8)). Since the elasticity tensor C itself is an isomorphism, the mappings G 0 (I) = 12 C and G̃ 0 (I) = 21 C are also isomorphisms. Thus the local inversion theorem (cf. (Ciarlet, 1988, Thm. 1.2-4)) is applicable and guarantees that the inverse mappings G −1 (τ ) and G̃ −1 (Σ) are well-defined in a neighborhood of τ = 0 and Σ = 0, respectively. Using these considerations we can modify the strong formulation (38) into div P + f = 0 G −1 T (P F (u) ) − B(u) = 0 in Ω, in Ω, (42) P · n = g on ΓN , u = 0 on ΓD using the representation in B or into G̃ −1 −1 (F (u) div P + f = 0 in Ω, P ) − C(u) = 0 in Ω, (43) P · n = g on ΓN , u = 0 on ΓD using the representation in C. Both systems are at least well-defined for small stresses. 5.1 A least squares finite element method for isotropic hyperelastic materials Since G 0 (I) = G̃ 0 (I) = 21 C, the implicit function theorem tells us that (G −1 )0 (0) = (G̃ −1 )0 (0) = 2C −1 . This means that we encounter the same problem as in the linear case, namely, that G −1 and G̃ −1 are not invertible anymore in the incompressible limit. Due to this observation we use the notation A and à instead of G −1 and G̃ −1 in (42) and (43). With this in mind we introduce for P = P N + P̂ ∈ W q (div; Ω)3 + WΓqN (div; Ω)3 (with P N · n = g on ΓN ), u ∈ WΓ1,p (Ω)3 and f ∈ Lq (Ω)3 , p, q ≥ 4 sufficiently D large, the nonlinear operators div P + f , R(P , u) := A(P F (u)T ) − B(u) (44) div P + f R̃(P , u) := Ã(F (u)−1 P ) − C(u) 20 for (42) and (43), respectively. Based on these operators we define nonlinear least squares functionals F(P , u) := kR(P , u)k2 = kdiv P + f k2 + kA(P F (u)T ) − B(u)k2 (45) for the formulation in B and F̃(P , u) := kR̃(P , u)k2 = kdiv P + f k2 + kÃ(F (u)−1 P ) − C(u)k2 (46) for the formulation in C. 5.2 Gauss-Newton iterative method In the following we restrict ourselves to the minimization problem (45) corresponding to the B-formulation. All further steps below can be handled similarly for the C-formulation. The minimization of (45) is carried out iteratively solving a sequence of linearized least squares problems. Since the operator R(P , u) is continuously differentiable with respect to (P , u), we can linearize it around a given approximation (P (k) , u(k) ) ∈ P N +WΓqN (div; Ω)3 ×WΓ1,p (Ω)3 . The resulting linearized least squares funcD (k) tional depending on (P , u(k) ) is given by F lin (Q, v) = F lin (Q, v; R(P (k) , u(k) )) := kR(P (k) , u(k) ) + R0 (P (k) , u(k) )[Q, v]k2 . (47) The minimizer (Q(k) , u(k) ) of (47) is then sought in a suitable normed function space ΠΓN × VΓD , provided that the values q and p are chosen sufficiently large such that R(P (k) , u(k) ) and also R0 (P (k) , u(k) )[Q, v] are contained in L2 (Ω)3 × L2 (Ω)3×3 . The linearized minimization problem (47) is equivalent to the variational problem of finding (Q(k) , v(k) ) ∈ ΠΓN × VΓD such that B((Q(k) , v(k) ), (Q̂, v̂)) = − R(P (k) , u(k) ), R0 (P (k) , u(k) )[Q̂, v̂] (48) holds for all (Q̂, v̂) ∈ ΠΓN × VΓD . The bilinear form in (48) is defined on ΠΓN × VΓD and given by B((Q, v), (Q̂, v̂)) := R0 (P (k) , u(k) )[Q, v], R0 (P (k) , u(k) )[Q̂, v̂] . (49) For the numerical implementation, a finite dimensional space Πh × Vh ⊂ (0) (0) ΠΓN × VΓD is chosen. Starting with an initial guess (P h , uh ) ∈ P N + WΓqN (div; Ω)3 × WΓ1,p (Ω)3 and setting k = 0, the discrete analogue of (48) D 21 (k) (k) is then solved in Πh × Vh to obtain the correction term (Qh , vh ). Afterwards the new iterate is set to (k+1) (P h (k+1) , uh (k) (k) (k) (k) ) = (P h , uh ) + α(k) (Qh , vh ) (k) (k) where α(k) > 0 describes the step length in the direction (Qh , vh ). The described approach is the well-known Gauss-Newton method combined with a line search strategy, cf. (Nocedal and Wright, 2006, Chp. 3 and Sect. 10.3). For instance, for the determination of a suitable step length one can use a backtracking line search approach, cf. (Nocedal and Wright, 2006, Alg. (k+1) (k+1) (k+1) 3.1). The new iterate (P h , uh ) automatically satisfies P h ·n = g (k+1) on ΓN and uh = 0 on ΓD . An alternative approach for minimizing the linearized problems of the form (47) in finite dimensional spaces is the usage of the Levenberg-Marquardt method which replaces the line search with a trust-region method, cf. (Nocedal and Wright, 2006, Chp. 4 and Sect. 10.3). Considering (48) and (49) one has to evaluate the nonlinear operator R locally for given (P h , uh ) at each quadrature point for a numerical implementation. Due to the representations in (44) the problematical part is the evaluation of A. A remedy, which works independently of the used stored energy function, is to solve the problem G(B) = τ h for given τ h := P h F (uh )T with the help of Newton’s method. Assuming a finite λ and a sufficiently small τ h , the sequence of Newton iterations is given by B(j+1) = B(j) + ∆(j) , where ∆(j) ∈ R3×3 is the solution of G 0 (B(j) )[∆(j) ] = τ h − G(B(j) ). (50) The initial guess B(0) = I ∈ R3×3 is at least for small (P h , uh ) reasonable, since for (P h , uh ) = (0, 0) the solution is given by B = I. The equation (50) can be solved with the help of a linear system of equations with nine unknowns, where the matrix on the left-hand side depends on the old approximation B(j) and the right-hand side depends on (P h , uh ) and B(j) . Applying Newton’s method on each quadrature point and on each element of the triangulation is numerically expensive. For a special neo-Hookean material which we consider in the next section it is possible to evaluate the operator A locally without using Newton’s method. Moreover, one can take the limit λ → ∞ in the operator A and can even set λ = ∞ in this model. 22 5.3 Least squares formulation for neo-Hookean model The method described in Section 5.1 works generally for an arbitrary isotropic stored energy function ψ, provided that the stresses are not too large such that invertibility of the operators G and G̃ in (40) and (41) is ensured. In this section we consider an isotropic material of neo-Hookean type described by ψ̃N H (I1 , I3 ) = αI1 + βI3 − γ ln(I3 ), 2 α, β, γ > 0, with stored energy function ψN H (C) = α tr(C) + β det(C) − γ ln(det C) 2 via (39) (cf. (Ciarlet, 1988, sect. 4.10)). With the derivatives ∂ ψ̃N H ∂I2 = 0, ∂ ψ̃N H ∂I3 =β− γ 2I3 (51) ∂ ψ̃N H ∂I1 = α, and equations (40) and (41) we achieve GN H (B) = 2αB + (2β det B − γ)I, G̃N H (C) = 2αI + (2β det C − γ)C −1 . (52) −1 −1 With AN H = GN H and ÃN H = G̃N H denoting the corresponding inverses, we end up with the nonlinear operators div P + f RN H (P , u) := , AN H (P F (u)T ) − B(u) div P + f R̃N H (P , u) := ÃN H (F (u)−1 P ) − C(u) (53) in the Neo-Hooke case. The derivatives of (52) are given by 0 GN H (B)[E] = 2αE + 2β(Cof B : E)I, −1 0 G̃N − (2β det C − γ)C −1 EC −1 . H (C)[E] = 2β(Cof C : E)C (54) 1 0 The conditions GN H (I) = 0 and GN H (I)[E] = 2 CE (or G̃N H (I) = 0 and 1 0 G̃N H (I)[E] = 2 CE, respectively) lead to a linear system of equations for the determination of α, β, γ which is uniquely solvable through α= µ , 2 β= λ , 4 23 γ =µ+ λ . 2 (55) The derivatives in (54) can be directly inverted. After inserting the coefficients (55) in (54), the inverses are given by λ 1 0 −1 Σ− (Cof B : Σ)I , GN H (B) [Σ] = µ 2µ + λ tr(Cof B) 1 0 −1 G̃N [Σ] = (56) H (C) λ µ + 2 (1 − det C) λ(det C)2 C Σ− (Cof C −1 : Σ)C −1 C. 2µ + λ(1 + 2 det C) The inverses are very helpful for the direct calculation of R0N H (P , u)[Q, v] div Q = A0N H (P F (u)T )[QF (u)T + P (∇v)T ] − (∇v)F (u)T − F (u)(∇v)T and R̃0N H (P , u)[Q, v], respectively. Inserting B = I = C in (56) for finite λ −1 −1 0 0 [Σ], as expected. For λ → ∞ [Σ] = 2C −1 Σ = G̃N leads to GN H (I) H (I) the first equation in (56) becomes 1 1 0 −1 Σ− (Cof B : Σ)I GN H (B) [Σ] = µ tr(Cof B) and coincides for B = I with 2 AΣ from the linear elasticity case. The well0 −1 posedness of G̃N for given strain C := ÃN H (Σ) and the identity H (C) 0 −1 G̃N H (C) = 2A for λ → ∞ will be discussed later. Local evaluation of AN H and ÃN H We have seen at the end of Section 5.1 that we must evaluate AN H (P F (u)T ) in the B-formulation in each quadrature point. Analogously we have to evaluate ÃN H (F (u)−1 P ) locally using the formulation in C. For both formulations one can evaluate AN H (P F (u)T ) and ÃN H (F (u)−1 P ) directly without using Newton’s method as described in the sequel: For the B-formulation on the one hand, given any stress tensor τ ∈ R3×3 , the corresponding strain B := AN H (τ ) ∈ R3×3 can be determined via 1 dev τ 1 B = dev B + tr(B)I = + tr(B)I 3 µ 3 (57) with tr(B) solution of (tr(B))3 + S tr(B) + T = 0, 24 (58) depending on the coefficients 18µ 9 tr(Cof (dev τ )) + , 2 µ λ 2µ 1 2 det(dev τ ) − 1 − T = 27 − tr(τ ) . µ3 λ 3λ S= (59) A detailed derivation of (57) and (58) can be found in Müller et al. (2014). 3 2 If the discriminant D := S3 + T2 is positive, the cubic equation (58) has only one real solution and we obtain exactly one reasonable strain which corresponds to the given stress. For the C-formulation on the other hand , given any stress tensor Σ ∈ R3×3 , the corresponding strain C := ÃN H (Σ) ∈ R3×3 can be determined via C = ρ(Σ − µI)−1 , (60) provided that Σ − µI is invertible. The parameter ρ in (60) is solution of ρ3 + S ρ + T = 0 (61) with coefficients 2 S := − det(Σ − µI), λ 2µ T := − 1 + det(Σ − µI) , λ (62) cf. (Wriggers, 2008, Sect. 10.3). Provided that the discriminant of (61) is positive, we get again one real solution for ρ and a unique real strain tensor C corresponding to the given stress tensor Σ can be easily computed. One remarkable fact in the cubic equations (58) and (61) is that we can take also the limit λ → ∞ here. In fact, we can also set λ = ∞. In this case all fractions with λ in the denominator in the coefficients (59) and (62) vanish. With this in mind, we can come back to the discussion of the well-posedness 0 −1 of G̃N for given strain C := ÃN H (Σ) in the incompressible limit H (C) λ → ∞. Inserting (62) into (61) we obtain 2 2µ ρ3 = det(Σ − µI) ρ + 1 + det(Σ − µI) λ λ and with the help of (60) we can conclude that 2 2µ −1 det C = det ÃN H (Σ) = ρ3 det ((Σ − µI) ) = ρ + 1 + λ λ holds. Due to p λ λ 2 2µ λ→∞ µ + (1 − det C) = µ + − ρ− = −ρ → − 3 det(Σ − µI) , 2 2 λ λ 25 the second equation of (56) remains well-posed for λ → ∞ with 0 −1 0 −1 G̃N [Q] = G̃N [Q] H (ÃN H (Σ)) H (C) (det C)2 1 −1 −1 C Q − = p (Cof C : Q)C C. 1 + 2 det C − 3 det(Σ − µI) Inpthe case Σ = 0 (corresponding to C = ÃN H (0) = I) this leads to 0 −1 = 2A from the linear elasticity − 3 det(0 − µI) = µ and hence G̃N H (I) case for λ → ∞. Combining the neo-Hookean model (51) with the firstorder systems (42) and (43) we have thus established a formulation which allows us to consider fully incompressible materials. Analysis of the formulation in B Based on the convex sets Π∞ := {Q ∈ L∞ (Ω)3 : kQkL∞ (Ω) ≤ δ} ∩ (P N + WΓ4N (div; Ω)3 ), V∞ := {u ∈ W 1,∞ (Ω)3 : k∇ukL∞ (Ω) ≤ δ} ∩ WΓ1,4 (Ω)3 D (63) again with P N ∈ W ∞ (div; Ω)3 satisfying P N · n = g on ΓN , one can prove for the first-order system operator RN H (cf. (44) with A = AN H locally defined by (57), (58) and (59)) the estimates kRN H (Q̂, v̂) − RN H (Q, v)k2 . kQ̂ − Qk2H(div; Ω) + kv̂ − vk2H 1 (Ω) kRN H (Q̂, v̂) − RN H (Q, v)k2 & kQ̂ − Qk2H(div; Ω) + kv̂ − vk2H 1 (Ω) , (64) provided that (Q̂, v̂), (Q, v) ∈ Π∞ × V∞ with sufficient small δ, cf. (Müller et al., 2014, Thm. 4.4). In particular, (64) holds uniformly for λ → ∞. Inserting the exact solution (P , u) ∈ Π∞ × V∞ with RN H (P , u) = 0 as (Q, v) and an approximation (P h , uh ) ∈ Π∞ ×V∞ as (Q̂, v̂) in (64) directly leads to k(P − P h , u − uh )k2V . FN H (P h , uh ) . k(P − P h , u − uh )k2V (65) with V := HΓN (div; Ω)3 × HΓ1D (Ω)3 . The coercivity and continuity of the nonlinear least squares functional FN H (P h , uh ) = kRN H (P h , uh )k2 in (65) justifies its use as an a posteriori error estimator. The left inequality in (65) implies the reliability while the right inequality stands for the efficiency. Since the constants in (65) are independent of λ, the approach (45) combined with the neo-Hookean stored energy function (51) is (Poisson) locking-free. Equation (65) also leads to a priori error estimates. For instance, if we 3 combine, for some l ≥ 1, Raviart-Thomas elements Πlh := (RT l−1 (Th )) ⊂ 26 Π∞ ⊂ H(div; Ω)3 for the approximation of P h with continuous elements 3 Vhl := (Pl (Th )) ⊂ V∞ ⊂ H 1 (Ω)3 for the approximation of uh and let (P h , uh ) be the minimizer of FN H (Qh , vh ) among all (Qh , vh ) ∈ Πlh ×Vhl ⊂ H(div; Ω)3 × H 1 (Ω)3 , then we obtain 1 k(P − P h , u − uh )kV . (FN H (P h , uh )) 2 n o 1 = inf (FN H (Qh , vh )) 2 : (Qh , vh ) ∈ Πlh × Vhl . k(P − ρh P , u − rh u)kV 12 . hl kP k2H l (Ω) + kdiv P k2H l (Ω) + kuk2H l+1 (Ω) (66) under the assumption that P ∈ Π∞ ∩ H l (Ω)3×3 with div P ∈ H l (Ω)3 , u ∈ V∞ ∩H l+1 (Ω)3 and (P h , uh ) ∈ Π∞ ×V∞ holds. Here ρh and rh denote the usual interpolation operators for the Raviart-Thomas and the standard conforming finite elements, respectively, cf. (Boffi et al., 2013, Sects. 2.2 and 2.5). Under these assumptions the square of the error k(P − P h , u − uh )k2V − 2l and the least squares functional FN H both are proportional to h2l ∼ nt d as h → 0, where nt denotes the number of elements in the triangulation Th . Accuracy of balance of momentum in the nonlinear case We investigate the generalization of Theorem 3.2 to the hyperelastic situation. To this end, we assume that the linearized problem div σ + f = 0 , R02 (P , u)[σ, υ] (67) = 0(= R2 (P , u)) has the following regularity properties, similar to those stated at the end of Section 1 for the linear elasticity problem: For any f ∈ L2 (Ω)3 , the solution (σ, υ) ∈ HΓN (div, Ω)d × HΓ1D (Ω)d of (67) satisfies (σ, υ) ∈ H α (Ω)d×d × H 1+α (Ω)d with kσkH α (Ω) + kυkH 1+α (Ω) ≤ CR kf k (68) for some constant CR > 0 and α > 0. Theorem 5.1. Under our regularity assumptions, the momentum balance accuracy associated with the first-order system least squares approximation for the Neo-Hooke model satisfies α LS kdivP LS kP − P LS h +f k . h h k + k∇u − ∇uh k + inf kf −zh k. (69) zh ∈Zh 27 Proof. Starting as in the proof of Theorem 3.2, we arrive at kdiv P LS h + f k ≤ sup zh ∈Zh (div (P LS h − P ), zh ) + kf − π h f k . kzh k (70) LS 2 Recalling that (P LS h , uh ) ∈ Πh × Vh minimizes kR(P h , uh )k (and that R(P , u) = 0), we have LS LS 0 LS (R(P , u) − R(P LS h , uh ), R (P h , uh )[Qh , vh ]) = 0 (71) for all (Qh , vh ) ∈ Πh × Vh , where R0 (P , u)[Q, v] div Q = A0 (P F (u)T )[QF (u)T + P (∇v)T ] − F (u)(∇v)T − ∇vF (u)T div Q =: . R02 (P , u)[Q, v] We replace the auxiliary boundary value problem (23) by the following: Find Ξ ∈ HΓN (div, Ω)3 and η ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)3 such that div Ξ = zh , R02 (P , u)[Ξ, η] =0 (72) holds. For arbitrary Ξh ∈ Πh with div Ξh = zh and η h ∈ Vh , we obtain from (71) that (div (P − P LS h ), zh ) = (div (P − P LS h ), div Ξ) = (div (P − P LS h ), div Ξ) LS 0 + (R2 (P , u) − R2 (P LS h , uh ), R2 (P , u)[Ξ, η]) = (div (P − P LS h ), div Ξ − div Ξh ) LS LS 0 0 LS + (R2 (P , u) − R2 (P LS h , uh ), R2 (P , u)[Ξ, η] − R2 (P h , uh )[Ξh , η h ]) LS LS LS 0 0 = (R2 (P , u) − R2 (P LS h , uh ), R2 (P , u)[Ξ, η] − R2 (P h , uh )[Ξh , η h ]) holds. Combining this with (70) leads to LS LS kdiv P LS h + fh k ≤ kR2 (P , u) − R2 (P h , uh )k sup Ξ LS kR02 (P , u)[Ξ, η] − R02 (P LS h , uh )[Ξh , η h ]k . kdiv Ξk 28 (73) The second term in (73) can be bounded further as LS kR02 (P , u)[Ξ, η] − R02 (P LS h , uh )[Ξh , η h ]k ≤ kR02 (P , u)[Ξ − Ξh , η − η h ]k + k(R02 (P , u) − LS R02 (P LS h , uh ))[Ξh , η h ]k (74) . The first term in (74) may be bounded using (Müller et al., 2014, Lemma 4.3) to get kR02 (P , u)[Ξ − Ξh , η − η h ]k . kΞ − Ξh k + kη − η h k . hα kdiv ηk using our regularity assumption. For the second term in (74), LS k(R02 (P , u) − R02 (P LS h , uh ))[Ξh , η h ]k LS ∞ (Ω) + k∇(u − u ∞ (Ω) . kP − P LS k )k (kΞh k + k∇η h k) L L h h . hα kdiv ηk can be shown in a similar way using the expression for R0N H below (56). This finishes the proof of (69). Stress reconstruction in the nonlinear case In analogy to (28) one may consider a displacement-pressure finite element approach to the nonlinear variational problem (37) associated with hyperelasticity. In the case of a neo-Hookean model with λ 2 P (u) = µ F (u) − F (u)−T + (det F (u)) − 1 F (u)−T , (75) 2 a pressure-like variable p= λ 2 (det F (u)) − 1 2 may be introduced leading to the system µ F (u) − F (u)−T , ∇v + p F (u)−T , ∇v = (f , v) + hg, vi0,ΓN 1 1 (det F (u))2 − 1 , q − (p, q) = 0 2 λ (76) to hold for all v and q in suitable test spaces. In order to allow for general u ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)3 and to keep the pressure space as big as possible, one may 29 rewrite (75) slightly as Cof F (u) P (u) = µ F (u) − det F (u) λ 1 + det F (u) − Cof F (u) 2 det F (u) (77) and define the pressure variable as λ 1 p= det F (u) − . 2 det F (u) This is motivated by the fact that, for u ∈ H 1 (Ω)3 and under the additional assumption that Cof F (u) ∈ L2 (Ω)3×3 , we have det F (u) ∈ L1 (Ω), see (Ciarlet, 1988, Thm. 7.6-1). The assumption on the co-factor is not as restrictive as it seems since it is usually fulfilled for the solutions associated with edge singularities at re-entrant corners. For the same reason, one may also assume that (det F (u))−1 ∈ L∞ (Ω) which suggests the well-posedness of the following system: Find u ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)3 and p ∈ L1 (Ω) such that Cof F (u) , ∇v µ F (u) − det F (u) +(p Cof F (u), ∇v) = (f , v) + hg, vi0,ΓN 1 1 1 det F (u) − , q − (p, q) = 0 2 det F (u) λ (78) for all v ∈ HΓ1D (Ω)3 and q ∈ L∞ (Ω). In the small-strain limit, (79) (as well as (76)) turns into the displacement-pressure formulation of linear elasticity (28). The discrete problem consists in finding uh ∈ Vh and ph ∈ Qh such that Cof F (uh ) µ F (uh ) − , ∇vh det F (uh ) +(ph Cof F (uh ), ∇vh ) = (f , vh ) + hg, vh i0,ΓN (79) 1 1 1 det F (uh ) − , qh − (ph , qh ) = 0 2 det F (uh ) λ for all vh ∈ Vh and qh ∈ Qh . It is natural to use the same combination of spaces Vh and Qh as in the linear case although the compatibility is not guaranteed. However, the investigations in Auricchio et al. (2010) and Auricchio et al. (2013) indicate that at least some of these finite element 30 spaces (like Taylor-Hood) are also safe to use in the hyperelastic case for incompressible materials. The stability and approximation properties of the Fortin-Soulie elements (in combination with piecewise linear pressure) for hyperelastic models with incompressible materials needs still to be investigated. But even if the approximation quality is similar to the linear elasticity case, the stress reconstruction procedure is more involved. The stress e h (uh , ph ) = µ F (uh ) − F (uh )−T + ph F (uh )−T P associated with a piecewise quadratic uh and piecewise linear ph is certainly not piecewise linear and therefore does not satisfy the properties of Proposition 4.1. The element-wise stress reconstruction procedure by Kim (2012) is therefore not immediately applicable in the nonlinear case. The stress reconstruction can be expected to be more involved for hyperelastic material models speaking in favour of our first-order system approach which produces accurate stress approximations simultaneously. 5.4 Computational results For the confirmation of our theoretical results, we consider some two- and three-dimensional examples. Although the three-dimensional situation is, of course, more realistic from an application point of view, two-dimensional computations have the advantage that the asymptotic behavior is more accessible. Two-dimensional numerical tests We start with the two-dimensional case and use a plane strain configuration, meaning that the displacement components u1 and u2 of u depend only on x1 and x2 and the component u3 is constant. In this situation the deformation gradient becomes 1 + ∂1 u1 ∂2 u1 0 1 + ∂2 u2 0 . F = F (u) = I + ∇u = ∂1 u2 0 0 1 Due to the definition of the Cauchy-Green strain tensors B = F F T and C = F T F , they have the same structure as F . Moreover, also the stress tensor P has this structure (see (40) and (41)). Our numerical simulations in the plane strain situation may therefore be based on a two-dimensional domain with planar Raviart-Thomas elements for the first two rows of P and piecewise polynomial functions without any continuity requirement for 31 the remaining nonzero entry P33 of P . For the displacement components u1 and u2 we can use continuous piecewise polynomial functions. In fact, we use next-to-lowest-order Raviart-Thomas elements RT1 (Th ) for the plane stress field, piecewise linear discontinuous elements DP1 (Th ) for P33 and conforming, piecewise quadratic, finite elements P2 (Th ) for each displacement component. Thus our finite dimensional space is altogether given by Πh × Vh := RT1 (Th )2 × DP 1 (Th ) × P2 (Th )2 . Example 2. In this example we consider again the polygonal Cook’s membrane domain as in Section 4. With respect to the vertices (0, 0), (48, 44), (48, 60) and (0, 44), the left part of the boundary is again used as ΓD := {(0, x2 ) : 0 < x2 < 44} and the remaining boundary as ΓN . The volume force is set to f = 0 and for the surface force, g = 0 is prescribed on the upper and lower part of ΓN and g = (0, γ load )T with γ load ∈ R on the right part ΓR := {(48, x2 ) : 44 < x2 < 60} of ΓN . We choose µ = 1 and λ = ∞ as Lamé constants, i.e. we simulate a fully incompressible material which is the numerical most challenging case. We use the formulation in B and as load value γ load = 0.05. Before we present some numerical results, note that the exact solution (P , u) of this problem is not in Π∞ ×V∞ , since at the point (0, 44) the boundary condition changes from hard clamped (u = 0) to stress-free (P · n = 0) and the interior angle is larger than the critical one, cf. Rössle (2000). Although the regularity assumptions in (63) are not satisfied for the exact solution, we see in Table 3 that the nonlinear least squares functional FN H works reasonable as a posteriori error estimator. nt 186 275 390 559 821 1211 1796 2622 dim Πh 2378 3525 5010 7189 10583 15633 23208 33918 dim Vh 784 1150 1620 2314 3374 4954 7324 10656 FN H (P h , uh ) 2.9972 · 10−2 1.4042 · 10−2 6.7178 · 10−3 3.2427 · 10−3 1.5525 · 10−3 7.3322 · 10−4 3.3695 · 10−4 1.4855 · 10−4 (order) (1.939) (2.110) (2.023) (1.916) (1.930) (1.973) (2.165) Table 3. Convergence rates of FN H with adaptive refinement (2d) 32 Figure 4. Adaptively refined triangulation for Cook’s membrane In the last column of Table 3 the approximation order (l+1) (l+1) (l) (l) log FN H P h , uh − log FN H P h , uh (l) (l+1) log nt − log nt (l) (l) of FN H is listed. Here (P h , uh ) := (P h , uh ) denotes the approximated (l) solution and nt := nt the number of elements on level l ∈ N ∪ {0}. One observes that the optimal convergence rate of 2 is achieved using adaptive 33 nt 186 744 2976 11904 47616 dim Πh 2378 9592 38528 154432 618368 FN H (P h , uh ) 2.9972 · 10−2 1.3800 · 10−2 6.4895 · 10−3 3.0743 · 10−3 1.4538 · 10−3 dim Vh 784 3056 12064 47936 191104 (order) (0.559) (0.544) (0.539) (0.540) Table 4. Convergence rates of FN H with uniform refinement (2d) refinement. Figure 4 shows the mesh after four adaptive refinement steps resulting in a triangulation with 821 triangles. In Table 4 the approximation order using uniform refinement is illustrated. Obviously the optimal convergence rate is not reached and adaptive refinement is superior. This is as expected due to the singularity at (0, 44). nt 186 275 390 559 821 1211 1796 2622 adaptive refinement kdiv(P − P h )k2 (order) 8.3534 · 10−9 1.9602 · 10−9 (3.707) 4.5544 · 10−10 (4.177) 1.0488 · 10−10 (4.079) 2.3596 · 10−11 (3.881) 4.9448 · 10−12 (4.021) 9.4024 · 10−13 (4.212) 1.4687 · 10−13 (4.907) nt 186 744 2976 11904 47616 uniform refinement kdiv(P − P h )k2 (order) 8.3534 · 10−9 1.9315 · 10−9 (1.056) 4.4487 · 10−10 (1.059) 1.0116 · 10−10 (1.068) 2.2323 · 10−11 (1.090) Table 5. Improved convergence rates for balance of momentum (2d) In Table 5 we can confirm numerically that the convergence rate of the term kdiv(P − P h )k2 = kdiv P h + f k2 is approximately doubled, regardless of using uniform or adaptive refinement. Furthermore the values itself are close to zero which means that the approximations satisfy the conservation of linear momentum quite well. Besides the convergence rates we are interested in the quality of the surface traction forces resulting from our stress approximations. The distribution of the normal component of the traction force acting at the left boundary is shown in Figure 5. For a closer R investigation of the accuracy of these quantities we focus on the integral ΓD P · n ds which constitutes the resultant force acting on the left hand boundary segment. Due to f = 0, 34 Figure 5. Normal traction at left boundary for Cook’s membrane γ load = 0.0005 7.9750 · 10−3 7.9881 · 10−3 7.9944 · 10−3 7.9973 · 10−3 7.9987 · 10−3 R Table 6. Comparison of ΓD P21 ds nt 186 744 2976 11904 47616 the divergence theorem implies Z Z Z P · n ds = − P · n ds = − ΓD ΓN ΓR γ load = 0.05 7.9764 · 10−1 7.9886 · 10−1 7.9945 · 10−1 7.9974 · 10−1 7.9988 · 10−1 for different load values g ds = 0 −γ load |ΓR | . (80) With the outward normal n = (−1, 0)T of ΓD , the load values γ load ∈ {0.0005, 0.05} and |ΓR | = 16 it follows immediately that ( Z 8 · 10−3 , γ load = 0.0005 load P21 ds = 16γ = 8 · 10−1 , γ load = 0.05 ΓD holds for the second entry in (80). One observes in Table 6 that the least squares approach does in both cases produce quite satisfactory approximations to the resultant force. 35 Three-dimensional numerical tests For fully three-dimensional examples we use the finite-dimensional spaces 3 3 Πh × Vh := (RT1 (Th )) × (P2 (Th )) on a tetrahedral decomposition of the given domain. Example 3. We consider a three-dimensional Cook membrane problem. For this purpose we expand the two-dimensional domain of Example 2 in x3 -direction with thickness 5. Thus the three-dimensional polyhedral domain is defined through the vertices (0, 0, 0), (48, 44, 0), (48, 60, 0), (0, 44, 0), (0, 0, 5), (48, 44, 5), (48, 60, 5) and (0, 44, 5). We split the boundary Γ = ∂Ω into the left lateral face ΓD := {(0, x2 , x3 ) : 0 < x2 < 44, 0 < x3 < 5} and ΓN consisting of the remaining five lateral faces. We clamp the body on ΓD and apply a surface force g = (0, γ load , 0)T with load value γ load ∈ R on the right part of the boundary ΓR := {(48, x2 , x3 ) : 44 < x2 < 60, 0 < x3 < 5}. On the other parts of ΓN no surface forces act (g = 0). As body force density we use f = 0, choose γ load = 0.05 and Lamé constants µ = 1, λ = ∞, i.e. we consider again a fully incompressible material. Figure 6 shows the mesh after three adaptive refinement steps resulting in a triangulation with 2892 tetrahedra. The concentration of the refinement in the vicinity of the singularity at the edge at x1 = 0 and x2 = 44 is clearly visible. In Tables 7 and 8 the numerically obtained convergence rates corresponding to FN H (P h , uh ) and kdiv(P − P h )k2 using adaptive and uniform refinement, respectively, can be compared. One observes in Table 7 that we obtain good convergence rates, close to the optimal value 4 3 , for the nonlinear functional using adaptive refinement. Moreover we see, similar as in the two-dimensional example, that the convergence for the balance of momentum is significantly faster than for the overall functional. Moreover, the value kdiv(P − P h )k2 on each considered level is again close to zero, i.e. linear momentum is conserved quite well. Similar as in theRtwo-dimensional example we consider again the boundary integral values ΓD P · n ds. Due to |ΓR | = 16 · 5 = 80 the exact values are Z 0 Val1 0 −1 Val2 := − P · 0 ds = 80γ load = 4 ΓD 0 0 Val3 0 following the same calculations as in the two-dimensional derivation. We can observe in Table 9 that our least squares approach yields already on a coarse mesh good approximations to the resultant forces and converges to the correct values. 36 Figure 6. Adaptively refined triangulation for the 3D Cook’s membrane nt 880 1410 1928 2892 dim Πh 22968 37161 50859 76734 dim Vh 4104 6321 8607 12576 FN H (P h , uh ) 3.8682 · 10−1 2.0062 · 10−1 1.3179 · 10−1 8.1998 · 10−2 (order) (1.393) (1.343) (1.170) kdiv(P − P h )k2 2.3313 · 10−7 4.8949 · 10−8 1.8969 · 10−8 5.7679 · 10−9 (order) (3.311) (3.030) (2.936) Table 7. Convergence rates of FN H and kdiv(P − P h )k2 with adaptive refinement (3d) nt 880 7040 dim Πh 22968 186912 dim Vh 4104 30384 FN H (P h , uh ) 3.8682 · 10−1 1.3719 · 10−1 (order) (0.498) kdiv(P − P h )k2 2.3313 · 10−7 3.3031 · 10−8 (order) (0.940) 2 Table 8. Convergence rates of FN H and kdiv(P − P h )k with uniform refinement (3d) Acknowledgement. The work reported here was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under grant STA 402/11-1. 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