The Savings Fund : everyone's savings in the service of the general interest The missions of the Savings Funds Within the Caisse des Dépôts, the Savings Fund has the following missions: ■ Ensuring the security and liquidity of the regulated savings gathered by the banking networks and centralised within the Caisse des Dépôts ■ Transforming such demand savings into long-term loans for purposes of general interest identified by the State, primarily social housing and city policy 2 The general economy of the Savings fund LA Passbooks Outstandings LDD LEP 65% Centralised outstandings 70% Fund Manager The Savings Fund centralises the regulated savings (Livret A passbook, LDD, LEP) then transforms part of these short term savings into long-term loans. 3 The passbooks centralised within the Savings Fund : main aspects Opening conditions Deposit ceiling Compensation rate LA Any natural person €22,500 Indexed on inflation and money market rates LDD Adults Maximum 2 LDD/household €12,000 Livret A passbook rate LEP People Tax < €769 Maximum 2 LEP/household €7,700 Livret A passbook rate + 0.50% Max (½ Inflation excl. tobacco + ¼ Euribor 3 months + ¼ Eonia / inflation + 0.25% ) With half-yearly change limited to 1.50% 4 Centralised part 65% 65% 70% Evolution of the centralized outstandings Figures at FY 2012 5 Savings collected by all networks A unique transformation model Livret A passbook and LDD € 343 bn Collection centralised in the Savings Fund € 256 bn + + Capital and others LEP € 52 bn € 14 bn Loans € 147 bn Social housing and city € 128 bn Other € 19 bn Financial assets € 123 bn Rate 90 % Shares 10 % Figures at FY 2012 Commission paid to the banking network 6 Sharehol ders equity Earnings Compensation for the State guarantee Long-term financing at preferred rates with high achievements A single pricing policy, irrespective of the institution and the duration Loans at preferred rates, most often granted at the resource cost or even below for social housing A regulated environment, with every loan from the Caisse des Dépôts that must be guaranteed by a local authority The activity has been rising sharply, with a strong development of the Infrastructure sector in the past few years New loans signed in 2012 (total amount : € 24 bn) included : € 14,5 billion for social housing and the city (including refinancing) € 3 billion for sustainable infrastructures € 6,5 billion for local authorities 7 Prospects of the Savings Fund ■ Still scarcity of financing ■ Specifically in the offer for long-term loans from commercial banks ■ Public ressources are drying up ■ Increasing needs ■ Construction of social housing ■ Adaptation of the infrastructures to the new challenges of the sustainable city (adaptation to ageing, urban renewal, ecological transition) ■ Stimulus plans through investments in the infrastructures ■ Prospects for expanding activity ■ The missions of the savings fund have been confirmed by the recent crisis and are expected to evolve ■ The Savings Fund is completely legitimate as the long-term financing source for projects of general interest 8 The Infrastructures activity at the Savings Fund 9 Financing sustainable Infrastructures As a general interest mission, the Savings Fund has been entitled by the Minister in charge of the Economy to finance the development of infrastructures : First infrastructure package (2004 – 2008) : € 4bn with a focus on public transportation projects ■ Second infrastructure package (2009 – 2012) : € 11,5 bn, with same and aditionnal sectors (education, health, water…) ■ 10 Financing sustainable Infrastructures 2013 – 2017 : € 20 bn debt financing for infrastructures projects The € 20 bn new debt financing package 11 Tarification : Floating, 130 bps over Livret A (i.e. 305 bps all-in as of today) Floating, inflation + margin, actuarial neutrality between Inflation and Livret A + 130 bps Tenor : higher than 20 years and max 40 years Sectors : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Eligible clients : several sorts of local public entities, SPV’s… Public transportation Water Floods protection Waste treatment Very-high speed Internet Networks Public buildings refurbishments Social housing subsidies Universities Hospitals Schools Financing sustainable Infrastructures Intervention through both direct loans to local public entities or PPP Project Finance scheme ■ Direct loans to local public entities : Eligibility of the project to be analyzed ■ Credit quality of the financing entity to be checked by the credit comitee ■ Loan Agreement to be signed with the local public entity (only public risk being accepted) ■ Intervention during both construction and operation period ■ ■ PPP Project Finance : Possible to finance a project with private sponsors ■ Contractual structure : French PPP contract « Contrat de Partenariat » ■ Compulsory 100% public guarantee leading to an intervention only during operation period on Senior State secured debt : a share of the availability payments paid by the public concessionnaire is to be directly paid to the Savings Fund. ■ 12 Projects financed through Direct Public Loans by the Savings Fund ■ 2004 – 2008 : Transportation (52 loans, € 2 bn) High speed Lines, road projects : € 460 M ■ 31 loans for Tramways, Buns rapid transit (€1,35 bn) ■ ■ 2009 – 2012 : Transportation (119 loans, € 4,8 bn) 44 loans for High Speed Lines : € 1,6 bn ■ 44 loans for Tramways, Buns rapid transit € 1,5 bn ■ 8 loans for Ports : € 250 M ■ ■ 2009 – 2012 : Education (31 loans, € 480 M) ■ 2009 – 2012 : Water (24 loans, € 428,4 M) ■ 2009 – 2012 : Hospitals (75 loans, € 1,45 bn, with ¼ under « HQE certification ») 13 Projects financed through PPP Project Finance ■ Transportation (9 loans, € 1,9 bn), for mainly High speed Lines projects : « Sud Europe Atlantique » project ■ « Nîmes Montpellier » project ■ « Bretagne – Pays de Loire » project ■ ■ Education (7 loans, € 200 M) : ■ Université Paris 7 Paris Diderot, Université Paris 4 Sorbonne Clignancourt, Université Versailles St Quentin, Zoo de Vincennes, GreenER, Campus Bordeaux, Université Toulouse II - Le Mirail ■ Hospitals (1 loan, € 19 M : Belfort Hospital) 14 The Savings Fund : everyone's savings in the service of the general interest