RESUME: QIN LEI Qin Lei (1985~) Wuhan, China 1 Research Circle, Niskayuna, NY, 12309 EDUCATION Ph. D, Electrical Engineering, Michigan State University, August, 2007~September, 2012 BS, Electrical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, September 2002 ~ June 2006 WORKING EXPERIENCE Electric Engineer, General Electric Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA, October 2012~Present Intern, United Technology Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA, March 2012 ~ October 2012 AREA OF SPECIALIZATION High-voltage multilevel converter topology and control Microgrid/Smart grid/Renewable sources grid-connected inverter control(Including standalone, gridconnected, and transition control) Hybrid transportation power electronics Medium/low power inverter modulation, optimization, efficiency Z/quasi-Z source inverter/rectifier QUALIFICATION 1.5 years’ industry experience on commercial multilevel modular converter development in HVDC application Half year’s industry experience on commercial medium voltage drive product development Half year’s industry experience on subsea electrical system 4 years’ experience in grid-connected inverter controller design and implementation for microgrid/smart grid/renewable sources 3 years’ experience in medium/low power inverter hardware design and optimization Comprehensive knowledge in inverter/dc-dc converter topologies Comprehensive knowledge in inverter PWM modulation techniques Knowledge of power loss analysis, reduction 8 journal papers and 21 conference papers, 10 international presentations Reviewers of 4 Journals GPA 3.84/4.0 SKILLS Proficient circuit simulation skills in PLECS, SABER, MATLAB & RTDS Proficient C-programming and MATLAB programming skills Rich experience in DSP/CPLD programming and debugging Rich experience in Analog/Digital/Power-Circuit hardware debugging and trouble shooting Very familiar with PCB layout and 3D structure design MAJOR AWARDS AND HONORS 2014 Technical Bronze Award, GE Global Research, USA 2013 Innovation patent award, GE Global Research, USA RESUME: QIN LEI 2012 The best presentation award in technique session of the 27th APEC, Orlando, FL 2010 The best presentation award in technique session of the 25th APEC, Palm Spring, CA 2011 The award for student demo of ECCE, 2011, Phoenix, Arizona 2006 Outstanding graduate of Electrical Engineering Dept. HUST, China 2004 First Prize in University Mathematics Modeling Competition of China 2004-2006 University Innovation Research Fund (1%), HUST REVIEWER AND PROPOSAL WRITING IEEE Transaction, Industrial Electronics/Power Electronics/IAS/Informatics, 2010-now IEEE APEC/ECCE Conference, 2010-now Proposal written: “Modular, Scalable SiC PWAM Inverter for HEV/EV Traction Drives”, DOE; $3,000,000 (30%) “Wave Disc Engine”, DOE APP# 109687, (Co-PI: 10%), award Number: DE-AR0000004 (10%) PATENTS Disclosure 46478, docket 267330-1, “SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR UNIFIED COMMON MODE VOLTAGE INJECTION,” Filed on 20-DEC-12. Disclosure, docket 275537-1, “GENERALIZED NEUTRAL POINT BALANCE METHOD FOR NLEVEL MULTILEVEL CONVERTER,” going to be filed on 20-NOV-14. MAJOR PROJECTS IN GE High Power Conversion Laboratory, General Electric Research Center, Niskayuna, NY “500KV 1GW commercial HVDC Modular-Multilevel-Converter system development”, Oct. 2012 ~ present Personal role and delivery in this project: • • Converter topology selection, comparison and analysis Control architecture development (grid side control, back to back coordination, internal energy storage balance control) • Control algorithms development, simulation and implementation on the industry control platform (design the closed-loop controller for each function and build up c-code based simulation to implement and verify the algorithm) • Real-Time-Digital-System (RTDS) demonstration (demonstrate the system performance in a real time simulator) “Subsea 3MW medium voltage drive for GE Oil and Gas”, Feb. 2014 ~ present Personal role and delivery in this project: • • • • Topology screening of industrialized medium voltage drives Quantized reliability analysis of converters with redundancy design Quantized power density analysis in terms of device and energy storage Case study with GE and the competitor’s strategy “Commercialized MV6 medium voltage drive (10kV) neutral point balance control development”, March 2013 ~ May 2013 & July 2014 ~ Sep. 2014 Personal role and delivery in this project: • • • • RESUME: QIN LEI Proposed the neutral point balance algorithm for the 3-Level NPP medium voltage drive inverter Proposed the general neutral point balance algorithm for the 5-Level NPP medium voltage drive inverter Filed two patents Implemented the algorithm in the commercialized product control platform “High power density high reliability subsea DC-DC converter for GE Power Conversion Corp.”, July 2014 ~ Present. Personal role and delivery in this project: • • • Reliability analysis and comparison for different topology candidates Power loss analysis for various topology candidates Control algorithm and simulation implementation of the newly proposed MMC based topology MAJOR PROJECTS IN MSU Graduate Research Assistant Power Electronics and Motor Drive Laboratory, Michigan State University, 08/2007~present “Collaborative Research: CT-T: A Resilient Real-Time System for a Secure and Reconfigurable Power Grid”, NSF, 08/16/08 – 08/15/09 (PI): proposed a new voltage differential feedback multi-loop controller for standalone mode; proposed a new H ∞ control method to solve the problem of grid impedance variation in grid connected mode; proposed a voltage control based transient control strategy; proposed a voltage envelope method for intelligent anti-islanding operation and load shedding; built a 10kW grid-connected inverter and fully tested all the functions and control algorithms. “qZ-Source Inverters for HEV Applications” Denso Corp. Ltd. Japan. (PI: 100%), 2010-2011: designed, built and tested a medium power(24kW) high efficiency current source HEV/EV motor drive based on a newly proposed topology; proposed novel vector-based minimum loss and harmonics modulation method and demonstrated it through experiments; optimized the hardware design to make efficiency reach 98%; proposed a transient model for this current source inverter when the operation mode changes from motoring to regeneration; demonstrated the fast dynamic response of this inverter by theoretical analysis and experiments; inverter power density reaches 15.34 kW/L and 2.08 kW/kg; peak efficiency reaches 98.2% and full power efficiency reaches 97.6%. “qZ-Source Inverters for HEV Applications” Denso Corp. Ltd. Japan. APP 107602 (PI), 20092010: proposed a current-fed quasi-Z-source inverter topology to be employed in HEV motor drive; develop a space vector PWM method to control it; built a 5 kW prototype and tested its basic buck-boost function and regeneration capability. “Wave Disc Engine”, DOE APP# 109687, (Co-PI: 10%).Total Project Period: 01/15/2010 – 01/14/2012, Award Number: DE-AR0000004: developed a 1kW PWAM controlled boost-converterinverter system which realizes 90% switching loss reduction than traditional SPWM controlled system; designed and built a very compact all-in-one board inverter and operated at 1kW with efficiency of 97.6%. PARTICIPATED PROJECTS IN MSU Graduate Research Assistant Power Electronics and Motor Drive Laboratory, Michigan State University, 08/2007~present RESUME: QIN LEI Research on “1MW cascaded multilevel inverter”, 08/2007~02/2008: proposed a new voltage balance method, wrote the DSP code and tested it on the real 1MW CMI in the lab (30%). Research Project on “Photovoltaic quasi-Z-source grid-connected inverter with battery”, 10/20106/2011: developed a control algorithm to maximize the utilization of the dc link voltage and did experiment to verify that (50%). Research project on “Z-source, Quasi-Z-Source matrix converter”, research project, 09/2010-now: proposed four new modulation methods for this new family of matrix converter; built, full tested a 1kW prototype and demonstrated the features of the proposed methods (70%). “Denso-Toyota HEV Powertrain Station,” (PI) October. 2011—now. Denso and Toyota: built the gate drive system for three inverters; design and implement the DSP code for the control of traction drive inverter and the grid-connected inverter. (40%) PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS [1] Lei, Q., F. Peng, et al. (2010). "Multi-loop Control Method for High-Performance Microgrid Inverter Through Load Voltage and Current Decoupling With Only Output Voltage Feedback." Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on PP(99): 1-1. [2] Qin Lei; Fang Zheng Peng, "Space Vector Pulsewidth Amplitude Modulation for a Buck–Boost Voltage/Current Source Inverter," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.29, no.1, pp.266,274, Jan. 2014 [3] Lei, Q.; Cao, D.; Peng, F.Z., "Novel loss and harmonic minimized vector modulation for current-fed quasi-z-source inverter in HEV motor drive application," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,1, 0 [4] Shuitao Yang; Qin Lei; Peng, F.Z.; Zhaoming Qian; , "A Robust Control Scheme for Grid-Connected Voltage-Source Inverters," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.58, no.1, pp.202-212, Jan. 2011. [5] Shuitao Yang; Peng, F.Z.; Qin Lei; Inoshita, R.; Zhaoming Qian; , "Current-Fed Quasi-Z-Source Inverter With Voltage Buck–Boost and Regeneration Capability," Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.47, no.2, pp.882-892, March-April 2011. [6] Baoming Ge; Qin Lei; Wei Qian; Fang Zheng Peng; , "A Family of Z-Source Matrix Converters," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.59, no.1, pp.35-46, Jan. 2012. [7] Balaguer, I.J.; Qin Lei; Shuitao Yang; Supatti, U.; Fang Zheng Peng; , "Control for Grid-Connected and Intentional Islanding Operations of Distributed Power Generation," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.58, no.1, pp.147-157, Jan. 2011. [8] Baoming Ge; Abu-Rub, H.; Fang Zheng Peng; Qin Lei; de Almeida, A.T.; Ferreira, F.J.T.E.; Dongsen Sun; Yushan Liu, "An Energy-Stored Quasi-Z-Source Inverter for Application to Photovoltaic Power System," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.60, no.10, pp.4468,4481, Oct. 2013 doi: 10.1109/TIE.2012.2217711 PUBLICATIONS IN CONFERENCES [1] Qin Lei; Miaosen Shen; Blasko, V.; Peng, F.Z., "A generalized input impedance model of three phase diode rectifier," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2013 Twenty-Eighth Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.2655,2661, 17-21 March 2013 [2] Lei, Qin, Sisheng Liang, Fang Peng, Miaosen Shen, and Vladimir Blasko. "A generalized DQ impedance model of three phase diode rectifier," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2013 IEEE, pp. 3340-3347, Sep 2013. RESUME: QIN LEI [3] Qin Lei; Peng, F.Z.; Balaguer, I.J.; , "Islanding control of DG in microgrids," Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2009. IPEMC '09. IEEE 6th International , vol., no., pp.450-455, 17-20 May 2009 [4] Qin Lei; Shuitao Yang; Fang Zheng Peng; Inoshita, R.; , "Three phase current-fed Z-source PWM rectifier," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009. ECCE 2009. IEEE , vol., no., pp.15691574, 20-24 Sept. 2009 [5] Qin Lei; Shuitao Yang; Fang Zheng Peng; Inoshita, R.; , "Application of current-fed quasi-Z-Source Inverter for traction drive of hybrid electric vehicles," Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2009. VPPC '09. IEEE , vol., no., pp.754-760, 7-10 Sept. 2009 [6] Qin Lei; Shuitao Yang; Fang Zheng Peng; Inoshita, R.; , "Steady state and transient analysis of a three phase current-fed Z-source PWM rectifier," Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2009. VPPC '09. IEEE , vol., no., pp.426-432, 7-10 Sept. 2009 [7] Qin Lei; Shuitao Yang; Peng, F.Z.; , "Multi-loop control algorithms for seamless transition of gridconnected inverter," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2010 TwentyFifth Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.844-848, 21-25 Feb. 2010 [8] Qin Lei; Shuitao Yang; Peng, F.Z.; , "High-performance and cost-effective multiple feedback control strategy for standalone operation of grid-connected inverter," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.854-860, 21-25 Feb. 2010 [9] Qin Lei; Peng, F.Z.; Liangzong He; Shuitao Yang; , "Power loss analysis of current-fed quasi-Z-source inverter," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2010 IEEE , vol., no., pp.2883-2887, 12-16 Sept. 2010 [10] Qin Lei; Peng, F.Z.; Shuitao Yang; , "Discontinuous operation modes of current-fed Quasi-Z-Source inverter," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2011 Twenty-Sixth Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.437-441, 6-11 March 2011 [11] Qin Lei; Peng, F.Z.; , "Four quadrant voltage sag/swell compensation with interphase quasi-Z-source AC-AC topology," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2011 Twenty-Sixth Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.2013-2019, 6-11 March 2011 [12] Qin Lei; Peng, F.Z.; Baoming Ge; , "Transient modeling of current-fed quasi-Z-source inverter," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2011 IEEE , vol., no., pp.2283-2287, 17-22 Sept. 2011 [13] Qin Lei; Baoming Ge; Peng, F.Z.; , "Hybrid PWM control for Z-source matrix converter," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2011 IEEE , vol., no., pp.246-253, 17-22 Sept. 2011 [14] Qin Lei, Dong Cao, Fang. Z. Peng. Optimized control and design for 15KW current-fed quasi-Zsource Inverter in HEV motor drive application, accepted by APEC, Orlando, 2012. [15] Qin Lei, Dong Cao, Fang. Z. Peng. Pulse-Width-Amplitude-Modulated Voltage-Fed Quasi-Z-Source Direct Matrix Converter with maximum constant boost control, accepted by APEC, Orlando, 2012. [16] Shuitao Yang; Qin Lei; Peng, F.Z.; Inoshita, R.; Zhaoming Qian; , "Current-fed quasi-Z-source inverter with coupled inductors," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009. ECCE 2009. IEEE , vol., no., pp.3683-3689, 20-24 Sept. 2009 [17] Shuitao Yang; Qin Lei; Peng, F.Z.; Zhaoming Qian; , "A robust control scheme for grid-connected voltage source inverters," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.1002-1009, 21-25 Feb. 2010 [18] Shuitao Yang; Peng, F.Z.; Lei, Q.; Inoshita, R.; Zhaoming Qian; , "Current-fed quasi-Z-source inverter with voltage buck-boost and regeneration capability," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009. ECCE 2009. IEEE , vol., no., pp.3675-3682, 20-24 Sept. 2009 RESUME: QIN LEI [19] Balaguer, I.J.; Supatti, U.; Qin Lei; Nam-Sup Choi; Peng, F.Z.; , "Intelligent control for intentional islanding operation of microgrids," Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2008. ICSET 2008. IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.898-903, 24-27 Nov. 2008 [20] Balaguer, I.J.; Supatti, U.; Qin Lei; Nam-Sup Choi; Peng, F.Z.; , "Intelligent control for intentional islanding operation of microgrids," Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2008. ICSET 2008. IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.898-903, 24-27 Nov. 2008 [21] XueLiang Wei; Ke Dai; Qin Lei; Dong Xiang; Yong Kang; Fang Luo; Guorong Zhu; , "Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Three-Wire Shunt Active Power Filter Compensating for Unbalanced Loads," Industrial Electronics Society, 2007. IECON 2007. 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., pp.1875-1879, 5-8 Nov. 2007