A Control Method in d-q Synchronous Frame for PWM Boost Rectifier under Generalized Unbalanced Operating Conditions Yongsug Suh, Pier G. Albano, Valentin Tijeras, and Thomas A. Lipo University of Wisconsin − Madison 1415 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53706, USA Abstract— This paper proposes a new control scheme of regulating the instantaneous power for the pwm boost type rectifier under generalized unbalanced operating conditions. By nullifying the oscillating components of the instantaneous power at the poles of the converter instead of the front-end through solving a set of nonlinear control equations in real time, the harmonics in the output dc voltage can be eliminated more effectively under generalized unbalanced operating conditions in ac input side. The control scheme allows the pwm rectifier to generate a dc output without substantial even-order harmonics and to maintain nearly unity power factor under generalized unbalanced operating conditions, which makes it possible to reduce the size of the dc-link capacitor and ac inductors leading to the reduced total cost. Simulation results along with an experimental result for the open-loop control using a laboratory prototype converter confirm the feasibility of the new control method. Experimental verification for the complete closed-loop control is in progress. I. INTRODUCTION The pwm ac/dc converter has been increasingly employed in the recent years owing to its advanced features including sinusoidal input current at unity power factor and high quality dc output voltage with a filter capacitor of small size. These features are not necessarily achieved under the operating conditions of unbalanced input supply and unbalanced input impedances. Such a generalized unbalanced operating condition is quite common in power systems, particularly in a weak ac system. Unevenly distributed single-phase loads or nonsymmetrical transformer windings as well as faults could lead to a generalized unbalanced network. It has been shown that unbalanced input voltages or impedances result in the appearance of even harmonics at the dc output and odd harmonics in the input currents [1]. Therefore pwm ac/dc converters under generalized unbalanced operating conditions necessitate the use of input/output filter of large size and thereby completely offset several advantages of the pwm ac/dc converter [5]. Stankovic and Lipo [1] and Enjeti and Choudhury [5] have proposed methods to eliminate the input-output harmonics of the boost and buck type rectifier, respectively. These methods suffer from two disadvantages: the power factor cannot be adjusted and the methods cannot operate well under the extreme unbalanced operating conditions such as unbalanced two-phase input or single-phase systems that often appear during the faults in power systems. Rioual et al. [4] and Song and Nam [3] derived control schemes regulating the instantaneous power at the input of the converter in dq synchronous frame for eliminating harmonics of the boost type rectifier under unbalanced input supply. These approaches only reduce harmonics but do not eliminate them. In addition, these schemes cannot be applied under the extreme unbalanced input supply. Stankovic and Lipo [2] addressed the cases of the generalized unbalanced operating conditions. However the proposed control algorithm is a feed-forward method in phasor notation that does not regulate the instantaneous power explicitly so that it is not suitable for implementing with the feedback controlled space vector pwm in a d-q synchronous frame. This paper proposes a new control scheme for the pwm boost type rectifier under generalized unbalanced operating conditions. The positive and negative sequence d-q components of the input voltages, pole voltages, and currents in the synchronous frame are employed to accurately describe the behavior of the ac/dc converter. The proposed technique nullifies the oscillating components of the instantaneous power at the poles of the converter so that harmonics in the output dc voltage can be eliminated under generalized unbalanced operating conditions in ac input side. Regulating the instantaneous power at the poles of the converter needs to compute a set of nonlinear equation in real time in order to obtain the references of the input currents in the synchronous frame. The proposed control scheme allows the pwm rectifier to generate a dc output without substantial even-order harmonics and to maintain nearly unity power factor under generalized unbalanced operating conditions, which makes it possible to reduce the size of the dc-link capacitor and ac inductor. An unbalanced condition of a transformer sinusoidal secondary voltage with center tapped neutral and the unbalanced impedances was chosen to be an example of the extreme unbalanced operating condition for the purpose of simulation and experiment. This particular operating condition is commonly found in the residential area where both 110Vac and 220Vac input voltages are available. Simulation and experimental results confirm the proposed control method. II. MODEL OF PWM BOOST RECTIFIER UNDER GENERALIZED UNBALANCED OPERATING CONDITIONS It is possible to represent an unbalanced three-phase input voltage without a zero sequence as the orthogonal sum of n p positive and negative sequence. Edq and Edq are transformed space vectors in the positive and negative synchronous rotating frame respectively. -jωt n 2 jωt p Edq = ( Ea + a Eb + a2 Ec ) Edqs = e Edq + e 3 (1) p p p -jωt p p 2 p = Ed + j Eq Edq = ( Ea + a E b + a2 Ec ) e 3 (2) é in ù é 2 êQo ú ê = 3 in P ê s2 ú ê ë Pc2in û ë n 2 n n n n jωt n Edq = ( Ea + a E b + a2 Ec ) e = Ed + j Eq 3 (3) -1 [ Idq ] = [ Edq ] [ Sin ] j(2π/3) where a = e . n p p n Idq, Idq, Vdq, and Vdq can be defined in the same manner n p as in Edq and Edq. The conventional electrical equations on the ac side of the pwm ac/dc converter are shown in (4), (5). d p p p p p Edq = Vdq + L Idq + jωL Idq + R Idq dt (4) d n n n n n Edq = Vdq + L Idq - jωL Idq + R Idq dt (5) in Po 2 in P 3 o 0 0 0 ù é ú= ê ú ê û ë p Ed p Eq n Eq n Ed p Eq p -Ed n -Ed n Eq n Ed n Eq p -Eq p Ed ù ú ú û (9) In the specific case of the unbalance condition introduced in this paper as shown in Fig. 1, this approach cannot be applied because the matrix of [ Edq ] is singular. n n p p Ed = -Ed, Eq = -Eq Þ Det [ Edq ] = (Edp)2 + (Epq)2 - (End)2 - (Enq)2 = 0 SW 1 Ea La Ra (10) Ein AC SW 3 SW 5 Ia Va Iin Eb Lb Rb Ib Vb Cdc Rdc N Ec Lc Rc Ic Vc * Sin = Edqs Idqs SW 4 (6) in in in Sin = (P o +Pc2cos(2ωt)+Ps2sin(2ωt)) in in in + j(Q o +Qc2cos(2ωt)+Qs2sin(2ωt)) n -Ed p Id p Iq n Id n Iq (8) Idc The input complex power of the converter is given in (6). At most six real and imaginary terms are found in Sin considering only the first harmonics of the input voltage and current. 3 jωt p -jωt n * jωt p -jωt n = ( e Edq + e Idq ) Edq ) ( e Idq + e 2 ùé úê p Ed ú ê p Eq û ë n Eq SW 6 SW 2 Fig. 1. Three-pole pwm ac/dc converter with input center tapped transformer. III. CONTROL STRATEGY (7) in In order to cancel 120-Hz ripple in the dc output Ps2 and in Pc2 are set to zero [3], [4]. The average reactive power exchanged between the utility source and the converter in becomes zero by nullifying Q o leading to unity power factor [3], [4]. These conditions are incorporated into the following matrix equation (8). The positive and negative dqcomponents of the currents in the synchronous frame are regulated to the reference values obtained from (9). The complex power in the dq reference frame is conserved not only in the whole but also in each term by term as expected from the orthogonality among average, cosine, and sine terms in real and imaginary part of the complex power; in in in in in in in P o , Pc2, Ps2, Q o , Qc2, Qs2. Therefore if the terms of Ps2 out out in and Pc2 are compensated in the inductors then P s2 and P c2 calculated at the three poles of the converter become vanished resulting in the dc output without 120-Hz ripple. out out This can also be achieved by regulating P s2 and P c2 to zero directly. Because the even-order harmonic contents in the dc output voltage are due to the oscillatory active power components applied through the three-pole ac/dc converter. The output complex power, Sout is described as the followings. * Sout = Vdqs Idqs Vdc = 3 jωt p -jωt n * jωt p -jωt n Idq ) (11) Vdq ) ( e Idq + e ( e Vdq + e 2 Therefore, out out out Real[Sout ] = (P o +P c2 cos(2ωt)+P s2 sin(2ωt)) (12) The equations of (8) and (9) are linear while the equations of (15) and (16) are nonlinear with respect to the four unknown input current components. Therefore the following set of nonlinear equations needs to be solved in real time to obtain the reference input currents. é ù p p n n êf2( Id , Iq , Id , Iq )ú F(X) = êf ( Ip , Ip , In , In )ú = 0 ê 3 pd pq nd nq ú ëf4( Id , Iq , Id , Iq )û p p n n f1( Id , Iq , Id , Iq ) where 2 out n p n p p n p n P = Vd Id + Vq Iq + Vd Id + Vq Iq 3 c2 (13) n p n p p n p n 2 out P = Vq Id - Vd Iq - Vq Id + Vd Iq 3 s2 (14) Applying (4) and (5) into (13) and (14) after being decomposed in dq-axis under the assumptions of the steady state and zero input resistances yield (15) and (16), respectively. n p n p n p n p p n 2 out P = Ed Id - ωL Iq Id + Eq Iq + ωL Id Iq + Ed Id 3 c2 p n p n p n + ωL Iq Id + Eq Iq - ωL Id Iq (15) n p n p n p n p p n 2 out P = Eq Id + ωL Id Id - Ed Iq + ωL Iq Iq- Eq Id 3 s2 p n p n p n + ωL Id Id + Ed Iq + ωL Iq Iq (16) where f1, f2, f3, and f4 represent (8), (15), and (16) with in in out out the appropriate conditions on P o , Q o , P c2 , and P s2 . In this paper, the new algorithm of calculating the positive and negative dq-components of the input voltages in the p n p n synchronous frame( Ed, Ed, Eq, Eq ) from the measured abc input voltages( Ea(t), Eb(t), Ec(t) ) is proposed. The control block that performs this function is named as “Extractor of positive & negative sequence dq components in synchronous frame”. The detailed block diagram of this control algorithm is described in Fig. 4. In order to cancel 120-Hz ripple in the dc output voltage, out out P c2 in (15) and P s2 in (16) should be set to zero. Controller Stage of AC/DC Converter Vdc * DC-link Voltage Regulator Idp *, Iq p* Pin* Current References Calculating Block Positive Sequence Current Regulator Positive Sequence DQ-axes Decoupler Space Vector PWM n* Id , Iq n* Negative Sequence Current Regulator (17) Gate Drive Block SW 1 ~ SW 6 Negative Sequence DQ-axes Decoupler Idn, Iq n Id p, Iq p Edn, Eq n Ed p, Eq p Extractor of positive & negative sequence dq components in synchronous frame Extractor of positive & negative sequence dq components in synchronous frame Ia Ib Ea Eb Ec Vdc Fig. 2. System block diagram. Power Stage of AC/DC Converter Idp * Edp KpIdp +KiIdp /s Idp ωL Iqp ωL Vdp ejωt Iqp * * Kp Vdc Idc +KiVdc/s Vdc* KpIqp +KiIqp /s Current References Calculating Block Pin* Eqp Id n ωL Iq n ωL Vdqs Ed n KpIdn +Ki Idn /s Idn * Vdc Vqp Space Vector PWM Vd n e-jωt Ed p, Eq p Edn, Eq n Iqn * Vq n KpIqn +KiIqn /s Eq n Fig. 3. Detailed control block diagram. The previous works found in [3], [4] utilized the low pass filter to obtain the positive and negative dq-components. However, the use of a filter typically introduces measurement delay or phase delay of several cycles leading to the inefficient transient characteristics. The newly proposed control block in Fig. 4 generates the outputs within at most 2/3 of the input period under any type of unbalanced inputs. Ea(t) Eb(t) Time delay fb( t + (2π/3)/ω ) Ec(t) Time delay fc( t + (4π /3)/ω ) Eap (t) Clarke Transformation Park Transformation Edp, Eq p TABLE I PARAMETERS USED IN THE SIMULATION & EXPERIMENT Parameter La, Lb Lc R f Value 1.9 mH 11.3 mH 1 mΩ 60 Hz Parameter Vdc* Cdc Rdc Ein Value 300 V 100 uF 100 Ω 100sin(ωt) V 1/3 Ea n(t) Time delay fb( t + (4π/3)/ω ) Clarke Transformation Park Transformation Fig. 4. Extractor of positive & negative sequence dq components in synchronous frame. IV. SIMULATION & EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The proposed control scheme was simulated using SABER and Simulink . The simulation conditions are summarized in Table I. The Broyden method was employed to solve the nonlinear control equations in real time. The active and reactive power components at the front input of the converter, across the inductors, and at the poles of the converter are calculated using Simulink . It is noted from Fig. 5-7 that the complex power in the dq reference frame is conserved not only in the whole but also in each term by term as expected from the orthogonality among average, cosine, and sine terms in real and imaginary part of out the complex power. The output active power(P (t)) in Fig. in 7 is almost flat as compared to the P (t) in Fig. 5. This also â â The simulation waveforms in Fig. 9, 10 are obtained using SABER . It is noted that Vdc is regulated within ±5 V around the nominal output voltage using Cdc of 100 uF. Ein and Iin are in-phase leading to almost unity power factor. These preferred results are accomplished by regulating the positive and negative dq-components of the input currents to the references of the currents calculated in (17). The positive and negative dq-components of the input p n p n voltages in the synchronous frame( Ed, Ed, Eq, Eq ) obtained from the measured abc input voltages( Ea(t), Eb(t), Ec(t) ) through Extractor of positive & negative sequence dq components in synchronous frame are shown in Fig. 8. The fluctuation of the output values in Fig. 8 for 2/3 of input period is due to the intrinsic characteristic of the algorithm that needs at most 2/3 of input period(16.67 ms × 2/3 = 11.11 p n p n ms) to generate Ed, Ed, Eq, Eq. Experimental results on a laboratory prototype pwm rectifier are shown in Fig. 11 verifying the simulation results. The DSP processor TMS320F240 was employed in the control board. The waveforms in Fig. 11 were obtained under the open-loop control. â Edn, Eq n 1/3 Time delay fc( t + (2π /3)/ω ) â out out confirms the fact that P s2 and P c2 are to be zero in consistent with (15) and (16). Input active and reactive power in the dq reference frame 2000 60 Pin(t) Qin-avg 1800 40 1600 1400 20 1200 V oltage (V ) ) r a v( r e w o p e vti c a e R ,) W ( r e w o p e vti c A 1000 800 E dp E qp E dn E qn 0 600 -20 400 200 -40 0 -200 0.06 0.065 0.07 Time (sec) 0.075 0.08 Fig. 5. Input active and reactive power in the dq synchronous reference frame of the simulation. -60 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Time (sec) 0.08 Fig. 8. Positive & negative sequence dq components of the input voltages derived from the Extractor Block in the simulation. Active and reactive power dissipated across inductors in the dq reference frame 1000 800 ) r a v( r e w o p e vti c a e R ), W ( r e w o p e vi ct A PL(t) QL-avg 600 Vdc 400 200 0 Ic Ia Ib -200 -400 Ea Eb Ec -600 -800 -1000 0.06 0.065 0.07 Time (sec) 0.075 0.08 Fig. 9. Waveforms of the simulation. Fig. 6. Active and reactive power dissipated across the inductors in the dq synchronous reference frame of the simulation. Output active and reactive power in the dq reference frame Iin 1000 Ein 800 ) r a v( r e w o p e vti c a e R ), W ( r e w o p e vi ct A Ea Pout(t) Qout-avg 600 Ia 400 Eb Ib 200 0 Ec -200 Ic -400 -600 Fig. 10. Waveforms of the simulation. -800 -1000 0.06 0.065 0.07 Time (sec) 0.075 0.08 Fig. 7. Output active and reactive power in the dq synchronous reference frame of the simulation. 0.1 400 Vdc 300 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 4*Ea 200 This work was supported primarily by the Center for Power Electronics Systems. CPES is a National Science Foundation ERC under Award Number EEC-9731677. 100 10*Ic 0 -100 -200 REFERENCES -300 -400 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Time [sec] 0.04 0.05 Fig. 11. Waveforms of the experiment. V. CONCLUSION This paper proposes a new control method for a line side connected pwm ac/dc converter under generalized unbalanced operating conditions. By nullifying the oscillating components of the instantaneous power at the poles of the converter instead of the front-end, the harmonics in the output dc voltage can be eliminated under generalized unbalanced operating conditions in ac input side. A proposed control scheme needs to solve a set of nonlinear control equations with respect to the input currents in real time. A nonlinear equation solving algorithm called Broyden method was selected and successfully built into the current reference calculating block to operate in real time. An extreme unbalanced operating condition of a transformer sinusoidal secondary voltage with center tapped neutral and the unbalanced impedances was chosen in this paper. The dc output without substantial even-order harmonics and nearly unity power factor in the ac side of the rectifier make it possible to reduce the size of the output dc-link capacitor and ac side inductors leading to the reduced total system cost. Simulation and experimental results confirm the proposed control method. Experimental verification for the complete closed-loop control is in progress. [1] Ana V. Stankovic, T. A. Lipo, "A Novel Control Method for Input Output Harmonic Elimination of the PWM Boost Type Rectifier Under Unbalanced Operating Conditions", in Conf. Rec. APEC 2000, Vol. 1, pp. 413-419. [2] Ana V. Stankovic, T. A. Lipo, "A Generalized Control Method for Input-Output Harmonic Elimination for the PWM Boost Rectifier Under Simultaneous Unbalanced Input Voltages and Input Impedances", in Conf. Rec. 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