12 Series Time switch Keep in your comfort zone Time switch with joystick programming For the on and off control of varied electrical equipment Finder has developed a completely new time switch – easily programmable and particularly well suited for lighting systems. The Finder is a quartz crystal-controlled single output time switch for daily or weekly programs. The supply voltage is 230 V AC, and the output can handle inrush currents up to 120 A for 5 ms. The large, backlit LCD display and joystick make the programming of this new time switch extremely user-friendly. Specifications t -BSHF-$%EJTQMBZXJUICBDLMJHIU t &BTZQSPHSBNNJOHXJUIKPZTUJDL t %BJMZBOEXFFLMZQSPHSBNNJOH t 4IPSUFTUTXJUDIJOHUJNFNJOVUFT t DIBOHFPWFSPVUQVUDPOUBDU"7"$"$ t t t ZFBSCBDLVQCBUUFSZMJGF– replaceable from the front NNSBJMNPVOUFE&/ ."%&*/&6301& MADE IN EUROPE 12 Series Time switch 16 A output contacts and joystick programming A long press of the joystick takes you to the ‘setup’ for the current date, UJNFBOEEBZMJHIUTBWJOHNPEF5IFVOJUJTGBDUPSZTFUUP&VSPQFBO%BZMJHIU Saving Time, and in operation the change between summer and winter times is automatic. To program the switching times, simply press the joystick briefly, then set the individual on and off times. The shortest switching time is 30 minutes. *OEJWJEVBMEBZTPGUIFXFFLDBOCFQSPHSBNNFEEJGGFSFOUMZ *UJTBMTPQPTTJCMFUPTXJUDIUPNBOVBMNPEFGSPNUIFEJTQMBZWJFXXIFSFUIF output 11-14 can be turned on or off regardless of the program. Permissible contact load (lamp loads) *ODBOEFTDFOU7"$ 8 'MVPSFTDFOUMJHIUJOHDPNQFOTBUFE 8 &OFSHZTBWJOHCVMCT-&%T 8 )BMPHFOCVMCT7"$ 8 Front panel battery replacement Display view shows: t$VSSFOUUJNF t4FUTXJUDIJOHUJNFT t0VUQVUDPOUBDUTUBUVT www.findernet.com 0QBM8BZ4UPOF#VTJOFTT1BSL 450/&45"''03%4)*3& 45446, 5FM 'BY &NBJM mOEFSVL!mOEFSOFUDPN November 2012 Joystick control and programming